EVENT DATE: APRIL 11, 2015 Topics in Periodontics Symposium (TIPS) TOPICS TO INCLUDE: • Soft Tissue Grafting • Management of Impacted Cuspids DR. DAVID FRENCH B.Sc., DDS, Dipl. Periodontics TOPICS DISCUSSED: • Implants and Periodontal Disease In this lecture we will define peri implantitis and the incidence. Discussing Diagnostic tools and Risk factors. The Evaluation of various implant surfaces and designs preventing peri implantitis. Treatment options including Non surgical treatment, chemical and laser adjuncts flap resective and regenerative approaches. Dr. French studied Dentistry at University of Alberta graduating with the Gold Medal for first in class in 1991 then completed specialty degree in Periodontics at the University of British Columbia and returned to Calgary to start a full-time private practice in Periodontics and Dental Implants. Dr. French Founded Comprehensive treatment planning study club and the Alberta Dental Implant Academy. Dr French is a part time clinical instructor and researcher at UBC and is also a Fellow of the International Team of Implantology (ITI). Dr French is also a member of the American Academy of Periodontology, the American Academy of Osseointegration and the Periodontal Research Group. • Peri Implantitis DR. AYAD ASLAGHEER DDS, M.Dent, FRCDC TOPICS DISCUSSED: • Multidisciplinary Approach to Manage Impacted Cuspids Impacted cuspids can be a real challenge to the child and their dentists In this brief lecture we will be highlighting the main guidelines in diagnosing impacted cuspids, preventative measures, treatment approaches and the role of the whole team to achieve the best esthetic results. Dr. Aslagheer graduated with a Bachelor of dental surgery in 1989. Practiced general dentistry for nine years before he took a one -year Mini-residency program at University of Toronto in 2000. Dr. Aslagheer joined University of Manitoba in 2001 to finish his Master of Dentistry in Peirodontics, In 2004 he joined The University of Alberta, graduate orthodontic program. Currently, is in specialty private practice for orthodontics and periodontics. His passion about dentistry has also led him to pursue a PhD research at University of Alberta to investigate sub-periosteal bone remodeling in response to transverse orthodontic tooth movement in the mandible. DR. TERESA DEBEVC DDS, Certified Periodontist University of Alberta Facility of Dentistry - Continuing Dental Education Edmonton Clinic Health Academy Room 1-190, 11405 87 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9 Website: www.dentistry.ualberta.ca/CDE Email: dentce@ualberta.ca For more information, call 780 492 1894 TOPICS DISCUSSED: • Soft Tissue Grafting Dr. Debevc is a graduate of University of Western Ontario in London. Following a GPR at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, she practiced general dentistry for 2 years in the Toronto area. She graduated from graduate Periodontics at the University of British Columbia in 1995. Since then she has maintained a private practice in Periodontics in the Edmonton Area. She currently works part time in Private Practice in Beaumont Alberta. She is also a part-time clinical instructor and lecturer at the University of Alberta in the Faculty of Dentistry. REGISTRATION FORM (DEN07) TOPICS in PERIODONTICS SYMPOSIUM (TIPS) TENATIVE SCHEDULE: REGISTRATION FEES: APRIL 11, 2015 8:00 Registration 8:30 Lecture Begins 10:00 Break 10:20 Lecture Resumes 12:00 Lunch Break 12:45 Lecture Resumes 2:10 Break 2:25 Lecture Resumes 3:30 Adjourn LOCATION: Early Bird Deadline: April 2, 2015 Early Bird Regular Fee Fee DENTISTS $160 $180 HYGIENISTS $140 $170 ASSISTANTS $75 $80 UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA FACULTY OF DENTISTRY CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION EDMONTON CLINIC HEALTH ACADEMY ROOM 1-190, 11405 – 87 AVENUE NW EDMONTON, AB T6G 1C9 CE CREDITS: Participants who attend this course will be credited 6 HRS CE Credits FORM INSTRUCTIONS: This form is provided with fields that can be completed online then printed off and signed. Upon signing, please FAX or EMAIL the form to: Fax: 780.492.8973 Email: dentce@ualberta.ca FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: TITLE: DDS RHA: RDA: OTHER: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: PROV: ( CELL: ( ) PC: FAX: ( ) ) EMAIL: (required for confirmation/updates) ** EARLY BIRD DEALINE IS APRIL 2, 2015 ** EARLY BIRD EARLY BIRD $160 FEE: DENTISTS RHAs REGULAR DENTISTS METHOD OF PAYMENT: $180 REGULAR RHAs CHEQUE $140 EARLY BIRD RDAs $75 $170 REGULAR RDAs $80 MASTERCARD NAME ON CARD: MC/VISA #: Please make CHEQUES payable to: UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA VISA EXP DATE: / SIGNATURE: EMAIL or FAX FORM TO: Contact Information Below NOTE: Cancellations are subject to a $275 FEE, as this is a limited attendance course. Refunds are made only if notice of cancellation is given in writing (email) at least 3 weeks prior to the course date. FACULTY POLICY: The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry reserves the right to limit enrolment, cancel or change the location, time, course content or teaching personnel of any course as may be deemed necessary or advisable. For more information regarding courses please Contact: 780.492.5391 Email: dentce@ualberta.ca Fax: 780.492.8973 CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION, 5-566 EDMONTON CLINIC HEALTH ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 11405 – 87 AVENUE NW, EDMONTON, AB T6G 1C9 PH: 780.492.5391 FAX: 780.492.8973 EMAIL: dentce@ualberta.ca
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