DELAWARE COUNTY FAIR OPEN HORSE SHOW COMMITTEE 2015 The Delaware County Fair is one of the top agricultural fairs in the Northeast, annually drawing over 100,000 local and regional spectators and contestants. One of the most popular attractions, year after year, is the Open Horse Show. The show has five divisions, Hunters, Western, Gymkhana, Mini’s, Driving & Saddle Seat and a Speed Series, over four full days. We are asking for your support with a tax deductible donation. By sponsoring a class or Championship you will help us maintain a level of excellence and gain valuable exposure to many potential customers. The cost for a sponsorship for a Class is $20.00, a Reserve Championship is $30.00, a Championship $50.00, but any denomination would be appreciated. We are also seeking donations for our Speed Series. This is a $1500 added program which runs Saturday night, Your name will be stated on our Sponsorship Poster and will be announced during the show. If you wish to help our show, please send your sponsorship to: D.V.A.S. Open Horse Show Trophy Fund C/O Mrs. Terri Sherman, Show Secretary 1647 Chipmunk Hollow Road Walton, NY13856 Trophy Committee- Terri Sherman, Dee Hillis, Carol Gutliph, Joyce Curtin, Kerry Brooks, Scott Genung, Linda Haynes, and Kathy Wheeler Bill Sherman: Chairman of the Open Show (607) 865-9256 -------------------------------------------------------------------If you wish to sponsor a specific division please note: Hunters Western Gymkhana Mini’s Driving/Saddle Seat Speed Series Sponsor Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT A - OPEN HORSE SHOW LIGHT HORSE, PONY August 16,20,21,&22, 2015 FEATURING Money Added Classes Open Pole Bending - Western Pleasure Open Hunter Under Saddle - Pleasure Driving Dash for Cash **Cowboy Challenge- Timed Trail** **************************************************************** $1500+ Added Donated by Del. Co. Fair & Open Horse Show & Others Open Cloverleaf Barrel Race This class will be run 3-D or 4-D ******************************************************** NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, DOGS, BICYCLES, OR LASER LIGHTS WILL BE ALLOWED ON FAIRGROUNDS. JUDGES: Driving ,SS,MiniDivRoger Parulski Bath, NY Hunter Division – Judy Bixler Hannibal, NY Western Division – Michael Dunn Stillwater, NY Gymkhana Division Thursday – Terry Fay, Sidney, NY Gymkhana Division Saturday – Jackie Losie Oneonta ANNOUNCER – Dee Hillis, Bloomville, NY Jackie Losie, Oneonta, NY Please note changes to show schedule: Driving, Saddle Seat and Mini will take place Sunday August 16. Walk trot gymkhana will be Thursday night August 20. HORSE SHOW COMMITTEE Chairperson Saturday will be gymkhana followed by Speed Series. Bill Sherman, Walton, NY DIVISION & OTHER CHAIRPERSONS: 607-865-9256 Show Secretary Terri Sherman, Walton, NY 607-865-9256 Assistant Secretaries Joyce Curtin, Linda Haynes, Kathy Wheeler Western – Jackie Losie 607-437-8350 Gymkhana – Kerry Brooks 607-221-2836 Scott Genung 607-764-4003 Hunt Seat –Carol Gutliph 607-746-6990 Saddle Seat– Bill Sherman 865-9256 Driving-Carol Gutliph607- 746-6990 Mini – Ryan Lynn(607)-287-4461 Stable – Terri Sherman 607-865-9256 Ring Crew – Bill Sherman, Chris Curtin, Scott Genung, Kerry Brooks and Stan Budine Campers – Stan Budine RULES FOR EXHIBITORS Tickets are not available for purchase through this department. Tickets must be purchased at the gate.** A parking fee of $15.00 per day is required for campers, $5.00 per day for tents. This money must accompany entry form to ensure a space. NO GAS GRILLS OR OPEN FLAME GRILLS ALLOWED. --This is an OPEN SHOW except for certain classes which are open to DelawareCounty residents only. --Exhibitors should watch for signs directing them to the horse-van entrance. --ENTRIES POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 1, 2015 PAYS PRE ENTRY FEES. *ANY ENTRIES POSTMARKED AFTER AUGUST 1, 2015, PLEASE PAY THE POST ENTRY FEES. *DoNOT mail entries after August 3rd. ACCOMPANIED WITH MONEY. In an effort to encourage exhibitors to send in entries as early as possible to eliminate confusion and save time the day of the show, a penalty of $2.00 per class for post entries after AUGUST 1, 2015 will be charged. In other words, after AUGUST 1, 2015all classes are $9.00 each; Stake classes, $10.00 pre-entry fee, $12.00 post-entry fee. Entry fee for $1500 added barrels will be $25.00. Entry fees will be refunded upon receipt of veterinarian certification of horse's unsoundness or illness. Stallions may not be shown in any Junior Classes. ─ Uncut male equine nine (9) months of age are considered stallions. No stallions will be allowed on the grounds before Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. prior to the 4-H days. Stabling of stallions will be left to the discretion of the Show (Stabling) chairman, with NO STALLIONS IN THE 4-H BARN. (until after 8:00pm Wednesday) --Charge for stalls is $15.00 per day. Stabling for horses showing on Sunday is available after 2pm on Saturday August 15. Horses showing on Sunday must vacate their stalls within one hour of the conclusion of the show. Stabling for the rest of the Open Show is not available before Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. We consider: Day 1 (Thursday) is 8:00 p.m. Wednesday evening to 7:00 p.m. Thursday evening; or 1 hour after last class of the day Day 2 (Friday) is 8:00 p.m. Thursday to 7:00 p.m. Friday; or 1 hour after last class of the day Day 3 (Saturday) is 8:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00 p.m. Saturday. ALL EQUINE MUST BE OUT OF THEIR STALL 1 HOUR AFTER COMPLETION OF THAT DAY’S SHOW. (except those showing the next day and are pre entered) DO NOT ARRIVE ON THE GROUNDS AFTER 11:00 P.M. OR BEFORE 6:00 A.M. NO STALL WILL BE PERMITTED FOR TACK OR SLEEPING, due to shortage of stalls. NO SMOKING IN ANY HORSE BARN Nobody will be allowed on the Fairgrounds without proper footwear. (No Bare Feet.) 14 - 1 and under is considered a Western Pony. 14 - 2 and under is considered an English Pony. ─ An equine measuring 14-1 may show as a Western Pony, Western Horse, or English Pony, but in only one division throughout this three-day show. An equine measuring 142 may show as an English Pony, English Horse, or Western Horse, but in only one size division throughout this fourday show. --Equitation classes in the four-day show, unless otherwise stated, are open to horses and ponies. --Age as of December 1st of prior year will determine age of rider. Peewee – 10 years & under; Jr. - 17 years and under Adult – 18 years & over. Except where otherwise stated. Numbering will be rider (driver) horse combination. New rider on the same horse needs a different number., EXCEPT HUNTER DAY SHOW. ONLY HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION IN SPECIAL DIVISION. Walk – Trot – Rider- 10 years of age and under, 11-17 or Adult not to have shown in any other riding classes that require a canter in this 4 day show. NO DOGS ALLOWED POST ENTRIES MAY BE MADE UP TO 4 CLASSES BEFORE A CLASS ENTERS THE RING. The exception to this rule being Saturday Speed Series Gymkhana where all entries must be in before the first class begins. No washing of equine in or near the stable area; there is a wash rack for that purpose. For safety reasons no grooming of horses in AISLES OR DOORWAYS. Contestants must wear appropriate clothing, footwear and headgear for their division and in accordance with USEF rules or where otherwise stated. **ALL CONTESTANTS 18 YEARS AND UNDER MUST WEAR AN APPROVED HELMET** SEND ENTRIES to: Terri Sherman, 1647 Chipmunk Hollow, Walton, NY 13856Make checks payable to DELAWARE VALLEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Pre - entry fee $7.00 per class unless otherwise stated. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE POSTED UNLESS All equine must be serviceably sound and under control at all times. The Judge, Horse Show Chairman and Division Chairperson decision will be final. Show management reserves the right to combine or omit a class. Five equine and over will be considered a class and points will be awarded accordingly toward day-end championships. Classes with less than five horses will be pointed on number of horses in the class; such as a class with three horses: No. 1 horse will receive three points; No. 2 horse will receive two points and the No. 3 horse will receive one point; and will be conducted on a sweepstakes percentage basis. Points figured on one horse, one rider (NOTE HUNTER DAY EXCEPTION). Championship ties will be resolved by number of blues, reds, yellows, whites, pinks, etc. until a winner is declared. In general, USEF and AQHA rules and regulations apply to this department, except where otherwise stated. Should a dispute or question arise not provided for in the foregoing rules, the same will be referred to the Horse Show Chairman and/or Division Chairperson. Any discourtesy to the Judge or Horse Show Committee will be grounds for dismissal from the show grounds. Further discourtesy will cause forfeiture of all premiums. NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSON MAY ENTER THE HORSE SHOW RING. (with exception to an emergency ) been negative to an agar gel immunodiffusion test for Equine Infectious Anemia (swamp fever) during the calendar year in which the fair is held or during the preceding calendar year. 1. The agar gel immunodiffusion test must have been conducted by a laboratory approved for the purpose by the United States Department of Agriculture and the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. 2. The certificate or statement required by subdivision (a) shall include a complete identification of the animal, date of test, and name and address of the laboratory that conducted the test. The certificate or statement must be signed by (1) a duly licensed veterinarian, or (2) the director of a laboratory where the test was conducted, or (3) the chief animal health officer of the animal's state of origin, or (4) in the case of a horse owned and harbored in the State of New York by a county agricultural agent. --Neither the Delaware County Fair nor the Horse Show Committee can accept responsibility for any injury or accident occurring to horse or rider on the fairgrounds. 