Del Sol Academy Cheer Applicant Information Packet Dear Applicant, We are looking forward to seeing both new and returning faces on the squads of the Del Sol Academy cheerleaders. This program has a growing tradition of success and we are looking forward to a great year! Tryout time is exciting, but we need parent and student help to ensure that tryouts are safe and productive. Please pay special attention to this information packet, as well as the tryout packet and Cheerleader Constitution. Our goal is to develop each cheerleader to become a productive and successful citizen in society by utilizing teamwork, sportsmanship, physical development, socialization skills, and critical thinking skills in a safe environment. To be effective members of a team, cheerleaders must develop the time management skills needed to succeed in both cheerleading and academics. Job schedules, social plans, driver training, and any other school activities shall not conflict with practices, competitions, games, activities, fundraising events, etc. Each member of the squad depends fully on the other members to participate in all scheduled activities. Financial obligations are the responsibility of the cheerleader and family. Without financial help, the program would not be what it is today. Fundraising is an incredibly important and required facet of the program and it helps to defray costs for individual cheerleaders and their families. Please fully discuss these considerations with your parents, evaluate your priorities, and if you consent, complete the required paperwork and turn it in to Coach Saggio – Room 824 or Coach Diaz-Torres – Room 818. Make sure you have submitted a completed athletic packet to the Athletics Office before tryouts. You must check-in prior to clinics and will not be allowed to participate without a completed application packet and athletic packet. No one will be allowed to tryout or participate without this extremely important paperwork. If you have any questions that are not answered in this packet, please feel free to contact Coach Saggio at with your concerns. I will respond to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your interest in the Cheer program, and best of luck to all who tryout! Information Regarding Application Materials Candidates will be required to turn in all of the paperwork from the Checklist no later than Wednesday, April 22nd to Ms. Saggio – Room 824 or Coach Diaz-Torrez – Room 818. Candidates can receive help or have any questions answered by emailing Coach Saggio beforehand. The “Cheer Info Card” must be completely filled out (#1 on Checklist) A current photograph of the candidate should be submitted. Please keep photo to a maximum size of 4 x 6 in. Photo will not be returned. (#2 on Checklist) The Student and Parent Conduct Agreement must be signed and dated in all designated areas by the candidate and/or parent/guardian. (#3 on Checklist) The Cheerleader Application Sheet must be completed. (#5 on Checklist) Copy of the Third Quarter Report Card (#6 on Checklist) The Constitution Agreement Contract must be signed by both the candidate and his/her parent or guardian. Please be sure to carefully read through the constitution prior to signing this page. (#7 on Checklist) A completed athletic packet, including physical, must be submitted to the Athletic Office by April 22nd , 2015 The athletic packet may be purchased at the parent meeting or from the Del Sol School Bank. The athletic packet cost is $25. A physical must be completed by a certified physician in the athletic packet (#8 on Checklist) Del Sol Cheer Tryout Agreement It is essential that parents and students consider the many responsibilities of becoming a cheerleader before tryouts. Cheerleading is a yearlong commitment, and must come before other extracurricular activities. If you plan on participating in other extracurricular activities, or need to work, these activities must be planned around