Spring 2013, Dear Parent(s): Welcome to the Youth Center at St. James! We hope that your child will be joining us this coming school year. Our Youth Center’s reputation is based on the quality of our staff and program activities. We feel that the key to our successful program rests with the relationally-minded staff, high-energy, youth work professionals who are experienced with middle school students, trained and evaluated in safety, positive discipline methods, youth development, and most of all, who love to have FUN! We believe that each child is an individual and has gifts that are unique. The Youth Center is a safe, supervised space, where students can participate in enrichment activities, build relationships with peers, and work on academic goals/homework. We strive to model and reinforce the skills that help our students succeed throughout life: resolving conflicts peacefully, and learning how to make and keep friends. If you would like to enroll your child in the Youth Center at St. James, please fill out the enclosed forms and return to us as soon as possible. A $25 nonrefundable registration fee should accompany the application. For applications received before August 1, 2013 we will waive the registration fee. We will need all the requested information in order to coordinate our staffing and program schedules. The information that follows will provide you with considerable detail regarding our program and operations. Please read it carefully. The first day of the after school program is Thursday August 22, 2013. Call the Youth Center office if you need further information at (626)799-6266 or email at youthcenter@sjcsp.org. We're looking forward to a fun and exciting year with your child! Sincerely, Morgan Fanelli Todd Blackham Youth Center Director Program Director 1 Y O U T H C E N T E R AT S T . J AM E S G E N E R AL I N F O R M AT I O N D AY S / H O U R S P E R W E E K Our hours of operation are from 2:30 - 6:30 pm Monday through Friday. We follow the South Pasadena Middle School Calendar. We will do our best to provide parents with two weeks’ notice if the center will be closed. The Youth Center program is available for students in the 6th - 8th grade. BILLING At the beginning of each month you will be billed for the current month’s tuition. Payment is due at that time. We accept cash or check payments. You can leave your check in the front office with either Morgan Kim or Todd Blackham. Payment after the 5th day of the month, will incur a late fee of $20.00 unless arrangement has been made with the Directors. Please keep your account current. Failure to keep your account current may result in the dismissal of your child from the program. 2013-14 Youth Center program rates: We offer two rate plans for our full program to best suit your student’s schedule: Full Program 5 Days per week…..$300/month 3 Days per week…..$250/month August tuition is included in the regular monthly fee for September. December and June are pro-rated at 50%. Every other month will be charged the full rate. There is a 10% discount for the second child enrolled in the program. All enrichment activities, homework supervision, and a daily snack are included in the monthly rates. Please note that we are reviewing the rates for the 2014 calendar year and they are subject to change. In order to ensure the quality of our program, you will be billed for the monthly rate that you initially sign up for. If you need to change your monthly schedule, you may do so in writing and with authorization from the Youth Center Director. C AN C E L L AT I O N S / AD J U S T M E N T S Two weeks’ notice is required to permanently withdraw or change your monthly schedule. In the event of an immediate cancellation, your account will be billed for two more weeks at the minimum three-day charge in accordance with this policy. The Youth Center reserves the right to dismiss a student whose conduct or influence is unsatisfactory, or in the opinion of the Directors, is not in the best interest of the program. 2 PICKING UP YOUR STUDENT Parents must pick-up their children by 6:30 PM at the site. There is a $1.00/minute late fee charge for each minute after 6:30 PM. This fee, in cash, is payable upon your arrival at the Youth Center. If you are going to be late please call the site directly and notify us. The late fee charge will double after your third late arrival. Thank you for your consideration of our staff. Students will not be permitted to wait unsupervised on-site for pick-up after 6:30. Please make every effort to pick up your student by 6:30pm. ACCIDENTS In the event that a student is hurt at the Youth Center and needs emergency treatment, the Director will immediately try to reach the student’s parents, followed by the alternate contact. It is therefore important to keep all your work and emergency phone numbers current. If neither contact can be reached, and it is deemed necessary, emergency services will be contacted. The Youth Center’s accident insurance covers, up to our policy limits, any injury received at the Youth Center to the extent that they are not covered by any other health and/or accident insurance covering the child. ALLERGIES/MEDICATION Students requiring emergency allergy medication or other medication (i.e. EpiPens, asthma inhalers, etc.) administered during program hours will be required to provide additional procedural and permission documentation from the child’s doctor. 