Fairhaven Free Press Wireless Penetration Mara Mitchell It’s a tree, it’s an obelisk, it’s a flag pole! No, it’s a cell tower! These are just a few of the disguises being used in Bellingham and around the nation to “minimize the visual impact” of the wireless revolution. Since the first commercial cell phone call was made on October 13, 1983, cellular communications have spread across the globe with superhuman speed. From 203,600 subscriptions and 599 cell sites in 1985, the industry has grown to a $143,710,400 enterprise serving 262,720,165 Americans from 220,472 cellular transmitters nationwide. The International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications Industry (CTIA) published a June 2008 survey that estimates “wireless penetration” to be at 84 percent; 15.8 percent of customers carry wireless service only. This growth is evident locally in the 17 towers and 32 smaller “cell sites” located within Bellingham’s city limits; two additional sites are in the planning process. Clearwire’s multifunction site atop Whatcom Community College’s Kulshan Hall includes three cellular antennas, two microwave dishes and a 6 base transceiver station, to be camouflaged as a vent stack. This tower construction begins in the next three months. In the Columbia neighborhood, located between Eldridge Ave. and Meridian St., residents are hotly contesting Verizon’s second attempt in two years to locate a 100-ft. tower in their midst. The commercially zoned property located at 2615 Meridian St. belongs to Magas Insurance but adjoins homes in one of the city’s oldest neighborhoods. Residents forcefully opposed the tower at the company’s required community meeting held on October 16th. Their concerns ranged from neighborhood character and property values to their children’s health and the “unknown effects” of electromagnetic radiation. The meeting was Verizon’s first step in the application process required by the city. Jackie Lynch, from the Bellingham Planning Department, explained that if the company chooses to move forward, they must next submit an application to the city. Lynch said applications are reviewed by Planning Department staff, with final decisions made by the city’s hearing examiner. The proposed cell tower is also on the City Council’s agenda, thanks to a phone call from a Columbia neighborhood resident. In the October 6th Council Committee Meeting, members addressed the city’s ability to regulate cellular tower placement. Assistant City Attorney, Jeff Capel,l raised concerns that there may be federal statutes see Wireless page 2 Inside this Issue Student Co-ops Serial AmeriCorp Photo by Laura Jones Controversy Chicken Sandwiches More... Fall 2008 Tuesday Dec 2nd Campus Page 2 Americorps: F**k yeah Kyler Barton I spent well over a decade of my life in public and private education,and yet,after graduating in 2006, I found myself back in an elementary school. While my fellow high school seniors were applying to colleges, I was busy applying to AmeriCorps where I found a position on a team with the Washington Reading Corps (WRC). AmeriCorps is the equivalent of the Peace Corps, except that it runs thousands of programs domestically. Gary Locke implemented the WRC program over ten years ago to boost reading scores in public schools. As if these two organizations were not enough to keep track of, my job also involved working for Solid Ground (formerly the No pain, no gain: The economic Bubble Bursts Alyson Simeone Fremont Public Association) and the Seattle Public Schools. Fortunately, despite working under four entities, the situation hardly left me confused or overwhelmed. Although AmeriCorps oversees numerous been reinvented in my mind. The American economy is based on capitalism. Capitalism is a volatile system by nature, but this volatility is at times much more apparent than others. A prime example of such volatility on a downward streak is the economic recession currently being experienced throughout the world. November 5 marked the first of a three-part economic learning series that took place on Western’s campus in the Frasier Auditorium. The series focused on how this current recession would affect student’s individual lives. During the second event, guest lecturers and WWU economic professors Hart Hodges and Dan see Americorps page 3 Who cares about “economics’? Some obvious candidates include students who pursue the subject as a major, political leaders, stockbrokers, and presently just about every news anchor on television. But must the everyday individual really concern him or herself with such a seemingly distant and overwhelming subject? I discovered long ago that my interests were directed towards liberal arts, and that my passion was in dealing with social justice and human rights issues. To me, economics and business seemed like completely foreign and unappealing areas of study. Their potential to severely influence or provoke me seemed like little to none. However, the world of economics has recently radiation. Their appeal was based on professional experience of a dramatic increase in chronic diseases such as attention-deficit disorder, heart rhythm disorders, strokes, Alzheimer’s, leukemia, digital cordless telephone use or nearby installation of a cellular transmitting station. They also saw decreasing effectiveness in their treatments, which they attributed to the persistent penetration of The city’s cell towers hold up to three antennas each, capable of handling 200 calls per antenna. When the use exceeds capacity, calls get dropped and telecommunications companies receive requests for increased coverage and begin looking for additional sites to place towers. According to city code, the first choice for new antenna placement is with existing antennas, the second choice is industrial zones, the third is commercial, institutional or public, then mixed residential and as a last resort, solely in residential neighborhoods. In their applications, companies must prove there is a demonstrated need in the area they are desiring to locate a new tower or cell site. Increasing dependence upon wireless technology results in greater need for transmitting stations. As the residents of the Columbia neighborhood know, this trend may soon bring the wireless industry to your back door. fantastic experience. Due to my long hair, a few kids were confused which gender I belonged to. I remember asking a second grader, if he let his hair grow, would that make him a girl. His answer was an emphatic Non-profits are a strong part of our economy. They are critical to our economy. There are over 400 non-profits in Bellingham projects, my program focused on tutoring elementary students in reading. This was how I spent most of my service years (I enjoyed the first one so much, I signed on for a second term) and working with the elementary students was a Wireless: Non-thermal effects of EMFs not considered in regulations restricting their ability to impose regulations on the towers based on human health concerns; the legal department was sent to investigate. The restrictions Capell referred to reside in Congress’s 1996 Telecommunications Act, which prohibits state and local governments from regulating “the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions” (Section 704). In other words, no local entity can have higher standards than those set by Congress. The Telecommunications Act set national Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for cellular telephone, radio, TV broadcasting, microwave, and satellite communication systems that utilize electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). These alternating electric-magnetic fields operate in wide-ranging frequencies below the spectrum of visible light. These frequencies are referred to as non-ionizing radiation. Above visible light, electromagnetic energy and frequency are strong enough to ionize. At these levels, electrons strip away from atoms, capable of penetrating living tissue and damaging organs and DNA. Some example of this include Xrays and nuclear reactions, known collectively as ionizing radiation. The frequencies and power densities utilized in telecommunications have also been shown to cause biological effects. They penetrate living tissue on a full-body or localized scale, depending on wave size, interacting with electro-magnetic systems in the body (nervous system and heart beat) and altering cell structure. The ability of electromagnetic waves to heat molecules, known as their Tuesday, Dec 2 thermal effects, is most commonly encountered in the daily use of microwave ovens. These cooking appliances operate at 2450 Megahertz (2.45 Gigahertz), which is on the high end of the microwave spectrum. This range, from hundreds of Megahertz to a few Gigahertz, is also used for the majority of today’s wireless communication services. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the federal agency responsible for regulating radio frequency and microwave emissions. It does not recognize adverse health effects associated with below-thermal levels of EMF exposure. According to publications by the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET), a biological effect “does not necessarily suggest the existence of a biological hazard” (emphasis original, OET Bulletin 56). If microwaves are not emitted at power densities strong enough to heat living tissue (i.e. to cook you), they are considered safe. In 1999, the Cellular Phone Taskforce sued the FCC, Cellular Phone Taskforce vs. FCC 2000, and the United States government on multiple counts, one being that the set limits are “arbitrary and capricious because they fail to account for nonthermal affects of RF radiation.” They also claimed that the Telecommunications Act violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. People diagnosed with a new disorder known as electromagnetic sensitivity are unable to function in environments dominated by EMFs. The suit was denied on all counts by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. In October 2002, a group of 64 German doctors signed their names to the Freiburger Appeal, a document expressing extreme concern regarding the health effects of low-intensity and high-frequency microwave yes. Priceless. I knew that I was making a difference in the lives of the kids I tutored but I think I learned a lot about myself in the process. Instead of continuing see Economy page 11 INFORMATION ON EMFs Federal Communications Commission www.fcc.gov Photo by Eric Schmitz A disguised cell tower looms over the Ridgeway Complex at WWU. Cell towers like these are becoming more and more common as cell phone use continues to rise. and brain tumors, corresponding to the proliferation of wireless technology. They also witnessed growing complaints of so-called “psychosomatic” disorders such as migraines, chronic exhaustion, tinnitus (ringing ears), and unexplainable nerve, tendon and ligament pains. After “carefully-directed inquiry,” these physicians were able to connect the onset of symptoms with increased cell or microwave radiation into homes, schools and work places. The expanding