Invitation for Bids Date: 18 December 2014 Loan No. and Title: 3057-NEP: Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project Contract No. and Title: ICB/BRBIP/PIIU-01-W: Design and Build of Dhap Dam, Access Road and Environmental Protection Works Deadline for Submission of Bids: 1 February 2014, 12:00 hours 1. The Government of Nepal has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this finance for payments under the Contract mentioned below. Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB. 2. The Department of Irrigation, Project Implementation (Irrigation Unit) on behalf of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Nepal, invites bids from eligible bidders for following Contract Package as shown below. S.No. Contract Identification No. Name of the Works 1 ICB/BRBIP/PIIU-01-W Design and Build of Dhap Dam, Access Road and Environmental Protection Works 3. International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single Stage: Two Envelope bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Bidding Document. 4. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Document at the office of Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project, Project Implementation (Irrigation Unit), Guheshwori, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 01-4478472. 5. A complete set of Bidding Document in English may be purchased on or before 12:00 hours, 01 February 2015 from Surface, Environment and Mechanical Management Division, Department of Irrigation, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal or from Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project, Project Implementation (Irrigation Unit), Guheshwori, Kathmandu, Nepal by eligible Bidders on submission of a written application and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of NRs. 10,000.00 or its equivalent in freely convertible currency. 6. Bids must be submitted to the Department of Irrigation, Surface, Environment and Mechanical Management Division, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal, on or before 12:00 hours, 1 February 2015. Documents received after this deadline shall not be accepted. 7. Bids shall be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 12:30 hours, 1 February 2015 at the office of Department of Irrigation, Surface, Environment and Mechanical Management Division, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. Bids must be valid up to 31 May 2015 and must be accompanied by a bid security, amounting as specified in the table below, which shall be valid up to 30 June 2015. 8. If a Bidder wishes to submit the Bid Security in the form of cash, the cash should be deposited in Account No. 1201200001002524, office code 27-357-04 at Nepal Rastra bank, Thapathali and submit the receipt of the deposited amount of cash along with the bid. 9. If the last date of purchasing, submission and opening of bids falls on a government holiday then the next working day shall be considered as the last day. 10. Bidders are strongly advised to visit site and assess the actual site conditions before submitting their bid and to study carefully available project documents in order to get familiar with the project design and project site conditions, mainly the geological/geotechnical conditions. 11. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject, any or all the bids or cancel the bidding process without assigning any reason, whatsoever. 12. A Pre-Bid Meeting shall be held at the office of Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project, Project Implementation (Irrigation Unit), Guheswori, Kathmandu, Nepal on 16 January 2015 at 12:00 hours. 13. When comparing Bids, ADB’s Domestic Preference shall be applied in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Bid Document. 14. General Bid requirements are as follows: Contract No. Name of the Works Bid Security Amount ($) ICB/BRB IP/PIIU01-W Design and Build of Dhap Dam, Access Road and Environmental Protection Works As stated in Bid Document Average Minimum Minimum Work Annual Liquid Experience of Construction Asset similar nature of Turnover of and/or works in the last the last three Credit 10 years (3) years ($) facilities ($) Two (2) nos, each with a minimum value of $4.6 Million 5.7 Million 0.7 Million
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