T673 - Offer Switzerland – Swiss Travel System Änderungen gültig ab 01.06.2015 Es treten folgende Änderungen in Kraft: Ziffer 673 1.3 Änderung Anwendungsbereich Der Anwendungsbereich wurde nachgeführt. Änderungen entnehmen Sie bitte dem InfoBeitrag «Änderungen der Anwendungsbereiche auf 01.06.2015» auf der Homepage des VöV oder dem entsprechendem InfoPoint-Beitrag. Jeannine Hürlimann, Tarifmanagement, VöV T673 - Offer Switzerland – Swiss Travel System Modifications valables dès le 01.06.2015 Les modifications suivantes entrent en vigueur: Ziffer 673 1.3 Änderung Champ d’application Le champ d'application a été mis à jour. Les modifictions sont indiquées dans l'article «Modifications des champs d'application au 1.6.2015» sur la page Internet de l'UTP ou dans l'article InfoPoint y relatif. Jeannine Hürlimann, gestion des tarifs, UTP T673 - Offer Switzerland – Swiss Travel System Modificazioni valide dal 01.06.2015 Entrano in vigore le seguenti modificazioni: Cifra 673 1.3 Modifiche Campo d’applicazione È stato inserito il raggio di validità. Le modifiche sono reperibili nell'Info «Modifiche dei campi d'applicazione per lo 01.06.2015», sulla homepage dell'UTP, oppure nell'articolo InfoPoint corrispondente. Jeannine Hürlimann, gestione tariffe, UTP T673 - Offer Switzerland – Swiss Travel System Modifications valid from 01.06.2015 The following changes will take effect: Digit 673 1.3 Modifications Area of application The area of application has been updated. Modifications can be seen in the Info article «Änderungen der Anwendungsbereiche auf 01.06.2015» on the VöV website or in the corresponding InfoPoint-article. Jeannine Hürlimann, Tarifmanagement, VöV T673 Offer Switzerland – Swiss Travel System Ausgabe: Edition: Edizione: Edition: 01.06.2015 01.06.2015 01.06.2015 01.06.2015 T673 --titlefile 0 General................................................................................................................................................................................1 0.1 Preliminary notes................................................................................................................................................1 0.2 Legal basis..........................................................................................................................................................1 0.3 Authorised parties...............................................................................................................................................1 0.4 Ticket issue.........................................................................................................................................................1 0.5 Start and end of validity period...........................................................................................................................1 0.6 Fraudulent use and forgery.................................................................................................................................2 0.7 Loss or theft........................................................................................................................................................2 0.8 Families..............................................................................................................................................................2 0.9 Groups................................................................................................................................................................2 0.10 Dogs.................................................................................................................................................................2 0.11 Disabled / blind passengers..............................................................................................................................2 0.12 STS packages and glossary.............................................................................................................................3 0.13 Address.............................................................................................................................................................3 1 Areas of validity and applicability....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Area of validity....................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Half - Fare area...................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Area of applicability.............................................................................................................................................1 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF.................................................................................................1 0 General terms STP - STPF....................................................................................................................................1 0.1 General........................................................................................................................................................1 0.2 Validity.........................................................................................................................................................1 0.3 Use/supplements/class upgrades................................................................................................................1 0.4 Children.......................................................................................................................................................2 0.5 Families.......................................................................................................................................................2 0.6 Young people..............................................................................................................................................2 1 Packages...............................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Swiss Travel Pass (STP).............................................................................................................................2 1.2 Swiss Travel Pass Flex (STPF)...................................................................................................................2 2 Special packages...................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Swiss Travel Pass Net / Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net (STPN / STPFN)......................................................2 2.2 Swiss Travel Pass AD75 (STP AD75) Swiss Travel Pass Flex AD75 (STPF AD75)..................................2 2.3 Swiss Travel Pass Complimentary (STPC).................................................................................................2 2.4 Swiss Travel Pass Tour Guide (STPT)........................................................................................................2 2.5 Special offers and promotions.....................................................................................................................3 3 Ticket issue............................................................................................................................................................3 3.1 Issuing offices..............................................................................................................................................3 3.2 Electronic ticketing.......................................................................................................................................3 3.3 Manual ticketing...........................................................................................................................................3 3.4 E-tickets.......................................................................................................................................................3 3.5 Format.........................................................................................................................................................3 4 Extensions - exchanges - replacements................................................................................................................3 4.1 Extensions...................................................................................................................................................3 4.2 Exchanges...................................................................................................................................................3 4.3 Replacements..............................................................................................................................................4 5 Refunds.................................................................................................................................................................4 5.1 Unused STP/STPF tickets...........................................................................................................................4 5.2 STP/STPF that have been partially used....................................................................................................4 5.3 Refund for STP as e-ticket..........................................................................................................................5 5.4 Forgotten STP/STPF...................................................................................................................................5 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT................................................................................................................................................1 0 General terms for STT...........................................................................................................................................1 0.1 General........................................................................................................................................................1 0.2 Validity.........................................................................................................................................................1 0.3 Use - supplements - class change..............................................................................................................1 0.4 Children.......................................................................................................................................................1 0.5 Families.......................................................................................................................................................1 1 Packages...............................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Swiss Transfer Ticket (STT)........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Swiss Transfer Ticket Combi (STTC)..........................................................................................................1 2 Special packages...................