Academic Program Review [2010-2011] Program: [Turf Equipment Management] Prepared by: [John R. Piersol] Approved by: Tracy Hickman Date Submitted: November, 2011 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Description of the Program Review Process Program review is part of Florida Gateway College’s (FGC) ongoing institutional effectiveness process to achieve its mission and goals through strategic planning, research, evaluation, and the use of information and data to guide decisions and actions. Educational programs, administrative and educational support departments are systematically reviewed as part of the process. The purpose of program review is to evaluate the quality of education, efficiency of services and processes, and adequacy of institutional resources. It is a tool used to document the achievement of goals and objectives. The results of evaluation are analyzed and actions are taken to address areas that need improvement. The dean or director approves the completed report and submits it to the department of Research and Institutional Effectiveness (RIE). RIE coordinates the distribution of the report to the program review committee and instructs them on the proper assessment procedure. RIE compiles the results from the program review committee and creates a summary for the administrative review committee. The administrative review committee will meet with the appropriate department representatives to discuss the findings and recommendations of the committees. Contacts: Becky van Hoek, Coordinator of Planning & Accreditation Ext. 4491 Page 2 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Section 1 – Program Profile Mission To train/educate students to become successful assistant equipment technicians at a golf course or similar facility Vision To maintain our reputation as the most comprehensive turf equipment and shop maintenance program in the country by constantly building industry partnerships, by keeping the faculty abreast of new technologies, and by keeping our facilities upgraded to industry standards Program Goals and Related College Strategic Plan Goal (SPG) Type Goal Teaching/ Curriculum Keep curriculum relevant to industry standards Technology/Facilities SPG # 1,4 Keep facilities upgraded to industry standards 1,4 Develop online courses to reach out to working technicians, a new market 1,4,5 Customer Service Reach new student markets with online courses 4,5 Community Outreach Build strong relationships with industry partners 4,5 Other (faculty development) Keep faculty abreast of new technologies 2 Recruitment/Retention NOTE: Turf Equipment Technology (TETN) is a one-year ATD with the AS degree program, Turf Equipment Management. Almost all, if not all, of the TETN students leave after receiving the ATD as they are then very employable and in high demand. As they work in the field, some become interested in advancing to the AS degree in TEMG. All the TEMG second year courses are general education and business classes plus a turf class and a one credit turf equipment seminar class. All of them are existing courses taught in the AA division or in the golf and landscape programs with only the one credit seminar class being particular to only the TEMG degree. We need the AS degree to continue to have an advancement track for TETN students. Page 3 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Section 2 -Program Content Description: For whom is it intended? Criteria for admissions to program; Degrees, certificates, diplomas; type of students served; demographic information; other Any student with high school diploma or GED who has a mechanical aptitude; student does have to be mobile around the state for jobs. List courses in the program that support other programs: All the ATD courses in turf equipment are required before entering GCOP. The AS degree in turf equipment has general education and business courses that support the AA division and the AS in business program. External Accreditation (the process, what is involved & status) Currently working on state approval of the certification by the International Golf Course Equipment Managers Association (IGCEMA). Community Outreach/Workforce Training Programs Program involves much industry interaction: guest speakers, internships. Industry partners use our facilities to educate our students and field technicians through special seminars. Distance education offerings and use of technology (include evaluation of efforts) Through industry partnerships and Perkins funding, program is able to keep current with industry technology. Plan to have two online courses by fall, 2011. Describe how technology is being used to support classroom learning, including blackboard, sympodiums, videos, computer software, etc. Instructors use power-point daily on sympodiums; use internet connections for projection in the classroom; working on developing online course material that could be used in classroom and potentially as a non-credit online offering; use Blackboard for classroom notes & information. Use industry software for Computers in Golf Course Management; students have to use internet to look up parts; use videos as part of power-point. Page 4 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Faculty: List faculty and their credentials, accomplishments, and professional development activities Name FT/PT Credentials Accomplishments Mark Yarick FT AS (Aviation); AS in Automotive; working on Bachelor’s in Business Jonathan Morriss FT BS in Aviation Mechanics Certified in all areas by Equipment and Engine Training Council (EETC); good machinist & welder Has worked as a golf course equipment manager to get field experience; has done overseas mission work; speaks Spanish; had private pilot license; good welder Professional Development GSCAA, FTGA Trade Shows; IGCEMA member; Equipment & Engine Training Council (EETC) certified technician GCSAA, FTGA Trade Shows; IGCEMA member; been to STIHL training school Page 5 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Section3: Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes: List the identified program learning outcomes that have been the focus of assessment for the past 3 -5 years, the results of assessment, and how the results were used to make program changes, and resulting improvements. Learning Outcome Assessment Measure and Criteria Assessment Results Use of the Results Improvements Students will be able to design a golf course maintenance facility Classroom project Grading of projects with at least 75% passing Have to constantly remind students of importance of management concepts Students will be able to effectively grind