yi.-tV;^ \Vi*.lv>''y'i)^-J^.-£V..;,•;. «?if! J \:.' - A THE JOURNAL AND REPUBLICAN, LOWVILLE, N. Y., THURSDAY, JtJNE 12,1930 On Saturday and Sunday large CASTORLAND numbers assembled at the landing field on the Croghan-Klrchnervllle Commenoement Exercises of the road, just out the village limits, where Stanley Virkler and Miss Pauline Herxig Graduate Men to Serve Grades of Father Leo Memorial an airplane of the Flying Circus from Roast Beef Supper at M. E. Church School Tonight at the Opera House Utica carried passengers and did June 17, Followed by Entertain—Spelling Contest Winners are stunt flying. A large number availed ment—Children's Day June 22. Gerald Nuffer and Arlene Zecher; themselves of the opportunity for an Alternates, Jesse Lawton and Min- air trip. nie Branagan. The spelling contest for the schools (Mrs. August Krueger, Correspond't.) of the town of Croghan was conductMrs. John Haney spent Saturday at (Mrs. Angeline G. Bardo, Corresp't.) ed, on Monday,-June 2, at the village Carthage. Reuben' Farney and Jacob Roggie school In Croghan, in charge of Glenn Mrs. Fred Durez spent Saturday at Jr., passed Saturday In Syracuse. Sealy, superintendent of school!. Watertown. , "Gerald Spencer returned on Tues- The results were as follows: Gerald The Baraca class met Wednesday day from a week's business trip to^ Nuffer and Arlene Zecher, both of evening at the home of John Back. Baltimore, Md. district 14, who will be delegates in Albert Linstruth spent Sunday with Miss Emma Hirschex, of Indiana, the spelling contest at the Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Adin Linstruth at Carwas the week-end guest of Mrs. Anna county fair; alternates, Jesse Lawton thage. And Other Now Materials on Main street. and Minnie Branagan, both of district Miss Pauline Herzig was graduated Especially for This Occasion John Murphy, of New York, Is six. frlom Syracuse University Monday spending her vacation here with his The commencement exercises of the evening. mother, Mrs. Laura Murphy. Mrs. Melvln Roberts, of Buffalo, Is grades of the Father Leo Memorial Miss Clara Virkler, -who spent a few school will be held Thursday evening, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. SIZES days here with her mother and sister, une 12, at the opera house, when the S. F. Virkler. Two Golf Knieker . . T to 18 Year* returned to Syracuse on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfaff and family ollowlng program will be presented One Long—One Go* . 14 to 20 Years Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cltrlnitl, of y the pupils: Chorus, Sundown, spent Sunday with Charles and Arlene Two Long Pants 14 to 20 Year* Utica, spent the week-end with her uplls of the grades; accompanist, Pfaff at Carthage. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin. Miss Anna M. Nortz: drill, Sunbonnet Mr. and Mrs. Edward Linstruth Mr. and Mrs. Percy Casselman and Babies and Overall Boys, accompan- were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. family, of Massena, were recent ist, Miss Helen Day; dumb-bell drill, William Bradley at Fulton. We Carry the Moat Complex line of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick pys of the third and fourth grade, The missionary circle of the BapBush. BOYS WEARING APPAREL accompanist, Miss Helen Englehart; tist church met Tuesday afternoon at Miss Katherine Farney and Miss peretta, The Stolen Flower Queen, the home of Mrs. Fred Pfaff. Einbeck, of Castorland. left last week uplla of the intermediate grades; IN NORTHERN NEW YORK Miss Ella Einback. accompanied on a motor trip to visit relatives In. accompanist, Miss Maxine Day; the by Miss Kate Farney, of Croghan, left Akron, O. owerB coming one morning to greet Friday to visit friends at Akron, O. Mrs. Martha Lerman and her their Queen find the throne empty The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Amerinephew, Azur Kennell. motored to and they are cheered by Johnny Jump can Legion met at the home of Mrs, Canada last week to pass two weeks Up. Soon the King of the Weeds ap- Jesse Karcher, with Mrs. Carl Virkwith relatives. pears; he has hidden the Flower ler the assisting hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strife and Queen and unless the flowers find her Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Virkler, son three children, of Brandreth, spent in one day, he will come to rule, over Lyndon and Mrs. Melvln Roberts ata few days here with' Mrs. Robert them. The Flowers call the Fairy tended the graduating exercises of St. Higman and family. Queen to help in the search, who sum- Lawrence University Monday evenPeter Back and daughter, Mis*. mons the Fairies, the Winds, Jack ing. Stanley Virkler wae one of the Florence Back, of Newport, were Frost, the Snow Flakes, Butterflies, graduates. week-end guests of his sister, Mrs. Autumn Leaves, Indian Days and John McMulkins and family. Chrysanthemums, but they cannot (Mrs. W. F. NuspUger, Correspond't.) The pupils of the village school with find their Queen. Finally the Queen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scheer spent their teacher, Mrs. Lena Hynes and is rescued by the Boy Scouts and the Sunday at Lowville. several friends, enjoyed a picnic in Weed King is sent to be transformed Mr-and Mrs. T.