reach of wireless technology is, to some extent, driven by demand. Lynch said that in the early days of cellular communication people were content to stand outside and receive static-laden service from distant towers. Today’s high-speed data transfers require closer and more high-powered transmitters. OET Bulletin 56 can be found at: http://www.fcc.gov/oet/info/ documents/bulletins/ Based in Vancouver, Canada, Milt Bowling works with communities, governments, and industries to implement safe wireless telecommunications policies. Learn about his work at: EMRX: The Prescription for Safe Wireless www.emrx.org Community Tuesday, Dec 2 On The American Identity Mara Mitchell American identity is based on choice: the choice to have a family (or not), the choice to go to college or live in a straw bale house. You can even decide to dress in purple and green polka dots and stand on the street corner, waving your arms about the lack of carbon dioxide emissions standards. The power of choice My parents moved to northern Idaho in 1980 to grow organic vegetables and practice natural healing. Their choices created opposition to the dominant society’s push to consume. Today, their environmental values fit neatly into the corporate economy’s “green lifestyle” sector, a $30 billion dollar industry that promises “consumers” the choice Oh well, says the advertising industry. This is America. I can be whoever I want to be... is deeply rooted in American identity. The Bill of Rights and private property laws restrict the governments’ ability to interfere with citizens’ life choices. Yet what happens when government allows industry to define which choices are valid–or even possible? After World War II, chemical and manufacturing industries claimed that the American Dream was coming true. Citizens (soon re-named “consumers”) were faced with unlimited product choices: washing machines, Lysol and starched shirts became a social measuring stick. This year, industries spent $295 billion in media and mail advertising. These ads attempt to convince us that our purchases define who we are. to “Be Green”. Despite individual “green identities” based on organic produce, non-toxic paint, and a Prius, chemicals released on an industrial scale steadily concentrate in mammalian breast milk, brain tissue and body fat. Humans, along with orca whales, elephants and black bears, experience the effects. It’s becoming more and more difficult to chose to live without a heavy metal or chemical impacts that burden the body. It’s nearly impossible to find a wilderness that’s immune to global climate change. There are fewer and fewer places to go that exist outside the web of cellular technology. Human industry is altering the planet’s ecosystems. Americorps: Making a difference through service learning projects with formal education, I moved into a house in West Seattle and began helping those who needed it. At the time, I didn’t consider the service aspect of what I was doing so much; I thought I was just working in AmeriCorps to get money for school. However, I had time to myself to read books I’d never had time to sit down with before. I could think about my future with hardly any deadlines hanging over me. I could explore Seattle with reckless abandon and simultaneously, whether I realized it or not, explore myself and figure out how I want to spend my life. Serving in the school, however, was not the only part of the program. Every Friday, the team would meet for trainings on everything from public speaking, to grant writing, to antiracism work. The meetings also provided time to grow as a team and ask for help with projects at our respective school sites. Typically, WRC schools had two to four AmeriCorps volunteers from Mondays through Thursdays. If a Friday meeting was not scheduled, my school site would let me go on field trips with the kids. I was able, by chaperoning excursions, to see plays, visit the Pacific Science Center, tour the aquarium and go to the zoo. Until my father suggested I look into AmeriCorps as a way to spend my gap year, I had never heard of the organization. After I was involved, I quickly (and hypocritically) found myself astonished with how many others were unfamiliar with this form of national service because it provides so many learning opportunities. Tim Costello, the Director of Campus Service Learning at Western explained how AmeriCorps helps prepare students for the next phase of their lives. “They gain skills for the workforce,” he said, “and it [AmeriCorps] strengthens the non-profit sector.” The majority of AmeriCorps programs work in conjunction with nonprofit organizations. “Non-profits are a strong part of our economy. They are critical to our economy. There are over 400 non-profits in Bellingham,” Costello said. Any not-for-profit organization can apply to receive support from AmeriCorps. The program provides mutual benefits for the organization and its volunteers. There were plenty of Page 3 Since a species’ environment defines its structure and function, these changes have evolutionary repercussions for human beings (as well as every other organism on the planet). Of particular interest here is how these environmental changes affect homo sapien identity. Many people today don’t cook for themselves, let alone remember how to farm, hunt, build or weave fiber. Lacking the skills to directly provide basic necessities, I must rely on the economic sectors that produce these goods. I become dependent upon the industrial system. In order to survive in that system, I need money. To make money, I need skills valued by the industrial, or these days, the technological job market. If my identity is strongly based on what I do for a living, I soon identify primarily with mechanical, rather than organic, processes. If I can’t get a job to earn the money to buy food and pay rent, I cease to have value as a human being. I’m no longer a functional component of the economy. In this world view, any living or non-living being that can’t be utilized for profit is disposable. In this way, society marginalizes entire communities. People who can’t work are reduced to poverty. Ecosystems are systematically destroyed in order to extract resources. Anyone who chooses to identify with these communities, on the basis of blood, shared experience or empathy, exists on the margins. Meanwhile, those within the technological realm revel in a high-speed utopia: laptops, cell phones, ipods and“blackberries” (not to be confused with the wild, fruit-bearing bramble). These innovations offer the apparently enticing possibility that humans can exist solely within an environment of their own creation. Technological gadgets inhabit many urban-dwellers’ most intimate spaces (my little brother sleeps with his cell phone) and receive more attention than best friends. Contact with rivers, farm land, bats, raccoons and deer is minimal to non-existent within the “technosphere.” If identity is based on associations, then migration to a human-created realm has limited our choices of with whom we can identify. Can you talk to a salmon on your cell phone? Do you know how to ask a tree for its perspective on deforestation? An ability to communicate worldwide is flaunted as one of the greatest achievements of the technological revolution. In this light, leaving communication with other-than-human life forms out of the equation seems like an evolutionary blind spot. It assumes that human identity exists apart from its larger ecological context. You can’t eat microchips. The industrial and technological revolutions failed to recognize human dependence upon the biosphere. Homo sapiens were and continue to be born from the planets’ biological systems. And if human industry is affecting the planet’s ability to reproduce. . . Oh well, says the advertising industry. This is America. I can be whoever I want to be: I can borrow my identity from any culture, dress it up in designer suits or wear my hair in dread locks. I can be me. Technology has given me unrestricted choice. The only limit is the reach of the cell phone tower. But what good is a cell phone if I want to speak to trees? stories I heard where, after finishing their service year, AmeriCorps members were hired by the very agencies they just served. “It makes sense. The organization knows the person is already invested in the cause,” Costello said. A high number of Western undergraduates actually enter AmeriCorps or some other form of service but many of them are Fairhaven alums. This could be that AmeriCorps and Fairhaven share similar interests of equality and social justice. I am delighted that I spent two years with AmeriCorps and helped so many kids at the same time. If you want to get involved check out www. americorps.org and search through the programs. My advice to contact the person on the detail listing because the website’s database does not have the information you can get from someone who actually works at the agency. For me, the experience not only opened my eyes to the world I live in, but also allowed me to see the effects of both oppression and empowerment in our society. I saw families from the school disappear when they had to move south where housing was cheaper. I helped a child, who used to scream racial slurs at other students on the playground, gain a year’s worth of progress with reading. He found books he liked to read and I will never forget how excited he was when we sat down and read about dinosaurs. One of my best memories is when my co-worker and I decorated the school for a Dr. Seuss Spirit Week. Kindergarteners and fifth graders alike were delighted to find the school overrun with Truffula trees and characters from books they had read. I will be forever proud of the impact I made through AmeriCorps on the school, the city, and the students. Photo by Kyler Barton A display put together by the Washington Reading Corps (WRC). Americorps works with the WRC and other non-profits in schools and communities. Literature Page 4 Tuesday, Dec 2 Inkspeak 2009 Calling all artists and writers! InkSpeak, Fairhaven’s arts and literary magazine, is accepting submissions for the 2009 issue. The deadline is February 23. InkSpeak is also looking for an artist or artists to work with on this year’s issue. If you would like to help in the production of InkSpeak, it can be taken as an Independent Study winter and/or spring quarter. For more information, email inkspeakmag@gmail.com. Photo by Jordan Bright Kyler Barton Carl the Jellyfish: Of Sex and Drunken Whales It seemed like a perfectly normal marine evening. The ocean heaved a sigh, sending waves splattering over the rocks of the shore. The water frothed and bubbled, sending a spray into the crisp air. Beneath the water, however, the scene was not so peaceful. An argument had erupted between a jellyfish and a starfish. The starfish was, for the most part, a well-balanced fellow. He had five arms, a water vascular system, and innumerable tube feet. The jellyfish, however, was as different in body from the echinoderm as in temperament, but this was, after all, no ordinary jellyfish. Carl the