How to upgrade manually To InteleViewer V 4.3.4

How to upgrade manually
To InteleViewer V 4.3.4
Select Utilities – Check for Application
Log in to QXRWeb
Images and on the tool
bar select Utilities, then
Check for Application
Select Check for Upgrade & follow prompts
Please select the
Upgrade Track – Stable
To commence upgrade,
press NEXT
When this prompt
appears, click on
the Upgrade icon
TIP - If the upgrade pop-up box is no longer visible, minimise all your windows and you will see it
This will be the next screen you see…
No action is required
Followed by this…
Again, no action is required
When prompted, click Done
The java update is
now complete and
the InteleViewer
update will commence
This will be the next screen you see…
No action is required
When prompted, click Done
The InteleViewer update
is now complete.
InteleViewer will NOT
launch automatically –
please launch as usual
The upgrade is complete
You can verify the upgrade
was successful by
checking the Version
information on the log on
screen. It should say 4.3.4.
For more information or support please contact
Your QXR Client Services Officer or Doctor Direct on 1800 77 99 77