First State Manufacturing owners win national SBA award. 6 April 22, 2015 Third Year, 15th Issue 30 pages Business Bulletin essay This week Delaware jobless rate falls to 4.6 percent. 6 A quick trip to DiFebo’s new place in Rehoboth Beach. 10 Solar City opens second location near Newark. 14 A swift or extended final act for the DuPont we once knew? By Doug Rainey O ne of the buzz words you hear these days is “storytelling,” the modern-day equivalent to sitting around the campfire. The goal is to tell compelling tales that will grip the imagination and tug at one’s emotions. In the digital era, the campfire is online, but at times extends to the legacy media as it grasps the need to connect with readers. We saw an example of this over the weekend as DuPont and Trian Partners, a Wall Street investment group headed by Nelson Peltz, wage a battle for locally based Du- A solid performance by CEO Ellen Kullman has not been enough to keep the barbarians from the gate. Continued on next page (Photo from DuPont video) Trian tale more than a story of heroes and villains From previous page Pont Co. stockholders in a vote that many see as too close to call. Trian wants to add four of its nominees to the board. The measure is opposed by DuPont management, which has its own slate, held the door open to one nominee as long as Peltz was not included. Both Trian and DuPont took out full-page newspaper ads over the weekend, clearly aimed at employees and retirees who own stock in DuPont. This is in addition to an online campaign by both entities that comes complete with videos. Kullman’s heroic tale The News Journal followed up the ad barrage with a story that painted a picture of a DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman as a heroic, tough-minded Wilmingtonian attempting to keep the Wall Street barbarians (Peltz and Trian) from storming the gate. More on that later. The barbarian term was popularized by the name of a book describing actions of investment cowboys, like Peltz, in the battle over food and tobacco giant RJR Nabisco. The favorable view of Kullman is widely shared among friends and associates of the CEO. Nelson Peltz has worked to portray himself as a reasonable sort who simply wants to restore DuPont to its former glory. The Tower Hill School grad was portrayed as having a common touch, driving a rusty pickup truck when helping out with the family business. The online version of the piece had the look of an historical novel, complete with chapters. The author of much of the tale is long-time reporter Maureen Milford. For decades, Milford has written about the company from the perspective of a Wilmingtonian from a DuPont background who is fascinated by the vast wealth of the family and its once-pervasive influence over daily life in the state. Still, anyone from vice president on down will take a phone call from Kullman. After all, DuPont still has thousands on its Delaware payroll. The symbolism remains powerful. Waning influence, presence in Delaware The previously mentioned gate is symbolized by DuPont research facilities in Delaware that company partisans claim will be shuttered. Among those outside DuPont, the company may be better symbolized by the Hotel duPont and the DuPont Country Club the home of many weddings, banquets and other events that become etched in our memories. Looming in the background is the decision to move the company headquarters to its Chestnut Run site, a move that clearly symbolizes the break with the past. DuPont spin-off Chemours, will move from Chestnut Run to the downtown office space, at least in the short term. A company or a mutual fund? The story connected with Delawareans who relish Meanwhile. the landmark hotel, according to that gentler time. Over the years, the influence of DuPont and family members, who owned everything some published accounts and scattered evidence such as the recent sale of nearby parking, is up for from the News Journal to a controlling interest in sale. General Motors, has been diminished in the state. Continued on next page DuPont warns Peltz’s plan could seriously weaken company aware with scarcely a whimper from government officials grateful to get crumbs from the table. Kullman has also shown more patience in this area than many For his part, Peltz has worked to portray himself as a reasonable sort who simply wants to restore DuPont to its former glory by cutting corporate overhead and CEOS, acquiring Danish food ingredients company Danisco in a lengthy process Continued on next page selling off businesses. From previous page Based on a previous Peltz ventures, his team is not at all skilled at turning around chemical companies based on past buying forays, Fortune magazine reported. One investment actually ended up in bankruptcy court. The problem is that private investment strategies often end up loading up a company with debt that makes it vulnerable when the next downturn comes along. DuPont claims Peltz’s strategy would greatly weaken the company’s solid finances. Kullman - a member of a well-known family in Delaware small business circles - clearly has Wilmington roots that tug at her sleeve. But don’t be fooled. She clearly understands the way the system works. DuPont, like many mature corporations, operates like a mutual fund, constantly looking at its investments and figuring out ways to improve returns and attract young, talented staff to carry out management’s vision. Company rolled through deep recession During her tenure, DuPont sailed through the economic downturn. It shed mature businesses and now derives much of its sales from newer technologies and processes. Other than research facilities, those investments are largely made outside Del- Shareholders with ties to company may face Hobsen’s choice holder pressure, end up selling off many of their busi- erage and Frito-Lay snack food business, with Peltz nesses with the core holdings eventually acquired by demanding the two be spun off. that might have led other executives to walk away. some multi-national giant. My mythical vote (I do Sadly, high stock market prices, antitrust issues and not own any shares) would be with DuPont manage- Peltz ended up calling a truce, with Pepsico adding ment, based on the solid performance of Kullman a member of his board slate. perhaps the battle with Trian, have not led to any and a lack of evidence that Peltz and Trian bring anyother large deals. thing of value to the party. Pepsico was able to avoid the issue of adding Peltz to the board, a non-negotiable demand in the TrianThose factors and the skill of the company in opAt the same time, DuPont’s local shareholders may DuPont battle. Peltz serves on the board of a competerating worldwide have kept DuPont’s stock price not automatically side with the company slate, bar- ing food company. healthy. Peltz disagrees claiming his plans, boosted ring fears that Peltz might raid pensions programs the price. Continued on next page should he gain more influence over DuPont. From previous page Management deserves yes vote, but... Peltz argues that a mix of businesses, ranging from solar power products to Pioneer seeds, is unwieldy and leads to excessive overhead that could be slashed through further spin-offs and sales. Decades of restructuring have led to more retirees than active employees and there is a reservoir of resentment over actions that sent many to the sidelines over the past two decades. A slow or speedy finale? In the case of Chemours, it was decided, perhaps Some, see Kullman as a figurehead presiding over with a push from Peltz, that a mature chemical busithe demise of the company and some commenting nesses and the liabilities that come along for the on social media posts have taken note of her gender. ride, could be spun off in a separate company. Wall Streeters also do not like the cyclical nature of the chemical business, even though some DuPont holdings enjoy big market shares. Typically, such spin-offs, facing their own share- That sexist undercurrent has been alleged in the Trian strategy. A previous target of Trian was the Pepsico, a company headed by a female CEO. Pepsico owns a bev- AZ lung cancer drug shows promise AstraZeneca is reporting that early research indicates orally once a day. Antoine Yver, head of oncology, that an experimental drug can lengthen the lives of Global Medicines Development, AstraZeneca, said: those with a type of lung cancer by a year. “We are committed to developing novel medicines that address the significant unmet need in lung cancer Data presented at European Lung Cancer Congress by focusing on the genetic drivers underlying the 2015 shows delay in disease progression by more than disease. We are on track for a regulatory submission a year for a drug now known as AZD9291. of AZD9291 in the US in the second quarter of this year. Our extensive clinical researchprogram is also Sixty-three were part of a study. The drug is taken investigating the potential of AZD9291 in earlier disease and in combination with other pipeline assets.” Gender issues lurk in background From previous page Against that background, local shareholders with employment or other ties to the company could see the vote as a Hobson’s choice. It may come down to a speedy end to the DuPont we once knew from Peltz. We could also see a more drawn out process under management that is no longer willing to fight for symbols of the past like the hotel, country club and Wilmington headquarters. In other words, both Trian and DuPont were wise to take out those ads. Editor’s note: The author has covered corporate takeover battles, of and on, for 30 years. 