PROBUS CLUB OF DARWIN INC #355594 Sponsored by Rotary Club of Darwin North Inc The Probus Club of Darwin Inc. is not for profit and non fundraising. It is non sectarian. Its objects are to stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities at a time of life when it is easy to become complacent and self-centred. April 2015 PO Box 40452, CASUARINA NT 0810 Web Page NEXT MEETING WED 1 April, 2015 Bulletin Volume 10 Issue 1 First issued June 2006 Management Committee President Meryl Morilly Secretary Gwenda Smallacombe Treasurer Lyn Barlow Vice President Ian Dawson Vice President Chris Crassweller Assistant Secretary Bev Luke Contents President’s Blog Member’s Profile What’s happening Interest Group reports Seniors Snippets SISTER CLUB Probus Club of Toowoomba Inc “Fogg Dam” Photo by Leon Blignault Digital Photography Art PATRON His Honour the Honourable John Hardy OAM Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January), 10:30am TRACY VILLAGE SOCIAL AND SPORTS CLUB 28 Tambling Tce, Lyons NT 0810 If not delivered please return to: PO Box 40452, CASUARINA NT 0810 Meryl’s Musings F irstly, I would like to thank Bob Schulze, immediate Past President for his contribution in making 2014 a successful year. I am aware that a lot of hard work occurred behind the scenes, during his tenure and I wish to thank him and others involved. A warm Probus welcome to members who make up the new Management committee, we look forward to working well together. A special welcome to members of the Social Committee who I know will ensure that we have a wonderful satisfying dining experience and pleasant morning tea each month, as well as looking at outdoor activities that will suit all members. It’s a new calendar year for the club, and although I am a novice at being President Elect, I am encouraged by the well wishes and confidence expressed by many. I am humbled and will endeavor to do my best. As mentioned before, a club can only be as good as its members, so please play a part to make 2015 an enjoyable year for our club and each other, as we enjoy fun, friendship and fellowship, especially for those who have joined for the first time and need to feel that they are part of the Darwin Probus Family. So for Now….. Keep Well. Be Safe. Enjoy the Moment. Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy Birthday Jenny Parish Margaret Norman Kevin Fletcher Joan Baker Elaine Mackrow Lynette Ponter Happy Anniversary Sally & Peter Bailey Neil & Elaine Prosser Sheila & Ken McAloon John & June Scott Profile for Sheila McAloon I was born in Scotland in 1940 the beginning of WWll. My father was in the RAF stationed at Narromine in central NSW. In 1949 our family came to Australia as ten pound poms. After completing my education at Narromine and Dubbo High I moved to Sydney to a government job where I met Ken. Ken and I married in 1963 and came to Darwin as newly weds. Darwin was a very different place in those days with a population of 15,000. None of our new friends had parents here and as a result we formed very special and lasting friendships supporting each other as our babies arrived and our families grew. We have a daughter, two sons and four grandchildren. The best and final part of my working life was being child minder to two of our young grandchildren in Nhulunbuy for three years. Retirement came and we moved to a twenty acre block at Berry Springs for ten years before settling at the old Tiwi Gardens Retirement Village. Ken and I enjoy travelling and I enjoy quilting, our friends and time spent with them, old and new, are very special to us. April Guest Speaker Sgt Dave Young and his dog Benno Dave has been a dog handler for more than 16years, firstly with the Air Force before transferring to the NT Police Force in Katherine. Dave was instrumental in setting up the Territory's dog squad to address the growing drug problem in remote communities. Vote of Thanks: Margaret McCarthy Channel 7 Proudly supporting Probus Clubs Tracy Village Social and Sports Club the home of PROBUS CLUB OF DARWIN INC Please support your club Page 2 What’s on in April APRIL AT A GLANCE GARDEN GROUP Date Trailer Boat Club Meeting/Event April 1 10:30am Meeting April 8 10:30am Garden Club April 13 8:45am