Elected & Appointed Officials Board of Directors Vincent G. Ripoll..................... Chairman Coynie Hulon ............... Vice Chairperson Morris B. Stringer....................Secretary David A. Womack.................... Treasurer Rebecca Bright.................... Membership Ed C. Marshall ......................... Member James L. Metcalf........................Member Gary B. Poole ............................Member Paschal L. Hughes..................... Member Supervisory Committee Richard M. Price..............Chairperson Paschal L. Hughes......................Member Will Willis..................................Member Employees Tangela S. Souders................... President Terry Ethridge.................. Vice-President Nikki Johnson..........Accounting Manager Louise W. Bass………….…Br. Manager S. Ladonna Bales.................Br. Manager Rhonda Smith......................Br. Manager Rebecca Thomas.................... Loan Clerk Ethel M. McGriff........... Collections Mgr. Lisa Merritt......................Frontline Mgr. Amanda Cook.................................Teller Chrysta Standifer............................Teller Donna Morris................................ MSSR Catherine N. Reather......................Teller Ashley Adkins....................Frontline Mgr Leigh Ellen Stone...........................Teller Kim Mullen........... Asst. Branch Manager Pam H. Lindsey..............................Teller Regina Harkins......................... PT Teller Dorothy Blake......................... Acct. Sup. Geraldine C. Anderson..............SD Coord. Rebekah Scott......................ACH Coord. Renee P. Eidam .............. Records Coord. 2nd Quarter, 2013 Compounding Quarterly Regular, Miscellaneous, Multi-Purpose Share Accounts.................................... 0.25% APY Minors Accounts.................................. 0.30% APY Payable on Death Accounts.................. 0.30% APY IRA Accumulative Account.................. 0.55% APY ESCROW Account............................... 0.10% APY The following fees will be effective September 1, 2013. TypeCharge Membership Fee.........................................$1.00 Membership Share......................................$5.00 Share Account re-open in 90 days...............$25.00 Excessive Share W/D Fee���������������������������$5.00 Each Transaction over/3 Per Month Overdraft/transfer Fee.................................$5.00 Per Item Paid NSF Fee.............................................$28.00 Per Item Return Check Fee........................................$28.00 Per Item Stop Payment Fee.......................................$25.00 Per Item Check Copy.................................................$5.00 Per Item Temporary Check Fee..................................$1.00 Per Page (4) Check Printing Fee......................................Depends on Style & Quantity Account History Fee....................................$5.00 Per Month Account Research Fee.................................$25.00 Per Hour/Min. 1 Hr. Wire Transfer Fee (outgoing)......................$15.00 Per Item Wire Transfer Fee (incoming)......................No Charge Western Union ...........................................$20.00 Per Item Money Order Fee........................................$2.00 Per Item Official WFCU Check Fee���������������������������No Charge 1st Check $2.00 Per Each Additional Check Visa Gift Card Fee......................................$3.95 Christmas Club (Early Withdrawal).............$10.00 Check Cashing Fee......................................$10.00 Without Active Account Dormant Fee����������������������������������������������$10.00 Per Month After 1 Yr. Dormant If Balance Under $100.00 Address Correction by Postmaster...............$1.00 Lost ATM/Visa Check card fee....................Lost $15.00/Damaged $5.00 Lost Visa Credit Card Fee...........................Lost $15.00/Damaged $5.00 Garnishment Fee.........................................$30.00 Deposit Box (Dothan Branch Only) 3X5...................................................$15.00 3X10.................................................$30.00 5X10.................................................$40.00 10X10...............................................$70.00 Change of Lock Fee.....................................Cost + $5.00 Drilling of Box Fee......................................Cost + $5.00 0.05% APY 0.25% APY 0.30% APY 0.30% APY A quarterly publication for the members of Wiregrass Federal Credit Union. July 2013 Volume Nine 326 Honeysuckle Rd. Dothan, AL 36305-1140 4695 Hwy. 90 Marianna, FL 32446 334 Snowden Dr. Andalusia, AL 36420-0147 Upcoming Holidays: Wiregrass Federal Credit Union will be closed the following days: July 4 ................................ Independence Day September 2 ................................... Labor Day October 14...............................Columbus Day ACCESS 24 Dothan Marianna Andalusia Long Distance After Hours Debit Cards Credit Cards Hurray for Our Members! We are proud to announce that Wiregrass FCU Members made contributions of $13,200.00 to Gentiva Hospice. The funds will go to Gentiva Hospice and are to be used in the areas in which they were contributed. The checks were presented to Jessie Hendrix of Gentiva Hospice at our 54th Annual Meeting by Tangela Souders, President, Terry Ethridge, Vice President, and Vincent Ripoll, Chairman of the Board. Pictured are Tangela Souders - WFCU President, Jessie Hendrix - Gentiva Hospice, Vincent Ripoll - WFCU Board Chairman, & Terry Ethridge - WFCU Vice-President (334) 702-9608 (850) 526-5556 (334) 427-4668 (800) 255-0659 Thank You to Everyone that Participated with WFCU Car Sales! 1-800-528-2273 1-800-808-7230 Read Your Newsletter and Win! Web Site: www.wiregrassfcu.org Member account numbers are randomly selected and placed throughout the Wiregrass-POST. Should you find your account number, anywhere throughout this newsletter, written out and immediately preceded with a comma and followed by a period, then you should call and report it. We will reward you by making a $25.00 deposit into your primary share account. Email: wiregrass@wiregrassfcu.org Mission Statement: “To serve our membership with dedication and commitment in their diverse financial needs with responsible business practices and professional integrity.” 0.35% APY 0.25% APY Contact an employee for further information about fees and terms. APY is based on dividends earned remaining in the account to re-accrue. All Rates are subject to change. WFCUp st Lost or Stolen Cards *** $ $ $ $ $ $’s*** 3rd Quarter, 2013 Compounding Monthly Share Drafts Account with minimum $2,500.00.................... Money Market Account with minimum $2,500.00.................... Money Market Account with minimum $10,000.00................. Money Market Account with minimum $25,000.00................. Money Market Account with minimum $50,000.00................. Christmas Club Account...................... Fee Schedule EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Federally insured by NCUA ©2013 172227 LKCS • www.lk-cs.com Skip-A-Payment Need some extra cash for that Summer Vacation? If you’re not good at skipping rope then maybe you should try skipping your loan payment for a month with the credit union’s Summer SKIP-A-PAYMENT. For the small fee amount of $30.00, the credit union will allow you to skip your loan payment for the month of June, July or August, 2013. Some restrictions do apply to this program; check with the credit union’s staff to see if your loan(s) are eligible for the Summer SKIP-A-PAYMENT program. This is a program that gives you additional spending power during the summer. Helpful Hints shopping for a new or used car? E-greeting cards have become a popular way to reach out to friends and family at holiday time and on special occasions. Regrettably, cybercriminals also take advantage of the growing popularity of e-cards by duping consumers into downloading malware, three nine four six. You can safeguard yourself, your friends and your family against e-card scams by following the tips below. Read this first! When shopping for your new car, there’s more to consider than what’s listed on the sticker. Smart shoppers investigate the value, savings, and expenses behind the price. If you are planning on traveling, be sure to call and let us know ahead of time that you’ll be out of town - especially if it’s an international trip. That way, you won’t be blocked from using your credit cards when you need them the most. For your protection, Card issuers may do that when unusual activity appears in your account, six four five six. So just let the issuer know when unusual activity is legitimate. $25 for $25 Do you have a family member or friend that needs an account? Do you want $25? Well bring them in and when they open an account with $25.00, you will get $25 in return! Notice Due to End of Month Processing Internet Banking will have limited information available from 12pm to 12am on the last calendar day of the Month, one three zero six one. 2. When in doubt, delete. If something looks a little strange or “phishy,” such as the name of the sender or vague subject lines, just delete the card. It’s better to do that than run the risk of getting a virus. Warranty What is the time or mileage limit and what parts are covered? How much will you pay for extended warranty coverage? What portion of each repair bill is your responsibility? Warranty differences between makes and models can vary widely. Fuel Economy How important is it to