St. Mary Catholic Church Vacation Bible School 2015 Cat. Chat: A Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer July 13-17, 2015, 9:00 a.m. - Noon St. Mary Church and School For kids age 4 to upcoming 5th graders Registration fee: $15.00 per student with a $35 cap per family (Must be received by July 3rd– Late registration available depending on space) This fee will cover the cost of a T-shirt, daily craft, snack and other items. Scholarships are available; please contact VBS Director Maria Vonada at 740-369-8228. Please return registration form and payment in a sealed envelope labeled VBS - PSR Office to St. Mary School or PSR or Church office or put in the collection basket at Mass. Make checks payable to: St. Mary VBS. Space is limited. Please register early! Buckle up as you prepare for international travel for a radical ride around the world with Amazing Angels and Super Saints! Get on board for this fun week-long experience—bring your friends! To learn more, check out Each day at VBS, kids will also meet a different saint that reminds them of the virtue and lesson of the day. Children K-5th grade are assigned to same-age crews with a leader and each crew will visit different stations for activities including crafts, games, snacks, music and skits to teach them about the lesson of the day. The 4-year-olds will have their own version of VBS in a classroom setting, getting to play outside as well. God’s blessings to you and we look forward to seeing you at VBS this summer! For more info, please contact Tuesday Trippier (, Kate Yonkura ( or call VBS Director Maria Vonada at 740-369-8228 with any questions ( ST. MARY VBS REGISTRATION FORM 2015 (Ages 4 - rising 5th grade) Please consider volunteering your time and/or talent for VBS! See the attached form. We would love to have you as a member of our VBS team. Please complete this form & return, with payment (checks made payable to St. Mary VBS) to the St. Mary Church, School or PSR Office or put in the offering basket at Mass—PLEASE put in sealed envelope marked VBS. Please return by July 3rd—Register early as space is limited. Thank you! Parent/Guardian: Mailing Address: E-mail: Emergency Contact Name: Student Name(s) Phone# Cell# City: Phone# Age Grade (2015-16) Zip: Relationship: Youth T-Shirt Size (Circle One) S M L XL S M L XL S M L XL S M L XL Special Considerations: (Child wants to be with sibling, friend or Crew Leader.) T-Shirt sizes are youth sizes! (Please note that adult sizes are available—let us know.) EXTRAS!! VBS Music CD ( $12 during VBS Week) Souvenir VBS Photo of Your Child(ren) Souvenir VBS Photo of Your Child’s Crew PRICE $10.00 $3.00 $3.00 QTY TOTAL Comments MEDICAL NEEDS & RELEASES: Please review, complete and sign or state you decline. Thank you! 1. Does your child have any special dietary needs, allergies, medical concerns, learning disabilities or medications that we need to know about? 2. If reasonable attempts have been made to contact me and/or our emergency contact and have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for medical treatment. Signature Date I decline medical treatment. Signature Date 3. I grant to St. Mary Church, Delaware, the right to take photographs of my children in connection with VBS. I authorize St. Mary and its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that St. Mary Church may use such photographs of my children without names and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. Signature Date I decline any use of my child’s photograph. Signature Volunteer: Amount Paid: $ Date Date Received: (Chk #________ or Cash_______) OFFICE USE ONLY: CD Photo of child(ren) Photo Crew $ $ $
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