Government of Nepal Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development Office of District Development Committee District Technical Office Project for Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program (SNRTP) Ghorahi, Dang Invitation for Bids (First Date of publication: 8th April 2015) Contract Identification No: SNRTP‐DAN‐W‐NCB‐5.01‐UG‐70‐71 & SNRTP-DAN-W-NCB-5.02-UG-70-71 Name of the Development Partner: International Development Association (IDA) 1. The Government of Nepal [GoN] has received a loan/credit/grant from International Development Association (IDA)towards the cost of Project for Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program (SNRTP)and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the Contract for Upgrading of Kalakate-Gadhawa-BelaRajapur Road (Gadhawa-Bela section, CH: 24+052-39+220 km, Contract Identification No : SNRTP-DAN-WNCB-5.01-UG-70-71) & Upgrading of Pawannagar-Purandhara Road (CH: 0+000 km TO 24+940 km, Contract Identification No : SNRTP‐DAN‐W‐NCB‐5.02‐UG‐70‐71). 2. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines; Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 2011 and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Bidding Documents. 3. District Technical Office, Dang, Project for Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program on behalf of Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Office of District Development Committee, invites sealed bids or electronic bids from eligible bidders for the Upgrading of roads, drainage, and off-road structures of Kalakate-Gadhawa-BelaRajapur Road (Gadhawa-Bela section) & Pawannagar-Purandhara Road with contract details as follows: SN Contract Road Name Cost of Bid Bid Bid Security Identification No. Document Validity Amount & Period Validity Period SNRTP-DAN-W-NCB5.01-UG-70-71 1 SNRTP‐DAN‐W‐NCB‐5. 02‐UG‐70‐71 2 4. Kalakate-Gadhawa Bela-Rajapur Road (Gadhawa-Bela section) PawannagarPurandhara Road NRs. 6000.00 NRs. 5000.00 120 days NRs. 27,00,000.00 Validity up to 150 days from the last date of bid submission 90 days NRs. 16,00,000.00 Validity up to 120 days from the last date of bid submission To qualify for award of contract, eligible Bidders must meet the following key qualifications: SN 1 Contract Identification No. SNRTP-DAN- Road Name Kalakate- Minimum Average Annual Construction Turnover of the best three (3) years within the last five (5) years Minimum Work experience of similar size and nature NRs. 13,00,00,000.00 Construction of at least 2(two) 2 5. 6. W-NCB-5.01UG-70-71 Gadhawa-Bela Rajapur Road (Excluding VAT) SNRTP‐DAN‐ W‐NCB‐5.02‐U G‐70‐7 PawannagarPurandhara Road NRs. 10,00,00,000.00 (Excluding VAT) roads each with value not less than NRS. 8,60,00,000 Excluding VAT. Construction of at least 2(two) roads each with value not less than NRS. 5,10,00,000 Excluding VAT Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of District Technical Office, Dang or may visit PPMO website A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased from the District Technical office, Dang by eligible Bidders on the submission of a written application, along with the copy of company/firm registration certificate, and upon payment of a non-refundable cost as given in the above table till 17:00 PM on 10th May 2015. If so requested, the Bidding Documents can also be sent by post/courier services upon payment of additional cost of NRs. 1000. However, the Employer will not be responsible for delay or non-delivery of the documents so sent. Or Bidder who chooses to submit their bid electronically may purchase the hard copy of the bidding documents as mentioned above or may down load the bidding documents for e-submission from PPMO’s Web Site Bidders, submitting their bid electronically, should deposit the cost (as specified above) of bidding document in the District Treasury Controller's Office Rajaswa (revenue) account as specified below and the scanned copy (pdf format) of the Bank deposit voucher shall be uploaded by the bidder at the time of electronic submission of the bids. Information to deposit the cost of bidding document in Bank: Name of the Bank: Nepal Bank Limited, Dang Branch Name of Office: District Technical Office, Dang Account Code no. : 60-365-07 Account No: 27-41-966 Rajaswa (revenue) Shirshak no: 14227 7. Pre-bid meeting shall be held at District Technical Office, Dang at 30th April, 2015 time 11:00AM. 8. Sealed or electronic bids must be submitted to the District Technical office Dang by hand/courier or through PPMO website on or before 12:00 PM on 11th May 2015.Bids received after this deadline will be rejected. The bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 13:00 on 11th May 2015 at the office of District Technical Office, Dang. 9. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security for the amount and validity period as specified in the above table. Bidders are required to submit a separate bid security for each contract for which they submit the bids. The bid security guarantee shall conform to the standard format as specified in the bid document. The bid security guarantee issued only by commercial banks approved by Nepal Rastra Bank shall be accepted. 10. Bidders are required to specify the total price of the Bid in the Letter of Bid or the Bid Price in the Bill of Quantities. Failure to specify the total price of the Bid in the Letter of Bid or the Bill of Quantities shall be ground for declaring the bid non responsive. 11. If the last date of pre-bid meeting, purchasing and /or submission falls on a government holiday, then the next working day shall be considered as the last date. In such case the validity period of the bid security shall remain the same as specified for the original last date of bid submission.
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