4-H Horse Show -Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 17, 18 and 19th. Open Show is Sunday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 16, 20, 21, and 22nd starting promptly at 8:00am each day. ********************************************** IF YOU CARE TO SPEAK TO THE JUDGE, YOU MUST GO THROUGH THE HORSE SHOW CHAIRMAN AND/OR DIVISION CHAIRPERSON. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE IN WRITING. ********************************************** OUT OF STATE HEALTH RULES Equine stabled outside of New York State must present a negative Coggins test certificate dated since 8/14 and a current HEALTH CERTIFICATE dated within 30 days of your arrival in New York State from your local veterinarian and proof of a rabies vaccination 14 days prior to date of show, not over one year. (Rabies vaccination refers to all Equine.) NEW YORK STATE HORSES Horses must have proof of a Rabies vaccination 14 days prior to date of show, not over one year. All horses must have proof of negative Coggins (EIA test) dated 9/13-8/15. ********************************************** ALL COGGINS AND RABIES WILL BE CHECKED BEFORE ENTERING THE FAIR GROUNDS.(DO NOT SEND COGGINS AND RABIES PROOF WITH ENTRY FORMS.) ********************************************** NEGATIVE TEST FOR EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIA REQUIRED. On and after its inception, July 1, 1973, no horse or other member of the family equidae six months or more of age shall be admitted to or permitted to be present on the premises where an agricultural fair or New York State Fair is held during the period of such fair unless the owner or custodian of the horse has filed with the secretary of the fair a certificate of statement showing that the horse or other member of the family equidae has IF YOU ARE NOT SHOWING A HORSE THEN NO CAMPING ALLOWED This show is Tri Valley Pointed NOTICE ─ Campers or tent permits will not be issued to anyone for children under 18 years of age unless supervised by a parent or guardian over the age of 21 years at all times. No children are to stay in campers or tents without supervision of parents or guardian over the age of 21 years. ─ Fire extinguishers are required in all campers, truck campers, etc. and horse trailers with living quarters. ─ SEX OF HORSE OR PONY IS IMPORTANT. Please be sure to fill out this information accurately on the Stall Form so that we may assign stalls that will accommodate your animal. HORSE SHOW PROGRAM Open Horse Show Prizes in all classes unless otherwise stated are: First - $20.00; Second - $15.00; Third - $10.00; Fourth - $5.00. If a class is not filled, monies will be paid on a sweepstakes basis (five entries make a class). Leadline, Cowboy Challenge-Timed Trail Obstacle, Speed Series Classes, All Equitation & Championship Classes DO NOT receive premium money. $100. Added class will be paid back to first three places as follows - 50%, 30%, 20% plus regular premium. 10 entries make a class. If a class is not filled, monies will be paid on a sweepstakes basis. Less than 5 horses, class will be canceled. $1500. Cloverleaf Barrels will be ran 3-D or 4-D. Adult and Open classes: Ribbons 1st – 6th place. No ribbons for adult/open gymkhana classes Junior, Childrens& Pee Wee classes: Ribbons 1st – 10th. DRIVING, MINI AND ENGLISH SHOW HORSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2015 Judge- Roger Parulski, Bath, NY 34. 35. 36. Starting at 9:00 AM Pre-entry $7.00 Post-entry $9.00 $100.00 Stakes class pre-entry- $10.00 Post entry- $12.00 Under Saddle classes open to English Show/Saddleseat style horses only 37. 38. 39. 1. 2. 40. 41. 42. 43. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. only 2 year old & under English Show halter Saddleseat Showmanship Jr. (17 &under) Miniature Halter class- weanlings, yearlings Saddleseat in Hand- geldings, stallions Miniature Halter Class- stallions Saddleseat in Hand- mares Saddleseat in Hand Championship/Reserve Miniature Halter Class- geldings Driving pony in Hand Bridle Path Hack/Road Hack Miniature Halter Class- mares Miniature Halter Supreme Hunter Pleasure Driving Horse in Hand Hunter Championship Class Open Miniature Showmanship Jr. (14-17) Miniature Showmanship Open Equitation (all seats) Children’s (13 & under) Miniature Showmanship Park Type Saddle Horse Miniature color class- solids Miniature color class- multi-color Saddleseat Pleasure Miniature Jumping class- max. ht 2’ Jr. (17 & under) Saddleseat Pleasure Miniature Driving Pleasure Jr. (17 & under) English (SS & Hunt)Pleasure (walk/trot only) Junior (17&under) English (SS& Hunt) Equitation (w/t) Saddleseat Championship Class Miniature in hand Obstacles Leadline (all seats) Pony Pleasure Driving Driving Reinsmanship- Pony- pattern 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. only 51. 52. 53. 