Fairhaven Neighborhood News Farmer’s Market ends season FREE!

Fairhaven Neighborhood News
E!publication of all things Fairhaven
FR Including event listings from Cape Cod to RI
le pa oice!
The a big v
Volume 9, Issue 39 • October 16, 2014
Teeming with information you need.
(And some you don’t need, but will be glad you have anyway.)
Farmer’s Market ends season
Sunday, 10/12, was the last week of the Fairhaven Farmer’s Market. Because the Harvest Fun Day got
rained out the day before, a few of the booths from that event decided to take advantage of the offer
to join the Farmers Market. The Scarecrow contest was not cancelled, but only a couple of entrees
were dropped off. See page 4 for story. Photo by Beth David. See it in color at www.NeighbNews.com
Also Inside:
• Bouchard Final Plan: page 17
• Happenings: pages 6, 7, 8
• Acushnet: page 16
• Robbery Suspect sought: page 3
The Editor
A day late and many dollars short.
People, people, people!!!
What happened to all my
faithful readers?
Our annual...that would be
the NINTH Annual... Halloween
issue is NEXT WEEK. Where are
you all? I need you to call me. I
need you to send pictures.
Beth David, Publisher
Don’t expect me to find you, I
don’t have time to track you down. Call me!
What’s happened to us? What happened to our great
Halloween town? I have only heard from TWO of you. I
have seen only a handful of houses decorated. Of course,
Manny will be up and running in time, but....where are the
rest of you?
I weep for my little town.
It’s HALLOWEEN TIME!!!! Do you realize what that
Only a couple of scarecrows were entered into the
scarecrow contest (see page 3). What happened? You
didn’t let a little rain scare you away, did you?
I fear for our future. Truly I do.
What kind of life are we creating for our youngsters if we
have no Halloween yards to take them to?
What kind of future are we creating for our next
generation if they go through October 31 just walking
around getting candy?
What kind of life will they have if they have not had the
bejeebers scared out of them by strangers while their
trusted adults laugh at them? (ONLY on Halloween, okay?)
As my dear friend Pam would say: We are doomed,
DOOMED I tell you, doomed.
The deadline for submissions is Monday, 10/20. That’s
THIS Monday. I usually make it Friday, but I extended it
because I am mortified, mortified I tell you that I have only
gotten TWO calls for Halloween yards.
Alas, I weep for my little town. I weep for our children. I
fear for our future.
No Halloween?
Ahhh....[clutching my heart in
Please, don’t let me
down...don’t let our
children down...
Support the Food Pantry
This bin is in the Walnut Street lobby of the Millicent Library in
Fairhaven. Another bin is at Stop & Shop. All food goes to the
Shepherd’s Pantry, 1215 Main
Street, Acushnet (508-763-9289).
The pantry has seen a sharp
increase in families seeking food
due to the worsening economy.
The Pantry spends more than
$5,500 each month to keep the
shelves stocked. It serves more
than 120 families each week.
Tax deductible donations may be
sent to Shepherd’s Pantry, PO
Box 760, Fairhaven, MA 02719.
Visit www.shepherdspantry.org
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Volume 9, Issue 39
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Copyright 2014 Elizabeth A. David
Editor: Beth David
News Correspondents/Photographers: Michael Smith,
Kylie Schuster, Ryan Feeney, Meredith Winnett
Published weekly on Thursdays by
Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, at
166 Dogwood Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719
508-979-5593 • Fax: 508-991-5580
Contributions: The Neighb News accepts press releases, editorial
contributions and letters to the editor at the above address; by email
preferred, in the body of the email, not as an attachment. If mailed by
USPS or faxed, editorial must be typewritten, 500 words or fewer. Unfortunately, The Neighb News is not able to pay money for contributions at this
time. Contributors agree, by virtue of their submissions, to grant The
Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, the right to publish submissions in
print and online. Contributors also verify, by virtue of their submissions,
that they own the right to publish the work submitted. Any claims of
copyright infringement will be referred to the contributor, who will also
be responsible for any and all costs associated with said claims.
Advertising: Call or write for rate card and sample issue or visit our
website at www.NeighbNews.com.
The Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, reserves the right to refuse
advertising and editorial for any reason. The Neighb News will not assume
any liability, financial or otherwise, for errors in ads or in editorial
content submitted by contributors. The Neighb News will run a correction
on the inside front cover to rectify any misprints or errors in the previous
week’s issue. Readers, advertisers, and writers are responsible for
notifying The Neighb News of any inconsistencies or errors in the paper.
Advertisers are responsible for all claims made in their ads. The Neighb
News is not be liable in any way for claims made by advertisers.
Advertisers are responsible for their own content. We will, to the extent
reasonable, try to verify any claims that seem unreasonable or unlikely to
be true. Readers are encouraged to report any problems with our
Subscriptions are available for 6 months (24 issues) or one year (48
issues) at $1.75 per issue for a total of $42.00 or $84.00 respectively. Also
available for free online at www.neighbnews.com, www.northfairhaven.org,
www.westisland-ma.com. For free email subscription, send to NeighbNews@
comcast.net and include your first and last name.
Copyright 2014 Elizabeth A. David
Acushnet News ......................................................................12
Bouchard spill final plan decided .......................................17
Classifieds ..............................................................................21
COVER: Season’s end to Farmers’ Market ...........................4
Eagle Scout spruces up cannons at the fort......................16
Happenings ........................................................................6,7,8
Legal Notices/Public Hearings.............................................20
Letter from the editor.............................................................2
Letters from our readers......................................................22
Oyster restoration plan in works........................................18
Recipe of the week ................................................................10
Recreation Center this week................................................14
Robbery suspect sought ........................................................3
Senior Center this week .......................................................14
Tides .......................................................................................21
Upcoming meetings/Fairhaven & Acushnet ......................21
In our story about River’s End Park in New Bedford, we
made a mistake naming one of the streets. It stretches
from almost near Tarkiln Hill Road on the north (not
Hathaway). We apologize for any confusion our error
may have caused.
Robbery suspect sought
Fairhaven Police Dept. Press Release
Fairhaven Police responded to a
purse snatching that occurred at EJ’s
Brooklynne Deli, located at 111
Huttleston Avenue on Monday. The
robbery was committed on October
13th at approximately 8 p.m. Police
were told that a female patron was
robbed of her purse by an unknown
assailant as she was exiting the
The victim stated that a white male
snatched her purse as she was
walking to her vehicle. She described
the suspect as being a skinny white
male, approximately 6 feet in height
with sunken cheeks. He was last seen
running east on Huttleston Avenue
toward Santander Bank and was
wearing a hooded navy blue
Anyone who can identify the
suspect or has information about the
robbery, is encouraged to contact
Fairhaven Police Detectives at
508-997-7421. Callers can remain
The Fairhaven
Department is
requesting the
assistance in
identifying the
male pictured.
He is wanted
for questioning
in a robbery of
an elderly female
that took place
in the parking
lot of EJ’s
Brooklynne Deli
on Monday,
10/13, at about
8 p.m. A woman
reported that
her purse was
snatched as
she was walking
to her car.