your cheer schedule. Another part of this commitment includes maintaining a 2.0 or above grade point average and excellent attendance. Being a cheerleader requires many hours of practice, and attendance at many athletic events throughout the year. Individual financial obligations will vary depending on the uniform, fees, and accessories that need to be purchased. It is imperative that cheerleaders’ individual accounts are kept current. Throughout the year there will be fundraisers to help pay individual and group expenses. Parents agree to support fundraisers and understand that many of the activities are supported by volunteer efforts so all parents must contribute time to the success of the program. In addition to the above, Varsity must attend camp this summer. This is the time for teammates to get to know each other, bond, and also, to learn the majority of material used throughout the school year. It is imperative that each member attends. Additional requirements for Elite Team: Out-of-state competition travel, weekend competitions, evening practices. The Elite team members will be expected to attend additional mandatory practices (tentatively held Monday and Wednesday evenings from 68pm). Members will demonstrate a heightened level of commitment both to the team and their school. Members should be able to drive their own development both in organized practice and during their free time by seeking out additional opportunities where available. Members will also be expected to attend additional fundraising efforts to forego costs of competition. When traveling members will represent DSA with excellent character and integrity and will set an example for other members of the DSA cheer family. 2015-2016 DEL SOL ACADEMY JV, VARSITY and ELITE CHEER TEAMS Tentative Important Dates & Events April 8 Mandatory Parent Meeting @6pm April 22 Tryout Application Deadline!!!! April 27-May 8 Tryout Clinics @ DSA 2:45pm-5pm May 8 By 7pm, results posted at May 13 Uniform Fitting @ DSA Room 200 @ 2:45pm May 15 First Payment DUE $250.00 May 16 Team Car Wash Fundraiser! May 18-22 Team Bonding Week @ DSA 2:45-4:00pm May 22 Color Run Fundraiser! June Summer Break July 6-28 Summer Practice @ DSA, time TBA July 10 Team Car Wash Fundraiser! (There will be one more in August!) July 30-Aug 2 Mandatory Cheer Camp @ Lake Las Vegas (Varsity) Aug 4-22 Summer Practices @ DSA, time TBA (tentative 8-11am) School Year Begins Practices Daily @ DSA **August will be a very busy month for the teams. Please do not schedule vacations during this month if at all possible. Team pictures, football pictures, Elite team competition choreography, double days, and fundraising will also be in August. Dates TBA. CHEER COSTS Each cheerleader will be responsible for all costs associated with being a member of the cheerleading squad. The costs listed are approximate. Elite Team costs do not include Competition Expenses. The Teams will be completing fundraisers BEFORE and DURING the summer to work off individual balances. Whatever amount is not “worked-off” through fundraising is the responsibility of the individual team member. A payment schedule with all applicable due dates has been provided. NEW JV CHEERLEADER Uniform Costs - Shell, Skirt, Bodyliner $167.50 - Brief $20.95 - Shoes $65.00 Accessories - 3 Custom Bows $21.95 - Cheer Bag $36.95 Practice Wear - 3 Shorts $28.00 - 3 Shirts $25.00 Warm Ups - Jacket and Pants Camp (Optional) - 4 Days July 30 – Aug 2 TOTAL $365.35 Optional Costs + $133.75 + $355.00 =($854.41) NEW VARSITY CHEERLEADER Uniform Costs Optional - Shell $77.95 Costs - Skirt $70.95 - Bodyliner with Name $84.95 - Brief $20.95 - Shoes $65.00 Accessories - 3 Custom Bows $21.95 - Cheer Bag $36.95 Practice Wear - 3 Shorts $28.00 - 3 Shirts $25.00 Warm Ups - Jacket and Pants +$133.70 Camp 4 Days July 30 – Aug 2 $355.00 TOTAL $786.70 =($920.40) Payment Due Date Payment # 1 May 15, 2014 JV Amount TOTAL $150 $263.40 Optional Costs + $133.75 + $355.00 =($752.15) RETURNING VARSITY CHEERLEADER Uniform Costs Optional - Shell from last year -Costs - Skirt $70.95 Bodyliner from last year -- Brief $20.95 - Shoes -Accessories - 3 Custom Bows $21.95 - Cheer Bag from last year -Practice Wear - 3 Shorts $28.00 - 3 Shirts $25.00 Warm Ups - Jacket and Pants +$133.70 Camp - 4 Days July 30 – Aug 2 $355.00 TOTAL $521.85 =($655.55) Varsity Amount Not Attending Camp: $150 Attending Camp: $250 Payment # 2 May 29, 2014 RETURNING JV CHEERLEADER Uniform Costs - Shell, Skirt, Bodyliner $167.50 - Brief $20.95 Keep Shoes from last year -Accessories - 3 Custom Bows $21.95 Keep Cheer Bag from last year -Practice Wear - 3 Shorts $28.00 - 3 Shirts $25.00 Warm Ups - Jacket and Pants Camp (Optional) - 4 Days July 30 – Aug 2 $250 $250 Payment # 3 June 17, 2014 $150 $150 Payment # 4 July 17, 2014 Warm Up Order Warm Up Order $150 $150 Payment #5 August 17, 2014 Remaining Balance Remaining Balance ELITE COSTS - Tumbling Class Membership - $50 a month - 2 hour practice 1x week - Competition Registration Fees - Ranging $25-50 - Out of State Travel expenses - Estimated $350.00 **Fundraising will help these costs Tryout Schedule th April 27 – May 8th at DSA from 2:45-5pm! Each Day you miss is a 5 point deduction from your total Evaluation ALL TRYOUT MATERIAL IS FOUND ON THE DEL SOL CHEER PAGE- DELSOLCHEER.WEEBLY.COM Session 1 – Monday, April 27th MANDATORY Cheerleading 101 – Motions and Safety Learn Cheer Learn Chant Learn Jumps Session 2 – Tuesday, April 28th MANDATORY Learn Half Time Routine Session 3 – Wednesday, April 29th MANDATORY Cheer/Chant/Jump Review Half Time Dance Review Session 4 – Thursday, April 30th MANDATORY Stunting 101 – Safety and Technique Practice Stunting Session 5 – Friday, May 1st OPTIONAL Learn Elite Dance Tryout Routine (For those only trying out for ELITE) Session 6 – Monday, May 4th MANDATORY Spirit/Leadership Games Cheer/Chant/Jump Review Half Time Dance Review Session 7 – Tuesday, May 5th MANDATORY Stunt Practice Cheer/Chant/Jump Review Half Time Dance Review Session 8 – Wednesday, May 6th MANDATORY Mile Run Interviews Session 9 – Thursday, May 7th MANDATORY Mock Try Outs Session 10 - Friday, May 8th MANDATORY FORMAL TRYOUTS Final Team Selections Posted on Cheer Page by 7pm BEFORE FORMAL TRYOUTS - Interviews (25) - Conducted with Coach Saggio and Coach Diaz-Torres - Attendance/Behavior (45) - 5 points each day of tryout clinic - Mile Run (10) – If completed in less than 10 min. you receive full points, if over 10 minutes you receive 0 points FORMAL TRYOUT - JUMPS (10) - Single Jump – 5 pts; Double Jump – 7 pts; Triple Jump – 10 pts - TUMBLING (15) - No Tumbling – 0 pts; Cartwheel – 4 pts; Cartwheel Splits – 6 pts; Round off – 8 pts; Round off Splits – 10 pts; BHS/TUCK – 15 pts HALF TIME DANCE (20) CHEER/CHANT (15) Rhythm - Balanced, flowing - 5 pts - Cheer Motions - Sharp, strong, well-executed – 5 pts Movement - Confident, sharp – 5 pts - Voice Projection - Loud, clear, and enthusiastic – 5 pts Timing - Smooth, precise, no pausing - 5 pts - Timing - Smooth, precise, no pausing – 5pts Crowd Excitement – Shows personality – 5 pts PERSONALITY AND SPIRIT (10) ELITE DANCE (20) Appearance (White shirt and bow) – 5 pts - Same as Half Time Dance rubric Enthusiastic, energetic, eye contact – 5 pts Evaluation Rubric: ** Points will be used to compare and rank candidates against one another, but coaches will make the final determination on who makes each team/squad. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 150 ELITE: 170 JV Requirements Varsity Requirements Elite Requirements Score of at least 100 Score of at least 120 Score of at least 140 9th-11th Grade Single Jump Cartwheel 9th-12th Grade Double Jump Cartwheel Splits Completed Mile Run 9th-12th Grade Triple Jump Round off Splits Completed Mile Run Weekly Tumbling Classes - $50 Monthly Competition Dedication: August - March
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