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Tailor - made STT/STTC.............................................................................................................................2 2.2 Swiss Transfer Ticket Net (STTN)...............................................................................................................2 2.3 Swiss Transfer Ticket AD75........................................................................................................................2 T673 --titlefile 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT 2.4 Swiss Transfer Ticket Complimentary.........................................................................................................2 2.5 Special offers and promotions.....................................................................................................................2 3 Ticket issue............................................................................................................................................................2 3.1 Issuing offices..............................................................................................................................................2 3.2 Electronic ticketing.......................................................................................................................................2 3.3 Manual ticketing...........................................................................................................................................3 3.4 E-tickets.......................................................................................................................................................3 3.5 Format.........................................................................................................................................................3 4 Extensions - exchanges - replacements................................................................................................................3 4.1 Extensions...................................................................................................................................................3 4.2 Exchanges and replacements.....................................................................................................................3 5 Refunds.................................................................................................................................................................3 5.1 Unused STT / STTC tickets.........................................................................................................................3 5.2 STT/STTC tickets that have been partially used.........................................................................................3 5.3 Refund for STT as e-ticket...........................................................................................................................3 4 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) / Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC).........................................................................1 0 General terms for SHFC - SHFCC........................................................................................................................1 0.1 General........................................................................................................................................................1 0.2 Validity.........................................................................................................................................................1 0.3 Use - supplements - class change..............................................................................................................1 0.4 Families.......................................................................................................................................................1 1 Packages...............................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC).....................................................................................................................1 1.2 Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC).......................................................................................................1 1.3 Swiss Half Fare Card Combi Net (SHFCCN)..............................................................................................1 2 Ticket issue............................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Issuing offices..............................................................................................................................................2 2.2 Electronic ticketing.......................................................................................................................................2 2.3 E-tickets.......................................................................................................................................................2 2.4 Format.........................................................................................................................................................2 3 Extensions - exchanges - replacements................................................................................................................2 3.1 Extensions...................................................................................................................................................2 3.2 Exchanges...................................................................................................................................................2 3.3 Replacement...............................................................................................................................................2 4 Refunds.................................................................................................................................................................2 4.1 Unused SHFC/SHFCC tickets.....................................................................................................................2 4.2 4.2 SHFC/SHFCC tickets that have been partially used or already been validated....................................2 4.3 Refund for SHFC as e-ticket........................................................................................................................2 4.4 Forgotten SHFC/SHFCC tickets..................................................................................................................3 5 Prices..................................................................................................................................................................................1 5.1 Gross prices........................................................................................................................................................1 5.2 Net prices............................................................................................................................................................2 5.3 Price calculation for STTC tailor-made...............................................................................................................3 6 Samples..............................................................................................................................................................................1 6.1 Swiss Family Card..............................................................................................................................................1 6.2 Swiss Travel Pass / Swiss Travel Pass Flex......................................................................................................1 6.2.000 Swiss Travel Pass / Swiss Travel Pass Flex........................................................................................1 6.2.001 Swiss Travel Pass Net / Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net...........................................................................2 6.2.002 Swiss Travel Pass AD75 / Swiss Travel Pass Flex AD75....................................................................3 6.2.003 Swiss Travel Pass Comlimentary / Swiss Travel Pass Complimentary...............................................3 6.2.004 Swiss Travel Pass Tour Guide.............................................................................................................3 6.3 Swiss Transfer Ticket.........................................................................................................................................3 6.3.000 Swiss Transfer Ticket / Swiss Transfer Ticket Combi..........................................................................3 6.3.001 Swiss Transfer Ticket Net.....................................................................................................................3 6.3.002 Swiss Transfer Ticket Tailor - made.....................................................................................................3 6.3.003 Swiss Transfer Ticket AD75.................................................................................................................3 6.3.004 Swiss Transfer Ticket Complimentary..................................................................................................3 6.4 Swiss Halfe Fare Card........................................................................................................................................4 6.4.000 Swiss Halfe Fare Card..........................................................................................................................4 6.4.001 Swiss Halfe Fare Card Combi..............................................................................................................4 6.4.002 Swiss Halfe Fare Card Combi Net........................................................................................................4 0 General 0.1 Preliminary notes 0.1.000 These directives include the general terms and prices for the transportation of passengers with the packages of the Swiss Travel System (STS) on the routes of the Swiss transport companies. These directives are provided to the sales outlets and service units of participating transport companies. 0.1.001 Unless otherwise stipulated below, these terms apply to print@home e-tickets as well. 0.1.002 Unless otherwise stipulated below, General Passenger Tariff 600 applies. 0.1.003 Subject to change. 0.2 Legal basis 0.2.000 The owner of a ticket or carriage document referred to in one of these directives is bound by the terms of the "Federal Carriage of Persons Act (PBG)" and the "Ordinance on Passenger Transport (VPB)". 0.3 Authorised parties 0.3.000 All Swiss Travel Systems (STS) packages are intended for foreign visitors only. They are personal and non-transferable. 0.3.001 Any person whose fixed residence is outside Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein is eligible to purchase these packages. Proof of eligibility: Passport or identity card. 0.3.002 Swiss persons residing abroad are authorised to use all the packages of Swiss Travel Systems (STS). The Swiss passport can be used as proof of eligibility, however, evidence of fixed residence abroad must be presented in the form of a residence permit, driving licence, certificate of residence, etc. 0.3.003 Employees of Switzerland Tourism (ST) are permitted to make use of the STS packages in Switzerland, even if their fixed residence is in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein. They must present a company ID and/or business card as well. 0.4 Ticket issue 0.4.000 STS packages are issued in an envelope together with an overview map of the area of applicability and important user tips. These and other communication media can be ordered from STS AG. The address is in Section 0.13 0.4.001 Certain STS packages can also be issued as e-tickets (print@home). Unless otherwise stipulated in T673, the terms for e-tickets as per T600 and T600.9 also apply to print@home STS packages. 0.5 Start and end of validity period 0.5.000 The first day of validity of an STS package is freely selectable (flexible dates). 0.5.001 In the case of tickets that are valid for one month, the last day of validity is as follows: In the next month on the date that numerically precedes the date of the first day of validity, or on the last day of the same month, if the validity period starts on the first day of a month. Examples of the validity of a one-month ticket: First day of validity Last day of validity 4 April 3 May 18 May 17 June 1 June 30 June 29, 30, 31 January or 1 February 28 February In leap years 30, 31 Jan. or 1 Feb. 29 February 0.5.002 01.06.2015 0 General 1 T673 The first day of validity is considered a whole day for the calculation of the validity period. The validity period starts at 00:00 hr on the first day of validity and expires at 05:00 hr on the day after the last day of validity. 0.6 Fraudulent use and forgery 0.6.000 In the event of fraudulent use or forgery, the respective STS ticket must be confiscated. The passenger must pay the price of a one-way trip for the section within Switzerland on which the fraudulent use or forgery was discovered plus a supplement of CHF 150. 0.6.001 Fraudulent use refers to the use of a ticket by a person other than the person named on the ticket. 0.6.002 Forgery refers to the modification or manipulation of details on the ticket by erasing or overwriting them. 0.6.003 If the accused person refuses to pay, the police should, if possible, be called but no criminal charge should be laid. 0.6.004 If forgeries on a larger scale are discovered, i.e. not only the details but the documents themselves are forged, management (address in Section 0.13) must be notified, the police must be called and a criminal charge must be laid. 0.6.005 Unless otherwise stipulated in T673.0, T600.5 applies correspondingly. 