Golf April 14 2:00pm Snooker and Board Games April 15 9:30 am 10 pin bowling April 15 6:30 pm Dining out – Fiddler’s Green 13 April, 8:45 am for 9:00 am hit off April 17 10:30 am Table Tennis Play 9 holes, buggies available April 22 10:00 am Fire Station visit April 29 10:15 am Sports Challenge Tuesdays 5:00 pm Nu Line dancing April 8 At Trailer Boat Club Note change in time to 10:30am GOLF Darwin Golf Club Links Road, Marrara SNOOKER Pearl Retirement Village Community Centre Waratah Crescent, Fannie Bay Tuesday, 14 April, 2:00pm—4:30pm Snooker, Pool or Kelly Pool and Board Games TEN PIN BOWLS Nightcliff 10 pin bowling centre Wednesday 15 April, 2015 arrive at 9:30am—start 9:45am $8.50 per person (includes shoe and ball hire) Morning Tea after at “THE GROOVE” DINING OUT Waterfront, Darwin WEDNESDAY 15 April, 2015 6:30 for 7:00pm Please let Gwenda know by phone or email if you wish to attend or need to cancel so we can give the restaurant an idea of numbers TABLE TENNIS ACTIVITY Tuesday, 21 April, 10:30am Visit EITHER Darwin or Mararra Fire Station Contact Liz McLeod 0414 331 999 if interested in coming along April 22 at 10:00am Marrara Table Tennis Centre NuLine DANCE Every Tuesday at Malak Community Centre 5:00 pm—7:00 pm Cost $10.00 Variety of dance genres. Lot’s of fun PROBUS SPORTS CHALLENGE April 29, 10:15am see next page for more information Meet for lunch afterwards at the Airport Hotel, McMillans Road (optional) LUNCHEON — POST MEETING “The Table of Knowledge” has resumed post meeting luncheon. Simply join the other members in the dining area of the Tracy Village Club, solve the problems of the world, have a relaxed lunch, and enjoy. PAST PRESIDENTS’ FORUM All Past President’s and RDPC 8 April — 9:30am Q Bar on the Avenue Salonika Street, Parap Page 3 Seniors Snippets Ken Cohalan Hon Peter Styles MLA appointed as Minister for Seniors. His PA is Ms Joss Papworth Northern Territory Seniors aged 50+ (53,248) in ABS 2011. Make up 38% of NT voters COTA NT to be used more for Seniors ‘Shop Front’ issues Office Senior Territorians website to be updated Intergenerational report heralds the ‘age of the senior’ Senior Month—The Probus/COTA Harbour Cruise will be on again Monday, 10 August—approximate cost of $27. More details once approval received. Meet our new member Gloria Sinclair was inducted at the March meeting Sports Challenge Palmerston is hosting this annual event to be held on 29 April, 10:30am—12:30 on the verandah at Tracy Village Social and Sports Club. The sports challenge is between the three Probus Clubs of Darwin, Palmerston and Charles Darwin. Perpetual trophy awarded to the “winning” team. Sports will include: Tic Tac Toe - aim to line 3 ping pong balls up in a line in tumblers of water. Suck it Up—move smarties from one bowl to another by sucking them up with a straw. Face Cream—aim to get a cream biscuit from your forehead into your mouth Nearest the Pin—test your golf putting Stack of Nuts—using chopsticks and steel nuts Come along, join in and support your Club in the challenge. Lots of fun for all. Cost—gold coin donation Management Committee 2015 Meryl Morilly Gwenda Smallacombe Lyn Barlow Bev Luke Ian Dawson Chris Crassweller Janet Elliott Earl James Neil Prosser Bill Porte Peter Pusterla Dot Chapman Gaynor Maggs Bob Schulze Social Committee 2015 Barbara Slattery Beres Chandler Maxine Dienelt Janet Elliott Dennis Smallacombe Shirley Porte Lynette Ponter Margaret Egglestone Kay Schulze Gwenda Smallacombe 10 Pin Bowling 12 bowlers competed in a fun, competitive round. Several scores over 100, with Maxine again bowling the best score. Well done Gloria with a good first time score of 120. We’ve booked again for Wednesday 15 April. All welcome to join the fun. Page 4 toward the cost of morning tea. Interest Group Reports Garden Club 13 members attended the Garden Group meeting. The next meeting will be Wednesday, 8 April at 10:30am at the Trailer Boat Club. The May meeting will be held at Allora Gardens on 13 May at 10:00am Several plants were “raffled”, finding new homes. Future visits by the Garden group will be to Tiwi Gardens Village, Pearl Retirement Village gardens, the Botanical Gardens and Ron Wright’s place at Howard Springs. All welcome at the