Print Form Eighteenth Annual Meeting for Health Sciences Research Trainees Queen's University Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 BioSciences Atrium and School of Medicine 132A Call for Abstracts The Eighteenth Annual Meeting for Health Sciences Research Trainees is set for Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 in the BioSciences atrium and oral presentations in the School of Medicine. This all-day meeting has been organized in order to provide a forum for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research project students, medical students, and clinical residents of the Faculty of Health Sciences and related Schools/Faculties at Queen's University to discuss their recent research findings. Individuals interested in presenting should submit their abstract(s) according to the instructions outlined in the attached form. All presentations will be made by trainees only. There will be a limited number of oral presentations. There will be no limit on the number of poster presentation submissions. Abstract Submission: Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to Alana Korczynski as an attachment in MS Word format, including a title, list of authors (underline the presenting author), department where the work was carried out, and supporting agency (where appropriate) at the end of the abstract. Maximum abstract length: 225 words (plus title and author list (presenting author underlined)). Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts: Friday, May 1st, 2015 Types of Presentation: 1. Oral: Each talk will be ten minutes in duration plus two minutes for discussion. 2. Poster: 4' x 5' poster boards will be provided at the site. There will be ample time allotted for poster viewing and discussion in the morning and afternoon. Awards: To be announced. Cost: There will be a few major sponsors for this event. To partially cover the cost of lunch and two coffee breaks, we ask the supervisor to provide $40.00 for each attendee (i.e PI + # of students). Research Themes: 1. Biomedical Engineering 2. Cancer Research and Therapy 3. Cardiac, Circulatory, and Respiratory Sciences 4. Health Policy, Population Health, and Epidemiology 5. Inflammation, Infection and Immunity 6. Neuroscience Research 7. Patient Care and Nursing Research 8. Protein Structure and Function 9. Rehabilitation Science 10. Reproductive and Sexual Function 11. Therapeutics and Toxicology 12. Women's and Children's Health Research The above list of research themes is designed to help the Scientific Review Committee to group presentations and is not exhaustive. New themes will be added when there are enough abstracts submitted in a particular area of research. Eighteenth Annual Meeting for Health Sciences Research Trainees Queen's University Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 ABSTRACT FORM Deadline for Abstract Submission: Friday, May 1st, 2015 Please submit this form electronically with every abstract submission Department and Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Alana Korczynski Please send to Presenter's Name: Email: Dept/School/Division: Fax: Tel: PI's Email: YES, I would like to be considered for an Oral Presentation. Please check one: Graduate Student Other Postdoctoral Fellow Resident Undergraduate (please specify): Research Themes (Please check only one): Biomedical Engineering Patient Care and Nursing Research Cancer Research and Therapy Cardiac, Circulatory, and Respiratory Sciences Health Policy, Population Health, and Epidemiology Protein Structure and Function Rehabilitation Science Reproductive and Sexual Function Inflammation, Infection and Immunity Therapeutics and Toxicology Neuroscience Research Women's and Children's Health Research Field of Study: (please choose one) Keywords (maximum of 3) Title of Abstract: Registration/Payment Form Eighteenth Annual Meeting for Health Sciences Research Trainees Queen's University Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 BioSciences Atrium and School of Medicine 132A Deadline for Abstract Submission: Friday, May 1st, 2015 The original, signed form must be submitted. Please indicate the title(s) of the abstract(s) to which it pertains and send to Department and Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Attn: Alana Korczynski, Botterell Hall Room 915 Abstract Title(s) I, authorize the transfer of $ Fund Dept Project Account ($40 x # of attendees PLUS the PI) from my account Class Program to the Faculty Research Day account to partially cover the cost of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting for Health Sciences Research Trainees. Name(s) of Attendee(s): Principal Investigator Attendee #1 Attendee #2 Attendee #3 Attendee #4 Attendee #5 Attendee #6 Attendee #7 Signature of PI: ____________________________________ (MUST BE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE) Example of Abstract Format: VASOPRESSIN EFFECT ON DISSOCIATED RAT SUBFORNICAL ORGAN (SFO) NEURONS. Aaron M. Beedle and Alastair V Ferguson. Department of ??????????, Queen's University Kingston, Ontario Canada. Substantial evidence indicates a direct … …. Mechanism for signalling a decrease in AVP release in the putative feedback loop. (Supported by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario)
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