Jellyfish happened to be bipolar as well as a transvestite cnidarian. His life partner, a ball of yarn, was currently snoozing in a nearby kelp bed. Up until a few minutes ago, Carl had been doing the same, until the starfish decided to “rumble past, like a bloated whale drunk on krill cocktails and screaming shrilly for no other reason than to disturb the quiet repose of two lovers,” as Carl screeched. “You disgust me you great buffoon! When you pry open your next clam, I hope it vomits in your face and rips apart your soul, you son-of-a-bitch! Be gone from my sight, foul creature! I can’t stand to feel your presence!” The starfish’s surprise at the jellyfish’s verbal abuse had moved to quiet, almost patient, bewilderment. He had simply fallen from a rock above and landed here. It was an innocent mistake, but any time the echinoderm attempted to explain, Carl would cut him off with a new barrage of insults. He finally walked away, shaking his tube feet in silent incomprehension. “That’s right, run, bitch!” Carl called, making obscene gestures with his tentacles, however jellyfish do that. He returned, fuming, to the kelp. Upon lying down, the yarn rolled toward him and Carl squeezed it closer. “Sorry dear,” he cooed, pushing his tentacles around the yarn, tickling it softly. “Would you like to snuggle?” Without waiting for a reply (Carl never did) he leapt atop his lover and attempted to have sex, despite the late hour, but he realized that he could not manage to complete the act for some reason. “What’s wrong with me?” he whimpered. It was easy to see he was still furious with the starfish and his anger was interfering with his attempts to make love with his life partner. “I can’t do it! I’m too upset! This is unfair! I hate myself! I hate the world!” Then Carl’s bipolar nature took over and if he was mad before, he was livid now. “This is bullshit! I want you and you don’t want me! You’ve been nothing but trouble, you lazy oaf! I’m always on top doing all the work! You are no fun in bed! You are dead to me!” Carl was clearly blinded by his rage and the yarn took the abuse without complaint or defense. The bipolar jellyfish spat derogatory terms and adult references, however it is jellyfish spit, and the very ocean seemed to tremble. During the assault of baseless accusations, a current spun by and picked the end of the ball of yarn and laid it across Carl’s mouth. He shuddered suddenly and his screams subsided. The jellyfish suddenly swooned as his mind switched over and he screeched with a new tone. “I love when you touch me that way!” He leapt upon the yarn and, within five minutes, both Carl and the yarn were satisfied in every erotic way possible and they nodded off dreaming of sex and drunken whales. Illustration by Kyler Barton Tuesday, Dec 2 Kyler Barton Serial Page 5 Confessions of a Corporate Assassin What word are you? I remember an exercise from college, the one the professor gave because he was suffering with a hangover and forgot his notes, where I had to describe myself with a word and explain the relevance. I won’t say it became my middle name, because that’s impossible. Investing that much in a word seems a little melodramatic to me. I never forgot that exercise and it stuck with me, literally; I carry the paper with me wherever I go. Sometimes the most superfluous parts of life come together to form the very core of it. This crumpled paper reads: I pick the word resourceful because I know how to take care of myself and achieve my objectives in any given situation. Growing up, I had guns stuck in my face, I was beaten by police officers and before I could legally drink, both of my parents were dead. I believe words have an indeterminable power and should never be underestimated. I’m resourceful because I choose my words carefully and from there I express myself with eloquence and clarity. I understand that clarity comes out of confusion and the unknown and, so far, there is little I have revealed about myself in this piece. I could write a What word are you? detailed account of my life, but why spoil the mystery? The truth is this assignment is bullshit and I have explained my word as much as I care to. That’s the story of my word. I like the honest approach and don’t care to waste time. I learned everything in school besides what the classes were designed to teach me. I discovered that accountability is an important and noble concept. Like words, I find power in accountability, and like words, I see people take it for granted. While I bring up people, I would like to point out how systems we create trap and label us. The technological revolution has been taken and used against us. I saw that disaster coming, but that’s still not what interests me and I think that perhaps I should tell you what I do. Before I reveal my job description, you must understand the systems we live under are broken. One such example is the legal system. I would say justice is dealt like a deck of cards. I mean a full deck of cards. There’s a king of clubs, the jack of spades, all those regular cards representing routine cases. But suddenly, there’s a case that can only be compared with the joker. I don’t approve of joker cases and those who don’t take accountability simply piss me off. My line of work is holding those accountable who try to, and often do, avoid responsibility. I have identified my target group and work, for the most part, against them. Those who commit corporate fraud unwittingly also make themselves my prey. There is no excuse for a CEO that rips off his or her company and the taxpayers. I like to look out for the little guy and I have made a rather successful career out of it. I work alone. I hunt at night. I use only blades. I have never been a fan of guns; they remove the killer from the killing. I consciously execute my victims and do so calmly and with poise: Fifteen CEOs have died by my weapons and I have threatened countless others. I enjoy being something they cannot attack with money. One of the more despicable acts, besides the actual fraud, is sending someone else to do their dirty work. When I meet opposition that is not my target, I will attack to maim only. I think it helps for CEOs to know that there are assassins like me. It is gratifying to see them stare cautiously from the elevator into the parking garage. I am their fear. It may seem like a strange line of work, especially for me. I assure you that it was not something I planned on. However, most of what happened in my life did not match my childhood dreams. My parents died in a plane crash while returning from celebrating their thirty-fifth anniversary. They were rich and, because of their money, I don’t need to work for the rest of my life and can spend my time as I please. I do what I do, because I see the broken system that is supposed to take care of criminals. It failed and I am here to uphold justice. I could fill books with the tales of my exploits but I realize I have not filled you in with the current proceedings. I am sitting in a coffee shop near the financial district. I spend a lot of time here doing my homework, which is to say I put faces to names from the paper after discovering the latest shenanigans. I carry my little memo book with me. I have hundreds of the damn things, all filled up, all perused; the intelligence of my operation. I don’t trust computers. Someone like me cannot risk the loss of files to some seventeen-year-old hacker with heavy emotional turmoil and no social life. The memo with me now is black and the covers are heavily beaten from being repeatedly stuffed into a pocket. I jot down a few words with my black pen and sip my hot chocolate. I never liked coffee much, but there’s something about hot chocolate that I can’t ignore. The tantalizing aroma, the creamy froth at the top of the glass, plus the intoxicating flavor all combines to create my favorite beverage. My next victim’s picture, torn from today’s paper, is taped on top of the current page of my notebook. Albert Simmons came under heavy scrutiny when a bank account was discovered in Europe under one of his aliases. Authorities believe that he has been funneling money directly from his company while cutting the salaries of everyone beneath him. He has served as the CEO of the Kremco Corporation for six years and the headquarters is located twelve blocks west of here. My prey won’t come to me, but I’ll seek him out myself. I finish my hot chocolate, put my memo in my pocket and set off to identify my victim. The sidewalks are clogged with employees bound in their business suits as they scurry about on their lunch breaks. A few passersby spare a moment to direct a haughty glance toward me. I am dressed in a pair of black boots, jeans, a long-sleeved black shirt and a billowing cape. The cape serves the practical purpose of shielding my weapons. The Twins, as I like to call them, are a pair of identical katanas. They hang on my belt, one on each side, just behind my hips. They are, without a doubt, my most expensive possessions. Carrying around such weapons may seem like a bad idea, but I feel it just encourages me to be more cautious. When it comes to my line of work, the degree of caution can be the difference between life and death or freedom from imprisonment. My intimidating appearance works to my advantage when walking in this crowded environment because everyone gives me ample berth to pass. Some flatten themselves against buildings while others step off the curb momentarily. It is sometimes hard to determine what people are trying to communicate with their eyes as they stare at me. Do they know who I am? There’s too much interpretation involved there and I prefer to keep my mind to the task at hand. I am standing across the street from the Kremco building. A collection of chain restaurants makes up a meager food court just inside the main doors. The presence of security cameras is not to be underestimated. I have no idea if I am being hunted and I hate killing when I don’t have to. I pull the memo from my jeans as I enter the building. The smell of grease and fried burgers greets my nostrils with predictable immediacy. I study the grainy picture again and cast a quick eye over my surroundings: Exit signs, doors, shiny linoleum, window at the end of this entrance hall, all details are important should the situation warrant a hasty escape. I walk to a bulletin board and run my eyes past it into the Subway restaurant. Fortune favors me, for I have looked in no other eateries and a few tables here and I seem to have a match. The man appears tired and disheveled. He is smiling and chuckling with the two men at the table. I glance at the picture again and I am sure Mr. Simmons is but a few paces from where I stand. The corrupt CEO crumples the remains of his lunch and exits, stuffing the trash into the bin right next to me. Now that I have seen him, I head for the elevator. Moments later, I step into the parking garage. Sure enough, to my right, sits a Lamborghini, complete with the letters C, E, and O stenciled on the wall just in front of the bumper. My job is really not as complex as it