DUTCH, INDUSTRIAL & INTERACTION DESIGNER PORTFOLIO - SPRING 2015 INTRO BIO WORK CO N TA CT This portfolio is a limited selection of my work. Please check out the full portfolio online: www.dennisoverhage.nl dennisoverhage.nl 2 INTRO BIO WORK CO N TA CT M Y PA S T: I N T H E WAT E R , 6 DAYS A W E E K W H AT OT H E R S SAY A B O U T M E I started swimming when I was 7. Then, in 2008, After moving to the Dutch swimming capital Eindhoven, where I was accepted in the renowned PSV Swimming Team, I combined my swimming career with my development as an Industrial Designer. The time extensive training that I had to put “I admire his inner strength and his ability to bounce back from setbacks. The ability to learn from failures, thrive on critique, take stock of the situation and move on is quite unique – and perhaps something that he has acquired through his sports career.” and rest. However, I believe having the right mindset (top sports mentality) PANOS MARKOPOULOS aspects that separate me from others: Professor User Centered Engineering Director User System Interaction Program Department of Industrial Design Eindhoven University of Technology M E N S SA N A I N C O R P O R E SA N O A healthy mind in a healthy body Both as athlete and designer, I want to move forward, am ambitious, focused and mentally resilient. I am not easily discouraged by setbacks and I like to think in opportunities and much less in threats. As a swimmer I learned to set goals that will lead me towards a desired long-term result. I want to learn and improve to become each time better than the last but also know how to peak – Who always wants to win, loses much. And I care for feedback. Operating without feedback is like bowling through a curtain, if you don’t know if you succeed two things will happen: One, you will not get better. Two, you will lose interest. Swimming might not be the same “He’s very much able to comment on his own performance and knows how to convert points of attention to new and challenging goals. Also within the group Dennis knows how to motivate teammates and challenges them to set goals, push boundaries and work hard.” BIBI GULIKERS Former Head Coach of PSV Swimming Professional Coach Royal Dutch Swimming Regional Training Centre Eindhoven Read my full bio online: www.dennisoverhage.nl/bio dennisoverhage.nl 3 INTRO BIO CO N TA CT WORK Location-Based Storytelling Game In The City Of Malmö In this 6-week project on Collaborative Media, we re-actualized the ‘city fables’ around the 1908 Amaltheadådet in Malmö into a modern fable told through a mobile location-based game with in-game characters, music and animations in 16-bit style. You play a young graduate, struggling with the current issues on the job market. While you move through Malmö to complete quests by collecting items, following in-game dialogues and playing micro games, you get involved with the ‘Amalthea Men’, who are requiring your help to address these issues. An exiting adventure awaits, but can they frame and GPS-enabled demo was critically acclaimed by Arduino co-founder David Cuartielles saying: “There have been numerous location based games developed in K3 in the past. This one is undoubtably the best I have seen!” You can view the video presentation of our concept here: vimeo.com/teamtyranny/theplan T E A M P R OJ E C T Spring 2015 dennisoverhage.nl 4 INTRO BIO WORK CO N TA CT Next Generation Therapy Aid For Stroke Rehabilitation With people growing older, there is a higher risk of stroke. While the aging population causes a higher stroke incidence, developments in modern medicine help to improve the survival rate of stroke victims causing a fast growing demand on care and therapy. In this project possibilities for implementing innovative interactive technology in this sector were studied to improve the health care and overall quality of life for the patient. Important topics were how to motivate patients throughout the rehabilitation and training process, how in what way remote supervision could play a role in therapy using smart electronics. The developed conwrist and lower arm are required to advance in a memory skill game, was developed and tested with the input of physiotherapists and patients. You can view the video demo of the prototype here: vimeo.com/dennisoverhage/prosup I N D I V I D UA L BA C H E LO R T H E S I S Spring 2013 dennisoverhage.nl 5 INTRO BIO CO N TA CT WORK Personalized Supermarket ExIn a world where the potential of measuring health and nutritional statistics seems unlimited, it is strange products for them. Personal electronics can gather them and help people to make personalized decisions. So we set out to answer the question: How can quantipersonalized? Our concept, Q SCOUT, is an eco-system ics to uncover your personal nutritional needs. Based products for you, in any supermarket. The resulting video scenario from this 10-day project can be found here: youtu.be/puLOBDS2-to T E A M P R OJ E C T Fall 2014 dennisoverhage.nl 6 INTRO BIO WORK CO N TA CT Wearable Proprioception For Parkinson’s Disease The concept and working prototype is a smart lightweight wearable system consisting of one sensing module that monitors upper body posture and three actuating modules that enable discrete vibro-tactile feedback on the posture and coach you towards improving it. The sensing module is worn at chest height and can be attached to most (under)garments with a small clip. The actuating modules are placed strategically on sensitive areas of the muscle groups that are responsible for correcting the posture, namely the lower back (attached with a clip to the belt, pants or skirt) for pit (attached with a knee-strap) for correcting the oppoand systems, that can be obtrusive and communicate a strong medical vibe, attracting attention to the users impairments. This concept’s design, inspired by gemstones and jewelry, tries to achieve an aesthetic that is modern, ‘cool’ and communicates a healthy active lifestyle. The concept was created with the validation and input from physiotherapists. I N D I V I D UA L M A S T E R T H E S I S Spring 2015 dennisoverhage.nl 7 INTRO BIO WANT TO KNOW MORE? AWESOME! WORK CONTACT LET’S GET IN TOUCH! I’M ALWAYS UP FOR COFFEE. Dennis Overhage Kilian Zollsgatan 2a Lgh 1201 217 56 Malmö, Zweden +46 (0) 769 310 372 hello@dennisoverhage@live.nl @dennisoverhage se.linkedin.com/in/dennisoverhage C H E C K M Y F U L L P O RT FO L I O O N L I N E www.dennisoverhage.nl © Copyright Dennis Overhage. All rights reserved. 8
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