iD,A tv il i\l [' {:il{l\i n"['{t-} N A [-, sc Fiftc]]- Econornicsr Assignlnellt '[*'io L Class - XItr Ch-i(In'troductionr) tlt. Whai is anLcr'r'eeonornics altr about? rQ2. DeXine ffitacrrileconc'mics. ,{13. Is the stucly of cotton textile industry a fioacrocaonomis str"r'Sy? Ex'irlain it' j"' arld rnacroeconornrics' Q4" Distinguish bretween rnicro and normative e'eonornics. Q5. Distirrguish, tretween positive of eoonornics" Q5, Discnss hlie{ly the subject maLter Q7 De.Erae &fl rlclrlomy;.' Q8. \Vhat is.nia'rlret econolrl)/? ffir (r9 Wtry etro on""311q3niic problem What is fu'ee er;onomy? arise? ctroice' Q10. Give twu re$sons for the prrobtrem of S/hy do we need eX t.\&Ileat isi lr*eant hy econoruLizing the resources? t it? t considered as ineffieielrt? e112. \N,rhenare,the allocal.iern of the resources of tecturique.(F{iiat:F{ow to prtlcltlee) el j.Explahr ri6e central problem of,ehoice el4. Explain ille,central problem of clistribution eif,ineorne (F{int: For whortt t<: prc'ducr;) QtS"Define FT:'F. Explain it by eliagram. Qlo. fi&y FFtl ls concave? resources remain unemployect activities, horx, FF'C is aff'ected? et7.\Iiheu sc,m.e clr.le to depressic,n in e eonory;ic: ()tE. FIow is IIPC af'fected w-he.n manpower resources and natunal n"esouroes ber:orne soarce due to nafural calamity? Q1E. Calcutrate of hllRl and NXOC f,rom the fbllowing data and also predict tXp shape PPC d"Sqgzuq s sibll iti e s 1 tlhirts(millirms) Eou Mobriles(1009 :l ffio-re flUimn&q Q1 Q2. il3. (luest[mm;s: Are$;we[ fffi tsmc* otr hffo'serll;emcr$s; l-)efine the terrns utilitY. Stater the lairu o1'dimini:shing $ri*l"gil-ial utility. Qrl.. n5, Q6. What i*; carclinan and orclinal urtility? How is totai utility derirred frorrr t"nat'gina! Lttility'i' Del1ne indifferr:nce rnap Wl"rat isi hruclget consl.rilint? Tl-.tRHH/F1ffif..iFR tu{XAy(RI$ Q[-lE$TEOP{S: e7 Q8. eS. Q10. ltr\t 6i0..,r1} \&r$Fql$"}$ Hxplilin horr.,r Cc,nsurner's Equilihrium is obterinerd rruheln trre buys two r:;orlrrnodities according to ulilitlr approach. what is; incJifferr,rrrce curve? [:xplairr tts r:hari:lctri:rlstics. 'JVith the hel;:r orl a cli;agrarn explain uvhy Marginal rate r:f sr:hstitutiorr lalls continurrusely. E:<plairr marliet rate tf Exchange wlth the htlllp r:f a scherd"tle. SfrH MARKI$ Q11 r&hl$WEtt QUHS-['[$I{$: A.F'ISWER lN {00-120 WOFIID$ State arrci explerin th,a r;ondition for i:ol-rs;ul1.lel''s e,:luilibriurtt wh,3n he l)u"'rs only one { i:ornrrtcrditY, tts;ing cliaErarn' equalto the Fcr a consufliter to be in equilihriunrrwhy rnLtsit l\/liarginal Rate of :lubertitution be ratio of Prices cf two gr:ods? ij13. (a; What doe,s #r point an Sudrgert lirre irrrlical:,el in telrms crf llrices? pnices Of (b) F, cr:nsurn€)r con$umes only 2 gelctrJti X ernd Y. l"le,r n'lone)/ ilncortlfir ir:i Rs.24l- and goocls X and )/ Bre F{s 4/- ancl t{s"2/- respreq;{iv$1"' e12 AtuSyyER Ttl E F C L.LCil,Vt NG QUESTI'ONS; .Y,i (i) C;an,the C:C,l^t$Uffl€I afford ia irun.Jle 4i }l arrd 5 l]xplain (ii) What will ber the MIlSxv lvhen ttre consumer is in eqtrilibrium? Erplain tine ir; rjilllbrent f'rom l:udget set e.14. Define budget iine. Why, does it slope downurarel? iHow bucllget r*;<prlerin ancJ budget c;c,nstraintir Use numerical ilh.rstriatiorr t'l nArV Imternatioma! $e;hool, Asr Economies l\ssiSnntent fldo "i:L flass Xlf, {Theory of Elemsnd} CXlt" Dl{f,,es"er"l'Li;lte F:e'tween rnarket denrand and inr.lividuaI e$eriranel. Q2.\A/hat rs fln$'enrnr gocld? Q3" Dlstinguist'r lretween increase !n demand and decrease ,Q4. l'lotsr is ,iemamd -:fra flrr demand. comrnodity affected by c[ranges in the price of rclarted ;3oocls? t]5. \ffherr does a consurller buy less clf a comrnodity at a givelgl price? (f,6. \fdhen eleres a dernand cltr"ve t]'7. fr^{ornr wii i a nr [ncrease inr sliift? the priee of cr:ffer: affect the cierna nd f'or" tea ? (18. \t/hV is <l*rnalrd curve negatlvely sfoped? {},9" frixplain'il'lei rightware{ shift of denrand curve. (1.1fi. Wherr :{oes a dermancl curve shifEs leftward? ffi.I1. Sf ara'me ilir''l\r four cte{:enrninants of individuaf dernand, Ct12" Wl"rat ane suhstitu.lte goods and comptrementary goods? e113" Whern;l gr:ad is called inllerion? elL4. "La.rru ul'qJemand !s a qua!iltative statement,," eomment ci15. Distie,gr,rislr fi:etweem decnease in demancl and contnactlonn fi,16" What ar"e nerrnnalgoods? Give examples. i I DAV J[mtermationmt $ichoot, Asn" Saomomics .&ssigur'Emerat ttie' Ctlrss IKM (ffiI*sticity {', cof }-)ermamc$) of dernarlcl a,d' e]ast'icitli of clema'md" r?1" Give the c[ilTerenr;e befr'veen lar'v at'fet[fuig price elasticity CIf demamd' Q,?.ll(aure any fb'"lr factors demrand? is tiie strape of perfectly inelastio {*r3. $/hat (t4, Llraw r-lilir[a.ry reflect? elastic demancl" What ctoes it (}5,Hclr,vdot:sttienatu,recfco.nntnodi'tyinftuer'l*eitsetrnstiai{g.,r elastici{y of el,emanr}. percefltage nrfithc]d to measure ilrice I .l*e,:*,*ses clernnrtel flte unit', good rises frrlm Rs. 46 to Rs 511 Srer Q7. If a pr.i'cn of priue elasticity" {ronr 30 units t',1iS units' Cal*utrate (}6, I}isgr.r,ss ttrr;: r]8. trixptrairr a]l the degrees of'elasticity of demrureJ' t}9.l*xpla'inl$la,gramrnati,calltr,gerrr:rret,ri'cmethc,Elofprioeelastieity" ,Q10" Wherr ct*unand for a octwunoctity is e,alled elastie? Qtt.Wtrerrisd.emancl:fbractrrlrncldi.tysaiiltoxleine}astic? Qt2.Explainlfuerlarir:tlst.actorsa,ffectingelas,fiicisrofdenratal.'
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