0.7 Loss or theft 0.7.000 In the event of loss or theft, STS packages are not replaced. 0.8 Families 0.8.000 Families on a Swiss Family Card (STS Family Card) are entitled to the family discount based on the area of applicability of the parents' STS package, i.e.: • parents have a valid STP/STPF or parents have a valid STT/STTC or parents have a valid SHFC/SHFCC and the associated tickets • Children aged between 6 and 15.99 years can travel for free (the reference date for determining the age is the first day of validity of the parents' ticket) • Minimum participation: 1 parent and 1 child 0.8.001 Children refers to the adult's own children, stepchildren or foster children between the ages of 6 and 15.99 years. The definition of a foster child corresponds to the one in tariff 600.3. 0.8.002 The Swiss Family Card is available for free. It is usually issued electronically. 0.8.003 The family discount is also offered when additional services are purchased (Half - Fare reduction, Museum Pass). 0.8.004 The Swiss Family Card and the Junior and Grandchildren's Cards (as per tariff 600.3) are also accepted with regard to half-price tickets purchased in addition to the STP/STPF or SHFC/SHFCC. 0.8.005 The Swiss Family Card is valid only in conjunction with an STS package. 0.8.006 See Section 6 for a specimen of the Swiss Family Card. 0.9 Groups 0.9.000 There are no group discounts on the entire Swiss Travel System product range. 0.10 Dogs 0.10.000 For dogs, half of the STP/STPF/STT 2nd class fare for adults applies. In place of the ticket holder's name, the ticket should be marked "Hund". 0.10.001 Dogs with a 2nd class STP/STPF/STT can also travel in 1st class. 0.10.002 Small dogs with a shoulder height of up to 30 cm (height of withers) and similar small tame animals in cages, baskets and other suitable containers may be brought along in the passenger coaches for free as hand luggage. If these animals are removed from their containers during the trip, they require a ticket. 0.11 Disabled / blind passengers 0.11.000 No special discount on STS packages. 2 0 General 01.06.2015 T673 0.12 STS packages and glossary 0.12.000 Overview of the STS packages Name Abbreviation Swiss Travel Pass STP Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF Swiss Transfer Ticket STT Swiss Transfer Ticket Combi STTC Swiss Half Fare Card SHFC Swiss Half Fare Card Combi SHFCC Swiss Family Card SFC Swiss Travel Pass Net STPN Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net STPFN Swiss Travel Pass AD75 STP AD75 Swiss Travel Pass Flex AD75 STPF AD75 Swiss Travel Pass Complimentary STPC Swiss Transfer Ticket Net STTN Swiss Half Fare Card Combi Net SHFCCN 0.12.001 Overview of terminology used Term Abbreviation Agent Discount AD Licensed transport operators KTU Swiss Travel System STS Swiss Travel System AG STS AG Switzerland Tourism ST 0.13 Address 0.13.000 Swiss Travel System AG Limmatstrasse 23 P.O. Box 1975 CH-8021 Zurich Telephone: +41 44 225 80 40 E-mail: info@swisstravelsystem.com 0.13.001 STS ticket sleeves, maps and other marketing materials can be ordered from: www.swisstravelsystem.com/werbemittel 01.06.2015 0 General 3 T673 4 0 General 01.06.2015 1 Areas of validity and applicability 1.1 Area of validity 1.1.000 The area of validity comprises the routes of the transport companies on which the Swiss Travel Pass (STP) and Swiss Travel Pass Flex (STPF) can be used without restriction. In the case of a Swiss Transfer Ticket (STT), the area of validity applies on the transfer days. 1.1.001 The STS validity area map is available here: www.swisstravelsystem.com 1.2 Half - Fare area 1.2.000 The Half - Fare area includes the area of applicability of the Half - Fare travelcard (tariff 654) and applies to the Half - Fare portion of the Swiss Travel Pass, Swiss Travel Pass Flex, and the Swiss Half Fare Card and Swiss Half Fare Card Combi. Tickets can be purchased at the discounted price. 1.3 Area of applicability 1.3.000 Railway/bus/boat transport companies Local transport services 01.06.2015 1 Areas of validity and applicability 1 Anwendungsbereich Tarif 673 Champ d'application Tarif 673 Campo d'applizione Tariffa 673 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies Linie Ligne Linea Line Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% A AAGL AAGR AAGS AAGU AB Auto AB-ab ABF ABl AB-rhb 811 812 841 816 744 022 755 862 071 Autobus AG Liestal nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Gossau SG – Appenzell – Wasserauen ja ja St. Gallen – Gais – Appenzell – Altstätten Stadt ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja Auto AG Rothenburg Auto AG Schwyz Auto AG Uri Automobildienst Appenzeller Bahnen Appenzeller Bahnen Autobusbetrieb Freienbach Autolinee Bleniesi Appenzeller Bahnen Rorschach – Heiden AB-rhw 139 Appenzeller Bahnen Rheineck – Walzenhausen AB-tb 089 Appenzeller Bahnen St. Gallen – Trogen AeS 179 Schiffsbetriebe Aegerisee Aegerisee 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 1 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials AFA AGS Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 813 251 Linie Ligne Linea Line AOT ARAG ARBAG ARL AS ASGS ASM Auto ASM-bti 736 843 819 209 858 856 888 870 038 128 056 ja Frutigen – Kandersteg ja ja Linien LenkBus ja ja nein ja nein ja ja ja ja ja Mörel – Greich – Riederalp Mitte nein ja Mörel – Ried – Riederalp West nein ja Riederalp – Hohfluh nein ja Riederalp – Moosfluh nein ja ja ja ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Andermatt Gotthard Sportbahnen Autolinea Mendrisiense Autokurse Oberthurgau Automobilgesellschaft Rottal AG Aletsch Riederalp Bahnen AG Autolinee Regionali Luganesi Autobetrieb Sernftal Autotransports Sion-Grône-Sierre Automobildienste Aare Seeland mobil Aare Seeland mobil Aare Seeland mobil Aare Seeland mobil St.Urban Ziegelei – Niederbipp 2 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Ligerz – Prêles ASM-rvo STP, STPF, STT Frutigen – Adelboden Biel – Täuffelen – Ins ASM-ltb Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Autoverkehr Frutigen-Adelboden Andermatt – Gemsstock AMSA Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials ASM-snb Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 081 Linie Ligne Linea Line AVJ AWA 859 731 832 Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Aare Seeland mobil ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja Betten Talstation – Betten Dorf – Bettmeralp nein ja Betten Talstation – Bettmeralp (direkt) nein ja Bettmeralp – Bettmerhorn nein ja Bettmeralp – Schönbiel / Wurzenbord nein ja ja ja Beckenried – Klewenalp nein ja Emmetten – Stockhütte nein ja nein ja nein ja Gstaad – Eggli nein ja Gstaad – Wispile nein ja Rougemont – La Videmanette nein ja Schönried – Horneggli nein ja Schönried – Rellerli nein ja Zweisimmen – Rinderberg nein ja ja ja Solothurn – Oensingen AVG Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Autoverkehr Grindelwald Autotransports de la Vallée de Joux Autobetrieb Weesen-Amden B BAB BBA 262 840 Bettmeralp Bahnen Busbetrieb Aarau Linie 2 und 4 BBE BBWAG 205 257 Bergbahnen Beckenried-Emmetten Bergbahnen Wildhaus AG Wildhaus – Oberdorf – Gamsalp BCD 236 Bergbahnen Chur-Dreibündenstein Chur – Känzeli – Brambrüesch BDGAG BDWM/Autw 225 899 Bergbahnen Destination Gstaad AG BDWM Transport Wohlen – Meisterschwanden 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 3 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials BDWM-bd Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 031 Linie Ligne Linea Line 282 BGF 114 201 BHAG 894 315 nein ja Engelberg – Trübsee – Kleintitlis nein ja Engstlen – Jochpass nein ja Trübsee – Jochpass nein ja nein ja ja ja nein ja BLAG Berg BLM 871 ja ja 872 ja ja 032 ja ja Thun – Brig ja ja Thun – Interlaken Ost ja ja Bern – Neuchâtel ja ja Brienzersee ja ja Burgdorf – Langnau ja ja Hasle-Rüegsau – Sumiswald-Grünen ja ja Solothurn – Burgdorf – Thun ja ja Bahnen Engelberg-Trübsee-Titlis AG Bergbahnen Grindelwald-First Busbetrieb Grenchen und Umgebung Bergbahnen Hohsaas AG Busland AG Busland AG Berg Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen-Mürren Lauterbrunnen – Mürren BLS/SBB BLS-bn BLS-brs BLS-ebt 4 500 034 183 045 3 Bergbahnen Engstligenalp AG Saas-Grund – Hohsaas BLAG STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Grindelwald – First BGU STP, STPF, STT ja Unter dem Birg (Adelboden) – Engstligenalp BET Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area BDWM Transport Wohlen – Bremgarten – Dietikon BEAG Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use BLS/SBB Thun-Brig/-Interlaken BLS AG BLS AG BLS AG T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials BLS-gbs BLS-mlb BLS-sez BLS-ths BLS-vhb BLT Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 052 062 076 192 092 037 Linie Ligne Linea Line BLWE BMH BOB BOB-spb 879 810 307 035 140 01.06.2015 793 STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Bern – Schwarzenburg ja ja Bern – Thun ja ja Busswil – Büren an der Aare ja ja Flamatt – Laupen ja ja Konolfingen – Luzern ja ja Murten/Morat – Lyss ja ja Spiez – Zweisimmen ja ja Thunersee ja ja Langenthal – Wolhusen ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja Hasliberg Reuti – Bidmi – Mägisalp nein ja Mägisalp – Planplatten (Alpen tower) nein ja Meiringen – Hasliberg Reuti nein ja Twing – Käserstatt nein ja Interlaken Ost – Grindelwald ja ja Interlaken Ost – Lauterbrunnen ja ja nein ja ja ja BLS AG BLS AG BLS AG BLS AG Baselland-Transport Automobildienste BLT Busbetrieb Lichtensteig-Wattwil-Ebnat-Kappel Bergbahnen Meiringen-Hasliberg AG Berner-Oberland-Bahnen Berner Oberland-Bahnen Wilderswil – Schynige Platte BOGG Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area BLS AG alle Linien BLT Auto Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Busbetrieb Olten-Gösgen-Gäu T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 5 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials BOS/rtb Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 138 Linie Ligne Linea Line BPG 826 191 104 BRSB 772 105 343 360 361 182 BVB 883 823 777 ja nein ja nein ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja ja ja 3 Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe Rorschach/Lindau Bielersee-Schifffahrtgesellschaft Busbetrieb Solothurn und Umgebung Basler Verkehrsbetriebe Linie 50: Basel SBB–Basel EuroAirport BWS nein Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe Romanshorn-Friedrichshafen Bielersee BSU ja Bergbahnen Sörenberg AG Rorschach – Wasserburg – Lindau BSG nein Braunwald-Standseilbahn AG Romanshorn – Friedrichshafen BSB Quer ja Busbetrieb Rapperswil-Eschenbach-Rüti ZH Sörenberg – Rossweid BSB Fähr ja Brienz-Rothorn-Bahn Linthal – Braunwald BSAG STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Basler Personenschifffahrts-Gesellschaft Brienz – Brienzer Rothorn BRER STP, STPF, STT Bus Ostschweiz (Wil) Basel-Rheinhafen (Dreiländereck) – Rheinfelden BRB Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Bus Ostschweiz (Rheintal) alle Linien bis Schweizer Grenze BOS/wimo Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Busbetrieb Wollerau-Samstagern 3 C CBV 212 Téléphérique Chalais-Briey-Vercorin Chalais – Vercorin CGN 184 CGN SA Lac Léman 6 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials CIT Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 286 Linie Ligne Linea Line CJ Auto 043 833 Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Cardada Impianti Turistici nein ja Glovelier – Le Noirmont – Tavannes ja ja La Chaux-de-Fonds – Le Noirmont –Tavannes ja ja Porrentruy – Bonfol ja ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja Orselina – Cardada – Cimetta CJ Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Chemins de fer du Jura Service d'automobiles CJ D DB/SH 353 Deutsche Bahn AG Schaffhausen – Thayngen/–Trasadingen/Erzingen DIH 159 Drahtseilbahn Interlaken-Heimwehfluh Interlaken – Heimwehfluh E EB 203 Luftseilbahn Engelberg-Brunni Engelberg – Ristis F FART 049 Ferrovie Autolinee Regionali Ticinesi Locarno – Camedo transito FART Auto FB 817 046 Servizio d'automobili