5th Annual W.L. Gore Lecture Series in Management Science Conceptualization of Service Quality Thursday, April 23 University of Delaware CFA, Gore Recital Hall 3:00 p.m. A. “Parsu” Parasuraman Professor, and Department Chair, Marketing at the University of Miami School of Business Administration A. Parasuraman is considered one of the most influential figures in the field of services marketing and service quality. Open to the public Register on line: Sponsored by an endowment from the Gore family. First State Manufacturing owners win national small business honor F irst State Manufacturing, owned by Eli and Sher Valenzuela, have been named the SBA National Champion in the 8(a) graduate category. owners honored by President Obama at the White House. First State, which is based in Milford, has grown from one employee to nearly 100 since its founding in 1998. “First State Manufacturing First State provides is a great example of how hard upholstering and work and persistence can take a insulating services to the business from a single employee U.S. military and many Eli and Sher Valenzuela (SBA photo) with a single sewing machine commercial entities. in their garage… to one of According to the SBA, the top businesses in Delaware and the country. The the company has saved the US taxpayer millions American Dream is still alive as evidenced by Eli of dollars by providing on time delivery of services at prices well below the previous cost. The company and Sher Valenzuela,” said SBA Delaware District also provides a form of body armor to the military in Director, John Fleming Israel. Sher Valenzuela said, “What a great honor to be selected as the Nation’s Top 8(a) Graduate by the They are only the second national champion in SBA. We have been very fortunate to work with Delaware history. The other national winners were Bobby Pancake and Steve Wheat owners of the local such tremendous team members as employees, and have benefitted from the many SBA programs that Buffalo Wild Wings franchise for Entrepreneurial have served to support our hard work and bring our Success. Pancake and Wheat were among the small business Continued on next page Sallie Mae, vendor moving all customer service jobs onshore Sallie Mae has moved all customer service for its $9.7 billion private education loan portfolio to the United States. The decision is not expected to result in additional customer service jobs in Delaware. Sallie Mae is headquartered near Newark. “Customers want – and are entitled to – simple, straightforward and accurate information and counseling. Our goal is to provide that on each and every call. This decision is an important and necessary step to take our customer service to the next level.” The decision is part of the company’s $5 million In addition to its own customer service operation investment in enhancing customer service, according to a release. at company headquarters, Sallie Mae contracts with Telepeformance, a customer experience management company, for servicing support. Sallie Mae’s decision “As a consumer banking business, we are focused to locate its private education loan customer service on the success of our customers and that means in the United States will add about 250 jobs at providing a first-rate customer experience,” said Teleperformance facilities in Abilene, Texas and Raymond J. Quinlan, CEO. Hobart, Ind. The job move is not expected to affect local employment numbers at Sallie Mae, which employs about 680 here, a spokesman stated. Valenzuelas 8(a) winner From previous page dreams to fruition while serving our family, state, and nation.” The 8(a) Business Development Program is a program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51 percent by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. “Teleperformance is proud we have been selected to provide high-quality customer service in both Texas and Indiana for Sallie Mae. This client places the utmost importance on a great experience for their customers,” said Paulo César Salles Vasques, CEO, Teleperformance Group. “Based on Sallie Mae’s mission, we are also really excited in helping students fulfill their education and reach their full individual potential.” ELECTRONICS RECYCLING DATA DESTRUCTION Located in New Castle, DE | 302.262.9905 Jobless rate in Delaware declines to 4.6 percent T The seasonally adjusted jobless rate in March was 4.6 percent, down from 4.8 percent in February. That added up to 21,000 unemployed Delawareans in March 2015 compared to 26,700 in March 2014. The Business Bulletin offers numerous opportunities for advertising messages and sponsorships for its business-to-business audience at highly affordable rates. The nation’s unemployment rate was 5.5 percent in March 2015, unchanged from February 2015. In March 2014, the U.S. unemployment rate was 6.6 percent, while Delaware’s rate was 6 percent. In March 2015, seasonally adjusted non farm employment was 444,500, up from 442,600 in February 2015. Since March 2014, Delaware’s total nonfarm jobs have increased by 8,900, an increase of 2.1 percent. Nationally, jobs during that period increased 2.3 percent. The monthly report took note of the issue of pay not keeping up with employment growth. T he Delaware Business Bulletin is an electronic business journal published in a digital format each Wednesday by Bird Street Media, LLC, Newark, Del. (Graphs courtesy of the Delaware Department of Labor) he unemployment rate for Delaware in March fell to 4.6 percent from 4.8 percent in January, the state Labor Department reported last week. The report suggested that any analysis focus on long-term payroll figures, rather than the sampling process that also takes place and ends up on employment reports. According to the labor department, “wages coming from payroll data increased by 0.6 percent in 2013, and by 2.3 percent in 2014 . Continued on next page For further information on advertising and sponsorships, e-mail Michael Klezaras at The Business Bulletin and the companion website are proud members of Local Independent News Publishers (LION). Report: Payroll reports indicate wage gains higher than first indicated in sampling data From previous page However, average earnings from the survey fell by 1 percent in 2013 and by another 0.7 percent in 2014, while they jumped up by 5.3 percent for the first two months of 2015.” The report continued: “The divergence is greater going further back – from 2007 to 2014 total wages are up by 12.7 percent, while the survey – based earnings are down by 5.3 percent. This is one of the two largest divergences in the nation, probably due to small sample size The state analysis did not calculate the effect of the cost of living, Inflation, while low, would have wiped out much of the income gains cited in a payroll report. The issue of work pay has been used by politicians and public policy groups on both ends of the political spectrum in claiming the failure of Obama administration policies, and/or the income gap between wealthy CEOs and lower level employees. The broad services category posted the strongest performance. However, manufacturing and construction remained largely unchanged from a year ago. dining A quick trip to newly opened DiFebo’s in Rehoboth Beach A The popular outdoor dining area remains. We opted for an early dinner, shortly after DiFebo’s opened. decision to make a quick trip to Rehoboth on a beautiful day led us to walk through a part of the handsome residential area in the beach town. We were the first diners to arrive for the day at the friendly, fully staffed restaurant. On our way back to the beach, we stumbled across DiFebo’s, the new restaurant at the former of longtime Italian dining spot, Adriatico. DiFebo’s has been operating in Bethany Beach for a quarter of a century under the ownership of a well known family of Delaware restaurateurs. In northern Delaware, a relative owns the Wilmington staple Feby’s Fishery. In