f).A.V. MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR-1sA, CHANDIGARH SYLLABUS FOR CLASS-IX SESSION 2015.16 Note : sA1 exam will be from the syllabai of FAl and FA2 SA2 exam F.A. 1 F.A.2 will be from the syllabai of FA3 and FA4 ,ffi, - F1 Pl P2 MCB Ul Grammar Ul U2 Literature How Taught my Grandmother to Read The Brook The Road Not Taken People Verbs Determiners Writing Skills-Notice, Message, Diary Entry Novel (Gulliver's Travel) - Chapters 1,2,3 Literature - F2 A Dog Named Duke P3 P4 Dl U2 U3 The Solitary Reader Lord Ullin,s daughter Villa for Sale MCB Adventure Environment Grammar Future Time Modals writing skills-Data Interpretatiorr, Bio Sketch diarogue writing, Process description, Story writing Novel (Gulliver's Travel) - Chapters 4,5,6 (rERM _ 2) F.A.3 - F3 the Man Who Knew Too Much F4 Keeping It From Harold P5 Seven Ages P6 Oh! Wish I,d Looked After Me Teeth MCB U4 Radio Show U5 Mystery Grammar The Passive Literature Reported Speech F.A.4 Writing Skills-Letter writing (Formal & Informal) Article, Speech Novel (Gulliver's Travel) - Chapters 7,g,9 - F5 Best Seller P7 Song of the Rain D2 The Bishop,s Candlesticks MCB U6 Children U7 Sports and Games Grammar The Passive Literature Integrated exercises of omission and editing Writing Skills-Debate, Report, Story Writing (Gulliver's Travel) Novel - - Chapters 10,11,12 HINDI F.A. 1 (TERM- 1) {.d, t-qTH d .rq wqf €ilq-{ ft.( qd frd-<, qFF-{UI F.A.2 3rT{q-N, eryfuo, 5mr g:rs o-r 3rtsox, q-q'{€ +fr RTq-i qrf,r, T&q" 3rTilfrflqT gq o-q qntt erfrlq waf qft, 6-q erfl{ of \r.m)-& _ g-erq q-q-fi d qq, t vrq MET. q"f_Mr, ory{qn g-fiT, Gr-jqrRffi, or-jdq, fu-a q"h, E.qq-fr-fl qrqr{ul Bq-fl{ t | F.A.3 (rERM - 2) Agtfttr +ilqT d qrE?D', o1q-s @-r znrq, \'6 s^d of qre, -i-a{r,ftfl tqr der*vn Frfr gn-oro+ fr-iTq frr€l or y-*q qr, fu{-quf{, TrqrE d.sq fo-{-qfu, sq-$rf-q-qq, c-5-d-( dqs-{, frErqq Asr lsYf tiq{rq qt-o-{ut F.4.4 at 3n6, g-f,dri d rrqrq, 31fuqQT, rI {f,rd t, gun qqf d es HfrE si, ft\ qd sd Gr-gd< A-s-{, q, Asq, foa q"fo, q-qrE +s-{, sr{ rqqf fiqq-{ qFh-{ul fr-arq-q d.s-{ MATHEMATICS (rERMF.A. 1 F.A.2 F.A.3 F.A.4 1) Chapters 7,2,3,5 Chapters 6,7,12 Chapters 4,8,9,14 Chapters (rERM - 2) l0,l l,l3,l5 SCIENCE (TERMF.A. I Matter in our surroundings Fundamental unit of life Motion Improvement in food Resources Is matter around us pure Force & laws of motion Gravitation Tissues F.A.2 F.A.3 1) (rERM - 2) 1. Structure of Atom 2. J. 4. thrust & Pressure Work & Energy Why do we fall ill F.A.4 1. 2. a J. 4. Atoms and molecules Diversity in living organism Sound Natural Resources SOCIAL SCIENCE (TERMF.A. I Economics Geography History Political Sc. F.A.2 Economics Geography History Political Sc. F.A.3 Economics Geography 1) The story of Palampur 1) India size and Location 2) Physical features of India French Revolution 1) World Democracy 2) What and why Democracy People as a Rexource Drainage Russsian revolutionA.{ azism (Any one) Constitutional Design (TERM History 3) Political Sc. F.A.4 - 2) Poverty as a challenge 1) Climate 2) Natural Vegetation & Wild life l) Forest Society I 2) Pastoralist I (Any one) Economics Geography History Political Sc. Peasants & Farmers ) Electoral Politics Food Security in India Population Story of Cricket OR Clothing (Any one) 1) Working of Institutions 2) Democratic Rights COMPUTER SCIENCE TERM - 1 TERM _ 2 Lessons 7,2,3,4 Lessons 5,6,7 DRAWING TERM - 1 TERM _ 2 Colours Chart (Colours Wheel) Drawing with Pen (Page Nos.12,l3) Painting (Page No.29 OR 30) Landscapes (Page Nos.3 8,39,40) Flowers (Water Colours) (Page No.41) Rangoli (Page Nos.52,53,54) Paper Flowers (Page No.58) Bottle Craft (Page No.60) Collage Maing (Page Nos.62,63) Poster Making (Page Nos.78,79,80) Display Board Decoration
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