FART Forchbahn Zürich Stadelhofen – Esslingen FE 269 Luftseilbahn Fiesch-Eggishorn Fiesch – Fiescheralp FE/FE 266 Luftseilbahn Fiesch-Eggishorn Fiescheralp – Eggishorn FHM 196 Zürichsee-Fähre Horgen-Meilen AG Horgen – Meilen 01.06.2015 3 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 3 7 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials FLP Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 047 Linie Ligne Linea Line 116 422 423 nein ja ja ja nein ja ja ja Col du Pillon – Cabane – Scex Rouge nein ja Reusch – Oldenegg nein ja Scex Rouge – Glacier des Diablerets nein ja Wabern – Gurten Kulm nein ja Zermatt – Gornergrat nein ja nein ja Kandersteg – Oeschinen nein ja Interlaken – Harder Kulm nein ja nein ja Funicolare Cassarate-Monte Brè Ferrovie Italiane dello Stato Ferrovie Italiane dello Stato Pino transito – Luino FW 051 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Iselle transito – Domodossola FS Luino STP, STPF, STT ja Cassarate – Monte Brè FS Domo Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Ferrovie Luganesi SA Lugano – Ponte Tresa FMB Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Frauenfeld-Wil-Bahn Frauenfeld – Wil G G3AG GB GGB GGM 261 122 121 312 Gstaad 3000 Gurtenbahn Bern AG Gornergrat Bahn Gondelbahn Grindelwald Grund-Männlichen Grindelwald Grund – Männlichen GKO 323 Gondelbahn Kandersteg-Oeschinensee AG H HB HKDS 123 253 Harderbahn Hoher Kasten Drehrestaurant und Seilbahn AG Brülisau – Hoher Kasten 8 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies Linie Ligne Linea Line Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% I ITRT 348 Impianti turistici Rivera - Monte Tamaro Rivera–Alpe Foppa (Monte Tamaro) nein ja Kleine Scheidegg – Jungfraujoch nein ja nein ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja nein ja nein ja J JB 124 Jungfraubahn 5 L LABB 306 Lauchernalp Bergbahnen AG Wiler – Lauchernalp LAF 204 Luftseilbahn Adliswil-Felsenegg Adliswil – Felsenegg LBB 274 Luftseilbahn Blatten – Belalp Blatten – Belalp LDN 250 Luftseilbahn Dallenwil-Niederrickenbach Niederrickenbach Station – Niederrickenbach Dorf LDW 254 Luftseilbahn Dallenwil-Wirzweli Dallenwil – Wirzweli LEB 055 Chemin de Fer Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher Lausanne – Echallens – Bercher LESt 264 Luftseilbahn Erlenbach-Stockhorn Erlenbach – Stockhorn LFüB 263 Luftseilbahn Fürgangen-Bellwald Fürgangen – Bellwald LGH 220 Luftseilbahn Grächen-Hannigalp Grächen – Hannigalp LGJ 244 Luftseilbahn Gampel-Jeizinen Gampel – Jeizinen LGP 272 Luftseilbahn Grindelwald-Pfingstegg Grindelwald – Pfingstegg 01.06.2015 3 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 9 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials LHB LJK Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 252 255 Linie Ligne Linea Line 310 248 228 ja Lenzerheide (Val Sporz) – Piz Scalottas nein ja Lenzerheide/Lai – Parpaner Rothorn nein ja nein ja nein ja nein ja nein ja nein ja Albinenleitern – Rinderhütte nein ja Leukerbad – Rinderhütte nein ja Luftseilbahn Jakobsbad-Kronberg Luftseilbahn Kalpetran-Embd Rigi Scheidegg AG Luftseilbahn Kandersteg-Stock (Gemmi) AG Kandersteg – Sunnbüel LKüS 281 Luftseilbahn Küssnacht a/R-Seebodenalp AG Küssnacht am Rigi – Seebodenalp LLAT LLB 297 855 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% nein Kräbel – Rigi Scheidegg LKS STP, STPF, STT Churwalden – Alp Stätz Kalpetran – Embd LKR Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Lenzerheide Bergbahnen Jakobsbad – Kronberg LKE Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Torrent-Bahnen Leukerbad-Albinen Auto Leuk-Leukerbad ja LLG 229 273 319 189 226 332 nein ja ja ja nein ja nein ja Luftseilbahn Raron-Eischoll Raron – Eischoll 10 ja Luftseilbahn Obergschwend – Rigi-Burggeist Obergschwend – Burggeist LRE nein Société de Navigation sur les Lacs de Neuchâtel et Morat Lacs de Neuchâtel et Morat LORB ja Luftseilbahn Morschach - Stoos Morschach – Stoos LNM nein Sportbahnen Marbachegg AG Marbach – Marbachegg LMS ja Luftseilbahn Leukerbad-Gemmipass Leukerbad – Gemmipass LMM 6 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials LRF Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 232 Linie Ligne Linea Line 276 211 LSC LSF LSG LSH 283 249 234 280 270 nein ja ja ja Eisee – Brienzer Rothorn nein ja Sörenberg – Brienzer Rothorn nein ja Sils Maria – Furtschellas (Prasüra) nein ja Surlej/Silvaplana – Corvatsch nein ja Furggstalden – Heidbodme nein ja Saas Almagell – Furggstalden nein ja Saas-Fee – Hannig nein ja Saas-Fee – Längfluh nein ja Saas-Fee – Mittelallalin nein ja Saas-Fee – Plattjen nein ja Stalden – Staldenried nein ja Staldenried – Gspon nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja nein ja nein ja Rosswald Bahnen AG Luftseilbahn Raron-Unterbäch Luftseilbahn Sörenberg-Brienzer Rothorn AG Luftseilbahn Surlej-Silvaplana-Corvatsch Saastal Bergbahnen AG Luftseilbahn Stalden-Gspon Luftseilbahn Schattdorf-Haldi Schattdorf – Haldi LSMS/MS 268 Luftseilbahn Mürren-Schilthorn Mürren – Schilthorn LSMS-lsms 256 Luftseilbahn Stechelberg-Mürren-Schilthorn Stechelberg – Mürren LSMS-sbm 141 Schilthornbahn Mürren – Allmendhubel LSS 213 Luftseilbahn Schwägalp-Säntis Schwägalp – Säntis 01.06.2015 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Raron – Unterbäch LSBR STP, STPF, STT nein Ried bei Brig – Rosswald LRU Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Luftseilbahn Rhäzüns-Feldis AG Rhäzüns – Feldis/Veulden LRR Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 11 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials LTUO Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 290 Linie Ligne Linea Line 214 215 216 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja nein ja nein ja nein ja Morges – Apples – Bière ja ja Morges – L'Isle-Mont-la-Ville ja ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Luftseilbahn Unterterzen-Flumserberg AG Luftseilbahn Wasserauen-Ebenalp AG Wasserauen – Ebenalp LWM STP, STPF, STT nein Unterterzen – Oberterzen – Tannenbodenalp LWE Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Luftseilbahn Turtmann-Unterems-Oberems Turtmann – Oberems LUFAG Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Luftseilbahn Wengen-Männlichen Wengen – Männlichen M MBC MBC Auto MBC-cg 029 764 344 Transports de la région Morges-Bière-Cossonay Service d'automobiles MBC Transports de la Région-Morges-Bière-Cossonay Cossonay-Penthalaz – Cossonay-Ville MBF 265 Maschgenkammbahnen Flumserberg Tannenboden – Maschgenkamm MG 129 Ferrovia Monte Generoso Capolago – Generoso MGB/asng MGB/Autofo MGB-bvz 742 851 093 Automobildienst MGB Automobildienst MGB Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn Brig – Zermatt MGB-fo 048 Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn Brig – Disentis MIB 132 Meiringen-Innertkirchen-Bahn Meiringen – Innnertkirchen 12 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials MOB Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 064 Linie Ligne Linea Line 134 130 042 125 131 155 nein ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera Montreux – Haut-de-Caux MVR-vcp ja Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera Sonloup – Les Avants MVR-mtgn ja Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera Vevey – Blonay – Les Pléiades MVR-las STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera Haut-de-Caux – Rochers-de-Naye MVR-cev STP, STPF, STT Società della Ferrovia Lugano-Monte San Salvatore Lugano-Paradiso – Monte San Salvatore MVR/HR Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Chemin de fer Montreux-Oberland Bernois Montreux – Zweisimmen – Lenk i. S. MS Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera Vevey-Funi – Chardonne-Jongny – Mont-Pèlerin N NB 135 Niesenbahn AG Mülenen – Niesen Kulm NHB-bbb 149 Niederhornbahn AG Beatenbucht – Beatenberg, Station NHB-nhb 239 Niederhornbahn AG Beatenberg – Niederhorn NStCM 066 Chemin de fer Nyon-St.Cergue-Morez Nyon – La Cure P PAG PAG Berg PAG/RA 801 802 787 PostAuto Schweiz AG PostAuto Schweiz AG Berg Autobus Monthey-Collombey-Vouvry Monthey – Collombey – Vouvry 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 13 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials PAGT PB PBF-stp PIZAG POSTBUS A Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 342 136 288 287 703 Linie Ligne Linea Line 223 Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Pradaschier AG Top Churwalden – Pargitsch nein ja Alpnachstad – Pilatus Kulm nein ja Luzern – Kriens – Pilatus Kulm nein ja Tannenheim – Prodalp – Prodkamm nein ja Bad Ragaz – Pardiel – Laufböden nein ja Wangs – Furt – Pizolhütte nein ja nein ja Ftan Fionas – Natéas nein ja Scuol – Motta Naluns nein ja Martigny – Orsières/Le Châble ja ja Arth-Goldau – Rigi Kulm ja ja Vitznau – Rigi Kulm ja ja Weggis – Rigi Kaltbad ja ja ja ja Bern – Solothurn ja ja Bern – Unterzollikofen ja ja Bern – Worblaufen – Worb Dorf ja ja ja ja ja ja Pilatus-Bahnen Prodkammbahnen Flumserberg AG Pizolbahnen AG ÖBB Postbus GmbH Nauders, Mühle – Landeck PSFS Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Pendicularas Motta Naluns Scuol-Ftan-Sent SA R RA RB RBL RBS RBS Auto REGO 14 074 137 873 088 850 896 RegionAlps SA Rigi-Bahnen AG Regionalbus Lenzburg AG Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn Automobildienst RBS Regiobus Gossau SG T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials RhB RhB Auto RMA-tapm Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 072 865 294 Linie Ligne Linea Line 846 Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Rhätische Bahn Chur – Arosa ja ja Chur – Disentis/Mustér ja ja Chur – Landquart – Davos ja ja Chur – Landquart – Vereina – Scuol-Tarasp ja ja Chur – Thusis – St.Moritz ja ja Klosters – Filisur ja ja Pontresina – Samedan – Scuol-Tarasp ja ja St.Moritz – Pontresina – Tirano ja ja St.Moritz – Samedan ja ja ja ja nein ja nein ja nein ja ja ja ja ja nein ja ja ja nein ja Autoverkehr RhB Remontées Mécanique du Wildhorn Anzère – Pas-de-Maimbré RVSH Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Regionale Verkehrsbetriebe Schaffhausen S SAD Auto 704 Automobildienst SAD AG Martina, cunfin – Malles, stazione SBB 011 Schweizerische Bundesbahnen alle Linien SBB Bus SBB GmbH SBC 702 351 766 Automobildienst SBB SBB GmbH Stadtbus Chur AG inklusiv Engadin Bus SBG 354 Südbadenbus GmbH Singen – Stein am Rhein 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 15 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials SBS SBW SGG Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 195 882 180 Linie Ligne Linea Line 181 185 186 ja Romanshorn – Friedrichshafen ja ja Rorschach – Lindau ja ja Rorschach – Rheineck ja ja Rorschach – Romanshorn – Kreuzlingen – Insel Mainau ja ja Rorschach – Wasserburg – Lindau ja ja ja ja 3 nein ja 3 ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja Service d'automobiles SMC ja ja Sierre – Montana Gare ja ja nein ja nein ja ja nein ja ja ja ja Stadtbus Winterthur Schifffahrts-Genossenschaft Greifensee Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Hallwilersees Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Zugersees Zugersee SHAG 240 Sattel-Hochstuckli AG Sattel - Hochstuckli SMC SMF-lsm 142 222 Transports Sierre-Montana-Crans Sportbahnen Melchsee-Frutt Stöckalp – Melchsee-Frutt SMtS 143 Funiculaire St-Imier - Mont-Soleil SA St-Imier – Mont-Soleil SNCF STS 428 SNCF Swiss Travel System Le Châtelard – Frontière – Chamonix SNL 188 Società di Navigazione Lago di Lugano Lago di Lugano SNL Auto 16 737 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Vierwaldstättersee SGZ STP, STPF, STT Arbon – Langenargen – Friedrichshafen Halwilersee SGV Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Schweizerische Bodensee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft AG Greifensee SGH Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Servizio d'automobili SNL T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials SOB-bt Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 036 Linie Ligne Linea Line 082 347 235 ja ja nein ja nein ja ja ja nein ja ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja nein ja Zürich HB – Adliswil – Langnau-Gattikon – Sihlwald ja ja 3 Zürich HB – Triemli – Uetliberg ja ja 3 ja ja 3 Alt St. Johann – Alp Selamatt nein ja Unterwasser – Illtios – Chäserrugg nein ja Schweizerische