sounds. Other assassins might put a bomb in the overpriced status symbol, but I still object to such a practice. It is cowardly and removes the harsh impact of killing someone from whoever planted the explosive. Furthermore, bombs can malfunction or be deactivated. My way leaves no confusion of the outcome. I quickly scan the area and find no cameras aimed at the car. Pillars cut off a direct view from the street, which is down a ramp and to the right. If I strike when Mr. Simmons is entering his vehicle, he will fall, between a wall and his car, completely out of sight. I sweep away from the inevitable crime scene and step back into the shade of the financial towers. As I begin walking back toward the coffee shop, however, I realize that something doesn’t feel right. The sidewalk is still stuffed with people, but though I usually play the hunter, I have my own sense of when I am being hunted. I know the last thing to do is turn and look. I keep walking, parting the crowd effortlessly. The coffee shop will have to wait. I need to find cover. A siren wails in the distance, but I know it is not for me. If someone is after me, announcing their position will not help their cause. I can feel the crowd behind me. There is pushing and jostling; someone is desperately closing in from behind. I lean forward and cut sharply into an alley. No one surrounding me notices. I run over the grimy pavement, dotted with dark puddles and trash. I dive toward several dumpsters and crouch behind one as a shot is fired. The hunt is on. Illustration by Kyler Barton Page 6 Chick-fil-A Tuesday, Dec 2 New Chick-fil-A franchise on campus brings controversy, and sandwiches Katie Chugg It is a large animal with a white body, black spots, utters, and four legs. It has many uses: leather, dairy products, meat, and pulling carts. Its catchphrase: moo. It is the logo for a company, Chick-FilA, whose classic seasoned handbreaded boneless breast of chicken served on a toasted bun has come to campus with an outcry of protest. Why would want to protest this image and a chicken sandwich? Protesting Ideology: The Conflict A wide campus email was sent out the beginning of Fall Quarter to address some of the concerns about Chick-Fil-A, which led to a panel forum, “Serving Up Controversy: The Politics of Chick-fil-A & Western,” put on by the Social Issues Resource Center(SIRC) and the Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer Alliance(LGBTA), on October 16, 2008. According to the Western Front, the panel consisted of Willy Hart, University Residences director and Executive Dining Committee chair, Erik Lowe, Associated Students president, Amber Aldrich, a concerned student of the LGBT community, Ronna Biggs, LGBT Concerns Committee Chair and Residential Life, Seth Vidana from the office of sustainability and Brendan Lind, student coordinator of Students for Sustainable Food. Also, in the Western Front, AS President, Eric Lowe, spoke out about the recent attacks at WSU campus.”[The board] wants an environment at Western where students don’t carry with them the fear of violence or slanderous comments,” Lowe said. “No matter what lifestyle students choose, everyone should feel safe and as free of hate as possible. Students have the right to believe what they want, be who they are and any individual, organization or institution that seeks to deny any individual of those rights will not be tolerated.” Lowe is not aware of the potential message of his words when he said “no matter what lifestyle students choose”, because sexual orientation is not viewed as a choice by the American Psychological Association. Although Chick-Fil-A does not purport anti-gay rhetoric, it is through the owners private beliefs that this message is being distributed on our campus. The Chick-Fil-A Story According to the ChickFil-A website, “It all started in 1946, when Truett Cathy opened his first restraint, Dwarf Grill, in Hapeville, Georgia. Credited with inventing the boneless breast of chicken sandwich, Mr. Cathy founded Chick-fil-A, Inc. in the early 1960’s and pioneered the establishment of restaurants in shopping malls.” Cathy’s company is still privately held and owned by him and his family, and created the Winshape foundation in 1984 to “ shape winners.” According to the Winshape Foundation website, “The Foundation supports a variety of programs, including a long-term foster care program, a summer camp for nearly 1,800 kids each year, a scholarship program in conjunction with Rome, Ga.based Berry College, and marriage enrichment retreats.” that treatment for unwanted homosexual behavior is harmful, unethical and unsuccessful. 2Of note, this resolution also supports the client’s right to selfdetermination and autonomy – calling for psychologists to ‘respect the rights of others to hold values, attitudes and opinions that differ from their own.” Focus on the Family believe people choose to enter into samesex relationships and purport they are “multiple ways out”. They cite 1 Cor. 6:9-11: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God(King James Bible). Focus on the Family has a stance against any other sexual identity except for heterosexual and this has concerned students, faculty and staff. sent out. Majkut said students questioned what they could do to get Chick-Fil-A off campus: the response they received at this panel was that Western had signed a contract so there was not much they could do about it at this time. I am a really active student and there is a process of committees and bureaucracy to go through to get things in motion,” Majkut these factors are driven by the grab and go lifestyle of students. The next part of the proces was the Executive Dinning Hall Committee: AS president., Faculty Pres office, Catering Dean, Members, other admin, as well as the Assistant President for Diversity. The Executive Dinning Service Committee was looking for willful employment discrimination, which It is difficult to sometimes respond in a manner that is more articulate than “You’re wrong!” “No, You’re wrong!” because it is such an emotional issue said, “it is a reality that the average student is disconnected from this process.” University Process and Decisions The University has entered into a 10 year contract with Sodexo, as their main operator, but have had many companies who bid on the space in the VU—such as Pizza The Platforms Hut, Freshens and others For Discussion Willy Hart, director of University Residences, said what Devin Majkut, SIRC the Executive Dining Committee Coordinator, said the LGBTA was basing their decision on was co-sponsored panel was to discuss the calculation of the Viking issues about sustainability which The Cathy’s family foundation included the decisions to not Union as a retail area. It is only helps thousands of people ever include local options and Chic- open 32 weeks a year, Monday year internationally and nationally, Fil-A farming practices, as well as through Friday, and has 11 a.m. and it does it through Christian the anti-gay politics, imagery and to 2 p.m. peak times, he said. The committee considered how they ministries, which align with a rhetoric. could maximize this period of Focus on the Family Doctrine, Although students are not time, while minimizing cost for which is openly anti-gay. eating at Chic-Fil-A, when the students.. The goal according to buy something from the VU Hart, was to find a company that The Focus On The Family market they are still supporting can, “service 5-11 customers per Doctorine Sodexo and the Dinning Hall minute.” Services, which have contracted The university started out The Focus on the Family with Chick-Fil-A.. with two or three companies website credits James C. Dobson, . “How many students bidding on this dinning platform, Ph.D.,as the founder and chairman. need to be impacted before it Hart said. The first part of the It is a non-profit organization is removed?” Majkut said. The process was that the Dinning that produces his internationally campus community knows Chick- Hall Customer Service had food syndicated radio programs. Fil-A is now associated with the prepared for them so they could Their stance on sexual anti-gay movement; they have taste the actual food that would be orientation can be found on their the image of supporting anti-gay served on campus. website under social issues and groups. She said it was only after Hart said the time line according to it,“ Here,the American students complained about Chick- for implementing a new dining Psychological Association claimed Fil-A an campus wide email was platform takes year and a half to process; the dinning platform bidding started in September 2007 to design, build, and open it by September 2008. This had to go through the Faculty Senate, which we had two folks running on this bid competitively and then two and of these two Chick-Fil-A fit the parameters of precisely what the university was looking for. The University Dinning Services in conjunction with the franchise. Western has agreed to do for Chick-Fil-A: food prep, carry specialty items, use their recipes, for a flat fee. Or use their, “methods and menu”. Hart said most of these franchises have a shelf life of Photo by Laura Jones about 5 years, which provides Chick-fil-A has just opened up a new branch in the Viking Union at Western Washington us with some flexibility in University. Its arival has triggered contreversy amongst the student body. dining platforms. He said all of it didn’t find. “It had 17 lawsuits since it opened, “ Hart said, “I am sure our university has had at least 17 lawsuits filed against it.” A similar protest happened when Starbucks was first introduced to campus, and Tony’s Coffee shops were introduced to give students a different option. Hart said if Western were to start looking into the personal ideologies that every company practices, besides illegal operations such as sweatshops, this could lead each company doing business with the university would have to undergo a similar rigorous process. Thus, this would potentially leave the university with less businesses to do business with based on certain individuals personal politics. LGBTA Concerns Shanti Zunes-Wolfe, LGBTA Assistant Coordinator, said some people do not mind Chick-Fil-A at all, but she has talked to several people who view it as a hate symbol. “ I do feel like it is a huge problem that students (and staff, for that matter) are feeling this way. I think the university has responsibility to address this added stress factor,” Zunes-Wolf said. She said, in general, it is difficult for people, who identify with the queer community, to feel prepared to handle the type rhetoric that conservative Christian groups like Focus on the Family use when talking about gay and feminist issues. “It is difficult to sometimes respond in a manner that is more articulate than “You’re wrong!” “No, you’re wrong!” because it is such an emotional issue,” She said. The LGBT Concerns Committee went to the Executive Dining Committee with their concerns about Chick-Fil-A after it appeared they were not going to take initiative on their own, Zunes-Wolf