Latest Bulletin. 03.18.15Final - Delaware Business Daily digital

March 18, 2015
Third Year, Tenth Issue
This week
SevOne reports strong results
as sales, employment increase
ike Creek-based SevOne posted record
results for 2014.
Former Justice
Ridgely joins DLA
Piper law firm 6
Legislators ask
DNREC to deny
permit for crusher.
Nickle Electric
goes 5 years
without lost time
accident. 17
Price at pump drops as
supplies remain ample. 4
SevOne announced record earnings for the 15th
consecutive quarter as of the fourth quarter of last
year. The privately held company does not release
earnings figures, although it reported a compound
annual growth rate of 88 percent over the past seven
Highlights, according to the company, included:
- Annual revenue growing to $64.5 million 2014
from $39.5 million in 2013.
- A 283 percent increase in installed base revenue
- A 68 percent increase in employees, bringing
total staff to 404. The bulk of SevOne’s staff is in
University of Delaware photo.
The UD STAR Campus will be the home of SevOne.
Delaware, although the company also has offices in
Philadelphia and Boston, according to co-founder
and Chief Technology Officer Vess Bacalov.
The company got its start in Newark, but moved
to the Pike Creek location after undergoing a growth
The company, which was founded in Newark, has
Continued on next page
From previous page
long maintained close ties with
The company is scheduled to
move its headquarters to the
University of Delaware STAR
Campus later this year.
Plans have been filed that call for the Pike Creek office building site
on Linden Hill Road to be razed, with the site converted to a mixed use
apartment and retail complex. In an earlier phone interview, Bacalov said
factors leading to the decision to move to the STAR campus included easier
access for US students and the nearby train station. A number of SevOne
employees live in Philadelphia, he noted.
SevOne has reserved extra space at the STAR site for future growth. The
company is planning to add 150 more employees, with the bulk of the hiring
in Delaware. The 150 figure came from Delaware Gov. Jack Markell.
“SevOne’s rapid growth is further evidence that global enterprises and service
providers are dealing with tidal waves of data that are critical to ensuring
ongoing operational success,” a release stated. “Gartner predicts that, “By 2018,
20 percent of IT operations organizations will abandon legacy monitoring
tools for new monitoring architectures, up from 2 percent today. SevOne
hears these challenges every day from customers, and is uniquely engineered for
Speed at Scale...”
Over the past year, the company added a number of new names to its
growing roster of Fortune 500 customers, including:
- 100 percent of the top global broadcast & cable companies
- 70 percent of the top global investment services companies
- 50 percent of the top global telecommunications service providers.
“This past year, we saw a radical shift in the forces driving companies to
monitor end-to-end infrastructure in support of mission-critical services,”
stated Jack Sweeney, SevOne CEO. “Our customers and their industry peers
are going through radical change, and current performance monitoring tools
From previous page
Surgery Partners acquires outpatient center in Newark area
urgery Partners announced the acquisition
of majority ownership interest in Delaware
Outpatient Center for Surgery (DOCS) near
The multi-specialty facility, which opened in
2005, provides same-day surgical services including
ENT, GI, general, gynecology, urology, and pain
DOCS, an ambulatory surgery center , offers
surgical care in a state-of-the-art facility. More than
50 physicians utilize DOCS, 30 of whom are
partners, committing their skills and expertise to the
patients of Newark and the surrounding cities.
Mike Doyle,
chief executive
officer of
“We are excited
for DOCS to join our team of ASCs providing best
in class surgical solutions to patients. The addition of
their skilled physicians and talented staff only further
bolster our commitment to outstanding patient care.”
Michael R. Lobis, M.D. and board-certified
urologist at DOCS, said, “Our partnership with
Surgery Partners allows us access to the clinical,
Sev One continues to grow in Delaware
Continued on next page
are holding them back as they look to decrease
operating costs, reduce time-to-market and drive new
revenue streams.”
SevOne acquired log analytics provider
RapidEngines in 2014, and announced it surpassed
100 million objects monitored.
SevOne was named to the 2015 list of Forbes’ Most
Promising Companies, the 2014 Deloitte Fast 500
list, and ranked as one of the Best Places to Work in
America by Glassdoor, among other accolades.
SevOne is backed by Bain Capital Ventures. More
information can be found at
operational, and development expertise of a national
management company enabling us to expand the
number of services we offer patients.”
The acquisition of DOCS comes on the heels of
December’s acquisition of two physician practices.
Surgery Partners merged with Symbion in November
2014 to become the second largest and fastest
growing independent ambulatory surgery center
operator in the U.S providing health care services
from more than 2,400 physicians to more than
600,000 patients annually.
Gas prices end 40 straight days of increases in state
he average price of regular unleaded gasoline
has fallen after rising for 40 consecutive days,
the longest streak of daily increases since
2011. That was according to Wilmington-based AAA
The average price at the pump for regular in Delaware was in the area of $2.33 a gallon early in the
week down a nickel from a week earlier.
Prices were far lower in the New Castle area and in
the Kirkwood Highway- Capitol Trail area east of
Newark. One station in that area posted a price of
$2.19 a gallon on Monday, according to the site.
Higher prices at the pump, coupled with higher
heating costs this winter, sent consumer confidence
to a four-month low in March, AAA noted. Bouts
of cold weather led to sharply higher consumption
of electricity and natural gas, even toward the end of
During the 40-day run-up, gas prices increased
more than 40 cents a gallon nationwide after falling
The global price of crude oil remains volatile due
below $2 in many areas, including Delaware.
to speculation about possible production cuts due to
oversupply and news of rising global demand. Early
Wednesday’s national average price of $2.42 a gal- this week, crude oil was in the $43 a barrel area, relon was down about five cents n the space of a little
flecting a drop of about 11 percent the previous week.
more than a week. Prices remain more than $1 below a year ago.
“It is too soon to draw any hard and fast conclusions from just three or four days of data, but it apRetail gas prices typically trend higher this time of
pears recent spring price spikes have taken a breather,”
year as refiners reduce production of winter grade
said Jana Tidwell, manager of Public and Government
fuel in preparation for the changeover to summerAffairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “This is a welcome
grade gasoline, which is more costly to produces.
trend following four weeks of double-digit price increases, and could indicate price stabilization or that
possible relief is on the horizon.”
AAA continues to believe the national average price
of gas could rise by 20 cents per gallon during the
spring as refinery maintenance season continues ahead
of the changeover to summer blended fuel, however,
gas prices remain cheaper than in recent years. Most
U.S. drivers should still pay less than $3 per gallon to
fill up their cars this year.
American VP to tackle Philly side of merger
hile this column has focused on Frontier
Airlines and its presence at New Castle
County Airport, the biggest news for
local business travelers may be the integration
of operations of US Airways and American in
Playing a big role in avoid the meltdowns we
have seen in the past at US Airways operations in
Philadelphia is Cedric Rockamore.
Director of Ronald Reagan Washington National
Airport in early 2014, where he led a team
responsible for the integration of American and US
Airways operations. That included “innovations
to drive significant improvements in customer
experience and operational performance,” according
to a release from American.
Avoiding check in and baggage problems will be
essential as American will still face a limited number
of runways that lead to numerous flight delays from
Philadelphia. Bad weather makes things even worse.
The airlines are slated to integrate information
technology systems and websites and any problems
on those ends can lead to big problems. Much testing In creating the mega airline, American has seen
examples of a big merger that went relatively well
is said to be going on in the background to avoid
(Delta and Northwest) and one that continues to
chaotic situations of the past.
struggle (United and Continental). United has been
given some room for investing in improvements, due
Rockamore has been promoted to vice president
to sharply lower fuel costs
at American and will head efforts to integrate the
operations of the two airlines in Philadelphia.
