(Public Pack)Minutes Document for Westwood Ward Forum, 02/12

Public Document Pack
Action Notes
Westwood Ward Forum
Held on Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Who was at the meeting?
Clive Birch
Steve Dowswell
Vincenso Ferrara
Richard Geary
C Harris
No of Residents: 16
Officers and Partner Agencies
PC Al Davies
Sgt Paul Mercer
Martin McHugh
Councillor Richard Sandy
Councillor David Skinner
Adrian West
Coventry City Council: 4
G Harris
G Johnson
Paul McDonald
David Moseley
3 other residents
Les Parsons
Marion Parsons
George Stokes
Michael Wileman
West Midlands Police
West Midlands Police
Coventry City Council – Environmental Services
Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor (Chair)
Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor
Coventry City Council – Senior Support Officer
Partners: 2
Welcome and Introductions
Councillor Sandy welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their
Notes and Follow up from the last Westwood Forum
The meeting reviewed the actions arising from the last meeting.
At the last meeting it was requested that a Council Officer attend to
discuss gypsies and travellers in Coventry and this has been arranged for
Councillor Sandy has now written twice to Tesco about trollies in the Brook
but has not received any reply.
A number of outstanding issues from the last meeting will be followed up.
Action Notes
Information to be sent out on
spending of Section 106 money from
Schedule of Gibbett Hill works to be
emailed to people at the Forum
To investigate reported buttons
missing on pelican crossings
Investigate drain at Plants Hill
Crescent which had been rebuilt
several times and had had trees
growing in it
Investigate clanging manhole cover
on the Bridge by Wolfe Road
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Forum Support
As soon as possible
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Feedback on various projects/initiatives/updates in the ward – open forum
Michael Wilemen reported on six successful activities which the riends of
Canley Green Spaces they ran during October and November. This
included two five mile walks: one with Tree Wardens and one with
students. A recent bulb planting event involved 23 people and a further
session will take place outside the Xcel Centre on Saturday 13 December.
Bulbs have been supplied by the City Council. Tree planting events have
also taken place: 250 trees, also supplied by the Council, were planted
with support from Rangers and the Tree Wardens. Charter School were
also involved in planting fruit trees. Michael said that the group have now
planted a total of 2,000 trees in the area. The Friends are now being
consulted on tree planting schemes due to their contacts and networks.
There has been good engagement with students at Warwick University.
Michael also reported on progress to reinstate the landscape and
wildflower meadow parallel to the railway line following pipe laying by
National Grid Gas.
Police Update/Community Safety Issues, including presentation on the review of
Police buildings
Sergeant Paul Mercer explained that West Midlands Police are carrying
out a consultation on the use of their buildings. The Force has a very large
estate with 146 buildings in The West Midlands and nine in Coventry.
There are significant financial pressures on the Police and looking at the
best use of buildings is part of that. The review is being carried out across
the whole Service and the final decisions are being made by the Police
and Crime Commissioner.
Some building such as Coventry Central and Foleshill are old, very costly
to run and not fit for purpose. However, they house a lot of staff, both city
and service wide and are well located. The latest proposal is to close
Coventry Central and have the only front office in Coventry at Willenhall.
Action Notes
Sergeant Mercer asked everyone to complete the feedback forms and say
what they felt the impact of the proposals would be, the role of buildings in
engaging the public and how the public can engage with the Police more
effectively in the future. The Police would also like views on central and
city wide issues, not just Woodlands Ward.
Offences in the ward are running at about 9% above target. This is largely
due to a significant spike in damage to motor vehicles (over 90) in August
and September. Arrests have been made.
Violence with injury is broadly on a par with last year and there have been
reductions in criminal damage, theft from vehicles and theft of vehicles.
Burglary is down 27%. The Police are also working on tackling bike thefts
and there has been a recent conviction. They can provide free D-locks –
email if you would like one.
The Police are carrying out a Darker Nights campaign. This is targeting
hotspot areas to encourage people to close curtains, put lights on a timer,
not leave cars with engines running unattended etc. Campaign information
is available.
The Police are also working with local shops, particularly those open until
10.00 pm to provide advice and protection.
A number of questions were asked about the follow up concerns relating to
two assaults in Westwood Heath. Paul Mercer will investigate and report
For non emergencies, please contact the Police by dialling 101 or email
the team at westwood@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk
Return any comments on Police All
buildings to Sergeant Mercer
As soon as possible
Update on issues and processes relating to travellers
Martin McHugh from the Council’s Environmental Services spoke about
how the service deals with unauthorised travellers encampments. There
are usually about 20-30 incidents a year and this has been the case again
this year, although some of these have lasted longer than usual. While it
is easier to move travellers on if they are on private land, the Team is
required to carry out a needs assessment to ensure there are no reasons
why they should not be evicted from Council owned land. This is for
reasons such as needing to protect children. Martin explained how some
of the recent incidents have been addressed and the work undertaken in
partnership with the Police and other agencies.
Action Notes
The service relies significantly on intelligence from members of the public
about whether for example gates have been damaged to gain access to a
site or if threats have been made. Please report any sightings as soon as
possible to the Council via Coventry Direct and Martin’s team will respond
6. Any other business
Issues raised during discussion were:
• Concern at grass verges throughout the area being churned up during
winter every year e.g. Torrington Avenue, Charter Avenue and
whether anything can be done about it.
• Concern about safety where the new cycle path crosses the entrance
to the Xcel Centre – can warning signs for cyclists and drivers be
looked at?
• What is the end date for the works at the lower end of Gibbet Hill
Road – end date?
• The three disabled parking bays at Jardine Crescent are regularly
being used by people without disabled badges – can the Traffic
Wardens include on their rounds.
• Are there plans to complete the cycle path parallel to the railway line
by Templar Avenue that will link Templars School to Canley. It was
suggested that Network Rail have said they have run out of money.
• Consider broadband speeds in the area at the next meeting.
Is any action planned to prevent
grass verges being churned up?
Request review of warning signs
where cycle path crosses entrance to
the Xcel Centre
Communicate end date for works at
lower end of Gibbett Hill Road
Request Traffic Wardens to include
disabled parking bays at Jardine
Find out about plans for completing
the cycle path parallel to the railway
line by Templar Avenue that will link
Templars School to Canley
Date of Next Meeting
7.00 p.m. Tuesday 31st March 2015.
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Forum Support
As soon as possible
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Council Officers
As soon as possible
Action Notes
If you would like to find out the most up-to-date progress on the action notes above
please call Adrian West (Senior Support Officer) on 024 76 83 2286 or visit
www.coventry .gov.uk/wardforums
If you wish to start/stop receiving information relating to Neighbourhood Forums, please
email matthew.rossi@coventry.gov.uk call 024 7683 3111 giving your details and
requesting that you are added or removed from our mailing list.
Coventry City Council is always looking at reducing the amount of paper we produce and
send out. If you have an email address and would prefer to be emailed all Ward Forum
Documentation, please contact me using the details above.
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