South Lakeland District Council DELEGATED EXECUTIVE DECISION Date of proposed decision: 23/04/2015 Nomination to list Assets of Community Value (Langdale Valley Association) PORTFOLIO: Councillor Jonathan Brook – Strategic Growth Portfolio Holder DECISION MAKER: David Sykes – Director People and Places REPORT AUTHOR: Sarah Berry – Graduate Policy and Partnerships Officer WARDS: Ambleside and Grasmere KEY DECISION NO: N/A 1.0 EXPECTED OUTCOME 1.1 That Stickle Tarn is placed onto the list of successful nominations of Assets of Community Value. 2.0 PROPOSED DECISION 2.1 To enter the following property on to South Lakeland District Council’s list of successful nominations of Assets of Community Value:Stickle Tarn, Great Langdale, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 9JX 3.0 BACKGROUND AND PROPOSALS 3.1 On 11th February 2015, South Lakeland District Council received a nomination, under Section 89 of the Localism Act 2011, to list Stickle Tarn as an Asset of Community Value. The nomination was made by the Langdale Valley Association. 3.2 Under Section 88 of the Localism Act 2011, the current use of Stickle Tarn which is detailed in appendix 1, does fit the criteria of an Asset of Community Value. 3.3 The asset is within the administrative boundary of South Lakeland. 3.4 The Langdale Valley Association are entitled under 89(2)b(i) of the Localism Act 2011 to make a community nomination and are eligible to nominate with a local connection to the nomination. 3.5 The nominated assets do not fall within a description of land which may not be listed as specified in Schedule 1 of the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulation 2012. Specifically the assets are not a residence; in requirement of a site licence and/ or operational land as defined under section 263 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3.6 The assessment form in appendix 1 explains why the Langdale Valley Association believes the asset meets the definition in the Localism Act 2011. 3.7 The assessment form in appendix 1 sets out the reasons for the recommendation as stated in paragraphs 2.1. 4.0 CONSULTATION 4.1 The Principal Performance and Intelligence Officer received the nomination and made initial checks. The Graduate Policy and Partnership Officer assessed the validity of the nomination and the criteria for listing in accordance with the key steps for considering a nomination to the Council’s List of Community Assets. 4.2 The current owners and ward members for Ambleside and Grasmere were consulted at this stage. Councillor Heidi Halliday responded, offering her support to Langdale Valley Association in respect of their nomination. 4.3 In line with the Cabinet decision on 28 November 2012, delegated authority is given to the Director of People and Places in consultation with the Strategic Growth Portfolio Holder to make the determination as to whether an asset(s) is added to the list. 5.0 ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS 5.1 Under Section 89 of the Localism Act 2011, the Council can only enter assets into the list of Assets of Community Value in response to community nomination. 5.2 In accordance with Section 91 of the Localism Act the Council will send notice to the Langdale Valley Association of its decision in respect of each nomination. 6.0 LINKS TO COUNCIL PRIORITIES 6.1 An ambition of the Council Plan 2014-2019 is as follows: “Through community engagement and facilitation we will make best use of our assets, and we will work with local organisations and communities to look at opportunities to maximise the use of our community buildings.” 7.0 IMPLICATIONS 7.1 Financial and Resources 7.1.1 There are no financial implications associated with this report. 7.2 Human Resources 7.2.1 There are no human resources implications associated with this report. 7.3 Legal 7.3.1 Under Section 87 of the Localism Act 2011 the Council must maintain a list of assets of community value. 7.3.2 Section 88 of the Localism Act 2011 states that a building or other land is an asset of community value if, in the opinion of the authority: the current (ancillary) use of the building or other land furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. there is evidence that there is a non-ancillary use of the building or other land which can further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. A building or other land is not an asset of community value if, in the opinion of the local authority: in the recent past the actual use of the building or other land was not used to furthered the social wellbeing or interests of the local community there is evidence that there is not a non-ancillary use of the building or other land which can further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. 7.3.3 The full legislation can be found here. 7.4 Social, Economic and Environmental 7.4.1 A sustainability impact assessment has not been carried out. A building or other land is an asset of community value if its main use has recently been or is presently used to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community and could do so in the future. The Localism Act 2011 states that social interests include cultural, recreational and sporting interests. 7.4.2 The inclusion of assets on the List of Assets of Community Value is recorded as a local land charge under the Local Land Charges Act 1975. The Council is required under Schedule 4 of the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulation 2012 to apply to the Land Registry for a restriction to be added to the registered title of the land that “no transfer or lease is to be registered without a certificate signed by a conveyancer that the transfer or lease did not contravene Section 95(1) of the Localism Act 2011”. 7.5 Equality and Diversity 7.5.1 The Impact Assessment published by Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) indicates there are no foreseeable adverse impacts on any single equality group arising out of the legislation relating to Assets of Community Value. 7.6 Risk Risk Consequence Controls required Timescales for responses and publication of lists Compliance for responses to nominations, notifications and the publication of lists of successful and unsuccessful nominations Appropriate procedures put in place to achieve the Council’s obligations Administer any initial appeals in respect of either nominations or compensation decisions Meeting the requirements expected of the council Appropriate procedures put in place to achieve the Council’s obligations Listed asset of community value not added to the local land charge register Reputational challenge Appropriate procedures put in place to achieve the Council’s obligations CONTACT OFFICERS Principle Performance and Intelligence Officer, Paul Mountford – Graduate policy and Partnership Officer, Sarah Berry – APPENDICES ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT Appendix No. Assessment Form – Stickle Tarn 1 BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE Community Right to Bid: Non-statutory advice note for local authorities (October 2012) Community Right to Bid – Impact Assessment Localism Act 2011 The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations (2012) Implementing the New Community Right to Bid Effectively - A Practical Guide for Local Authorities CEX/98 – Community Right to Bid TRACKING INFORMATION Assistant Director Portfolio Holder Solicitor to the SMT Council Executive (Cabinet) Committee Council N/A DED – 23/04/15 N/A Human Resource Services Manager Leader Ward Councillor(s) N/A N/A Scrutiny Committee 26/03/15 NA Section 151 Officer Monitoring Officer Note – Report authors must consult the relevant Portfolio Holder, members of the Senior Management Team, the Monitoring Officer, and any other interested parties before a decision can be taken. If any objections are received, they must be reported at the meeting before the decision is taken. Signed: Decision Maker’s title:
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