Bethany, DiFebo’s is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the day of our visit to Rehbooth, DiFebo’s was only open for dinner, with lunch coming later this month. Based on recent stories on the new dining spot, co-owner Lisa DiFebo, Osias, had been planning to expand to Rehoboth, an area with its larger year-around population that is keeping more businesses open year around. The former Adriatico dining rooms have undergone an impressive makeover with a light, airy décor that reflects its setting near the beach. DiFebro’s is bringing more traditional Italian cuisine to a Rehoboth dining scene that can be a bit on the foofoo side. The restaurant prides itself on the family recipe for its red sauce and freshly made ravioli. The signature dish of ravioli, We were not to be disappointed. The ravioli red sauce and a meatball. with red sauce and meatball ($16) came in a couple of steps above many similar offerings elsewhere in the state. The portion, while large, was filling, but not pack it up and take it home size. The second selection was the daily special, crab ravioli with a fresh spinach and Parmesan cream sauce. At $26, it was on the pricey side, but worth every penny, The ravioli were generously stuffed with crab meat and the sauce was memorable. Continued on next page Drip Cafe food truck & Restaurant Week From previous page the city itself. It also comes during a period of foodie events that include the Meals on Wheels benefit and the Mid-Atlantic Food + Wine Festival. This year, Restaurant Week was expanded to include the west side of the city. The event had previously been limited to downtown and the riverfront. Sixteen restaurants are participating Restaurant weeks present a challenge and opportunity for dining spots. Meeting the price points is not easy and picky diners who are not happy with service or food quickly turned to Yelp or other online sites The quality of food and friendliness of DiFebo’s will to air their views. On the plus side, the week offers a be tested by the summer rush and the foodie tastes of change to make first-time diners into regulars. many visitors. The menu and daily special should be sufficient for the more adventurous and a nice refuge Birthday, food truck for Drip Cafe for those hoping for more traditional fare. Restaurant Week runs through Friday Wilmington’s Restaurant Week quietly kicked off this week and runs through this Friday. The annual event follows the format standard format of $15 two-course meals at lunch and $35 for two-course dinners. Restaurant Week has kept a relatively low profile over the years, since it is limited to dining spots in Hockessin’s Drip Cafe is celebrating its second birthday. During its brief existence, the coffee, breakfast and lunch spot has gained a devoted following with its attention to detail and some interesting menu items at a reasonable price. Now, Drip Cafe is joining the growing ranks of food trucks in the area, with a “Brunch” truck. The truck is expected to visit employment sites and events where attendees are now looking for food trucks. - Doug Rainey Trending The following stories in recorded the most visits during Mach. 1. Hunters Den, Sussex restaurant site sold 2. Ton and a half of sulfur dioxide released at refinery 3. 3 Beaver Valley Road office building sells for nearly $62 million 4. WDEL goes on air at KISS FM slot 5. Business people: April 15, 2015 6. Sears to retire as president of Community Foundation 7. Jobless rate drops to 4.6 percent 8. DuPont issues another letter in proxy battle as report surfaces about hotel being up for sale 9. Christiana Mall area moves into the fast lane 10. Whiting Turner selected as contractor for $250 million Milford health campus earth day SolarCity opens second Delaware location in Glasgow Click here for photo gallery S whether paying the upfront costs or going with a supplier, like Solar City, makes the most sense. Solar City now has about 90 employees in Delaware, with plans to add another 50 positions The hirings are good news for Delaware, which saw the closing last year of the Motech plant near the 9,000-square-foot space now occupied by Solar City. On hand were local government officials and Gov. Jack Markell. The ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted by the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce. SolarCity opened its first Delaware operations center in Seaford about a year ago. Solar City has about 70 centers. Click here for previous Business Daily stories on Solar City and solar power in the state. A pioneer in solar energy, Delaware was the home of AstroPower, a company founded by a University of Delaware researcher. Assets of that company were later sold to GE, which then sold the Pencader operations to Taiwan-based Motech. Motech kept a headquarters operation in New Castle. olarCity, last week, cut the ribbon at its second Delaware operations center in the Pencader Corporate Center in the Glasgow area south of Newark. The Newark center’s regional operations manager is Jim Kelley. Kelley has worked in the solar installation business in the state for a number of years. Markell told those on hand that he is pleased with the expansion of SolarCity, a company that offers Long-time Delaware solar system installer Jim Kelley heads the Newark-area office. a way for homeowners to add solar power without major up front costs. The governor noted that he paid far more when he had solar panels installed in his home. In return for the reduced installation cost, SolarCity shares a portion of the business or home owner’s revenue from solar power when it is fed into the electric grid. Consumers and businesses are advised to check out The solar manufacturing industry has seen sharp reductions in the cost of cells that has led to charges of “dumping” Chinese-made solar cells sold in the U.S., as well as plant closings. On the plus side, the lower costs have made solar power increasingly competitive. earth day Lewes ferry terminal now has car charging station D elaware River and Bay Authority officials announced that the two electric vehicle charging stations at the Lewes Terminal of the Cape May – Lewes Ferry are now available. The DRBA received the stations through a collaborative research program agreement between the University of Delaware and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. The Program, “Charging-Up Delaware” is designed to promote a network of charging stations located in the public parking lot near the passenger to facilitate long-distance trips with electric vehicles terminal building, are available during the Cape Mayin the state. Lewes Ferry’s business hours. The DRBA maintenance department installed both the charging stations as “The charging stations are really convenient and well as the terminal signage directing electric vehicle easy to use,” said Laura Trethewey of Rehoboth owners to their location. The stations are available at Beach, the first customer to use the charging station. no charge, on a first-come, first-served basis. “It’s a great service for both locals and Ferry customers who are looking for a place to recharge their electric The Charging-Up Delaware program is designed vehicle.” to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles by removing an obstacle to the adoption of electric cars: The faster-charging Level 2 stations, which are “range anxiety.” Potential buyers may hesitate to purchase the vehicles for fear that their battery will run out of charge beyond the range of a charging station. Based on studies by UD and other EV research institutions, placing charging stations at key locations will encourage use of electric vehicles, whether used to recharge, or simply to lower anxiety by knowing they are available if needed. “The ferry is already a tourism magnet, helping more than a million people a year cross the Bay or visit its shoreline,” said Heath Gehrke, director of Ferry Operations. “We are happy our full-service Lewes Terminal now provides the owners of electric vehicles with a bayfront haven during their coastal Delaware visit.” Despite lower gas prices and the lack of strong demand when gas prices were higher, sales of electric cars have increased. The effective range of electric vehicles has also Continued on next page earth day AAA again offers trees for batteries From previous page increased. The range can very from under 100 miles for the Nissan Leaf ($29,000 to 200 or more for the luxury Tesla automobile, more than $100,000. Owners get a $7,500 tax break. AAA and Wilmington-based AAA Mid-Atlantic have again partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant a tree in a National Forest for every battery that is recycled starting today. Tesla, which do not use the standard charging system has a station at