He has experience in Philadelphia as Director
of Ramp Services and was promoted to Managing
Betting on higher fares and problems as the
airlines merge operations is Frontier Airlines, which
has shifted its focus from New Castle and Trenton
to Philadelphia. As previously announced, the
airline will offer flights to Minneapolis-St. Paul and
Houston beginning at the end of April. Those cities
join Miami, Orlando, Tampa and Cancun began
in December and flights to Atlanta, Charlotte and
Chicago O’Hare. For a time, Frontier served Atlanta,
Chicago and (briefly) Houston from New Castle.
Former Justice Ridgely joins DLA Piper law firm
LA Piper announced that
Justice Henry duPont
Ridgely, who retired on
January 31, from the Delaware
Supreme Court, joined the firm
effective March 16.
He will be a member of the firm’s
Corporate and Litigation practices, Ridgely
based in the Wilmington, Delaware
office. Former Governor and U.S.
Rep., Mike Castle , is a partner in the Wilmington
office of DLA Piper.
number one ranking from the United States Chamber structure, fiduciary duties, and managing and
defending litigation. He will also act as a mediator
of Commerce, which Delaware has maintained for
and arbitrator.
more than ten years.
While on the Delaware Supreme Court, Ridgely
participated in more than 700 published opinions,
including every major decision issued during his
tenure involving directors’ and officers’ liability,
merger and acquisition disputes, contests for
corporate control, and other issues impacting
corporate law and governance.
“It is an honor to have Justice Ridgely join us,” said
Jay Smith, chairman of DLA Piper’s US Corporate
practice and co-chair of the firm’s global Corporate
Ridgely has a record of more than 30 years of
practice. “With 66 percent of the Fortune 500
service on the Delaware bench. Before serving for
more than a decade on the Delaware Supreme Court, and half of all public companies incorporated in
Ridgely was a judge on Delaware’s Superior Court for Delaware, he has played a significant role in shaping
the country’s corporate law.” DLA Piper is an
20 years, including 14 years as President Judge with
international law firm.
a full caseload and statewide responsibility for the
court’s budget and personnel.
Ridgely’s practice will focus on advising
corporations, boards, special committees and
During that period, the Delaware courts earned a
individual directors and officers on transaction
“It was an honor to serve on one of the world’s
preeminent judiciaries and, as I move to the next
Continued on next page
Located in New Castle, DE | 302.262.9905
From previous page
phase of my career, I am equally honored to be
joining one of the world’s most respected business
law firms,” said Ridgely. “For many years, I have
known and respected several of DLA Piper’s
Delaware lawyers, and I am looking forward to now
being one of their colleagues.”
effective January 1. Wolcott has
practiced in the Newark office of
Connolly Gallagher since the firm’s
inception in 2012, and before then
with the Business Law Group of
Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz
LLP since 2006.
by Martindale-Hubbell. Wolcott is a member of the
Rodney Inn of Court, the American Bar Association,
and the Delaware Bar Association. Wolcott currently
serves pro bono as an attorney guardian ad litem for
the Office of the Child Advocate and is a member
on the Board of Directors for both the New Castle
Senior Center and the Delaware Institute for the
Arts in Education. He also serves on the Alumni
Board of Wilmington Friends School.
Wolcott represents a wide
Ridgely has received numerous honors and awards
Continued on next page
range of clients, including local
and, in 2015, was presented with the Order of the
business owners, companies,
First State, which is the highest recognition awarded
and individuals seeking both general counsel and
by the Governor of Delaware.
litigation services. Wolcott’s primary focus is in the
fields of commercial and general litigation as well
Ridgely received his B.S. in Business
as municipal law. He counsels clients in matters
Administration from Syracuse University in 1971,
relating to contract disputes, real estate disputes,
his J.D. from The Catholic University of America
construction law, land use, both commercial and
Columbus School of Law in 1973, and his LL.M.
residential landlord-tenant law, commercial leases,
in Corporation Law from George Washington
and insurance disputes. Wolcott represents clients at
University Law School in 1974. He was awarded an
every level of the State judiciary as well as in the U.S.
Honorary Doctor of Laws by Widener University
District Court for the District of Delaware and has
School of Law in 2010.
achieved success both through trial and alternative
dispute resolution. Wolcott is also admitted to
Walcott elected partner
practice in Pennsylvania.
Connolly Gallagher LLP announced that Josiah
R. Wolcott has been elected partner of the firm,
Wolcott has been recognized by Super Lawyers as
a Rising Star in Business Litigation and is also rated
From previous page
Wolcott received an Honors B.A. from the
University of Delaware in 2001, followed by his
J.D. from The Dickinson School of Law of the
Pennsylvania State University in 2005.
Pileggi wins award
The Law Firm of Eckert
Seamans Cherin & Mellott,
LLC announced that Francis
G. X. Pileggi, was recently
honored with The 2015
Chief Justice William Killen
Award for Distinguished
Second Amendment Appellate Pileggi
Advocacy by The Delaware
State Sportsman Association for his work related to
an unanimous en banc decision by the Delaware
Supreme Court recognizing the right to bear arms
of public housing residents under the Delaware
Constitution. (Doe v Wilimington Housing
Commercial Litigation Group. He practices
primarily in the areas of corporate and commercial
litigation in Delaware and Pennsylvania. His
litigation practice emphasizes representation in
high-stakes disputes of corporations, stockholders,
members of boards of directors, members and
managers of LLCs, and those with managerial
or ownership interests in other forms of entities.
He has extensive experience in matters involving
fiduciary duties and corporate governance as well
as summary proceedings under the Delaware
General Corporation Law.
He is also a certified mediator. Pileggi
created and maintains the Delaware Corporate
and Commercial Litigation Blog at www., which was named one of
LexisNexis’ Top 25 Business Law Blogs and was
selected for inclusion in the ABA Journal’s Blawg
100 in 2011 and 2012. In turn, he has been
described as “a brand name in Delaware corporate
litigation.” Pileggi represents several townships in Delaware
Pileggi is Member-in-Charge of the Wilmington
County and Chester County, PA as special
Office, Member of the Executive Committee
counsel on litigation matters. w
and Co-Chair of the Philadelphia - Delaware
Legislators ask DNREC to squash
plan for mobile recycling crusher
state senator and representative are asking
environmental regulators to block the use of
a mobile concrete crusher in the New Castle
According to a release, Diamond Materials LLC,
Wilmington, last year, dropped plans to seek
permits to place a permanent crushing operation
on the site at 200 Marsh Lane and instead asked
the state Department of Natural Resources and
Environmental Control to amend its exiting permit
to operate a roving concrete crusher at the site. Click
here for a copy of the filing.
The site is near a small residential development in
Minquadale, an area that includes businesses around
Route 13 and the headquarters of the New Castle
County Police. The site of the crusher is zoned for
heavy industry. It is also near Interstate 495.
Residents have not been happy with the plans for
the crusher that is part of the process of recycling
materials for roads and other projects. The crusher,
which has been located at Heald Street, Wilmington,
has a clean record, according to EPA reports.
“Even the best crushing operations put fine
he Delaware
Bulletin is an
electronic business
journal published in
a digital format each
Wednesday by Bird
Street Media, LLC,
Newark, Del.
