The Franklin Flyer Calendar of Upcoming Events – April 30, 2015 Date Event 05/01/2015 Night of Stars Performance at 6:30pm 05/04/2015Teacher Appreciation Week 5/08/2015 05/06/2015 Muffins with Mom at 8:00 – 8:35am 05/12/2015 Math Club at 11:40am 05/14/2015 5th Grade Patrol Cubs Game 05/14/2015 PTA Meeting - LRC at 7:00pm 05/15/2015 Market Day at 3:00pm 05/18/2015 Board Meeting at Emerson at 7:30pm 05/22/2015 “The Mouse Trap Machine” Science Assembly K-2 at 9:00am, 3-5 at 10:00am 05/25/2015 No School-Memorial Day Page 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 Item Key Notes from the Principal PTA Brick Fundraiser 2015 PTA Board Elections Channels of Challenge Summer Testing Soccer Safety Got2Run . . . For ELF Walking Club Muffins with Moms Teacher/School Nurse Appreciation Page 13 14 15 16 17 18 Item Franklin Spirit Wear Franklin Summer Send Off School Supply Kits . . . Coming Soon! Parent University: Summertime Learning The Empowerment Project Registration for Returning Students 17 19-20 21-22 Chromebook 101 Nutrition Nuggets Home and School Connection Key Notes From The Principal Franklin Track-A-Thon Thank you to all of our wonderful planners and volunteers for making the Track-A – Thon a huge success and a fun day for the students. Thank you to Mrs. Bascomb and Mrs. Zeman for co-chairing the event! Night of the Stars Franklin’s Night of Stars is our student talent show. It will be held this Friday, May 1 at in the Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. It is always an awesome show! st Teacher Appreciation Week Next Week, May 4 -8 , is Teacher Appreciation week. Please take a moment to write a note or an email to your child’s teacher or support staff. That bit of acknowledgement for their efforts and dedication to teaching is most appreciated by our teachers. th th Muffins with Moms Calling All Moms! This is a great, well-attended and highly anticipated event. Our simple breakfast with moms and their children served by dads is always a huge hit. Please see the attached information for more details, but mark your calendar for Wednesday May 6 at 8:00 a.m. th Last Week of School With the number of snow and frozen days this winter we needed to add days back to the school calendar and I just wanted to remind you to update your calendars. School will be in session on Wednesday June 10 , Thursday June 11 and there will be a full day of school on Friday June 12 . th th th Thank you to our PTA I wanted to take a moment to thank our wonderful Franklin PTA for their great ideas and hard work getting volunteers and moving projects forward. You have been an outstanding asset to our school community and bring inspiration and support to our students and staff! We are all very appreciative of you and thank you for all you do! Finishing Strong This year is rushing to a swift end and with Park District activities and other great opportunities for your children it is easy to lose focus on school. It is very important to continue to keep some level of routine and structure to students study habits and the importance of school, even as we are nearing the end of the year. There are still projects and assessments that impact student grades and there will still be MAP testing later in May. Please keep school a priority in your homes to help your children end the year strong and focused on success. Have a great Day! Dan Walsh 2 Franklin PTA Brick Fundraiser!! Help raise money for swings and other playground equipment. Purchase a 4x8 Brick 3 Lines of Text 13 characters per line including spaces Name of Purchaser: Email: Phone: Childs Grade/Teacher: INSTRUCTIONS: All letters will be in UPPERCASE. Please print clearly and include spaces as you want it to appear on your brick. ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ $50.00 per brick Form of Payment: Check Only Checks Payable to: FRANKLIN PTA Questions: email Mary Maestranzi @ 3 Be a part of Franklin School History! Our goal is to purchase additional swings & other outdoor playground equipment Bricks will be placed in our Reading Garden all bricks will be 4x8 THIS BRICK CAN EARN YOU MONEY . • " IMPRESSIONS I N STONE 4 2015 PTA Board Elections We need candidates!! Please consider running for PTA board!! If you are a parent at Franklin School and you are a PTA member, you are a perfect candidate for our PTA board!! PTA Meeting/Elections are May 14th at 7pm in the LRC. *There are currently no candidates for the recording secretary position and the corresponding secretary position. Current board members running for re-‐election: Mary Maestranzi/ Jeanette Korovilas (co-‐presidents) Monica Wojnicki/ Jim Griesenauer (co-‐vice presidents) Carolyn Kosiorek (treasurer) *All positions are open for additional candidates. *Contact a member of our nominating committee to be added to the ballot or if you have additional questions. Mike Cremins ( Christina Heotis ( Carolyn Kosiorek ( Bindu Pithadia ( *It's about our children and changing the lives of young people for years to come* 5 To: Parents of CURRENT 3rd-6th Grade Students From: Channels of Challenge Department Registration for Channels of Challenge Summer Testing Will Begin on May 18, 2015. This opportunity is only for students who did not go through testing in spring 2015. Summer testing is by parent request only. Please be sure to submit your request and testing registration by June 8, 2015 as late requests will NOT be accepted. You may visit our parent site and go to PARENT TESTING REQUEST FORMS beginning May 18th to register your child for testing. For more information regarding the testing process, please read the following: Beginning May 18, 2015, parents may request to have their child tested to determine eligibility for the Channels of Challenge program for August 2015. Channels of Challenge is a replacement program for reading and/or math which is designed to meet the educational needs of high achieving students. When students receive math or reading in the general education classroom, students in Channels of Challenge receive their instruction at the same time in a different setting. Summer testing is specifically for students who may have missed the spring testing date. If you make a request, you will be able to fill out an online form to provide your permission