May 2015 Officers – Term Ends Jan 2017 President: Klynt Nifong (764-2277) UPCOMING EVENTS Join DCHA/REINS and receive our monthly newsletter!!! Vice-President: Milda Minter (764-4785) Secretary: Gayle Nifong (764-2277) Treasure: Gail Fritts (239-4261) Directors/Term Ends Jan Fran Bassett: 2017 (407-0675) James Jones: 2017 (242-3996) Marie Freeman: 2017 (752-2188) May 1, 2015 12pm: Pre-Show work day at Heritage Farm & Stables May 2, 2015 9am: Saturday DCHA/REINS FUN HORSE SHOW at Heritage Farm & Stables location: 1833 Perryman Rd. Lexington, NC 27295.Show starts at 9am sharp. There are 68 classes. Class list, sponsor forms, & flyer can be printed from our website: Call Milda Minter 336-764-4785 for more info. Volunteers are needed to help with the show. If you can help, give Milda a call. Note: Raindate will be on Sunday, May 3 at 9am. May 9, 2015 10am: Trail Ride at South Mountains State Park. You can camp for the weekend but you must call South Mountains to make your own reservation. Doug Owen: 2018 (249-8285) Brenda Vickrey: 2018 (972-6261) Committee Chairperson/s Finance: Gail Fritts (239-4261) Fund Raiser: OPEN May 11, 2015 7pm: DCHA Board Meeting at the Ag Bld. May 19, 2015 6:30pm: DCHA General Meeting on location at Lexington Farm &Garden, 1800 N. Main St. Lexington, NC Randy Hedrick is so gracious to have us there again this year. Come prepared to shop and eat the evening meal. Don't forget to bring a chair. Jason Callicutt will be the speaker for May meeting. He is Southern States representative in our area. Program will be on Hay Quality. Historian: Gayle Nifong (764-2277) Horse Show: Milda Minter (764-4785) Legislative: Gayle & Klynt Nifong (764-2277) June 6, 2015: at Fritts Farm, there will be a Goat Roping June 8, 2015 7pm: DCHA Board Meeting at the Ag Bld. Newsletter/Membership: Frances Thorne (242-1021) Nominations: Milda Minter (764-4785) Public Relations: OPEN Reins/Education: Gayle Nifong (764-2277) Social: OPEN Trail Rides: Gail Fritts (239-4261) Webpage: Marilyn Colvin (492-6594) Youth: Hallie Nifong (764-2277) June 16, 2015 7pm: DCHA General Meeting at Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center. Get your DCHA/REINS T-shirts while they are still available for $14.00 each May 2015 DCHA/REINS BOARD MEETING MINUTES: 4/13/2015 Klynt Nifong called our April 13, 2015 Board meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Prayer requests were noted. We had our Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. In attendance were: Klynt, Gayle, Marie, Gail, Doug, and Deanna. Minutes from March 9, 2 015 were asked to be approved. Doug made a motion and Gail second. Treasurers report was given and asked for approval. Marie made the motion and Doug second. Membership has gained a few extra members. We still need to encourage more to join us and renew. Trail rides are quarterly and our next ride will be on Saturday May 9, 2015 at South Mt. Hamby Creek work day was cancelled due to weather. Gail, Marie, and Frances did go out and ride on Tuesday and did some trimming. Gail said Nolan Smith would bush hog when it is needed. Fun Horse Show Saturday May 2 at Heritage Farm & Sables at 1833 Perryman Rd. starts at 9am. If you can volunteer a few hours that day please call Milda Minter. Work day at the farm will be Wednesday April 29 at noon until done. Trophies and ribbons have arrived. Gayle will call Piedmont Rent-A-Jon to reserve one for the fun show. Corrections were made on list of board meetings, general meetings, and event dates. This list should be kept in our officers and board members notebook. Tuesday April 21 we will meet at 7pm at the AG with the North Carolina Horse Council Caucus. We will have light refreshments. Brenda will bring napkins and cups from CFC. Doug will bring ice. Marie will get 2-liter drinks. Gayle will get the food. Deanna said the Central FFA Judging Team would not be competing in Raleigh this year. Thanks to the 6 riders that represented DCHA/REINS at the Welcome Easter Parade. Special thank you to A.J.Everhart for being our pooper scooper! Klynt asked if anyone had anything else that needs to be discussed. Motion made by Marie to adjourn and Gail second at 8:50pm. Respectfully submitted, Gayle Nifong /Secretary THE FEED BAG DEAR Club Members, help your club grow, get involved & share your ideas to improve your club! There are a few open committees that could use your help! Love your Horse? Show it in your newsletter! Submit your horse stories, photos, items for sale, jokes, training tips etc. Email items to May 2015 DCHA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES: 4/21/2015 Our President, Klynt Nifong, called our April 21, 2015 general meeting to order at 7:10pm. We met in the AG. Auditorium with 17 in attendance. Klynt asked for prayer requests. Willie Everhart gave our prayer. We had our Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Klynt introduced Sue Gray, Executive Director of NCHC. She drove from Raleigh this evening to meet with