reels and bed knives Practical exam on grinders in lab Gives instructors idea of management concepts understood; some students do not grasp the importance of management Changing practical testing techniques Students will be able to disassemble and assemble, and start and run a 2-stroke and a 4stroke small engine Practical exam by teams of two students per engine At least 75% pass rate Practical exam on grinders in lab; however, instructors have found that even those who pass course are not always confident about grinding reels on the job Instructors wondered Over 75% of the how students would teams were do individually on successful engine Instructors are working on spending more one on one time with students on grinders to build student confidence and competency Instructors went to an individual practical exam on engines and discovered that competency dropped when not in teams; instructors went to more time consuming one on one training Page 6 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report General Learning Outcomes Pages 10 through 15 list the college’s General Learning Outcomes and the expected results for each of them. Please select the outcomes that are addressed by your program and identify the courses which list these skills as learning outcomes. OUTCOME #1: COMMUNICATIONS Students will demonstrate the ability to understand and be understood through effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. # 1 2 Expected Result Students will demonstrate the ability to understand and respond to college level reading assignments through the application of effective reading skills. Student will demonstrate the ability to understand and to produce effective writing. 3 Student will demonstrate the ability to apply effective listening skills. 4 Student will demonstrate the ability to understand and produce effective speaking. Core Courses GCO 1611 GCO 1612 GCO 1611 GCO 1612 All TEM courses GCO 1611 GCO 1612 Page 7 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report OUTCOME #2: Critical Thinking Students will demonstrate the knowledge and ability to evaluate carefully and apply reasoning to differentiate between facts, inferences, assumptions and conclusions. # 1 2 3 Expected Results Students will demonstrate the ability to question and evaluate information (data, ideas or concepts) for accuracy, objectivity and quality. Student will demonstrate the ability to analyze information (data, ideas, or concepts) in context to draw appropriate and well supported conclusions. Student will demonstrate the ability to synthesize ideas from a variety of sources producing an original product. Core Courses GCO 1211 GCO 1212 GCO 1211 GCO 1212 GCO 1211 GCO 1212 Page 8 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report OUTCOME #3: Quantitative Reasoning Students will demonstrate the knowledge and ability to use numerical, geometric and measurement data in computations and reasoning to draw logical conclusions and make well-reasoned decisions. # 1 2 3 Expected Results Students will demonstrate the ability to make necessary numeric conversions from measurements in both the US and Metric Systems. Student will demonstrate the ability to interpret mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, table, and to draw inferences from them. Student will demonstrate the ability to estimate and check answers to problems in order to determine reasonableness, identify alternatives, and select optimal results. Core Courses GCO 1201 GCO 1202 GCO 1211 GCO 1212 GCO 1211 GCO 1212 Page 9 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report OUTCOME #4: Scientific Reasoning Students will demonstrate the ability to apply empirical evidence to describe, understand and predict natural phenomena. # 1 2 3 4 Expected Results Core Courses Students will demonstrate an understanding of fundamental scientific principles and their application to scientific research and to society. Student will demonstrate the ability to utilize and apply technological data to understand natural phenomena. Student will demonstrate the ability to apply these steps of the scientific method to solve problems by: a) Observation of natural phenomena b) Interpretation of the natural phenomena through formulation of a hypothesis which is a tentative explanation of the observed phenomena c) Acquisition of scientific data through experiment or continued observation d) formulation of a conclusion to explain the results obtained and be able to modify that conclusion when new data is collected. Student will demonstrate the ability to integrate ideas and concepts from different disciplines. GCO 1212 Page 10 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report OUTCOME #5: Information Literacy Students will demonstrate the ability to locate, comprehend, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Expected Results Students will demonstrate the ability to locate relevant resource materials available in the library or through the Florida college system in either electronic or print format. Student will demonstrate the ability to differentiate between reliable and unreliable Web sites and relevant subject databases provided through the library, and utilize reliable electronic web resources to support their beliefs, position, and/or argument. Student will demonstrate the ability to use information derived from a variety of sources in accordance with the laws and guidelines of “Fair Use” and intellectual property rights. Student will demonstrate the ability to gather information by using an internet search engine. Student will demonstrate the ability to send and receive basic e-mail communication. Student will demonstrate the ability to organize data in a tabular format using an appropriate computer software package. A) Demonstrate the ability to apply an appropriate analysis method to the data based on the software capabilities. Student will demonstrate the ability to save data in an electronic form. Student will demonstrate the ability to print a document from the computer. Core Courses GCO 1611 GCO 1612 GCO 1611 GCO 1612 GCO 1211 GCO 1212 GCO 1211 GCO 1212 CGS 1004 CGS 1004 CGS 1004 CGS 1004 Page 11 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report OUTCOME #6: Cultural Awareness Students will demonstrate an awareness, understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness of cultures within and across local, regional, state, national and global communities. # Expected Results Core Courses 1 Students will acquire an awareness of cultural differences and/or interconnections based upon multiple perspectives of either culture outside their own or the interconnections of