said. Although they invited the LGBTCC to speak to them, they ignored their proposal of asking Chick-Fil-A to not come anyway. Zunes-Wolf said, “It appears that by having one, it is just doing lip service to the queer community rather than actually having a support system in place.” So, what then are we really eating? Voices Tuesday, Dec 2 Page 7 Q&A with Ronna Biggs A Question and Answer with Ronna Biggs, Coordinator for Programming & Leadership Development (CPLD), and Chair, WWU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Concerns Committee ( LGBTCC ) for four years, took concerns to the Executive Dinning Hall Committee about Chick-Fil-A. Katie Chugg (KC): What were your initial concerns about Chick-Fil-A as the Coordinator, Programing and Leadership Development of Residence Life? Chair for the LGBT? Ronna Biggs (RB): As the CPLD, I had specific issues that I felt were significant and important to review and discuss. I am on the University Residences Multicultural Committee, I have been asked as a part of my job to pay special attention to LGBT issues within our department and campus, I am the chair of the LGBTCC and I’m one of the few openly gay staff members in my department. I have multiple perspectives through which to consider this information, and nothing felt right about having CFA on campus. The concerns I submitted to the two supervisors included: Chick-fil-A has engaged in corporate partnership with organizations that promote anti-gay and homophobic rhetoric: unavailability of a nondiscrimination clause on the Chick-fil-A corporate website that reflected consideration and protections for, and inclusion of, LGBT individuals; CFA had past lawsuits regarding religious discrimination filed against it. Additionally, publicly available values statements made by the owner regarding the characteristics of ideal candidates for franchise operators appeared narrow in scope. The student demand for services might be affected by Chick-fil-A’s policy requiring all franchises to be closed on From a statement the committee issued to campus constituents, the concerns are summarized here: Key issues that the LGBTCC presented where agreement and resolution have been reached to a satisfactory level, include: A request to the Chick-fil-A corporation to produce a nondiscrimination clause that would be inclusive of LGBT-identified individuals was met. The corporation clause reads, “Chick-fil-A, Inc. makes all employment decisions on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, sex, pregnancy, age, religion, national origin, color, disability, citizenship, military service status or any other factor or characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local law.” [Cited from written correspondence from Chick-fil-A to University Dining Services.] clause does include sexual orientation, and gender identity/ expression, so Chick-fil-A would be obliged to follow State law should there be a question. The Assistant Attorney General’s office reviewed lawsuits against Chick-fil-A as well as legal aspects of the contract that Western has with Sodexo, and subsequently that Sodexo has with Chick-fil-A. Those contracts are in good standing and there does not appear to be a legal basis to prevent execution of the contract. It was confirmed that WWU employees – students in particular – would be hired, supervised and trained by Sodexo, which has nondiscrimination I have multiple perspectives through which to consider this information, and nothing felt right about having Chick-fil-a on campus Sunday. The university might have little ability to accommodate such demand. Western holds dear values around diversity and inclusion. These values appear to be compromised by contracting with a vendor and bringing a storefront to our campus that has a pattern of corporate partnership with individuals / events / organizations that promote antigay and homophobic rhetoric. As Chair of the LGBTCC , my concerns remained the same and actually were expanded based on additional LGBTCC conversation and research regarding CFA’s corporate partnerships. There were a number of issues the LGBTCC presented to the EDC. Some of those issues were able to have adequate resolution; however a number of concerns remained. Photo by Jordan Bright Ronna Biggs, seen here in her office, is the Coordinator for Programming and Leadership Additionally, the State of Development, and the Chair of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Washington ’s nondiscrimination Committee. She sat down with Free Press reporter Katie Chugg for an interview. policies and practices in place. It should also be noted that the LGBTCC on several occasions asserted there is not a question with Sodexo or its corporate practices; there is great confidence in Sodexo’s treatment of and care for Western’s student employees. Sodexo representatives also noted that should any student who is hired by Sodexo request to NOT work at Chick-fil-A due to personal reasons or conflicts, those students would be supported and reassigned to work in another dining outlet. Key issues that the LGBTCC presented where concern still remains include: Members of the LGBTCC are concerned that the financial connection and visual representation of a Chick-fil- A franchise serves as a daily reminder to LGBT and Allyidentified students, staff, faculty and campus visitors that we are financially supporting a corporation with corporate connections to individuals / events / organizations that promote antigay and homophobic rhetoric. The LGBTCC believes this presence and investment undermines the values of inclusion and support of diversity on our campus, especially for LGBT-identified individuals. Western may be viewed negatively and/or construed as not supporting socially just or socially responsible corporate / vending practices because of our affiliation with Chick-fil-A. The apparent disconnect between Western’s stated values and strategic actions and its practices may lead to lack of confidence about contracting processes and decisions. Chick-fil-A will remain closed on Sunday. While there are not particular legal regulations that require the business to be closed (e.g. federal regulations or issues of labor), Sodexo will comply with the spirit of Chick-fil-A philosophy and accommodate the corporate vendor’s request to stay closed on Sundays. Students will not have a choice to have this platform open on Sunday should there be interest in that option or a request be made. Lingering questions remain about the hiring practices of Chick-fil-A regarding the characteristics of ideal candidates for franchise operators that appear narrow in scope. While Chick-fil-A representatives provided assurances they follow appropriate and legal hiring practices, comments by other Chick-fil-A representatives (e.g. the owner) in news articles indicate ideal characteristics for operators that may reflect incongruence between policy and practice. Western strongly articulates its values of recruiting and retaining a diverse student body and recruiting and hiring a diverse staff and faculty. Western’s community has worked to put in place measures that translate this philosophy into action. Chickfil-A’s representatives have clearly articulated values and it is difficult to imagine that the corporation would not similarly have measures in place in their processes to translate their philosophies in action. The following article from Forbes magazine online notes that the owner (Cathy) “wants married workers, believing they are more industrious and productive.” Such a statement of values as to who is an ideal employee leaves a significant number of individuals (including single people of any gender or sexual orientation, unmarried heterosexual couples, and samesex couples) on the periphery, and brings in question the Chickfil-A recruitment, interview, and hiring processes that are in place to lead to such an outcome. As an example, see a recent 2007 Forbes article: “Loyalty to the company isn’t the only thing that matters to Cathy, who wants married workers, believing they are more industrious and productive.” The issue of “ideal employees” is not new; as an example of historical pattern, see a 1986 BNet article: “’We’re looking at the character of a person. ... We want to see what motivates him and whether he has the ability and stamina to achieve,’ said Cathy, adding that being a Christian or a believer is not a prerequisite for becoming an operator. “’We have a few Jews working for us, but I don’t think an atheist would fit in well here.’” Chick-fil-A’s presence on campus and contract with Western appear to present a conflict of institutional values and practice. Western articulates messages supporting diversity of people and thought in its values statements and its strategic actions and objectives. Financially supporting and hosting a business on our campus that, for many, may serve as a reflection of oppression does not operationalize WWU’s stated intent to foster a feeling of safety and inclusion for campus members and undermines the spirit of a welcoming community that honors diversity. KC:Have any of the concerns raised by students or the LGBT community on campus been heard or “dealt” with? RB: There have been a variety of concerns raised by different individuals and community groups – issues with anti-gay connections, issues of sustainability, not buying local, etc. I think initially, the selection process probably went well in that students were serving on committees giving input. I can’t speak for the students who served on those committees if they have any reaction to their levels of participation or how much influence they had or believed they had. I don’t know that. I know students were involved, but they would need to respond to their level of knowledge or input. I don’t know if students ever heard about the concerns I raised see Interview page 2 H20 Water: the gift that keeps on giving Page 8 Unless its filled with lead Kyle Fleck Tuesday, Dec 2 Five things you should know about water: 1. Roughly 61.8% of you is made out of water. Deal with it! 3. “Water” is also the name of a computing language “for rapid prototyping of XML Web services”, apparently. 2. 4. 5. It is the name of a crappy Conor Oberst album. (Oh face it: all Conor Oberst albums are crappy Conor Oberst albums.) Water is something you should drink every day, to stay healthy… and alive. Hmmm… I don’t have a fifth thing, so I’ll just hook you up with some jive movie trivia: Sylvester Stallone’s high school classmates voted him the one “most likely to end up in the electric chair.” Straight out the mouth of IMDB, yo. But, to return to point number 4, the people who built Western Washington University back in 1678 knew the importance of us academic folk keeping hydrated. That’s the reason for the fabulous water fountain selection available to any man, woman, child or in-between who just happens to be wandering around Western. WWU also knows the importance of lead to the human diet, which is why some water fountains around campus were recently found to contain two times the recommended daily dosage of lead. Beat that, you Evergreen hippies! Anyway, I’m an avid water fountain patron, and I’ve noticed that not all water fountains are created equal. (Take that, Water Fountain Constitution!) So, to spare you from drinking mediocre, warm, overripe, or wimpy-pressured agua from any of these lesser fountains, I have compiled a list of the TOP FIVE BEST WATER FOUNTAINS AT WESTERN. Drink from the fountain of my knowledge, young serfs. 