meetings—plenty of useful gardening information. Golf 4 active members and a guest. Team 1 with Jeanette and Peter, Team 2 Col and “the old bloke”. Official scorer Bev Whitby did a great job. Result - difficult to get the smile off the face of the old bloke after being on the winning team for the first time Score 52 52— —48. Factory & Showroom 46 Toupein Road YARRAWONGA PHONE: 8932 5184 Screen Printing Digital Printing Embroidery Corporate wear Sports wear Your one stop shop! A division of HPA Disability Services Unit 8, 51 Pruen Rd Berrimah NT 0828 08 89471227 For all the best brands, biggest choice and friendly advice, phone or drop in to see Kevin Thomas. "ask the outdoor specialist" DARWIN PODIATRY CLINIC 3A/24 Litchfield Street Darwin NT 0801 Phone: 08 8941 9955 Darwin Podiatry is a specialist clinic, that deals exclusively with conditions affecting the foot and ankle, as well as treating problems associated with the shins, knees, hips, and lower back which result from the influence of foot function. Page 5 Out and about in March Do you know about ZINIO The Zinio digital magazines collection offers you access to full digital versions of magazines through your web browser and custom apps. You can choose from a range of digital magazines with no loan period and no limit on the number of magazines you can download. You need to know your library card number and have internet access to access this service. The first time you visit Zinio you will need to create two (2) accounts, one will be your library account and one will be for reading the magazines through the Zinio website and app. Casuarina Librarians will help you get started on Fridays. Page 6 Creating your Zinio accounts: Visit Zinio’s Northern Territory Library Network Page Choose ‘Create New Account’, and enter your library card number Fill in the details including your name, email address and password, and click ‘Create Account’ (this is your first account with RBdigital) Choose a magazine and click ‘Complete Checkout’ Fill in the details including your name, email address and password, and click ‘Register’ (this is your second account with Zinio) The eMagazine you selected will be in your Zinio account. Click on the cover image and start reading. Unit 8 51 Pruen Road Berrimah NT 0828 Ph: 08 8947 1227 Authorised Pride Mobility Agent for Sales and Service Authorised Pride Mobility Agent for Sales and Service Mobility Equipment Hire Homecare and Daily Living Aids 08 89471227 The superb photo gracing our front cover is by courtesy of :- Contact: Leon 08 8948 2379 Exhibitions currently at Darwin Entertainment Centre Wednesdays—10:00am—5:00pm Eco House at Botanic Gardens Thursdays and Fridays—9:00am—3:00pm Send all your household pests packing WHEELER’S INTEGRATED HOME SERVICES We specialise in pruning, mowing, rubbish removal and maintenance as a positive influence to prevent breeding and negating access to your house from pests. We guarantee ALL our work Special prices for all Probarians Phone James Wheeler 0403 334 397 Email Combining the strength of Marine Grade 316 Stainless Steel with the beauty, strength and flexibility of aluminium, INVISI-GARD Security Screens offer unparalleled clarity of vision with enhanced security. Specialists in: Mirrors, Glass Replacements, Louvers, French Doors and Bi-Fold Doors. 24 hour Emergency Service. Telephone: (08) 8947 0128 Facsimile : (08) 8947 0158 Email : 1 Sadgroves Crescent, Winnellie. PO Box 4644, Darwin NT 0801. No one believes seniors— everyone thinks they are senile An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighbourhood after they retired. Holding hands, they walked back to their old school. It was not locked, so they entered, and found the old desk they'd shared, where Jerry had carved I love you, Sally On their way back home, a bag of money fell out of an armoured car, practically landing at their feet. Sally quickly picked it up and, not sure what to do with it, they took it home. There, she counted the money - fifty thousand dollars! Jerry said, We've got to give it back. Sally said, Finders keepers. She put the money back in the bag and hid it in their attic. The next day, two police officers were canvassing the neighbourhood looking for the money, and