The Stantonian Stanton College Preparatory School, 1149 West 13th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209 Winter 2015 Edition Volume 1, Issue 2 Ubuntu ~ “I am because We are.” Upcoming Stanton Events-3rd Nine Weeks: Principal’s Message ~ Nongongoma Majova-Seane February 28th: Miss Stanton Pageant March 13th: Mr. Ugly Contest March 14th: SAT March 16th-20th: Congratulations to Mrs. Janice Lee and the Latin team! Stanton Latin students brought home several outstanding awards, to name a few: Our students placed first in CERTAMEN I; CERTAMEN II; and ADV. CERTAMEN. Last but not least, the regional officers for 2016 were elected and our very own Victoria Ge was named the Consul. Bravo to Mrs. Yan Lan and the Chinese Team! They placed first at the Regional competition. We are so proud of their hard work and Mrs. Lan said: “This is just the beginning as we will be number one again next year.” The humble Mr. Gandell attributed the big win by the Brain Brawl to the hard work of the children. We congratulate Mr. Gandell and the Brain-Brawl students for placing first place at the regional Brain Brawl completion. Spring Break March 25th-30th: Nine Weeks Exams April 2nd: Planning Day April 10th: I must rave about the dedication of our AP and IB teachers for taking time out of their weekend to give the children that final nudge on test taking strategies. They always schedule a Saturday or afterschool session(s) to arm the students with tips for test taking genre. Some of the teachers actually open their homes for these sessions. Please encourage students to take advantage of these extra help sessions. Kindly view our school calendar at The fourth quarter will be here before we know it, and during that time we will need your support. We highly encourage our parents to make sure that the students are present every single day. Once again, our seniors might tell you that school is over for them, so parents, when in doubt please call the school and inquire. “Multi” Performance April 13th: Nine Weeks Report Cards Distributed April 15th: Blood Drive We are awaiting the projected number of students for next year and we are always eager to welcome our new freshmen class to our school. As you know, we have held Summer Bridge for them for the past two years. We encourage all of them to attend this great event. The information for the summer bridge will be forthcoming with announcements and notifications. We need volunteers for the summer bridge and would like to solicit the help of our upperclassmen. They will receive volunteer/CAS hours for helping our new freshmen acclimate to the Stanton culture. April 18th: Prom In this issue: Principal’s Message 1 Activities, Testing, Gifted & Cyber Bullying 2 Guidance Update & IB 3 All “A’s” & Honor Roll 4&5 AP, & IB Testing Schedules 6 & 7 Athletics & Senior Activities The testing season is upon us and so far we are in the process of testing both 9th and 10th graders in FSA Writing. Our children, as usual, are on time, prepared and ready to test. As you know, most testing is done on the computer, therefore we are strategically scheduling our students for testing, while continuing to keep instruction going in all our classes. We still have FSA Reading, and state End of Course (EOC) exams to take in Biology, US History, and Geometry. Please encourage your student(s) to have a good night’s sleep the night before the test and a healthy breakfast on test day. Additionally, we have Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams facing us soon. Please have deep conversations with the children about the importance of these exams, particularly the seniors. Some of our seniors have already been accepted by various colleges and they think that these exams are no longer important. They fail to understand that they are extremely significant to their first course load as freshmen in college. 