54. Western Pleasure Junior (17 & under) Western Pleasure (walk jog only) Junior (17 & under) Western Equitation (walk jog only) Miniature costume class Horse Pleasure Driving Driving Reinsmanship- Horse- pattern only Western Championship Class Green Pleasure Driving- Horse/pony Western/English Versatility Class Open Pleasure Driving $100 Stake Class- horse/pony Trotting Pursuit- all seats Timed Obstacle Driving- Pony Timed Obstacle Driving- Horse Judged Obstacle Driving- Jr. (17 & under) Ladies Pleasure Driving- Horse/pony Men’s Pleasure Driving- Horse/Pony Open Beginner Reinsmanship- pattern Jr. (17 & under) Pleasure Drivinghorse/pony Jr. (17 & under) Reinsmanship- pattern only Water Glass Class- Driving Pleasurehorse/pony Drive/Ride (all seats) Combination Pleasure Day End Championships Jr. (17 & under ) Saddleseat- 2, 25 Jr. (17 & under) walk/trot 2, 27, 28,35,36 Open Miniature- 5or8or11, 16,21 or 22,24,26,30 Jr. (14-17) Miniature- 17,21 or 22,24,26,30 Children’s (13 & under) Mini - 19, 21or 22, 24,26,30 Driving Pony Champion- 9, 32, 33, 45, 48 or 49 Driving Horse Champion-14, 38,39 46, 48 or 49 DRIVING/SS/MINI CLASS RULES pleasure class 50/50. Rider need not be the same. Start in Western. Open to all Equines to include any style of English. 1. Single Pleasure Driving- Equine to be hitched to a safe suitable 2 or 4 wheeled vehicle in light harness. To show at a walk, trot and extended trot and may be asked to back 15. Jr. Riders/drivers are 17 years of age and under. 16. Minis may show in pony classes. 2. Pony classes open to any equine measuring under 14.2h 3. Mini classes open to any equine measuring 38” & under. 4. Under saddle classes are open to English Show horses only. 5. Class 7- no entry fee- to have placed 1st or 2nd in classes 1,4,or 6 . 6. Class 12- no entry fee- to have placed 1st in class 3,5,8,or 11 7. Pleasure Driving Reinsmanship- 33, 39, 50, and 52 to drive a pattern only- no rail work. 8. Green Pleasure Driving- Horse, Pony or Mini- Equine to be in their first or second year showing in harness. 9. Class 10 -Bridle Path Hack & Road HackSS, Huntseat& Western- To be shown at a walk, trot/jog, extended trot/jog, canter/lope and hand gallop. 10. Class 29 open to riders from classes 10, 20 and 23 11. Class 15open to riders from class 13 12. Drive & Ride Class- Equine to be driven then ridden. Driver /rider need not be the same. Judged as a pleasure class, 50% in harness, 50% under saddle (all seats). 13. Saddle Seat horses to show at a walk, trot & canter. May be asked to back. Judged on performance, quality and manners. 14. Open Versatility Pleasure to be judged as a 17. Open Beginner Reinsmanship- whip in their first or second year of showing driving. 18. Header or Groom will be allowed in the ring only after it has been announced and horses are in line 19. BRIDLE MUST BE PROPERLY IN PLACE AND LINES RUN THROUGH TURETS OF HARNESS IF EQUINE IS PUT TO A CART AT ALL TIMES. 20. Riders/ Drivers 17 years old and under must wear an approved safety helmet while riding or driving. 21. Drivers 10 years old and under must have a responsible adult in the carriage at all times. Hunter Division Horse & Pony Thursday- August 20, 2015 Judge- Judy Bixler, Hannibal, NY 8:00 AM All exhibitors must wear appropriate clothing, footwear and head gear for their division and in accordance with USEF rules. ASTM-SEI helmets required for all riders 17 & under. Pre-entry $7.00. Post-entry $9.00. $100 Stakes class pre-entry $10.00, post-entry $12.00. (Post entries are those Postmarked after August 1, 2015.) SCHOOLING: Warm up classes offered before each division. $5 per warm up class. Jump any 8 fences, not judged. Run as a class, one rider at a time. 60. Open warm-up o/f (2’6”) 61. Open Hunter Hack o/f (2’6”) 62. Open equitation o/f (2’6”) 63. Open working hunter o/f (2’6”) 64. Open handy hunter o/f (2’6”) 65. Adult warm up o/f (2’3”) 66. Adult hunter hacko/f (2’3”) 67. Adult working hunter o/f (2’3”) 68. Adult working hunter o/f (2’3”) 69. Green warm up hunter o/f (2’) 70. Green hunter hacko/f (2’) 71. Green working huntero/f (2’) 72. Green working huntero/f (2’) 73. Junior warm up o/f (2’3”) 74. Junior hunter hacko/f (2’3”) 75. Junior Equitation o/f (2’3”) 76. Junior working hunter o/f (2’3”) 77. Children’s warm up o/f (2’3”) 78. Children’s hunter hacko/f (2’3”) 79. Children’s equitation o/f (2’3”) 80. Children’s working hunter o/f (2’3”) 81. Beginner/walk trot warm up over crossrails 82. Beginner equitation over crossrails 83. Beginner/ Best rider warm up o/f (2’) 84. Beginner equitation o/f 85. Best rider Delaware County 86. Walk trot warm up 87. Adult walk trot equitation over crossrails 88. Junior (11-17) walk trot equitation over crossrails 89. 10 & under walk trot equitation over crossrails * Fences removed from ring* (break) 90. Open beginner equitation on the flat 91. 10 & under (w/t) equitation on the flat 92. 10 & under (w/t) pleasure on the flat 93. Junior (11-17)w/t equitation on the flat 94. Junior (11-17) w/t pleasure 95. Adult w/t equitation on the flat 96. Adult w/t pleasure 97. leadline *Lunch break* 98. 