The proposed crusher is in an industrial/
commercial area south of I-495. A residential
community is tucked in the middle of that area, as
shown in this DNREC photo.
particulate dust into the air that can aggravate a host
of health conditions,” said state Sen.David McBride,
D-Hawks Nest. “And the people are concerned that
the operation on Marsh Lane will not be state-of-theart when it comes to protecting their health. That’s
why we’re counting on DNREC to do the right thing
by the residents.”
The site now has more than 100,000 tons of
Continued on next page
The Business Bulletin offers numerous
opportunities for advertising messages and
sponsorships for its business-to-business
For further information on advertising and
sponsorships, e-mail Michael Klezaras at
The Business Bulletin and the companion website are
proud members of Local Independent News
Publishers (LION).
Homes tucked into industrial
area south of Interstate 495
“That concrete surely came
concrete and has with large piles from various construction sites,”
McBride said. “They had a roving
of material that are awaiting
permit; why didn’t they bring
recycling, according to a release
a machine in and crush it on
from the legislators.
location instead of piling it next
“The community made it crystal to these homes? This may live
clear that they want this mess to within the letter of the law, but
stop festering next door to them this type of gaming the system is
an affront to spirit of the law.”
and that it should be removed
as soon as possible,” said State
Last year, McBride and
Rep. J.J. Johnson, D-Jefferson
Farms, who along with McBride, Johnson introduced legislation,
but the effort stalled because
represents residents in the area.
other lawmakers thought the
“We think Diamond Materials
conditions on his proposal were
should be a good neighbor and
too stringent.
do just that.” In its filing with
DNREC, the company said it
Should the permit be granted,
will work to reduce the impact
the lawmakers said they
of the plant and take other
would consider appealing to
Environmental Appeals Board.
From previous page
Although roving operations
must receive permits before
starting up operations, state law
does not specifically confine
roving crusher operations to
construction sites.
The legislators did not suggest
an alternative to crushing the
existing material at the
Targett named Interim President
of the University of Delaware
ancy Targett, dean of the College of Earth, Ocean and
Environment, has been appointed by the University of
Delaware Board of Trustees as Interim President.
The appointment becomes effective on July 1, the departure
date for UD President Patrick Harker, who is becoming
president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Trustees also announced members of a search committee,
comprised of faculty, administrators, trustees, a UD parent and a
“I am grateful to Dean Targett for agreeing to take on this important leadership
role,” Trustees Chair, Gil Sparks said. “She has the experience, vision and
commitment to lead UD as the search committee completes its important work.
Over the next three and a half months, she will be working closely with President
Harker to ensure a smooth transition in the administration.”
“Having dedicated more than 30 years of my professional life to the University
of Delaware, I am honored to serve as interim president,” Targett said. “I look
forward to working closely with the students, faculty and staff to build on the
accomplishments of President Harker’s tenure and to prepare the way for the next
Gov. Jack Markell praised the decision. “Dean Targett is an excellent choice to
Continued on next page
Fifteen-member search committee formed
From previous page
lead the university during this time of
transition. As a member of my transition
team when I was first elected Governor,
Nancy offered valuable input and advice.
In the years since, the State has called
upon Dean Targett for her expertise on
issues impacting Delawareans, including
how to combat climate change and
addressing conservation efforts.
Sparks said, “Our diverse 15-member
search committee, co-chaired by trustees
Terri Kelly and Don Puglisi, includes
representatives from key university
constituencies, including the board,
faculty, staff, students, parents and
alumni. Together they bring to this critical
task a deep knowledge of the university,
an understanding of the world of higher
education and a keen insight into the
essentials of presidential leadership.”
Targett is a marine chemical ecologist and
the co-principal investigator on a National
Science Foundation climate education
study totaling more than $5 million.
Identification office opens in Georgetown
The Delaware State Police announced the future opening of the State Bureau of
Identification (SBI) South office in Georgetown.
The office will be located in the Thurman Adams Center, 546 South Bedford
Street, Room 202, Georgetown, and will be open for business starting Monday
March 30. The office will operate weekly Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m.
– 3:30 p.m. by appointment only. To make an appointment, call 302-739-2134.
This office will provide background checks, fingerprinting, as well as registration
and re-registration of convicted sex offenders. It will be staffed with front desk
operations personnel, Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit (S.O.A.R.)
agents and detectives, and criminal history technicians.
Remember when the Delaware Business Ledger used to publish its
Development Digest? It was a highly anticipated report on
commercial real estate, construction, engineering and related
industries. We are pleased to announce the return of the Development
Digest in April and September under the Delaware Business Bulletin/
Delaware Business umbrella.
We are offering special packages, ranging from sponsorships in the special
editions as well as online association with this new electronic edition of
an “old” business resource. Reach Delaware’s business decision-makers
who impact the state and play a key role in buying decisions.
For story ideas, releases and suggestions, email Doug Rainey at For information on affordable advertising packages, you can reach Michael Klezaras at
delaware business daily
News now...not later
Guest view: Delaware Climate Plan: The Rest of the Story
funded infrastructure
such as highways.
Some key goals of
Editor’s note: Stevenson is Policy Director of the Center
the climate plan are
for Energy Competitiveness at the Caesar Rodney
directed at influencing
land use planning.
or the most part, the state’s new climate plan The office is adding a
request local land use
could have been titled “Let’s Plan for the
Storm of the Century”, a basically sound idea. plans consider climate
change, and will
Unfortunately, the plan also promotes a continuing
unconstitutional effort of the state to take over land
enforce it by weighing
use planning from the counties and municipalities. It infrastructure
also promotes the concept there will be catastrophic investment in favor of
impacts from global warming which some key state
localities that include
climate considerations that conform to the state plan.
leaders follow with religious like fervor. The facts
show no upward trend in global average temperatures
for the last 18 years, and point to modest impacts on
Additionally, DNREC will specifically use their
our environment from global warming.
excessive estimates of global warming induced sea
level rise estimates and increased rainfall estimates to
push for more control over storm water management
Recent lawsuits have upheld local control of land
use issues, as delegated by the Delaware Constitution, (an issue already involved in a lawsuit), shoreline
management, beach replenishment, and expanded
by over turning state attempts to write land use
regulations. The state Strategic Planning Office must tidal wetlands maps.
By Dave T. Stevenson
approve local land use plans as it relates to state
DELDOT will use the presumption of more
temperature influenced high ozone days to consider
driving restrictions during air quality events. DEDO
will encourage real estate agents to spread out weekly
beach rentals to different start dates, an idea which
has some merit but will be disruptive to the tourist
industry. It should be noted all of these efforts will
likely lead to higher cost for private industry.
The climate plan forecasts sea level rise from
greenhouse gas induced global warming at 1.5 to
5 feet by 2100, and used 3 feet to develop Flood
Risk Adaptation Maps which will be used for state
planning purposes. Meanwhile, the report also quotes
the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
estimates of only 1.1 feet of sea level rise by 2100,
including about half that amount from localized
land subsidence at the Lewes Tide Gauge, an amount
roughly equal to sea level rise that occurred during the
twentieth century.
Most of the state is not subsiding, and land height
actually increases for estuaries from deposition
Continued on next page
Sea level rise could be below estimates
higher average temperatures would have a net impact
of lowering utility bills as much more money is spent
of sediments from upstream erosion. A realistic
on heating then on cooling. Every state agency has
expectation is about six inches of sea level rise by
an action step in the plan to increase education of the
2100. The plan also assumes rainfall will increase
during major storms because of global warming. Even reality and impacts of catastrophic climate change, an
the UN climate change report admits no linkage has effort some would call propaganda.
been confirmed between global warming and storm
Finally, the state has adopted a plan to reduce
greenhouse gas emission by 30% by 2030 from a
2008 base year. The plan admits carbon dioxide
The state wants to abandon the use of Federal
Emergency Management Agency hundred year Flood emissions were already reduced by 25% by 2010 and
so is looking for an additional 5% reduction from
Insurance Rate Maps which look at historic trends
new initiatives by 2030. Appendix C of the plan
and current flood plain data. The complaint is these
provides the key assumptions used in developing
maps don’t forecast future trends.
emission forecasts.
