Discount Coupons! Register for the VBS seminar by phone, email or fax and receive a 10% discount coupon when you purchase a VBS kit at the seminar. Continue the VBS Experience . . . VBS kits will be on display and available to purchase at BCM’s Children’s Ministry Resource Centre after Feb. 9th!! Call for a time to come and browse VBS and other teaching resources for your children’s ministry. Resource Centre hours: Thursday-Friday 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Call 905-549-9810 or 1-877-272-9262; ask for the Children’s Ministry Resource Centre. Directions to Chedoke Presbyterian Church 865 Mohawk Rd. W. Hamilton, ON From WEST of Hamilton Follow 403 east to Hamilton; take the Lincoln Alexander Parkway exit and go to Golf Links/Mohawk Rd. exit. Turn left onto Mohawk Rd at light (going east) but it will say Mohawk Rd. W. Stay on Mohawk, pass a Tim Horton’s on the right and go to next street -Magnolia Dr. The church is on the right on the corner of Magnolia and Mohawk. Park in lot behind church and use back door entrance. From Niagara Peninsula: Take QEW Toronto to Red Hill Parkway/ Centennial Pk. Rd. exit. Follow Red Hill Parkway up to the LINC and continue on LINC to Golf Links Rd/ Mohawk Rd. exit. At end of ramp, turn right onto Mohawk Rd. W. and follow the above directions to the church. Presented by BCM International (Canada) Inc. on It is a FREE event!! VBS product display tables Reps from VBS Publishers Door Prizes Light Refreshments VBS Presentations: 1. Gospel Light – at Son Spark Labs kids will discover that through a relationship with Jesus they can personally experience God’s formula for life. “God’s Plan4U = Jesus”! 2. Regular Baptist Press – To The Edge gives kids an encounter with the God of the universe and His great power as they travel beyond our solar system to explore deep space. 3. Group – Everest – an icy expedition where kids learn to overcome obstacles and conquer life’s challenges with God’s awesome power. 4. Standard Publishing – Bible Blast to the Past zooms kids back in time into God’s Word to discover how God’s everlasting love makes a difference in every life, including theirs. 5. Cokesbury – G-Force is a mission-focused program where kids experience God’s unstoppable love in action and learn how to live, exist and move through life related to God. 6. Steve Baldry - Rappin’ Up the Bible —presenting a tool, a program and Bible lessons to teach children a chronological overview of the entire Bible in an easy-to-remember rap (rhyme and rhythm)! 7. Life Way – Journey Off the Map will take kids into uncharted territory as they learn to listen to God’s direction in life and obey Him, and follow Him on paths that only God knows. 8. Group - CrossCross-Culture: Thailand Trek will immerse kids into another culture as they share the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of one unique culture and discover God’s eternal love for the world. VBS Registration Information Please phone, email or mail us the form below to register. This is a free event but we need to know how many will attend. Name:_______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________ Email:_______________________________________ Church:______________________________________ Number Attending:____________________________
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