Südostbahn AG 424 Seilbahn Rickenbach-Rotenflue Società Subalpina di Imprese Ferroviare Camedo transito – Domodossola SthB 145 Stanserhornbahn Stans – Stanserhorn STI StSS 146 112 Verkehrsbetriebe STI AG Standseilbahn Schwyz-Stoos AG Schlattli – Stoos SVB 106 Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe Bern Worb Dorf – Gümligen – Bern – Bern, Fischermätteli SVB/kmb SWAG 721 202 Städt. Verkehrsbetriebe Bern Seilbahn Weissenstein AG Oberdorf - Weissenstein SZU SZU Auto 078 807 3 Seilbahn Ried Illgau Rickenbach–Rotenflue SSIF STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Illgau – Ried SRR STP, STPF, STT ja Arth-Goldau – Biberbrugg – Rapperswil/Wädenswil/Einsiedeln SRI Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Schweizerische Südostbahn AG Nesslau-Neu St.Johann – St.Gallen – Romanshorn SOB-sob Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Sihltal-Zürich-Uetliberg-Bahn Automobildienst SZU T TBBU 01.06.2015 113 Toggenburg Bergbahnen AG T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 17 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials TCP Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 217 Linie Ligne Linea Line 277 TL TL-lo 065 151 127 330 nein ja Schaffhausen – Kreuzlingen – Romanshorn ja ja Wil – Weinfelden – Kreuzlingen – Konstanz ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja Télé. Dorénaz-Champex-d'Alesse THURBO AG Transport publics de la Région Lausannoise SA Tranport public de la Région Lausannoise SA Télémorgins SA Morgins – La Foilleuse TMR Auto 835 Service d'automobiles TMR Toutes les lignes jusqu'à la frontière Suisse TMR-mc 061 TPC/Autbvb 818 852 ja TPC-al 722 023 ja ja ja Service d'automobiles TPC Service d'automobiles TPC 024 027 ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Transports Publics du Chablais Transports Publics du Chablais Aigle – Le Sépey – Les Diablerets 18 ja Transports Publics du Chablais Aigle – Ollon – Monthey – Champéry TPC-asd 8 Service d'automobiles TPC (Aigle-Villeneuve) Aigle – Leysin-Grand-Hôtel TPC-aomc ja ja ja TPC/Autova 7 Transports de Martigny et Régions Martigny – Châtelard-Frontière TPC/Auaomc STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Epalinges, Croisettes – Ouchy TM STP, STPF, STT nein Dorénaz – Champex-d'Alesse THURBO Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Télé Champéry - Crosets Portes du Soleil SA Champéry – Planachaux TDCA Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials TPC-bvb Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 039 Linie Ligne Linea Line TPF Auto TPN TRAVYS/ays TRAVYS/tpy TRAVYS-oc 834 738 868 895 067 069 nein ja Bulle – Broc ja ja Fribourg/Freiburg – Murten/Morat – Ins ja ja Palézieux – Châtel-St-Denis – Bulle – Montbovon ja ja Romont – Bulle ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja La Chaux-de-Fonds – Les Ponts-de-Martel ja ja Le Locle – Les Brenets ja ja Transports publics fribourgeois Service d'automobiles TPF Transports Publics de la Région Nyonnaise Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-Ste-Croix Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-Ste-Croix Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-Ste-Croix Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-Ste-Croix Le Day – Le Brassus TRAVYS-ysc 097 Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-Ste-Croix Yverdon-les-Bains – Ste-Croix TRI 227 Téléphérique Riddes-Isérables Riddes – Isérables TRN/Autovr TRN/Autrvt TRN-cmn 01.06.2015 156 796 044 STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja Orbe – Chavornay TRAVYS-pbr STP, STPF, STT ja Villars-sur-Ollon – Col-de-Bretaye 053 Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Transports Publics du Chablais Bex – Villars-sur-Ollon TPF Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Service d'automobiles TRN Service d'automobiles TRN Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 19 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials TRN-rvt Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 073 Linie Ligne Linea Line TSB 153 154 TTM-tmpf 853 259 STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% ja ja La Coudre - Chaumont ja ja übrige Linien ja ja nein ja ja ja nein ja Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA Treib-Seelisberg-Bahn Treib – Seelisberg TSD-asdt Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA Buttes – Travers TRN-tn Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Auto Sion-Dixence-Thyon 2000 Funiculaire/Téléphérique Moléson sur Gruyère - Le Moléson Moléson-Village – Plan-Francey – Le Moléson U URh 193 Schweizerische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Untersee und Rhein Untersee und Rhein ja 4 ja V VB VB-be 889 101 Verkehrsbetriebe Biel 103 VBG VBH VBL 20 740 773 799 820 nein ja ja ja nein ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Verkehrsbetriebe Biel Biel/Bienne – Magglingen VBD ja Verkehrsbetriebe Biel Biel/Bienne – Evilard VB-bm nein Verkehrsbetrieb Davos Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal VBG 3 Verkehrsbetriebe Herisau Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern AG T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials VBZ VLM VMCV VZO Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 849 805 876 838 Linie Ligne Linea Line Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich 3 ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja 3 Grindelwald – Kleine Scheidegg nein ja 5 Wengen – Kleine Scheidegg nein ja 5 ja ja ja ja Aarau – Menziken ja ja Aarau – Schöftland ja ja Luzern – Interlaken Ost ja ja Luzern – Stans – Engelberg ja ja Sunnegga – Rothorn nein ja Zermatt – Klein Matterhorn nein ja Zermatt – Schwarzsee nein ja Zermatt – Sunnegga nein ja ja ja Verkehrsbetrieb LIECHTENSTEINmobil Transports publics Vevey-Montreux-Chillon-Villeneuve Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland W WAB WAB/LW 157 150 Wengernalpbahn Wengernalpbahn Lauterbrunnen-Wengen Lauterbrunnen – Wengen WB 094 Waldenburgerbahn Waldenburg – Liestal WSB 096 Wynental- und Suhrental-Bahn Z ZB ZBAG ZBB 086 299 158 Zentralbahn Zermatt Bergbahnen AG Zugerberg-Bahn Schönegg – Zugerberg 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 21 Initialen Initiales Iniziali Initials ZSG Code Transportunternehmen Codes Entreprises de transport Codice Imprese di trasporto Code Transport Companies 194 Linie Ligne Linea Line Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, STT STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Zürichsee Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Zürichsee ZVB 839 ja ja ja ja 3 Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe AG Zeichenerklärung: 1) SC = Transfertage SC = Jours de transfert SC = Giorni in transferta SC = Transfer days 2) unverbindliche Angaben à titre indicatif Indicazioni con riserva di modifiche subject to change 3) Billette im Nahverkehrsbereich (ZVV): Ermässigung zwischen 20% und 50% Billets du trafic local (ZVV): Réduction entre 20% et 50% Biglietti per il traffico locale (ZVV) con sconto dal 20% al 50% Tickets for local traffic (ZVV): Reduction between 20% and 50% 4) Nur für Fahrten mit URh−Schiffen Seulement pour les courses effectuées par des bateaux de l'URh Soltanto per corse effettuate con battelli dell'URh Only valid on boats URh 5) STP, STPF, STPY: Ermässigung von 25% statt 50% STP, STPF, STPY: Réduction de 25% au lieu de 50% STP, STPF, STPY: Riduzione di 25% invece di 50% STP, STPF, STPY: Reduction of 25% instead of 50% 6) nur/suelement/solo/only Leuk – Leukerbad 7) nur/suelement/solo/only Orsières – Le Grand – St-Bernard / Orsières – Champex / Orsières – Ferret 22 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Anwendungsbereich Tarif 673 Champ d'application Tarif 673 Campo d'applizione Tariffa 673 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies BBA 840 Busbetrieb Aarau ja ja SZU Auto 807 Automobildienst SZU ja ja TPC/Autbvb 852 Service d'automobiles TPC nein ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja RVBW 886 Regionale Verkehrsbetriebe BadenWettingen ja ja BVB 823 Basler Verkehrsbetriebe ja ja CB 728 Commune de Bassins ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja DMB 119 Drahtseilbahn Marzili-Stadt Bern AG ja nein SVB Auto 827 Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe Bern ja ja A Aarau Adliswil 3 Aigle Avenches B Baden/Wettingen Basel Bassins Bellinzona Bern 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 1 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies VB 889 Verkehrsbetriebe Biel ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja BLT Auto 879 Automobildienste BLT ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja BOS/rtb 138 Bus Ostschweiz (Rheintal) nein ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja BLAG 871 Busland AG ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja AMSA 736 Autolinea Mendrisiense nein ja SBC 766 Stadtbus Chur AG ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja VBD 740 Verkehrsbetrieb Davos nein ja Biel/Bienne Boll/Utzigen/Obermoos Bottmingen Brig Buchs SG Bülach Burgdorf Bussigny C Chiasso Chur D Däniken Davos 2 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies TUD 725 Transports urbains delémontais ja ja BLT Auto 879 Automobildienste BLT ja ja VBL 820 Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern AG ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja AAGR 812 Auto AG Rothenburg nein ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja SBF 797 Stadtbus Frauenfeld ja ja TPF/tf 791 Services d'automobiles TPF ja ja Delémont Dornach E Ebikon Eglisau Emmen Erlenbach ZH 3 F Frauenfeld Fribourg/Freiburg G Genève (toutes les lignes jusqu’à la frontière suisse) SMGN 199 Société des Mouettes Genevoises Navigation ja ja TPG 881 Transports publics genevois ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG nein ja 773 Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal VBG ja ja Gland Glattbrugg/Opfikon VBG 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 3 3 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies REGO 896 Regiobus Gossau SG ja ja BGU 894 Busbetrieb Grenchen und Umgebung ja ja VBH 799 Verkehrsbetriebe Herisau ja ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja 3 SZU Auto 807 Automobildienst SZU ja ja 3 PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja VBZ 849 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich ja ja 3 VBG 773 Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal VBG ja ja 3 VSK-bkk 727 Verkehrsbetriebe Kreuzlingen ja ja TRN/tc 792 Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA ja ja ASM Auto 870 Automobildienste Aare Seeland mobil ja ja Gossau SG Grenchen H Herisau Herrliberg Horgen I Interlaken K Kilchberg Kloten Kreuzlingen L La Chaux-de-Fonds Langenthal 4 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies TL 151 Transport publics de la Région Lausannoise SA ja ja TRN/tc 792 Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA ja ja RBL 873 Regionalbus Lenzburg AG ja ja AAGL 811 Autobus AG Liestal nein ja FART Auto 817 Servizio d'automobili FART ja ja TPL 955 Trasporti Pubblici Luganesi ja ja VBL 820 Verkehrsbetriebe Luzern AG ja ja RBS Auto 850 Automobildienst RBS ja ja BUM 713 Bus urbain de Martigny ja ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja MBC Auto 764 Service d'automobiles MBC ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja Lausanne Le Locle Lenzburg Liestal Locarno Lugano Luzern Lyss M Martigny Meilen 3 Monthey/Collombey-Muraz Morges Moutier 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 5 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja TRN-tn 153 Transports Publics Neuchâtelois SA ja ja BNP 741 Bus Nyon-Prangins ja ja BLT Auto 879 Automobildienste BLT ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja BOGG 793 Busbetrieb Olten-Gösgen-Gäu ja ja TRAVYS/tpy 895 Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-SteCroix ja ja TUB 707 Transports Urbains Bruntrutains ja ja AAGL 811 Autobus AG Liestal nein ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja Münsingen N Neuchâtel Nyon O Oberwil Oensingen Olten Orbe P Porrentruy Pratteln R Rapperswil/Jona 3 Rheinfelden 6 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Rolle ja ja Rorschach/Goldach/Rorschacherberg ("seebus") VBSG 885 Verkehrsbetriebe der Stadt St.Gallen ja ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja VBSH 836 Verkehrsbetriebe Schaffhausen ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja BS 714 Bus Sierrois nein ja BCS 765 Bus Commune Sion ja ja BSU 883 Busbetrieb Solothurn und Umgebung ja ja VBSG 885 Verkehrsbetriebe der Stadt St.Gallen ja ja OBSM 716 Ortsbus St. Moritz nein ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja 3 SZU Auto 807 Automobildienst SZU ja ja 3 Rüti ZH 3 S Schaffhausen Scuol Sierre Sion Solothurn St. Gallen St. Moritz Stäfa T Thalwil 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 7 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies STI 146 Verkehrsbetriebe STI AG ja ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja VMCV 876 Transports publics Vevey-MontreuxChillon-Villeneuve ja ja SZU Auto 807 Automobildienst SZU ja ja 3 VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja 3 VBG 773 Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal VBG ja ja 3 PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja VZO 838 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürichsee und Oberland ja ja Thun U Uetikon 3 Uitikon Uster 3 Uzwil V Vevey/Montreux W Wädenswil Wald Wallisellen Wettswil Wetzikon 8 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 3 01.06.2015 Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies BOS/wimo 826 Bus Ostschweiz (Wil) nein ja SBW 882 Stadtbus Winterthur ja ja PAG 801 PostAuto Schweiz AG ja ja TRAVYS/tpy 895 Transports Vallée de Joux-Yverdon-SteCroix ja ja ZVB 839 Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe AG ja ja DBZ 164 Dolderbahn Zürich ja ja 3 PBZ 165 Polybahn Zürich ja ja 3 VBZ 849 Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich ja ja 3 Wil SG Winterthur 3 Wohlen AG Y Yverdon Z Zug Zürich 01.06.2015 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 9 Städte Initialen Code Transportunternehmen des Ortsverkehrs Villes Initiales Code Entreprises de transport du trafic local Città Iniziale Codice Imprese di trasporto del traffico locale Towns Initials Code Urban Transport Companies Geltungsbereich Rayon de Validité Raggio di Validità Area of free use STP, STPF Halbtaxbereich Rayon de validité DT Raggio di validi-tà MP Half-fare area STP, STPF, SHFC 50% Zeichenerklärung: 1) SC = Transfertage SC = Jours de transfert SC = Giorni in transferta SC = Transfer days 2) unverbindliche Angaben à titre indicatif Indicazioni con riserva di modifiche subject to change 3) Billette im Nahverkehrsbereich (ZVV): Ermässigung zwischen 20% und 50% Billets du trafic local (ZVV): Réduction entre 20% et 50% Biglietti per il traffico locale (ZVV) con sconto dal 20% al 50% Tickets for local traffic (ZVV): Reduction between 20% and 50% 4) Nur für Fahrten mit URh−Schiffen Seulement pour les courses effectuées par des bateaux de l'URh Soltanto per corse effettuate con battelli dell'URh Only valid on boats URh 5) STP, STPF, STPY: Ermässigung von 25% statt 50% STP, STPF, STPY: Réduction de 25% au lieu de 50% STP, STPF, STPY: Riduzione di 25% invece di 50% STP, STPF, STPY: Reduction of 25% instead of 50% 10 T673 – Anwendungsbereich / Champ d'application / Campo d'applicazione 01.06.2015 T673 2 1 Areas of validity and applicability 01.06.2015 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 0 General terms STP - STPF 0.1 General 0.1.000 Unless otherwise stipulated in tariff 673, the terms of the Swiss Travel Pass (STP) and Swiss Travel Pass Flex (STPF) also apply to the Swiss Travel Pass packages at the discounted price for young people and children, and to the net offers for tour operators (STPN/STPFN). 0.2 Validity 0.2.000 The STP offers the following entitlements during its period of validity while the STPF offers this on all validated days of travel: • unlimited travel on the routes of the railway, boat and bus companies shown by solid lines on the official STS validity area map. • unlimited travel on the networks of the urban transport companies in the cities marked by a red/white dot on the official STS validity area map. • the purchase of an unlimited number of tickets at the discounted price with the transport companies shown by dotted lines on the official STS validity area map (STP and STPF tickets count as Half - Fare travelcards) • the purchase of an unlimited number of RailAway packages with the GA travelcard reduction if the area of validity of the GA is the same as that of the Swiss Pass for the selected package. • free entry to all museums and exhibitions participating in the Swiss Museum Pass. A list of these museums is available from www.museumspass.ch. 0.2.001 Owing to shortage of space, not all lines are shown on the overview map. Please refer to the area of applicability for the details. Please refer to tariff 673.0, Section 1 for the map and area of applicability. 0.2.002 The STP and STPF do not include entitlement to purchase • a Monthly Card for Half - Fare Card as per T654 • a Gleis 7 Pass as per T654 0.2.003 The first day of validity is considered a whole day for the calculation of the validity period. The validity period starts at 00:00 hr on the first day of validity and expires at 05:00 hr on the day after the last day of validity. 0.2.004 Example: First day of validity Last day of validity ? 3 days 4 days 8 days 15 days 1 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 8 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 15 Apr 22 Apr 31 Jan 2 Feb 3 Feb 7 Feb 14 Feb 0.2.005 In the case of the STPF, the validity period refers only to the peripheral validity period of one month. The owner must enter the days of validity into the relevant fields with a ballpoint pen before starting the first journey. On the validated travel days, the STPF authorises the holder to free travel and the purchase of tickets at a discount in the same way as the STP. On the other days, there is no claim to further services. The STPF only serves as a Museum Pass on the validated travel days. 0.2.006 The validity of STS tickets in connection with cross-border tickets is regulated in the international tariffs. 0.3 Use/supplements/class upgrades 0.3.000 The STP/STPF applies on all general passenger transport trains and services. 0.3.001 Passengers must present their passport or identity card without being prompted. 0.3.002 Charges apply for compulsory seat reservations and/or supplements on certain trains/boats/buses: e.g. Glacier Express, Bernina Express, Wilhelm Tell Express, Swiss Chocolate Train. 0.3.003 To travel in 1st class with a 2nd class STP/STPF, half of the difference between the standard fares on the route in question must be paid. 0.3.004 One - day upgrades for a 2nd class STP/STPF can be purchased as per T654. 01.06.2015 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 1 T673 0.4 Children 0.4.000 Children aged between 6 and 15.99 years pay half of the price of the STP/STPF unless they are travelling with at least one of their parents (see point 0.8). The reference date for determining the age is the first day of the validity period. Children pay half of the normal ticket price on routes within the Half - Fare travelcard area. 0.5 Families 0.5.000 See T673.0 Section 0.8 0.6 Young people 0.6.000 Young people aged between 16 and 25.99 years pay 85% of the price of the STP/STPF (= 15% discount). The reference date for determining the age is the first day of the validity period. 1 Packages 1.1 Swiss Travel Pass (STP) 1.1.000 The STP is available with a validity of 3, 4, 8 or 15 consecutive days of travel in 1st or 2nd class. 1.2 Swiss Travel Pass Flex (STPF) 1.2.000 The STPF is available with a validity of 3, 4, 8 or 15 freely selectable days of travel in one month in 1st or 2nd class. 1.2.001 The STPF does not offer entitlement to use services such as the Half - Fare discount or the Museum Pass between the validated days of travel. 2 Special packages 2.1 Swiss Travel Pass Net / Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net (STPN / STPFN) 2.1.000 Net offers for the STP and STPF packages for incoming tour operators are also available. These apply only as part of a package tour (as defined by STS AG). 2.1.001 The STPN is issued for 3, 4, 8 or 15 consecutive days of travel and the STPFN for 3, 4, 8, 15 freely selectable days of travel within one month in 1st and 2nd class. 2.1.002 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the standard STP and STPF packages. 2.1.003 Net offers do not show the fare on the ticket. 2.1.004 Please refer to T673, Section 6. 2.2 Swiss Travel Pass AD75 (STP AD75) Swiss Travel Pass Flex AD75 (STPF AD75) 2.2.000 The Swiss Travel Pass AD75 (AD= Agent Discount) are STP packages with a 75% discount. The STP AD75 are issued to travel agents, media representatives and employees of Switzerland Tourism. 2.2.001 The STP AD75 are issued with a validity of 3, 4, 8 or 15 consecutive days in 1st or 2nd class. 2.2.002 The Swiss Travel Pass Flex AD75 (AD= Agent Discount) are STPF packages with a 75% discount. The STPF AD75 are issued to travel agents, media representatives and employees of Switzerland Tourism. 2.2.004 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the standard Swiss Travel Pass and Swiss Travel Pass Flex packages. 2.2.003 The STPF AD75 are issued with a validity of 3, 4, 8 or 15 freely selectable days within one month in 1st or 2nd class. 2.2.005 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.3 Swiss Travel Pass Complimentary (STPC) 2.3.000 The Swiss Travel Pass Complimentary STPC (=free ticket) is issued free of charge for marketing and promotion purposes, e.g. for competitions and/or media trips. 2.3.001 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the Swiss Travel Pass. 2.3.002 The STPC does not show the price on the ticket. 2.3.003 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.4 Swiss Travel Pass Tour Guide (STPT) 2.4.000 The Swiss Travel Pass Tour Guide is issued to the employees of incoming tour operators who work either as tour guides or buyers. 2.4.001 The STPT may have a seasonal validity period of several months. 2.4.002 The services and terms of the STPT correspond to those of the Swiss Travel Pass except that it does not serve as a Swiss Museum Pass. 2.4.003 2 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 01.06.2015 T673 The STPT is issued in the form of a travelcard with a manually issued basic card (not on KUBA customer database). The basic card has a validity period of five years and must bear a photograph of the owner. 2.4.004 The STPT is issued electronically by the Railticketing system or manually by Swiss Travel System AG (STS AG) in Zurich. 2.4.005 The STPT does not show the price on the travelcard. 2.4.006 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.5 Special offers and promotions 2.5.000 Packages with validities and services differing from the terms shown above may be put together for promotions, special offers or special events. These packages must be posted on the public transport info portal with a service description and specimens in advance. 2.5.001 These tickets are issued either manually by Swiss Travel System AG (STS AG) in Zurich or electronically via Railticketing and Euronet by selected tour operators. 3 Ticket issue 3.1 Issuing offices 3.1.000 International: An up-to-date list of issuing offices can be found at www.swisstravelsystem.com/verkaufsstellen 3.1.001 Switzerland: Tourist offices and travel agents who have concluded a contract with STS AG, all SBB outlets and many outlets of the licensed transport operators. 3.2 Electronic ticketing 3.2.000 Electronic ticket issue via distribution systems: • Prisma and Railticketing in Switzerland • Railticketing in European travel agencies • Overseas travel agencies via the "Euronet" sales system • Some European railways via their own sales systems • ACP Rail International via RailNet 3.3 Manual ticketing 3.3.000 Manual issue: Manual STT tickets are issued by Swiss Travel System AG (STS AG) in Zurich. 3.4 E-tickets 3.4.000 E-tickets (print@home) are available only via the SBB Ticketshop (B2C) and SBB Businesstravel (B2B). 3.4.001 Unless otherwise stipulated in T673.1, the terms for e-tickets as per T600 point 4 and T600.9 point 70 apply correspondingly also to STP print@home tickets. 3.5 Format 3.5.000 STP and STPF tickets are issued in the IATA format. STP tickets are also issued as e-tickets. Only special STP tickets such as the Swiss Travel Pass Tour Guide (STPT) are issued in the smaller travelcard format. 