Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas jm \ BOHOL DIVISION OF BOHOL City of Tagbilaran May 29, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. ZIZ S. 2015 EVALUATION OF SCHOOL CLUBS IN THE PHILIPPINES TO: SCHOOLS DISTRICT SUPERVISORS SCHOOL HEADS, ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY and INTEGRATED SCHOOLS 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, please see enclosed copy of the Regional Memorandum No. 284, s. 2015 dated May 19, 2015, a communication from Undersecretary Rizalino D. Rivera, DepEd Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations re: Evaluation of School Clubs in the Philippines, which is self-explanatory. 2. Accomplished Enclosure No. 1 - Evaluation form for School Heads, will be submitted to the Schools District Supervisors for Consolidation. The consolidated copy shall be submitted to the Division Office on or before June 4, 2015 or email to 3. For details please refer to the attached DepEd Memorandum. 4. Immediate dissemination and compliance of this Memorandum is directed WILFREDA D. BONGALOS. Ph.D. CESO VI OIC, Schools Division Superintendent;:^^" @ @.v-: [s - f fa A^ - w^ (s<^ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region VII, Central Visayas Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City MAY I 9 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM NO. 2 84 , s.2015 EVALUATION OF SCHOOL CLUBS IN THE PHILIPPINES To : Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public Elementary, Secondary, and Integrated Schools 1. For the inf ormation and guidance of all concer ned, attached is a communication f rom Undersecretary Rizalino D. Rivera, DepED Of ice ofthe Undersecretary for Regional Operations re: f Evaluation ofSchool Clubs in the Philippines which is self-explanatory. 2. Accomplished Enclosure No.2- Consolidated form for Schools Division Off ices will be submit ted to DepED Region VII, Quality Assurance Division on or June 8, 2015. 3. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum) is desired. JULIET A. JERUTA, Ph.D., CESO VI Director III Of icer-in-Charge f JAJ/MPD/rhcabolaje @|'-M A-MlDh REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region VII, Centr al Visayas Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City MAY ! 9 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM NO. 2 8 A , s. 2015 EVALUATION OF SCHOOL CLUBS IN THE PHILIPPINES To : Schools Division Super intendents Heads, Public Elementary, Secondary, and Integrated Schools 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is a communication f rom Undersecretary Rizalino D. Rivera, DepED Office ofthe Undersecretary for Regional Operations re: Evaluation ofSchool Clubs in the Philippines^which is self-explanatory. 2. Accomplished Enclosure No.2- Consolidated form for Schools Division Off ices will be submitted to DepED Region VII, Quality Assurance Division on or June 8,2015. 3. Immediate disseminat ion of this Memorandum is desired. JULIET A. JERUTA, Ph.D., CESO VI Director III Of icer-in-Charge f JAJ/MPD/rhcabotaje w A- rSf a e1 DePartment f Education %i@B@$ Region VII, Central Visayas DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION w llllillll111111111 CE OF office of THE the UNDFRSR-rftabv undersecretary for Regional Operations RD2015-6820 " May 15 TO: Regional Direct ors Schools Division Super int endents Heads, Public Elementary, Secondary, and Integrated Schools SUBJECT: EVALUATION OF SCHOOL CLUBS IN THE PHILIPPINES DATE: May 13,2015 In pursuit of developing policies, standards and guidelines on youth format ter programs, the Department of Educat ion is conducting an evaluation of school clubs in public schools in the Philippines. The evaluation shall serve as the baseline in implementing more eff ective youth related programs, projects and policies. The f orms which will be used to conduct the evaluation ar e as follows: a. Enclosure No. 1 - Evaluation form for School Heads b. Enclosure No. 2 - Consolidated form f or Schools Division Off ices c. Enclosure No. 3 - Consolidated form for Regional Offices AH school heads shall accomplish Enclosur e No. 1. Afterwards, the school head shall transmit the accomplished Enclosure No. 1 to their respective School* Division Offices. TheSchools Division Office shall then accomplish Enclosur e No. 2 based on the consolidated answers of Enclosure No. 1 by all school heads in the Division. Uponcompletion by the Schools Division Office, Enclosure No. 2 shall be transmitted to the Regional Off ice. Enclosure No. 1 shall also be attached as an annex. The Regional Office shall (hen accomplish Enclosure No. 3 based on the consolidated answers of Enclosure No. 2 by all Division Off ices in their region. Upon completion by the Regional Off ice. Enclosure No. 3 shall then be encoded in Microsof t Word (.doc) type of jocument f ollowing the format of the Enclosure, with the rile name (SchoOlClubEval-Region) uid sent to and on or jefore June 15,2015. Likewise, the Regional Office shall also send the or iginal copies of Enclosures 1-3 to the Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations, Department of jducation Central Office (DepEd CO), DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. 3Z N> 3 I O DDDDDD D D C O| M o D D D C O D| DCDDDD "& 3 8 S -5. S- "8 ? DP g D P O O DDDOOC IS @d 10 | Z El I la @I 5 # 1 ar I 1R 8 I S1 4P I f* f Q @It to Ul fill i 11 1 o s ft 01 fr ft 1 kg9- % H 2. g II M O III 9 f o 8 > @a at 1 I RK a. 09 H If 2 5 8* E f II t 15- I o s ! a :s s- j V VI 10 ri I 8 3 8" ia. I i. i HI 8, 10 I 3i 8. r I e T3 or I m 3 a' a 3 I 5' iF<! fCo :? s, I z Ul p Si1
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