the Delaware Welcome Center on Interstate 95 south of Newark. The Cape May-Lewes Ferry is owned and operated by the Delaware River and Bay Authority, a bi-state governmental agency. Nature Society honors Tatnall School The Delaware Nature Society recently presented its 2015 Outstanding Environmental Educator Award to The Tatnall School for going “above and beyond” to ensure its students develop a sense of stewardship for the environment. Shown in this photo from Tatnall, are, from left to right: Charlie Tierney, Dr. Peter Bookman, Nancy Flanagan, Greg Mentzer, Karen Barker, Sharon Kreamer and Dr. Dean Goodwin. Whenever an AAA member has a new car battery installed and the old battery recycled, the auto club will have a tree planted in one of America’s national forests. Nationally, AAA has recycled more than 10.5 million automotive batteries and continues to promote the importance of recycling the automotive part since improperly stored or disposed of car batteries create environmental hazards. The auto club first began its mobile battery recycling efforts in 1997, and this year, AAA anticipates it will replace and recycle an additional two million batteries via its roadside battery replacement service. Delaware Nature Society also recognized Tatnall for establishing a “Monarch Waystation” native plant garden, student greenhouses, a vegetable garden and apiary, as well as its 2.5 miles of trails on campus. On AAA Mid-Atlantic recycles more than 142,000 hand to receive the award were members of Tatnall’s batteries a year on average throughout New Jersey, Noting that Tatnall integrates environmental science environmental science and field studies team, who accepted a personalized watercolor painting, as well as Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and the education across its preschool, elementary, middle $500 worth of programming at any Delaware Nature District of Columbia. and high school curriculum, Society site. DNREC, drug company reach $2.75 million clean-up deal for Sussex site D Mallinckrodt also agreed to pay for any future NREC and a veterinary drug firm have unreimbursed oversight costs for DNREC not signed a nearly $3 million environmental covered under the cooperative agreement for the clean-up agreement as part of a longrunning water and soil contamination case at the site. contaminated site, dated September 21, 2012, between DNREC and the US Environmental Mallinckrodt Veterinary, Inc. entered into a consent Protection Agency. decree by order of DNREC Secretary David Small Mallinckrodt Veterinary, Inc. and Intervet, Inc. that requires the company to reimburse DNREC more than $2.75 million for past costs associated with also entered into administrative settlements with an investigation and contamination cleanup at a site the US Environmental Protection Agency for the investigation and remediation of the Millsboro site. near Millsboro. DNREC continues to review and provide comment The site was a former poultry vaccine manufacturing on technical documents on site remediation, with cost supported by a cooperative agreement with EPA. plant where trichloroethylene, commonly known as TCE, was used. Click here for background information on TCE. The settlement amount is by far the largest in the history of Delaware’s Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA) program administered by DNREC’s Site Investigation & Restoration Section. TCE was commonly used as a solvent The consent order enables DNREC to recover all costs from Mallinckrodt and Intervet corporate entities incurred by the department at the site through March 31, 2014. In addition DNREC will be considering Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) against the responsible parties in the future. TCE was used at the site for the manufacturing of poultry vaccines between 1952 and August 1999. Previous owners and/or operators of the source area property included: Hiram N. Lasher; Delaware Poultry Laboratories, Inc.; Sterwin Laboratories; Mallinckrodt Veterinary, Inc., and Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation. The poultry vaccine manufacturing building was demolished in December 1999 and is currently a vacant lot. Click here to register May 20, Capital One, Wilmington finance Proposed federal IRA, 401 (K) rule draws, praise scorn T he U.S. Department of Labor has released a proposed rule that aims to protect 401(k) and IRA investors from what it views as conflicts and excessive fees by financial advisors. The measure is expected to be opposed by the financial services industry, which has been battling a number proposals coming out of the Obama Administration. The issue of fees and conflicts of interest in 401 (K) and IRA investments has taken on added importance as defined benefit plans (pensions) go away at most non-government employers and individuals roll over their 401 (Ks) to IRAs after leaving jobs A White House Council of Economic Advisers analysis found that these conflicts of interest result in annual losses of about 1 percentage point for affected investors -or about $17 billion a year. “Through the development of savings vehicles such as 401(k)s and IRAs, saving and investing in America SIFMA, an association representing the securities Under the proposals, retirement advisers will be has been democratized. Yet even with all these opindustry, issued the following statement from CEO required to put their clients’ best interests before their tions, we still aren’t saving enough. Which is why Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr., on the retirement rule . own profits, according to a Labor Department release. it’s astonishing that the Labor Department would “This is a voluminous rule where the fine print mat- contemplate a regulation that would remove retireFinancial services companies in Delaware have piecment choices. Unfortunately for many hard-working ters. We want to ensure it protects investor choice Americans, Labor’s proposal, no matter how well-in- es of the 401 (K) and IRA business. and doesn’t unnecessarily reduce access to education or raise costs, particularly for low and middle income tentioned, could worsen the retirement crisis we face One of the largest companies involved in the industoday.” savers. With so much at stake, we will thoroughly try, Vanguard, is based in Valley Forge, Pa. and emreview the rule and its impact on investors, and exAARP immediately came to the defense of the pro- ploysh a number of Delawareans. Vanguard has built press our views in the public comment period, Bentsen stated. Bentsen took a harder line in a viewpoint posed rule and urged members to offer their support its business on index funds and low fees. during the comment people. column in USA Today. The following is an excerpt: finance Global Debt Registry TransUnion announce collaboration TransUnion and Wilmingtonbased Global Debt Registry announced a collaboration to market debt registry services for debt buyers, collectors and financial institutions. TransUnion is best known for providing credit scores. GDR’s enables debt owners to accelerate collections through Parsells streamlined access to account information. said Peter Ghiselli, vice president in TransUnion’s specialized risk business unit. “The ability to team up with GDR to offer our clients GDR’s tools to manage account information post charge-off and to support validation of a given debt is a natural extension to our core services offered to financial institutions, debt collectors and consumers. We are excited about our strategic marketing arrangement with an innovative pioneer like Global Debt Registry.” market of debt buyers, collectors and financial institutions to reduce costs and risks, improve transparency and efficiencies to the debt ownership industry.” Prior to joining Global Debt Registry Parsells ran divisions for Citigroup, American Express and Bank One and its predecessor, First USA. Global Debt Registry was founded in 2005. For more information, visit: Global Debt Registry noted that the $3.3 trillion M&T wins business banking awards market for unsecured consumer debt has no clearinghouse to securely manage supporting account inforM&T Bank has been recognized by Greenwich Asmation and minimize risk from financial institutions sociates with 16 Greenwich Excellence Awards - 13 It also gives businesses the ability to securely validate account ownership information with supporting transferring debt. national and three regional honors - for providing documentation and consumer access. excellent banking products and services to small and “For debt buyers, collectors or original creditors, mid-sized companies. the lack of a transparent digital marketplace has led GDR uses Debt Lookup, an online consumer acto a steady increase in industry issues, which