1. Fairhaven College, 3rd Floor, Across from the Video Editing Lab have some funky, funky diets. Besides this small flaw however, you simply can’t beat the instantaneous refreshment accorded you by this delightful faucet. 5. Library, just to the left of Circulation Services across in the Haggard wing Alright, look. If you’ve made it this far, I’m guessing you trust my judgment on the issue of water fountain quality. Therefore, having already given you the location of the final most EXCELLENT water fountain on Western’s campus and believing that I no longer have to convince you that it is worth your time, I will simply list a comprehensive list of adjectives you could use to describe how it tastes to someone who had never tried it: stimulating, uplifting, inspirational, invigorating, energizing, revitalizing, cool, restorative, fortifying, enlivening, replenishing, recuperative, crystalline, life-affirming… I guess I’m just sort of beefing up my word count at this point. Go forth, my thirsty scholars, and drink plentifully from these givers of life. Honestly, this glistening silver spout of life-giving elixir was my primary inspiration for writing this article. Now, since I’m a student at Fairhaven, access to this delicious spring was pretty much constant and uninterrupted, and I understand that to you nonFairhaven students (*coughcoughsuckerscough*) it’s a bit of a trek from main campus to get over here. But that is simply NO EXCUSE to miss out on the ever-flowing delights of this one-of-a-kind water fountain. The only problem is that, as it is clearly heads-andshoulders above all others, this fountain attracts a fair amount of traffic during mid-day, I once waited in line for at LEAST a minute just to get a sip. Besides that small qualm though… it is perfection. 2. Arntzen Hall, 1st Floor, Just down the stairs at the front door Recommended to me by our esteemed editor Jordan Bright, who claimed it had “perfect water pressure”, this easy-to-find and centrally-located fountain does indeed deliver the goods. Normally, I avoid Arntzen Hall, finding it aesthetically rather repulsive, but now I have a reason to hit it up at least once a day on my way to main-campus classes. It seems that people with classes in Arntzen didn’t get the memo about water being an important of staying alive, and thus far I haven’t had to deal with any lines or camel-drinkers. 3. Fairhaven Stack 3, 1st Floor, Outside the RA’s room It’s time for some straight talk. I lived in this stack my freshman year (whoop whoop! Stack 3 for life! Etc.) This water fountain, it holds a special place in my heart. Every morning I would wake up, gloomily choke down some cinnamon Pop-tarts and trudge down the hall and down the stairs for my wake-up glug. So I’m going to admit a little bias when I tell you that the water in this fountain tastes like the emerald sweat of the gods. Plus, since it’s in the dorms, there’s never ANYBODY around to tell you to move your grits and scamper. Of course, the obvious downside of this is… it’s in the dorms. If you don’t have a key you’re going to have to do some waiting around like a creepo outside the door until somebody can let you in. Any other dorm-fountain, I’d say there’s no way it’s worth it. But there’s something about Stack 3 that just tells me you’d be an idiot to let it pass you by, so here’s my advice: Wait around the door between the hours of 1 and 3pm (rush hour for college students) and somebody will probably hook you up with access to the stack so you can taste for yourself, whenever you want, the luscious, refreshing, and (probably) lead-free water of this hidden Holy Grail of fountains. 4. Number one on the list, Fairhaven College’s third floor drinking fountain. Wade King Recreation Center, just to the right of the check-in desk This water fountain eluded my attention for some time, as I’m not what you might call a “regular” at the gym. A good friend reminded me that athletes (shockingly) drink a lot of the almighty liquid however, so it would behoove me to check out their selection. And let me tell you: I was not disappointed. I found this useful little number on one of my wanders around campus one day and instantly fell in love. Plus, I don’t even have to actually enter the gym itself, as it lies right next to the check-in desk. Unfortunately it’s right next to the bathrooms, and it seems like Western’s resident fitness nuts also Arntzen Hall, 1st floor. This drinking fountain made it to the number two spot. Photos by Jordan Bright Tuesday, Dec 2 Co-operation Page 9 Students work together to bring community food and campus co-op Eric Schmitz The house is unheated, but the bustle of people cooking food and playing music warms the temperature to t-shirt comfort level. The assortment of foods makes its way to the living room where plates of pasta salad, banana bread, and steaming orange squash are encircled by Fairhaven and Western students alike. Brendan Lind, the organizer of the potluck and Students for Sustainable Foods committee member, serves himself up and begins a discussion of what the Student Run Co-op will be. He asks for words that describe the coop to be called out, and on a scroll of paper Lind jots them down: inclusive, sustainable, economy, art, education. The vision of the Coop group is a communal place where everyone can share their ideas, music, art, and education. Ideally it will serve as a hub for activities, group/club meetings, study time and socializing, while providing a place to buy local, organic, fair trade and affordable food. The Student Run Co-op is the creation of Western students who are concerned about the lack of sustainable foods on campus. “We can’t bring in giant, unsustainable food chains and at the same time say Western is sustainable,” said Lind. Along with aligning Western’s claim of sustainability with actuality, Lind wants a place where students’ creativity, energy and passions run every part of the business. Ten minutes have gone by and people are still yelling out words - community, activism, social justice. The scroll is now filled with ideas that parallel the goals of Western’s own mission statement. “Western Washington University is committed to engaged excellence in fulfilling its tripartite mission of teaching, scholarship, and community service in a student- Students from the Western Washington University co-op pose for a photo in WWUs Red Square. They wish to bring a student run co-op to WWU. centered environment,” and “Western provides a high quality environment that complements the learning community on a sustainable and attractive campus intentionally designed to support student learning and environmental stewardship,”These are encouraging values to co-op supporters, but there are bureaucratic obstacles to overcome. Currently, the French multinational corporation, Sodexo manages all of Western’s dining services, excluding those on Vendors Row. Sodexo is one of the largest food services and management facilities in the world, servicing schools, hospitals, military mess halls and prisons around the world. Over the past year, Western’s Dining Services has brought more local food to Western’s palate. Lynden’s BelleWood apples, Wasabee’s ready-made sushi, Fair Trade Coffee and the Underground Coffee House’s local sandwich ingredients are all a step in the right direction towards environmental stewardship, said Lind. However, the bulk of Western students’ diets are not composed of coffee, sushi and apples. Western humanities professor and local farmer, Nicole Brown, is familiar with large scale “food brokerages”similar to Sodexo. “They do sell for the farmer, but it is usually for a cut of the money,” said Brown. Kurt Willis, Associate Director of University Residences, is most worried about the liability a farmer direct co-op would have. “The biggest concerns of the University is risk management, liability exposures, insurance claims and health issues that could cause a world of grief to the University, farmers aren’t the best to market their food; farmers can focus on growing, Sysco (Sodexo food supplier) has policies that insure the health of the food,” said Willis. Brown said her farm grows multiple produce items, such as turnips, potatoes, peppers, onions and carrots through November and storable items such as garlic, winter squash and potatoes through winter. These storable items can Photo by Eric Schmitz From left, Grace Yoakum, Charlotte Nickle, Cate Cook and Julia Maguire at a WWU Co-op potluck. The WWU Co-op wants to create a venue for local food and goods on Western’s campus. easily be combined with baked goods to provide meals through winter season, said brown. In terms of farmer to consumer oil consumption Brown said, “local foods don’t have to travel large distances, compared to most food that travels around 1,500 to 2,000 miles to the consumer.” Regardless of farming practice, the University requires all food suppliers to have a $5 million insurance policy, said Lind, an amount that most small farms cannot afford. With the addition of Chic-fil-A to Western’s dining options, students are questioning the Western administration as to what the healthier choice really is. A report by London’s City University looked at how companies responded to health targets set in 2004 by the World Health Organization to reduce obesity, heart disease and diabetes. The group studied annual reports, accounts and web sites of the top 10 food manufacturers, food retailers and top five food service companies. Sodexo is listed as not acting adequately to cut excessive salt, fat and sugar which are contributing to a global dietrelated health crisis. Beside negative health implications for the human body, industrial farming also has negative effects on the environment. Concentrated use of harmful fertilizers in midwestern USA, a center for factory farms, is causing a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. The dead zone, in which there is no life, besides bacteria, covers 20 thousand square miles in the Gulf of Mexico, according to John Tuxill, a Fairhaven professor. In reaction to such environmental degradation, Tuxill said he sees an increase in the market for local and organic farms. He believes they are more able to be conscious of how the farm influences the environment. Some classes that Tuxill teaches are held Photo by Eric Schmitz in The Outback Farm that lies behind Fairhaven and Buchanan Towers. In its five acre plot, students who envision a more sustainable campus grow fruits, vegetables and herbs that could ultimately be sold at the Student Run Co-op. Although the Student Run Co-op at Western is not yet a reality, the case is different for Evergreen State College’s