From previous page
We submit the FEMA maps are updated frequently
enough to be used for infrastructure planning over
the likely lifespan of most infrastructure projects. The
use of DNREC’s Flood Risk Adaptation Maps uses
questionable forecasts and will result in unneeded
additional expense for both the state and private
interests. The expanded wetland maps will take a large
amount of private land without compensation.
The plan used the U.S. Energy Information
Agency 2009 forecast which assumed carbon dioxide
emissions would increase 0.7% a year to 2030. The
more recent EIA 2014 forecast assumes emissions
will decrease by 0.2% a year. Based on the more
recent forecast, the 30% reduction target will be met
without any new initiatives needed.
Climate change estimates will be used to force
a review of electric rates by the Public Service
Commission which could lead to higher rates. The
Department of Health & Human Services wants
to increase low-income fuel assistance even though
The legislature, and all Delaware citizens, should
question any legislation, budget, or regulatory
changes driven by the “Climate Framework for
The following stories in recorded
the most visits.
1. Container Store Coming to Christiana
Fashion Center
2. Targett named Interim President of
University of Delaware
3. Great Dames ‘Powerful Conversations’
event features entrepreneurs
4. Business people: March 11-17, 2015
5. Cinemark to open 12-screen theater at
Christiana Mall this month
6. Christiana Mall area moves into the fast
7. (Photo gallery) Cabela’s opens store
near Christiana Mall
8. Legislators ask DNREC to reject permit
for mobile crusher in New Castle area
9. Wastemasters celebrates remarkable
period of growth
10. Hertrich to open Chrysler dealership in
Oil clean up in New Castle’s Battery in conjunction with the Coast Guard in overseeing
removal of oil there from pilings and piers.
he Delaware Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Control
Emergency Response Team were on hand
early this week to deal with the clean up of oil
from a cargo-ship spill last week at the Port of
Oil washed ashore Sunday at Battery Park in New
Castle, DNREC reported. Cleanup operations by
environmental contractors under DNREC and US
Coast Guard supervision in New Castle extended to
1,500 feet of shoreline.
Water sales revenues increased 4.6 percent to
$64.7 million in 2014 from $61.8 million in 2013.
The increase in water sales resulted from a 1.2
DNREC reported morning that cleanup
percent growth in the number of metered customers
operations at Battery Park and other affected
and greater customer consumption compared to
areas will continue throughout Monday, with
that experienced in 2013. The increase was also a
environmental workers raking oil from the shoreline result of the temporary rates placed into effect until
and removing oil-soaked debris that has come ashore. permanent rates are determined by the Delaware
Public Service Commission.
Higher 2014 earnings for Artesian
rtesian Resources Corporation announced
higher earnings and revenues in 2014.
Revenues were $72.5 million, up 4.9 percent from
$69.1 million in 2013. Net income increased 14.6
percent to $9.5 million, compared to $8.3 million
The spill also affected smaller stretches of the
Delaware River both north and south of Battery Park. last year.
Oil was also reported on the New Jersey side of the
river. The oil came from a spill that occurred March
9 at the Port of Wilmington, when a cargo carrier,
the Wild Cosmos, released oil from its deck into the
Christina River.
DNREC’s Emergency Response Team is at the port
Net income per common share was up 13.8
percent for 2014 compared to 2013. Improved
water sales revenue and a decrease in legal expenses
associated with the litigation against the Chester
Water Authority contributed to the increase in net
Non-utility revenue was $4.2 million, up from
$4.0 million in 2013, a 4.4 percent increase. The
increase was the result of the growth in revenues
generated by Artesian’s water and wastewater Service
Line Protection Plans, which continue to attract
new enrollments. The plans provide coverage for
all material and labor required to repair or replace
participants’ leaking water service or clogged sewer
“Our improved financial results are not only due to
increases in utility revenues but also our success in
restraining growth of operating expenditures,” said
Dian C. Taylor, CEO. “We also continued to deliver
on our commitment of providing superior service to
our customers, investing $23.7 million in 2014 for
infrastructure and other improvements.”
food and drink
Wine and Dine in Newark; Meals on Wheels gears up for gala events
The Downtown Newark
Partnership will again hold
its annual Wine and Dine
event on March 28.
The Courtyard by Marriott University of Delaware auction. Meals On Wheels Delaware is continuing its
will hold an after Wine and Dine event featuring.
partnership with the Delcastle Technical High School
the small pours of wine at Wine and Dine along with Culinary Program.
tribute artist Bryan Parr. That event gets under way at
5 p.m.
The culinary students collaborate with out-oftown chefs throughout the process of preparing and
presenting their offerings.
Meals on Wheels fund-raisers
A total of 1,500 glasses will
be handed out free of charge,
Continued on next page
with participants paying for
tastings at local restaurants along with food items that Meals On Wheels
Delaware will hold its
complement the wine.
Celebrity Chefs’ Brunch
April 19, at Hercules Plaza
Small pours will be available for $2 with higher
in downtown Wilmington
prices for premium wines.
from 11 a.m until 2 p.m.
This year, attendees will receive a wine pouch that
The brunch featuring
will help reduce glassware casualties.
chefs from from across the national and typically
does not feature northern Delaware culinary stars.
Tastings get under way at 1 p.m. at Deer Park
Tavern, Grotto Pizza Stone Balloon Ale House,
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Home Grown
Chefs from Rehoboth and Philadelphia will appear
Café, Arena’s Newark, Catherine Rooney’s Newark,
at the event. Cost is $175. Early bird tickets were sold
Klondike Kate’s Restaurant & Saloon, Cafe Ole,
at a discount.
Buffalo Wild Wings, Ali Baba Restaurant, Caffe
Gelato and Taverna Rustic Italian.
The event also features wine, spirits and a silent
food and drink
From previous page
A related event, the Cellar Masters’ Wine Auction
marks its 10th Anniversary in 2015, along with a
new format and location. The event will be held on
April 18, from 6 p.m. to 10 pm. at the Wilmington
Country Club and will feature a multi-course seated
dinner prepared by chefs. Cost is two tickets for
Dough Roller is
expected to open the
location in March, the
Cape Gazette reported.
The expansion had been
announced in February
on the restaurant’s
Facebook page.
Bacon and brackets at Iron Hill
From tomorrow until Sunday, Iron Hill Brewery
and Restaurants will combine basketball and
bacon at its 11 locations that include Wilmington
and Newark. Each location will feature a menu of
bacon-infused fare, with a different menu at each
The small chain has three restaurants in Ocean City
“We love March Madness, and we love bacon, so
and a Dough Roller Express location in Rockville,
bringing them together for the second year in a row
Md., just outside Washington, D.C.
was a no-brainer,” says Dan Bethard, Iron Hill’s
assistant director of culinary operations. “As we did
Proceeds benefit Meals On Wheels Delaware, whose A few years ago, Dough Roller saw a pizza
last year, each of our talented head chefs has created
five member agencies and volunteers delivered more
competitor from the north come into OC when
a special bacon menu to be served during part of
than 710,000 meals to roughly 4,000 homebound
Grotto Pizza finally opened a restaurant. Grotto
the NCAA tournament, with each dish featuring
senior Delawareans.
had waited for decades to enter the market, despite
the porky goodness of bacon and designed to pair
its market leading presence in neighboring Sussex
perfectly with one of our house-brewed beers.”