is incess service providing secure and easy access to acGreenwich Associates surveys small and mid-sized count-level data and documents supporting claims by creasingly the focus of multiple regulators,” said Mark businesses about their overall satisfaction with their Pasells, CEO of Global Debt Registry. “TransUnion is bank, the capability of their relationship manager, the legitimate debt collectors. the leading provider of information for collections in- bank’s treasury management services and a number of “TransUnion’s information solutions offer valuable dustry. GDR and TransUnion’s mutual customers will other service categories. benefit from our collaboration, which offers a broader tools for the growing accounts receivable market,” Currency adjustments take bite out of DuPont earnings Kullman says company’s strategy remains on track D uPont Co. reported lower earnings for the first quarter, due in part to the currency impact from a strong dollar. The board did increase the company dividend, due to confidence of strong results in this year. The share price was down about 3 percent on Tuesday, but recovered somewhat in after-hours trading. However, earnings were slightly above analysts’ estimates. reduction, even in the midst of challenging currency and market environments,” said Ellen Kullman, DuPont Chair and CEO. “We expect performance in the remainder of the year to build on this momentum, driven by new product sales and benefits from our accelerated operational redesign. We are also announcing our fourth quarterly dividend increase since the beginning of 2012, reflecting our confidence in the continued strength of our ongoing, post-spin business and our ability to advance our record of stable growth while returning capital to shareholders.” She continued: “2015 is an important year in our transformation. The spin-off of Chemours is on track rency impact, compared to $1.58 per share in the The earnings were not good news in company efprior year. DuPont also announced that its board of for the middle of this year, and we expect to return to shareholders substantially all of the approximately $4 forts to elect its slate of board members, rather than directors approved a second quarter dividend of 49 those of dissident shareholder Nelson Peltz and Trian cents per share, a 4 percent increase over the 47 cents billion of one-time dividend proceeds within 12 to 18 months of the separation, a portion of which will Fund Management. paid last quarter. occur before the end of 2015. Following the separation, DuPont will be fully focused on three highly Peltz has claimed, the company needs to be split up This is the fourth increase since the beginning of attractive strategic focus areas where our science and and has a corporate structure with overhead costs that 2012. The second quarter dividend of 49 cents per engineering capabilities can deliver the greatest value are excessive. share of common stock is payable on June 12, 2015 for shareholders. We are confident that DuPont will to stockholders of record at the close of business on continue its momentum, growing value for shareholdHowever, analysts have said short-term results are May 15, 2015. ers by leveraging our innovation platform, focusing unlikely to have much of an impact on the big instiintently on operational efficiency and costs, actively tutions that own most of the company’s stock. “DuPont delivered volume and margin improvemanaging our portfolio, and through the disciplined ments in the majority of our post-spin segments First quarter 2015 operating earnings of $1.34 per through intense focus on innovation, disciplined exe- return of capital.” share, which includes a $0.25 per share negative cur- cution and ongoing efficiency improvements and cost law Morgan named Wilmington managing partner at Fox Rothschild Fox Rothschild LLP announced that Sharon Oras Morgan will assume the role of office managing partner for the firm’s Wilmington office. In her legal practice, Morgan has counseled clients, particularly those in the environmental services, transportation, and manufacturing industries, for more than two decades on complex environmental and commercial matters. Her national practice is also known for its focus on real estate, toxic tort, and trust and estate litigation. The office managing partner is charged with overseeing and Morgan received her J.D. from Widener University managing the day-to-day office Morgan School of Law in 1990, her M.B.A. from University operations in addition to serving on the firm’s Executive Committee, which sets overall of Delaware in 2004 and her B.A. from Rutgers University in 1987. policy for the firm. Morgan will take over the role of Wilmington office managing partner from Neal J. Levitsky, who served a five-year term in the position. A leader in the firm, Morgan also serves as co-chair of the Environmental Practice Group and co-chair of the Business Development Subcommittee of the Women’s Initiative. She previously served as co-chair of the Connectivity Subcommittee of the Women’s Initiative. Plankinton joins Gawthrop Greenwood Mary Ann Plankinton has joined the law firm of Gawthrop Greenwood, PC, as a partner. Licensed in Delaware and Pennsylvania, she has a multijurisdictional practice focusing both on family law, including divorce, support, custody, and adoption, as well as estate planning and estate administration. She will divide her time between the firm’s long- standing home in West Chester, PA and its more recent expansion in Wilmington. “For more than two decades, Plankinton has helped individuals and families in Delaware and Pennsylvania during periods of transition and need,” says Walter Eells, chair of the Gawthrop Greenwood Management Committee. “As a trained mediator in family law and estate matters, she brings a wealth of experience to the services we offer our clients in the region.” Plankinton has authored articles on a variety of topics relating to family and estate law. Appointed by the Delaware Family Courts as a guardian ad litem, she volunteers through the Delaware Office of the Child Advocate to represent children in foster care to ensure that they have a voice in the court. She also chairs the Chester County Orphans’ Court mediation committee. Prior to joining Gawthrop Greenwood, she was a partner with MacElree Harvey in Kennett Square, PA. Earth Day, DuPont’s battle and turning on a dime Last week did not start out with an essay on DuPont Co. and its battle with activist investor Trian partners; nor were there any plans to have Earth Day focus pages, or for a quick review of the new DiFebo’s restaurant in Rehoboth Beach. Doug Rainey That may be a sign of poor planning or the ability of this digital enterprise to pivot and cover a rapidly changing business community. The Earth Day focus came after seeing a series of stories and releases arriving via Email, as well as routine coverage. Earth Day also brought up memories of DuPont Co. I remember a story in People magazine with a photo of DuPont’s courtly CEO Ed Woolard being profiled in the magazine as the head of America’s top polluter. It was Woolard, who set into motion the DuPont we see today, that is now headed by CEO Ellen Kullman. The pollution title no longer applies, but the same global and Wall Street forces that led Woolard to preside over a massive restructuring of the company remain in place. Like many readers, I was impressed with Maureen Milford’s News Journal profile of DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman. The piece contained many revelations about We are clearly at a turning point when it comes to Kullman, who has kept a rather low profile since energy and its role in the environment. Solar is also taking the top job at a multinational company gaining momentum despite lower oil prices. The entry that wears out CEOs with complex businesses, of SolarCity into northern Delaware is a significant global travel schedules and the task of dealing with development. institutional shareholders . At the same time, there as a feeling of déjà vu, with a classic tale of a heroic CEO standing up to the quick buck artists who would strip the company of its assets. This story has played itself out many times at many companies and the ending is rarely the stuff of movies. With the possible exception of research, she is not the keeper of the flame for the DuPont we long for. Kullman is willing to part with many visible local symbols of the company, the hotel, country club, Playhouse theater and headquarters in downtown Wilmington. It is not enough for Peltz and the proxy battle is shaping up as a referendum on Kullman’s tenure. It’s also the sort of thing you see when the stock market is operating at frothy levels and opportunities by Wall Sreet gunslingers to