Flaming Eggplant Café. In Evergreen’s Red Square a mobile trailer dishes out falafel pitas, salmon burgers, hot tea and an array of soups, grains, meats and salads with a menu that changes with the seasons. The coop plans on moving inside as soon as there is room within Evergreen State College’s walls. Before the Flaming Eggplant co-op existed, Students for Food Autonomy gathered in Evergreen’s Red Square for potlucks. Eventually, the Student Activity Board added an initiative to the student ballot that called for two dollars for each credit taken by students to go to the creation of The Flaming Eggplant Café. The initiative was passed by 87% of the student body in favor of the proposal. This brought in $122,000 for the Flaming Eggplant Café. It took one year after the influx of money to create the co-op that now brings in an average of $1,100 revenue each day it is open. “Bureaucracy and policies were frustrating to get through… now that it is up and running it’s pretty incredible,” said Julianne Panagacos, manager and cashier. Other student run coops on the West Coast include University of British Columbia, Whitman College, University of Oregon, Portland State, University of Santa Barbara and University of California Davis. As grants are being written, benefit concerts planned, petitions begun and club support sought, excitement grows on WWU’s campus to better fulfill Western’s vision of sustainability. Underage Page 10 Tuesday, Dec 2 Bellingham’s underage haunts and hangouts Still Want to Have Fun Even Though You’re Under 21? Kyle Fleck Well too bad, sucker… psyche! Having lived in the “city of subdued excitement” as a minor for about two and a half years now, I would like to think of myself as somewhat of a local authority on under-age entertainment. From local haunts such as the Alternative Library to the ever-mysterious “Great Northern Books”, to all-ages music venues like Friendship City and WhAAM, to the delirious swirl of late-night diners such as the Horseshoe and Sherri’s, Bellingham has got your twerpy little ass covered for stuff to do. So fret not, gentle cretin! Read on to discover the hidden delights of B-ham nights. (Please note that though this article is aimed at people under 21, if you are 21 or over all of these places are still totally legitimate hang-out spots… you’ll just seem a little weird, kicking back with all of the younglings when you could be yelling at your date over terrible whiteboy-blues at the Wild Buffalo.) • The Alternative Library A friend of mine who goes by the name Future Man has been running Bellingham’s only “alternative” library out of his home for about a year now, and it just keeps getting better and better. Starting out as a library devoted strictly to graphic novels, Future Man has now deemed fit to include movies, CD’s and a plethora of straight-up books, from Nietzsche to Freud and even some textbooks (which may or may not be horribly out-of-date). The price is right ($1 a book for negotiable amounts of time, or $5 a month to be a member of the library). Not only that, but Future Man hopes to eventually turn the bottom floor of the library (which is in fact a house) into a performance space for music and theater. First up: a community-performed rendition of The Princess Bride. Positive vibes and an impeccable atmosphere of eccentricity and mellow chaos make the library a wonderful spot to visit the next time you’re on Forest Street. 717 N Forest St Bellingham, WA 98225 Online at http://www.sushitree.org/library.php Photo by Jordan Bright Cullen Beckhorn, or “Future Man” as he is know displays his large collection of graphic novels. The Alternative Library is just one of many all ages hangouts in Bellingham • The Horseshoe Café • Pickford Cinema The Horseshoe is one of Bellingham’s most-beloved diners. It is the archetypal late-night-drinking-too-much-coffee-smoking-too-manycigarettes-eating-greasy-food-and-avoiding-the-really-scuzzy-lookingdude joint. The staff is friendly if you are, and the food is cheap and pretty delicious (except for the scrambled eggs: avoid the scrambled eggs like ). Entering its 123rd year, the Shoe attracts all types: the geezer regulars who’ve been hitting it up since the mid-70’s, punks, juggalos, artsy kids, speed freaks, well-to-do college kids, over-joyous winos and just regular folk. It’s lovely for people-watching. They’ve got a delightful claw game and a number of other money-wasting gambling machines. The men’s bathroom is pretty much the only downside of the Shoe: it’s so dark sometimes I have no idea if I’m peeing in the toilet or on my pants. Well, maybe that’s more my problem than the café’s. Pickford Cinema is, as it advertises itself, “Bellingham’s only independent movie theater.” What does this mean to you, the theater-goer? It means first of all that you don’t have to sit through twenty minutes of horrifyingly unfunny Fandango commercials. Secondly, instead of Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2: Pet Shop Reunion, you might actually be able to see movies actually worth spending money on, such as Mike Leigh’s Happy-Go-Lucky, brilliant documentary Blindsight, or Guillaume Canet’s Tell No One. What’s that? You haven’t heard of any of these movies? That’s exactly my point. The Pickford’s got all that weird, artsy, possibly-subtitled goodness your average multiplex lacks. Not to mention the gourmet popcorn, low prices, and a frickin’ RAFFLE every showing, giving away prizes like free Mallard’s Ice Cream or movie merchandise. Amazingly, given our current financial situation, the Pickford is actually in the process of moving to a larger location right next to the Museum of Radio and Electricity, which will include two theaters, a lounge area with live music and film discussions featuring local movie industry folks. So go support their renovation project by seeing some movies up in there, ya hear?! 113 E Holly St (360) 734-0380 Online at http://www.horseshoe.openaccess.org/ 1416 Cornwall Ave (360) 738-0735 Online at http://www.pickfordcinema.org From local haunts such as the Alternative Library to the ever-mysterious “Great Northern Books”, to all-ages music venues like Friendship City and WhAAM, to the delirious swirl of late-night diners such as the Horseshoe and Sherri’s, Bellingham has got your twerpy little ass covered for stuff to do. Canada WHOO CANADA! GETTING DRUNK IN CANADA IS AWESOME! PEOPLE NEVER GET BUSTED FOR ANYTHING IN CANADA! MAPLE LEAFS! NO COPS! MOOSE! LEGALIZED POT! SCREW KYLE’S ARTICLE I’M GETTING TOTALLY WASTED IN CANADA THIS WEEKEND YEAAAAAAHHHHHH BUDDY! P.S. DID YOU HEAR? HOCKEY. (Note: I do not actually condone or endorse anything said by the entirely hypothetical narrator of the Canada section. But the Maple Leafs are a pretty good hockey team.) Online at www.canada.ca… obviously. Photo by Alex Indigo courtesy of Wikimeda Commons The complete list of underage spots can be viewed online in the publications section of Fairhaven College’s website at www.wwu.edu/depts/fairhaven. Tuesday, Dec 2 Continuation Page 11 products and other daily needs. support and revitalize a system innovative alternatives to our A CBS News report found that whose goal is to promote the greatest current capitalistic system Indonesian Nike workers make amount of consumption possible, “The biggest tragedy is that a mere 20-cents an hour, while no matter the unaccounted costs? the American people (and our Corby advised those students state of the global economy, ‘Forbes 400 Richest List’ found The first event of the three part leaders) are painfully slow to learn attending the event not to worry, Fairhaven College professor Gary the Nike CEO’s net worth is an economic series mentioned earlier from tragedies and catastrophes. as “financial crises similar to the Bornzin says, “I’m not sure if ‘crisis’ estimated 5.3-billion dollars. was designed to prompt discussion Throwing lots of government one we’re experiencing right now is the best word. It feels to me like Exploitation in the name of between and educate students money (our money) at problems occur every ten to twenty years” a sad foreseeable tragedy, arising capital gain is not unique to one on how they feared this current can lessen the pain for some and are “defining characteristics of from flaws in the people and person, corporation or country. economic recession would affect people in the short term, but fails capitalism.” the systems they have designed In 2005, the Organic Consumer In each of the USA’s and worshipped. Our system is Association reported “The approximate twenty-one fundamentally not sustainable governments of Mexico and the Exploitation in the name of capital gain is economic recessions that have because it relies for its functioning Czech Republic have already filed not unique to one person, corporation or occurred throughout the past one and dysfunction upon numerous briefs on the employees’ behalf, country hundred years, the government false beliefs and principles.” alleging that Wal-Mart employees and businesses have insisted that Consumers’ and producers’ in their countries were similarly the best way to revitalize the obsession with or ‘principle’ of mistreated.” economy was through increased getting the most for spending the In Central America, the them personally. I, representing to address the underlying, tragic consumption. But does living in least has led to incredible amounts United Fruit Company took one of about six students who flaws of our system,” says Bornzin. a capitalistic culture require that of exploitation around the world. advantage of labor costs and the initiated and organized this Because every individual’s life its citizens be centrally focused on How much are low prices worth lack of human rights regulation economic series, fully expected is either directly or indirectly consumption in order to experience to you? to import cheap fruit to the the prominent concern at the affected by the economy, it is each or achieve stability? And to what Multinational corporations United States. According to the first dialogue to be about how we person’s duty to decide if he or she length will those who depend on such as Nike, Wal-Mart, and Intelligence Oversight Board, “The could best revamp the economy in wishes to support a system which profit from this style of economic various agriculture distributors government worked very closely order to continue along the same is presently nearly synonymous system go in order to ensure that create factories and sweat shops in with United Fruit to maintain the path of prosperity this country had with the exploitation of people and resources. consumers DO consume more? underdeveloped countries in order highly stratified social structure previously been traveling. Some frustration about rising At The World Issues Forum The answers to these questions to pay the least amount possible of Guatemala so as to provide a food prices and concern about inside Fairhaven’s auditorium on demonstrate how inconspicuously for labor and therefore receive plentiful supply of cheap labor.” lost college loans certainly came November 17, author and scholar the economic system is woven into the most profit possible from These various parasitic up, but the prospect of appeasing Richard Robbins presented a a person’s every-day life. consumers while charging them corporations that gain off of others’ those concerns by pouring more lecture titled, “The Immorality Economic professors Hodges a relatively low price. Countless losses are simply microcosms of resources into the economy was of Economic Growth.” Robbins and Corby made reference to reports show that overseas workers the larger problem at hand: the hardly even considered. On the stressed to his audience the need classical economists such as Mathis, are underpaid, malnourished, and unjustifiable hunger of consumers contrary, the overwhelming topic for the United States economy Mill and Ricardo who predicted, often physically and emotionally being fed by capitalism. of conversation centered not on to alter its direction, and for the “scarcity of natural resources would abused. Do we as individuals wish to why, but on how people to alter their perceptions of lead to retardation and eventual In Indonesia, this current system ‘growth.’ cessation of economic growth.” for example, of capitalism “The larger the economy, the The sad reality is that consumers Nike only pays could and must harder it is to maintain growth” have tended to focus more on the its workers $2.36 be adjusted. It is said Robbins. “The problem is not short-term financial, rather than a day, while the not that people so much that we grow, but the rate the long-term financial, human estimated price don’t inherently and ways that we grow.” and environmental costs of growth for just three u n d e r s t a n d We must develop a new and consumption. Because of simple meals that America’s economic and social paradigm in this apparent attitude, producers is $2.10. This economic system which the level of economic growth (mainly large and outsourced leaves a total is flawed. The is not so drastically steep, and where corporations) neglect human and of 26 cents to problem lies the means of attaining growth environmental causalities in order pay all other with individual’s does not infringe upon natural to ensure that their products ‘cost’ expenses such as inability or and human resources. Establish less. Herein lies the catastrophic, providing food u n w i l l i n g n e s s relationships with what you buy systemic flaw of this mindless for a family, to foresee or and eat by approving of where and approach to prosperity. rent, clothing, who it came from. work towards Photo by Laura Jones While describing the current h y g i e n i c Economy: Student forums help underscore the importants of econmoics Interview: Ronna Biggs gives perspective on Chick-fil-A during spring quarter last year. I also don’t know how well-publicized the actual decision to have CFA on campus was broadcast. I sat weekly in RHA meetings, but as students reported or the UDS representatives spoke, it still seemed like these “possibilities” were out there, not a firm decision. I didn’t feel like people spoke with decision until probably May. The decision may have been whittled down earlier, but the presentation of CFA as the choice wasn’t strong – students kept giving more suggestions for dining platforms. Personally, as I expressed at the panel, I did not feel adequately or accurately heard. I feel I have a great deal of credibility on the issue considering my job roles as well as personal experience. The LGBTCC has a diverse representation and is also a well-educated, highly trained group of LGBT and Ally faculty, staff and students. There are faculty teaching about diversity in higher education, teaching in the LGBT minor program, staff and students who spend their time doing diversity and social justice training, Ally training, LGBT student mentoring, educational programs, there are sociologists, psychologists and the list goes on. I also consulted students, faculty and staff who are not on the committee for opinion and time and again the conclusion has been the same. If there were to be an issue on campus, these would be the individuals to go to for expert opinion. It has been stunning to me that after the strong recommendations from a variety of sources that hosting a CFA platform will tear at the social fabric of the campus community and have particularly negative emotional and psycho-social impacts on the LGBT community, the franchise is still here. There were some concerns that I outlined above that were adequately resolved, but many questions still remain. New questions have emerged such as: How are concerns communicated on our campus and what are reasonable expectations for response? What is the weight of the minority voice on campus? How are the opinions and experiences of minority groups considered on campus? What happens when most or all of the decision-makers in a situation hold more power and privilege in relation to a social identity or position power? What happens when the subordinate group articulates how a particular decision negatively impacts them, but they’re not in a position of power or privilege either by identity or hierarchal position to make or change such a decision? Our campus is becoming more diverse every year, in the faculty, staff and student pools, and across multiple identities. These are new questions that I believe we as a campus need to have a dialogue around and work toward avoiding these significant disagreements and divisive outcomes. I think it creates dissonance for people to hear one thing about inclusive values but make a decision that seems incongruent, particularly when a minority group has expressed such serious resistance. The questions are not just for the LGBT population, but for racial/ethnic minorities and other identities such as ability, gender identity, religious/spiritual minorities, etc., etc. I don’t want to feel like a token, the committee doesn’t want to play a token role on campus; how do you bridge that gap in the process? I don’t think it solves the dilemma of the process to try to build a committee with a whole bunch of different social identities on it. I think the better solution is when there is a concern that may involve a minority social identity that those in power and in a place of identity privilege to seek out input from that representative group. And then to deeply hear what that group’s response is. If you are in the dominant identity, you can never truly know the experience of the subordinate identity. I believe you have to trust what a reasonable group of people representing that identity are saying is their experience or will be their experience. There was plenty of time to make some other decisions; however, I imagine that the financial bottom line will be the most decisive factor in the remaining of the franchise on campus. The EDC representatives at the panel clearly said the decision is to have the franchise remain. I think it’s a difficult spot because had the franchise contracting process been stopped months ago, or even now, that may have been a half-million dollar costly decision. That’s difficult to swallow going through that whole process and investment to have it not happen; that’s a huge cost to eat especially in a time of financial crisis. No one wants to say a halfmillion dollars was spent in error. And in the long run, CFA may end up making money for UDS. However, I believe that the effects of the process and that despite the strong recommendations the franchise is still here represents a cost in another fashion. There is damage to relationships, confidence in the process, confidence that the minority voice counts, damage to feelings of trust and feelings of inclusion. The cost to people and relationships is a more difficult one to heal and rectify, and no amount of profit can buy that back. The complete text of this interview can be read online in the publications section of Fairhaven College’s website at www.wwu.edu/depts/fairhaven. Theories Page 12 Tuesday, Dec 2 Have you developed your own theory on something? Jordan Goldberg Fairhaven Alumni Somatic Psychology Theory: “Holarchy tells us that we are both a part and a whole of the universe. All mater until viewed is finite, (or) discrete to the individual. All mater that is not viewed, or observed has infinite possibility. The universe is infolded in a wave form until unfolded by the observer. The universe itself is its own observer. To become healed, embed our self within the holarchy so to align ourselves with the past to be in harmony with what was before.” Jenni Langager WWU Student Sociology, Psychology Theory: The afterlife is like essence recycling into different things, like trees decomposing in the ground except for us it will be our consciousness. But we must embrace this present consciousness we find ourselves in now. Zachary Roberts Fairhaven Student Somatics and Permaculture (beneficial relation with systems of nature using interception as the North Star) Theory: “Love is all there is.” Zach Snowver WWU Student History, East Asian Studies Jesse Potts WWU Student Education Theory: iPods are overused (in public settings). When people put so much attention into them their focus is narrowed. Quiet time is good too. Photos by Eric Schmitz - Theory: The world should move from a monetary to resource system. Money is enslavement, you have to have money to be in the system. Scarcity is what makes money in our world. Today there are enough (resources) for everybody. We should look to benefitting the greater good of everybody not our self. In Memory Editorial Staff Jordan Bright Editor Katie Chugg, Kyle Fleck copy editors Jordan Bright layout and design Photographers Jordan Bright, Laura Jones, Eric Schmitz Reporters Katie Chugg, Kyle Barton, Mara Mitchell, Alyson Simeone, Kyle Fleck, Eric Schmitz Advisor The Fairhaven Free Press is a forum for student news and opinions serving the Fairhaven, Western, and Bellingham communities. Commentaries represent the views of the author. Submissions are encouraged, and can be sent to FairhavenFreePress@gmail.com. The Free Press reserves the right to edit submissions for brevity, clarity, and content. Letters to the editor should not exceed 600 words in length. Daniel Larner The Fairhaven Free Press is offered as an ISP for one to three credits. Questions and comments can be addressed to the email above, or by phone at 650-4908. Celebration of Sonny Petra’s Life On Saturday, January 31, there will be celebration of the life of Sonny Petra at the outback amphitheatre. Sonny was a WWU and Fairhaven student who passed away this summer. During the ceremony, an apple tree will be planted in his memory. If you would like to write something on a piece of paper and bring it to the outback, you will have an opportunity to place the paper in a box that will be buried near the apple tree. The ceremony will begin at 10:00 AM at the outback amphitheatre. The amphitheatre is in the Outback Farm between the Fairhaven dorms and Buchanan Towers. If you would like to help dig the hole for the tree, please come an hour early.
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