D.A.V. MODEL SCHOOL SECTOR-I 5A, CHANDIGARH SYLLABUS FOR CLASS-X SESSION 2015.16 Note : SAI exam will be from the syilabai of FAl and FA2 sA2 exam will be from the syflabai of FA3 and FA4 BNGLISH (TERM_ 1) F.A. I F.A.2 - Fl F2 pl Literature : Two Gentlemen of Verona Mrs. packletide,s Tiger The frog and the Nightingale Play The Dear Departed MCB Ul Health and Medicine U2 Education Grammar Determiners, Tenses, Subject Verb Agreement Writing Skills-Notice, Message, Diary entry Novet Jhe Story of My Life (Ch_I,1&3) Literature - F3 The Letter P3 Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments MCB - Grammar- P4 U3 Mirror Science Connectors,Conditionals writing Skills-Data Interpretation, Bio Sketch, Dialogue writing, Process Description. Novel The Story of My Life (Ch_4,5&6) F.A.3 : Literature MCB F.A.4 : - - F4011Ho,?", F5 Patol Babu Film Star P4 Ozymandias P5 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner U4 Environment U5 Travel and Tourism Grammar Comparison, Modals, Mominalization writing Skills-Letter writing (Formar, Informal), Article, Speech Novel The Story of My Life (Ch_7,g&gi Literature - F6 Virtually True P6 D2 U6 Snake Julius Ceasar Nationallntegration Grammar Active and passive voice, Reported Speech, prepositions Writing Skills-Debate, Report, Story Writing Novel The Story of My Life (Ch_10;fi&12) MCB - HINDI F.A. 1 (rERM_ *qef (.rw) sqf (qeo) : qrd 1 - Cd 1) *n-$ v+rrq qT62- Srqftflgqrq*il: srd 1 - a-ft-r rrrd2- fi-{rdqE qzFl=I 9T6 : cqTqt{uT F.A.2 : wd (rqu) sqf (qEq) qlqxq : 1_ EREROIMI yr<, qE, 5E*i, orgB yilsm, q-r, er-Jd-q, rr-+rq d-sq.r srd 3 - ofr-{r qffi-t oan srd4- ffio-E+qdfrre-sl( : srd s - q-trd q-eeT fr-flN-{ d-sq F.A.3 ii qr*r qrdT- dq Tfir d 3TTLI-I-{ q{ q[Tq srn-il{ur, qrtrcI, TdEcT d-s-{, t (rERM - 2) sqf FEq) wqf (qqq) srd 5 - ffiru qrd 6 - .ilq o-d qe-ti qrd3- ffidd-i grd 4 srd 6 *iq-{rq' qfo-{ul - d gs fr gd d-i erd t TSqdT qE{ qg{ tt frqfr sE qr62- qq!)d*ft-{ : {4{r A 3TTEI-I-{ q{ q-trq lsqrd{ur, stgtr ergd<, qan d-ur, fr-flrqq d-sq qrdT- qclsgqe^aqfu'd cter-{, Tdr-qt, t F.A.4 wqf (q1u) grd B wd (q-qq) qrdBil4aEqfu-fl gl-d 9 qiqqq q[o-{u[ 6rs({{ _ srd3- : : 3TI.ID{IUT eiftw+oi qrrNr, ar<-qE o-r 3nR. 56rqt, rlqrT MATHEMATICS (TERM- 1) (TERM 2) F.A.2 Chapters 1,3,14 Chapters 2,6,8 F.A.3 F.A.4 Chapters 4,5,7,9 Chapters 10,1 1,12,13,15 F.A. 1 - SCIENCB F.A. 1 L-1 L-2 L-6 L-14 F.A.2 L-3 L-12 L-13 L-7 (rERM- 1) Chemical reactions and equations. Acids & Bases Life Processes Sources ofEnergy Metals and Non-metals Electricity Magnetic effect of electric current Control and coordination. (TERM F.A.3 L-10 L-l F.A.4 I L-5 L-15 L-4 L-t6 - 2) Reflection and Refraction of Light Human Eye Classifi cation of Elements Environment Carbon and its Compounds Natural Resources asa, l]qrE d-sq I L-8 L-9 Reproduction Heredity & Evolution. SOCIAL SCIENCE (TERM_ 1) F.A. I Political Sc. History Geography Economics Political Sc. F.A.2 6. Development 1. Democracy and Economics Diversity 2. Gender Religion & Caste in politics 3. Print Culture,Novel Society & History (any one) 4. Water Resources 5. Agriculture 6. Sectors of Indian Economy Political Sc. (TERM - 2) L Popular Struggles & Movements History Geography F.A.3 l. Power Sharing 2. Federalism 3. The making of Global World/ The age of Industrialism/ Work life and leisure (any one) 4. Resources and Development 5. Forest and Wild Life resources. 2. PoliticalParties History Geography Economics F.A.4 Political Sc. 3. Nationalism in Europe/Movement in Indo_China 4. Mineral and Energy Resources 5. Manufacturing Industries 6. Money and Credit 1. Outcomes of Democracy 2. Challenges to Democracy History 3. Nationalism in India Geography 4. Lifelines ofNational Economy 5. Globalization and India Economy 6. Consumer Rights Economics COMPUTER SCTENCE TERM _ 1 TBRM _ 2 9,10& TERM _ t. 12,13 ll & 14 DRAWING 1 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I0. Colour Wheel Object Drawing - Pencil Chapter-4 Still Life - Pencil Chapter-5 Still Life charcoal Stick Black Pen & Wash Still Life Black Pen Still Life OilPastels Still Life Poster Colour still Life Water Colour (Animals) Landscape, Pencil, Charcoal, Sketch pen, Blak pen, Brush & pen TERM _ 2 2. Landscape Water Colour (Page Nos.42,43,44,45,46,47) Landscape Oil Pastels (Page No.51) J. Brush (Texture) 4. Part of the Faces : Eyes, Nose, Lips, Ears, Peet and Hands Action Human Sketching 1. 5. 6. 7. Cartooning Fabric Painting
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