for testing. Please inform your child’s teacher if you refer him or her for testing. Teachers do not make requests for summer testing. The next step requires students to take the Cognitive Abilities Test. The test date is scheduled for Monday, June 15, 2015 during the morning. Testing will be approximately one hour per subject area. There will not be a makeup date or an alternate time to take the test if your child is unavailable. Other information utilized in the evaluation are fall MAP scores. Teachers also fill out a Gifted Rating Scale (GRS). When all the scores are compiled, a report will be mailed to parents (end of June) indicating whether their child qualified for the program or not. If you have questions regarding testing and requesting testing for your child, follow this link to Frequently Asked Questions. Camille Derwin D64 Gifted Curriculum Specialist / Program Facilitator Carpenter School / 300 Hamlin / Park Ridge, IL 60068 (phone) 847-318-4241 (fax) 847-318-4201 6 7 8 Friday, May 8th, 2015 Friday, May 15th, 2015 Friday, May 22nd, 2015 Friday, May 29th, 2015 8:00 a.m.-‐ 8:45 a.m. 9 Franklin Presents: All Franklin students are welcome to join our weekly walking club! This will be an interactive indoor/outdoor walking program mixed with fun fitness activities. This is a drop-‐off activity that will be scheduled on Friday mornings. Drop off will be at the circle drive from 7:50-‐8:00 am. Doors will be closed at 8:00, no late students will be admitted. Students will be checked in by a parent volunteer and supervised until they are released directly to their classrooms. Students must have a signed permission slip in order to participate. Attendance is not mandatory. There is no cost to participate. Permission slips must be submitted to school by Monday, May 4th. Contact Maureen Hartwig ( or Donna Kotty ( with any questions. I give permission for my child to participate in the Franklin Walking Club. __________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________Parent E-‐mail __________________________________Student’s Name __________________________________Students Grade/ Teacher 10 Franklin PTA invites all Moms, caregivers, grandmothers, students, & faculty Muffins with Moms!!! Wednesday May 6th 8am – 8:35am School Gym (enter thru circle drive) *Serving Chocolate chip muffins, bananas, cuties, juice & coffee Fruit has been donated by the HEOTIS Family! **All children must be supervised by an adult ** **Parking will be allowed on both sides of Manor & Dee** Muffins are from Sweet Connections Bakery, please contact them for nutritional information. The item served is nut free but is made in a faculty that may contain nuts . If you or your child are unable to eat the food provided, please come to the event with a breakfast item from home and enjoy the social opportunity this event is al about. This is a free event & no RSVP needed Questions? Mary Maestranzi – 11 Teacher Appreciation Day Tuesday, May 5 School Nurse Day Wednesday, May 6 Each year, District 64 invites families to acknowledge our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, and especially on National Teacher Day. We know the Park Ridge-Niles community values quality education and in particular, the outstanding contributions our teachers make to guide and develop each student to reach his or her full potential. We hope you will take a moment to send a note of thanks to the teaching staff for their efforts. In addition, we ask that you remember our school health assistants and nurses on School Nurse Day, too! Your kind gestures are particularly welcome at these times. Thank you for your support. 12 Franklin Spirit Wear Sale Show Your School Spirit!! Our current inventory of spirit wear is available for purchase on our website t-‐shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, car magnets, and knit hats Go to: Select “web store” And place your order on Revtrak today!! 13 Franklin PTA Will be passing out Minute Maid Juice Pops After School on Friday June 12th At 11:40 on the side lawn for kindergarten!! And at 3:30 in the reading garden on the school playground!! Spread a blanket, pack a snack, and bring your year book for signing! will be selling hot dogs, popcorn, fruit, candy, and drinks. *STUDENTS MUST BE ACCOMPIANIED BY AN ADULT TO PARTICIPATE* -We will gather in the gymnasium if there is rain- For nutritional info: 14 COMING SOON!!! THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL KITS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ORDER SOON!!! PLEASE KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION!! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sharon Tremaglio at and I will be more than happy to help you. 15 Summertime Learning Adventures A Parent's Guide to Preventing Summer Slide Summer slide is real! After all of their hard work all year long, students regress over the summer if they don't practice their reading and math skills. The good news is that there are many exciting and challenging activities to combat summer slide. Join us in discussing summer-friendly strategies utilizing District 64 resources as well as many others. Facilitated by Linda Diekman, Library Information Specialist, and Caroline Schaab, Instructional Technology Coach, from Roosevelt Elementary School Parent University 2014-15 Series Monday, May 18, 2015 at 6:30PM to 7:30PM LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTER EMERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 8101 N. CUMBERLAND AVENUE, NILES Image from http:/ / wp-content/ uploads/ 2014/ 05/ Education-Reading.jpg 16 17 2015-16 Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 !! Registration for Returning Students ! Deadline Monday, June 1 ! NEW 2-STEP PROCESS: 1. Visit your school to provide residency documents before May 8. Or, provide your documents at one of the all-District evenings from 5:00-7:30 p.m on May 12 at Lincoln or May 14 at Emerson." 2. Receive your Snapcode to complete the annual Infosnap online information updating and pay fees for 2015-16." ! Students will not be placed on a core/classroom list for 2015-16 until BOTH steps of this process have been completed." ! Current Student Registration Questions? 18 19 20 21 22
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