Daily Trojan Classifieds P a g e 1 2 | T h u r s d a y , Ap r i l 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 | w w w . d a i l y t r o j a n . c o m / c l a s s i f i e d S Classified ads:may be placed in Student Union 400, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Call (213) 740-2707:for more information. Classified ads cannot be taken over the phone and require advance payment. No refunds on cancelled classified ads. Visit www.dailytrojan.com/ads: for more rates, information, and policies. 000 Rentals Rooms ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH OR SHARED BATH in a 6 bedroom/4 bath apt. Starting at $915/ month and up. Stainless steel appliances, central heating & A/C, gated bldg, surveillance cameras, furnished & unfurnished rooms, hardwood flooring, includes cable, Turbo speed Internet. 1241 W. 37th Place. Call us at (213) 765-3330. (6-24) CHARMING CRAFTSMAN HOUSES Rooms in quiet shared houses. Short walk to USC. Off-street parking, shared kitchen, microwave, cable, internet, TV, washer/dryer, free utilities. 1188 W. 28th St. • 1248 W. 29th St. $585+/mo. Call (213) 713-7440 (4-27) $550/MONTH, FALL/SPRING. Large single furnished room. All utilities included plus internet. Short walk from gate #6. (310) 218-6845. (S) THE FINEST HOUSES IN UNIVERSITY PARK 000·Rentals 100·Property Sales 200·Help Wanted NEW BUILDING. 2 bedroom/2 bath $2,215/month, 2 bedroom/2 bath lofts $2,460/month and up, 3 bedroom/2 bath loft $3,050/month and up. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, LCD TV, laundry, dishwasher, gated parking. 922 W. 23rd St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) STUDIOS $1,099/MONTH AND UP. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, laundry, parking. 2331 Portland St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) PRE-LEASING FALL 2015 Amazing 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath ($2,495/ month & up) & 3 Bedroom / 3 Bath ($3,535/month & up). Downtown view, luxury bldg, sundeck, all new appliances, gated bldg, gated parking, hardwood floor, cable, Turbo speed Internet. MUST SEE! 1248 W. Adams Blvd. www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (213) 765-3330 (6-24) RENOVATED STUDIOS $1,315/ MONTH AND UP, 2 bedroom/1 bath $2,195/month and up. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, laundry, parking. 2666 Ellendale Place. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) RENOVATED STUDIO $1,180/ MONTH AND UP, 1 bedroom/1 bath $1,350/month and up. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, laundry, parking available. 2343 Scarff St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing. com (6-24) WOODCRAFT MANOR 2111 Park Grove Avenue Private rooms from $825/month WESTON HOUSE 2112 Portland Street Graduates Only - $900/month LARGE ROOMS, FREE PARKING, WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING NOW SHOWING FOR AUGUST 2015 (213) 663-3023 www.RobinsonResidences.com ROOMS AVAILABLE. Single $1,150/month and Double occupancy $1,450/month rooms available at the Kappa Alpha house located at 2715 Portland Street. Some bedroom furnishing available. Assigned parking available for $250 per semester. Please contact mwilson@ka-order.org for more information. (4-24) RENTS REDUCED Walk to campus. Extra large 3 bdrm/2 bath, fully furnished, quiet and clean building, secured, parking, laundry, close to shopping and transportation. Available Now. ALSO RENT BY ROOM. (562) 619-2880 or (562) 421-9658 RENOVATED STUDIO $1,230/ MONTH AND UP, executive 1 bedroom/1 bath $1,360/month and up. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, laundry, parking available. 1256 W. 29th St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) 300·Services 600·Miscellaneous 400·Merchandise 700·Announcements 500·Transportation SINGLE APARTMENT. 5 minutes from USC. Orchard Avenue and 26th Street. Parking access. Call: (213) 458-1222. (S) 2 BDRM APT. Pre-Leasing for Fall 2015. From $1,295/month & up. Furnished, wood floors. Remodeled. Walking distance to USC. Free tram to campus. 2816 Ellendale Pl. (29th St./Ellendale Pl.) (818) 514-2106 (6-24) RENOVATED STUDIO $1,195/ MONTH AND UP, 1 bedroom/1 bath $1,415/month and up, 2 bedroom/1 bath $1,725/month and up. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, microwave, laundry, parking. 2621 Magnolia Ave. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) 3 BEDROOM & 2 BEDROOM HOMES. Live in the lap of luxury at 1248 W. Adams Blvd. All new amenities, spacious bedrooms, sundeck, gated parking, gated bldg, hardwood flooring, TV, includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, central A/C, balcony, view of downtown, it is a MUST SEE. Starting at $2,495/month. Call us (213) 765-3330, visit www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) One MOnth Or LOnger Beautifully furnished apt. for new, commuting staff, consultants and visiting scholars. Across from USC shuttle stop and Mt. St. Mary’s campus. See: patsysinn657.com (tab for apts) Contact: info@patsysinn657.com 6 BEDROOM/4 BATH $5,500/ MONTH AND UP. Steel appliances, central heating & A/C, gated bldg, surveillance cameras, furnished & unfurnished rooms, hardwood flooring, includes cable, Turbo speed Internet. 1241 W. 37th Place. Call us (213) 765-3330, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) STUDIOS $1,150/MONTH AND UP, 1 bedroom/1 bath $1,295/month and up, 2 bedroom $2,195/month, 3 bedroom/2 bath $2,595/month and up. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, gated parking. 1238 W. Adams and 2605 Orchard. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) DANCO HOUSING Now Renting 2015-2016 School Year Apartments 3 BEDROOM / 2 BATH, $2,800/ MONTH. Very large corner unit just 3 blocks north of campus on 2674 Ellendale Place. Walk/bike or take tram B to school. Laundry/parking on site. USC DPS patrolled area. Call (310) 820-4833, Stewart. (6-3) 1 BEDROOM $1,365/MONTH AND UP, 2 bedrooms $1,825/month and up. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, laundry, gated parking. 1204 W. Adams Blvd. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) All units located just a few blocks from campus. We have single, 1 bdrm, 2 bdrm, 3 bdrm, and 4 bdrm units available. Starting as low as $685/month. If interested, call: (310) 842-8234; e-mail: Dancohousing@aol.com or visit us at: www.Dancohousing.com (S) Classified Line Ad: Daily: $10.00 for 15 words or fewer, 35¢ for each additional word • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $45.00 for 15 words or fewer, $1 each additional word Classified Display Ad: Daily: $14.25 per column inch • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $64.00 per column inch • Monthly: (20 consecutive insertions) $239.50 per column inch 1 BEDROOM/1 BATH $1,195/ MONTH AND UP, 2 bedroom $1,615/month and up. Hardwood flooring, cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, microwave, A/C, gated parking. 1156 W. Exposition Blvd. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) STUDIOS $925/MONTH, 1 bedroom/1 bath $1,095/month and up, 2 bedroom/1 bath $1,765/month and up, 2 bedroom/2 bath $1,865/month and up. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, gated parking. 875 W. 23rd Street. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) 2 BDRM / 2 BATH, 1 Block fRoM USc SPACIOUS REMODELED 3 BDRM / 1 BATH APT. $2,700/month includes 2 parking spaces, free laundry, stove, refrig, A/C, dishwasher. 1154 W. 27th St. (310) 666-2522 or talrana@hotmail.com (4-23) TOTALLY RENOVATED BUILDING AND UNITS ON THE ROW. Studios at $1,525/month and up, 1 bedroom $1,610/month and up, 2 bedroom/2 bath $2,575/month and up. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, LCD TV on selected units, hardwood flooring, laundry, dishwasher, gated parking. 2611 S. Portland St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) SPACIOUS STUDIO $1,250/ MONTH AND UP, 2 bedroom/1 bath apt. at $1,765/month and up. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, laundry, dishwasher, gated parking. Across from gate #6 at 1133 W. 36th Place. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) HOUSES RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM USC CAMPUS Charming open, airy building with an exclusive outdoor patio setting! 1 block from USC and short walk to shops and restaurants. Available now for a great value price. 2 bdrm/2 bath, clean, functional spaces, open, bright kitchen, wood flooring, beautiful interior lighting fixture, bi-fold door closets, cable + internet included, refrigerator, dishwasher & gas stove, A/C + heater, 2 parking spaces available, laundry on-site, 1 year lease, security deposit. 