8 It is with much gratitude that I send my heartfelt appreciation to both our PTSA and SAC. They are the most hardworking and caring people that I have ever encountered. Please know that your work did not go unnoticed. The two groups embody what Stanton is all about…caring for each child and going above and beyond to ensure that this is accomplished. The leadership we had this year did an extraordinary job at leading our parent organizations to the ultimate best. I would like to publicly applaud Mrs. Kim Dobransky, our PTSA President, and Mrs. Mindy Menzel, our SAC Chair. As always, “It Takes a Village To Raise a Child…” and our village is oiled with the spirit of “Ubuntu!” Parents, please be present, join the PTSA and SAC. I would be remiss if I did not say how grateful I am to have such an awesome group of people to help in teaching and guiding our children----Stanton’s faculty and staff…they are incredible great. We will miss some old timers who have contributed a myriad of services, time and care to our children: Mr. Bob Turba; Mr. Marcus Young; Mr. E.J. McKnight; Mrs. Mary Lewis and Mrs. Martha Gardner. We all know these wonderful people and their outstanding contributions to our institution. 1 Testing ~ Norma Hayward Cyber Bullying ~ What’s the Definition? With students becoming more and more active on social media, DCPS and its schools have been focused on setting parameters for students and parents. For insight into the issue, below is the definition of the subject from the DCPS Student Code of Conduct. Governor Scott makes Changes to the FSA On February 18, 2015, Governor Rick Scott gave an Executive Order that eliminated the 11th grade Reading and Writing portion of the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA). Because of the order, 11th graders will not be taking the assessments at the end of the school year. All other FSA and End of Course (EOC) exams will be administered as scheduled by the Florida Department of Education. 3.21-Bullying/Cyberbullying – Systematically and chronically, inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees, often characterized by an imbalance of power and is unwanted, purposeful and repeated through written, verbal, nonverbal, physical behavior, electronic communication or the use of technology, by a student or adult that is severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment and substantially interferes with the individual’s school performance or participation. Note: Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail, Internet communications, instant messages, facsimile, texting, social media, creating webpages and weblogs, assuming the identity of another person, distribution by electronic means or posting of materials on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons which creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of bullying. High School Test Calendar: March 2-13 Grade 9 & 10 FSA Writing Component of ELA Assessment April 13-24 Grade 9 & 10 FSA ELA Assessment April 20-May 15 Algebra 2 & Geometry EOC May 11-22 US History and Biology EOC If you need additional information about testing at Stanton, please contact Dr. Hayward at: . Student Activities ~ Diana Glendenning Gifted 101: What is gifted? As spring approaches there are many things that students will have to balance--classroom studies, nine weeks exams, rehearsals for Multi, prom preparations, campaigning for office, AP review sessions, AP and IB test dates…and this list goes on. But, as Stanton students mantra, “I think I can, I