2015-2016 HONORABLE WILLIAM DUFFY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Application Deadline: March 24, 2015 To apply for the 2015-2016 Honorable William Duffy Memorial Scholarship, you must complete this application in its entirety and submit it along with the following materials: Professional Resume One-page statement explaining in detail why the committee should select you as the scholarship recipient based on the criteria Letters of Recommendation (accepted but not required) APPLICANT INFORMATION (Please type or print in ink clearly) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Widener ID # __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City _____________________________________________ State Zip Code ________________________________________________________________________ County Cell Phone Number As of 2015 fall semester, I will be a _________________ (Year/Division) on the Delaware campus. CRITERIA and AMOUNT for 15-16: $7,000.00 Applicants must meet the following criteria: I have worked or volunteered in the Law School Clinics or in a community service or nonprofit organization. I maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75. I have demonstrated financial need. I hereby certify that all statements and representations on this application and on all supplementary materials are true and accurate. Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Submit completed application and related materials by March 24, 2015, to: Delaware Campus 4601 Concord Pike P.O. Box 7474 Wilmington, DE 19803-0474 t: 302-477-2272 f: 302-477-2034 lawfinaidde@mail.widener.edu Please note that the winner of this award may be published. If you do not want your name listed, please initial here: _____________
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