Bill G. Jones Memorial Athletic Scholarship Application The Purpose The purpose of the Bill G. Jones Memorial Athletic Scholarship is to encourage students to pursue careers by providing financial assistance for undergraduate education programs. We want to honor those students who have performed to the best of their academic abilities while working, participating in extra curricular activities and community service. REV: 2:15 Bill G. Jones Memorial Athletic Scholarship Application The Bill G. Jones Memorial Athletic Scholarship has a maximum award of $1,000. Applicants must be a current year graduate of Mt. Pleasant or Chapel Hill High School and plan to attend a community college or university. Students must enroll as a full time student and maintain a 2.5 or higher grade point average. In order to be considered for the scholarship the following items must be included with your scholarship application: 1. 2 letters of recommendation 2. Official copy of high school transcript 3. Official copy of college transcript 4. Handwritten essay Name ( First, Middle, Last) Parents Mailing Address (Address, City, State, Zip) Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address Please indicate your family’s gross income from this year’s income tax return. r Under $25,000 annually r $25,000 to $50,000 annually r $50,000 to $75,000 annually r Over $100,000 annually Number of dependents currently attending college: List all other scholarship, grants, etc recieved: Other financial considerations you may want to note: List activities, participation, awards and leadership positions held, and years of involvement: List past and present employers, supervisor, job title and length of employment: College Entrance Examination Scores: _________ ACT _________ TAKS _________ SAT _________ THEA Cumulative high school grade point average on a 4.0 scale: Class Rank __________ out of ______ (size of class) Essay Please write an autobiographical essay, which includes your plans as they relate to your educational and career objectives and future goals. Please include a description of your community service involvement. You may also describe how and when any unusual family or personal circumstances have affected your achievement in school, work experience, or your participation in school and community activities. Please limit your essay to 350 words. Application must be turned in by May 4th, 2015. Please mail the application packet to: Bil G Jones Scholarship Committee · 100 West Arkansas, Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75455 I understand that the following information I am submitting in this application is correct and truthful. I also understand that if I am chosen to receive the Bill G. Jones Memorial Athletic Scholarship Fund that I maintain a full class load (12 semester hours) and a minimum GPA of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 to be considered for funding for future semesters. Applicant Signature: Date of submission:
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