think I can”, we KNOW they can as they’ve proven it over the past eight months. A few shout outs from the Office of Student Activities: Congratulations to our newly crowned 201516 Miss Stanton, Lauren Asuncion, and her court, Savannah Connelly (1st runner up) and Karli Kearney (2nd runner up.) We are excited about their reign and representation of Stanton both at school and in our community. The Multicultural Extravaganza will be held on April 9th and 10th in our Stanton auditorium. Sixteen performances will dazzle our audiences with costumes and dances from all over the world. A list of upcoming events are posted on the Stanton website. Be sure to “click on” the event to read full details. An information session for all parents! This one hour session will include information about academic, social, and emotional development of children, plus tips on how to best meet their unique needs! Discussion will be encouraged! April 22, 2015, 7:00-8:30 pm Building 57, University of North Florida Hosted by Dr. Hope Wilson, Florida Association for the Gifted and the College of Education and Human Services, University of North Florida This event is free and open to the public! Parking on campus is $5.00, please pay for parking at the Parking Information booths at the I-295 or Kernan Blvd. entrances to campus. Parking is available at either the Fine Arts or Arena Parking Garages (2nd-4th floors). Florida Association for the Gifted A resource for parents and teachers of the gifted. Join today! 2 Guidance Updates ~ Bob Turba Freshmen & Sophomores: School Counselors have met with students who are experiencing academic problems. Forms were sent home with the students that require a parent’s signature. If your student failed any courses during the first semester, and you have not seen any forms from the School Counselor, please call your student’s School Counselor: May Ibasco – A-D, grades 9-12 Penny Studstill – E-K, grades 9-12 Tanya Riggio – L-R, grades 9-12 Bob Turba – S-Z , grades 9 -12 Juniors: School Counselors have visited one of your 11th grade classes with information that you will need to successfully plan your senior year college and scholarship application season. Junior Future Planning Meetings are being held through April. Go to “Students Class” “Juniors” to get the information to make this appointment. These meetings with parents, student, and School Counselor to discuss your future plans, usually last 30-60 minutes. Make your appointment now because after May 1, AP testing starts, and the School Counselors will not be available for the Junior Future Planning Meetings. Seniors: Bright Futures – you should have completed the online application, submitted your community service hours verification form, and have taken the SAT or ACT. Go to to check you Bright Futures GPA (which is different from your State or District GPA that is on your transcript). Once at, go to the link “Pay For College.” If you need to retest in order to qualify for the higher award, you can take the SAT through the June 6 test date, and the ACT through the June 13 test date. For complete Bright Futures information, go to under the “Students” tab at the top of the page. Online course requirement – be certain to complete your online course that is REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION. If you have any problems or questions about this, see your School Counselor immediately. Senior Year Grades are important! In your acceptance letter to college(s), there was language in your acceptance letter or email that states the acceptance is conditional on your successful completion of 12th grade. That means that your grades this year must be very similar to your grades in 9th – 11th