cultures, languages and/or nations at various levels, including international. Student will demonstrate the ability to reflect upon cultural differences and/or interconnections, resulting in the formulation of their own responses to the culture or global issue and be able to relate such reflection through written or spoken analysis, contrast/comparison and informed deliberation. Student will begin to develop greater tolerance and appreciation of cultural differences and/or interconnections and by extension begin to develop a global perspective, through the identification of positive elements in different cultures. GCO 1611 GCO 1612 2 3 GCO 1611 GCO 1612 Page 12 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Section 4 – Program Efficiency Describe Student Performance Trends Graduate Job 90% 90% Placements 90% Section 4 – Program Efficiency Declared Majors 2008-2009 2009-2010 0 1 1 4 9 12 14 9 Turf Equipment Management AS Turf Equipment Technology CER 2008-2009 Total Success Rate Success Internet Courses Graduates Turf Equipment Management AS Turf Equipment Technology CER 2010-2011 2009-2010 80.9% ---2007-2008 0 13 Fall 2012 2010-2011 80.5% ----- 78.8% ----- 2008-2009 2009-2010 0 16 0 37 2010-2011 1 2 Page 13 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Section 5: Comprehensive Analysis List the internal and external factors affecting your program External: Internal: Discipline Trends What is happening What is happening internally at the external to the college (e.g., in the college (e.g., changing student community, advisory group input, with demographics, declining enrollment) that technology,) that might affect what we do might affect what we do in the future as a in the future as a department? department? The golf industry continues to be environmentally pro-active, and new recycling technologies are being used in modern turf equipment facilities. We need to find ways to continually upgrade our facilities. Turf Equipment is also becoming more sophisticated: hybrid and all electric mowers, robotic greens mowers, etc. Our partnerships with industry have allowed us to keep abreast of these changes. It is getting harder to get students to commit to attend courses on campus. Online course development will be a growth area. A large market is equipment and shop management courses for working technicians. We are starting online course development in 2010-2011 and will continue to develop other courses in demand. Due to the “hands on” nature of the entire turf equipment program, it may not be possible to teach all the curriculum online, but we will do what is feasible with the technology available. Strengths: Describe the strengths of your program. (Improved course and program SLO’s, interdepartmental relationships, industry partnerships, advisory council participation, etc.) 1. Very strong national and international reputation. 2. Strong industry partnerships which lead to equipment loans, donations, and technical support. 3. Strong alumni and advisory committee support. 4. The one year Turf Equipment Technology is a critical component of the three year education process for Golf Course Operations. 5. Strong faculty team that is very well connected with industry. 6. Strong demand for graduates; many more jobs than graduates every year even in slow economic times. Our program is very unique nationally. 7. Developing online courses aimed at dual enrollment high school students and non-credit courses for working technicians. Weaknesses: Comprehensive, self reflective list of all areas needing improvement. 1. Career as a turf equipment technician is little known, so it is difficult to recruit students even through numerous promotional/advertising methods have been tried. 2. Be nice to upgrade our classroom/lab facilities to meet current environmental standards. Program Success Summarize program and department improvements in relation to achievement of goals and objectives. 1. Goal: Increase number of turf equipment graduates who want to work as a turf equipment technician. Results: We usually recruit about 20-30 new students, but only about 8-10 per year want to work as turf equipment techs. The rest of the graduates want to go on to Golf Course Operations. 2. Goal: Develop an industry certification for Turf Equipment Technology/Management. Results: As of September, 2010, the Department has submitted to DOE for approval a new certification for turf equipment technicians developed by the International Golf Course Equipment Managers Association (IGCEMA). We have high expectation for approval. Page 14 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Section 6: Planning Resource Needs: Anticipated future teaching/curricular changes and needs Continued development of online courses both credit and non-credit. There is a large potential market of working technicians who desire equipment and shop management classes and courses in basic hydraulics and electrical. A survey distributed by IGCEMA supports this. This could be a growth area for GLO and this program. Technology, equipment, and facilities needed for future growth or continuation Our industry partnerships keep us updated with many of the turf equipment technologies. We do need an upgraded shop facility to meet modern shop and environmental standards. Objectives Type Objective Assessment Measure/Intended Results Increase student proficiency on grinding reels Instructional Do more one on one training in sharpening and grinding Enrollment Management Develop online courses This will allow us to grow a new market of students: working technicians Work with high school mechanics teachers Instructors want to get high school auto mechanic instructors more interested in turf equipment technology Provide more individual instruction for students Although very time consuming, should increase student “handson” proficiencies Community Outreach Customer Service Other Action Plan Tasks Responsibility Timeline Have an industry certification approved for turf equipment Piersol Have by fall 2011 Develop two turf equipment courses for online delivery Piersol Have ready by fall 2011 Identify additional tasks to address the above objectives Tasks Responsibility Status Update Completed; use certification from International Golf Course Equip. Managers Assoc.; state approved One completed; not well received as a credit course, so did not do another Timeline Page 15 of 16 Turf Equipment Management Program Review Report Develop online course materials mainly for classroom use and review as potential non-credit online offering Mark Yarick Have by spring, 2013 Page 16 of 16
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