4 Extensions - exchanges - replacements 4.1 Extensions 4.1.000 An STP/STPF can only be extended if exchanged during the validity period. 4.2 Exchanges 4.2.000 Exchanges of a 2nd class STP or STPF for a 1st class STP or STPF or for a longer validity period (e.g. from 4 to 8 days) can be done only at the Swiss railway stations listed in point 3 Ticket issue - 3.1 Issuing offices on payment of the price difference and a supplement of CHF 25. 4.2.001 Procedure: • Cancel the STP/STPF ticket that is handed in. If the STP/STPF was issued in a foreign currency, an STP/STPF in CHF for the same time period can be cancelled. • Issue the new STP/STPF ticket. The first day of validity must be the same. • If an STPF ticket is exchanged, the travel days that have already been validated must be crossed out. • Collect the difference in CHF plus the supplement. 01.06.2015 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 3 T673 • The supplement must be booked under Prisma item 6050 "Swiss Travel Pass − Verlängerung" and be stapled to the cancelled STP/STPF ticket. 4.3 Replacements 4.3.000 In the event of loss or theft, the STP/STPF is not replaced. 5 Refunds 5.1 Unused STP/STPF tickets 5.1.000 Enter travel days (dates) at the time of issue STP/STPF tickets that have not been used and are returned before the first day of validity can be refunded. STPF tickets can be refunded before the first day of validity is entered. Refund to the customer: the price that was paid minus 15%. 5.2 STP/STPF that have been partially used 5.2.000 A request must be sent to the issuing office within one year. Issuing offices in Switzerland that use Prisma can perform the partial refund on the system. Other issuing offices must forward the request to: Swiss Federal Railways SBB, Personenverkehr/P−FI−CSA, Wylerstrasse 123/125, 3000 Berne 65 5.2.001 Partial non-use is deemed to be proven in the following cases: • Illness or accident, on presentation of the respective documents • Presentation for refund at the place where travel was interrupted • Confirmation from PTE • The ticket is sent by post from the place where travel was interrupted to the issuing office 5.2.002 If no proof of partial non-use can be presented, there is no claim to a refund. 5.2.003 Partially used STP/STPF AD75 and STP/STPF ST75 tickets cannot be refunded. 5.2.004 The following refund rates apply to the Swiss Travel Pass and Swiss Travel Pass Flex including the Child and Youth price categories. The following percentages may be refunded. Amounts must be rounded to CHF 1. No processing fee may be charged as this is included in the percentages. Number of days used 4 STP / STPF STP / STPF STP / STPF STP / STPF 3 days 4 days 8 days 15 days 1 46% 60% 78% 71% 2 13% 35% 50% 56% 3 ? 10% 33% 42% 4 ? ? 15% 27% 5 ? ? 8% 21% 6 ? ? 0% 15% 7 ? ? 0% 9% 8 ? ? ? 0% 9 ? ? ? 0% 10 ? ? ? 0% 11 ? ? ? 0% 12 ? ? ? 0% 13 ? ? ? 0% 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 01.06.2015 T673 14 ? ? ? 0% 15 ? ? ? ? 5.2.005 Example "Swiss Travel Pass" 8 days: Price SP 8 days, 2nd class, adult: CHF 363.00 Days used: 5 days Refund in %: 8% (as per table above) Calculation of refund amount: CHF 363 * 8% = CHF 29.04 Amount to be paid out: CHF 29 (rounded down to closest CHF 1) 5.3 Refund for STP as e-ticket 5.3.000 Unused STP tickets as e-tickets can be refunded as follows before the validity period begins: • STP tickets purchased from SBB Ticketshop (B2C) cannot be refunded. For exceptions, see T600.9 point 70. • STP tickets purchased from SBB Businesstravel (B2B) can be refunded for free in the event of a service error. Otherwise, a refund with a 15% processing fee is possible. 5.3.001 Partially used print@home STP tickets cannot be refunded. 5.4 Forgotten STP/STPF 5.4.000 Tickets purchased in place of a forgotten STP/STPF must be marked as per T600.9 point 22. 5.4.001 These tickets can be refunded as follows (refunds only possible at railway stations in Switzerland): • Max. one occasion (3 tickets) • CHF 5 processing fee 01.06.2015 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 5 T673 6 2 Swiss Travel Pass STP / Swiss Travel Pass Flex STPF 01.06.2015 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT 0 General terms for STT 0.1 General 0.1.000 Unless otherwise stipulated in tariff 673, the terms of the Swiss Transfer Ticket (STT) also apply to the Swiss Transfer Ticket packages at the discounted price for children, and to the net offers for tour operators. 0.2 Validity 0.2.000 The STT is valid from the first day of transfer for a maximum of one month. During its validity period it entitles to the following: • outgoing journey on the first day of transfer between a border or airport station in Switzerland and the destination station on the routes of the railway, boat and bus companies shown with solid lines on the validity area map. The journey must be as direct as possible and may be interrupted unlimited times on the day of the transfer. • return journey on the second transfer day between the place of stay in Switzerland to a border or airport station on the routes of the railway, boat and bus companies that are marked on the validity area map with solid lines. The journey must be as direct as possible and may be interrupted unlimited times on the day of the transfer. 0.2.001 Zurich main station, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne and Lugano also count as border or airport stations. 0.2.002 On the transfer days, RailAway packages can be used with a GA reduction, however, this journey must take the most direct route. 0.2.003 Owing to shortage of space, not all lines are shown on the STS validity area map. Please refer to area of applicability for details. Please refer to tariff 673, Section 1 for the map and area of applicability. 0.2.004 The STT area of application is identical to that of the STP, excluding the urban transport companies. 0.2.005 Before the outward and return journey, the holder of an STT must write the transfer dates in the relevant fields with a pen. The validity periods for both trips begin at 00:00 hr on the respective days of validity and end at 05:00 hr the next day. 0.2.006 The validity of STT tickets in connection with cross-border tickets is set out in the international tariffs. 0.2.007 Unless otherwise stipulated in tariff 673, the terms of the STT also apply to the other Swiss Transfer Ticket packages, customer groups and options: STT net offers, STT AD75/STT ST75 packages, tailor-made packages. 0.3 Use - supplements - class change 0.3.000 The STT is valid on all trains and routes that serve for general passenger transport and is valid only with an identity card/passport. 0.3.001 Passengers must present their passport or identity card without being prompted. 0.3.002 For the use of certain trains/boats/buses, charges apply for compulsory seat reservations and/or supplements: e.g. Glacier Express, Bernina Express, Wilhelm Tell Express, Swiss Chocolate Train. 0.3.003 To travel in 1st class with a 2nd class STT, half the difference between the standard fares on the route in question must be paid. 0.3.004 One - day upgrades for a 2nd class STT can be purchased as per T654 . 0.4 Children 0.4.000 Children aged between 6 and 15.99 years pay half of the price of the STT unless they are travelling with at least one of their parents (see point 0.8). The reference date for determining the age is the first transfer day. 0.5 Families 0.5.000 See T673 Section 0.8 1 Packages 1.1 Swiss Transfer Ticket (STT) 1.1.000 The STT consists of 2 transfer days and is valid for a maximum of 1 month. Available in 1st and 2nd class. 1.2 Swiss Transfer Ticket Combi (STTC) 1.2.000 The STTC is a combination of the Swiss Transfer Ticket (STT) and Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) packages. Available in 1st and 2nd class. Unless otherwise stipulated, the respective terms of the two packages apply correspondingly. 1.2.001 01.06.2015 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT 1 T673 Children up to the age of 15.99 years travelling alone must be issued with an STT because children already receive a general discount of 50% on standard rates. The same applies to dogs. 1.2.002 The STTC is sold electronically via Prisma or Railticketing at a small number of outlets in Switzerland. 2 Special packages 2.1 Tailor - made STT/STTC 2.1.000 Tailor - made STT/STTC tickets with 2−8 transfers can be issued for tour operator (TO) programmes and study tours. The name of the TO is shown on the ticket and instead of the price it is marked "Pauschal". It is also possible to indicate routes outside the STT/STTC area of validity on which the STT/STTC can be used for unlimited travel. For this type of route, the date must also be entered in the "Transfertag" field.The transfer routes on tailor-made STT/STTC tickets are fixed with the TO and cannot be changed. The proceeds are allocated to the transport companies proportionately 2.1.001 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.2 Swiss Transfer Ticket Net (STTN) 2.2.000 The STT package is also available for incoming tour operators as a net offer that applies only as part of a package tour (as defined by STS AG). 2.2.001 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the standard STT package. 2.2.002 Net offer tickets do not show the price. 2.2.003 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.3 Swiss Transfer Ticket AD75 2.3.000 The STT AD75 (AD= Agent Discount) are tickets with a 75% discount compared to the standard package. These tickets are issued for the promotion of Swiss public transport to travel agents, media representatives, employees of Switzerland Tourism and for promotional purposes among other reasons. 2.3.001 The STT AD75 is issued in 1st and 2nd class 2.3.002 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the standard STT package. 2.3.003 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.4 Swiss Transfer Ticket Complimentary 2.4.000 The STT Complimentary (=free ticket) is issued free of charge for advertising and promotional purposes, e.g. for competitions and/or media trips. 2.4.001 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the standard STT package. 2.4.002 The STT Complimentary does not show the price. 2.4.003 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2.5 Special offers and promotions 2.5.000 Packages with validities and services differing from the terms shown above may be put together for promotions, special offers or special events. These packages must be posted on the public transport info portal with a service description and specimens in advance. 2.5.001 These tickets are issued either manually by Swiss Travel System AG (STS AG) in Zurich or electronically via Railticketing and Euronet by selected tour operators 3 Ticket issue 3.1 Issuing offices 3.1.000 International: An up-to-date list of issuing offices can be found at www.swisstravelsystem.com/verkaufsstellen 3.1.001 Switzerland: Tour operators who have signed a contract with STS AG and the Contact Centre in Brig. Not available at Swiss railway stations or in Swiss Tourism offices. 3.2 Electronic ticketing 3.2.000 Electronic ticket issue via distribution systems: • Prisma and Railticketing in Switzerland subject to restrictions fig. 3.1.002 • Railticketing in European travel agencies • Overseas travel agencies via the "Euronet" sales system • Some European railways via their own sales systems 2 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT 01.06.2015 T673 • ACP Rail International via RailNet 3.3 Manual ticketing 3.3.000 Manual issue: Manual STT tickets are still issued by certain European travel agencies and by Swiss Travel System AG (STS AG) in Zurich 3.4 E-tickets 3.4.000 STT: E-tickets (print@home) are available via the SBB Ticketshop (B2C) and SBB Businesstravel (B2B). 3.4.001 When issuing e-tickets, the transfer days must be specified on purchase 3.4.002 Unless otherwise stipulated in T673.2, the terms for e-tickets as per T600 and T600.9 also apply to print@home STT packages. 3.5 Format 3.5.000 STT tickets are issued in the IATA format or as an e-ticket. 4 Extensions - exchanges - replacements 4.1 Extensions 4.1.000 Extensions are not possible. 