quickly cash out are fewer. I wish Kullman well, but as my essay noted, an era is ending at DuPont, no matter who ends up calling the shots. technology MySherpa on list of top global managed service providers MySherpa has appeared on Penton Technology’s eighth-annual MSPmentor 501 Global Edition, a list and report identifying the world’s top 501 managed service providers (MSPs). The complete 501 list is currently available on the MSPmentor. Additional lists include: you with high quality information about the most successful business models, pricing, vertical markets and other approaches to running your businesses in 2015 and beyond.” December 2014 through January 2015. Rankings are based on Penton Technology’s criteria for MSPs such as annual recurring revenues, total revenues and more. - The top ranked MSPs in North America - The top MSPs in Europe, Middle East and Afric - The top MSPs in Asia, Australia and New Zealand This year the top MSPmentor 501 companies - The top Small Business MSP list comprised of the top companies in our annual survey with 10 or fewer recorded higher recurring revenues than ever before. Combined, the total annual recurring revenues for all employees. of MSPmentor 501 2015 companies reached a record high of $3.95 billion in 2014, up 26.5% year over “We are quite pleased to be recognized as one of the World’s top 501 managed service providers,” said year. Greg Gurev, head sherpa, MySherpa. “It is great to receive recognition from our peers which validates the “Thank you to all the companies who participated in this year’s MSPmentor 501 survey, and hard work of the Sherpa teams.” congratulations to the companies that ranked on our 501 list, our regional lists and our Small Business Each year, MSPmentor gathers information for list,” said Jessica Davis, editor in chief of MSPmentor its annual rankings through the participation of and executive editor at Penton Technology. “Your managed service providers and IT service providers in an annual survey. The survey was conducted from participation enables us to continue to provide MySherpa provides relationship based managed IT services for businesses in the Greater Philadelphia, PA and surrounding regions. Delaware Tech wins technology honor Delaware Technical Community College ranked fourth nationwide for excellence in information technology in the 2014-2015 Digital Community Colleges Survey. A top-ten ranking reflects a comprehensive implementation of technology to support college operations. The survey analyzes how community colleges use digital and emerging technologies to improve services for students, faculty and staff. Delaware Tech President Mark T. Brainard stated, Continued on next page technology last week. The event, held at the Horn Program in Entrepreneurship at the University of Delaware, late this month, will select winners in the start-up idea battle From previous page “This award validates the hard work of the college’s information technology, web services and institutional research divisions, as well as that of the entire Delaware Tech team to provide exceptional service and enhance student success through the use of technology.” The Center for Digital Education is a national research and advisory institute specializing in K-12 and higher education technology trends, policy and funding. The Center for Digital Education is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government education. “Technology is being used to lower costs and improve student outcomes,” said Alan Cox, senior vice president for the Center for Digital Education. “This year’s survey indicates that community colleges are making great strides in using data Tech Forum hears Hen Hatch pitches to improve decisions, providing professional development to assist faculty in the use of technology, and creating robust online and mobile environments he Technology Forum of Delaware for their students. Congratulations to this year’s members last week heard pitches from the survey winners.” annual Hen Hatch start-up competition T The five-minute presentations were made by the following start-ups coming out of the Horn Program. - JoeBiotics, a company that aims to combine coffee creamer with probiotics health supplements taken by many people. - The Practice Set, a web-based service that would help college students learn science and math. - Projected U, a projection service that would offer campus information before classes. - GoHappy, a service that aims to help retailers and other businesses connect with customers in cities. - Throwback, a device that allows solo baseball throws. The Technology Forum of Delaware holds monthly information and networking sessions on the third Wednesday of the month. Next month’s event, on May 20, will feature Technology Trends competition at the Capital One employment site on Delaware Avenue. For further information, click here. (Photos by Doug Rainey) not for profit Highmark Ks for Kids; another award for Goodwill Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware announced that as part of its annual Ks for Kids program, the company will donate $10 to the Ronald McDonald House of Delaware for every strikeout The Ronald McDonald House of Delaware offers a nurturing environment where families can stay together and find support. Arline Docherty, Goodwill’s Executive Administrative Manager as a Since its opening in 1991, the house has welfinalist for Admincomed more than 39,800 families. Amenities include istrative Support Person of the Year. a laundry facility, a library, hot evening meals and weekly activities including pet therapy. Hockey event raises $1,400 This is the eighth year that Highmark Delaware has The annual Hockey for Haxton event raised $1,400 thrown by a Blue Rocks pitcher at Frawley Stadium, partnered with the Wilmington Blue Rocks as part for Easter Seals to help provide therapy services for of the Ks for Kids program. Since 2006, $46,000 has people with disabilities in Sussex County. up to a total of $5,000. been awarded through Ks for Kids to six different Hockey for Haxton is an annual indoor tournaorganizations. “With our annual Ks for Kids program, we at ment in memory of Amanda Haxton, a member of Highmark Delaware have the opportunity to support the Delaware Shore Field Hockey community and a the community while spotlighting an organization in Small Business Chamber honors Goodwill former athlete at Cape Henlopen High School and Delaware that makes a difference in the lives of our East Stroudsburg University. children,” said Highmark Delaware President Tim At their annual awards brunch in Newark recently, Constantine. “Last year, more than 2,300 families the Delaware Small Business Chamber (DSBC) Donations from the event benefit Easter Seals and were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House of presented two awards to Goodwill. For the second the Hockey for Haxton Scholarship fund for outDelaware while their child received medical treatment year in a row, Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware standing hockey players. For more information, visit: at a nearby hospital.” County was named the Small Business Chamber’s Non-Profit of the Year. The DSBC also recognized media insider WDEL move to FM deserved more attention and praise T tion online and on the air. that has the size and quality of its big city counterparts. he move by WDEL to the FM spectrum may have been the biggest media story to date in Delaware. Delmarva realized that the news media would not be trumpeting its FM presence and made perhaps the biggest billboard deal in recent memory to get the word out as shown by the trio of messages it posted in a photo on its Facebook page. But unless you listened to a Delmarva Broadcasting station or stopped by this website and the Bulletin electronic business journal you may not have known about the acquisition of the frequency of KISS. KISS was an R&B station whose 101.7 frequency is now used by WDEL. The station had a sizable audience in Wilmington and adjacent areas. Most in media stayed with the ancient practice of not mentioning the competition. That’s too bad. Delmarva’s investment in its flagship news and talk station was a compelling story in an industry undergoing the same turmoil as its print counterparts Delmarva was at a crossroads as overall AM radio listenership has declined over the years. Comings and goings in communications Rana Fayez, who had been digital editor of the Delaware Business Times, is now communications manager for the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce. She takes over for Matt Amis, who is taking That was due to the need for directional signals that a communications management position at the Rowould not interfere with other stations in a crowded del Foundation, the