Tickets for the Celebrity Chefs’ Brunch and CelCounty.
lar Masters’ Wine Auction went on sale January 1.
Bacon Madness dishes will vary by location, and
Tickets for The Ultimate Tailgate will go on sale July
Grotto has since expanded and recnetly headed
may include: Bacon Poutine, pommes frites with
1, 2015. For more information or to buy tickets visit:
into the outer edges of the Washington, D.C. metro bacon gravy and cheddar cheese (West Chester);
area with a store near Annapolis, Md.
Scrapple Waffle with griddled tomato, fried onions,
Dough Roller heads north
maple-bacon mayo and sriracha-ketchup whipped
Two other Ocean City mainstays, the Greene
cream (Newark); and chocolate-dipped bacon
An Ocean City restaurant chain that specializes in Turtle sports bar/restaurant and Fractured Prune
crumble (Wilmington).
pizza and breakfast is heading to Rehoboth Beach.
doughtnuts expanded in the region in recent years.
A third event, a lower-priced Evening With the
Masters tasting was dropped in favor of an Ultimate
Tailgate event in October.
construction & real estate
Nickle employees work five years without lost-time accident
Companies was founded in 1986 by the late Paul
Allen Nickle as Paul A. Nickle, Inc. Electrical
Contractors. Current owners Steve and Debbie
Dignan acquired the company in 1991 and in
2008 the name was changed to Nickle Electrical
Companies to better represent the company as a
n February 1, Nickle Electrical employees
successfully worked five years without a losttime accident.
“I’m extremely proud of our team for their
dedication to creating a safe work environment,” said
CEO Steve Dignan. “We work in a very dangerous
industry so going five years accident-free is no
small feat. I want to thank all employees for their
commitment to Nickle’s safety culture.”
In 2014 the company implemented a behavioralbased safety program to continually build on the
important foundation of safety. The program analyzes
what an accident is and why it happened.
Based on those evaluations, a strategy is put into
place to prevent similar incidents in the future.
At left, a Nickle employee and Nickle CEO Steve
Dignan. (Nickle Electric photos).
and unsafe elements of that act, and determine what
behaviors can be corrected or modified to reduce the
risk of an accident.
Nickle also improved its Safety Incentive Program,
This year, Nickle will initiate the next phase of
which rewards field employees for avoiding lostthe program called Behavioral Observation Safety
time accidents. An event was held on February 25
System. This initiative allows every employee to
observe another employee’s behavior, evaluate the safe to celebrate five accident-free years.Nickle Electrical
The 150 employees work within an 80-mile
radius of the company’s two locations, Newark and
Georgetown, and perform commercial, industrial,
residential, and service electrical work. The company
has received more than 30 ABC Excellence in
Construction awards.
Becht acquires CECON Group
Becht Engineering Co., Inc., headquartered in New
Jersey, announced it has acquired The CECON
Group, Inc., Wilmington. Terms of the transaction
were not announced.
Continued on next page
construction & real estate
From previous page
Becht Engineering
provides engineering
consulting services
to the energy sector
including oil and gas
production, refining,
chemical, industrial gas, alternative energy, and
fossil and nuclear power sectors. The company has
twelve offices in the U.S. and Canada and has further
expansion plans. It is celebrating its 50th year in
broad array of science and engineering services to its
clients in multiple market sectors as before. “Both
companies will be able to leverage the collective
breadth and depth of their respective resources and
market presence to provide enhanced technical
services to their clients,” stated Dr. Charles Becht IV,
president of Becht Engineering.
Rittenhouse brokers Silver Springs
Apartments deal; $8 million in
upgrades planned
Rittenhouse Realty Advisors, Philadelphia,
announced the sale of the Silver Springs Apartments
near Wilmington.The 80-unit property on Lancaster
CECON ( manages a network
Pike. The complex was purchased by Berger Rental
of science, engineering, and technical business
Communities based in Wayne, PA. Silver Springs
consultants to provide consulting services to multiple Apartments is next door to the 320-unit Lancaster
industries and market sectors, including expert
Court Apartments that RRA sold to Berger Rental
witnesses for legal firms. The company, which was
Communities in August of 2014.
started by DuPont retirees, has consultants located in
47 states and over 20 countries and is celebrating its
Lancaster Court was purchased from various owners
30th year in business.
of the complex.
CECON LLC is now a wholly owned subsidiary of
“The buyer plans massive renovations at both
Becht Engineering and continues to provide the same properties. These upgrades will attract a solid
Silver Springs Apartments near Wilmington.
tenant base from local employers, such as DuPont,
AstraZeneca and others,” stated Corey Lonberger,
managing partner at RRA.
The renovations will exceed more than $8
million at both properties. The buyer hopes that the
upgrades will result in significantly higher rents than
what were being obtained by the previous owner.
The renovations will include new kitchens, new
bathrooms and extensive work to common areas and
the grounds.
This is the fourth transaction for Rittenhouse in
Continued on next page
construction & real estate
From previous page
Delaware within the last 12 months. Rittenhouse
Realty Advisors has sold more units than any local
brokerage in the last 12 months.
“Delaware is an excellent market and we have seen
a lot of investors from New York and Washington,
D.C. show strong interest there which has driven
values up,” stated Ken Wellar, a managing partner at
To date, RRA’s Delaware sales total more than
$35,000,000. This is a market we have worked
over the last 12 years of our careers and know
well. Knowing the market and the players is key
to maximizing values for our clients,” said Mark
Duszak, director at RRA. Rittenhouse Realty
Advisors specializes in the sale of apartment
Long and Foster opens Hockessin
Long & Foster Real Estate, has opened a new
office in Hockessin. Erik Hoferer, who heads Erik
Hoferer & Associates team with
Long & Foster’s Pike Creek office,
will head the new location. The
office will be managed by R.T.
Christopher, who also oversees
Long & Foster’s Greenville, Del.,
The new Hockessin location is
a direct result of Long & Foster’s Hoferer
Elite Entrepreneur Platform,
which allows high producers like Hoferer to build
their own businesses while aligning with the large
residential real estate company.
Hoferer’s team, which includes Pam Krim, Cheryl
DiFonzo, Tina Newport, Rosemary Aslin, JoAnn
Barlow Baldridge, Renee Wolhar, Ronda Lancaster,
Gina Bozzo and Paul Roberts, will operate out of the
Hockessin location.
“Long & Foster is committed to growing our
presence in the Wilmington area and the Delaware
Valley, and opening this new office with Erik and
his leading team allows us to increase our footprint
and better serve home buyers and sellers in New
Castle County,” said Bob Albanese and Ron Clarke,
senior regional vice presidents of Long & Foster’s
Philadelphia, Delaware and New Jersey region.
Christopher, who will work closely with Hoferer
in building the new locations, agreed. “Having a
leader like Erik, who is active in the community and
well-respected in the real estate industry, provides us
with a unique understanding of the local market and
the needs of its residents. Together, we’ll build upon
and expand the already high quality of support and
services that we offer home buyers and sellers in our
A native Delawarean, Hoferer specializes in
residential real estate, including new construction,
in New Castle and Kent counties, DE., as well as
southern Chester County, PA.