grades. School Counselors will come to your classes after May 1 to gather all of your college decisions and merit scholarship offers. Please save all of this information, including offers of merit scholarships (these are the offers that are NOT included in your financial aid award letter), whether you will use the merit scholarship or not. We need all of this information for various reporting agencies within the states. International Baccalaureate ~ Gerald Liles If the school year is like running the mile, Stanton students are on the third lap and rounding the last corner! Here are the grade-level-specific issues for IB students in this last lap: Seniors: Your CAS programs need to be completed before Spring Break! That means 50 hours of C, A, and S logged with written reflections, one activity that integrates two or three of the letters, and a 500-1500 word summary of the past 18 months, i.e., what you learned from the things you did in CAS. Juniors: You’re headed into your first IB exam rodeo, so make sure you know what each exam paper looks like (past years’ papers for nearly every subject are available at Sophomores: You have three significant items on your IB to-do list: pick your IB science, your IB sixth subject (i.e., elective), and submit your first 50 hours for Bright Futures. Freshmen: You only need to finish strong in all eight classes and review the College Board’s summary of human history via AP World exam reviews. A few weeks of serious study really can make a multiple point difference—as in, from a 2 to a 4, or a 1 to a 3. Everyone: Learn a lot and earn that summer! 3 Principal’s “A” Scholars-Second 9 Weeks 9th Grade ALURI, SUMANTH ANTHONY, ALEXIS ARMSTRONG, EMMA BAST, WILLIAM BEALLE, CATHERINE BERRY, KENDALL BUCH, CONNOR DAVEY, EMILY DERSTINE, LAUREN DEVINE, KAITLYN DUNN, ETHAN ELLIS, ABIGAIL ESTEBAN, NATHAN FALTEMIER, DANIEL GARG, MAANASI GOMBAS, ALEXANDRIA GRIMM, GIBSON HOU, ALICIA KANE, MARYALLISON KASHEF, MATTEEN LAUGHLIN, SYDNEY LENTZ, MEGAN LEWIS, SIMONE LEWIS, SYDNEY LY, HOANGLONG LYNCH, VICTORIA MASZY, GRACE MILLER, WALKER MODAK, SIMIN NGUYEN, ANDREW NGUYEN, KATHERINE NOWAK, WILLIAM PERERA, JONATHAN RAVI, SHREYA RELOVA, ANDREA REYES-RIVERA, DANIEL SARAB, MORGAN SCHMITT, LINDSAY SHAH, DHAIRYA SHENO, FRANCISCO SUSA, ELLERY HU, JOYCE IZHAR, MAHNOOR KARHADE, ANUSHREE LEE, HALEY MALLARI, ORVENFROIE MALONE, ASHLIE MANDAVALLI, AKHIL MATTIACE, GAVIN 10th Grade MENDOZA, HANNAH ABOUSHAAR, NOOR MISHRA, MILIND BANH, DEAN MUGWIMI, TANISHA BOGGS, JILL MURALI, SHRUTI BURT, TANNER NGUYEN, ANDREW DANTZLER, MICHELLE PAGE, SARAH DILLARD, JACKSON PERISETLA, NAVEEN DUNCAN, HANNAH PERRY, TERESA GARCIA, DAVID SHARP, RICHARD GE, VICTORIA SIA, MARIANNE GOLDSTEIN, SAMUEL SO, ANDREW GRECO, AMELIA SRIKAKOLAPU, GREGORIO, KAITLYN SAIBHAVANA TAYLOR, JAELYN VAIROGS, CHRISTOPHER VILLENA, MA-ANNA WETHERINGTON, ISABELLA WILEY, ISAAC ZHOU, KEVIN SU, VICTORIA SWANSON, JULIE TOLA, REDI VARSHNEY, ROHAN WHEELER, SARAH 11th Grade BUNKER, CHRISTIAN GEBRETSADIK, YODIT HUANG, SOLANA LEE, MADISON MARCUM, LOGAN MATHIS, BOBBY MITYUL, VICTORIA PLATZER, ELSIE TOMS, NIKOLE 12th Grade ABEJUELA, KORINNA CHRYSTMAN, ANDREW CUEVAS, BRANDON HIGDON, SOPHIE HOWARD, JENIVEVE JERRIPOTHULA, AKHILA JHA, HARSH KAUFMAN, LINDSAY LAM, ALAN LANG, ALLISON LEE, MARYE MARRERO, JEDD MIKA, SAVANNAH PARKS, CHRISTINA SHINEGO, MATTHEW UTSET, MICHAEL WANG, ZIZHAO WARE, AUDREY WONG, ALTON XU, ZIXUAN “A” & “B” Honor Roll-Second 9 Weeks 9th Grade: ABUEG, ZULEIKA ABULHASSAN, SHAHD AGNILA, DEO-REI AHIAHONU, EDMUND ALI, SAMI ARCENAS, ARIANNA BECKER, JACOB BISWAS, DEVANIK BLACKEAGLE, JAMES BORDANCA, ALEXANDRU BORGE, SEBASTIAN BOURSIQUOT, SHAMEER BOYD, SARAH BREWER, DANIELLE BRUNDAGE, VICTORIA BUNKER, BRADY