April 2015 Officers – Term Ends Jan 2017 UPCOMING EVENTS & DATES President: Klynt Nifong (764-2277) Join DCHA/REINS and receive our monthly newsletter!!! Vice-President: Milda Minter (764-4785) Secretary: Gayle Nifong (764-2277) Treasure: Gail Fritts (239-4261) April 5, 2015: Easter Sunday April 11, 2015: Larry’s Western Supply Customer Appreciation Day Directors/Term Ends Jan April 13, 2015: 7pm DCHA Board Meeting at the Ag Bldg Fran Bassett: 2017 (407-0675) April 21, 2015: 7pm General Meeting DCHA/REINS will host North Carolina Horse Council Caucus. Representatives from NCHC will be at ( 301 E. Center ST. Ext. Lexington )AG building auditorium to answer any questions you may have about what they do for the EQUINE INDUSTRY and what they can do for YOU. No meal. We hope our members will bring light refreshments. Paper and plastic will be furnished. James Jones: 2017 (242-3996) Marie Freeman: 2017 (752-2188) Doug Owen: 2018 (249-8285) Brenda Vickrey: 2018 (972-6261) Committee Chairperson/s Finance: Gail Fritts (239-4261) Fund Raiser: OPEN April 25, 2015: 9am – 3pm Saturday at Nifong Acres, 1129 Ruff Leonard Rd. Lexington, NC. Trail Challenge Course will open. Ride the obstacles from 9am to 3pm for $10.00 per horse. See details on Facebook page: Nifong Acres Extreme Trail Challenge. Gayle and Klynt Nifong 336-764-2277. May 2, 2015: Saturday DCHA/REINS FUN HORSE SHOW at Heritage Farm & Stables location: 1833 Perryman Rd. Lexington, NC 27295.Show starts at 9am sharp. There are 68 classes. Historian: Gayle Nifong (764-2277) Class list, sponsor forms, & flyer can be printed from our website: dchaweb.com Call Milda Minter 336-764-4785 for more info. Volunteers are needed to help with the show. If you can help, give Milda a call. Horse Show: Milda Minter (764-4785) Note: Raindate will be on Sunday, May 3 at 9am. Legislative: Gayle & Klynt Nifong (764-2277) Newsletter/Membership: Frances Thorne (242-1021) Nominations: Milda Minter (764-4785) Public Relations: OPEN Reins/Education: Gayle Nifong (764-2277) Social: OPEN Trail Rides: Gail Fritts (239-4261) Webpage: Marilyn Colvin (492-6594) Youth: Hallie Nifong (764-2277) May 9, 2015: 10am Trail Ride at South Mountains State Park. You can camp for the weekend but you must call South Mountains to make your own reservation. May 11, 2015: 7pm DCHA Board Meeting at the Ag Bld. May 19, 2015: 6:30pm DCHA General Meeting on location at Lexington Farm &Garden, 1800 N. Main St. Lexington, NC Randy Hedrick is so gracious to have us there again this year. Come prepared to shop and eat the evening meal. Don't forget to bring a chair. Jason Callicutt will be the speaker for May meeting. He is Southern States representative in our area. Program will be on Hay Quality. Get your DCHA/REINS T-shirts while they are still available for $14.00 each April 2015 DCHA/REINS BOARD MEETING MINUTES: 3/9/2015 President Klynt Nifong called our meeting to order at 7:05pm.He asked for prayer requests. Doug Owen had our prayer. We had our Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. In attendance were: Deanna, Fran, Marie, Milda, Gail, Doug, Brenda,F rances, Gayle and Klynt. th Minutes from February 9 board were asked to be approved. Gail Fritts noted corrections to be made. She said she did not want to be the contact person about Hamby Creek work days. Information discussed about who will do our Facebook Page was not known at that time. Many Horse Show items discussed were not in the board minutes. The issue of no stallions at our show was discussed but never put in a motion. Doug made motion to approve minutes with the corrections and Milda made the second motion to approve. Treasurers Report was given. Fran made motion to approve and Marie gave the second motion to approve. Doug noted a correction for our Newsletter on the Nominating Committee Chair, it needs to have our Vice President, Milda Minter listed, instead of his name. Jan Kruzich has declined to finish her 3-yr. Board member term. Her remaining 2 years will be filled by James Jones. Frances reported 28 Family, 7youth and 7 businesses Memberships to this date. th Gail noted next Quarterly Trail Ride is May 9 . st Hamby Creek Work-Day has been changed from March 14 to March 21 . Folks need to come with tools and equipment. We will have a sign- up sheet at next general meeting. Milda reported the details on the horse show class list, trophies, etc. She ask the board if she could address the 'no stallions issue' the board discussed in the last meeting. She felt it would hurt our entries to not allow stallions