2 & under hunter halter 99. Gelding/stallions hunter halter-horse 100. Mares hunter halter - horse 101. Pony hunter halter 102. Hunter halter Championship 103. Children’s showmanship 104. Junior showmanship 105. Adult showmanship *Break- warm up in main ring* 106.Children’s equitation on the flat 107. Junior equitation on the flat 108. Children’s hunter u/ saddle 109. Junior hunter u/saddle 110. Children’s pleasure 111. Junior pleasure 112. Open equitation on the flat 113. Open hunter u/saddle 114. Adult hunter u/saddle 115. Green hunter u/saddle 116. Open $100 added pleasure stakes 117. Adult pleasure 118. Green pleasure 119. Open Bridle path hack 120. Pairs hunter pleasure 121. Combo class pleasure huntseat/western 122. Groom’s class-huntseat or western to w/t only 123. Costume class Hunter Day End Championships: Open Hunter o/f -61, 62, 63, 64 Open Pleasure- 99 or 100, 101, 112, 113, 116, 119 Adult Hunter- 66, 67, 68, 105, 114, 117 Green Hunter- 70, 71, 72, 115 Junior 14-17 Hunter o/f- 74, 75, 76, 104 Junior 14-17 Hunter flat- 104, 107, 109, 111 Children’s (13& under) Hunter o/f- 78, 79, 80, 103 Children’s (13 & under) Hunter flat- 103, 106, 108,& 110 Adult w/t Hunter- 87, 95,96,105 Junior 11-17 w/t Hunter- 88,93,94,104 10 & under w/t Hunter- 89,91,92,103 Hunter Division Rules 1. Halter Horses to be shown in-hand in a bridle. 2. Showmanship- horse to be shown in-hand in a bridle- 50% braiding & cleanliness of horse- 50% presentation. 3. Age of riders in this show as of Dec. 1, 2014. Adult rider is 18 years old & over. 4. Equitation- Judged on seat & hands, general knowledge and ability to manage mount both ways of the ring, may be further tested. 5. Pleasure- Judged on walk, trot, canter both ways of the ring on reasonably loose rein, may be asked to back. 6. Walk/trot- rider not to have shown in any other riding classes that require a canter in this 3 day show. Walk/trot flat classes may be combined but will be pinned separately. 7. Beginner- Rider (any age) in their first or second year of showing Hunt seat at the canter. All Beginner classes are walk/trot/canter. 8. Lead line- Rider 8 years old & under, to show only in lead line classes in this three day show. To be judged on appointments, seat & hands. Person leading must be at least 14 years of age or older & must be properly attired. 9. Green Hunter- Equine in its first or second year of showing huntseat. 10. Class 64-Open Handy Hunter Doris Froehlich and Roxanne Sparling Memorial Challenge TrophyTrophy must be won by same Equine/Rider 3 times to be retired. 11. Class 85- Best Rider in Delaware County- Class is equitation open to full time Delaware County Residents- 21 years old & under. Will consist of 2 partsa flat phase & a jumping phase. Jumps will not exceed 2’. Once an exhibitor has won this class they are not eligible to compete in it again. Must have 3 entries to run. 12. Hunter Hack- Classes 61,66, 70,74,& 78- two fences & to show on the flat. May be asked to extend the trot. 13. Adult Hunter- Rider 18 years old & over. Fences not to exceed 2’3”. 14. Open Hunter- Open to riders any age. Fences not to exceed 2’6” 15. Junior (14-17) Hunter and children’s (13 & under ) Hunter. Fences not to exceed 2’3”. 16. Class 119- Open Bridle Path Hack- May be asked to extend the trot and hand gallop. GYMKHANA DIVISION THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 Announcer: Terry Fay Starting immediately after Hunter show, but not before 5pm Use Horse Van Entrance CONTESTANTS MUST WEAR APPROPRIATE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR AND HEADGEAR FOR THEIR DIVISION AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AHSA & AQHA RULES. A contestant will not be penalized for wearing an ASTM-SEI helmet. Pre-entry $7.00, post entry $9.00, (Post-entries are those postmarked after AUGUST 1, 2015.) 125.. DASH –10 & under w/t 126. DASH –11-17 w/t 127. DASH – adult w/t 128. CLOVERLEAF BARRELS –10 & under w/t 129. CLOVERLEAF Barrel –11-17 w/t 130. CLOVERLEAF BARRELS –. adult w/t 131. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING - 10 under w/t 132. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING -11-17 w/t 133. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING -adult w/t 134. STRAIGHT BARRELS - 10 & under w/t 135. STRAIGHT BARRELS -11-17 w/t 136. STRAIGHT BARRELS - adult w/t 137. KEYHOLE –10 & under w/t 138. KEYHOLE - 11-17 w/t 139. KEYHOLE - adult w/t GYMKHANA DAY END CHAMPIONSHIP 10 & under w/t – 125, 128, 131, 134, 137 11-17 w/t- 126, 129, 132, 135, 138 GYMKHANA RULES 1. All riders 18 and under MUST wear ASTM_SEI helmet. 2. Contestants must wear a western type hat or helmet. 3. A 5 second penalty for losing hat . 4. Western style shirts with collar and boots with heels are required. 5. No reruns will be given for equipment or tack breakage. 6. A horse/pony may be entered only once in each class. 7. You must stop before exiting the arena. 8. The ground around the barrels/poles will be reworked after 10 contestants and an amount of less than 10 will be set if requested by a majority of the contestants 9. A 5 second penalty will be given for each barrel/pole knocked over. However you may touch the barrel/pole to keep it from falling over. 10. A “no time” will be given if a horse or rider falls. 11. A rider may ride more than one horse in a class. 12. Entries for each class will close when the first horse runs. 13. Order of go will be done in a random manner as determined by the show management. 14. Reruns will be granted if the timer fails to work properly. 