CARDOZO, MELANIE CARLSON, HEIDI CASTRO, BRANDON CIRIACO, RIKKAMAE J GALLARDO, FRANCIS PAOLA JOLLEY, MEGAN GALLER, OLIVIA KAMAL, SHEREEF GANJU, ATUL CONNORS, KHAN, RAYYAN GARCIA, ISABELLE HANNAH KIM, MIN GARCIA, NICOLE CUEVAS, ANDREW KIRBY, BRIANNA DALRYMPLE, LAUREN GHARAT, YASH KOEHLER, BRIAN GIROUX, CHLOE DAVENPORT, LAGOY, JOHN GREEN, ISABELLA NATALIE LANG, MARSHALL GUIRY, PEYTON DAVEY, BRIANNA LEE, MAXWELL GUSTIN, RYAN DAVIS, ALIVIA HANCHATE, KUNAL LEGASPI, KAITLYN DAVIS, AMIA LENHART, JACOB HANUMAN, DEDIOS, DANIELLE LESSAINT, JUDE MATTHEW DINH, AUSTIN LIN, KELLY DOBRANSKY, LYDIA HARRIS, JOHN HAWKINS, AUTUMN LOUSTAU, TRYSTAN DUCKSON, MAYA HEMPHILL, STEWART MADATHIL, ROHAN EASTER, PARKS MAIL, SABRINA HU, JESSICA ELROD, HANNAH MCNEELY, JUSTIN HUNZINGER, ENTZMINGER, MEDINA, JULIAN NICOLE DESTINI MERINO, KRISTINA HUYNH, VINSON EVERY, MILES MIKA, MITCHELL JAMES, ALEN EYLER, GABRIELLA MILLIEN, NIJAH JAMES, CAROLINE FARAH, ABIGAIL MOODY, HANNAH JAMIRO, FLEURY, NICOLE MORECRAFT, JOSE-DOMINIC FRANK, MARY BRENNA FUNEZ-CRUZ, ELDER JENKINS, MICHAEL MORRIS, JAELYN JESIN, KEVIN GAFF, CHADWICK MOSHER, AMELIA JIMENEZ-READ, GALANG, DERRICK CISNEROS, ALEXIS COBB, GRACE 4 MOSOLF, LUKE NAUTH, KAREN NEWELL, JARED NGUYEN, DANIEL-DINH NGUYEN, JUSTIN NORIEGA, RACHEL OBERES, JAZMYN OSSI, THOMAS PATEL, KUSH PATEL, SHAAN PEARSON, ANISSA PECH, ALEXANDER PENLAND, HANNAH PHILLIPS, RILEY PORTELL, AARON RHODES, DYLLON ROBBINS, RACHEL RUPESH, SUSHANTTI SAVAGE, GARI A SCHICKLER, ZACHARY SEELY, KIRSTEN SELLERS, CALLIE SEU, JOY SHAFER, EMMA SHARMA, SAMARTH SHINEGO, HAILEY SICANGCO, CAMILLE SICAT, ANDREA SIERRA, CHRISTIANA SIU, JASPER SIVAKUMARAN, ARCHUNA SMITH, RASHAAN SNIDER, SABRINA SOLIMAN, JANCARLO STEEL, LEWIS STERE, KATHERINE STURM, SAVANAH TAN, CAITLIN TENHULZEN, JACK TINANA, JEREMY UKOHA, CHISOM UTSET, MATTHEW WEST, JONAE WHEELER, JACOB WILLIE, TRISHA WITUCKI, KAYLA YANG, STANLEY ZHENG, CINDY “A” & “B” Honor Roll Continued-Second 9 Weeks WONG, VANESSA XIAO, JIE ABUEG, ZACHARIAH MILLER, MARGARET NGHITRAN, QUAN D''AURIZIO, JACOB DANIEL, MEKLIT LITCHFIELD, KELSEY MAHESHKUMAR, ACKER, JACOB ADKINS, JACOB OSTEEN, TABATHA PECSON, MARIELLE RAVINKUMAR MAHINDROO, MISHA MCCHARGUE, NICHOLAS BASHIR, AFHAM BASS, REAGAN PHENGCHANH, CASSIDY DAY, MARIN DELAVASSELAIS, GRANT DESAI, BHAVIK BUTLER, KYLE CAO, KATHLEEN CHAN, ANGELA CHANG, JASON CHEN, SHIRLEY POMPEO, REGAN PU, GEORGE RAO, RISHI DOHERTY, SEAN EVANS, JESSE FALTEMIER, EMILY FEJZIC, HARUN FEWELL, JOHN MCKENZIE, JOHN MCPHERSON, KRISTI NACHMAN, SPENCER MCDONOUGH, PEYTON MCKETTY, MATTHEW MENZE, OLIVIA MILLER, CASE CLEMENTS, BELLA DALUGDUG, JUSTIN ROBINSON, COURTNEY PATEL, PRANAM PATEL, RAVI DANIEL, MADELINE DAWSON, MARIA RUSHING, CHRISTINA FINEGOLD, LEAH FRIEDMAN, JESSICA GALLER, ISABELLA GANGIDI, DELOSREYES, KYLHA DEMPSTER, BRENNA DOBRANSKY, EVAN DUGGAN, SARAH DUNHAM, SEAN FIALLOS, JACOB FILIPOV, STELLA FRANKS, LOGAN GACUTAN, MIA GARG, NEHA GERARDO, MICHELLE GO, STEFANI HAROLD, LAURYNANN HARPER, ANDREW HENTSCHEL, KAYLIN HILLS, ALEXIS HORNBECK, ASMINE HUNG, GAHAY IBACH, ALLISON ISELEY, ROBERT IVEY, AMIYA JOHNSON, DEVON KAPLAN, JEREMIAH KIMBROUGH, EMILY KOWKABANY, JEREMY LANGHAM, ANNA LI, MINGJIA LOK, CAROLYN LOPEZ, ISABELLA LOTSEY, SARAH MACIAS, JEANETTE MACKAY, NATHAN MADEM, SWETA MAIRS, SARAH MANN, PATRICK MCNEIL, IAN MENDIA, SOPHIA SHI, DAVID Y SHIELL, SARAH SMITH, JESSICA SOMMI, ARVIND SPENCER, REBECCA STARKS, VALERIE SWANTEK, NICHOLAS UNDERKOFLER, JARED VILLAMOR, EDUARDO WAGNER, ISABELLA WANAMAKER, CLAUDIA WINGATE, ABBY YAKOVLEVA, JULIA SUMAVARSHINI GIDEON, STEWART GIESMAN, ALLISON GONZALEZ, ANGELICA GREEN, EDWARD GRICH, KATHERINE GRIGORYANTS, NICOLE GUSTIN, BETHANY HAGINS, JAELA HALIL, KATIE HALL, SAVANNAH HAN, VANESSA HARRIS, AMANDA