S O I L & W... CONSERVATION DISTRICT Miami Soil & Water Conservation District

February 2014 ~ Vol. 63 No. 2
Published Monthly
Board of Supervisors
Kreig Smail - Dist. Admin.
Linda Raterman - Information/PR Spec
Kristin Lewber - Administrative Asst.
Jennifer Korte - District Technician
Travis Puckett - Drainage Technician
Melissa Shuck - Dist. Conservationist Karen McCalister - Res. Conservationist
Brian Leptak - Civil Eng. Tech. Dean Houchen - Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist
Dan Batdorf
Scott Clark
Jeff Francis
Wade Wilhelm
Diane Yingst
Miami County Tire Recycling Day!!
Wednesday, March 12, 9A-3P
Miami County Fairgrounds, Troy
SPONSORED BY: Miami East FFA, Miami Soil & Water Conservation District,
Miami County Sanitary Engineers, Miami County Ag Society, Kelbley Transport
For Miami County Residents,
Farmers, Municipalities & Townships Only
We CANNOT accept tires from junk yards, garages, auto
repair shops, tire, automobile, truck and farm equipment
dealerships or motorcycle/ATV repair shops or dealerships.
Register by 4:30PM Friday March 7th at Miami SWCD, 1330
N. County Rd 25A, Troy or until we are full:
Register # of tires
Set up drop off time
Make your payment
Drop off on March 12th at
Miami County Fairgrounds
1650 N. County Rd 25A, Troy
(Harrison St. entrance)
Sorry, check or cash only. No Phone Registrations.
First come, first served.
We are limited to collect an estimated 1600-2000 tires.
For more information phone 335-7645
or visit www.miamiswcd.org.
(up to 17 inches)
.50¢ per tire
$5.00 per tire
Miami East FFA students and
other volunteers will be on
hand to unload tires.
Each participant is limited to 10
tires per load.
Tires should be secured.
According to the ohio revised
code, tires must be secured,
tarped, or enclosed.
Right of refusal may be used.
The Miami SWCD
Board of Supervisors
conducted a combined meeting
for January and February
on January 30th at 8AM.
JAN-MAR 14 Tree Seedling Sale
JAN-MAR 14 Larry Studebaker Memorial/Miami SWCD
Scholarship Application Window
Regularly scheduled meetings are held the second Tuesday
of the month at 8AM at the District office, 1330 N. County
Road 25A, Troy. The next meeting is scheduled to take place,
Tuesday, March 11th, at 8AM. The public is always welcome!
FEB 4 & 18
Adult Exploration Hike Maple Ridge Reserve
9AM Miami County Park District Event (MCPD)***
Souper-Walk Series “Owl Prowl”
Lost Creek Reserve 7PM (MCPD)***
2014 Annual Tree Seedling Sale
Continues through March 14!
FEB 8 & 22
“Market on the Miami” Indoor Farmers
Market at The Tin Roof at Treasure Island,
Troy. 9AM-Noon. This collaboration of local
vendors who produce locally grown,
homemade cottage foods, local non cottage
foods and artisan items are available on the
second and the fourth Saturdays of the
month through May of 2014.
FEB 12
Wednesday Morning Birding
Stillwater Prairie Reserve
Rangeline Road Access 9AM (MCPD)***
Miami SWCD Annual
Tree Seedling Sale
If you’ve been wanting to plant more trees or replant after
losing some trees, the Miami SWCD is happy to offer you the
chance to do so through the 2014 Annual Tree Seedling Sale!
Order forms are available at the District office at 1330 N.
County Road 25A Troy or go online to www.miamiswcd.org.
Deadline for ordering will be March 14, 2014
• The U.S. Department of Agriculture says a single acre of
trees puts out four tons of oxygen -enough to meet the annual
oxygen needs of 18 people.
• This same acre of trees can absorb the carbon dioxide
produced by driving a car 26,000 miles.
• Not only do trees give us the oxygen we need to breathe, they
also fight air pollution by directly reducing nitrogen oxide and
sulfur dioxide, major components of photochemical smog,
ozone pollution and acid rain.
• Trees act as a giant filter on the world. Their leaves, stems
and twigs trap and filter out particulate matter, such as dust,
ash, pollen and smoke, from the air.
• Trees also help keep our water clean. (With increased
impervious surfaces in neighborhoods and business districts,
rain from storms flows more quickly across paved areas than it
does across treed areas.) The faster this storm runoff moves,
the more it erodes and washes sediment and chemicals into
drainage channels. The runoff carries with it oil and grime from
parking lots, soil from construction sites, fertilizers from lawns,
and chemicals from industrial discharges.
FEB 14 & 15 Valentine Dinner and a Show at
The Hayner Center 6PM-9PM.