2652-2656 Ellendale Pl. L.A., CA 90007 Ellendale Pl. at 29th St. www.EllendaleHousing.com Please ask for Sunny at (213) 272-2309, (213) 842-3001 or e-mail soncollins@ymail.com if interested. Thanks for looking! Please ask for discount! All our properties are 5 minutes walking distance to USC campus, fully furnished, laundry room, gated parking, patrolled by DPS. We provide Chinese/English service. Studio from $875/month, single room from $725/month, group house from $725/month/person. Local Office: 1197 W. 36th St., LA, CA 90007 (323) 766-7689 • studentbuilding@gmail.com www.studentbuilding.com RENOVATED 1 BEDROOM/1 BATH $1,435/MONTH AND UP, 2 bedroom/1 bath $2,100/month and up. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, laundry, parking. 1211 W. 28th Street. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) MOVE-IN SPECIAL Mardi Gras & Mardette Apartments Bachelor • $1,000/month Studio • $1,200/month 1+2 • $1,600/month 2+2 • $2,400/month Large newly painted units includes stove, refrigerator, microwave, A/C, pool, laundry, gated entry & parking. 720 W. 27th St. & 2707 Portland St. (213) 747-5200 (S) RENOVATED BACHELOR $1,250/MONTH AND UP, studio $1,410/month and up. Cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, LCD TV (selected units), laundry, dishwasher, gated parking. 3036 S. Hoover St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: www.FirstChoiceHousing. com (6-24) BRAND NEW BUILDING. 2 bedroom/1 bath $1,799/month, 3 bedroom/1 bath $2,299/month. Hardwood flooring, cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, dishwasher, LCD TV, laundry, gated parking, security cameras, yellow jackets. Across from campus. 1211 W. 37th Dr. Call us (213) 765-3330, (310) 210-7848, e-mail us Leasing@HousingNearUSC.com, or visit www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) FOR LEASE: Large one bedroom/ one bathroom apartment, ten minutes from USC and Baldwin Hills Shopping Center. Michael, (323) 898-2998, mearljack52@gmail.com (4-28) STUDIOS $1,120/MONTH AND UP. Includes cable, Turbo speed Internet, stove, frig, A/C, gas, laundry. 1137 W. 25th St. Call us (213) 765-3330 or visit us www.FirstChoiceHousing.com (6-24) Daily Trojan WANT TO ATTRACT A CROWD?? Advertise your organization’s special events, meetings and fund-raisers in the Student Union 400 (213) 740-2707 Classifieds House/Condo 8 BDRM FUN PARTY HOUSE ON ELLENDALE Pre-Leasing for Fall 2015. $6,395/month ($795/room). Walking distance to USC. Remodeled. Fenced yard. 2814 Ellendale Place. (29th St./Ellendale Pl.) (818) 514-2106 PRE-LEASING 2015-2016 6 bedroom / 4 bath. New construction. Each room has its own frig, central heat & A/C, one block from campus, gated building and parking, surveillance camera, furnished living room, stove, dishwasher, microwave, hardwood flooring, flat screen TV, cable, Turbo speed Internet. Starting at $5,500/month. Starting at $895/month/bedroom. 1241 W. 37th Place. Visit: www.FirstChoiceHousing.com; E-mail: Leasing@FirstChoiceHousing.com; or call: (213) 765-3330 (6-24) LIVE WITH FRIENDS Walk to USC, 9-10 Bdrms, 5 Baths, Multiple Kitchens, On Tram Route, Gated, Washer/Dryer, Parking Included. Available June 2015. 2627 Orchard Ave. (310) 490-7950 We have other properties - 1189 W. 37th Pl. Open House - 4/25-4/26 200 Help Wanted Off-Campus MEDICAL SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT COMPANY looking for parttime and full-time employees. Call (310) 990-8398 for more information. (S) LEASING CONSULTANT(S). Seeking, two part-time or full-time persons with outgoing personality to join our team. With over 450 multisite student housing, we are the largest at USC area. We will train you. Responsible for touring the prospect & maximize occupancy. Social media savvy is a plus. Must have reliable car with proof of insurance. Organized, have the ability to communicate effectively with people and present a positive, professional image. Bi-lingual is welcome. If not a U.S. citizen, must have work permit. Temporary parttime/full-time position, which may include some weekends, through August 31, 2015. $12/hour + $50 Bonus/ rentals. E-mail resumes to: Careers@ FirstChoiceHousing.com (,s,) 