15. All contestants are also subject to the general rules of this 3 day show. 16. Once the contestant is called he/she will have one minute to break the timer .If you do not then you will receive a No Time. SHOW MANAGEMENT, AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DISQUALIFY OR DENY ENTRY TO ANY HORSE THEY DEEM DANGEROUS TO THE RIDER, OTHER INDIVIDUALS, ANIMALS OR PROPERTY. WE Do not run AQHA Patterns Age determined as of December 1, 2014. Adult riders are 18 and over as of December 1, 2014. THERE WILL BE A MEETING NEAR THE HOLDING RING PRIOR TO THE START OF THE CLASSES TO GO OVER RULES OR CHANGES. Adult w/t- 127, 130, 133, 136, 139 WESTERN DIVISION FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2015 Judge – Michael Dunn Stillwater, NY Starting 8:00 a.m. 156. CHILDRENS STOCK SEAT EQUITATION 13 &under Use Horse Van Entrance 157. JR. STOCK SEAT EQUITATION CONTESTANTS MUST WEAR APPROPRIATE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR AND HEADGEAR FOR THEIR DIVISION AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AHSA & AQHA RULES. A contestant will not be penalized for wearing an ASTM-SEI helmet. 158. ADULT STOCK SEAT EQUITATION Pre-entry $7.00, post entry $9.00, $200 added class – entry fee is $15. (Post-entries are those postmarked after AUGUST 1, 2015.) 140. WESTERN HALTER 2 years and under 159. OPEN STOCK SEAT EQUITATION 160. STOCK SEAT EQUITATION CHAMPION – must have placed 1st or 2nd in an equitation class (156, 157, 158, or 159) 161. Best Rider in Delaware County –Open to full time Delaware County residents 21 & under only. Once an exhibitor has won this class they are not eligible to ride in it again in following years. Class must have 3 entries to run. 141. OPEN WESTERN HALTER - Mares 162. THERAPEUTIC LEADLINE 142. OPEN WESTERN HALTER - Stallions and Geldings 143. WESTERN HALTER CHAMPION – open to 1st and 2nd place winners in classes 140, 141, & 142 163. THERAPEUTIC STOCK SEAT EQUITATION 164. STOCK SEAT LEADLINE – may be split 165. OPEN WESTERN PLEASURE 144. JR. WESTERN FITTING & SHOWMANSHIP 14 – 17 years of age. 166. OPEN WESTERN PLEASURE $200 stakes. 145. CHILDRENS FITTING & SHOWMANSHIP 13 years and under 167. CHILDRENS WESTERN PLEASURE 13 &under 146. FITTING & SHOWMANSHIP 11 – 17 yrs (walk trotters only) 168. ADULT DISCIPLINED RAIL – over 18 147. PEE WEE 10 YRS & UNDER FITTING & SHOWMANSHIP 169. DISCIPLINED RAIL – rider 17 years and under 170. GREEN W/T PLEASURE (2 & 3 yr old horses only) 148. ADULT WESTERN SHOWMANSHIP 171. JR. WESTERN PLEASURE 149. ADULT W/T SHOWMANSHIP 150. PEE WEE 10 YRS & UNDER STOCK SEAT EQUITATION – to walk trot only 151. PEE WEE 10 YRS & UNDER WESTERN PLEASURE – to walk trot only 152. STOCK SEAT EQUITATION 11- 17 YRS – to walk trot only 172. ADULT WESTERN PLEASURE . 173. GREEN WESTERN PLEASURE 174. LADIES WESTERN PLEASURE 175. MEN’S WESTERN PLEASURE 176. ROAD HACK 11 – 17 YRS – to walk trot only 177. ADULT ROAD HACK – to walk trot only 153. WESTERN PLEASURE 11 - 17 YRS – to walk trot only 154. ADULT OVER 18 STOCK EQUITATION – to walk trot only SEAT 155. ADULT OVER 18 WESTERN PLEASURE - to walk trot only 178. CHILDREN’S ROAD HACK 13 and under 179. JR. ROAD HACK 180. ADULT ROAD HACK 181. OPEN ROAD HACK AGAIN THIS YEAR: Cowboy Challenge- Timed Trail Obstacle Consists of a minimum of 8 obstacles. Entry fee is $20 per rider. Maximum 2 minutes per contestant and you will also be judged at each obstacle. There will be a 60 second warning to notify rider they have 60 seconds left to complete the course. The pattern does require a dismount and one on foot task. There will be two divisions: 17 and under and 18 and over. Cost is $20 per rider. There are no premiums in this class. $15 of each entry goes toward payback. (40%,30%,20%,10%) Space is limited to first 20 riders in each division. 182. Cowboy Challenge- Timed Obstacle Trail 17 and under 183.Cowboy Challenge- Timed Obstacle Trail 18 and over WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIPS – Points to be accrued as follows: PEE WEE 10 YRS & UNDER WESTERN CHAMPION – Classes 147,150, 151 4. 10 yrs and under Walk Trot only. May not show in any other riding classes except walk trot in this 4 day show. 5. Age in this show as of December 1, 2014. Children 13 years and under, Jr. 14-17 years of age, Adult 18 years and over. 6 Green Western Pleasure – Equine in 1st or 2nd year of showing western under any rider. 7. Leadline – Rider 8 years or younger. To show in only leadline classes in this three day show. Person leading must be 14 or over and dressed in appropriate western attire. Rider MUST wear ASTM-SEI helmet. 8. Western Road Hack – To be shown at a walk, jog, lope both ways of the ring. May be asked to extend the jog or lope. Walk-trot may be asked to extend the jog. 9. Best rider in Delaware County open to full time Delaware Co. Residents – Must be 21 years or younger 10. 