4.2 Exchanges and replacements 4.2.000 STT/STTC tickets cannot be exchanged, nor can they be replaced in the event of theft or loss. 5 Refunds 5.1 Unused STT / STTC tickets 5.1.000 Unused STT/STTC tickets that are returned before the first day of validity can be refunded. Refund to the customer: the price that was paid minus 15%. 5.2 STT/STTC tickets that have been partially used 5.2.000 A request must be sent to the issuing office within one year. Issuing offices in Switzerland that use Prisma can perform the partial refund on the system. Other issuing offices must forward the request to: Swiss Federal Railways SBB, Personenverkehr/P−FI−CSA, Wylerstrasse 123/125, 3000 Berne 65 5.2.001 If no proof of partial non-use can be presented, there is no claim to a refund. 5.2.005 Partial non-use is deemed to be proven in the following cases: • Illness or accident, on presentation of the respective documents • Presentation for refund at the place where travel was interrupted • Confirmation from PTE • The ticket is sent by post from the place where travel was interrupted to the issuing office 5.2.002 STT AD75/STT ST75 tickets that have been partially used or already been validated cannot be refunded. 5.2.003 STT tickets with 2 transfers where only 1 transfer has been used: 40% of the price can be refunded (round down to closest CHF 1). No processing fee may be charged because it is included in the percentage. 5.2.004 STTC tickets with 2 transfers where only 1 transfer has been used: 30% of the price can be refunded (round down to closest CHF 1). No processing fee may be charged because it is included in the percentage. 5.2.006 Example: Price: CHF 141.00 Transfers used: 1 Refund in %: 40% Calculation of refund amount: CHF 141.00 * 40% = CHF 56.40 Amount to be paid out: CHF 56.00 (rounded down to closest CHF 1) 5.3 Refund for STT as e-ticket 5.3.000 Unused STT tickets can be refunded as follows before the validity period begins: • STT tickets purchased from SBB Ticketshop (B2C) will not be refunded. For exceptions see T600.9. 01.06.2015 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT 3 T673 • STT tickets purchased from SBB Businesstravel (B2B) can be refunded for free in the event of a service error. Otherwise, a refund with a 15% processing fee is possible. 5.3.001 Partially used print@home STT tickets cannot be refunded. 4 3 Swiss Transfer Ticket STT 01.06.2015 4 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) / Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) 0 General terms for SHFC - SHFCC 0.1 General 0.1.000 Unless otherwise stipulated, the terms of the Half - Fare travelcard apply as per T654. The area of applicability also corresponds to that of the Half - Fare travelcard but it is also listed under area of applicability T673.0, Section 1. 0.1.001 Unless otherwise stipulated in tariff 673, the terms of the SHFC also apply to the SHFCC combi package. 0.2 Validity 0.2.000 The SHFC/SHFCC entitles the owner to the purchase of an unlimited number of tickets at the half-fare terms as per T654. 0.2.001 Exceptions: • It does not include entitlement to purchase a Monthly Card for the Half - Fare travelcard as per T654 • It does not include entitlement to purchase a Gleis 7 Pass as per T654 0.2.002 RailAway packages can be purchased with the Half - Fare reduction. 0.2.003 The first day of validity is considered a whole day for the calculation of the validity period. The validity period starts at 00:00 hr on the first day of validity and expires at 05:00 hr on the day after the last day of validity. 0.2.004 The validity of the SHFCC may not exceed that of the associated STPF or STT ticket. 0.2.005 The international validity of the SHFC/SHFCC ticket in conjunction with cross-border tickets is set out in the international tariffs. 0.3 Use - supplements - class change 0.3.000 The SHFC/SHFCC should always be presented open and together with the respective ticket. The tariff regulations of the respective tickets apply when issuing tickets for the SHFC/SHFCC. 0.3.001 The Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) is only valid in conjunction with a STPF or STT ticket. At the end of the last travel day (STPF) or the last transfer day (STT), the validity of the SHFCC will also end. 0.3.002 During SHFCC ticket inspections, the following documents must be shown: • STS basic STPF or STT ticket • SHFCC • Ticket bought with SHFCC 0.4 Families 0.4.000 See T673.0 Section 0.8 1 Packages 1.1 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) 1.1.000 Swiss Half Fare Card, valid for 1 month 1.2 Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) 1.2.000 The SHFCC is a SHFC with a 50% discount. 1.2.001 Generally, the same terms apply to the SHFCC as to the SHFC with the following exceptions: • Ticket issue: The SHFCC may only be issued in combination with a STPF or STT. • The SHFCC must be issued at the same time as the corresponding STPF or STT. It is not possible to purchase the SHFCC subsequently. Validity: The SHFCC entitles the owner to the purchase of an unlimited number of tickets at the half-fare terms as per T654, between the first and last day of the associated valid STPF/STT (max. 1 month) only. 1.3 Swiss Half Fare Card Combi Net (SHFCCN) 1.3.000 Net offers for the Swiss Half Fare Card Combi are also available for incoming tour operators and may only be used as part of a package tour (as defined by STS AG). 1.3.001 The services, validity periods and terms correspond to those of the standard SHFCC package. 01.06.2015 4 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) / Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) 1 T673 1.3.002 Net offer tickets do not show the price. 1.3.003 Please refer to T673.0 Section 6 for a specimen. 2 Ticket issue 2.1 Issuing offices 2.1.000 International: An up-to-date list of issuing offices can be found at www.swisstravelsystem.com/verkaufsstellen 2.1.001 Switzerland: Tourist offices and travel agents who have concluded a contract with SBB AG and STS AG, all SBB outlets and all outlets of the licensed transport operators. 2.2 Electronic ticketing 2.2.000 Electronic ticket issue via distribution systems: • Prisma and Railticketing in Switzerland • Railticketing in European travel agencies • Overseas travel agencies via the "Euronet" sales system • Some European railways via their own sales systems • ACP Rail International via RailNet 2.3 E-tickets 2.3.000 SHFC: E-tickets (print@home) are available only via the SBB Ticketshop (B2C) and SBB Businesstravel (B2B). 2.3.001 Unless otherwise stipulated in T673.3, the terms for e-tickets as per T600 and T600.9 also apply to print@home SHFC packages. 2.4 Format 2.4.000 SHFC/SHFCC tickets are issued in the IATA format. SHFC tickets are also issued as e-tickets. 3 Extensions - exchanges - replacements 3.1 Extensions 3.1.000 Extensions are not possible. 3.2 Exchanges 3.2.000 The SHFC/SHFCC cannot be exchanged for a Half - Fare travelcard as per T654. 3.3 Replacement 3.3.000 SHFC/SHFCC tickets are not replaced in the event of loss or theft. 4 Refunds 4.1 Unused SHFC/SHFCC tickets 4.1.000 Unused SHFC/SHFCC tickets that are returned before the first day of validity can be refunded. Refund to the customer: the price that was paid minus 15%. 4.2 4.2 SHFC/SHFCC tickets that have been partially used or already been validated 4.2.000 SHFC/SHFCC tickets that have been partially used or already been validated are not refunded. 4.3 Refund for SHFC as e-ticket 4.3.000 Unused SHFC tickets can be refunded as follows before the validity period begins: • SHFC tickets purchased from SBB Ticketshop (B2C) will not be refunded. For exceptions see T600.9. • SHFC tickets purchased from SBB Businesstravel (B2B) can be refunded for free in the event of a service error. Otherwise, a refund with a 15% processing fee is possible. 4.3.001 Partially used print@home SHFC tickets cannot be refunded. 2 4 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) / Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) 01.06.2015 T673 4.4 Forgotten SHFC/SHFCC tickets 4.4.000 Tickets purchased in place of a forgotten SHFC/SHFCC travelcard can be refunded as follows (refunds only possible at Swiss railway stations): • Max. one occasion (3 tickets) • CHF 5 processing fee 4.4.001 Tickets purchased in place of a forgotten SHFC/SHFCC must be marked as per T600.9 point 22. 01.06.2015 4 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) / Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) 3 T673 4 4 Swiss Half Fare Card (SHFC) / Swiss Half Fare Card Combi (SHFCC) 01.06.2015 5 Prices 5.1 Gross prices 5.1.000 Swiss Travel Pass / Swiss Travel Pass Flex Prices per person in CHF 01.06.2015 1st class Swiss Travel Pass Swiss Travel Pass Youth 3 days 336.- 286.- 4 days 402.- 342.- 8 days 581.- 494.- 15 days 704.- 598.- 2nd class Swiss Travel Pass Swiss Travel Pass Youth 3 days 210.- 179.- 4 days 251.- 213.- 8 days 363.- 309.- 15 days 440.- 374.- 1st class Swiss Travel Pass Flex Swiss Travel Pass Flex Youth 3 days 382.- 325.- 4 days 458.- 389.- 8 days 651.- 553.- 15 days 774.- 658.- 2nd class Swiss Travel Pass Flex Swiss Travel Pass Flex Youth 3 days 239.- 203.- 4 days 286.- 243.- 8 days 407.- 346.- 15 days 484.- 411.- 5 Prices 1 T673 5.1.001 Swiss Transfer Ticket Price per person in CHF ? 1st class 2nd class Swiss Transfer Ticket 226.- 141.- Swiss Transfer Ticket Combi* 286.- 201.- * available at a small number of outlets in Switzerland 5.1.002 Swiss Half Fare Card Price per person in CHF Swiss Half Fare Card Swiss Half Fare Card Combi 120.- 60.- 5.2 Net prices 5.2.000 Swiss Travel Pass Net / Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net Prices per person in CHF 2 1st class Swiss Travel Pass Net Swiss Travel Pass Youth Net 3 Tage 235.- 200.- 4 Tage 281.- 239.- 8 Tage 406.- 349.- 15 Tage 492.- 419.- 2nd class Swiss Travel Pass Net Swiss Travel Pass Youth Net 3 Tage 147.- 125.- 4 Tage 175.- 149.- 8 Tage 254.- 216.- 15 Tage 308.- 262.- 1st class Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net Swiss Travel Pass Flex Youth Net 3 Tage 267.- 227.- 4 Tage 321.- 273.- 5 Prices 01.06.2015 T673 8 Tage 456.- 388.- 15 Tage 542.- 461.- 2nd class Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net Swiss Travel Pass Flex Youth Net 3 Tage 167.- 142.- 4 Tage 200.- 170.- 8 Tage 285.- 242.- 15 Tage 339.- 288.- ? 1st class 2nd class Swiss Transfer Ticket Net 192.- 120.- 5.2.001 Swiss Transfer Ticket Net Prices per person in CHF 5.2.002 Swiss Half Fare Card Combi Net Prices per person in CHF Swiss Half Fare Card Combi Net 42.- 5.3 Price calculation for STTC tailor-made 5.3.000 The price for an STTC tailor-made ticket comprises a fixed component of CHF 80 for the Half - Fare travelcard service and a route-specific component depending on the actual route travelled. 5.3.001 The Half - Fare travelcard component is distributed as follows: • CHF 30 go into the Half - Fare travelcard revenues and are distributed in accordance with V511 and VS11. • CHF 50 are distributed to the rail companies commensurate with their proportion of the route in the relevant STTC. 5.3.002 The route proportions are distributed directly to the rail companies involved. 01.06.2015 5 Prices 3 T673 4 5 Prices 01.06.2015 6 Samples 6.1 Swiss Family Card 6.1.000 6.2 Swiss Travel Pass / Swiss Travel Pass Flex 6.2.000 Swiss Travel Pass / Swiss Travel Pass Flex 6.2.000 01.06.2015 6 Samples 1 T673 6.2.001 Swiss Travel Pass Net / Swiss Travel Pass Flex Net 6.2.001 2 6 Samples 01.06.2015 T673 6.2.002 Swiss Travel Pass AD75 / Swiss Travel Pass Flex AD75 6.2.002 Samples follows 6.2.003 Swiss Travel Pass Comlimentary / Swiss Travel Pass Complimentary 6.2.003 6.2.004 Swiss Travel Pass Tour Guide 6.2.004 Samples follows 6.3 Swiss Transfer Ticket 6.3.000 Swiss Transfer Ticket / Swiss Transfer Ticket Combi 6.3.000 Samples follows 6.3.001 Swiss Transfer Ticket Net 6.3.001 Samples follows 6.3.002 Swiss Transfer Ticket Tailor - made 6.3.002 Samples follows 6.3.003 Swiss Transfer Ticket AD75 6.3.003 Samples follows 6.3.004 Swiss Transfer Ticket Complimentary 6.3.004 Samples follows 01.06.2015 6 Samples 3 T673 6.4 Swiss Halfe Fare Card 6.4.000 Swiss Halfe Fare Card 6.4.000 Samples follows 6.4.001 Swiss Halfe Fare Card Combi 6.4.001 Samples follows 6.4.002 Swiss Halfe Fare Card Combi Net 6.4.002 Samples follows 4 6 Samples 01.06.2015
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