300 ServiceS Internet REMOVE IT FROM GOOGLE. www.infringex.com, (310) 310-8848. (S) Sperm / Egg Donors EGG DONORS NEEDED! Asian donors in high demand. Earn up to $10,000. Apply Now! www.westcoasteggdonation.com (877) 492-7411 (S) $$SPERM DONORS WANTED$$ Earn up to $1,500/month for less than 5 hours’ time. Help families through California Cryobank’s donor program. Apply online: spermbank.com (5-20) •••• EGG DONORS WANTED •••• Receive $6,000 per retrieval cycle. Change the lives of a family forever with California Cryobank’s premier donor program. Apply at eggdonor.cryobank.com (S) 400 merchandise Items for Sale DOCTORATE IN EDUCATION ROBE ENSEMBLE. $650 CASH. (626) 827-2438, Fran. (S) Have you purchased your yearbook yet?? The 2015 El Rodeo Yearbook is only $70 Purchase it online NOW!! Reserve your copy today at: www.uscelrodeo.com Page 13 T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m 2015 El Rodeo Yearbook Distribution Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday April 27, 28 & 29 April 30 - May 15 Tent, front of Student Union Building Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Student Union Building, Room 400 Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. USCard withCorporation you. The Please New Yorkbring Timesyour Syndication Sales 620 aEighth York, N.Y. 10018 If you haven’t pre-ordered copy,Avenue, limitedNew quantities will be available for purchase. For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 $70 cash, check, (VISA, Discover) For credit Releasecard Thursday, AprilMasterCard, 23, 2015 Crossword ACROSS 26 Comics character who once solved a sudoku 27 Paperwork? 6 Move slowly 30 “Alice in 10 Get stuck Wonderland” director, 2010 13 Millennium starter 34 Yusuf ___ a.k.a. Cat Stevens 14 Ward of “CSI: NY” 35 “Dragonwyck” author Seton 15 Laundry detergent with 36 What no two Oxi Booster people can do? 16 Brand of colorful 38 Prefix with -graph footwear 39 ___ nova 17 Used up, with 41 Indian chief “out” called King Philip 18 Showed 43 Drive crazy cowardice, say 45 Yves’s yesterday 19 First word of 46 West African many bumper capital stickers 47 Prohibited 20 Where to watch some boxing 51 Train parts matches 53 Some convention 21 Deep red organizers: Abbr. 22 Alternatively 55 Stick by the front door, say 24 Republic founded 56 “So that’s it!” in 1836 1 Actor David of “Dark Shadows” ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE F E D O E P I S D I V I C A R I A W L S C H I D O M E C A N V A S A W N P R E D R E N E A N D R Y A Y R O S I N A D O B E T S A R I T S A S T E A L A G E S S E R B E A I S D Y I C H W A O I O R D S Y U S M A I L S P O N G E B W O O B K M D R A M B E S T C O P I L L I N O S K Q U E E I N S T S A C K U R K E R O E S P L A H O O N E S S C R A E H I V R O K E S T I N T P S S T Y E S 57 Offended 58 Hebrew letters on dreidels 59 ___ name 60 Nestlé chocolate bar since 1988 61 Chief belief 62 Soprano Sumac 63 Matured 64 ___ fee Edited by Will Shortz 1 2 3 4 5 13 19 9 10 33 37 41 44 45 47 53 50 38 42 46 52 49 34 36 43 29 25 27 40 28 21 24 32 39 12 15 20 23 31 11 18 26 51 8 17 22 30 7 14 16 35 DOWN 1 Winter Olympics host after Vancouver 2 Successor company to Northern Natural Gas 3 Musicians Russell and Redbone 4 Encyclopedia volume on education reform? 5 Drapers’ units: Abbr. 6 “Well, well, well,” to a Brit 7 Encyclopedia volume on poverty? 8 Quick 9 Swindled 10 It would be “a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord,” to Isaiah 11 Certain 10-Down resident 12 ___ moons 17 Encyclopedia volume on tailoring? 20 Skating event 6 No. 0319 48 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 PUZZLE BY TODD GROSS 21 Encyclopedia 32 1979 #1 hit volume on wealth whose title is sung with a accumulation? stutter 23 URL ending 33 Stadium cry 25 The last Pope 37 Sheets on a Pius ship 28 XY 40 Mandela’s 29 “Since ___ You political party, Baby” (1956 hit) for short 48 Title ship in a W.W. II film 30 Fragrance from Dana Perfumes 42 Bugs might be seen in one 57 Decline in prices 31 Well aware of 44 Kitchen tool 49 Hidden 50 They sometimes come in batteries 51 “Got that” 52 Word of pardon 54 White sheet 58 Country singer Phillips Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/studentcrosswords.
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