11 – 17 yrs walk trot – Cannot have ridden in any classes calling for a lope or canter. CHILDRENS WESTERN CHAMPION – 13 & under Classes 145,156,167,178 WESTERN CHAMPION 11 – 17 YRS (Walk Trot Only) – Classes 146,152,153,176 JUNIOR WESTERN CHAMPION (14-17 YRS) – Classes 144,157,171,179 ADULT WALK-TROT ONLY CHAMPION – Classes 149,154,155,177 ADULT WESTERN CHAMPION – Classes 148, 158,172,180 BEST ALL-AROUND HORSE/RIDER COMBINATION CHAMPION – Classes 141, 142, 159, 165, 168, 174 or 175, 181 WESTERN RULES 1. Equitation – Judged on seat and hands and ability to control mount. May be further tested. GYMKHANA DIVISION Saturday, AUGUST 22,2015 Announcer: Jackie Losie Starting at 8am Use Horse Van Entrance CONTESTANTS MUST WEAR APPROPRIATE CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR AND HEADGEAR FOR THEIR DIVISION AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AHSA & AQHA RULES. A contestant will not be penalized for wearing an ASTM-SEI helmet. NO WALK TROT OR LEADLINE ON THIS DAY Pre-entry $7.00, post entry $9.00, (Post-entries are those postmarked after August 1, 2015.) 185. DASH – Youth 186. DASH – Jr. 2. Pleasure – Judged on horse shown on a reasonably loose rein at a walk, jog, and lope both ways of the ring. 187. DASH – Sr. 3. Showmanship – Judged on 50% showmanship, 25% conformation, 25% grooming. 189. CLOVERLEAF BARRELS –Youth 188. DASH -Open 190. CLOVERLEAF BARRELS –Jr. 191. CLOVERLEAF BARRELS –Sr. 192. CLOVERLEAF BARRELS –Open 6. A horse/pony may be entered only once in each class. 7. You may run into the arena but must stop before exiting. 193. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING -youth 194. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING -Jr 195. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING -Sr 196. CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING -Open 8. The ground around the barrels/poles will be reworked after 10 contestants and an amount of less than 10 will be set if requested by a majority of the contestants 197. STRAIGHT BARRELS - Youth 9. A 5 second penalty will be given for each barrel/pole knocked over. However you may touch the barrel/pole to keep it from falling over. 198. STRAIGHT BARRELS - Jr 10. A “no time” will be given if a horse or rider falls. 199. STRAIGHT BARRELS - Sr 11. A rider may ride more than one horse in a class. 200. STRAIGHT BARRELS - Open 12. Entries for each class will close when the first horse runs. 201. KEYHOLE –Youth 202. KEYHOLE - Jr 203. KEYHOLE - Sr 204. KEYHOLE - Open 13. Order of go will be done in a random manner as determined by the show management. 14. Reruns will be granted if the timer fails to work properly. 15. All contestants are also subject to the general rules of this 3 day show. GYMKHANA DAY END CHAMPIONSHIP YOUTH CHAMPION 185, 189, 193, 197, 201 16. Once the contestant is called he/she will have one minute to break the timer .If you do not then you will receive a No Time. JR. CHAMPION 186, 190, 194, 198, 202 SR. CHAMPION 187. 191. 195, 199, 203 OPEN CHAMPION 188, 192, 196, 200, 204 GYMKHANA RULES 1. All riders 18 and under MUST wear ASTM_SEI helmet. 2. Contestants must wear a western type hat or helmet. 3. A 5 second penalty for losing hat . 4. Western style shirts with collar and boots with heels are required. SHOW MANAGEMENT, AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DISQUALIFY OR DENY ENTRY TO ANY HORSE THEY DEEM DANGEROUS TO THE RIDER, OTHER INDIVIDUALS, ANIMALS OR PROPERTY. We do not run AQHA Patterns Youth riders are 13 years and under, Jr. riders are 17 years and under, Sr. riders are 18 years and over. 17 and under cannot cross enter in youth classes. Contestants not to have reached their 18th birthday by December 1, 2014 . THERE WILL BE A MEETING NEAR THE HOLDING RING PRIOR TO THE START OF THE CLASSES TO GO OVER RULES OR CHANGES. 5. No reruns will be given for equipment or tack breakage. GYMKHANA DIVISION Speed Series SATURDAY - AUGUST 22, 2015 Announcer – Jackie Losie Gymkhana Rules according to AQHA except where otherwise stated. No Penalty If wearing a ASTM-SEI Helmet Starting following the Gymkhana Show but NOT BEFORE 4pm Each horse/rider combination MUST ride in at least two classes in this speed series. **Before the first class begins, all registrations MUST be in** 205. OPEN DASH FOR CASH 206. OPEN CALIFORNIA POLE BENDING – $250.00 ADDED 207. OPEN CLOVERLEAF BARRELS – $1500.00 ADDED ADDED GYMKHANA RULES 1. ALL CLASSES MUST BE PRE-ENTERED BEFORE THE START OF CLASS # 177 2. Entry fee for class #205 is $10.00 3. Dash for cash 80% of entry fees make up jackpot. Paid out in 50%,30% and 20%.. No fair premiums paid in this class 4. We guarantee at least $1500.00 added in class 207 5. $1500.00 added class will be 3-D with up to 50 contestants, 4D with 51 and over contestants. Knock-downs disqualified. 6. Entry fee for class 207 will be $25.00, 60% of entry fee will be added to the jack-pot. No fair premiums paid in this class. 7 Entry fee for class 206 will be $15.00, 60% of the entry fee will be added to the jackpot. Knock-downs disqualified. No fair premiums paid for this class. 8 The chart of pay back percentages will be at the secretary stand. 9 All riders under the age of 18 MUST wear ASTM_SEI helmet. 10 Contestants must wear a western type hat or helmet. 13 No reruns will be given for equipment or tack breakage. 14 A horse/pony may be entered only once in each class. 15 You may run into the arena but must stop before exiting. 16 The ground around the barrels/poles will be reworked after 10 contestants and an amount of less than 10 will be set if requested by a majority of the contestants 17 A 5 second penalty will be given for each barrel/pole knocked over. However you may touch the barrel/pole to keep it from falling over. 18 A “no time” will be given if a horse or rider falls. 