. Li Yuhong. Daniel Contact Information Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, University of Macau, Macau, China (+86)-153-635-892-16 daniel.yuhong@gmail.com Research Interests Spatial and Temporal Data Analysis, High Performance Computing, GPGPU Job Objective A research position in the field of efficient correlation and causality mining for big data. Technical Skills Programming skills: C/C++, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Latex Databases: Mysql, SqlServer, CouchDB Platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, VMWare Workstation Education University of Macau, Macau, China Ph.D, Software Engineering, Ongoing • Topic: Efficient Query Processing in Time Series • Advisors: Prof. Gong Zhiguo & Dr. Leong Hou U Xidian University, Xi’an, China B.S., Software Engineering, Sept 2006 - July 2010 • Thesis Topic: Web Game Based On IVR Working Experience Project Intern Technology Strategy Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Bei Jing Mentor: Dr. Yu Zheng Research Assistant Database Research Group, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Supervisor: Dr. Man Lung Yiu Mar 2015 to Present July 2014 to Oct 2014 Discovering Longest-lasting Correlation in Sequence Databases - In this work, we propose several techniques such that longest-lasting correlated subsequences can be discovered efficiently. - Two core techniques, i.e., α-skipping technique and diamond cover index, are proposed and their performance are evaluated thoroughly in this work. Given reasonable space overhead, our best method (i.e., SKIP+DCI) is up to one order of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art adaption. Quick-Motif: An Efficient and Scalable Framework for Exaxt Motif Discovery - Discovering motifs in sequence databases has been receiving abundant attentions from both database and data mining communities, where the motif is the most correlated pair of subsequences in a sequence object. -In this work, we propose a novel framework named Quick-Motif which adopts a twolevel approach to enable batch pruning at the outer level and enable fast correlation calculation at the inner level. We further propose two optimization techniques for the outer and the inner level. According to our experimental study, our method is up to three orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art methods. 1 of 2 A Real-time Attention Detection and Treatment System Based On HRV - HRV (i.e., Heart Rate Variability) biofeedback therapy is widely used in the treatment of ADHD (i.e., Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In this work, we captures user’s attention and design several computer games such that user’s performance is mainly affected by his attention. As a remark, the user’s attention is measure by his HRV. Publications 1. Yuhong Li, Leong Hou U, Man Lung Yiu, Zhiguo Gong, ”Discovering Longestlasting Correlation in Sequence Databases”. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 6(14): 1666-1677 (2013). 2. Leong Hou U, Hongjun Zhao, Man Lung Yiu, Yuhong Li, Zhiguo Gong, ” Towards Online Shortest Paths Computation”. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. (TKDE) 26(4):1012-1025 (2014). 3. Yuhong Li, Leong Hou U, Man Lung Yiu, Zhiguo Gong, ”Quick-Motif: An Efficient and Scalable Framework for Exact Motif Discovery”. ICDE 2015. Workshop Honors & Scholarships 1. Yuhong Li, ”Efficient Query Processing in Time Series”. SIGMOD 2015 PhD Symposium. University of Macau • SIGMOD 2015 Student Travel Award • ICDE 2015 Student Travel Award • UMAC Postgraduate Scholarship • Macau SAR Postgraduate Scholarship April April Sept June 2015 2015 2012 2010 Xidian University • Technology Talents • 2nd Price in 7th Shaanxi Challenge Cup • Excellent Project in National Innovation Experiment Plan • Outstanding Winner of Spark Cup Jan June May Dec 2010 2009 2009 2008 Community Service Reviewer : • Journal: TKDE’14 External Reviewer : • Conference: KDD’12,15,SIGMOD’13-14,WAIM’13-14,CIKM’13-14,DASFAA’14-15 • Journal: TKDE’12, IS’14-15 References Zhiguo Gong Associate Professor Faculty of Science and Technology University of Macau Phone: (+853)-8822-4962 E-mail: fstzgg A-T umac.mo Leong Hou U, Ryan Assitant Professor Faculty of Science and Technology University of Macau Phone: (+853)-8822-4493 E-mail: ryanlhu A-T umac.mo 2 of 2
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