you? Compare the fuel efficiencies of different models and consider how many miles you’ll be driving per year. Maintenance Costs Check various sources for repair histories on the models you’re looking at, and ask your dealer to show you suggested maintenance schedules, nine six six seven. Compare the common costs of replacement parts, such as brakes, shocks, etc. Insurance Rates for sports cars are higher, of course. Other popular cars carry high insurance premiums because of high theft rates. Call your insurance representative and ask for quotes. Occupant Safety The U.S. Department of Transportation crash-test vehicles to determine occupant safety. Results vary widely. Determine what the reduced risk of injury is worth to you and your family. Finally, ask yourself where you can get the best value in financing; your Credit Union, of course! New/Used Auto Loan Rates 2013 2012 2010/2011 60 Months 72 Months 72 Months 60 Months Important News 1. Don’t open attachments. Most legitimate e-cards are links to the company’s website that allow you to go directly to your card. Avoid attachments and don’t download anything from a source you don’t recognize. Dealer Relationship Visit several, getting their quotes on the same car, one four five two one. You’ll be bringing your car back for service, so you want to buy from a dealership that impresses you as being fair, honest, and responsive. Going on vacation? Five Tips To Avoid E-card Scams 2.49% APR 2.99% APR 2.99% APR 3.99% APR *Some restrictions apply. Must meet credit union lending guidelines. Rates subject to change. 3. Know where you’re going online. Use security software that detects sites that push online scams, adware installations, attachments filled with viruses and other downloads that could harm your system. 4. Know what to look for. While most e-card scams look legitimate, there are usually some telltale signs to look for, four two two five. Watch out for misspelled words or names, not knowing who sent you the card, a disguised name (such as Your Friend, A Secret Admirer, etc.) or an odd URL. 5. Always read the fine print before accepting any terms. Make sure you actually read the fine print before agreeing to anything. Some e-card scams list in their terms that they can send e-mail to everyone in your address book. Make sure you know what you are agreeing to. Have You Moved? Did you let us know? If you’ve moved recently, please send us your new address and current phone number. That way, you can be sure to receive all account information in a timely manner. Plus, don’t forget the kids! If your children have accounts here, we need to update your address on their accounts when you move, too. By keeping us informed, we won’t lose you and you won’t lose valuable time in hearing from us. Dormant Account Charges Effective September 1, 2013 Wiregrass Federal Credit Union considers an account dormant when all of the following exists: the account does not maintain a minimum sum of $100.00 in the combination of the members sub-accounts; the account has had no physical activity such as a deposit or withdrawal within the past 12 months; the member has not had an active VISA or loan account within the past 12 months; and the account holder is not a guarantor or co-signer on any other members loan. Accounts identified as dormant will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee until it either becomes active again or is closed out due to a lack of funds. You may have heard that politicians in Washington are considering an overhaul of the federal tax code. Unlike banks that maximize profits for a small group of investors, credit unions exist to serve their members, including working families, small businesses, and the local community. Because we return benefits to our members, we are able to offer higher returns on savings, lower rates on loans, and most importantly, low or no fees. That’s why your credit union is not-for-profit and tax exempt. Now banks and some politicians in Washington are talking about taxing credit unions, including Wiregrass Credit Union, despite the fact that we are not-for-profit, four three seven nine. They say we can balance the budget by taxing credit unions. Since credit unions are not-for-profit, taxing credit unions could even destroy credit unions as we know them, eliminating financial choice for consumers. We urge you to send a strong message to Congress: “Don’t Tax My Credit Union, one six three three. It’s easy to take action: just visit www.DontTaxMyCreditUnion. org to contact your U.S. Representative and Senators. While there, you can also watch a video, follow our campaign on social media, and learn more about how you can help us tell Congress, “Don’t Tax My Credit Union!”
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