Contact 937-339-0457 or www.TroyHayner.org
FEB 15
The Great Backyard Bird Count Stillwater
Prairie Reserve meet at bathroom near
parking lot 10AM-Noon (MCPD)***
FEB 16
The Great Backyard Bird Count Charleston
Falls Preserve meet at bathroom near
parking lot, 10AM-Noon (MCPD)***
FEB 16
Dog Social “Valentine Dog Lovers Social”
Charleston Falls Preserve 1PM–3PM (MCPD)***
FEB 17
The Great Backyard Bird Count Charleston
Falls Preserve meet at bathroom near
parking lot, 9:30AM-11:30AM (MCPD)***
FEB 17
Presidents Day Office Closed
FEB 18
Septic System Workshop (see story)
FEB 23
Naturalist Adventure Series “Winter Tree
Identification” Charleston Falls Preserve
1PM-4PM. (MCPD)***
FEB 28-APR 2 Exhibition of the History of Troy and the
Hayner House 301 West Main Street
937-339-0457 www.TroyHayner.org
***Please register for MCPD events @
register@miamicountyparks.com or call 335-6273 x 104.
Window Open ‘til March 14th!
Two $750 scholarship awards are available
through Miami Soil & Water Conservation
District. If you know a student already in college
or a senior in high school interested in Agriculture
or Natural Resources, encourage them to
apply. These scholarships are for the purpose
of continuing higher education at a two or four year college or
The Larry Studebaker Memorial/Miami SWCD Scholarship
are both available to incoming freshman, sophomores, juniors
and seniors.
Also, if you’ve received this scholarship in the past, you’re
eligible to receive this scholarship again!
To learn guidelines, rules and recommendations regarding
these scholarships, visit www.miamiswcd.org or call Kristin
Lewber at 335-7645, ext.101. Applications, recommendations and
school transcripts must be received by Friday, March 14, 2014
(POSTMARKED). The application and information received will be
property of the Miami SWCD and will be held in strict confidence.
And Remember….
Septic System Workshop
Stop in the Name of Sludge!
Monroe Township Basement
What does the average home owner have to do to
maintain their septic system? You’ll get the information
you need at this workshop You’ll also learn about different
systems, construction, innovations, practices, what services
are available to you and more! Your guest speaker will be from
Miami County Health District and other professionals who can
give you the answers and peace of mind you need. This is
a free workshop, but you must register by contacting TippMonroe Community Services at 667-8631 or emailing Katie
Sonnestine at ksonnanstine@tmcomservices.org.
Coming in MARCH…..
Boehner Farm Forum
9:00AM-1PM Edison Community College.
North Hall Theatre, Piqua
Please call (937) 339-1524 for more information!
Seminar for Professionals
Upper Valley Career Center Applied Technology Center
For years, the Miami SWCD has assisted Norton Engineering
in providing a worthwhile and informative seminar on
Stormwater issues, practices and innovations and providing
credits to professionals. This year will be no different. We’ll
tell you more in March’s Newsletter, but contact John Norton at
Norton Engineering at 937-223-5848 or jnortons@aol.com or
check out the website at www.environmentalengineering.net if
you have questions now!
You’re invited!
Pheasants Forever Open House
February 12th and 26th
10 am - 11am
Dean Houchen, your local Pheasants Forever wildlife Biologist,
would like to extend an invitation to you, your family, and friends
to come join him at the Miami Soil and Water Conservation
District (SWCD) office for a presentation on wildlife habitat on
one of two dates, February 12th and February 26th from 10AM
to 11AM.
Dean will talk about:
1. What grasslands used to be like in Ohio
2. What grasslands look like now
3. What interested parties can do to improve and/or
establish some native grassland on their property
Anyone and everyone (farmers, small acreage landowners,
gardeners, and wildlife enthusiasts) are encouraged to come
join Dean for the presentation. However, seating is limited. In
preparation, please email dhouchen@pheasantsforever.org
or call 740-624-7945 if you plan to attend. The dates, times,
and location of the presentation will be February 12th and 26th
from 10 am - 11am in the Miami County SWCD conference
room, 1330 N. County Road 25A, Troy.
OR if you are in the
mood for a drive...
Brown County SWCD
2014 Wildlife & Habitat Management Workshop
Saturday, March 8, 2014
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Southern State Community College
Fincastle, Ohio
The 2014 Wildlife and Habitat Management Workshop is for
the landowner or wildlife enthusiast wanting to manage land
and wildlife successfully.
Pre-registration is required. The cost of $15 includes morning
refreshments, lunch, and handout materials. To request a
registration brochure, contact the Brown County SWCD office
at 937-378-4424.
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 28th, 2014
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Systematic Drainage • Excavating • Waterways
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Paul Pullins
12662 Shanley Rd.
Quincy, Ohio 43343
Home 937-362-2665
E-mail cpullins@embarqmail.com
Mobile 937-539-0621
John Pullins
Samuel Pullins
To be responsible leaders in promoting innovative stewardship of natural resources
through the development of conservation partnerships to enhance the quality of life.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability,
political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternate
means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202/720-2600 (voice and TDD).
Nonprofit Org.
US Postage Paid
Versailles, OH
Permit No. 19
1330 N. County Road 25-A
Troy, Ohio 45373
Miami Soil & Water Conservation District