at our show. The rules have covered unruly horses and safety rules while at our show. Milda mentioned none of our shows in the past have had a no stallion rule. Everyone thought all areas had been covered on the horse show rules and no reason not to allow stallions. Class list and sponsor forms were handed out. If we can hand deliverer forms to business', we can save on postage and have personal contact with folks. Milda will mail the other Sponsor Forms with Class List to the Business' we have on past years sponsor list. Welcome Easter Parade is Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 3pm. Paperwork has been sent to the Parade Committee. We will have a sign-up sheet at the March 17 General Meeting. We meet in the North Davidson High School parking lot between 1-2pm. th Feb.17 general meeting was cancelled due to weather. Tuesday, March 17, 2015 general meeting will be at 6:30pm, having Soup & Sandwiches. Jason Callicutt with Southern States was available for a presentation during our March program. Susan Hubbard, with Riverwood, will have a short presentation. Gayle reminded us that the April 21 general meeting is lined up with our North Carolina Horse Council Caucus. We meet here at the AG. Auditorium. Gayle asked if we wanted to have food at this meeting. She will check with NCHC on these issues. Gayle and Klynt will go to Raleigh on Wednesday, March 25 for NCHC strategic planning and board meeting. Fran noted some dates that needed correcting on the list of events, that was given to the board and officers. Klynt asked if there was anything else to discuss? We adjourned at 8:45pm. Gayle Nifong/Secretary April 2015 DCHA GENERAL MEETING MINUTES: 3/17/2015 Klynt Nifong called our meeting to order at 6:45pm. He asked for prayer requests. Willie Everhart gave our prayer and blessing. Klynt led us in the Pledge to our flag. We were blessed with lots of crock pots of food: soups, plenty of sandwiches, and desserts. There were 32 that attended. Klynt gave a business report while folks ate. Minutes from January 20 needed to be approved. Marie made a motion to approve and Milda gave the second motion to approve. Gail gave our financial report. Marie made a motion and Milda gave a second motion to approve. Old and New Business Frances gave a Membership report of 44 paid members as of March 17. Gail has the next quarterly trail ride set for Saturday, May 9,2015 at South Mountain. Hamby Creek work-day was changed from March 14 to Sat. March 21 at 10am.We need volunteers to come, bring equipment, and tools to work. Sign-up sheet went around. Welcome Easter Parade Saturday, March 28.Parade starts at 3pm.We meet in North Davidson High School parking lot between 1-2pm, then, takes our trucks and trailers to the end before they block old HWY 52.Sign-up sheet went around. Please contact,Gayle Nifong if you want to ride and have not signed up. April 21, 2015, our next general meeting is at 7pm. We will host our North Carolina Horse Council Caucus, along with their representatives. Please plan to attend and find out what NCHC has to offer YOU and what they do for the Equine Industry. Milda gave us the information on DCHA/REINS Saturday, May2 fun horse show at Heritage Farm and Stables 1833 Perryman Road, Lexington, NC 27295.Starts at 9am and has 68 classes. There were Sponsor forms and Class lists for folks to take and pass around to business' and individuals who will sponsor a class for $25.00 per class. Volunteers are needed thru out that day. Please come, help out and support DCHA/REINS for a few hours. Let Milda know how you can help. Speakers for the evening. Susan Hubbard with Riverwood Therapeutic Riding Center in Tobaccoville, NC gave a very nice power point presentation. Susan is the founder and manager of Riverwood. She has been offering therapeutic riding there for 20 years. Thanks, Susan. Jason Callicutt, Southern States representative, had a very educational and informative presentation. Jason covered Nutrition and contents of the Legends many different feeds, Southern States has to offer. He told us about KER ( Kentucky Equine Research) and what they do. Literature and feed coupons were given to those attending our meeting. Klynt gave Jason a 2015 Appreciation Plaque from DCHA/REINS. Thanks, Jason. Willy made motion we adjourn at 8:30pm and Marie second. Minutes submitted by Gayle Nifong Secretary April 2015 HORSEMAN'S CORRAL DUST CORNER April 2015 Cowboy Logic “A Cowboys’ Guide To Life ”from Texas Bix Bender’s (submitted by Gail Nifong) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Don’t squat with your spurs on. Never kick a fresh cow chip on a hot day. Don’t worry about bitin’ off more’n you can chew- your mouth’s probably a whole lot bigger’n you think. If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s’ dog around. Never smack a man who’s chewin tobacco. It don’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep. If you find yourself in a hole, the first think to do is stop diggin. There’s two theories to arguin’ with a woman. Neither one works. Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement. Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier’n puttin’ it back in. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. Always take a good look at what you’re about to eat. It’s not so important to know what it is; but it’s critical to know what it was. 14. Never miss a good chance to shut up. THE ROUND PEN HOW TO TIE A SAFETY RELEASE KNOT A safety release knot, sometimes called a quick release knot, is a method of tying your horse in a way that can be released quickly in case of emergency. If your horse panics and pulls back, you’re able to untie the knot with a single tug to prevent injury to your horse or damage to the barn or fence he is tied to. Here are the steps to tying a safety release knot; Put the end of the rope through the tie ring or around the post. Wrap the loose end once around the rope, creating a circle. Fold the loose end into a loop, and pull it through the circle. If your horse is mouthy, tuck the loose end through the loop so that he can’t untie himself. NOTE: some horse owners make a loop of bailing twine and tie it to the tie ring, then make a safety release knot on the twine. This is an added safety measure so that if the horse panics and you don’t reach the knot in time to pull him free, he will break the twine before he injuries himself. April 2015 TRAIL RIDES Our next scheduled trail ride is May 9, 2015 10 a.m. at South Mountains State Park. You can camp for the weekend but you must call South Mountains to make your reservation. NOTICES Club Members; help your club grow, get involved, share your ideas and improve your club! There are a few open committees that could use your help! Ask a board member and get involved today! Love your Horse? Show it in your newsletter! Submit your horse stories, photos, items for sale, jokes, training tips etc. to Frances Thorne. Have a Blessed Easter Holiday April 3 – 6 “The great Easter truth is not that we are to live newly after death – that is not the great thing – but that...we are to, and may, live nobly now because we are to live forever.” (Phillips Brooks) Want a good book to read over Spring Break? Check this out. ‘The Horse with the Easter Bonnet’ By Jane Thayer April 2015 THE JR PADDOCK “Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” (Doug Larson) Q: Why are people always tired in April? A: Because they just finished a March! Q: Why did the Easter egg hide? A: He was a little chicken! Q: What do you call a bunny with a large brain? A: An egg head! Q: Did you hear the story about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee? A: It's a tender tail! HORSE SAFETY FOR CHILDREN When in doubt about the proper way of doing anything ask for expert help and/or advice before proceeding. Make a habit of the correct method of doing things. Take your time and avoid shortcuts. Do things the right way every time. Speak to your horse to alert him of your presence before walking up to him or her. Approach from the side, to avoid the "blind" spots (directly in front of and behind him). Touch him first on the neck or shoulder. Use a lead rope attached to the horse's halter, rather than grasping the halter itself. Don't coil the end of the lead rope around your hand, instead, fold it back and forth and grasp the middle of the folds. Never wrap a lead rope that is attached to a horse around any part of your body. Tie a horse "eye high and no longer than your arm,", the tie knot should be at least as high as the horse's eye, and the distance from the knot to the halter should be no more than the length of your arm. Tie to a safe, solid object, using a quick-release knot or breakaway string. Keep your fingers out of the loops as you tie the knot. Never tie with bridle reins. Never tie to the cross rails of a fence. April 2015 Check out DCHA's Facebook page! Please collect Southern States Feed Proof of Purchase seals throughout the year. Our club gets money for these! Deadline for May Newsletter – April 27
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