^H.. Glean spent the .maple grove near Deferlets. into a useful plant. In gratitude, the at Watertown. Mrs. Mary E. Chartrand, Misses Flowet Queen bestows fertile fields Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thoma and Elizabeth Bockenhiem and Felma n the Boy Scouts! Two-act play, family spent Sunday at Belfort. L'Hullier, students of the Oneonta »atty Saves the Day, pupils of the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barker spent Normal school, visited at their home 3th grade; cast of characters: Miss Sunday with relatives at Fulton. here. Nelson, the pet .teacher. Ella Ver Mrs. Ida Comer is spending several .Ii'.flr.din.!; Two Pairs of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Courts, of New Schneider; Malsie Marsh, Frances days with relatives at Carthage. York; John Courts, of New Rochelle, Hilton, enthusiastic Sth graders, Mary Trousers Mrs. Anna Hirschey and daughter, and Mrs. Clara Forest, of Carthage, Nortz, Helen Day: Sidney Marsh, Naomi, and Mrs. Ada Beyer spent called on Mrs. Virginia Spencer on Maisie's brother, Merlin Bush; Oliv- Sunday_at Syracuse. Sunday. ... r Prescott, John Prescott, Dick PresMr. and Mrs. W. F. NuspUger have Mr. and Mrs. William von Zlerol- cott, Maisie's cousins. William Zehr, been entertaining Mrs. Anna Rinke: shofen. of Cohoes, who have been vis- James Rubar, Edward Wolff; Patty burg, of Glenfleld. iting their parents, Dr. and Mrs. von Steele, the mouse, Elizabeth Duffer; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durez entertainZierolshofen, returned to their home Tillie, a maid, Cecelia Martin; Sara ed Sunday Mrs. Mary Richner and Monday. Hill, Helen Dean, Kate Dean, ener- Mrs. A. Virkler, of Lowville. Mrs. Francis Beck. Mrs. Arthur getic freshmen, Virginia Kampany, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones and Mr. Warden. Mrs. William Tanzer, Mrs. race Boushear, Florence Monnat; and Mrs. Edward Linstruth spent Bob Wright, a freshman adherent, Thomas Duflo, Mrs. R. S.Tfortz and Saturday at Watertown. 137 Arsenal St. Miss Anna M. Nortz spent Friday in Gerald Tabolt; Dave, the gardner's Mr. and Mrs. Leon Comer, Mrs. Ida son, Leo Andre; place, a girl's school. Watertown. Comer and Mrs. Lena Goutremout PHONE 476 WATERTOWN Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Radigan had spent Sunday at Number Four. as guests on Wednesday the followGuy Runyan, of Woodgate, and BEAVER FALLS ing from Cochecton: Mrs. William Mrs. Sears, of Utica, were recent Dermody. Sir.. Mr. and Mrs. Martin MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT guests of Mrs. Delilah Bowman. Grange Meeting Friday Evening— Dermody, Jr., and son. ATTENTION Mr. and Mrs. George Scheer, of Mr and Mrs. D. H. Monnat and Edward Smith Dies at New-Haven, Beaver were recent guests of daughter Miss Marian, of Watertown, Conn., From Injuries Sustained by Mr. and Falls, Mrs. Peter Scheer. Falling-Wrench—"And Billy Disapspent Wednesday here with his father r peared," Friday Evening — Chil- Children's day will be observed In and sister. Jullen Monnat —• **— Day Exercises Sunday Morn- the M. E. church on Sunday morning, NancyHPKrYon and family. Journal and Republican want and for sale advertisements The Beaver River Fish and Game dren's Ing at Methodist Church and Bac- June 22, at nine o'clock. Everyone Club held its regular meeting at the calaureate Sermon in the Evening— is invited. "do the trick." One cent a word, cash with order, no adrer- Kohler house Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGuire and The next meeting will be held the first (Mrs. George M. Bardo, Correspond't.) son Foster, of Wateftown, were Sunweek in August at the Community tisement for less than 25 cents. Grange meeting Friday night, June day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall, Beaver Falls. No meeting will 13. There will be a program. Snyder. s be held in July. and Mrs. Sidney Virkler spent Miss Mary Lewis is home from theMr. week-end at Elmira and were acBoston for the summer vacation. home by their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Le Fevre spent companied Miss Myrtle Virkler. the week-end with relatives in Syra- A large drowd was present at the cuse. M. E. church Sunday morning and Frank Oaterhoudt, of Carthage, greatly enjoyed the sermon by Rev. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. A. Mills, also his singing. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Waugh and Mrs. Kate Schaffer, of Adams Basin, family entertained on Sunday Mr. called on friends and relatives here and Mrs. Adrian Hoch and family; Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Waugh, of BeavM. Claude Stiles, who has been ser- er Falls. iously ill with pneumonia, Is slowly Mrs. Charles Briggs and E. C. Dimimproving. and son Ralph, spent Sunday at George Tafel, of North Tarrytown, ick They were accompanied spent a few days last week with rela- Woodgate. home by Mrs. Delilah Bowman, who IN tives here. has been spending several days there, Miss Marian Jameison, of Syracuse, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Runyan. is visiting her uncle, H. I. Le Fevre A roaBt beef supper will be served YOUR and family. .'* in the M. E. church dining room June Mrs. Charles Smith,v of Niagara 17th, Tuesday evening. Supper will Falls, Is visiting her brother, Charles be served by the men. The price of Wakefteld and family. the supper for adults is 50 cents; 25 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duclon, of Ed- cents for children. This will entitle wards, were guests Thursday of Mr. you to a fine program which Is to be and Mrs. Gerald Parker. put on by the men. Supper and proMr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffs, of Syra- gram all lor fifty and 25 cents. Everycuse, visited their parents, Mr. and body come. The proceeds are to go for linoleum to cover the floor in the Mrs. Aaron Farney, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cote and session room and hall. Mrs. John DeLawyer, of Carthage, Those who atended the Pentecostal were callers upon Mrs. A. Smith Sun- services at the M. E. church at Lowday. ville Sunday evening were Mr. and Ann and Barbara Cornwall, of New Mrs. Leon Comer, Mrs. Ida" Comer, York, are spending some time with Mrs. A. Rohr and sons, Loren and their uncle. H. D. Cqrnwall and fam- Lawrence; Mrs. Fred Durez, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Glenn, Miss Olive Leonard, ily. and Mrs. Charles Linstruth, Mr. Prof. Earl Libby, of Syracuse, is Mr. Mrs. E. J. Petrle, Mr. and Mrs,. passing a few days this week with and W. F. NuspUger and son, Jack; C. A. his father-in-law, H. I. LeFevre and "Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scheer. We family. were all glad to welcome F. A. Mills Mrs. John Gavigan and Bon Earl, Northern of Albion, were week-end guests of again at the evening service. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Just and other held their June meeting at the church New York's relatives. room Tuesday evening. A covMrs. A. Smith, who spent nine diningdish supper was served, to Largest Complete weeks at the City Hospital, Water- ered which the families of the members town, returned home Friday, much were invited. A large crowd was improved. Home Furnishing ipper various enjoyed. Mrs, Charles Briggs and Mrs. Frank Sturtz Institution for over at Gerald Parker's camp %t Lake were on the entertainment committee: Boneparte^. They had a fine program supervised Mr. and Mrs. John Qutnn and Mr. k HALF CENTURY Mrs. T. H. Glenn. After the social and Mrs. Eddie Quinn, of Utica, were by time the business meeting, was held, week-end guests of Mrs. Gertrude at whi^h it was decided to hold a bee is prepared to help Manning and family. at the church on Monday to grade Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darrlng and the lawn, the ladies of ^he t\hurch to with daughter, Jeanette, of Lowville. were your you furnish the dinner. The July meeting Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. will be held with Mrs. Klock and Mrs. home furnishBardo and Mrs. M. L. Owen. Maynard Edick. The Young Ladies Bible class of the Evangelical church will hold a ing problems] bake sale Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Community house. Adam Wisner wishes to thank all those who remembered him in any way during his illness. Mr. Wisner's condition at this writing is very much improved. Mrs. Abe Smith desires to thank all who remembered her with letters and cards of cheer and flowers during her long etay at the House of the • Good Samaritan. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woodhead, Mrs. Ernest Heimhilger and daughter Geraldine, of Oswego, were SunUT the hani clasp of hospitality into your home with attractive new day guests of Mrs. Hannah Heimhilger and family. furnishings. Make your surroundings a help in entertaining, rather Children's day exercisea will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday than a handicap. morning, June 15, and in the evening the baccalaureate sermon will take place at the Methodist church. Rev. C. B. Wallace will deliver the adOur staff of interior decorators will gladly call at your home to help dress. Do not forget the four-act comedy, you with your decorating problems. "And Billy Disappeared" by the pupils