DR. G.L DUTTA DAV PI'BLIC SC}IOfJL Tra]1sporl Nagar, Kalkarbagh, Patna- 800026 Holiday Homevtork Class VI1 Eneltsh 1.Collect adveilisement of diJferent items from newspaper or magazine & rnalre a f1le or paste on chart paper. 2.Write dor&'n an essay on tl:e role of grandpa-rents in a falnily. 3.Write down the ha.rd words ri'iih Inea11ing from'A HERO' arld use them in sentences 4.Write a$d give your opinion on the poem Birdie will you pet? Maths 1 Draw a number line aid represent the followirrg numbets on a biosheet with 'fte help of matctlstrck. ; ,, ,; ancl i 2. Do a.11 the sum of Brain Teaser of unit - 2 3.Write al1d remember the properties of multiplication of ra iional numbers s.st pichrfes of the great moments of north India and make a scraptr.,ok with infofr,ation about their locahon , special characteristics 2 WriLe preamole on ].e ' rearn s!i(k. 3. Protect environment (poster making/ scrapbook). 4. wite 50 hard words . Find out the causes of Earlhquake. 1. ColLect Scieflce 1. Define conduction, convention and radiation vith exainple. 2. Explajn global wind pattern .Do question no. 2 of page no. 49. 3. Activity : Make a chart of page 28, 29 on chart paper.(lesson 4) 4 Draw a welj labeled dragr-n r of I^ L,.na.n drgesrive system. 5. learn and write steps ofhorogoic nutrition - DiiTerenriate between plant anc ani,,'al nutrition. ComEuter 1. Complete and remember qrLestion and answer of chapter 1 in a cot-lputer copy. 2. Activity - Make a hierarchy of computer Larlguage. Frd lir cq w rr<{i'+ iFfrdT {ntd rqo ftqq q{ Fnrrr ftd 3. cFdf, qld d sE+fr{ qK o+ 4. qrd 1,2. 3. 4 d f,d\lTC ar<ref S ET4q qiT3rl s qs .nqq ft-qs{ sfl, od. 1b-qr siciF{ fidi 1. G-q+ Eq 2. ]?-Fr{ q{<Fr qr sTftlTlq oit (cfu.s{r a,rd) r r I I stitrd' 1 ftfi qM crst d lTlpi (l+ur+-am) qrg 5q - rq , 2. :r< 5s 3req. gqE E:I ff dflq 'Fffi, q 3 .r+ oft-dT qls 6t I ed Rrsr qqq d dp) 3i{ -ffi ft{q'.ii ft{'ss{ ssc{ 2. r 6 1,2,3 d e{r} 4) ft-eOr q6 *1' 1. qrd 3 trfldT gq w{ qqlq fiqq q]< 6i a{qrR-d 1}: r{i r
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