HENRY, JORDAN HERREROS, DOMINIQUE HOLLAND, ELIZABETH HOLTON, CARRIE HUSSEY, MARCUS JAIN, SUHANI JIMENEZ-READ, VANESSA JOSEPH, VANESSA KALA, NIHAL KELLY, KIMBERLY KERR, KATHRYN KHOSROWZADEH, NOAH KOMATINENI, KAVITHA KOUTZ, KAYLYN LACARA, CHRISTIAN LAHEY, KATHRYN LANTINBERG, BENJAMIN LEWIS, JALICIA LEWIS, KERSEY LIONEL, BRITANY KRISTEN PONSHUNMUGAM, UDHAYASWARAN POWELL, OCTAVIA PROUTY, STEPHANIE QU, EVAN RAPPAPORT, SOPHIA REASONOVER, MADISEN REYES, ZOE RICKEL, EMILY RO, DEREK ROBINSON, CAMYA RUALES, VANESSA SANTIAGO, GABRIELLE SHAFER, NATALI SHAH, RISHUBH SHAUIB, ARSHAD SHEA, TIMOTHY SILLIMAN, JULIA SING, SIMON Y SINHA, KUNAL SIVAKUMARAN, KRISHNAH SPENCER, CASSIDY SPIROLLARI, SILVI SWARTZ, ALDEN 10th Grade: RASTOGI, SRAJAT REICHARD, KALEE 11th Grade: ADAMS, TAYLOR AKBARI, RASHID ALMOJERA, JAHN ARZOLA, CAMILA ASUNCION, LAUREN ATHAVALE, EESHA BACK, CHARLES BAYARD, HANNAH BEHERA, PRIYADARSHIN BRODEUR, PATRICK BROWN, THOMAS BYERLEY, LAUREN CAMERON, KATHERINE CAPORINI, ISABELLA CARPENTER, HEATHER CARTER, AMANDA CHAU, KIET COBB, DURRELL COELHO, ALEXIS COHEN, JOEL YADLAPALLI, NIKHITA YANG, ANDY MAIRS, BENJAMIN MANANQUIL, LIANNE ZAVALA, ANGEL NIELSEN, CASHEN NULAND, MITCHELL PATEL, SONIA PATTERSON, TANKSLEY, QUAYLIN TARAGJINI, CHRISTINA TIU, CHRISELLE TURNER, RAYME VANCINI, SAMUEL VILARO, MANUEL WATKINSDARIS, SAMANTHA WELLER, COLLEEN WHALEY, LAUREN WHITE, CLARA R WILLIE, WILHELM 5 12th Grade: AIDINEJAD, ARMAN ALESCH, MATTHEW BAGDADI, SAANIYA BANERJEE, DIPAYAN BARRON, ASHLEY BATTLE, MARIEL BEAN, RILEY BENNETT, MARISSA BITUTSKY, PAUL BRADFORD, EMILY BRADLEY, SHARON BROWN, MEGAN BURNETTE, AUSTIN CLARK, SYDNEY COLLINS, WILLIAM COMBS, MADISON DARROW, JARROD DIANCIN, RIANE DUFFY, KELSEY FEJZIC, HUSEIN FERIOLI, DUSTIN GALL, BRYCE GARCIA, GEORGE GILES, ALEXANDER GOLDBERG, DANIELLE GOLDSTEIN, MANYA HANDOUSH, SAREEN HART, EMILY HASANIC, IRMA HECKEL, ANDREW HELLWIG, ALLISON HOWE, MADELINE INGE, MELISSA ISRAEL, ELIZA JONES, DANIELLE JOSEPH, ANGELLA KALYANAM, HRISHIKESA KENDRICK, AARON KOEHLER, MONICA KWAK, TAEHWAN KYSER, DAVID LEE, SINDY LENTZ, ERIN LEVINE, JENNA LI, BRIAN LI, GLORIA LINZMAIER, BRENDAN MANAYAN, ARIEL MOLLA, YORDANOS NALLAPILLAI, AISHWARYA NEALEY, KATHRYN NGUYEN, ALEXANDER O''CONNELL, LIAN PADMAKUMAR, JANAKI PENNICK, WILSHEM PEREZ, HALEY PERRELLA, SYDNEY PHILLIPPS, JORDAN POINDEXTER, NICHOLAS POLINENI, PRANEET POON, ALLENPATRICK POORIAN, ANOOSH PUTNAL, ASHTON QUICKSTAD, GABRIELLE RAVICHANDRAN, RAMYA RODRIGUEZ-ROJAS, CAMILA ROJAS, MARIA SCOTT, BRENDEN SHAH, RAJ SHAMI, HANNAH SHANNON, TATUM SIHACHAK, VIRAXAY SNYDER, ALLISON SOHAG, SHAHADUR SUAREZ, MARIAN TAMRAKAR, ARJUN TRAN, ANDREW UNSEN, DALTON VAN-DEN-HEUVEL, AMBER VILLANUEVA, JULEONA WALKER, ASHLEY WRIGHT, RAVEN ZENG, ROBIN Advanced Placement Testing Calendar Exam AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Psychology AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP English Lit AP Physics 1 AP Computer Science AP Spanish Language AP Art History AP Physics 2 AP Euro AP Biology AP Physics C AP U.S. Government AP French AP Spanish Lit AP English Lang AP Statistics AP Comp Gov AP World AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP Latin AP Statistics (late) AP US Government (late) AP English Lang (late) AP Comparative Gov. (late) AP Environmental (late) AP Microeconomics (late) AP Art History (late) AP Calculus AB (late) AP Calculus BC (late) AP Physics 1 (late) AP Chemistry (late) AP Chinese (late) AP Human Geography (late) AP English Lit (late) AP Psychology (late) AP Spanish Lit (late) AP Biology (late) AP Latin (late) AP Physics C (late) Duration 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 15 min 3 hrs 15 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 30 