us at 7pm. Sue represents our North Carolina Horse Council holding these informative meetings, which was just one of many meetings held by the caucus during the year throughout our state. We were informed of the bills of legislation and procedures they follow as they go through congress. NCHC has been active with helping to keep our trails and land areas, so we can continue to ride. They support AgriTourism, Farm Exemption, Equine Access to Ride, Horse Promotion Act, Outdoor Heritage Act and many more. Sue answered everyone’s questions. Those not attending missed a very special and informative program. Klynt thanked Sue for coming to speak with us. He told folks to take time to enjoy the refreshments. We had our DCHA/REINS business. Minutes from the March 17 general meeting were approved with a motion made by Doug and a second from Sammy. They were approved. Treasurers report was given. Gail noted that show sponsors were coming in. Milda made a motion and Brenda a second to approve the treasurer’s report. It was approved. Frances Thorne is our Membership chairperson and Newsletter Editor. Our membership is low for 2015. We encourage folks to come join and be a part of our association. We have the next five meetings on location. We need you on our current member list to send reminders or changes. Frances would like new foal pictures for newsletter. Any Info for newsletter, send in to her before deadline. Next quarterly trail ride is at South Mt. on Saturday May 9. Hamby Creek work day on Sat. March 14 didn't happen due to weather. Gail, Marie, and Frances went out to Hamby Creek on Tuesday and trimmed. Gail said it didn't need to be bush hogged then. Willie needs a key to the gate box to repair the Hamby Creek gate. Milda had the trophies for our May 2, 2015 fun horse show. Entry forms are on Facebook and will be on our website if you want to fill out and bring to our show. We need volunteers to come and help us for a few hours that day. Call Milda if you have some time to help. Wednesday April 29 at noon will be a work day to come to 1833 Perryman Rd. to help the Minters' get ready for Saturday’s show. Center United Methodist Church Sunday School class will be in charge of concessions at the show. Their proceeds will go to Gavin Hill Fund. There will be sausage and tenderloin for breakfast then Hot dogs and hamburgers for the rest of the day. Coffee, drinks, snacks and some desserts. Randy Hedrick is so kind to have DCHA/REINS at Lexington Farm &Garden on our next general meeting date Tuesday May 19,2015. He will provide us a meal at 6:30pm. Please plan to come and shop. Bring your chair. Jason Callicutt will share his program on Hay Quality. Nifong Acres have their Trail Challenge Obstacle Course open 9am-3pm on Saturday April 25. Saturday June 6 at Fritts Farm, there will be a Goat Roping (no horses needed). Percentage of proceeds go to David Parde. Thanks to Deanna, our livestock agent for setting up equipment for our power point program for Sue. Klynt ask if anyone had anything else to discuss. If not need motion to adjourn, Marie made motion and Kathy a second. Submitted by: Gayle Nifong /Secretary May 2015 CORRAL DUST DCHA Rides In The 2015 Welcome Easter Parade May 2015 Sue Gray spoke about the importance of the Horse Council. She presented a very detailed and informative presentation. The NCHC is working hard to protect our rights. For detailed information look them up at May 2015 THE ROUND PEN Barrel Racing is a timed event requiring the horse and rider to complete a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels that are placed in a triangle formation. Your time starts when you cross the start line, complete the pattern, and cross the finish line. If a pattern is missed or a barrel is knocked over, you receive no time. TRAIL RIDES May 9: South Mountains State Park 3001 South Mountains State Park Ave, Connelly Springs, NC Up to 29 miles of trails – day ride or camp. Some of us will go up on Friday; camp Friday and Saturday nights; come home after riding half a day on Sunday. Primitive camping; 10x10 stalls with bedding; bathhouse; water at barn; wash stations for horses. (If you wish to camp, make your own reservations by calling 828-433-4772 or going online at Directions to South Mountains State Park 1. Take I-40 towards Morganton to NC Hwy 18 (Exit 105). 2. Turn left onto NC Hwy 18 and go 11.1 miles to Sugarloaf Rd. 3. Turn right onto Sugarloaf and go 4.3 miles to Old NC 18. 4. Turn left onto Old NC 18. Go 2.7 miles and turn right onto Ward’s Gap Rd. Go 1.4 miles to South Mountains State Park Ave. Go another mile to the South Mountains State Park main gate. May 2015 THE JR PADDOCK “God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.” (Jewish Proverb) May 2015 Check out DCHA's Facebook page! Please collect Southern States Feed Proof of Purchase seals throughout the year. Our club gets money for these! Deadline for June Newsletter – May 27
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