of Croghan high school, under the auspices of Beaver Falls high school Men with years of experience are prepared to advise you on every orchestra, Friday evening, June 13, at_8 o'clock. phase of your home building. General layout of rooms, Curtains, Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Schooping, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beyer, Miss Rema Draperies, Upholstering, Finishing. Advice of the above and any other Hilts and Miss Hilda Yancey motored to Oneida Saturday, where they were relative to fhe furnishing of your home will be cheerfully rendered guests at A steak dinner given. by Miss Ella PetzoJdt. FREE OF CHARGE. Just write to us, or phone Watertown, 258, and Edward Smith, of New Haven, Conn., who was Injured about two we will call at any home within a radius of 150 miles of Watertown. weeks ago when an Iron wrench fell and struck his head, died Friday in a hospital at New Haven, Conn. Mr. Don't let that be said about Smlth_was born near this village about 58 years ago, moving to ConYour Fur Coat. Have It necticut several years ago. His wife, Mrs. Minnie Shepard Smith, of Lowcleaned -now. ville, preceded him in death a little over a year ago. He leaves four children, three girls and one boy; also four sisters and one brother, PHONE Watertown Mrs. Weagend, of Ransomville; Mrs. Henry Zahno, Buffalo; Mrs. Charles LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Wakefleld, Mrs. Harry Jones and John Smith of Beaver Falls. The funeral Agency at Graham's Store was held Tuesday; interment in New Haven, Conn. PHONE 377-W CROGHAN Boys* Graduation - SI/ITS - BLUE CHEVIOTSBLUE SERGES- USED CARS! USED CARS! JUST A FEW OP THE SPECIALS WE HAVE TO OFFER— 1—1929 MODEL A riCKUP w w 1 - i m SPORT COUPE BTODBIA 1-1M» STANDARD COUPE MODEL A 1—19t8 STANDARD COUPE MODEL A 1-1W7 FORDOR MODEL T *—IOT7 TUDOR MODEL T _ •„ S—19tS LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCKS 1—DODGE 1 *—OAKLANDS L ALSO SEVERAL CHEAP COUPES, TUDORS AND TOURINGS TERMS A. N. Virkler Co. NEW YORK LOWVILLE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT will be Allowed to Boys Who Are Graduating ouk SUITS ARE PRICED $9.95 to $25 BOYS SPECIALTY SHOP MILK CHECKS This is the season of. the year when yonr '"" milk checks are really gratifying. flow that the feed man, and the veterinary and the physician and the grocer are all paid op would it not be a good time to start that bank account that yon ha?e been thinking about? K K For yon know a cancelled check b the ready-reference receipt for every transaction paid by check. K K S LEWIS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY LOWVILLE IS THERE if" ' ; )• HESITATION When you say "Won't you come in and make yourself at home?" cr.i' : - -305- TWO YEARS OLD UJDNETOA - BATH HARDIMAN-WOOLWORTH'S Watertown, N. Y. 147-149 Court St. 1 11 NEW SYSTEM LEWIS TAILORED CLOTHES! You have a right to expect smart style, correct fit, and dependable workmanship In a suit—If you want to enjoy wearing It and appearing your best in It. That's why Lewis Clothes will win your praise. YouTl find their colors and fabrics in good taste and we are selling them at a price to please the thriftiest. THE LEWIS CLOTHING STORE LOWVILLE, N. Y. O AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ' UTICA MUTUAL is paying a 20% dividend to its policynolders *a Sewing of one-fifth of the cost Sound insurance, prompt and efficient service and a substantial share in the earnings of the company are the benefits enjoyed by our members. For thirteen consecutive years an annual dividend never Ie68 than 20% has been paid our automobile policyholders. And in addition, after paying all obligations in full the Utica Mutual Has a surplus of $1,303,996.01 for the protection of its policyholders, convincing proof of its unquestioned stability, i •,-; • • • • •-, - The-rates are no Higher, and in most cases lower than those of the old line stock companies* A 10% discount under a plan of merit rating for owners who qualify as careful drivers is in addition to the dividend saving. < Our representative will give you complete details of the cost of insuring your car without obligation. Telephone him today, or mail the coupon below. UTICA MUTUAL S5S8SS? Home 6ffic«%j UTICA, NEW YORK The itritnglh 0/ any Inturanct company U atutud by the turplut that remain* after all obligation* havt been paid. Proof of Utica Mutual'* stability U $hown in it$financialstatement at of December 31, 1929 si Asaett, $6,177,344.47 liabilities, $4,873,378.46 SURPLUS to Policyholders, $1,303,966.01 • « 'Phone or Write Tour Nearest Ageni LOWVDLLE BEAVER FALLS E. (Harold Donnelly E. E. Jones , . Phone 474 Bowen Block Ins. Brokerage Phone 7W LYONS FALLS 9. E. Barrow Phone 51-M * Lyons Falls OBEIO * TURIN Lewis E. Holland Grelf, N. Y. AT ACTUAL COST
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