Agenda reports pack PDF 501 KB - Meetings, agendas, and minutes

Public Document Pack
Woodlands Ward Forum
7.00 pm on Thursday, 19th March, 2015
Tile Hill Library, Jardine Crescent, Coventry, CV4 9PL
Woodlands Ward Forum includes people who care about their neighbourhoods! At a
Ward Forum meeting you'll meet local Councillors, council staff, police, community
and voluntary groups and - most importantly - local people.
At the meeting, there will be an opportunity to raise any issues you want to discuss. If
you are able to come along we'll make sure you feel welcome. If you would just
prefer to listen to discussions and plans, that's fine#if you want to join in and help us
to get things done, that's even better!
At this meeting we're planning to:
Update from the local policing team
Check the actions that were agreed at the last meeting (Pages 5 - 8)
Transport update
To discuss transport issues affecting the city with Cllr John McNicholas, Chair of
Centro and the Council’s lead member for transportation.
Update on works at Broad Lane/Banner Lane
To hear about progress and planned works.
Hold a general discussion about any topical issues that need raising and
hear about what activities or initiatives people are involved with in the
Ward or of interest city wide
The meeting will end by 9pm at the latest.
For exact dates and locations visit or follow us
on Facebook at or Twitter @CoventryCC.
If you want to know what is going on in the city, or want an opportunity to raise an
issue with us or the police, the Ward Forum is the ideal place to raise it.
All meetings are led by one of the Councillors who represent your Ward on Coventry
City Council. It's their job to make sure discussions are useful and involve everyone
who wants a say and that meetings run efficiently.
It's easy to get involved – all you have to do is turn up on the night!
To find out more
The Chair of your Neighbourhood Forum is:
Councillor Patricia Hetherton. You can contact her on 024 7683 1545 or email
You can also contact Adrian West (Senior Support Officer) at Coventry City Council
on 024 7683 2286 or or Zafar Ibrahim (Support Officer)
on 024 7678 7546 or about any issue concerning
Woodlands Ward Forum.
You can find out more about what's gone on at previous meetings, who does what in
your ward and general information about your ward by visiting Hearing loops will be provided, but if you'd like
a British Sign Language interpreter to be at the meeting please contact Adrian West
at least a week before the meeting so we can provide this service for you.
If you wish to start/stop receiving information relating to Ward Forums, please
email or call 024 7678 3079 giving your details
and requesting that you are added or removed from our mailing list.
Coventry City Council is always looking at reducing the amount of paper we
produce and send out. If you have an email address and would prefer to be
emailed all Ward Forum documentation, please contact Matthew Rossi using
the details above.
Agenda Item 2
Action Notes
Woodlands Neighbourhood Forum
7pm, Thursday 4th December 2014
At “The Green”, Eastern Green Social Club, Church
Lane, CV5 7BX
Who was at the meeting?
L Bell
M Bell
K Battersby
C Bulas
T Cassidy
D Chattra
No of Residents: 29
R Davidson
S Fellows
T Harvey
H Johnson
M Johnson
M Keogh
Officers and Partner Agencies
Councillor Patricia Hetherton
Councillor Steve Thomas
Councillor Julia Lepoidevin
Councillor Philip Townshend
Councillor Kevin Maton
C Marr
R Marr
A Randle
C Simpson
J Stubbs
Plus 12 other residents
Mark Andrews
Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor
Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor(Chair)
Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor
Coventry City Council – Deputy Leader
Coventry City Council – Cabinet Member Business,
Enterprise and Employment
Coventry City Council – Senior Support Officer
Coventry City Council – Support Officer
Coventry City Council – Assistant Director Planning,
Transport & Highways
Coventry City Council – Planning, Transport & Highways
Coventry City Council: 9
Partners: 0
Adrian West
Zafar Ibrahim
Colin Knight
1. Welcome and Introductions
Councillor Hetherton welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their
Apologies from West Midlands Police for being unable to attend.
Coventry Local Plan – Colin Knight and Mark Andrews
Page 3
Action Notes
Colin Knight and Mark Andrews from the Council’s Planning Department
explained that all councils have to prepare a local plan which sets out their
approach to planning and development. The plan will identify places
where new homes and facilities can be built. It will also make provision for
new employment land to help create new jobs throughout the city.They
explained that the Plan is about growing the city to meet its housing needs
and diversify the city’s housing stock. This in turn can help to keep wealth
here for the benefit of the whole city. The Plan sets out three scenarios for
meeting Coventry’s housing need, with the 3rd option being recognised as
the Councils preferred approach. Officers explained that this presentation
built upon that which was discussed at the last meeting of the Forum.
The current period of public engagement runs up to Christmas, having
been extended on 2 occasions to support local communities in making
comments. The next stage of the Local Plan is expected to be published
in July 2015, which will be accompanied by another round of public
engagement. More information is available at You can also contact the team by email or on 024 7683 4295.
A detailed discussion was held with many comments and concerns raised
• concerns about decreasing the ‘Meriden gap’ by any building on green
belt and comments made by inspectors previously;
• concerns about why some green belt has been included while other
has not;
• Concerns about ‘urban sprawl’;
• concerns about the significant impact of additional cars in the city
arising from additional homes;
• concerns about the large vehicles using roads not designed for them
and thereby causing additional wear and tear on these roads along
with noise and pollution;
• options for restricting and policing the inappropriate use of local roads
and potential action in relation to Broad Lane, Banner Lane, the A45
and Parkhill Drive
• concerns about the quality of re-instatement work carried out;
• the process by which sites are identified, how owners are engaged
with and how sites get onto the list;
• Experiences of planning and development at Bannerbrook
• Concerns about the impact of other developments outside Coventry
(including Solihull and HS2) on the area
Progress will continue to be raised at future local meetings and Members
and Planning Officers re-iterated their commitment to continue to meet
with local residents to discuss plans as they develop.
Page 4
Action Notes
If you would like to find out the most up-to-date progress on the action notes above
please call Adrian West (Senior Support Officer) on 024 76 83 2286 or visit
If you wish to start/stop receiving information relating to Neighbourhood Forums,
please email call 024 7683 3111 giving your details
and requesting that you are added or removed from our mailing list.
Coventry City Council is always looking at reducing the amount of paper we produce
and send out. If you have an email address and would prefer to be emailed all Ward
Forum Documentation, please contact me using the details above.
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