3 The Youth Center at St. James 2013-2014 Enrollment Application Student’s Name __________________________ Nickname ________________ Address _______________________ City _________________ Zip __________ Birthday ___________________ Sex _____ Grade (in Fall ’13)___________ Student’s Cell (____) ____________________ Primary Phone (____)_____________________ (Call first, if necessary) Primary email address(es): ________________________________________ Parent 1 Name ____________________________________________________ Parent 1 Contact No. 1 (____)______________No. 2 (____) ______________ Parent 1 Occupation ____________________________________________________ Parent 2 Name ____________________________________________________ Parent 2 Contact No. 1 (____)______________No. 2 (____) ______________ Parent 2 Occupation ____________________________________________________ Student lives with (circle one): Parent 1 Parent 2 Both Split time Guardian/Alternate Contact _______________________ Phone ____________ Any medical/behavioral conditions we should know about your child? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Parent Authorization: In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the Physician selected by the Director of the Youth Center or Youth Center staff to secure proper treatment for my child as named above. To the best of my knowledge, this child is in good health. I further agree to allow my child to be used in any promotional media, pictures, movies, website or press release. Signed __________________________________________(Parent or Guardian) Date:______________________ 4 PROGRAM SELECTION for the 2012-2013 School Year Full Program (2:30-6:30pm M-F, includes snack, homework lab and enrichment activities) □ 5 days per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300/month □ 3 days per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250/month Circle days of the week your child will usually be attending the program. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (There is flexibility in which days your student attends. We use this as a guideline for staffing and programming purposes.) 5 YOUTH CENTER PARENT AGREEMENT Please enroll my child, _______________________________________, ____ grade, in the Youth Center at St. James After school program located at St. James’ Church during the 2013-2014 school year. I understand and accept the following stipulations: I will be billed at the beginning of the month for the following month. Tuition is payable by the 1st of the month, unless arrangements are made with the Director. If I fail to maintain my account, the Youth Center can suspend services for my child until I have paid my balance. A minimum enrollment of three days per week is required. My bill will reflect the three-day minimum each week. Two weeks’ notice is required to permanently withdraw my child from the program. In the event of an immediate cancellation my account will be billed for two more weeks at the three-day minimum charge. My emergency information form will be kept current. I will notify the Youth Center staff regarding any physical concerns or limitations my child may develop, or changes in phone numbers. A completed health history form is required for attendance. I will notify the Youth Center if I am unable to pick-up my child by 6:30pm. There will be a $1.00 late fee for every minute after 6:30 pm, payable at the time of pick-up. Three late fee charges will double the late fee. The Youth Center reserves the right to dismiss a child whose conduct or influence is unsatisfactory, or, in the opinion of the Director, is not in the best interest of the program. The Youth Center programs are offered from school dismissal until 6:30 PM, Monday through Friday except holidays and school vacations unless otherwise notified. Parent Signature _________________________________Date _____________ A copy of this agreement will be left in your student file 6 HEALTH HISTORY FORM This form must be returned to the Youth Center office before your child may attend the after school program. Name ___________________________________________________________ Birth date _________________ Sex _______ Age ________ Address _________________________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________________ Parent 1 ________________________________________ Day Phone __________________ Cell________________ Parent 2 ________________________________________ Day Phone __________________ Cell________________ Child lives with: □ Parent 1 □ Parent 2 □ Both □ Split Time If not available in an emergency, notify: Name ________________________________________________________________ Relationship ________________________ Phone____________________________ Name of Doctor__________________________Phone ________________________ Do you carry family medical/hospital insurance? If so, indicate: Carrier __________________ Policy or Group # __________________ 7 HEALTH HISTORY FORM (cont.) Any allergies (food, drugs, plants, insects, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Any specific conditions? (Hyperactivity, speech problems, physical challenges, etc.) Is this child required to take medications during program hours? ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Any medical, physical and/or emotional history, conditions, treatments or diseases that we should know about? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Does your child carry emergency medication (i.e. EpiPens, asthma inhaler, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ PARENT'S AUTHORIZATION This Health History is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed youth center activities except as noted. