ICAD Project Status Report Type Process Area Project Name Status Current Phase Target Release Date G Go Live 4/9/2015 As of 5/12/2015 Status Message Released to Production RTS Direct Marketing & Communication Prospect Team Assignments Bulk Load This is a new utility allows Annual Fund users to bulk‐add Prospect Team assignments. Logic behind the scenes checks existing assignments and allows validation prior to committing the changes. Users can also bulk‐end‐date existing Prospect Team assignments, select a fundraiser and role, and end‐date all of the assignments for that role, or assign a new fundraiser and role to the same selected pool. • Approved to be released to Sr. Prospect Management Specialist security role; Released to a select group of users on 4/9/15 ("soft release") • Soft release completed; users confirmed ready to release to full security role May 7, 2015 Project Information Delivery & Reporting BI Dashboards/Reports for Development and AYA A Release 2 5/7/2015 The FY15 capital project builds upon the Data Warehouse that was delivered in the FY14 portfolio and will focus on the delivery of key business intelligence tools that will allow the business to make informed strategic decisions. • Giving Sta s cs for Schools/Units released to Live/Produc on on 5/7/15 (INC0439453) ‐ INC0447710 ‐ Inactive designation pulling into last gift design ‐ INC0448988 ‐ Adjusted transactions appearing incorrectly and counted twice • Started Define Phase Mobilize and Plan effort for Blackbaud/Data Warehouse upgrade and re‐ implementa on • Project gave back $121K of budgeted funds that will not be used RTS Other Release Items Break/Fix and Maintenance Items G Go Live 5/7/2015 • INC0388918 ‐ Online Gift Batches: Empty gift batches created in error • INC0447180 ‐ Reunion High to Low Report: issue when running for the Class of 1951 • INC0451698 ‐ Pledges Tab: Pledge Balance/Installment Balances inconsistent with Write‐off activity • INC0454090 ‐ WealthPoint: Research groups created in smaller batches for processing • INC0427942 ‐ RUN BOOK: US News & World Report Survey 2015 Page 1 of 4 ICAD Project Status Report Type Process Area Project Name Status Current Phase Target Release Date A May Release 5/13/2015 As of 5/12/2015 Status Message External Planned Release RTS IT/Administrative FileMaker Upgrade The university as a whole is upgrading to FileMaker 13. The upgrade is considered a straight upgrade without the need for extensive user testing. Stewardship databases and ALICE, other systems for AYA, CFSE and other units more broadly, will likely be affected. This upgrade also affects the Marketing and Communications team, including the Events group. There may be other FileMaker Pro applications that will be affected. This is a placeholder as the project progresses, in case the Client Team and Functional Partners need to become involved. • ODV Events Database has completed the technical upgrade • Defer the proposed enhancements to both the Events and Stewardship databases; annual maintenance will con nue as previous years • ALICE, Stewardship, Sell Le er and Planned Giving Colonel technical upgrades planned to complete by 5/20/15, including Managed Worksta on insatalla ons of FileMaker 13 (not to replace version 11) • YET to be scheduled with June upgrade (no change) • The AYA Filemaker systems will be scheduled as part of the June upgrade (no change) June 4, 2015 RTS Other Release Items Break/Fix and Maintenance Items G Development and Test 6/4/2015 • INC0080979 ‐ NHA Thank You Letters for Recurring Payments yearly process ‐ INC0107588 ‐ NHA Recurring Gift Payment Total Amt by Fiscal/calendar Year attribute • INC0442671 ‐ NHA Comparison Report: Planned Gift Indicator not displaying PG after 7/1/14 • Batch errors: ‐ INC0442289 ‐ Batch 939‐03/29/2015‐Exc‐1: SOM Batch ‐ INC0452381 ‐ Batch 1114‐04/23/2015‐Exc‐1: Character limit ‐ INC0448734 ‐ Revenue Batch Error Messages causing delay ‐ INC0375700 ‐ Joint gift with Split Designation causing error messages • INC0172327 ‐ Reunion Plan Bulk Utility: Update to allow action without closing Plans to Historic • INC0353428 ‐ Reunion Plan Bulk Utility: Update to allow end‐date prospect plan manager • INC0391854 ‐ Banner Load Interim Process: December graduates load • SCTASK0184442 ‐ Adjustment History Report: PTAEO Incorrect for Reversals • Georegions/GeoCode ‐ INC0221018 ‐ Geo Zipcode Table Values updated ‐ INC0281106 ‐ Texas constituents missing Georegions • INC0159162 ‐ Cash & Commitments by schools/units and area of giving (UAT Defect, moved to June release) • INC0159172 ‐ Cash & Commitments by schools/units and by source or purpose (UAT Defect, moved to June release) • INC0159178 ‐ Commitment Donor Pyramid Report (UAT Defect, moved to June release) Page 2 of 4 ICAD Project Status Report Type Process Area Project Name Status Current Phase Target Release Date A Test 6/11/2015 As of 5/12/2015 Status Message Off‐Cycle Release Planned RTS Information Delivery & Reporting Annual Report 2015 The Annual Report is an annual publication to recognize donors in a given year, and is published online. Data in the DARCY file, and resulting spreadsheets, is organized as one row (record) per donor/social class combination. Social class components are represented in columns called “Report Selection”, “Affiliation Descrip on”, and “Affilia on Year”. • Honor Roll Other Schools QA tes ng complete; iden fying UAT tester (for consistency of 10 Year Flag) • UAT began 4/27/15, and an cipated to complete 5/29/15 (UAT con nues; no change) July 9, 2015 RTS Other Release Items Break/Fix and Maintenance Items G Planning 7/9/2015 • Run Book items for Fiscal Year Switch RTS Information Delivery & Reporting IVY+ Annual Giving Survey A Test 7/9/2015 This is an Annual Giving Survey of the eight Ivy League schools plus Stanford and MIT. The survey examines donors, dollars and participation, and other statistical information relative to annual giving, reporting on the overall participation, revenue and statistical results for the Annual Fund including Yale College alumni, Graduate & Professional alumni (excluding Law), parents, friends and other donors. • QA testing continues on the underlying data; currently 3 days behind schedule due to higher number of defects than expected identified during testing • UAT an cipated to begin early June, represen ng the revised schedule (no change) Off‐Cycle Release Planned RTS Online Experience & Volunteer Engagement Online Giving (Cybersource Replacement) G Law School Site July/August Our version of BBIS has significant limitations in how flexible we can be with the look/feel of the giving pages. So far, our developers have been able to accommodate the critical requirements, and the 2015 stakeholders have been understanding of the limita ons. With this momentum, we remain on track. • Law School ‐ Resource plan in progress; site development begins this week • Surgery sites – Resource plan in progress; site development scheduled to begin first week of June • Open Yale Courses requirements signed‐off; work to be scheduled • Closer to Free site ‐ BRD approved; work to be scheduled a er 7/1/15, at client's direc on (no change) • e360 site ‐ decision not to migrate at this me, as migra on would limit the ability to pre‐ define the e360 designa on for the giving site (gi volume is approximately 55 per year, so Gi Processing impact is low) (no change) Page 3 of 4 ICAD Project Status Report Type RTS Process Area Project Name Prospect Management & IRES Interface and Awards Research Data Processing Status Current Phase Target Release Date A Design TBD As of 5/12/2015 Status Message This project updates the existing database interface and data processing between DARCY and IRES, for grant award data. • Data interface development in progress with the goal of crea ng a working model; Proof of concept scheduled to complete 5/22/15 • Requirements gathering con nues, as we need to clarify the data mapping and handling once in DARCY On Hold RTS Online Experience & Volunteer Engagement iModules H ON HOLD This project is to replace the existing Harris application, which will be decommissioned in the future. Harris integrates with other applications primarily as an authentication gateway. Because we represent the AYA in terms of technology, we are consulted and informed about this project, while the Project Manager at iModules works directly with AYA staff to drive progress and delivery. This requires a larger discussion about the project as a whole, which has not yet been scheduled. • Full data is in QA and on hold pending updated project plan and meline (No change) RTS IT/Administrative Patch 130 H ON HOLD Updating our version of DARCY with a large‐scale patch including the following: fixes for Revenue Update Batch template, spacing in addresses and letters, typos and datalist updates, export definition, and missing Campaign Codes and transac ons • Follow‐up with Blackbaud in process, regarding items that are not fixed with the patch (no change). RTS Constituent Information Management Banner Interface and Student Data Processing H ON HOLD This project updates the existing database interface between DARCY and Banner to accommodate business logic when processing/updating the data in DARCY; this includes Winter Graduates, May Graduates, New Students and Parent loads. • Planning to script the load again for Spring/Summer; Angelyn has been processing the Registrar's list by hand for January (no change). RTS Events YET ‐ Yale Education Travel H ON HOLD Yale Educational Travel utilizes an online reservation/payment/attendance system, which is poorly designed from structural and usability perspectives. While the operational strategy for this system remains to fix individual issues as they occur, the system ultimately needs to be replaced. Kathy Edersheim referred us to ViaTour, a commercially available alternative, which could overcome many of our challenges. We are in the process of feasibility assessment, but have identified a few gaps which may not make ViaTour the best replacement. • After follow‐up meeting/demo with ViaTour, Kathy Edersheim requested additional solution options for comparison; RezMagic has been identified as a potential candidate, and a demo is being scheduled for Kathy and her team. (no change) Page 4 of 4
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