On-Site and On-Line Game Design and Programming Courses for Ages 6 to Adult Fall/Spring Classes and Summer Programs One of the fastest growing and most transformational community programs in the region today, the Mason Game & Technology Academy integrates all of the STEM core competencies in a challenging, fun, and engaging way. This program combines both the sciences and the arts, with creative & critical thinking and problem solving skills. Experience On-Site courses in the Computer Game Design Labs at Mason in Fairfax and Loudoun and/or take On-Line classes from anywhere with our revolutionary new cloud-based mobile education platform SCRiYB - flip this card for more details! M ASON G AME & T ECHNOLOGY A CADEMY - List of Topics and Courses Core Game Design Courses: Ω Intro to Game Design: Unity & Unreal4 Ω 3D Game Design: Unity & Unreal4 Ω Multi Platform Mobile App Development Ω iOS App Development (Swift) Ω Intro to Game Design for Girls: STEM + Entrepreneurship Ω Game Art & Animation I & II Ω Concept Art to 3D Model I & II Ω Music & Sound for Games Ω Writing and Design for Games Ω Story Creation and Character Development Programming Courses: Ω Intro to Programming Ω Java Programming I & II Ω C++ Programming Ω C# Game Programming I & II Ω Python Programming The MGTA Minecraft Experience: Our Minecraft suite includes Game Modding, Modding w/ Java, Crafting Redstone Projects, Mission to Mars, Minecraft History, Books Alive, 3 Levels of Challenge, and more! Cyber Defense Courses: Ω Intro to Cyber Security Ω Internet of Everything Ω Intro to Linux Ω Cisco, Microsoft, and Oracle Additional Courses: Ω Neuroscience Courses Ω Intro to Computer Hardware Design Ω Immersive Algebra: Coding w/ Numbers Ω Engineering, Electronics and Robotics Summer Pre-College Experience (Teens): On-campus lodging, field trips, guest speakers, portfolio development and more! Registration & admin support powered by GMU’s Potomac Arts Academy: w w w.PotomacAc ademy.org (G ame & Technology) Phone: 703-993-9889 Questions? Contact the MGTA Program Director: Vera Lichtenberg, vlichten@gmu.edu
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