organization that has been a key player in public school improvement efforts in Delaregion. ware. WDEL, despite a strong signal that ran through much of the state, often did not reach faster growing areas in Delaware. Delmarva and WDEL did not have to make the news and tealk. move. In fact, it might have made more money sprucing up the KISS format. Also, Ellen Roberts, a longtime communications professional, is now Director of Corporate Communications at Sallie Mae. Instead it we will continue to have a news-based op- kudos (business honors) Biotech group honors Sen. Coons; Navient wins education award The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) named U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) 2015’s Legislator of the Year. BIO is the world’s largest trade association representing biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations Coons across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. “It’s an honor to be recognized by Delaware’s delegation of Biotechnology Industry Organization,” said Sen. Coons. “It’s especially rewarding to be honored for the work we have done on the STRONG Patents Act of 2015. This act will help protect innovators in Delaware and across the nation whose ideas create new jobs, new companies, and even new industries. We must continue to work hard work to strengthen and reform America’s patent system to stop abusive conduct and help job-creating inventors.” Navient wins education award Navient, the Wilmington-based loan manageCoons received the award in recognition of his ment, servicing and asset recovery company, was “long professional track record protecting the rights honored with the Innovation in Financial Education of patent owners,” said BIO President and CEO Jim Award presented by Nasdaq and EverFi. The award Greenwood, citing both the Senator’s history in the recognizes significant efforts to improve the financial private sector and his work as a Senator from Delacapability of young Americans. Twenty-five financial ware. “We thank Senator Coons for introducing institutions were honored with this distinction at a the STRONG Patents Act of 2015, important legisla- ceremony hosted yesterday at Nasdaq’s Marketsite tion that targets the abusive practices of patent trolls headquarters in New York City. through carefully calibrated measures that maintain the overall strength of the U.S. patent system.” Honorees were selected based on a set of criteria that included the scale and reach of their financial education initiatives, the duration of their commitment, and unique employee volunteering activities that supplement their programs. “The institutions we’re recognizing here have led exceptional efforts to rethink how financial education is taught in our nation’s schools,” said EverFi founder and CEO Tom Davidson. “Our global competitiveness is dependent on the next generation understanding how the economy works and how to achieve financial security in their lives. We are grateful to the organizations that are helping pave a brighter future for students today.” As young adults are faced with increasingly complex financial decisions, Navient says it is committed to providing those whose loans the company manages with the skills and knowledge needed in order to succeed. Navient has partnered with education technology company EverFi to launch the Navient Path to Success program that offers online financial education to customers. marketing communications House Industries creates sculpture for Henry Ford museum T he Henry Ford commissioned House Industries, Hockessin, to develop a threedimensional sculpture for their annual Past Forward Award. Presented each year at the Detroit Autorama, Past Forward is awarded to the builder who most creatively combines tradition with inventiveness while exhibiting a highly skilled technique and maintaining the whimsical “run what you brung” attitude that defines hot rodding culture. Held every year since Carlos Alejandro photo 1953, Autorama is one of the longest running indoor automotive shows in the world. of sketches with the goal of creating a balanced lettering lockup that could then be fabricated in three “The nameplate has always been the common dimensions. Sheet metal workers then cut out the thread that connects the past, present and future of lettering shape, hand formed the deep dimension and automotive design.” said House Industries co-founder silver soldered the final assembly. At approximately 16 Andy Cruz. “We thought a dimensional chunk inches wide, five inches tall and four inches deep, the of polished steel lettering that mirrors custom car award is compact enough to hoist over a victor’s head culture’s style, eccentricity and craftsmanship would but features enough dimensional presence to earn fit the bill.” permanent visibility in a garage or trophy case. House Industries started the project with a series “House Industries has a unique understanding of illustrated letterforms and has been a longstanding ambassador of automotive culture,” Marc Greuther, chief curator and senior director of historical resources at The Henry Ford. “We couldn’t think of better hands than those of House Industries’ artists to bring the Past Forward Award to life.” House has focused on car culture in areas of its font design work. Ab+c aids Chicago hospital’s recruiting Ab+c Creative Intelligence, a full-service marketing communications agency, has partnered with Rush University Medical Center (Chicago) on its physician recruitment efforts. The agency’s assignments include constructing a physician recruitment website and providing direct marketing strategy. Rush boasts a 664-bed academic medical center, a medical staff of more than 800. people Wealth officers named Click here for online gallery. Elzey joins Community Foundation The Delaware Community Foundation welcomed Rebecca C. Elzey as the new development director for central Delaware. Elzey Before joining the DCF, Elzey worked as the development specialist for the American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula, where she managed major gifts, drafted successful grant proposals, and coordinated a fund-raising team. Wilmington Trust officially opened its new Wealth Advisory office in Cherry Hill, NJ. The Wealth Advisory team for Southern New Jersey is led by managing director Jerry Mauro, and includes Ron Caputo and Blair Talty as senior Caputo fiduciary advisors. Mauro manages a group of specialists in the Greater Philadelphia region with expertise in planning, fiduciary services, investments, private banking, and estate settlement. She previously worked in various development posiMauro and his team work closely tions for the American Civil Liberties Union of Delawith clients and their advisors to ware, Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Connections develop financial strategies to help Mauro Community Support Programs, and the Produce for clients meet their current needs and Better Health Foundation. plan for their long-term objectives. Elzey graduated from Wilmington University with a degree in behavioral science. She has been a member of the Brandywine Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals since 2006 and is a current board member. Mauro earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Richmond. He is a member of the Philadelphia Estate Planning Council and the Union League of Philadelphia. Caputo is a senior fiduciary advisor. Caputo is responsible for pro- Talty viding wealth management advice to high-net-worth individuals and families, entrepreneurs, business owners, and foundations and endowments throughout Southern New Jersey. Caputo manages a range of services based on clients’ unique needs, including investment management, planning, trust administration, and family governance. Prior to Wilmington Trust, Caputo was a senior trust advisor with PNC Bank for 22 years. Previously, he was a trust officer with Burlington County Trust Company for 14 years. He has 19 years of experience in the financial servicCaputo received a bachelor’s degree in economics es industry, specializing in business and health insurand business administration from Bethany College in ance consulting for middle market companies. Prior to joining Wilmington Trust in 2001, he spent 20 Continued on next page years as a senior executive at a Fortune 100 company. people From previous page West Virginia, and holds a Certification in Trust Financial Services from Cannon Trust School. Talty provides wealth management advice in Southern New Jersey to high-net-worth individuals, families, business owners, and professionals, as well as foundations and endowments. His areas of proficiency include estate and retirement planning, insurance planning, investment planning, education