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 5 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 25 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 15 min 3 hrs 2 hrs 25 min 3 hrs 5 min 2 hrs 10 min 2 hrs 10 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 25 min 3 hrs 15 min 2 hrs 25 min 3 hrs 2 hrs 10 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 15 min 3 hrs 15 min 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 15 min 2 hrs 15 min 3 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 6 Date 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 05/05/2015 05/05/2015 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/08/2015 05/11/2015 05/11/2015 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 05/13/2015 05/13/2015 05/14/2015 05/14/2015 05/14/2015 05/15/2015 05/15/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 05/22/2015 05/22/2015 05/22/2015 05/22/2015 05/22/2015 05/22/2015 Time AM AM PM AM AM AM PM AM AM PM PM PM AM PM AM PM PM AM PM AM AM PM AM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM IB Testing Calendar Exam English HL - Paper 1 Latin (HL) - Paper 1 Latin (SL) - Paper 1 Latin (HL) - Paper 2 Latin (SL) - Paper 2 English HL - Paper 2 Biology (HL) - Papers 1 & 2 Biology (SL) - Papers 1 & 2 Philosophy (HL) - Paper 1 Philosophy (SL) - Paper 1 Psychology (HL) - Paper 1 Psychology (SL) - Paper 1 Psychology (HL) - Papers 2-3 Psychology (SL) - Paper 2 Biology (HL) - Paper 3 Biology (SL) - Paper 3 Philosophy (HL) - Paper 2 Philosophy (SL) - Paper 2 Physics (HL) - Papers 1 & 2 Physics (SL) - Papers 1 & 2 Chinese B (HL) - Paper 1 Chinese B (SL) - Paper 1 Chinese B (HL) - Paper 2 Chinese B (SL) - Paper 2 Physics (HL) - Paper 3 Physics (SL) - Paper 3 Math (HL) - Paper 1 Math Studies (SL) - Paper 1 Mathematics (SL) - Paper 1 Spanish B (HL) - Paper 1 Spanish B (SL) - Paper 1 Spanish B (HL) - Paper 2 Spanish B (SL) - Paper 2 Math (HL) - Paper 2 Math Studies (SL) - Paper 2 Mathematics (SL) - Paper 2 His. Americas HL - Paper 1 Hist Europe (HL) - Paper 1 History (SL) - Paper 1 Chemistry (HL) - Papers 1 & 2 Chemistry (SL) - Papers 1 & 2 Chemistry (HL) - Paper 3 Chemistry (SL) - Paper 3 His. Americas HL - Paper 2 Hist Europe (HL) - Paper 2 History (SL) - Paper 2 His. Americas HL - Paper 3 Hist Europe (HL) - Paper 3 French B (HL) - Paper 1 French B (SL) - Paper 1 French B (HL) - Paper 2 French B (SL) - Paper 2 Comp Science (SL) - Paper 1 Comp. Science (HL) - Paper 1 Comp Science (SL) - Paper 2 Comp. Science (HL) - Paper 2 Comp. Science (HL) - Paper 3 Math (HL) - Paper 3 Duration 2 hrs 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 2 hrs 1 hr 30 min 2 hrs 3 hrs 15 min 2 hrs 1 hr 45 min 1 hr 45 min 2 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 1 hr 15 min 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 3 hrs 15 min 2 hrs 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 15 min 1 hr 2 hrs 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 2 hrs 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 3 hrs 15 min 2 hrs 1 hr 15 min 1 hr 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 2 hrs 30 min 2 hrs 30 min 1 hr 30 min 3 hrs 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 30 min 2 hrs 10 min 1 hr 1 hr 20 min 1 hr 1 hr 7 Date Time 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 05/04/2015 05/05/2015 05/05/2015 05/05/2015 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 05/06/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/07/2015 05/08/2015 05/08/2015 05/08/2015 05/08/2015 05/11/2015 05/11/2015 05/11/2015 05/11/2015 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 05/12/2015 05/13/2015 05/13/2015 05/13/2015 05/13/2015 05/13/2015 05/14/2015 05/14/2015 05/14/2015 