He is licensed in Delaware, Maryland and
Pennsylvania and holds his associate broker license in
His team also markets the entire product line for
Ryan Homes, the largest builder in Delaware.
not for profit
M&T donates to housing effort; Chevy dealers aid USO
contract manager at the Wilmington Housing
ick Lambrow, president of the Delaware
Region for M&T Bank, late last month
presented a $75,000 grant to the
Wilmington Housing Partnership. The grant
was presented at their Defiance Property in the
Browntown neighborhood.
This funding will serve to support the Wilmington
Housing Partnership’s initiatives to build affordable,
housing in Wilmington by renovating existing homes
and supporting construction of new homes in select
Lambrow said, “At M&T Bank, we believe
the positive transformation of communities and
neighborhoods begins with quality, affordable
housing. When we give families the opportunity to
establish strong roots, we ensure that each community
is cared for by its residents and neighbors. As a
result, positive changes occur and businesses and
opportunities tend to grow.”
Lambrow was joined by M&T representatives
Dealers donate vehicle to USO
Beryl Barmore, regional CRA officer for M&T
Bank; Steve Martin, executive director of
Wilmington Housing Partnership; Nick Lambrow,
president of the Delaware Region for M&T Bank;
Hughlett Kirby, relationship manager for M&T
Bank and Wilmington Housing Partnership Board
Hughlett Kirby, relationship manager and
Wilmington Housing Partnership board member,
and Beryl Barmore, regional CRA Officer. The grant
was presented to Steve Martin, executive director of
Wilmington Housing Partnership and Natalie Howe,
Upon learning USO Delaware would be expanding
their support of our Military Heroes and their
families with an additional location at the Delaware
National Guard River Road Training Site; Jeff
Townsend, owner of Townsend Brothers Chevrolet,
Dover and longtime USO supporter got together
with Joe Yacyshyn of M&T Bank and four other
Delaware Chevrolet Dealers to sponsor the donation
of a Chevrolet Equinox crossover.
Townsend Brothers, M&T Bank, Diver Chevrolet,
I.G. Burton, Porter Auto Group and Willis Chevrolet
went on to pool their resources to purchase the
Equinox that was presented at the Dover dealership.
Jeff Townsend stated, “USO Delaware has a huge
mission, especially in our state. Our military is much
Continued on next page
not for profit
From previous page
Shown from left: Al Kaste (USO Regional),
Bruce Kmiec (USO Delaware), Yolanda Bottorf
(USO Delaware), Bill Willis (Willis Chevrolet), Jeff
Townsend (Townsend Brothers Chevrolet), Paul
Bradley (M&T Bank), Charlie Burton (I.G. Burton),
Joan Cote (USO Delaware) and Bill Flanders (USO
Delaware had its 24th Anniversary on March 10. It
serves an average 80,000-100,000 military members
and their families annually with an array of programs
and services.
informatiom is available at www.chesapeakesharing.
com. Over the last six years, Chesapeake Utilities
Corporation, its subsidiary Sharp Energy, Inc., their
employees and customers have contributed more than
$296,000 to support the SHARING program and
provide grants to more than 1,300 recipients on the
Delmarva Peninsula.
USO Delaware has a center located in the Dover
Air Force Base Passenger Terminal and USO
Delaware Lounge in the Charles C. Carson Mortuary.
The USO is now supporting River Road supporting
In 2014, grants awarded by the SHARING
personnel in the Delaware National Guard (Army & Program to help those in need pay their energy bills
Air) along with U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Reserves during the cold winter months totaled $41,649 –
in Delaware.
almost 30% more than the $30,346 paid out to
recipients in 2013.
Chesapeake announces availability of
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Dover,
announced the availability of grants through its
SHARING program, a non-profit organization that
distributes grants to its natural gas and propane
better off because of the support USO Delaware
customers living on the Delmarva Peninsula who are
provides. When I heard about their need for a vehicle in need due to financial or health challenges.
because of expanding, I took it upon myself to help
secure one. The USO serves the whole state not just
Grants of up to $400 are available to those in
Dover Air Force Base and this vehicle will go a long
need to assist with their energy bills. Grants are also
way to making their job and outreach easier.” USO
available for appliance repair or replacement. Further
“We are thrilled to continue to grow our
SHARING program grants, which have had a
meaningful impact for our customers experiencing
financial or medical challenges,” commented Shane
Breakie, director of Natural Gas Energy Services
and president of the Chesapeake Emergency Energy
Recipient Program (CHEERP). ”Our employees live
in the communities we serve and it is important to all
of us to show our customers there that we personally
care about helping them in difficult financial or
medical circumstances.”
kudos (business honors)
Christiana Care
earns top ranking
Researchers based the 100 Top Hospitals on
public information: Medicare cost reports, Medicare
Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) data, and
core measures and patient satisfaction data from the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Hospital Compare website. Hospitals do not apply
to be a Top 100 hospital, and winners do not pay to
market the honor.
Christiana Care has
again secured a place
among nation’s 100
Top Hospitals in the
major teaching hospital
category by Truven Health
Only 15 major teaching hospitals earned 100
Analytics, and is one of
just 17 hospitals across the nation to win the 100 Top Top Hospitals ranking. Christiana Care is the only
hospital in the entire Philadelphia region — and the
Hospitals Everest Award for being among the select
only one Delaware — to make the prestigious list.
few to set national benchmarks for the fastest longterm improvement among health systems over the
The award singles out top hospitals among the
last five years.
nearly 3,000 evaluated for excellence in patient
safety, patient engagement, affordability, adherence to
“This honor is a very special recognition to every
clinical standards of care and average patient stay.
one of our staff — our physicians, nurses, all the
The award recipients will be recognized in the
May 26 issue of Delaware Business Times for their
accomplishments and contributions to the local
Nominations are being accepted online at until April
6. Self-nominations are encouraged. To be eligible, a
business must be in its second generation and have
two family members actively involved.
KSI Employee of Quarter
Kent-Sussex Industries, Inc. (KSI) recently
recognized Shenika Kirby, of Lincoln, as Outstanding
Staff Person of the Quarter.
Kirby joined the KSI staff in 2013. As a KSI
Program Manager, she helps people with disabilities
people at Christiana Care, including our board
Family owned business award
reach their optimal potential by recognizing and
and trustees, and our patient and family advisers
candidates sought
valuing their strengths and emphasizing their
— who are committed to partnering with those we
abilities. She is responsible, with support from each
are privileged to serve,” said Janice Nevin, M.D.,
person’s core team, for implementing the individual
Delaware Business Times announced the first
Christiana Care president and CEO. “This award is a
reflection of our steadfast commitment to providing Delaware Family Owned Business Awards event to be support agreements developed for each person in her
value-driven care that is affordable, high quality and held on June 24.
Bloom Energy fuel cells installed in Japan, New York state
The 250 kilowatt system at Stop & Shop in Mt.
wholesale market in Japan and a The Stop
& Shop store are getting Bloom Energy fuel Vernon will generate more than 2 million kilowatt
hours each year.
its stores, capable of generating 9.5 million kilowatt
hours each year.
This project supports the company’s carbon
Most Bloom fuel cells are manufactured at a site in The Bloom system is the latest addition to Stop & reduction goals and continues to deliver electricity
Shop’s clean and renewable energy portfolio that also even through grid outages, like those experienced in
includes solar panel systems on the roofs on 38 of
the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.
Stop & Shop is a division of Ahold USA,
announced that a Bloom Energy fuel cell will power
the company’s Mt. Vernon, NY store.
Ahold, based in the Netherlands, also owns Giant
stores in Delaware.