planning, business succession planning, legacy planning, and philanthropic planning. son Dietterick to the position of head chef at Bluecoast Seafood Grill in Bethany Beach, one of the hospitality’s group’s eight restaurants in coastal Delaware. Dietterick started with SoDel Concepts in 2004 and helped founder Matt Haley open three award-winning restaurants before Dietterick leaving to head up the kitchens in several other popular Delaware restaurants statewide. Dietterick started his culinary career at the Back Before joining Wilmington Trust, Talty was a senior wealth planner with PNC Bank. Earlier, he practiced Burner in Hockessin, and he worked for restaurant law in the trusts and estates practice groups at Brown guru Stephen Starr in Philadelphia. He joined SoDel Concepts after studying at the Culinary Institute of & Connery, and at Morgan Lewis. America in Napa, California. Talty holds a juris doctor from Rutgers School of He’s been the chef-de-cuisine at Liquid Assets in Law, and earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice Ocean City, MD, and at Solstice Restaurant at the from Rutgers University. He is admitted to practice Atlantic Hotel in Berlin, MD. law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Dietterick head chief at Bluecoast Scott Kammerer, president and CEO of SoDel Concepts, recently announced the promotion of Ja- He has also worked at Nage in Rehoboth Beach, which prides itself on pushing the culinary envelope, and at the Stone Balloon Wine House in Newark. My Digital Shield names executive chairman My Digital Shield (MDS), Wilmington, a provider of Security-asa-Service (SECaaS) for small businesses, announced Caleb Sima, executive chairman and co-founder of Bluebox Security, as a new adSima visory board member. With more than 20 years of experience in the web security industry, Sima will help expand MDS’ expertise within the security space and accelerate its growth in the IT channel and SMB markets. Sima currently serves as the executive chairman and co-founder of Bluebox Security, a mobile data security company. Prior to co-founding Bluebox Security, Sima held a number of roles in the IT security industry, including CEO of Armorize Technologies, CTO for HP’s Application Security Center and Security Engineer for S1 Corporation. Other board members include the following security industry veterans: Robert May from Fortinet, Steve Padgett from Google, and Eddie Schwartz from White Ops. WilmFilm coming to the riverfront tomorrow T he 2015 WilmFilm Festival will open Thursday at Penn Cinema Riverfront with three screenings sponsored by four nonprofits, the Jewish Federation of Delaware, Wilmington Renaissance Corporation, Barrel of Makers and Preston’s March for Energy. A reception featuring beverages from Painted Stave Distilling will precede the screenings. The festival’s first offering, at 7:15 p.m., will be “Maker,” a documentary on the Maker Movement, sponsored by Wilmington Renaissance Corporation. The film demonstrates many concepts that will be incorporated into the Creative District being planned by Wilmington Renaissance. “Maker” delves into the ecosystem of design and manufacturing in the Internet era, exploring the ideas, tools, and personalities that are driving the movement. Preston’s March for Energy, a nonprofit that provides adaptive bicycles for children with disabilities, is sponsoring the 7:25 p.m. showing of “Wild,” the chronicle of a woman’s solo 1,100-mile hike along the Pacific Coast Trail as she seeks solace from the death of her mother, the dissolution of her marriage and her previous addiction to heroin The Jewish Federation of Delaware is sponsoring Sunday, April 24-26, with multiple screenings of 20 films, including six Academy Award winners and a collection of “Delaware Shorts” curated by Lewes filmmaker Rob Waters. a screening of “Zero Motivation,” a zany, dark and comedic portrait of a unit of female Israeli soldiers at a remote desert base biding their time as they count down the minutes until they can return to civilian life. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets to these three films are available through the sponsors. For “Maker,” go to the Wilmington Renaissance Corp. website, Ticketholders for the three films can attend the opening reception, which starts at 6:30 p.m. Painted Stave Distilling, the Smyrna-based maker of craft vodka, gin, corn whiskey and other spirits, will offer samples during the reception. WilmFilm 2015, produced by Barry’s Events, and presented by the News Journal Media Group and, will continue Friday through Oscar winners booked for the festival are: “Birdman,” best picture, best director, best cinematography and best original screenplay; “Whiplash,” best supporting actor, best editing and best sound mixing; “Still Alice,” best actress; “Boyhood,” best supporting actress; “Citizenfour,” best documentary; and “Ida,” best foreign language film. Other films scheduled include: “Deli Man,” “Foxcatcher,” “Wild,” “Dear White People,” “The Trip to Italy,” “Two Days, One Night,” “Jodorowsky’s Dune,” “Love Is Strange,” “Mr. Turner,” “Only Lovers Left Alive,” “Keep On Keepin’ On,” “The One I Love,” “Life Itself,” “Obvious Child” and “Zero Motivation.” You may purchase tickets for individual films online at or at the theater on the day of the showing. Admission to most films is $10. For more information and a schedule of screenings, see business licenses Editor’s note: Business licenses are issued in Delaware as a revenue raising tool. SUN TECHNOLOGY INC 42 BLUE SPRUCE DR BEAR, DE 19701-4128 Professional services MMAYEN FRIDAY 506 NINA LN BEAR, DE 19701-1614 SOLLENBERGER ANNA P GROWING EDGES COUNSELING 1151 MOUNT LEBANON RD WILMINGTON, DE 19803-1613 SPROUT DIGITAL MEDIA LLC 128 E SIDE DR REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-1300 STANG CHRISTINE K THE JUNGLE GYM 1418 S STATE ST DOVER, DE 19901-4948 STECKER MARIA G 6107 WINTERHAVEN DR NEWARK, DE 19702-8321 STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE SIAM PROFESSIONALS, LLC. 34932 PRESERVE LN DAGSBORO, DE 19939-3372 STRUBLE ELEANOR S BURN BRIGHT 116 UNAMI TRL NEWARK, DE 19711-7507 SUN DAZED TANNING INC 280 N REHOBOTH BLVD MILFORD, DE 19963-1304 SUNAN SPA 702 WILMINGTON AVE WILMINGTON, DE 19805-5111 SYNERGY INTEGRATED MEDICAL CEN 807 N UNION ST WILMINGTON, DE 19805-5323 TAXES A1 4708 KIRKWOOD HWY WILMINGTON, DE 19808-5022 COLUMBUS, OH 43085-2372 Wholesaler SOUPS AND THINGS 62 SOUTHGATE BLVD STE N NEW CASTLE, DE 19720-2090 SOUTHERN STATES COOPERATIVE INC SEAFORD SEED CROPS DIVISION 200 ALLEN ST SEAFORD, DE 19973-2000 SPARXO AUTO SALES INC 408B MECO DR WILMINGTON, DE 19804-1112 TECHNICAL MEDIA SOLUTIONS LLC 138 PINE VALLEY DR MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-9793 TEN TALENTS ENTERPRISES INC. MAIDSERV 316 BRAEMAR ST # AT MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-8733 SUPERVALU TTSJ INC SUPERVALU TTSJ YORK 600 ARSENAL RD EAST YORK, PA 17402-2127 THE CLEAN IT COMPANY 29200 N OAK GROVE RD SEAFORD, DE 19973-5030 Retail THE GUARANTREE LLC 913 N MARKET ST STE 200 WILMINGTON, DE 19801-3097 THE MASCOT ORGANIZATION LLC 480 E WILSON BRIDGE RD SUN DAZED TANNING INC 280 N REHOBOTH BLVD MILFORD, DE 19963-1304 SUNYBELLE LLC 129 HOCKESSIN DR HOCKESSIN, DE 19707-2071 701 N BROAD ST MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-1166 Advertising STRUMEDIA 806 W 13TH ST APT C NEW CASTLE, DE 19720-4942 Auctioneer TAFFY FOOD MARKET,LLC TAFFY FOOD MARKET 701 E 4TH ST WILMINGTON, DE 19801-4801 STUART KINGSTON STUART KINGSTON GALLERY LLC 1 GRENOBLE PL REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-2847 Real Estate Tobacco SUPERVALU TTSJ INC SUPERVALU TTSJ ROBESONIA 336 E PENN AVE ROBESONIA, PA 19551-8902 THE GOODRICK GROUP SEAN GOODRICK, ARCHITECT 2104 N BANCROFT PKWY WILMINGTON, DE 19806-2206 REHOBOTH BCH, DE 19971-2847 SOUTHERN STATES COOPERATIVE INC MIDDLETOWN SERVICE 900 N BROAD ST # 155 MIDDLETOWN, DE 19709-1068 SPIRAL FLASK BRACELET LLC 106 AVIGNON CT NEWARK, DE 19702-5524 SPACEMAKER RENTALS LLC 900 CPT JOE FULGHUM DR MURFREESBORO, TN 37129-5554 SPACEMAKER RENTALS LLC 900 CPT JOE FULGHUM DR MURFREESBORO, TN 37129-5554 Motor Vehicle TAFFY FOOD MARKET,LLC TAFFY FOOD MARKET 701 E 4TH ST WILMINGTON, DE 19801-4801 SPARXO AUTO SALES INC 408B MECO DR WILMINGTON, DE 19804-1112 Restaurant Photographer TAQUERIA EL TACO LOCO 800 W NEPORT PIKE WILMINGTON, DE 19804 SPENCE JESSICA L JESSICA SPENCE PHOTOGRAPHY 6 CORBIT SHARP DR TOWNSEND, DE 19734-2201 Personal Services STUART KINGSTON STUART KINGSTON GALLERY LLC 1 GRENOBLE PL SUPERVALU TTSJ INC SUPERVALU TTSJ YORK 600 ARSENAL RD EAST YORK, PA 17402-2127 STERLING THOMAS D STERLING REPAIRS Contractor TECHVISIONS 44 RONNA DR WILMINGTON, DE 19808-4730
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