05/14/2015 05/14/2015 05/15/2015 05/15/2015 05/15/2015 05/15/2015 05/15/2015 05/18/2015 05/18/2015 05/18/2015 05/18/2015 05/19/2015 05/19/2015 05/19/2015 05/19/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 05/21/2015 AM PM PM AM AM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM AM AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM PM AM AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM PM AM AM PM PM AM AM PM PM AM AM AM PM Blue Devil Athletics ~ Chris Crider Stanton Athletics had an incredible Winter Season. Both the Boys and Girls Soccer teams won the Gateway Conference Championship and their District titles. The teams also combined to have eight All Gateway Conference player selections. The Boys Basketball Team had its most successful season in many years and had one player, Wilshem Pennick, reach the 1,000 point mark for his high school career! The boys team also beat our rival Paxon Eagles in a game streamed live through the Devil’s Advocate website. The school also recently had a new speaker system installed on the scoreboard which will allow game announcements to be heard around Blue Devil Stadium. All teams had great seasons and we would like to recognize our senior Blue Devils! Girls Basketball – Seniors: Khelsea Gordon, Tabitha Cobb, Caitlin Fechtel, and Eliza Israel Boys Soccer – Seniors: Logan Austin, Conner Belusak, Kyle Belusak, Zach Erickson, Tyler Gillespie, Omar Hebeishy, Andrew Heckel, Evan Howard, Justin Howell, Drew Murnin, Matthew Perry, and Dino Savvisis. District & Conference Champions, Regional Semifinalists All Gateway Conference: David Garcia, Evan Howard, Drew Murnin, and Tyler Gillespie FACA 2015 Boys All-Star Game Selection: Tyler Gillespie Girls Soccer – Seniors: Olivia Menze and Tabitha Raskiewicz. District and Conference Champions, Slow-Pitch Softball – Seniors: Teyona Byers, Chris- Regional Semifinalists ten Cook, Kelsey Doering, Alana Hall, Paige Koren, and All Gateway Conference: Hannah Fluharty, Lianne Larissa Ogin. Mananquil, Tabitha Raskiewicz, and Julia Silliman Boys Basketball – Seniors: Wilshem Pennick, Laith Wrestling – Seniors: Matthew Tan and Sothea Nou Furra, Juray Kuo, and Jordan Phillips All Gateway Conference: Wilshem Pennick Senior Activities ~ Diana Glendenning March 2 13 Reservations and payment for Senior Awards banquet taken through March 30 Awards banquet will be held on May 22 at the Morocco Temple at 6:00 pm Tickets are $20pp/reserved seating required Deadline to pay for Senior Grad Bash trip (Prerequisites: Dues must be current, grades must be passing, guidance files current, and debts owed must be paid) April 13-16 Senior Week Dress-up days TBA 18 Prom 8:00-11:00, at The Museum and Gardens, 4160 Boulevard Center Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32207, (904) 398-7060 24-25 Grad Bash 27-30 Senior Exams May 4 Deadline to pay and/or turn in ALL debts *Must be current in order to pick up cap and gown! 26 Senior Activity: Miniature golf at Mandarin Mill 0910 San Jose Blvd 27 Senior Activity: Bowling at Bowl America 10333 San Jose Blvd 28 Senior Activity: Movie at San Marco Theater 1996 San Marco Blvd 29 Senior Activity: Carnival NOTE: Senior Activities on 26, 27, 28, 29, and June 1 are OPTIONAL, Cost is $30 Deadline to pay is May 14; Seniors on Admin list; participation is prohibited June 1 Senior Activity: 7:00pm Baccalaureate; Mandarin Church of Christ; 12791 Old Saint Augustine Rd., 32258 2 MANDATORY Senior Activity: Graduation rehearsal in auditorium 10:00 am 3 MANDATORY MANDATORY Rehearsal 7:00 am; University of North Florida Class of 2015 Graduation Ceremony 4:00 pm; University of North Florida 8
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