March 18
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Timothy’s Wilmington
Bloom Energy Japan Limited announced an
installation at the Osaka Prefectural Central
Wholesale Market in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture.
Bloom Energy Japan is a venture between Bloom
Energy and Japanese investment company Softbank.
The Bloom Energy Server at the market can
produce 1,200 kilowatts of power and provides 50
percent of the overall electricity needs.
The Bloom Energy Server generates electricity
from multiple fuel sources such as city gas and
biogas at over 60 percent efficiency, a Bloom release
stated. Japan is moving more aggressively toward
alternative energy sources after the Fukushima
nuclear power plant disaster.
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Tatevossian named Saint
Francis SVP
Saint Francis Healthcare,
Wilmington, announced that Arek
Tatevossian will serve as its senior
vice president of strategic planning. Tatevossian
He brings more than 20 years of
experience in strategy leadership and complex project
management for multi-million dollar health care
Prior to joining Saint Francis Healthcare,
Tatevossian supported 11 hospitals and outpatient
centers across California as the regional director of
business development for Tenet Healthcare Corp.
His key responsibilities included conducting market
assessments and demand forecasting for annual
business plans and operating budgets, as well as
providing competitive assessments for prospective
Tatevossian has also served as the vice president
of strategic services for Fauquier Health System in
Virginia and as a senior planning consultant for Inova
Health System in Falls Church, VA. As the executive
director of the Northern Virginia Health Alliance,
Tatevossian also managed the daily operations of the
physician-hospital organization during a transitional
Tatevossian is a member of the Society for
Healthcare Strategy & Market Development and
has served on its membership and annual conference
planning committees. He received a Master of
Health Administration degree from the University of
two decades of experience in the financial services
industry working for Applied Card Systems, MBNA
America, and as a private practice attorney. He holds
a B.A from the University of Michigan, and a J.D.
from Syracuse University College of Law. Cuoco
currently serves as the President of the University
of Michigan Club of Delaware, and is a long-time
supporter of the Delaware Children’s Theatre in
Brennan named
Bernadon director
Bernardon Haber Holloway
Cuoco named Applied Card Systems
Architects is pleased to announce
a new addition. Kate Brennan of
Chester County, PA has joined the Brennan
Applied Card Systems, A ROCH Capital company, firm’s management staff as Business
announced the promotion of Frank A. Cuoco to
Development Director. President from Senior Executive Vice President.
As Business Development Director, Brennan
Cuoco joined ACS in 2006. He has acquired
will be responsible for leading the firm’s Business
Development efforts to position Bernardon Haber
extensive experience at the company through his
oversight of the Company’s Operations, IT, Executive Holloway as an expert in the market sectors the firm
serves, including higher education, senior living,
Correspondence, Credit, Legal, Risk Management
and Physical Security departments. Cuoco has nearly Continued on next page
From previous page
health care, multifamily residential/mixed use and
single family residential, to name a few. Previously,
Brennan served as Business Development Manager
for Interior Office Solutions based in Irvine, CA.
She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the
University of Notre Dame in 2005 with a Bachelor of
Arts in Economics.
She has also served as Business Development
Director for Brennan’s Office Interiors in Exton, PA.
Earlier in her career, she also worked for both the
Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry
and the Chester County Economic Development
Brennan was also previously on the boards of several
charitable organizations, including the Building Block
Foundation Fund in Irvine, CA and the Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society of Chester County.
Established in 1973, Bernardon Haber Holloway
Architects is a regional architecture, interior design,
and landscape architecture firm. The firm has offices
in Wilmington and Kennett Square, PA.
Chura joins Horizon Philanthropic
Horizon Philanthropic Services, a fund raising
consultancy that since 2000 has helped nonprofits
accomplish their goals and grow their organizations,
now can extend its reach farther across the state with
the addition of two new consulting associates.
study for the Greater Lewes Foundation. Also
joining the Horizon team is Terri Colegrove, serving
as Project and Events Manager for various clients.
Colegrove draws on experience with her own events
management business.
Rawl formed Horizon in 2000 after 18 years as the
president of various regional family, corporate, and
community foundations. During the past 14 years,
“I am pleased to announce that Mark Chura has
Horizon has worked with more
affiliated with our firm, effective February 1, as a
consulting Senior Associate,” said Horizon’s Principal, than 40 nonprofit clients, helping
them generate over $62 million in
Michael Rawl. “Mark’s unique background with
new assets.
state agencies, private development and nonprofit
management will be of tremendous help to many of
Rangan named AARP
our clients.”
Delaware President
Chura, of Mark Chura Associates, has a long history
of service to the community. In recent years, he served
as executive director for Delaware Greenways. He
also served as director of project management with
Ocean Atlantic Companies in Lewes and a senior
manager at the Parks Division of DNREC.
AARP Delaware State Director
Lucretia Young recently announced Rangan
that Rashmi Rangan has been
chosen as the new AARP Delaware State President
and its top volunteer.
Rangan is founder and Executive Director of the
During the last two years, Chura assisted Horizon
Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council,
with two projects: land acquisition for the new
Continued on next page
Lewes Public Library and a parking and signage
management, fisheries management and related
Inc. (DCRAC). DCRAC advocates for investment by environmental services for the Eastern United States,
added Kirk McDannell as Aquatic Specialist at
financial institutions in lower income communities
in the state and launched financial education and tax its Delaware office.
clinic programs.
He is completing an extensive aquatic training
Rangan also produces, directs and hosts a monthly program and will serve clients’ lakes and ponds
throughout Delaware, Maryland and the northeast
television program and a weekly radio show.
region. He brings over 10 years of customer relations
An attorney, Rangan was admitted to the Delaware experience in the retail, service and construction
Bar in 2004. She earned her Juris Doctor from
From previous page
Widener University School of Law, cum laude, and
also earned a Master of Arts in Urban Affairs and
Public Policy from University of Delaware. Rangan will work as the State Director’s partner in
leading the AARP work across the
state for volunteers and members.
AARP has 176,000 members in
Solitude adds Delaware
SOLitude Lake Management,
which provides lake and pond
Wealth managers added
at Wilmington Trust
Wilmington Trust hired Michele
Ahwash and David Ford as
senior relationship managers in
the Integrated Family Wealth
group in Wilmington. In their
roles, they will provide wealth
management advice to high-networth individuals, families, business owners, and
Ford joined Wilmington Trust with 30 years of
experience in the financial industry. Most recently, he
was principal at Strategy House,
Inc., a business consulting firm
offering services to privatelyheld businesses and nonprofit
organizations. Previously, he was
a partner with Siegfried Group,
LLP, and was a manager at Belfint,
Lyons & Shuman.
Ford earned his master’s degree Ford
from Widener University. He
received his bachelor’s degree from the University of
Delaware. He is a certified public accountant. Ford is
active in the community serving as board member for
the Children’s Advocacy Center of Delaware and the
Ursuline Academy, and is chair of the advisory board
of the Mike Clark Legacy Foundation.
Ahwash has over three decades of experience
in the financial services industry. Prior to joining
Wilmington Trust, she was a relationship manager
for ultra-high-net-worth clients at Tiedemann Trust
Company. Previously, she was employed at Bryn
Mawr Trust Company as a trust officer and served
Continued on next page
legal function, and managing outside counsel.
as chair of the Real Estate Committee. Earlier in her He will provide counsel on legal matters to senior
career, she worked at the Law Offices of Beatty Lincke management and the business units to ensure
in Media, Pa. for 16 years, where she was responsible compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and
for estate planning and administration, and individual advise senior management and the board on corporate
governance matters. In addition, he will provide legal
and fiduciary income tax preparation.
advice on all major business transactions and assist
management on governmental relations, including
She earned both a bachelor’s degree in Business
lobbying and other legislative activities.
