PTA Friday Bulletin Apex Elementary School | 700 Tingen Road, Apex, NC 27502 | 919-387-2150 | May 1, 2015 Dates to Remember May 5 Fifth Grade Jazz Showcase, 5-6:30 6 PTA Meeting, 7pm Please come vote! Food will be provided!! 12 AR Store 14 Muffins for Mom, 7:30-8:30am A-M 15 Muffins for Mom, 7:30-8:30am N-Z 18-29 EOG testing 18 Grades 3-4 100 point club meeting 20 Fifth Grade 100 point club meeting 25 Holiday Spirit Shop open every Friday 8:05-8:30am FROM MR. UMSTEAD: Thursday was my last day as the interim principal and I want to thank you for your support during my short time here. I know I speak for the entire staff in showing our appreciation to the PTA for all the activities that occurred during Teacher Appreciation Week. I have enjoyed my time here and wish you the best. Bob Umstead Interim Principal, Apex Elementary Nominees for the 2015-16 PTA board: President: Tina McKenna Treasurer: Teresa Fussell Secretary: Allison Byler VP of Communications: Fanella Tague VP of Curriculum: Heather Smith VP of Fundraising: Kara Hornada VP of Programs: Caroline Cockman Election will take place at the May 6 PTA meeting. GET READY TO JAZZ IT UP! Attention Fifth Grade Parents! Music, Art, Library, and Technology will be hosting a Jazz Showcase event on Tuesday, May 5 from 5-6:30 PM. All fifth grade students have been hard at work on their multi-media jazz research projects. We are very proud of these projects and would like to show them to you. Please come anytime during our showcase to view your child's project. The event will be held in the media center and computer lab. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Baas, music teacher, at We hope you will be able to attend! MUFFINS FOR MOMS Our Muffins for Moms celebration is scheduled for Thursday, May 14 and Friday, May 15 from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. We’re inviting all our moms to come out and enjoy a muffin and some coffee and or juice with the children. We would like to those with last names from A-M to come on Thursday and N-Z on Friday. If you can’t attend on your scheduled day, please come on the alternative day. If mom is unable to attend this event, grandmothers, aunts and special friends are welcome! SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE SURVEY Help Your School Be Excellent!-Closing Survey! Fill out by May 22!! The PTA has applied and implemented programs to be a School of Excellence this year and we need your help! We need your feedback a second time to see if we did our job this year and our school improved because of it. The survey will be available till May 22!! Please go to the links below to fill out an online survey to help us continue bettering our school! Thanks for your time! English: Spanish: ATTENTION RISING 6TH GRADE PARENTS & STUDENTS! Apex Middle School will host an Open House for rising 6th grade students and their parents on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. There will be informational sessions as well as tours of the school. Watch for further information to be sent home with 5th grade students by our school counselor, Mrs. Gaskins. Published by the Apex Elementary PTA. Friday Bulletin deadline is Wednesday at 3pm. Newsletter editor: Jennifer Forsberg, PTA President: Tina McKenna, FOURTH GRADE RECORDER CONCERT ACCELERATED READER STORE - TUESDAY, MAY 12 Attention Fourth Grade Parents: Mark your calendars for the annual Fourth Grade Recorder Concert. It is being held on Friday, June 5 at 8:40 AM in the gym. All fourth grade students have been participating in the Recorder Karate program this semester and are anxious to perform for you. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Baas, music teacher, at We hope to see you there!! 3rd - 5th Grade Students: Mark your calendars for the AR Store on May 12! Accelerated Reader Points earned between December 8 - May 7 can be spent at the May store to purchase fun items (May 7 is the deadline to earn points for the store!). We are continuing the option for students to donate AR points toward books for WAKE Up and Read (once 100 points have been donated for a book, that book is purchased and donated to the organization). Volunteers - we need your help to make this fun event happen! Please sign up at ARStoreMay. Any questions? - email Leslie at PARENTS...AUNTS...UNCLES...GRANDPARENTS… Only 5 Mondays Left for “Green Badge” clearance! Don’t miss out on any of the end-of-school year activities! YOU MUST HAVE A GREEN VOLUNTEER BADGE TO ENTER MAIN HALLWAY FOR ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CLASSROOM OR SCHOOL LIBRARY. .A green badge is also required for field trips, classroom picnics and Field Day. Visit the School Library on Mondays 8:30 to 4:00 to complete background check for clearance. APEX ELEMENTARY OPEN PTA COMMITTEES FOR 2015-16 Accelerated Reader: 1 SPOT OPEN A popular program that encourages students to read books and test their comprehension via the computer. There is an A.R. store several times per year that students are rewarded for their reading. Students need to be independent readers to participate in the program. Apex Advisory Board: 1 SPOT OPEN A representative from our school attends advisory council meetings and Apex Education Advisory Committee meetings. Boxtops: 1 SPOT OPEN A fundraiser that collects General Mills product BoxTops for school cash! Fundraising Spirit Nights(Chickfila/PapaJohns): 1 SPOT OPEN This fundraiser allows you to enjoy a night off from cooking and support AES at the same time. Come out for dinner and say hello to the teachers and staff of AES. Field Day: 1 or 2 SPOTS OPEN This is a spring event that takes place at the end of the school year. Students play water games, battle obstacle courses, ride giant slides and race "hot wheels." Student’s anticipation of this event is tremendous. Make sure your students bring a towel and change of clothes that day. They will have loads of fun! Friday Bulletin: 1 SPOT OPEN Compiles and publishes the Friday Bulletin that updates parents of school and PTA events. The bulletin is sent home or emailed to each family on Fridays. Room Parent Coordinator/Wishlist: 1 SPOT OPEN Coordinates and communicates with our school's Room Parent Volunteers what their duties are and answers any questions and concerns for the classes. Maintains the teacher profiles and wish lists for the teachers as well as coordinates Teacher Appreciation week with the room parents. Science Spectacular: 1 OR 2 SPOTS OPEN This program integrates the science curriculum and scientists in the community to help students expand their scientific knowledge. Programs are presented to K-2 grade students and 3-5 grade students once each year. Yearbook: 1 OR 2 SPOTS OPEN This committee works to design, coordinate and publish the yearbook - a much anticipated annual!
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