19 A rider may ride more than one horse in a class. 20 Entries for each class will close when the first horse runs. 21 Order of go will be done in a random manner as determined by the show management. 22 Reruns will be granted if the timer fails to work properly. 23 All contestants are also subject to the general rules of this 3 day show 24 . Once the contestant is called he/she will have one minute to brake the timer .If you do not then you will receive a No Time. SHOW MANAGEMENT, AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DISQUALIFY OR DENY ENTRY TO ANY HORSE THEY DEEM DANGEROUS TO THE RIDER, OTHER INDIVIDUALS, ANIMALS OR PROPERTY. WE Do not run AQHA Patterns Youth riders are 13 years and under, Jr. riders are 17 years and under, Sr. riders are 18 years and over. 17 and under cannot cross enter in youth classes. Contestants not to have reached their 18th birthday by December 1, 2014 . NO WALK TROT OR LEAD LINE ON THIS DAY THERE WILL BE A MEETING NEAR THE HOLDING RING PRIOR TO THE START OF THE CLASSES TO GO OVER RULES OR CHANGES 11 A 5 second penalty for losing hat . 12 Western style shirts with collar and boots with heels are required. STALL FORM (SEND WITH ENTRY FORM) Saturday 8pm to 4-H Only Monday to 4-H Only Tuesday to Sunday 7pm (showing Sunday) Horse Name Tuesday (no fee) Wednesday (no fee) Wed. 8 p.m. to Thurs. 7 p.m. Thurs. 8 p.m. to Fri. 7 p.m. Fri. 8 p.m. to Sat. 7 p.m. DelawareCounty 4-H Horse Club Members: All 4-H horses and ponies are to leave the grounds immediately after the 4-H Horse Show is over, or by 7:00 p.m., whichever is earlier, unless they are to participate in the Open Show AND HAVE PAID A STALL FEE IN ADVANCE AND CAMPER FEES. ACCOMMODATIONS ARE ON A FIRST RECEIVED BASIS. (each paid entry will be numbered as received) Payment for stalls MUST accompany this form. Name Phone # Address City/State/Zip__________________________4-H Club_________________________ MAIL TO: TERRI SHERMAN, 1647 CHIPMUNK HOLLOW, WALTON, NY13856(with entry form) Total No. of Horses Total Stalls @ $15.00 per day = $ * Special Needs **************************************************************************************************** **Checks Payable to DVAS **Coggins and Rabies DO NOT need to be submitted with entries. Please have them with you when you arrive on the fairgrounds SEND THIS FORM WITH ENTRY. OPEN HORSE SHOW CAMPER/TENT FORM Type Camper/Tent Size Days S/S S/M M/T T/W W/T T/F F/S Types: Motor Home, Camper, Truck Camper Fee - : $15.00 per day. Tent: $5.00 per tent per day . Does Camper have a slide-out? _________________ From the hitch, on which side is your slide out? _____________________ Example:. S/M is staying Sunday night, leaving Monday. M/T is staying Monday night leaving Tuesday, etc. MAIL THIS FORM TO:TERRI SHERMAN, 1647 CHIPMUNK HOLLOW, WALTON,NY 13856 Name Phone # Need: Electric Water Total Days @ $15.00/$5.00 per day _______ = $ * Signature of Owner/Parent 4-H Club Name _______________________________ The Management has the right to double up small campers/tents. *This total carried to Entry Form. **NOTE: It is asked that NO CAMPERS arrive before 4pm on Friday August 14, 2015. **You will be called by Stan Budine with your camper location as soon as they are assigned. This may be as late as Thursday August 13. DELAWARE COUNTY FAIROPEN HORSE SHOW AUGUST 16, 20, 21, 22 2015 One entry per horse Entries must be postmarked by AUGUST 1, 2015 in order for the discount to be in effect. NAME OF HORSE _________________________________________________________________________ Name of Rider ____________________________________________________________ DOB: __________ (18 & Under only) Class Numbers: ($7 pre entry/ $9 post entry) Warm up Classes: ($5 each) 60 65 69 73 77 Stakes Classes and Cowboy Challenge Open pleasure driving stakes Open Hunter pleasure stakes 43 116 $10 pre/ $12 post $10 pre/ $12 post Speed series: Dash for cash 205 $10 $250 added poles $15 206 $15 81 83 Open Western Pleasure stakes 166 $15 86 Cowboy Challenge 182 or 183 $20 $1500 added barrels $25 207 $25 The undersigned promises to exhibit at the Delaware County Fair the horses named and do hereby certify that said hereinafter mentioned horses, so proposed to be exhibited, are hereby entered for exhibition in accordance with the Rules and Regulations contained in the Delaware Valley Agricultural Society prize list and by which the undersigned hereby agrees to be governed in exhibiting the same. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rider’s Signature (or guardian) Phone Number _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Pre Entry @ $7.00 each Post Entry Fee: $9.00 Stake Class total Speed series total Cowboy Challenge-Timed Obstacle Trail 1 Warm up class fees Camper Sites @ $15.00 Tent Sites @ $5.00/Tent Office Fee (per horse/rider $4.00 combo) Box Stalls @ $15.00 TOTAL Make checks payable to Delaware Valley Agricultural Society (D.V.A.S.) MAIL TO: TERRI SHERMAN 1647 CHIPMUNK HOLLOW WALTON NY 13856
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