Administration and an MBA in Financial Planning
from Widener University. She is a Certified Financial
Moriarty has over 25 years of experience
Planner®, Accredited Estate Planner, and a Certified
representing leading companies on diverse energy
Trust and Financial Advisor. In addition to being a
member at the Philadelphia Estate Planning Council, projects. Previously, he was a Partner at Locke
Lord LLP and Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP, both
Institute of Certified Bankers, Delaware Bankers
international law firms with offices in Washington,
Association, Financial Planning Association, and
National Association of Estate Planners and Councils. D.C. He has represented a broad spectrum of
companies on energy regulatory issues before the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and
Chesapeake names general counsel
has counseled energy industry leaders on rate, tariff,
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation announced that contract, certificate, commercial, compliance and
enforcement matters. He has extensive experience
James Moriarty has joined the Company as Vice
President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary. providing legal advice to interstate gas pipelines and
local natural gas distribution companies.
From previous page
As Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate
Secretary, Moriarty will oversee the company’s
legal affairs by managing the company’s internal
University of America School of Law, and his
Master of Laws from Georgetown University Law
Center. Moriarty is a member of the American Bar
Association and the Energy Bar Association and
served on the Board of Regents of The Catholic
University of America. He has an extensive
professional publication and speaking record.
Miller to head Southern Wine in
Brad Vassar, executive vice president, chief
Operating Officer, Southern Wine & Spirits of
America, Inc., has named Jim Miller as Vice
President, General Manager for the Delaware division
In his new position, Miller will report to Vassar.
Miller joined Southern’s Delaware operation in
1987 as a salesperson for the company. Over the next
27 years, Miller assumed a number of positions of
increasing responsibility, including 17 years as
Division Director. He most recently served as Vice
President, General Sales Manager in the market since
2012. Prior to working at Southern, Miller worked
Moriarty earned a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers
for two other Delaware distributorships. Miller has a
University where he was named a University Scholar. Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from
He received his Juris Doctor from the Catholic
Wilmington University.
AstraZeneca blood thinner drug
shows promise in limiting cardiac
events after first heart attack, stroke
straZeneca announced promising results from a large-scale trial that
investigated Brilinta (ticagrelor) blood thinner tablets, plus a low dose
of aspirin.
Compared to placebo plus low dose aspirin, doses of ticagrelor with aspirin
can reduce the chances of fatal events for patients after a heart attack. The study
involved more than 21,000 patients.
Brilinta does carry a risk of bleeding, a common feature of blood thinners.
That finding had been expected.
The data were presented during the opening late-breaking clinical trial session
of the American College of Cardiology’s 64th Annual Scientific Session and
Expo, and was also simultaneously published in the New England Journal of
Medicine online.
Recent research has shown that one in five patients will have a heart attack,
stroke or CV death in the three years following a heart attack, even if patients
were event free after 12 months.
For patients more than one year from a heart attack, the current standard of
care is aspirin alone.
Ticagrelor is not approved for secondary prevention of events in patients with a
history of heart attack beyond one year.
As of 2014, AstraZeneca employed 2,600 in Delaware.
Harry’s Savoy Grill
Click here
for registration,
The Outside-In Talent Seminar Series
The Outside-In Talent Seminar Series this March
with our feature speaker, Jeanie Heffernan, senior
vice president Human Resources at Independence
Blue Cross. Whether you’re a business professional
or a job seeker, our seminar series is a great way to
gain more knowledge and network with like-minded
people to make some connections.
Goodstay Center, University of Delaware
Wilmington Campus
2600 Pennsylvania Ave Goodstay Center Wilmington, DE 19806
Thursday, March 26, 2015 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00
Register here.
Feature presenter is Jeanie Heffernan, SVP Human Resources for Independence Blue Cross,
will discuss the development of the Independence Blue Cross employee value proposition
and share how it serves as a catalyst for program development, employee messaging, and
business growth. Here’s what the seminar will look like:
5:30-6:00 p.m. Meet some new people over
drinks and appetizers
6:00-6:45 p.m. Talent Seminar Presentation by
presenter, Jeanie Heffernan
6:45-7:00 p.m. Q&A
Find out why your company can’t grow without
an Employee Value Proposition.
Delaware Bio 2015 Annual Awards Gala
Winning the top company award this year is Incyte,
Inc., a Wilmington-based pharmaceutical company.
Click here for further information or to register.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
5:00 - 9 p.m.
DuPont Country Club, 1001 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803
Individual: Delaware Bio Member - $195 ($235 after
Non-Member - $320 ($360 after 3/20/14)
Table of 10 - $2300 ($2, 800 after 3/20/14) Delaware
Bio Members Only
Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 Gourmet Pizza
& Beverages served (cash bar)
Click here to register.
50th Anniversary Celebration for the
Better Business Bureau Delaware
April 16, 2015 5 p.m.
World Café Live at the Queen
500 North Market Street
Wilmington DE 19801
Cost: $175
Click here for information and to register
The event evening, presented by Horizon Services,
will feature food, silent auction, dancing, and live
entertainment by the famous band “Jellyroll”.
The evening’s Honorary Chairman, Chris Coons,
along with members of the Honorary Committee and
BBB Board look forward to a fun night to celebrate
Spring Great Dames Great
the mission of the BBB. BBB has been providing
essential programs and services to businesses and
Conversations Series
consumers in the state of Delaware for 50 years and
Thought Leaders who Shape our Future. Speaker is this is an opportunity to mark the occasion and recognize the hard work of the organization.
Tracy Davidson, Emmy-winning Journalist.
April 13, 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Pizza by Elizabeths, 3801
business licenses
Editor’s note: Business licenses are
issued in Delaware as a revenue raising
MILLSBORO, DE 19966-3811
WILMINGTON, DE 19805-1150
MILFORD, DE 19963-1002
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040-3314
SALINAS, CA 93908-9300
BEAR, DE 19701
NEW CASTLE, DE 19720-4172
NEWARK, DE 19702-1596
NEWARK, DE 19713-1958
MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-8627
WILMINGTON, DE 19804-1748
OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970-9157
12277 UTICA RD
GREENWOOD, DE 19950-5253
HOCKESSIN, DE 19707-9105
CHAMPAIGN, IL 61822-8929
KENTON, DE 19955
RALEIGH, NC 27603-1904
NEW CASTLE, DE 19720-1237
REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-9415
WILMINGTON, DE 19810-4812
WILMINGTON, DE 19803-2208
7789 MAIN ST
BETHEL, DE 19931-3124
MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-8773
34340 CEDAR LN
LEWES, DE 19958-5615
Professional Services
103 FOULK RD STE 202
WILMINGTON, DE 19803-3742
WILMINGTON, DE 19801-1155
ELKTON, MD 21921-4114
NEWARK, DE 19711-7484
NEWARK, DE 19702-3955
DOVER, DE 19901-6041
REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-4018
MILFORD, DE 19963-1002
WILMINGTON, DE 19803-3116
1201 N ORANGE ST STE 902
WILMINGTON, DE 19801-1177
NORRISTOWN, PA 19403-3692
NEWARK, DE 19711-7314
DAGSBORO, DE 19939-4168
NEWARK, DE 19702-1596
LEWES, DE 19958-9744
CAMDEN, DE 19934-2281