Please contact
Fairhaven Police
Detectives at 508997-7421 if you
can assist in
identifying this
male. Photo
submitted by the
Fairhaven Police
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 3
Farmer’s Market ends for season
ABOVE LEFT: Eddie and Larry of “Yesterday’s Country”
entertain the crowd with country favorites at the last
Farmers Market of the season in Fairhaven on Sunday,
10/12. MIDDLE: Ann Healy staffs the “Vote Yes on 2” booth at the Fairhaven Farmers Market on
Sunday. Organizers invited those who were rained out of the Harvest Fun Day to set up on
Sunday. Several booths took advantage of the offer. It was the last Farmers Market of the
season.RIGHT: This scarecrow, created by Julia Brides of Acushnet won first prize in the youth
category and the grand prize in the Fairhaven Office of Tourism’s scarecrow contest this
weekend. Saturday was drop-off day, which saw some pretty heavy rain and, no doubt, kept
some people away. The Harvest Fun Day was cancelled, but young Julia Brides did not let a little
rain stop her. The $100 gift card to AC Moore was donated by John and Lori Sharples of J&L
Cemetery Plot Maintenance and Design. Photos by Beth David. See them in color at
Fairhaven 2014
Flu Clinics
For Fairhaven Residents
At the Fairhaven Recreation Center
227 Huttleston Ave., Fairhaven
Tuesday, October 21 • 5–7 p.m.
Wear short sleeve tops • $5.00 donation appreciated
Jeannine Lopes,
Peter DeTerra
Barbara Acksen
Board Member
Page 4
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Grand Opening Celebration!!!
FUN 107 Broadcasting
Live, Saturday 1-3pm
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 5
and MassDEP project managers Guidelines for operating your boat or
Quilt EPA
will be giving 20-minute presentations Personal Watercraft (PWC); What to
at 4 different stations around the do in case of boating emergencies;
auditorium. These sessions will focus State-specific laws and regulations
the following topics and will allow you must follow
Display on
for the public to circulate around the
The course will be held on Sat.,
Island Quilters
are displaying
their gorgeous
Stitches” at the Fairhaven Council on
Aging, senior center, 229 Huttleston
Ave. (near Stop & Shop). The group of
quilters embroidered seashells and
put blocks of exquisite blue fabrics
together to create this stunning quilt.
The quilters are: Elaine O’Neill, Geri
DeLellis, Mary Ann Zonenshine, Ruth
Elander, Tammy Hickox, Margie Joseph
and Beth Steward. The quilt was
meticulously machine quilted by Mary
Ann Zonenshine of Mad About Quilts.
The quilt will be on display through
the winter and may be seen in the
COA Lobby during business hours.
DEP to meet with
Shipyard Neighbors
The Mass. Department of Environmental Protection has agreed to meet
with neighbors of the Fairhaven
Shipyard to hear their complaints
about noise and airborne particles
from work done at the North Yard.
Members of the Selectboard and
Board of Health are expected to
attend. The meeting will be held on
Friday, 10/17, at Town Hall, 40
Center St., Fairhaven, at 2:30 p.m.
Oyster Restoration
Meeting on a plan to restore
oysters in Fairhaven. See page 18.
EPA Meeting
The Environmental Protection
Agency will hold a public meeting on
the PCB cleanup efforts in New
Bedford Harbor. At Fairhaven Town
Hall, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 40
Center Street, on Wed. 10/22, from
6:30–8:30 p.m. Accessible.
Contact Kelsey O’Neil our Community Involvement Coordinator at
oneil.kelsey@epa.gov, or by calling
This meeting will be held as a
poster session with Q&A. Each of the
Page 6
room and learn about particular
aspects of the project in a smaller
group setting.
1) 2014 Dredge Season, 2015
Dredging, Elaine Stanley; 2) CAD Cell
project, Dave Lederer; 3) Overview of
Human Health and Ecological Risk
Assessment, Ginny Lombardo; 4)
State Enhancements Remedy Projects,
Paul Craffey
Following the poster session
presentations, 40 minutes will be
allocated at the end of the meeting for
any wrap-up questions. This time will
also give agency officials a chance to
clarify any questions that were
particularly prevalent during the
poster sessions.
Should members of the public
chose to circulate through all 4
sessions, timing will accommodate
that. Others who chose to attend
fewer than all 4 sessions are welcome
to do so, however we ask that you do
not stay at the same poster for more
than one presentation so as to give
ample opportunity to other members
of the public to have a similar smallgroup discussion atmosphere.
For more information please see
our website at http://www2.epa.gov/
new-bedford-harbor or reach:
Boat Safety Course
Need Your Boating Education
Certificate? The U.S. Coast Guard
Auxiliary Flotilla 65 is proud to offer
About Boating Safely. This boat safety
course is designed to be an introductory course to meet the boating
education needs of recreational
This course will satisfy state
requirements for mandatory boater
education needed to obtain a boat
license or safety certification.
Many boat insurance companies
will offer discounts on boating
insurance to boaters who successfully complete About Boating Safely.
About Boating Safely includes a
wide variety of information: General
information about boats and maintenance; Information on preparing for
safe and enjoyable outings; Navigation
rules and aids to navigation;
Thursday, October 16, 2014
10/25, from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. at U.S.C.G.
Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 65, 80
Middle Street, Fairhaven. Cost is for
ourse materials only: $45.00
Mason Open House
On Sat., 10/18, from 9 a.m. to
3 p.m., George H. Taber Lodge, 20
Center St., Fairhaven, will be hosting
an open house. The public is invited
to visit, to meet Lodge members, and
to learn more about Freemasonry.
People will also have the opportunity
to tour the Lodge building which is
one of the many gifts of Henry
Huttleston Rogers.
Horribles Parade
The North Fairhaven Improvement
Association’s annual Halloween
Horribles Parade will be held on Sun.,
10/26, at 5:00 p.m., starts at Benoit
Square, Main and Adams streets,
An annual event since 1950, the
NFIA Halloween Horribles Parade is
fun for all. Children and adults in
costume walk from Benoit Square
north to St. Mary’s Church. At the
church costumes are judged in
different age groups and categories
with prizes awarded. Refreshments
and candy are provided. Free.
Free Mammograms
Southcoast Radiology and Imaging
Services, part of Southcoast® Health,
is offering free mammograms for
uninsured individuals during National
Breast Cancer Awareness Month in
October. Screenings will be offered at
all 12 Southcoast Breast Imaging
Centers across the region, including
at Southcoast Centers for Cancer
Care, 206 Mill Road, Fairhaven.
Appointments are required. To
schedule a free mammogram during
the month of October call central
scheduling at 800-276-0103. Mass.
residents will also have the opportunity to speak with Patient Financial
Services for guidance on how to
apply for health insurance.
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
included in the Boo at the Zoo admis- features over a dozen keynotes and
Dock U Mentary
sion. It’s slightly scary fun for all ages! performers, 40+ workshops, tours,
The Dock-U-Mentaries Film Series
continues on Friday, 10/17, at 7 p.m.
in the theater of the Corson Maritime
Learning Center, located at 33
William Street in downtown New
Bedford, with Salmon Confidential.
Dock-U-Mentaries is a co-production
of New Bedford Whaling National
Historical Park and the Working
Waterfront Festival. All programs are
free and open to the public.
Salmon Confidential is a new film
on the government cover-up of what
is killing British Columbia’s wild
salmon. When biologist Alexandra
Morton discovers BC’s wild salmon
are testing positive for dangerous
European salmon viruses associated
with salmon farming worldwide, a
chain of events is set off by government to suppress the findings.
Tracking viruses, Morton moves from
courtrooms, into British Columbia’s
most remote rivers, Vancouver
grocery stores and sushi restaurants.
The film provides surprising insight
into the inner workings of government agencies, as well as rare footage
of the bureaucrats tasked with
managing our fish and the safety of
For more information, call the
visitor center at 508-996-4095, go to
www.nps.gov/nebe or visit the park’s
The LGBTQ Ministry at St. Martin's
Episcopal Church Hall, 136 Rivet St.
New Bedford, is holding dance for
individuals on Sat., 11/1 at 7:00 pm.
DJ, refreshments and soft drinks
all for FREE!! For information, please
call 508-992-4656
Boo at the Zoo
There’s enough thrills and chills
for everyone at this year’s Boo at the
Zoo! Join us for slightly spooky family
fun from 6–9 p.m. on Oct. 17-19, 24-26
and Thursday, October 30.
We’ll have tricks, treats and
friendly Halloween activities in our
Mad Scientist Lab. Climb aboard for a
spoooooky train ride or take a
bewitching carousel ride on our
Candy Corn Witch Carousel! Rides are
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Boo at the Zoo admission is $9/
adult and $6/child for zoo members.
Non-members: $14/adult, $11/child.
Wrestling F-R
House Of Bricks Pro Wrestling
Choir Riot, Fri., 10/17, at Dublin's
Sports Bar & Grille,1686 Acushnet
Ave., New Bedford.
Main Event: House Of Bricks Pro
Wrestling Heavyweight Championship Match, “The International Male”
Aaron Amadeus vs “WildSide” Devin
Baker; plus Triple Threat Match,
Ladies Match and more.
Tickets: $10 with proceeds going
to benefit the NB High School Show
Choir. Visit www.hobwrestling.com
Walk with a Doc
The next edition of Southcoast® Health’s “Take a Walk with a
Southcoast Doc” will take place on
Sat., 10/18, beginning at 10 a.m., at
the New Bedford Whaling National
Historical Park, located at 33
William St., New Bedford. The walk
will be led by Southcoast Physicians
Group Obstetrics/Gynecology physician, Uma Harinarayanan, DO, whose
clinical interests include high risk
obstetrics, laparoscopic surgery,
lactation and contraception.
The “Take a Walk with a Southcoast
Doc” program includes monthly
walks with Southcoast Physicians
Group doctors throughout the South
Coast region. Visit www.southcoast.
org/walkwithadoc for more information about where a Southcoast
physician will be walking next.
Connect for Change
The 10th Annual Connecting for
Change Conference, presented by the
Marion Institute, will be held Fri.,
10/24 to Sat., 10/25, in downtown New
Connecting for Change, one of the
East Coast’s pre-eminent sustainability and social justice conferences
held annually in New Bedford, brings
community leaders, concerned citizens, students, educators, scientists
and business leaders together to
share solutions to the environmental,
social and economic challenges that
we face today.
This year’s conference which
Thursday, October 16, 2014
family programming, an exhibition
hall, music, dance and a vibrant
youth initiative.
In order to make the event
accessible to a wide audience,
Connecting for Change registration is
on a sliding scale — attendees pay
what they can afford to pay, with a
$10 minimum per day. To register or
for more information, please visit
connectingforchange.org. FREE per formance on Saturday; see page 26
Crafters Needed
For Our Lady of Purgatory
Maronite Church's Lebanese Holiday
Bazaar that will be held on Saturday,
November 15, from 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. &
Sunday, November 16th from 9 a.m.–1
p.m. at St. Mary’s School, 115 Illinois
St. in New Bedford.
Contact Sharon Tripp at 508-9713804 for more details!
Low Tide YC winners
The second racing series in the
Low Tide Yacht Club Thursday night
series was won by Bobby Luiz sailing
his C + C32, Tequila Sunrise. Patrick
O’Leary aboard his Island P40,
Waterwolf, J105, with Ed Lobo at the
helm, was in third place, and Dick
Hitchcock sailing his J30, was fourth .
The Low Tide sponsored Last
Chance Regatta results
First place in the Spinnaker
division was Good Trade, a J105, from
Mass Maritime Academy. Second and
third places were taken by Mass
Maritime yachts, Nautilus and Their
Turn, respectively.
Midway through the race, Waterwolf, skippered by Ed Lobo, grazed
Lone Rock and withdrew from the
race. At that time, Waterwolf was in
close competition with Good Trade
for the lead. Buffalo, another Mass
Maritime yacht was in the lead at the
3/4 point but had navigation difficulties and also withdrew.
The non-spinnaker division was
won by Tequila Sunrise, a C + C 32
skippered by Bobby Luiz.
The Low Tide Yacht Club is
actively seeking new members. Visit
http://www.lowtideyc.org/ for more
Page 7
to walk, taking into account
Gubernatorial Deb. hour
At Smith-Appleby
traffic and crowds.
Republican Charlie Baker and
Democract Martha Coakley will
debate on Fri., 10/17, at the UMass
Dartmouth Main Auditorium from
4–5 p.m. Free and open to the public.
UMass Dartmouth's Main Auditorium
is located within the university's
MacLean Campus Center (285 Old
Westport Road, Dartmouth, MA
02747). It will be moderated by
UMassD Political Science Chairperson Professor Shannon Jenkins.
Arts & Crafts Show
The Westport Lions will be
sponsoring its Tenth Annual Arts &
Crafts Show on Sat., 10/18, and Sun.,
10/19. This juried Show will be held
at the Westport High School cafeteria, 19 Main Rd. from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. each day.
Many of our crafters return year
after year to showcase their wares.
Each year we add quite a few new
artisans and crafters to round out our
show. Food, door prize and a raffle
will also be available. As always
admission and parking are free.
The Lions Club is a non-profit
organization whose core mission is to
end preventable blindness. All the
proceeds from our Show go to support this and charitable endeavors
throughout the Westport community.
Head of the Charles
The Head of the Charles Regatta
along the Charles River in Boston and
Cambridge, is being held on Sat. &
Sun., 10/18 & 19. Since its origin in
1965, the Head Of The Charles®
Regatta has welcomed the world’s
best crew teams to the banks of the
Charles River for the ultimate twoday rowing competition. The event
attracts over 11,000 athletes &
400,000 spectators.
Most spectators enjoy watching
between the Anderson and Weeks
bridges, along the halfway point of
the race. With the Weld Exhibition on
the Cambridge side, and the Reunion
Village on the Boston side, there is
plenty to see, do, and taste while
watching your favorite crews. Racing
runs from 8AM-5PM on both days.
The race course runs three miles
upstream from the Boston University
Boathouse to Christian Herter Park.
The course typically takes over an
Page 8
For more informtaion, visit http://
www.hocr.org/ and http://www.
hocr.org/ the-regatta/spectators/faq/
Alt Wheels Fleet
AltWheels Fleet Day Features
Exciting Vehicles and Technologies:
CNG, Propane and Auto gas, Hybrid
converisons, on Monday, October 20,
from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, at Four Points
By Sheraton, Norwood, MA
Singles Dance
Sociable Singles presents Haunted
Halloween on Fri., 10/31, at Reservation Golf Club, 10 Reservation Road,
Mattapoisett, MA, from 7:30–11:30
p.m. Dancing to the DJ Music on
Wheels. Light refreshments, cash bar,
raffles and door prizes. Cost: $12;
members $10. Costmes encouraged!
Couples and singles welcome.
For more info, call 877-387-8039 or
visit www.sociablesingles.org
Free DACA Clinic
Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals, the immigration program
that makes it possible for for undocumented youth to obtain workers
permits, needs to be renewed by
those who have earned the status
every two years.
This clinic is geared for assisting
both DACA renewal applicants, and
first time applicants. Thurs., 10/23
from 4-8PM, Boston City Hall 5th
floor, 1 City Hall Sq Boston.
You should arrive at the
application center promptly at 4pm.
guarantee you will see a lawyer or
have your application screened if you
are late. The earlier you’re there, the
more likely that you’ll be out with
things in order. Please take the time
to register for the DACA Clinic
because we will be sending the DACA
renewal, and DACA eligibility
checklist via email.
For any information regarding the
Boston Clinic please contact either
The Office Of New Bostonians at
617-635-2980 or Cairo Mendes,
Other clinics will be held in other
parts of the state.i
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The following events are being
held at the Smith-Appleby House
Museum, 220 Stillwater Road,
Smithfield, RI, just off I-295. Visit
Crafts Show
Join the fun at the Antiques,
Collectibles, and New England Crafts
Show on Sunday, October 19, on the
grounds of the Smith-Appleby House
Museum. Admission is free. Rain or
From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., visit antique
dealer booths peddling their historic,
vintage, and collectible items. See a
live blacksmith demonstration, a
weaver, and a wool demonstration.
There will be many quality craft
artisans’ booths of handmade soaps,
baskets, various country items,
baked goods, jewelry — and many
more handmade items.
Paper Cutting Crafts
In the afternoon, from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m., kids are invited to participate in
a special Paper Cutting Crafts project
where they can cut and fold and
make their own Halloween decoration.
(shear-n-snit-a), the charming art of
paper cutting, and the fun will be
presented in the barn for young and
old alike.
And, throughout the day, everyone
is encouraged to tour the historic
Smith-Appleby House Museum to see
and hear what daily life was really like
in Colonial Rhode Island during the
American Revolution. Tours are led
by educators and history enthusiasts
in Colonial dress.
Admission to the Paper Cutting
Crafts event (1 p.m.–4 p.m.), and to
the House Museum tours (all day), is
$5 for adults and free for children.
Save the Date
Psychic Fair
On Sun., 10/26, from 10
a.m.–4 p.m., the Acushnet Police
Association will host their 7th Annual
Psychic Fair Fundraiser at the Senior
Center building, 59 ½ South Main
Street, Acushnet.
Featuring mediums, psychics, aura
photography, card readers, vendors
and more. For more information or to
book an appointment please call the
Senior Center at 508-998-0280.
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Bob Espindola
Join us
for a
Cocktail Party at Elisabeth’s
One Middle Street • Fairhaven
To benefit the Election Campaign of Bob Espindola
October 27th • 6–8 p.m.
$30.00 Donation
Hors d’oeuvres and two cocktails included
Contact: 774-202-0015
Sponsored by Elisabeth’s and the
Committee to elect Bob Espindola.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bob Espindola
Carlos Landscaping
We Seed • Fall Cleanup
Carlos Brasidio
Manufactured On Job Site
0.32 Gauge Aluminum Seamless Gutters
5" Available in 18 Colors
6" Commercial Gutters Available in 4 Colors
Mulch • Bush Trimming
Lawn Rolling • De-thatching
Aerating • Small Tractor Work
Lawns Cut & Trimmed
Hedges • Clean-Up
Everything in Your Yard
Nos Falamos Portugues
360 Main St.
Fairhven, MA 02719
Lenny Fleurent
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 9
BCC Students join Feast Parade
Recipe of the Week
Pumpkin Bars
Beat together until light and fluffy
the following ingedients:
4 eggs
1 2/3 cups sugar
1 cup oil
1 can (15 oz.) pumpkin pie filling
Stir in:
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
From press release materials
students, faculty and alumni with
Portuguese heritage participated in
the 100th Feast of the Blessed
Sacrament Parade in August in New
Bedford. Many of the volunteers have
a long history with the Feast and
appreciated a chance to walk the
parade route. It was the initial entry
as a college into the event. Walkers
braved the rain to march and showed
great endurance waiting for the
parade to start. The rain began as the
parade started and they were second
to last to march, so they were pretty
thoroughly soaked by the end.
“We are very appreciative and
grateful to the organizers of the feast
and the bystanders along the parade
route who cheered us on,” said
Marketing Associate Jeffrey Robbins.
With the campus in downtown
New Bedford, the college encourages
students to become involved in
community activities.
Spread batter onto ungreased
11.5x17 baking sheet. Bake at 350
for 15-20 minutes.
When bars are cool, spread
Cream Cheese Frosting
1 pkg. (3 oz.) cream cheese,
1/2 cup margarine
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups confectioner’s sugar
Beat until smooth
Can use one can Betty Crocker
Cream Cheese Frosting as
By Janice Girard-Rose
L-R: Richard Paradise II, BCC student & Portuguese Club President; and Matthew
Sanford, BCC Student & Portuguese Club Vice President try to stay dry as they march in
the parade at the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament in August. Submitted photo. See it in
color at www.NeighbNews.com
To share a recipe
with your neighbors
Mail to 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven,
MA 02719; fax to 508-991-5580;
email to neighbnews@ comcast.net
Be sure to
tell our
you saw their
ads in the
Neighb News!
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Page 10
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Every Friday, 9-1 a.m.
Every Wed.:
DJ April , 8–mid.
Every Thurs.:
Karaoke w/Cowboy Al,
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Fairhaven Neighborhood News
If you are planning an event and catering is
needed, we would be honored to serve you.
An early call to discuss your needs will enable
you to lock in a date and time to avoid
disappointment. Mac’s Custom Catering will help prepare
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attention to detail. Jevon will prepare a free competitive price
quote for your consideration. Call Jevon at 774-473-0393.
Complete and ready to eat, will be available for pick up on
Thursday, Nov. 27 • $12 (includes tax and packaging)
Roast Turkey
Baked Ham
Roast Pork
Call ahead to place your order.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 11
Lightning strikes in Acushnet
Acushnet schools celebrate
“Star Spangled Banner”
On Wednesday, October 8, at 6:18am, during an intense
thunderstorm, lightning struck a tree on Garfield Street damaging
a tree house which created projectiles of wood (ABOVE). The rear
windows of a nearby car were also blown out (BELOW), and a
portion of the house’s foundation was damaged. There were no
injuries or fire. Photos from the Acushnet Fire/EMS Facebook page.
The Acushnet Public Schools Department has a lot of patriotic
pride — just ask the hundreds of students who participated in StarSpangled Banner Day on September 12th. Students dressed in
red, white and blue to show their pride in our national anthem on
the 200th anniversary of its writing. Both Acushnet Elementary and
Ford Middle had all-school sing-alongs of “The Star-Spangled
Banner” at the start of their school days. Music teachers Beth
Dupre and Brian Shanbrun had prepared and practiced the song
with all their students to ensure 100% participation. Students in
Kristine Daniels’ art classes at FMS did artistic renderings of
couplets from the song. There were even red, white, & blue
popsicles at lunch to commemorate the anthem’s anniversary.
Photos Submitted. See them in color at www.NeighbNews.com
Buy 5 Days Doggy Daycare
Get 1 FREE
Kelli Tomlinson
Acushnet, MA 02743
Indoor Doggy Daycare for All Breeds
Page 12
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Acushnet teen publishes book
Press Release
Jackie Leduc is a fifteen-year-old
author who wrote her first book when
she was twelve years old. Inspired by
books — reading since she was three
years old — she started reaching for
her writing career at just six years
old. After notebooks full of stories the
Acushnet resident finally discovered
the concept that is part of The
Demonic Eyes.
Now, aside from writing, Jackie
spends her time playing instruments,
volunteering at the local cat shelter,
blogging on the internet, painting,
attending school, and hosting a teen
writer’s group. She has a tight
schedule but always finds room to
envelop herself in the imaginary
world now brought to your hands.
Her first book, The Demonic Eyes,
is a gripping page turner that grabs
hold and never lets go. The book
itself is a vivid window into the pain
which the human soul can endeavor
and triumph over. It, a multi-layered
work of genius, supplies the reader
with innovative characters and an
adventure that is one-of-a-kind.
Damian Winters’s life is miserable.
Haunted by the death of his mother
when he was seven, ignored and
neglected by his abusive, alcoholic
father, and bullied and jeered at in
school, Damian escapes from his
troubles and loneliness by walking
the streets at
night, haunted by
his inner demons.
believing in his
unworthiness, the
teenage boy is
unaware of the
gift he holds, the
power he was
born with. But
changing in his
neigh b o rh o o d
the strange family
moving into the
next door, the
series of gruesome
involving satanic
worship happening in the woods, and
maybe even Damian himself
The book is available at local
bookstores, at www.amazon.com and
www.Barnesand Noble.com
The Demonic
Eyes is the
first published
novel of
Jackie Leduc.
The 15-year-old
has been
writing stories
since she
was six years
old. The
book is
available in
local bookstores
and at www.
and at www.
Dea /20
Halloween Yards
Fri. 10/17, CJ Martin, 8 p.m.–Midnight
Sat., 10/18, Bare Bones, 9 p.m.–1 a.m.
Fri., 10/24, James Gagne, 8 p.m.–Midnight
Sat., 10/25, The Relics, 9 p.m.–1 a.m.
Two for one (eat-in only) • 6 p.m.–Midnight
Hours: Mon.–Sat., 11:30–2 a.m. • Sun., Noon–2 a.m.
136 Huttleston Ave., Fairhaven • 508-992-BEER
Visit: www.IceHouseBarGrill.com
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Want to share your Halloween
expertise with your neighbors? Send
pictures of your yard to the Neighb News
and we’ll share them with our readers.
Or call us at 508-979-5593 and we’ll try
to swing by and take a picture ourselves.
Email: NeighbNews@comcast.net; USPS:
166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719.
Halloween Map
Want to be on the Halloween map?
Email Manny Souza, oleoxfordhaunt@
gmail.com and he’ll include you in
his map of spooky yards, which we will
publish in our annual Halloween issue. Find
the map at: www.communitywalk.com/
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 13
Recreation Center
Open Mon-Thurs, 6 a.m.-8 p.m.;
Fri., 6 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.2 p.m.; Closed Sunday • 227
Huttleston Ave, 508-993-9269
Shopping in Maine
on Your Own
Come with us as we head to
Kittery, Maine, for a chance to fill
your Christmas list. The bus will
leave the Rec. Center at 7 a.m. and
return at 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments
will be available in the morning. All
children must be accompanied by an
adult. Date: October 26th Cost $30.00
Deadline for registration October
NYC On Your Own
Shopping, sightseeing in the Big
Apple…why not? Enjoy a day in New
York City as we travel in a luxury
motor coach. Drop off is at
Rockefeller Center and pick up is at
the Madison Street Library. Bus
leaves from the Fairhaven Recreation
Center where coffee and donuts will
be available upon arrival. Preregistration is required! All children
must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please call
Fairhaven Recreation at 508-993-9269.
Bus leaves Rec at 630 a.m. and
returns at 10 p.m.
Date: November 29th. Cost $50.00
Deadline for registration November
Foxwoods Nov. 11
Leave rec at 8 a.m. return 7 p.m.
Receive a $25 bonus package that
includes $15. Bonus slot play and $10
food voucher or buffet coupon
$20.pp You may call and register by
phone. Must be 21
Mohegan Sun
December 17th Leaves rec at
8 a.m. and returns by 7 p.m.
Casino package includes $15 Meal
credit $10 bet coupon. Must be 21
You may call and register by phone.
Page 14
Fairhaven Senior Center
508-979-4029 • 229 Huttleston Ave
Supportive Senior Day Care Program, 9-3 • 508-993-9455
Respite Care: one day, half-a-day. Regular rates apply.
Visit our new website at:
Mall Trips
Oct. 22: Wrentham Mall
Dancing with Victor, October 22
Special Activities
Savannah GA Trip
Trip to Savannah, Jekyll Island and
Beaufort, Georgia, Sunday-Saturday,
April 19-25, 2015. $575.00 per person,
Double Occupancy. $100.00 due
upon signing. Final payment due
Please call the Fairhaven COA at
508-979-4029 for more information
Day Trip with Maggie
Yuletide Newport-Display of Lights,
Dec. 1, 2014. Leaves Fairhaven Senior
Center at 9 a.m. returning 7 p.m.
Contact Fairhaven Senior Center at
508-979-4029 for more information.
Payment must be paid at time
reservation.Cost $85.00 per person
Tour includes visit and sightseeing to
LaSalette, New England’s largest and
most colorful Christmas light display.
Single Seniors
Single Seniors Supper Club first
and third Tuesday of the month. If you
are single senior 60 or older and would
like to attend, please call the Senior
Center by Monday at 508-979-4029.
South Coast LGBT Seniors
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender seniors meet on the 4th
Wednesday of the month from 5–7
for supper and socialization. This is a
nice opportunity to meet new friends.
Please call Fairhaven senior center
by the Thursday before to reserve.
For the month of October only
the seniors will meet the 5th
Wednesday: Oct. 29, from 5-7 p.m.
Senior Discount Day Trip
Next Salvation Army Trip is
November 3, to the Wareham store.
Only 14 seats so call the Fairhaven
COA at 508-979-4029 to reserve your
seat, $2.00 donation is suggested.
Sewing Circle
The sewing Circle group will meet
on October 6 & 20 from 1-3 p.m. Do
you want to learn to sew or maybe
do a little quilting? Join us at the Fairhaven Senior Center and meet Debbie
as she shares her sewing expertise.
Medicare open enrollment
Mary Bess from SHINE will be at
the Fairhaven Senior Center on
Tues., Nov. 4, at 10 a.m. to explain the
process during open enrollment for
medicare. Please call the Fairhaven
Senior Center to sign up for this
important presentation.
Veterans Day Luncheon
Wedn., Nov. 5, at 11:30 a.m.
Southern Mass Credit Union will
again generously sponsor a one-day
luncheon honoring our Fairhaven
Veterans and their spouses. The
luncheon will be served at 11:30 a.m.
and ceremony to follow.
Please RSVP at 508-979-4029 by
Monday Oct. 22.
Ongoing Programs
Call 508-979-4029 for days and times
A/G Consumer Mediator; Bingo; Board Meeting/monthly; Bridge; Caregiver
Support & Education Group; Chair Yoga, Computer Training; Fit Quest; Friends
of Elderly/monthly meeting; Grocery Shopping; Knitting classes; LGBT Supper
Club; Line Dancing; Live Band; Medical Transportation; Nutrition Program/
meal served; Osteoporosis class; Outreach Coordinator; PACE Fuel Assistance;
Pitch; Reassurance Program; Shopping; Singles Senior Supper Club; Supportive
Senior Social Day Program; Tai Chi; Tap ‘N’ Time, Walking Clubs, Zumba.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Dbsjoh! gps! b! mpwfe! pof! xjui! Bm{ifjnfsÖt! ejtfbtf! dbo! cf! b! gvmm.
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Community Events
Free & Open to the Public
(RSVP: 508-994-9238)
Join us for:
• Dementia & Alzheimer’s Support Group, Thursdays,
Nov. 13, 5 p.m.: Presented by Beacon Hospice.
• Gary Duquette performs, Mon., Oct. 20, at 2:30 p.m.:
Please join us as Gary Duquette entertains us with his
• Frank Noonan performs, Fri., Oct. 24, at 2:30 p.m.:
Frank Noonan will be here with his trumpet in hand.
• Wine & Cheese Hour, Tues., Oct. 28, at 2:30 p.m.:
Come socialize with our residents during their Wine
and Cheese Social Hour.
• Shopping Day, Thurs., 10/30, from 1–4 p.m.: Come
shop: jewelry, hand bags, scarfs and clothes. A little bit
of everything.
Call today to schedule a visit!
391 Alden Road • Fairhaven, Massachusetts
508.994.9238 • www.atriafairhaven.net
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We are not just a taxi service, but will keep a watchful eye on mom or dad
for doctor’s appointments and other needs • Companionship
Call Maureen at 508-994-3141
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Verification of CORI check
available on request
Page 15
Eagle Scout project spruces up cannons at Fort Phoenix
Keegan Fike of Troop 52 Fairhaven decided to spruce up the cannons at Fort Phoenix for his Eagle Scout project. Mr. Fike and his fellow
Scouts, along with a few adults, painted all five cannons at the Fort on Sunday, 10/12. The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest rank in
the Boy Scouts. It requires 21 merit badges and an Eagle Scout project that benefits the community. All requirements must be met
before the Scout reaches his 18th birthday. Around seven percent of all Boy Scouts achieved Eagle status in 2013. For more information
on Scouts and Scouting, visit http://www.scouting.org. LEFT: Scouts and other volunteers work on painting the cannons at Ft. Phoenix
in Fairhaven on Sunday, 10/12, as Keegan Fike’s Eagle Scout Project. RIGHT: Keegan Fike of Boy Scout Troup 52 in Fairhaven pauses
for a photo. Photos courtesy of Becky Fike. See them in color at www.NeighbNews.com
LEFT: Keegan Fike of Boy Scout Troup 52 in Fairhaven hands off a paint-brush to a volunteer helping Keegan with his Eagle Scout
project, which was painting the cannons at Fort Phoenix on Sunday, 10/13. RIGHT:TOP, Scouts and other volunteers help paint the
cannons. RIGHT BOTTOM: The finished product. Photos courtesy of Becky Fike. See them in color at www.NeighbNews.com
Page 16
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Ouch! That hurts.
The Amy broke from its mooring off Hoppy’s Landing on Monday,
10/6, drifting onto the rocks of a private beach on Balsam Street on
West Island. The owner of the home reportedly looked out her
window and exclaimed, “Oh, I see my boat has arrived.”
Unfortunately for her, the boat was taken away by TowBoat US and
returned to its owner. It did not sustain any visible damage. The
Fairhaven Harbormaster and Shellfish Warden also responded.
Photos by Beth David.
Bouchard oil spill final restoration plan approved
Press Release
The Natural Resource Damages
Trustee Council for the Bouchard
Barge-120 oil spill today released its
final programmatic restoration plan
(PRP) and environmental assessment
(EA) for shoreline, aquatic and
recreational use resources impacted
or lost due to the 2003 spill in
Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
The Final PRP/EA is the second of
three anticipated plans to restore
natural resources injured and uses
affected by the 98,000-gallon spill that
oiled roughly 100 miles of shoreline in
Buzzards Bay in April 2003. A $6
million natural resource damages
settlement with the Bouchard
Transportation Co., Inc. is funding
development and implementation of
restoration, with $4,255,248 awarded
to restore shoreline and aquatic
resources and lost recreational uses.
The final plan selects 19 projects
throughout the Buzzards Bay environment in Massachusetts and Rhode
Island to restore resources in the
following categories of injuries
resulting from the spill:
• Shoreline resources, including tidal
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
marshes, sand beaches, rocky
coast, and gravel and boulder
• Aquatic resources, including benthic
organisms such as American
lobster, bivalves, and their
habitats, and finfish such as river
herring and their habitats; and
• Lost uses, including public coastal
access, recreational shell-fishing
and recreational boating.
Shoreline and aquatic habitats will
be restored at Round Hill Marsh and
Allens Pond Marsh in Dartmouth, as
well as in the Weweantic River in
Wareham. Populations of shellfish,
including quahog, bay scallop and
oyster, will be enhanced or restored
through transplanting and seeding
programs in numerous towns and
multiple locations. These designated
shellfish restoration areas are
expected to help improve recreational shell-fishing opportunities.
Public access opportunities will be
created through a variety of projects,
including acquisition of a large land
tract in Fairhaven and Mattapoiset to
increase the Nasketucket Bay State
Reservation, trail improvements at
Thursday, October 16, 2014
several coastal parks, amenities for
access for persons with physical
disabilities, and a handicappedaccessible fishing platform in
Fairhaven. New and improved public
boat ramps will also be installed in
Clarks Cove in Dartmouth and Onset
Harbor in Wareham.
The plan also identifies secondary
Tier 2 preferred projects that may be
funded, if settlement funds remain
following the implementation of the
primary Tier 1 projects.
“I’m thrilled to begin working with
our partners and the public to
improve the quality of Buzzards Bay
and surrounding natural areas,” said
Tom Chapman, the New England Field
Office Supervisor for the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. “These exciting
projects will boost the opportunities
for residents and visitors around the
Bay to enjoy the outdoors through
new trails, upgraded boat launches
and improved shell-fishing.”
“As a lifelong resident of New
Bedford, I have enjoyed many days on
this bay and estuary, so I take a
personal interest in seeing it
BOUCHARD: cont’d on page 20
Page 17
Meeting on 10/23 on Oyster Restoration plan
Press Release
The Fairhaven Marine Resources
Committee will discuss a proposed
oyster restoration project, proposed
for Little Bay, at a meeting at
Fairhaven Town Hall.
At its Oct. 23 meeting, the
Fairhaven Marine Resources Committee will consider making a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen
on an oyster restoration project
proposed for Little Bay in Fairhaven.
The meeting will take place at 6:30
p.m. at Fairhaven Town Hall at 40
Center Street. Public comments and
questions on the project are welcome
at the meeting.
Proposed by the Town of Fairhaven
Shellfish Department, the Buzzards
Bay Coalition, and The Nature
Conservancy, the goal of the project
is to establish a permanent, selfsustaining oyster population that will
improve water quality, provide
habitat and enhance the public oyster
The project is proposed to take
place during summer 2015. It involves
placement of 100 cubic yards of aged
sea clam shells, or “cultch,” onto the
bottom about 150 yards offshore in
the bay. The shell will provide a hard
surface that larval oysters can attach
to, a step that is necessary for oysters
to reach maturity.
While naturally occurring oyster
larvae may colonize the project, the
plan is to introduce hatchery-raised
oysters onto the site, through a
process known as “remote set,” in
order to ensure that the site is
strongly colonized.
Once the project is completed, the
project will be completely under water. It will be managed by the
Fairhaven shellfish department.
Oysters will improve water clarity
by filtering organic debris from the
water. Clearer water, in turn, will
allow more light to reach bottomdwelling plants, which are an
important part of the marine
The structurally complex oyster
reef will offer shelter and habitat to a
wide range of fish and invertebrates,
enhancing the bay’s diversity and
biological productivity. The oysters,
Reliable, quality services
at reasonable prices!
Pumpkin Enzyme Facial: $70
Licensed Esthetician Sarah Ziobro
Formerly of Elizabeth Grady
346 Sconticut Neck Road • Fairhaven
Calling all Halloween Yards
Want to share your Halloween expertise with your
neighbors? Send pictures of your yard to the Neighb
News and we’ll share them with our readers. Or call us
at 508-979-5593 and we’ll try to swing by and take a
picture. Email: NeighbNews@comcast.net; USPS: 166
Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719. Deadline 10/20.
Halloween Map
Want to be on the Halloween map? Email
Manny Souza, oleoxfordhaunt@gmail.com
and he’ll include you in his map of spooky
yards, which we will publish in our annual
Halloween issue. Find the map at:
w w w. c o m m u n i t y w a l k . c o m /
Page 18
when they reach maturity, will spawn
more oysters into the surrounding
waters, multiplying the benefits of the
project and helping support the local
oyster fishery. The town may allow
limited harvest from the project itself,
as well, once the oysters have matured.
The Nature Conservancy has
secured funding for the project,
which will also rely on the expertise
and resources of the town shellfish
department. The Buzzards Bay
Coalition, for many years a leader in
research and education around
Buzzards Bay, will lead outreach to
keep the community informed on the
progress of the project, and will assist
with scientific aspects of project
design and monitoring.
The Conservancy and partners
recently completed a similar project
in the towns of Chilmark and West
Tisbury on Martha’s Vineyard. The
Fairhaven site was chosen for this
project because of its good water
quality, suitable physical conditions
for cultch placement, and the
presence of a large and well-managed
shellfishery in the town.
Chocolate Works
Decorating Supplies. Holiday Themes, ★
Birthdays, etc.
Arrived • Pumpkin Pie Cake Pans ★
1849 Acushnet Ave. • New Bedford • 508-998-2672
★Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 10-5:30; Sat., 9-4; Closed Wed. & Sun. ★
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
General Contractor
Are you paying too much for insurance?
Prices are for homes built after 1920
Licensed General Contractor
for 33 years
Our Services Include All Aspects
of Your Interior/Exterior
Remodeling Needs
$ 552
$ 885
$ 1,219
$ 1,520
Call us today for a quote!
Fairhaven Center for Business
65 Alden Road, Fairhaven, MA 02719
508-997-8515 • 508-997-8670 (fax)
EPA Lead Safe Certified
Fully Insured
Your Community Credit Union
$ 150,000
$ 250,000
$ 350,000
$ 450,000
**final rate subject to company acceptance of application an meeting
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Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 19
COA celebrates Waffle Month
Class of 2016 cleans up
The month of September was National Waffle Month, and the
clients of Fairhaven Senior Social Day celebrated by helping to
make their own waffles and waffle sundaes. ABOVE: Volunteer Students in the Fairhaven High School class of 2016 clean cars at
Maggie Harrison helps Charles Meade and Jr. Carreiro add their Fairhaven High School on Saturday, 10/4, to raise money for class
favorite toppings to the waffle. Submitted photo. See it in color at projects. Photo by Beth David.
BOUCHARD: cont’d from page 17
restored,” said John Bullard, Regional
Administrator, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Fisheries. “Today, we took another
step forward in restoring the salt
marsh and eel grass habitats that are
home to river herring, shellfish and
other species, which support jobs
and recreational opportunities for
this area.”
“The Patrick Administration is
committed to continuing partnerships with municipalities, non-profits
and other stakeholders to restore
impacted resources,” said Energy and
Environmental Affairs Secretary
Maeve Vallely Bartlett, who serves as
Massachusetts’ Trustee for natural
resources. “The Commonwealth has a
rich maritime history and our citizens
enjoy the economic, recreational and
environmental benefits of Buzzards
Bay, making it an important shoreline
area to protect and restore.”
The first of the three restoration
plans for the Bouchard Barge-120 oil
spill was finalized in 2012 to restore
threatened piping plover populations
_%20122012.pdf), and a third plan will
be developed to restore other birds
and shoreline injuries on Ram Island.
Page 20
A hardcopy of the second restoration
plan — the final PRP/EA for shoreline,
resources — is available in the Fall
River, New Bedford and Bourne
public libraries. An electronic version
of the document, offering greater
details for the selected restoration
projects, is available at the following
web sites: http://www.darrp.noaa.
The Bouchard B-120 Trustee
Council is composed of representatives from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection,
representing the Massachusetts
Executive Office of Energy and
Environmental Affairs; the Rhode
Island Department of Environmental
Management; the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service, representing the
U.S Department of Interior; and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, representing the U.S.
Department of Commerce.
The oil spill also affected tribal
resources of the Wampanoag Tribe of
Gay Head, which previously settled
separately with Bouchard.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Haunted History of
New England
Find out what is haunting the Fairhaven Senior Center, 229 Huttlesotn
Avenue (near Stop & Shop) on Wed.,
10/22, from 4–6 p.m. This special
haunting presentation is for all ages.
Bring the family and learn about your
favorite haunts in new England
History teacher, Chris Daley, will
be presenting a Haunted History of
New England with footage of haunted
New England places and “ghosts”
who haunt them.
Topics to be addressed in the lecture
will be: Mercy Brown, “Vampire” of
Exeter Rhode Island; The Cursed
Freetown State Forest; The Haunted
Hoosac Tunnel of Western Mass.; The
Ghost of Lizzie Borden’s House in Fall
River, Mass.; The Ghost of King
Phillips War; The Mount Washington
Hotel in New Hampshire; Giles Corey
and the Curse of Salem; Burial Hill in
Plymouth, Mass.; and John Alden
House in Duxbury, Mass.
Get your Halloween on and join us
for a spooktacular time.
Call the senior center to reserve a
seat at 508-979-4029. This program is
supported in part by a grant from the
Fairhaven Cultural Council, a local
agency which is supported by the
Mass. Cultural Council, a state agency.
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Burglar, Fire and Camera Systems.
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for Mass. license to carry firearms or FID card.
Call Phil Lacerda, 508-989-6093. ongoing
HAVING A YARD SALE? Place a classified ad!
Only $7 for three lines, $1 each additional line.
Call Beth at 508-979-5593.
all for your tremendous support! Mowing, hedge
trimming, mulch, yard clean-ups. Reliable, quality
services at great prices! 774-451-4521. 10/2
ROOFING, free estimates, guaranteed lowest
prices, excellent quality workmanship, over 35
years’ combined experience. No job too big or
too small. Call Mike 978-314-9121. ongoing
Support the
Neighb News
It’s no secret that newspapers are
having a tough time these days. Here
at the Neighb News, we know you want
us to continue publishing. Your
support is needed to keep us fiscally
sound and healthy. Any small amount
will help us stay afloat.
Just clip the coupon and send it
with check or money order to
Fairhaven Neighborhood News, 166
Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719.
Ask for a bumper sticker that says
“I Support the Neighb News.”
And thank you for reading the little
paper with a big voice.
Name: _________________________
Address: _______________________
88,300 miles. Good condition. $1,300.
Call Scott, 508-993-6876.
Mother of two. 40 years in childcare. PCA experience. All ages. 4 hour minimum. Weekdays, evenings, wkds. $10/hr. Call Diane, 508-993-6876.
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Great gift idea for family. Call Jim Souza now at
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NEWS: Only $7 for three lines, $1 each
additional line. Call Beth at 508-979-5593.
Email: _________________________
Do you want to receive the paper
by email?
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Bikeway Committee
Thurs., 10/16, Town Hall, 7 p.m.
Board of Public Works
Mon., 10/20, Arsene St., 6 p.m.
Capital Planning Comm.
Tues., 10/21, Town Hall, 4 p.m.
Community Preserv. Comm.
Thurs., 11/20, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Conservation Commission
Mon., 10/20, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
DEP Forum/Shipyard issues
Fri., 10/17, Town Hall, 2:30 p.m.
EPA/Harbor CAD Cells
Wed., 10/22, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Government Study Comm
Heavy Motor Equipment Operator
(Laborer/Truck Driver)
Position requires a Massachusetts Commercial
Drivers License Class A or B with air brake
endorsement. Applications and job description
are available at the BPW Office, 5 Arsene Street,
Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or send
resume to bpw@fairhaven-ma.gov Deadline for
applying is October 24, 2014. The Town of
Fairhaven is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Babysitter for Afternoons. Must be dependable
& mature. Must be available to come to our
house at 2:00 p.m. until 4:30-5:00, 2-3 days a
week. Playing, Playing & Playing. Sounds easy
right? With a very happy 3-year-old. Call Pattie
at 508.207.2123 evenings, or email pmederios67@
comcast.net if interested! 10/16
Members Sought
The Town of Fairhaven, Board of
Selectmen, are seeking citizens to
volunteer to be on the Open Space &
Recreation Plan (OSRP) Update
Committee. The purpose of the OSRP
Committee will be to work with the
Town’s Consultant to study and
evaluate the Open Space and Recreation needs of the Town. The Committee will work with the Town’s
Consultant over the next year so that
a final Plan can be submitted to the
State on or before September of 2015.
Anyone interested in being appointed should contact William Roth,
Planning Director at broth@fairhavenma.gov or call 508-979-4082, Ext. 9.
City/State/Zip: __________________
Fairhaven Meetings
Nothing on Earth
so beautiful as the final
haul on Halloween night.
Steve Almond
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Thurs., 10/16, Town Hall, 6 p.m.
Thurs., 10/30, Town Hall, 6 p.m.
Marine Resources Comm.
Thurs., 10/23, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Personnel Board
Thurs., 10/16, Town Hall, 4 p.m.
Planning Board
Tues., 10/28, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
School Committee
Wed., 10/22, FHS Library, 6:30 p.m.
Tues., 10/21, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Tues., 12/9, Hastings Middle School
Deadline for articles: 10/24, 4 p.m.
Acushnet Meetings
Historical Commission
Tues., 10/21, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m.
Planning Board
Thurs., 10/23, Parting Ways, 7 p.m.
Mon., 10/27, Town Hall, 4 p.m.
Tax Classification Hearing
Mon., 10/27, Ford Middle Sch., 7 p.m.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Cape Cod
Canal/Wing’s Neck
a.m. p.m.
a.m. p.m.
16 0236
17 0329
18 0427
19 0525
20 0612
21 0652
22 0728
23 0805
*= Predicted minus tides from -0.1 ft. to -1.0 ft
**Predicted minus tides from -1.1 ft to -2.0 ft or more
Page 21
From our readers
VOTE Yes on 2
It’s time to stop litter and clean up
our beautiful SouthCoast! How? Vote
Yes on 2. The choice is easy,
especially in coastal communities like
ours, where a recent clean-up along
the Acushnet River yielded 15 large
bags of trash, 5 of which were filled
with plastic bottles!
Over 30 years ago, