Delaware remains near top in broadband Internet speed

April 1, 2015
Third Year, 12th Issue
30 pages
This week
Wegmans to hire
525 at store in Glen
Mills, PA. 3
Wilmington named
Solar Star by
organization. 8
Tiger Direct
closing retail
store in
Christiana. 11
Opinion: Bringing more
of the ultra-wealthy to
Delaware. 10
Delaware remains near top
in broadband Internet speed
elaware remains at or near the
top when it comes to broadband
Internet speed, according to a recent
report from Akamai Technologies.
The Massachusetts company monitors
speeds and other areas of the Internet through
its technology.
Virginia edged out Delaware with the
highest average connection speed in a report
for the fourth quarter of 2014. However,
the First State led in other performance
Delaware has competition in broadband
access with many households able to choose
Continued on next page
Delaware still ranks high in broadband speed
From previous page
between Comcast and Verizon FiOS, Mediacom and Atlantic Broadband also
offer broadband access. Sussex County authorized a provider to supply high
speed access to its computer sites in Georgetown, with possibility of business
and residences being able to hook up to the system. The state has also worked to
provide high-speed fiber service downstate.
Delaware had the highest peak connection speed and led in other categories
including the percentage of ISPS, (Internet addresses) with the highest speeds.
Broadband are viewed as an economic advantage, especially when it comes to
attracting small and medium sized businesses.
Kentucky edged out Arkansas in having the lowest broadband speeds.
“Over the course of 2014, we’ve seen healthy global growth across all of our
key metrics for Internet connectivity, broadband adoption and 4K readiness,”
said David Belson, editor of the report. “The positive trends make an interesting
contrast to a recent study that found 4.4 billion people around the world do not
go online, indicating a strong need for continued efforts to improve and deploy
Internet infrastructure globally.”
The report also noted the following milestones:
- Global average peak connection speed increased 8.4% to 26.9 Mbps; South
Korea leads at 22.2 Mbps.
- Bulgaria achieved highest broadband adoption rate at 96 percent.
- China and the United States accounted for more than half of all observed
Internet (hack) attack traffic. Data and graphics from the Fourth Quarter, 2014
State of the Internet Report can be found on the Akamai State of the Internet site
and through the Akamai State of the Internet app for iOS and Android devices.
Wegmans to hire 525 at new Glen Mills store
egmans Food Markets is hiring and
training employees for its massive
new store in Glen Mills, PA off Route
200. The store has drawn strong interest from the
community and even those living just across the line
in Delaware.
rant and bar within the store, will be featured at the
“Wegmans is growing, but we remain a family business at heart. There are numerous opportunities in
a wide range of departments, and it’s a great time to
build a career with us,” said Strassner.
The company announced it will hire 525 people,
with 500 hired locally. Of that number, 175 will work
full time.
Wegmans currently operates 16 stores and a Retail
Service Center distribution hub in Pennsylvania.
A Wegmans store in the Washington, D.C. area
The grocer announced the store will open on Nov. 8.
Job openings include everything from customer ser“These jobs offer flexible scheduling, competitive
vice and entry-level management to restaurant service
pay and benefits, and a friendly workplace,” said Todd
and culinary positions.
Strassner Jr., Concordville store manager and 16-year
veteran with the company. “We’re looking for people
The company is now hiring and training full-time
who share our passion for helping customers make
employees for its store in Glen Mills. Part-time hiring
great meals easy. Soon after being hired, employees
will take place at a later time.
begin extensive training to learn the skills, service, and
product knowledge Wegmans is known for.”
Full-time job applicants can apply online or by
smart phone at or call 1-877-WeWegmans was recently ranked 12th in the Fortune
gmans (934-6267) for more information.
100 Best Companies to Work For list.
Applications are not accepted at the store or construction site. Wegmans plans to begin scheduling
interviews at its Chadds Ford employment office in
Concordville Wegmans, a 111,000 square-foot supermarket-restaurant, will be part of the Brandywine
Mills shopping center, on Route 202 near Route 1.
The Pub by Wegmans, a full-service casual restau-
Northern California IKEA store
to use Bloom fuel cell system
KEA announced plans to install a fuel cell system
manufactured by Bloom Energy at its location in
Emeryville, CA – one of two San Francisco-area
stores for the Swedish company. Bloom manufactures
most of its fuel cells at a site in Newark.
This project represents the first IKEA site to convert
gas into electricity through a clean electro-chemical
process. The fuel cell system will be up and running
by this summer. California also offers incentives that U.S., including solar presence at nearly 90% of its
locations, a geothermal heating and cooling system at
favor installation of Bloom systems.
two stores, and two wind farms totaling 104 turbines.
Slightly larger than the physical size of a commercial
IKEA operates one of the largest rooftop solar
back-up generator, the 300-kW system will operate on
biogas and produce approximately 2,497,651 kilowattt systems on the East Coast at its distribution center in
hours annually of electricity annually for the store, the Perryville, MD, west of the Delaware line.
equivalent eliminating the emissions of 249 cars or to
Globally, IKEA evaluates locations regularly for
providing electricity for 163 homes a year.
conservation opportunities, integrates innovative
materials into product design, works to maintain
Combined with the solar energy system installed
sustainable resources, and flat-packs goods for efficient
atop the store in 2011, these fuel cells will help
generate more than a majority of the store’s energy
U.S. sustainable efforts include: recycling waste
material; incorporating energy-efficient HVAC and
This investment in fuel cell technology reflects the
company’s goal to be energy independent by 2020 and lighting systems, recycled construction materials,
complements other IKEA renewable programs in the Continued on next page
Located in New Castle, DE | 302.262.9905
Middletown Chamber forms incubator
on May 14 at 402
North Cass Street
in Middletown.
Anyone interested
in sponsorship
The Middletown Business Incubator will
or thinking of
offer businesses with the opportunity to share
starting a business
collaborative workspace, rent offices and take
in the Middletown area is encouraged to contact
advantage of copier services, Wi-Fi, mail services
the MACC office @ 302.378.7545 or rferguson@
and welcome clients in a state of the art facility. In
addition, through the chamber program, participants
will be able to network and attend workshops to
“We’ve worked hard to create an environment that
assist them with their business endeavors.
is supportive of business and look forward to the
opportunity to support and champion
Sponsorship opportunities are also available for
organizations or individuals who would like to be a entrepreneurs.” Tony Martina, MACC Chairman
part of this ground breaking effort below the canal. said.
he Middletown Area Chamber of
Commerce (MACC) announced the
opening of the area’s first business incubator
and collaborative workspace.
The Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting will be held
IKEA makes major investment in renewables
From previous page
skylights in warehouse areas, and water-conserving
restrooms. IKEA eliminated plastic bags from the
check-out process, phased-out the sale of
incandescent bulbs, facilitates recycling of
customers’ compact fluorescent bulbs, and by 2016
will sell only L.E.D. IKEA also has installed EV
vehicle charging stations at 13 stores, with plans to
add more locations. Located on 15 acres at the
confluence of I-80, I-580 and I-880, the
274,000-square-foot IKEA Emeryville opened in
April 2000 and employs 300 co-workers. In addition
to about 10,000 items, IKEA Emeryville presents
50 different room-settings, three model home
interiors, a supervised children’s play area, and a
250-seat restaurant.
State cuts ribbon on Seashore State Park improvements
- New laundry facilities for campers
Gov. Jack Markell and other officials last week
cut the ribbon on the new North Inlet at Delaware
Seashore State Park.
- Fully accessible walking promenade, enabling
visitors to safely walk to the ocean or over the bridge
to the south inlet.
This year, work focused on the north side of the
Indian River Inlet. Enhancements to the south side
were completed in 2014.
The contract was awarded for $9.87 million, of
which the Federal Highway Administration paid $7.1
million, while the remaining funds came from state
capital funds awarded to DelDOT.
State and federal transportation funds were used
because the footprint of the construction of the new
Indian River Inlet Bridge used state park lands for
bridge construction. The upgrades and enhancements
replace what was taken away, with upgrades made to
reflect the needs of today’s campers.
“These improvements showcase Delaware Seashore
State Park as a major Delaware destination,”
said Markell. “The upgrades, enhancements –
and especially this new campground – make the park
even more attractive to families and anyone who lives,
works or visits here. All of this is good for tourism, for
our economy and for the enjoyment of the people of
this state.”
“Delaware beaches are already among the most
- Sidewalk access to Indian river Marina and
Hammerhead’s Dockside Café
For day-use visitors, new amenities include:
-221 parking spaces
popular vacation spots on the east coast, and the
improvements underway at Delaware Seashore State
Park will only make them better,” said U.S. Rep. John
Carney. “The economy in Sussex County, and across
the entire state, relies heavily on tourism. This project
is an investment that will bring more visitors to the
state and support the many jobs and businesses in
the area. I can’t wait to see this in person.” The new
amenities include:
-74 full-hookup campsites (featuring water, electric
and sewer)
- Six ADA-compliant campsites
- Modern, full-accessible heated bathhouse with hot
- New comfort station
Continued on next page
Copper theft still problem for Delmarva
Despite lower copper prices, Delmarva Power
is still reporting thefts from the company’s lines,
substations and equipment yards.
In addition to being a crime, theft of copper can
be life threatening to those trying to remove it, and
can endanger others by leaving unsafe conditions.
The costs of replacing and repairing damaged
equipment are borne by all Delmarva Power
customers in much the same way that theft in
department and grocery stores affects the price of
Anyone stealing materials from Delmarva Power
property and scrap dealers who knowingly purchase
these materials will be subject to criminal charges,
the utility noted.
The thefts result in power crews spending
many hours repairing equipment, safeguarding
facilities and replacing stolen wire. The repair and
Delmarva Power asks that anyone seeing copper
replacement cost of damaged equipment far exceeds
thefts taking place to call Delmarva Power 24/7 at:
the scrap value received for the wire.
1-866-705-HELP or contact your local police.
In some instances the theft of copper and other
property has led to power disruptions and related
Bridge work leads to campground upgrades
-New benches along the Indian River Inlet.
RV sites with full hook-ups and more parking for
anglers and much more.
In addition, there will be new playgrounds with
a local fishing theme, sun shelters, more benches
and a mini climbing wall. Construction completed
in 2014 on the south side of the inlet included the
refurbishing of the RV and tent campgrounds, 94
new camping sites, renovated bathhouses, six new
Reservations are currently being accepted for all
three Delaware Seashore State Park campgrounds available beginning Monday, March 30.
Reservations can be made by calling
1-877-98-PARKS, or visiting http://www.
From previous page
Wilmington named one of nation’s ‘Solar Stars’
have been installed on businesses, schools, homes and
government buildings, including the city’s two significant projects – the 526 kilowatt solar array at the
Porter Water Filtration Plant and the 347 kW system
on the William J. Turner Municipal Complex.
ilmington again has been named one
of the nation’s “Solar Stars,” a ranking of
top cities in the U.S. for solar energy.
In the report, Shining Cities – Harnessing the Benefits
of Solar Energy in America, released by Environment
America Research & Policy Center, Wilmington is
ranked first in the South Atlantic region and 5th
among cities nationwide for solar capacity per capita
in 2014.
A solar installation at a parking lot the Delaware
Technical Community College Wilmington Campus.
“The City of Wilmington’s solar power usage reflects our community’s strong commitment to integrating solar technology across a variety of platforms,”
said Williams. “Expanding our use of solar and other
renewable energy sources will positively impact public health and environmental quality, strengthen the
economy and develop more reliable energy sources.”
This year marks the second year in a row that
Wilmington has been cited as a top U.S. city for solar
along with crediting Delaware’s energy legislation and
public policies, support from federal programs and
From December 2008 to 2014, the city’s solar cafinancing options for the city’s growth in solar power. pacity grew from 0.5 megawatts to 7 megawatts – a
According to the report, Wilmington has more
14-fold increase. Wilmington’s current solar capacity
solar panels per capita than any other major city in
“Delaware is aggressively working toward a clean
eliminates about 3,800 tons of carbon dioxide gas anthe south Atlantic region, with 101 watts per person
nually that is suspected of leading to global warming.
installed. Honolulu, Indianapolis, San Jose, and San energy future and demonstrating that we can have
Diego topped the list of most solar power per person, both a strong economy and a healthy environment,”
said Gov. Jack Markell. “By creating a robust market
DNREC Secretary David Small said the report conwith Wilmington coming in fifth nationwide.
for solar and other clean energy systems, we are sup- firms the progress Delaware has made in reducing
Of the 70 American cities in nearly every state that porting clean energy jobs, expanding our solar indus- greenhouse gas emissions through investments in retry and improving air quality by reducing our depen- newable energy sources. “By working closely with the
were examined for solar power installations, Wilmlocal solar industry and adopting progressive policies
ington had enough solar energy online at the end of dence on fossil fuels.” and programs that support energy efficiency and relast year to fully power nearly 750 homes.
Wilmington Mayor Dennis P. Williams said solar
newable energy, new solar installations have increased
power has grown exponentially in Wilmington in
statewide by 30 times – from 2 megawatts in 2008
This report attributes Wilmington’s ranking to the
part due to the nearly 200 solar energy systems that
Continued on next page
city’s leadership and commitment to solar power,
Solar costs plummet as efficiency
improves, equipment costs drop
From previous page
to more than 60 megawatts today. said Small.
The state has developed a market for long-term
contracts for solar renewable energy credits (SRECs),
which helps utilities meet their obligation to obtain a
portion of their electricity from solar power.
Working closely with the State’s Renewable Energy
Task Force and Delmarva Power and Light, Delaware’s Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) has helped
create a stable market for new solar power projects in
Delaware by conducting auctions for long term SREC
contracts on behalf of Delmarva Power.
Delmarva Power buys most of its SRECs through
this long-term contracting mechanism, which makes
it easier to finance new projects of all sizes. As a result of competition and market efficiencies, installation costs and corresponding SREC prices have fallen
sharply in the last two years.”
lished a Renewable Portfolio Standard with 25 percent
of the state’s electricity coming from renewable energy
sources by 2025, with the solar “carve out” at 3.5 percent by 2025.
McDowell also authored the legislation creating the
Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) which has
offered a number of incentives.
“The SEU’s role in encouraging solar development
in Delaware has been significant and includes managing Delaware’s SREC auction, buying and banking SREC’s to encourage the market, and providing
low interest loans to solar developers,” said McDowell, who was a co-creator of the SEU and currently
serves as its chairman. “For example, last year the
SEU financed a $499,000 loan for a 205 kW ground
mounted solar array in Wilmington.”
Delmarva Power’s next procurement program for
20-year SREC contracts, managed in collaboration
with the SEU will run April 13 – 24.
That has reduced criticism of solar energy’s contribuTo learn more about SRECs or to sell or submit a
tion to alternative energy standards. The added cost
bid, visit To view Environment
of meeting those standards has been blamed for the
America’s report, click http://www.environmentastate’s high electricity costs. Legislation from State
Sen. Harris McDowell, D-Wilmington, has estab-
he Delaware
Bulletin is an
electronic business
journal published in
a digital format each
Wednesday by Bird
Street Media, LLC,
Newark, Del.
The Business Bulletin offers numerous
opportunities for advertising messages and
sponsorships for its business-to-business
For further information on advertising and
sponsorships, e-mail Michael Klezaras at
The Business Bulletin and the companion website are
proud members of Local Independent News
Publishers (LION).
It’s time to lure more wealthy taxpayers to the state
dollar yearly earners.
Pennsylvania and
Maryland rank 21st
and 13th respectively.
When it came to the
One example came this week from MoneyRates.
percentage of those
com, which finds Delaware ranking in the bottom
earning $25,000 or
tier when it comes to the percentage of taxpayers
less, the state ranked
earning $1 million or more a year.
38th, with No. 50
being the lowest
The study found that many states varied widely
from the national averages for taxpayers with incomes percentage of wage earners in the nation.
of $1 million or more (0.25 percent of the group)
Four of the top five states for high earners per capita
and taxpayers with incomes of less than $25,000 (41
are in the Northeast, with eight of the top 10 states
percent of the group).
for high proportions of low earners are clustered in
the southeast.
Delaware stood out (and not in a good way) by
very once in a while, one of the multitude
of tax and income rankings comes up with a
compelling finding.
ranking 29th in the percentage of million dollar
earners, slightly behind Wisconsin and somewhat
below the national average.
This comes despite the blue blood roots of the state
and its proximity to Connecticut, the District of
Columbia and New York. The trio of states ranked
first through third in the percentage of million
The ranking provides evidence that the state’s tax
policies are providing a rough form of equality, but at
the expense of potential revenues. Delaware has low
property and gas taxes and no sales tax, all of which
aid lower income taxpayers.
One factor keeping the big paychecks away is the
state’s progressive income tax. However, the high
income taxes do not fully explain the situation.
New Jersey, obviously affected by big paychecks in
Manhattan ranks No. 5, despite high income and
property taxes. Taxes are also high in other states in
the region.
While we offer incentives for banks to park their
money in the state and a wealth of trust incentives,
Delaware has failed to grasp the potential of
attracting a relatively small number of tycoons to the
This would not be popular among those seeking
income equality, but the current system leaves
Delaware swimming against the tide in that area.
With Delaware’s tax system based on a high
personal income tax rate in a state devoid of the ultrawealthy and relying on corporate fees and unclaimed
property, it is time to look at other income streams,
- even at the risk of might offending our sensibilities.
- Doug Rainey
Republicans seek 5% spending cut
to pay for roads, employee pay hike
Delaware State Senate Republicans are seeking
a 5 percent spending cut that would allow
for transportation funding and raises for state
employees. The proposal came in a letter to Gov.
Jack Markell.
The initiative would direct the heads of
each state agency to reduce spending in their
departments by 5 percent, “through legislation,
executive order, or any other means necessary.”
Last year, GOP legislators called for a 2
percent spending cut, with proceeds used to
move transportation salaries out of the trust
fund. Neither Republican plan offered specifics
on cuts.
Tiger Direct closing
Christiana location
Tiger Direct is closing a store near Christiana Mall after
the online retailer opted to shutter most of its brick and
mortar locations. Parent company Systemax Inc. will focus
on online sales channels.
Sens. Gary Simpson, left and Greg Lavelle signed the
letter suggesting the 5 percent spending cut.
“Throughout this legislative session, the
governor has urged state lawmakers to come
to him with ideas on how to address this year’s
significant budget challenges and how to pay for
improvements to Delaware’s roads,” said Senate
Much of the state’s spending increases have
come in higher Medicaid costs. State employee Republican Leader Gary Simpson, R-Milford.
health care costs have also risen, with the current “Well, this is our idea, and we look forward to
getting to work immediately with the governor
budget adding funds in an attempt to plug a
to iron out the details. We can’t keep going
portion of a $60 million shortfall.
back to Delaware families and businesses to fix
our problems. We’re committed to responsible
While Maryland and Pennsylvania have
government spending and we’re confident the
raised their fuel taxes to fund roads, legislators
and residents have dug in their heels on paying governor feels the same way.”
more at the pump, even though gas prices are
Markell responded to the proposal by
more than $1 a gallon below a year ago.
Continued on next page
The online retailer earlier bought up defunct brands CompUSA and Circuit City and converted the stores to the
known Tiger Direct name. The store off Churchmans Road
was rarely busy as shoppers turned to competitors such as
Costco, Best Buy or online retailers for their computers and
high-definition TVs.
A store in Dover was closed earlier. The store was unique
in the northern Delaware market, since it offered electronic
parts that hobbyists could build their own computers or
components. The company will retain three of nearly 30
stores according to published reports.
Two former Systemax executives, Gilbert Fiorentino, 54,
and Carl Fiorentino, 57, both of Coral Gables, FL, were sentenced this month in Federal Court in Florida.
The brothers were charged in connection with their participation in a scheme to obtain more than $11 million dollars in kickbacks and other benefits, and to conceal this illicit
income from the IRS, while employed as senior executives at
the company and its subsidiary TigerDirect,
Markell says any 5 percent budget
cut would reduce state’s workforce
years, the General Assembly has come up with
pointing to the size of the cut and its possible impact. millions of dollars in temporary assistance for casinos.
In addition to funding transportation projects, the
“To give you a sense of the magnitude of your
plan also includes salary increases for a state workforce
proposal, $195 million in cuts is the equivalent of
eliminating the Department of Safety and Homeland that has not seen a significant pay raise in years.
State employees represent a sizable voting bloc in
Security (including the State Police), DNREC, the
the state.
Department of Labor, and the legislature’s budget.
A cut of that magnitude could not be done without
Unlike many states, the state of Delaware funds
substantial personnel reductions,” Markell wrote in
social services, roads and a large chunk of education
response to the senators letter.
spending at the state level.
Revenue estimates from the Delaware Economic
and Financial Advisory Council fell by more than $45 Republicans acknowledged in their letter that a 5
percent across-the-board reduction won’t be easy.
million, according to a recent report.
“Virtually every working family and every small
The state also gets a large amount of revenue
business owner in Delaware has had to reduce their
from unclaimed property, an area where the state’s
collection practices are coming under increasing fire personal and business budgets by more than 5 percent
over the last few years,” Senate Republicans said in
in court.
their letter, “surely we can do the same.”
At the same time, the state’s gaming industry is
Markell wrote that since payroll costs account for
seeking relief from a sharp increase in the state’s share
about half of state spending 50 percent of the
of revenues as it struggles from intense competition
proposed reduction would amount to the loss of
from Maryland and Pennsylvania.
nearly 1,800 state jobs.
At the end of the budget process in the past two
From previous page
The following stories in recorded
the most visits during Mach.
1. Wegmans opening in November; Plans call
for 175 full-time workers
2. Container Store Coming to Christiana
Fashion Center
3. Christiana Mall area moves into the fast
4. Cinemark to open 12-screen theater at
Christiana Mall this month
5. (Photo gallery) Cabela’s opens store near
Christiana Mall
6. Navient defends work of business that lost
student loan collection contract
7. WSFS to acquire 8-branch suburban
Philadelphia bank
8. University of Delaware President to take top
job at Philadelphia Federal Reserve
9. Wastemasters celebrates remarkable
period of growth
10. 4 arrested in robbery-slaying of Newark
real estate appraiser, wife
Dogfish holds on to No. 13 volume ranking
Dogfish Head remained the 13th largest craft brewer
in the annual ranking by the Brewers Association, a trade
group representing smaller brewers. The brewer held the
same sales volume position last year.
PNC has closed two Cecil County,
MD branches last month at 121 W.
Main St. in Cecilton and the branch at
Delancey Plaza on Pulaski Highway in
Of the top 50 overall brewing companies, 42 were craft
brewing companies. Craft beer now accounts for nine
percent of the overall market and is proving to be a headache for the top three brewers.
Dogfish Head photo.
Yuenglng, based in Pottsville, Pa.,, was ranked as the
largest craft brewer. Rule changes allowed Yuengling,
which is America’s oldest family owned brewery, to join
the list.
Boston Beer Co. (Sam Adams) ranks second followed
by Sierra Nevada. Victory Brewing Co., based in neighboring Chester County, Pa., ranks No. 29. Victory added
a new brewery and is opening a brewpub in Kennett
Square, Pa.
Dogfish Head has completed an expansion of its brewery in Milton, DEl. It is also planning to expand its production of distilled beverages.
Many larger brewers are adding second breweries on or
near the East Coast as craft beer sales continue to grow.
Dogfish has not expressed any desire to open other
breweries and added only a few states to its distribution
area after expanding capacity in Milton.
PNC closes two
Cecil branches
The company focuses on “ off-center” beer that does not
always appeal to a mass market. The largest brewer is Anheuser-Busch Inbev, followed by Miller Coors and Pabst.
Yuengling ranks as the fourth largest brewer overall, with
Boston fifth.
“The companies on this list include the vanguard of the
craft industry,” said Bart Watson, chief economist, Brewers Association. “They are exposing new beer lovers to
craft, opening new markets and creating opportunities for
the entire category. As they continue to grow, so will the
availability of innovative and high-quality beers produced
for all to enjoy.”
Craft beers, which come with higher prices, are believed
to have contributed to a dramatic change in the Pennsylvania distribution system. Click here to see the complete
Both branches were closed on
March 20. Accounts from the Cecilton
branch were transferred to a branch
in Galena located at 101 W Cross Str.
and accounts from the Elkton branch
were transferred to our branch at Big
Elk Mall in Elkton.
“The consolidations are in response
to our research, which shows a
significant change in the way
customers are using branches,” PNC
spokeswoman Marcey Zwiebel stated.
“PNC continues to evaluate its branch
network to assure we are meeting
customer needs in a cost effective
way, which at times results in the
consolidation of branches.”
Customers were notified of these
branch consolidations in December
Gas prices on upswing after rare March decline
as prices appear to be on the upswing as March comes to an end, AAAMid Atlantic reported. The price at the pump in Delaware as of Tuesday
was around $2.28, nearly equal to the price a week ago and up three
cents from Monday.
One of the price leaders in the market, Wawa, raised prices Monday morning to
nearly $2.28 a gallon, up nearly eight cents. Other convenience store chains are
likely to follow. Price increases can also occur leading up to Easter weekend.
Crude oil prices surged above $50 per barrel last week after dropping to six-year Photo by Sharon Rainey
lows last week. The downward pressure had, at least temporarily, offset potential
Prices rose Monday morning at Wawa stations in the New Castle area.
price gains from regional refinery maintenance and the seasonal transition to
the $50 per barrel to settle at $48.87 per barrel, still up nearly seven percent
more expensive summer-blend gasoline.
on the week. Crude oil inventories jumped 8.2 million barrels to 466.7 million
barrels, an upward trend that is expected to continue into mid-May. Gasoline
The national average price of regular unleaded gasoline was $2.43 Friday,
stocks dropped 1.1 million barrels to 233.4 million barrels.
unchanged on the week, but six cents higher than month ago prices.
Friday’s average remained more than $1 below a year ago.
Global crude prices began the week at six-year lows with reports of growing
supply and the strengthening U.S. dollar. However, geopolitics are once again
fueling the oil market as Saudi Arabia looks where Iran is involved.
The domestic oil market in the U.S. is facing similar oversupply issues.
One week ago, crude fell to its lowest level since the 2009 Great Recession, yet
rebounded above $50 per barrel by mid-week.
At the close of Friday’s formal trading on the NYMEX, crude oil dropped below
The bib gasoline demand figure in the previous report appears to have been a
one-week trend as implied demand dropped by about 650,000 barrels per day to
8.619 million bpd, a number that is more in line for this time of year.
“Recent declines in crude oil have offset refinery maintenance and the transition
to summer-blend gas,” said Jana L. Tidwell, manager of Public and Government
Affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “However, crude oil has reversed its downward
trend, and gas prices appear to be following suit.”
Crude oil makes up more than two-thirds of the cost of a gallon of gasoline,
therefore when crude prices rise, gas prices typically rise.
real estate, construction
Interior work, not demolition, taking place at Chase campus
The company last year dropped plans to build a new
headquarters in Manhattan, leading to speculation
that jobs would be moved to Delaware New Jersey
and other boroughs of New York City.
PMorgan Chase is not demolishing buildings at
its newly acquired campus near Wilmington.
Spokesman Paul Hartwick said work is taking
place in the interior of the modern complex that
was acquired from AstraZeneca last year. The former
AstraZeneca south campus features solar panels and
other modern amenities.
those plans to our employees, we do not want to
publicly share. Construction remains on target and
we’ll fully occupy the site later in the year.”
The News Journal on Sunday showed photos of
demolition taking place at the nearby AstraZeneca
campus. A correction was later issued. The term
Chase has retained other employment sites
demolition is often used to describe interior work that in Wilmington and in the Newark area, with
takes out walls.
construction also taking place at other locations. The
new campus is slated to be at least partially used as
Hartwick said he could not provide any updates to a technology hub for the global financial services
previous statements on work at the site.
“At this time, we don’t have much information
to share as we are still planning the relocation of
employees to that facility,” Hartwick wrote in an
email message. “Since we have not communicated
At last report, JP Morgan Chase employed 8,500
people in Delaware, up about 1,000 from a year
AstraZeneca has also been doing work on its
remaining campus near Wilmington after selling its
South Campus to JPMorgan Chase. Demolition has
taken place at research sites within the complex, after
the company underwent a restructuring that moved
R&D activities out of the state. An effort was made
by state officials to preserve the buildings in hopes
that another biotech company might use the facilities.
AstraZeneca has been dealing with a “patent cliff”
with former blockbuster drugs like heart burn
medicine Nexium and neurological drug Seroquel
losing protection. Seroquel was developed in
Delaware for treatment of severe mental illness.
The Talleyville site remains the North American
Continued on next page
also been awarded a National Recognition Award
for their project entitled ‘Form + Function Yields
Elegant Pond Retrofit’. The pond was at the Sallie
Mae headquarters south of Newark.
The National Recognition Award is a distinction
honoring projects that demonstrate exceptional
achievement in engineering.
From previous page
Honors for Berkshire Fox & Roach
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (BHHS) Fox
& Roach announce that the company has received
the Elite Circle Award, ranking number one in
Residential Units and number two in Gross
Commission Income (GCI). This award is given
each year to the top 50 companies in the BHHS
Real Estate Network,.
April 15, Newark
Commercial Headquarters for AstraZeneca. Click
here for additional stories on Chase.
National award for I-495 bridge project
ACEC of Delaware announced that two of its
member firms have been recognized nationally for
award winning projects in the state.
Member firm AECOM, the engineering
company behind the I-495 Emergency Repairs over
the summer, has earned a National Recognition
Award in the American Council of Engineering
Companies 2015 Engineering Excellence Awards
(EEA) competition - the ‘Academy Awards’ of the
engineering industry. AECOM also won the Grand
Conceptor Award during ACEC/Delaware’s EEA
program earlier this year.
As reported last week, Landmark Engineering has
food and drink
Breaking Bread Behind Bars added to Food+Wine Festival
Breaking Bread Behind Bars was added to
the lineup of 35 events in May during the 2015
MidAtlantic Wine + Food Festival.
The dinner is a project of Delaware Department
of Correction, Delaware restaurant group SoDel
Concepts, and the MidAtlantic Wine + Food Festival
to benefit training for Delaware offenders and
facilitate their reentry to the community. Breaking
Bread Behind Bars will be held on Thursday, May 14
inside the Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution,
New Castle.
The concept was initiated by the late Matt Haley,
founder of SoDel Concepts. Haley, approached the
Department of Correction and MidAtlantic Wine +
Food Festival last summer about organizing an event
in a Delaware prison facility.
Haley proposed having the inmate help in the
preparation of a meal, under the guidance of chefs
from SoDel Concepts, and invite them to dine as
guests at that meal.
turn his life around,” Gov. Jack Markell said “I
strongly support his call for us all to ‘pay it forward’
by providing second chances to offenders who
seek redemption through hard work and gainful
Douglas Ruley, Vice President and Corporate Chef
of SoDel Concepts, said, “It is an honor to be part
of such a groundbreaking culinary event with the
The late Matt Haley, left and Douglas Ruley.
MidAtlantic Wine+Food Festival and the Delaware
correctional system. Only our founder, Matt Haley,
The inmates will be seated alongside business and
could have envisioned a ‘family style dinner’ behind
civic leaders who could aid in their employment
bars. Being a product of the correctional system
after their release The MidAtlantic Wine + Food
himself, Matt was passionate about the rights
Festival agreed to organize the event and market it to and opportunities afforded to inmates both while
business and community leaders. The Baylor Women’s incarcerated and upon release.”
Correctional Institution (BWCI) is Delaware’s
statewide prison facility for female offenders. The
Tickets are $150 and are being made available by
facility, which opened in December 1991, houses
invitation only through the MidAtlantic Wine + Food
about 400 inmates.
Festival. Members of the general public who are
“Matt Haley was an entrepreneurial success story
who credited his own culinary training in prison
with giving him the tools and the opportunity to
interested in purchasing a ticket to attend the dinner
and support reentry programs and culinary arts
training can join the wait list on the Festival website
Widener names deans, separates law schools
idener University announced the
separation of its two law schools and
named deans for both campuses.
As of July 1, the Delaware campus becomes the
Widener University Delaware Law School, and the
Harrisburg campus becomes the Widener University
Commonwealth Law School.
Widener, which has its main campus in Chester,
Pa., operates a campus for the law school on Concord
Smolla, left and Johnson
Pike, north Wilmington. Widener Delaware Law
School is the state’s only law school.
July 1, the day both deans begin their tenures. New
websites for the schools debuted Friday at harrisburChristian A. Johnson was named the new dean of and
Widener University Commonwealth Law School and
Rod Smolla was named the new dean of Widener
“This is an exciting time for Widener University
University Delaware Law School. Smolla succeeds
and its law schools,” Widener President James T. HarLinda Ammons who stepped own from the post last
ris III said. “The Widener School of Law has offered
exceptional legal education for over 40 years. During that time, the two law campuses have grown and
The change in status and new names will take effect developed their own strengths and unique identities.
Both schools will benefit from this change as it will
allow each campus to showcase their strengths and
individuality. This change will allow us to enhance
our student services and educational offerings, with
separate law school administrations dedicated to the
different locations.”
The new school names were selected after extensive
listening sessions at both locations.
Delaware Law School is home to the Institute of
Delaware Corporate and Business Law, the Family
Health Law & Policy Institute and has environmental
and advocacy programs.
Smolla is currently a visiting professor of law at the
University of Georgia School of Law. He previously
served as the dean of University of Richmond School
of Law and Washington and Lee University School of
Law, and as president of Furman University in Greenville, S.C.
Continued on next page
From previous page
A native of the Chicago area, Smolla graduated first
in his class from Duke University School of Law and
earned his undergraduate degree from Yale University.
Utah, he spent 13 years on the faculty of Loyola Uni- lott, LLC announced that Patrick M. Brannigan has
joined the firm’s Wilmington office as an associate.
versity Chicago School of Law.
He focuses his practice on mass tort and general
Johnson earned his law degree at Columbia Univerlitigation matters. Before joining private practice, he
sity School of Law where he was executive editor of
the Columbia Law Review and a Harlan Fiske Stone worked as a deputy attorney general for the state of
“Delaware Law is an outstanding institution and I
Delaware. .Brannigan received his J.D. from Widener
am honored to have this opportunity to serve as its
University School of Law, cum laude, and his B.S.
dean during this important time in its history. I am
from Saint Joseph’s University.
The Delaware campus was founded as Delaware
looking forward to becoming an active participant in
Law School in 1971 in Wilmington, and graduated
the Delaware legal community and building on the
Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott LLC has more
its first class four years later. In 1989, Widener acschool’s already strong relationships with the bench
than 350 attorneys located in 14 offices throughout
quired property to house a law school in Harrisburg
and bar, and distinguished alumni throughout the rethe United States, including Pittsburgh, Harrisburg
and opened a campus in that location.
gion,” Smolla said. “I am looking forward to working
and Philadelphia, PA. Boston, Massachusetts; Washwith my law faculty colleagues, and to energetically
Today, the two locations are home to more than 700 ington, D.C.; Richmond, VA. Wilmington; Newark
participating in the academic and professional life of
law students pursuing Juris Doctor degrees in a three- and Trenton, NJ; White Plains, NY’ Providence, RI;
the Delaware Law student body, encouraging students
Troy, MI; Charleston, WV; and Hartford, CT.
year, full-time program, or part time in Widener’s
to aspire to the highest traditions of the profession.”
four-year, extended division. The Delaware location
The firm provides a broad range of legal services in
also offers legal graduate, compliance certificate, paraJohnson, is the Hugh B. Brown Presidential Enthe areas of litigation. intellectual property law, labor
legal and legal nurse consulting programs.
dowed Chair in Law at the University of Utah S.J.
and employment relations, aviation law, bankruptcy
Quinney College of Law, where he has been on the
and creditors’ rights, employee benefits, environmenWidener University is a private university with
faculty since 2008. He teaches and writes in the artal law, construction law, municipal finance, real esabout 6,000 students.
eas of business, banking and tax law. He currently
tate, tax and estate law, trucking and transportation.
co-chairs Utah’s curriculum and ABA site visit comlaw.
Brannigan joins Eckert Seamans
mittees and served as the school’s associate dean for
academic affairs from 2012-2014. Prior to his time in
The law firm of Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mel-
Delaware and corporate indemnification law
By Adam Schwartz
So you are an officer or director
of a company and you have been
sued for some action (or inaction)
taken in your corporate capacity. Does the company defend and
indemnify you? In most situations,
the company’s by-laws, and in
some instances even Delaware statSchwartz
utes, require the company to provide defense and indemnification.
But what happens if the company refuses?
Under Delaware’s corporate indemnification statute, you can sue to obtain the defense and indemnification to which you are entitled, but at what cost?
Will you spend more suing the company than paying
for your own defense in the underlying matter? Unless you can recover the attorneys’ fees you incur in
suing the company (often referred to as “fees on fees”)
it creates an incentive for the company to deny coverage in the first instance. Maybe you won’t bother
suing. Maybe you won’t realize you can challenge the
company’s decision to deny coverage. Whether you
can recover “fees on fees” depends on your company’s
by-laws and the state in which it is incorporated. Under Delaware law (8 Del. C. §145(a)) a corporation
can indemnify any officer or director sued in their
corporate capacity against “expenses, judgments, fines
and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by the person.”
The Delaware Supreme Court has held that §145(a)
should be broadly interpreted to further the goals it
was enacted to achieve: (i) assisting corporate officials
resist what they consider to be unjustified suits and
(ii) encouraging capable individuals to serve as corporate directors. Thus, although §145(a) does not
expressly permit “fees on fees,” the Delaware Supreme
Court held that indemnification would be incomplete
without an award of attorneys’ fees for the indemnification suit itself.
However, the court also noted that, while “fees
on fees” are permissible under §145(a), they are not
mandatory, and corporations can structure their bylaws to eliminate them.
Thus, you must first look at the company’s
by-laws to determine if you are entitled to “fees on
fees.” If the by-laws provide for “indemnification to
the fullest extent allowed under the law,” a common
phrase in corporate by-laws, then “fees on fees” are
recoverable. However, if the by-laws exclude “fees on
fees” or provide less indemnification than is permissible under §145(a), you may have to bear the cost of
your attorneys’ fees.
Finally, even if you live in Delaware or the company
has offices in Delaware, it is important to know your
company’s state of incorporation because that state’s
laws determine whether you are entitled to “fees on
fees.” This is significant if, for example, your company is incorporated in New York. While New York
has a corporate indemnification statue similar to Delaware’s, New York Courts have interpreted it to preclude “fees on fees” unless they are expressly permitted
in the company’s by-laws. Thus, in New York, unlike
Delaware, by-laws providing for indemnification to
“the fullest extent of the law,” means “fees on fees” are
not recoverable.
Adam Schwartz is a partner at Pashman Stein PC, a law firm
based in Hackensack, NJ. His practice focuses primarily in the
areas of insurance, business and commercial litigation. Schwartz
can be reached at
not for profit
Supported employment pays off for DuPont Co.
says.“They have incredible attention to detail, which
is essential in their roles. They come in and hit the
ground running.”
Chad is a well-traveled 23 year-old who happens
to have autism. ”I like the people I work with and
making labels and boxes,” he says. He enjoys using
the money he earns on 3D puzzles of New York City
and on vacations, like the cruise to the Caribbean he
is looking forward to this year.
Janelle and Chad are part of the team at DuPont Nutrition
“What Chad and Janelle are doing is instrumental
Janelle, who is 22 and has an intellectual disability,
to our product. They are a huge part of our team and & Health thanks to Easter Seals Supported Employment
says of her job, “I like the people I work with. They
our success. They are included in all of aspects of our
are very nice to me”. Outside of work she is very
workplace,” Rick Reffuge, manufacturing manager for “Diagnostic Kit Preparers”, Chad and Janelle apply
DuPont Nutrition & Health, says. “Janelle and Chad labels to these kits equating to 122,000 labels last year active in her church and also likes to play her favorite
alone, which is a huge responsibility considering these game Madden NFL on her Xbox.
enjoy being a part of our production team.”
kits are sent to all 50 states, 50 countries around the
Easter Seals Supported Employment gives adults
world and to six of the seven continents.
Among other products and services, DuPont
with intellectual disabilities, including autism,
Nutrition & Health provides diagnostic testing
the choice to experience the community through
“Janelle and Chad are hands on with all of the
equipment and kits that help identify harmful
kits we make and are sometimes the last people who individualized employment. The program matches
organisms like Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria in
touch our product before it leaves our building,” Rick Continued on next page
food and food environments around the world. As
(Courtesy of Easter Seals)
hen DuPont Nutrition & Health was
looking for employees who would be
dependable, hard- working and could
work with precision and accuracy, they turned to
Easter Seals Supported Employment program.
Thanks to that critical decision, Chad and Janelle,
who both have a disability, can earn competitive
wages and be a part of the team.
not for profit
From previous page
participants with jobs in local businesses so they can
earn competitive wages with the assistance of job
coaching and training. Once trained in their position,
participants work on their own in order to gain more
independence. Ongoing supports are provided to
help participants be successful in the job. For more
information call Jane Schuler at 302-324-4444.
“I think the Supported Employment program is
wonderful and I am over the moon with its success. I hope to grow the program even more in DuPont,”
abuse among Delaware teens. Darrin Johnson, CEO
Rick says. “There are opportunities in every company of UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Delaware,
if you allow yourself to look for them. I would
presented the grants to the following organizations:
encourage other employers to look within for these
- Foundation for a Better Tomorrow, for its Signs
of Suicide (S.O.S.) program, which provides training
$40,000 grant from UnitedHealthcare
for Delaware middle- and high-school staff on the
signs and symptoms of depression, self-injury and
Three community organizations and a federally
suicidality to open a dialogue about mental illness
qualified health center (FQHC) each received a
and identify at-risk teens.
$40,000 grant from UnitedHealthcare to improve
and expand behavioral health programs, address
- Henrietta Johnson Medical Center (FQHC),
mental and emotional issues, and reduce substancefor its Healthy Mental Health social and traditional
media campaign, in partnership with Delaware
Futures 27, Inc., aimed at reducing the stigma
associated with behavioral health issues among youth
ages 12-21.
- Mental Health Association in Delaware, for
its Suicide Prevention Education program that
offers training and education for students and the
community reaching parents at schools, nonprofits,
health care centers, businesses, churches and
government agencies.
- One Village Alliance, for its “Raising Kings” and
“Girls Can Do Anything” gender-specific programs
designed to ameliorate trauma and mental health
issues facing at-risk girls and boys.
The donations were given during special checkpresentation ceremonies at the Boys and Girls Club in
Seaford, Dover Library and Wilmington Police
Athletic League (PAL) Center. UnitedHealthcare
created the grant program with input from
organizations that serve Delaware teens during two
community forums in Newark and Dover last year. kudos (business honors)
Varsalona wins Goodwill award
Jack P. Varsalona, president of
Wilmington University, has been
selected to receive the Goodwill of
Delaware and Delaware County
Community Leadership Advocate
of the Year Award. Dr. Varsalona
will be formally recognized durVarsalona
ing Goodwill’s Annual Inspiration
Awards Luncheon on Friday, May
8, at the Chase Center on the Riverfront.
“The Wilmington University scholarships awarded
each year by Dr. Varsalona to a deserving Goodwill
team member or program graduate have made a real
difference in the lives of these individuals,” said Morrone. “The scholarship recipients have used the opportunity provided by Dr. Varsalona to attend Wilmington University and pursue their educational and
career goals.”
Morrone said the criteria for the Advocate of the
Year Award seeks to recognize individuals “who have
made substantial contributions to the mission of
Goodwill, whether collaborative, promotional, supportive, or programmatic.” She said the support pro-
vided by Wilmington University and Varsalona helps
Redman continues to propel Longwood with inGoodwill fulfill its mission of helping individuals
vestment in emerging technologies, including online
overcome barriers to improve their lives.
learning for Longwood’s respected educational programs, and global horticultural research and student
“Giving someone a chance to learn new skills or
programs through the establishment of partnerships
achieve their educational goals is priceless,” added
in China, Singapore, the U.K and Russia. Redman is
currently leading Longwood through the largest project in its history. New Heights: The Fountain Revitalization Project encompasses a complete restoration
Longwood director honored
and enhancement of Longwood’s historic Main Foun tain Garden, built in 1931. The revitalization will
Longwood Gardens Executive Director Paul B.
include innovative new fountain designs, energy efRedman is the recipient of the 2015 Person of the
ficient lighting, and enhanced garden areas for guests
Year award from the International Garden Tourism
to enjoy. The $90 million project is slated for compleNetwork (IGTN). The Garden Tourism Awards are
presented to organizations and individuals who have tion in 2017.
distinguished themselves in the development and
Allen named to Hall of Fame
promotion of the garden experience as a tourism attraction. The Delaware Commission for Women (DCW)
announced that Kim L. Allen, Ed.D., was inducted
Redman joined Longwood Gardens as Executive
Director in 2006. Under Redman’s leadership, Long- into the 34th Annual Hall of Fame of Delaware Womwood embarked on a ground-breaking strategic plan- en.
ning process that has resulted in the diversification of
DCW advocates for the equality of women in a way
its programming, increased attendance to more than
1.1 million guests per year, and grew the membership that fosters self-esteem and self-reliance among womprogram to include more than 52,000 households.
Continued on next page
kudos (business honors)
From previous page
a portion of an agency or firm, including recruiting,
launching and supervising new agents or advisors.
en of all ages by promoting the political, economic,
social, educational, personal and professional growth
Cited for outstanding leadership, Shaver, who is a
of Delaware women. The Hall of Fame of Delaware
Field Director at Diamond State Financial Group,
Women was established in 1981. Its purpose is to anNewark, was among 15 managers who accepted the
nually recognize and acknowledge the achievements
award at LAMP (Leadership and Management Proof remarkable Delaware women.
gram), GAMA’s annual conference, this March in
Washington, D.C.
Allen has been working with the at-risk youth
population for over 20 years and continually strives
The Brian H. Early Frontline Excellence Award alto reach the potential of each youth she meets. Allows companies to recognize managers who are role
len works diligently to ensure that every young permodels for others and are seen as emerging leaders
son knows there is a support system available to help
in their companies. Nominees must demonstrate
them meet their educational, emotional, and psychooutstanding success in helping to build their firm
logical needs.
or agency through developing, growing and leading
their units.
Shaver wins award
Joshua Shaver, CFP, Wilmington, DE has received GAMA
(General Agents and Managers
Association) International’s Brian
H. Early Frontline Excellence
The honor recognizes superior frontline and second-line managers who are directly responsible for
Each company is responsible for determining
the criteria it will use to select its nominee.
graduated Magna Cum Laude while receiving his
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from the University of
Delaware. He is a Registered Representatives and
Investment Advisor Representative of Securian Financial Services, Inc., securities dealer, member FINRA/
Stroud Center honored
The education department at Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale, PA, recently received the
Outstanding Environmental Education Program
Award from the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators for its Leaf Pack Experiment
Stream Ecology Kit and Stream Schools programs.
The Leaf Pack Experimental Stream Ecology Kit is
based on the scientific research technique of using the
different kinds and numbers of aquatic insects living
on packs of leaves in the water to assess and monitor the health of streams and rivers. Stroud Center
subsequently created the Leaf Pack Network, which
enables students and citizen scientists to post and
compare data generated by leaf pack experiments performed in their local streams on the Web.
Stroud Center’s Stream School programs are unique
for their hands-on, boots-in-the-water approach
which gives visiting students an in-depth, real-world
science experience.
Stroud Center is one of the few laboratories in the
world devoted exclusively to research and education
on stream and river ecology.
UD coach Ross gets 3-year extension
first CAA regular season title. Delaware then won
three straight contests in the CAA championship
tournament in Baltimore to claim the fifth conference
tournament title in school history. Ross has a career
record of 125-161 at Delaware. (Photo at right by Mark Campbell, UD)
Monté Ross, head coach of the University of
Delaware men’s basketball team, has signed a threeyear contract, his second extension at Delaware.
Details were not released.
The lack of a contract extension for Ross after a
successful season a year ago had cast a shadow over
the program and led to a debate over leaving the
matter unresolved.
“I look forward to continuing my association
with the University of Delaware,” Ross said. “It is a
privilege to lead these talented young athletes, and I
take very seriously my responsibility to ensure that
their success on the court is matched by achievement
in the classroom and personal accomplishment in the
greater community. I know that great things lie ahead
for them, for UD and for our dedicated fans.” “We are confident that Coach Ross has the passion
and drive to build on the momentum of the past two
years and to help our student-athletes become leaders
in the game, in the campus community and in their
lives going forward,” UD President Patrick Harker
Last year Ross was named the CAA Coach of the
Year, the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters
Association Clarence (Big House) Gaines Division
I Coach of the Year and the National Association of
Basketball Coaches UPS District 10 Coach of the
Before coming to Delaware in 2006, Ross was
Earlier this month, Ross concluded his ninth season assistant coach at St. Joseph’s University for 10 years
as head coach at Delaware, when the Blue Hens lost
and an assistant at Drexel University. He is a 1992
to eventual champion Northeastern in the Colonial
graduate of Winston Salem (North Carolina) State
Athletic Association (CAA) quarterfinals, falling just University.
short of making a third consecutive appearance in the
conference tournament semifinals. Delmarva Power, 87ers to honor Guard support
In 2013-14, he led the Blue Hens to one of the best
seasons in university history, finishing with a 25-10
The Delaware 87ers announced a partnership with
record that tied for the second most wins in a season Delmarva Power that will sponsor a non-profit night
in school history. The team won its first 11 regular
Continued on next page
season conference games en route to the program’s
From previous page
on Saturday, April 4 honoring Employer Support of
the Guard and Reserve (ESGR).
The 87ers will recognize a different veteran and
their employer at each of the team’s remaining
three home games, which take place on Friday,
April 3 and Saturday, April 4. Each veteran will
receive commemorative plaque during an on-court
presentation at each game.
“Delmarva Power and the DE Chapter of the
Employer Support of the Guard and the Reserve are
proud to work with the 87ers and honor all Delaware
military members, their families and supporters as
we come together as fans of freedom, service and
dedication while bonding through 87ers basketball,”
said Gary Stockbridge, Delmarva Power president and
ESGR Chair.
the 87ers during the
game, with proceeds
benefitting men and
women in the armed
forces. Bids will
be accepted on the
concourse through
the third quarter, with
winners chosen and
announced in the
fourth quarter.
ESGR is part of the Department of Defense, whose
goal is to resolve conflicts arising from an employee’s
military commitment. Tickets are still available for
Saturday night and can be purchased at www.sevens.
com/promo, using the code “DEESGR87” which
will donate 20 percent of the cost to various military
charities. Tickets can also be purchased by calling the
87ers ticket office at 302-504-7587.
As part of the non-profit night, the Sevens will wear
The Delaware 87ers of the National Basketball
a special uniform commemorating the night and
Association Development League (NBADL) were
relocated to Delaware in 2013 and named to
A silent auction will be held during the game, where commemorate the year in which Delaware ratified
the U.S. Constitution, 1787. The Sevens are the
bids can be placed for the specialty jerseys worn by
NBA Development League affiliate of the NBA’s
Philadelphia 76ers and are owned by the Sixers.
Vince Papale, Jr. chooses UD
Vince Papale, Jr. has chosen the University of
Delaware football program. Papale, son of the Vince
Papale, former Philadelphia Eagle and subject of the
Disney movie “Invincible,” competed in football,
lacrosse, and track & field at Bishop Eustace High
School in southern New Jersey.
He was a three-year starter at wide receiver and twoyear starter at defensive. He became .team captain as
a senior. He led the team to a share of the conference
title in 2013 and was a three-time all-conference
selection., earned first team all-conference honors
at defensive back and second team honors at wide
receiver in 2014. He also earned the Mini Maxwell
Award for excellence in academics, athletics, and
community service and is a member of the National
Honor Society.
Coach Dave Brock Says: “Vinny brings great
versatility and production following an outstanding
high school career. He is an outstanding receiver who
can also return kicks effectively. He will bring great
toughness to our team.”
Click here for photo gallery
Fluman joins Berkshire
Hathaway Fox & Roach
Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Fox & Roach,
Realtors Newark Office, welcomes
Lon Michael Fluman III as a
Sales Associate.
Fluman is a member of the New Castle County
Board of Realtors and an active volunteer in his
In addition, he spent more than 25 years managing
restaurants, holds the MDRT designation in the
insurance industry and has a degree
in business management from
Wesley College, in Dover.
Stroud Water Research Center
names board members
The staff and board of directors
at Stroud Water Research Center
announced that C. Bland
Dickey and Porter Schutt,
who were recently elected to fill
board vacancies caused by the
retirement of Aldo Morell and Paul
Schutt began his term of service
at Stroud Center’s last board
meeting in December. Dickey’s
service began at the March 26
board meeting.
of the Wilmington, Delaware office of Brown
Advisory, an independent investment firm. He joined
Brown Advisory after 13 years at Marvin & Palmer
Associates, Inc., a global equity management firm,
where he was a partner and portfolio manager for
emerging markets and domestic large-cap growth
equity portfolios.
In addition to serving on Stroud Center’s board of
directors, Schutt serves as treasurer for Longwood
Gardens and Delaware Wild Lands and on The
Conservation Fund board’s finance committee. He
is also a board member of the Brandywine Chapter
of Ducks Unlimited and the Open Space Council
for the State of Delaware and an advisor to the
Chesapeake Bay Foundation board of directors.
Dickey has been global director for DuPont Safety,
Health & Environment since 2012. He began his
career at DuPont in 1980 as a design engineer at
its Camden, South Carolina plant. A majority of
Dickey’s career has focused on leading manufacturing DMV director announced
operations, including four plant manager assignments
in Athens, Ga., Seaford, DE., Edge Moor, DE., and
Delaware Department of Transportation Secretary
Chambers Works, NJ.
Jennifer Cohan has named Scott Vien as the new
Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles effective
In addition to serving on Stroud Center’s board
March 30.
of directors, Dickey is an executive member of the
Campbell Institute and Global Issues Forum.
Vien has been with the State of Delaware in the
Porter Schutt is a portfolio manager and head
Continued on next page
From previous page
Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) since 2006. His
DMV career began as a Management Analyst with
the Commercial Driver License (CDL) program, then
serving as the CDL Program Manager before becoming
Chief of Driver Services in 2008. Most recently he served as the Deputy Director of
DMV, a position he has held since 2013. In this role,
Vien directed the Administrative Services section which Vien
includes Financial Services, the Motor Fuel Tax Audit
and Compliance Unit, as well as the Division’s Field Operations. Other
responsibilities under his direction included coordinating the Division’s
legislative agenda, the annual budget request, and the management of
over $430 million in Transportation Trust Fund revenue stemming from
Division operations. In his role as deputy, he was responsible for the division’s strategic
planning efforts, and he remains well-versed in the advancement of
technology related to the motor vehicle community and the impact it has
on both customer service and regulatory needs.
Vien has been a member of the American Association of Motor Vehicle
Administrators since 2006, and he has represented the Division of Motor
Vehicles both nationally and internationally by serving as a subject matter
expert on several committees and working groups. Vien holds a Master’s
Degree in Public Administration from Wilmington University, and a
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. CNB opens branch in Dover
The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce joined CNB, a member of
the Shore Bancshares community, last month in a ribbon cutting ceremony to
celebrate their new branch location at 800 S. Governors Avenue, Dover.
Employees, friends, family, and local supporters came out to celebrate CNB.
Local customers and the community are served with personalized banking
services and products and convenient operations, a release from the Chamber
stated. Log on to or call 302.734.2860 for further
CNB has branches in Chestertown, Chester, Centerville, Denton,
Grasonville, Ridgley, Stevensville, MD: and Camden, Milford, Felton and
Milton, as well as the newest location in Dover.
Spring Great Dames Great
Conversations Series
the mission of the BBB. BBB has been providing
essential programs and services to businesses and
consumers in the state of Delaware for 50 years and
this is an opportunity to mark the occasion and recThought Leaders who Shape our Future. Speaker is
ognize the hard work of the organization.
Tracy Davidson, Emmy-winning Journalist.
April 13, 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Pizza by Elizabeths, 3801
People to People Delaware Chapter
Kennett Pike, Wilmington, DE 19807 Gourmet Pizza
& Beverages served (cash bar)
30th Anniversary Gala Reception
Click here to register.
& Dinner
50th Anniversary Celebration for the
Better Business Bureau Delaware
April 16, 2015 5 p.m.
World Café Live at the Queen
500 North Market Street
Wilmington DE 19801
Cost: $175
Click here for information and to register
The event evening, presented by Horizon Services,
will feature food, silent auction, dancing, and live
entertainment by the famous band “Jellyroll”.
Award for his efforts to bring improved quality of life
to people around the world. A well-known expert in
water and biosolids treatment processes, Dentel recently received funding from the Gates Foundation
to explore the use of water permeable membranes
in latrines as to improve the safety of groundwater.
He passed away on February 18, 2015.
Matt Haley and Scott Kemmerer of SoDel Concepts
will receive the 2015 People Helping People Award.
Haley and Kemmerer created The Global Delaware
The begins at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 18 at Ed Oliver Fund (GDF) to support projects around the world,
including providing capital grants to start-up busiGolf Club in Wilmington. Tickets are $75/individual
and $45/student. Tables and sponsorships are avail- nesses around the world, building and supporting
schools in Nepal and Nicaragua, and giving grants
to its motivated employees to work for a period of
time at these projects. Haley passed away after a
Tickets may be reserved on the People to People
Delaware Chapter website at
motorcycle accident in India while in country for a
Global Delaware Fund project to provide safe
The Delaware Chapter of People to People Interna- stoves in Nepal.
tional will honor two recently deceased Delawareans
who devoted their lives to enhancing international
understanding and friendship at its 30th Anniversary
Gala on April 18.
Steven Keith Dentel, the founder of the Engineers
The evening’s Honorary Chairman, Chris Coons,
Without Borders (EWB) chapter at the University of
along with members of the Honorary Committee and Delaware, will become the inaugural recipient of the
BBB Board look forward to a fun night to celebrate
People to People Delaware Lifetime Achievement
The gala’s keynote address will be given by Deogratias Niyizonkiza, the survivor of the brutal civil war
and genocide in Burundi who went from homelessness in Central Park to become a student at Columbia University, and later became the founder of Village Health clinic in a remote region of
business licenses
Editor’s note: Business licenses are
issued in Delaware as a revenue raising
Professional Services
DOVER, DE 19904-6568
WILMINGTON, DE 19803-4023
WILMINGTON, DE 19804-1433
WILMINGTON, DE 19895-0001
NEW YORK, NY 10032-2652
REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-4805
WILMINGTON, DE 19803-5212
WOODBURY, NJ 08096-1203
LEWES, DE 19958-8028
ORLANDO, FL 32801-3239
WILMINGTON, DE 19805-4939
LEWES, DE 19958-5140
TOMS RIVER, NJ 08753-6603
NEWARK, DE 19713
NEWARK, DE 19702-4039
WILMINGTON, DE 19804-2624
WILMINGTON, DE 19806-3252
FREDERICA, DE 19946-1781
NEWARK, DE 19713-2063
WILMINGTON, DE 19803-3331
MILFORD, DE 19963-6345
NEWINGTON, NH 03801-2810
NEW CASTLE, DE 19720-1649
WILMINGTON, DE 19808-6124
FREDERICA, DE 19946-1781
PO BOX 853
CLAYTON, DE 19938-0853
1509 OAK ST
WILMINGTON, DE 19805-4227
SEAFORD, DE 19973-8001
SELBYVILLE, DE 19975-3808
DOVER, DE 19901-4148
NEWARK, DE 19702-2120
PO BOX 307
CHESWOLD, DE 19936-0307
MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-3045
DELMAR, DE 19940-1122
WILMINGTON, DE 19801-3097
CHADDS FORD, PA 19317-9337
DOVER, DE 19901-5521
REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-8458
CAMDEN WYO, DE 19934-1969
NEW CASTLE, DE 19720-8900
Sales Representative
BRONX, NY 10462-1119
1112 E 14TH ST
WILMINGTON, DE 19802-5212
Direct Care
801 W 5TH ST APT R
WILMINGTON, DE 19801-2056