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the Youth Center to secure proper treatment for me or my child named above. This form may be photocopied. Signature of parent/guardian:_____________________________________________ Printed Name____________________________ Date________________________ In the case of severe allergies or medication required during program hours, an additional release may be required. 8 Pick-Up/Release Information. In addition to the parents/legal guardians, the student may be released to the following individuals: 1. Name: Relationship: Phone Number: 2. Name: Relationship: Phone Number: I understand that the Youth Center at St. James is NOT a Childcare facility; my child may sign out of the Youth Center at St. James by him/herself with parent permission. Movie Release: The Youth Center at St. James offers movie times on an occasional basis. Movies that will be most commonly shown to all students in our program are rated “PG” or “PG13”. If you do not wish for your child to participate in the movies, please notify the staff and alternative activities will be made available for your student. Not a Child Care Facility: The Youth Center at St. James is not a child care facility. It is an after school program providing recreation activities and academic assistance to 6th - 8th grade students. The students are expected to arrive at the Youth Center from the Middle School and may leave upon signing out. Transportation will not be provided from South Pasadena Middle School to the Youth Center. If you wish, you may have your child walk with a Youth Center Counselor from the middle school to the Youth Center. Students walking with a Counselor will sign in at the Middle School and are then required to remain with the group until they arrive at the Youth Center. Students wishing to walk with the Counselor should meet at the middle school marquee (Fair Oaks and Rollin St.). The Youth Center will assume responsibility for students once they sign in either at the Middle School or upon their arrival at the Youth Center. The Youth Center is not equipped to take care of sick children. You must pick up your child in the event of an illness. Only students enrolled in the program will be escorted to the Youth Center. Permission to Walk Independently (please initial) ____ My child HAS permission to walk to the Youth Center at St. James from the Middle School independently from the Counselor and student group. I understand that the Youth Center is not responsible for my child until they sign in at the Youth Center. I will notify the Youth Center in writing, if my child is no longer able to walk independently from the group. ____ My child DOES NOT have permission to walk to the Youth Center at St. James from the Middle School independently from the Counselor and student group. 9 WAIVER AND RELEASE by Legal Guardian of Minor Child I, ________________________________________________, on behalf of ____________________________________________________, my minor (“CHILD”) HEREBY WAIVE AND RELEASE, indemnify, hold harmless and forever discharge THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES and The Youth Center at St. James’ Episcopal Church, including its agents, employees, officers, directors, volunteers, faculty, staff, chaperones, and successors, of and from any and all claims, demands, expenses, causes of action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities, of every kind and nature, whether known or unknown, in law or equity, that I or my CHILD ever had or may have arising from or in any way related to my CHILD’s voluntary participation in the Youth Center at St. James Church, provided that this waiver of liability does not apply to any acts of gross negligence or wanton misconduct. I hereby authorize and grant permission for the Youth Center at St. James to escort my CHILD from South Pasadena Middle School to the Youth Center. I agree hereby to release and hold harmless any and all the Youth Centers’ adult chaperones supervising my CHILD in the activities planned for the year 2013-14 including, but not limited to, any damages, loss or injury which my CHILD may sustain through transportation to, from, as well as through sponsored activities on the trip. By this WAIVER, I, on behalf of my CHILD, assume all risks and responsibilities, and therefore waive all claims of personal injury, death, or loss of personal property arising from my CHILD’s participation in ALL Youth Center’s Activities for the year June 2013-June 2014. THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE contains the full agreement of the parties and supersedes any prior written agreements or oral representations by either party. I have read, understand and fully agree to the terms of this WAIVER and RELEASE. I understand and confirm that by signing this WAIVER and RELEASE, my CHILD and I have given up considerable future legal rights. I have signed this agreement freely and voluntarily, under no duress or threat of duress, without inducement, promise or guarantee being communicated to me. My signature is proof of my intention to execute and complete an unconditional WAIVER and RELEASE of all liability to the full extent of the law. In the event my CHILD should require emergency medical care, I authorize the Youth Center at St. James’ and/or its adult chaperones to disclose these conditions to a Physician or other medical professional. Printed Name of Child: Printed Name of Parent of Guardian: Signature of Parent or Guardian: Date: 10
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