knocked on their door. Pardon me, did either of you find a bag that fell out of an armoured car yesterday? Sally said, No. Jerry said, She’s lying. She hid it up in the attic. Sally said, Don't believe him, he’s getting senile The agents turned to Jerry and began to question him. One said: Tell us the story from the beginning. Jerry said, Well, when Sally and I were walking home from school yesterday .......... The first police officer turned to his partner and said, We’re outta here! Anyone interested in a trip to Norfolk Island? Palmerston Probus Club has organised a trip to Norfolk Island 3—10 October 2015. More information from Gwenda or Contact Ray Grimshaw for full details and booking. Page 7 Cota Activities for April Wealth Planning for Retirement Thurs 9 April 5.30pm – 7.30pm Two one-hour sessions RESIDENTIAL AGED CARE COSTS SEMINAR Thursday 23 April 10.00am—11.30am 2015 Executive Committee Aged Care Options (Home Based or Residential) Fees and Charges Options for the Former Home Pension and Taxation Implications Friday 24 April 11.30am—2.30pm Join us for a ’bring a plate’ lunch (it only needs to be small) plus a few laughs as we work our way through puzzles, games and quizzes + speaker STEPS TO LIVING WELL Friday 17 April 10.00am—11.15am in association with Darwin Podiatry and Arthritis & Osteoporosis NT in Falls Awareness Week Essential information for staying safe and strong Ten Steps for Living Well Falls Can Be Prevented – Nine Steps to Falls Prevention Safe Footcare and Safe Footwear Click and Fix Neighbourhood Walk (approx. 10 mins) PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES Wednesday 15, 22 and 29 April 10.00am—11.30am Lrge Mtg Rm Annual fees now due—see Treasurer Lyn Barlow FROM THE ARCHIVES– 25 YEARS AGO Extracts from the Minutes — 3rd April 1991: Present: Messrs Thompson, Franklin, ,D’Ambrosio, Giese, Eddy, Frey, Field, Arthur, McLaren, Simmons, Dr. Bromich, Wright, Fuller, Chin Apologies: Messrs Ferrier, Ford, Taylor (2 meetings), Leonard (3 meetings). Late Mr John Rowbottom—Mr Rowbottom passed away on 18 March 1991, with the funeral held on 20 March, 1991. Correspondence In—NT Council on the Aging, Probus Club of Darwin—Ladies, Probus News—Autumn 1991 Correspondence Out—Letter and forms to Mr Stanford, Probus Centre SP, Luncheon: The Ladies Probus Club invited members and partners to luncheon at Larrakeyah Longtan Club on 15 May 1991. Treasurers Report: Cash balance 31 March 1991 was $73.99. Income $135, Payments $103.34 General Business: Resolved to send get well cards to Martin Ford and Mr Ferrier Me Talk by Mr Ken Frey—invited to give a Me talk but chose instead to speak on Arbitration. Arbitration is an alternative way to resolve a dispute between 2 parties. This process is less costly than litigation. Determinations given under Arbitration system are final and no appeals allowed. The NT Chapter is conducting a Conference in Darwin in mid May this year. There are 2 courses—General and Advanced. Participants required to sit an exam. In NT the Arbitration system is operated under the SA 1891 Act. Since 1960 we have a local and more up to date Act. VP Mr Thompson thanked Mr Frey on behalf on members. Meeting Closed—10:55 am Page 8 PRIVACY STATEMENT The information collected in relation to members shall be held in accordance with the information privacy principles contained in the Privacy Act ( Privacy Act, Australia 1998 ). Each Probus Club shall ensure that it complies with such information privacy principles and shall not disclose any such information, except in accordance with the Privacy Act. INSURANCE All financial members of the Probus Club of Darwin Inc. are covered by Probus Insurance. Insurance covers members, visitors and guests whilst attending or participating in a recognised Probus activity function or meeting (age restrictions may apply). Prior conditions may be taken into consideration. DISCLAIMER This Directory of Members is for the exclusive use of members of the Probus Club of Darwin Inc. and should not be made available to Non-Members. The information contained in this publication is "Private and Confidential" to Members and is not to be used for any other purpose.
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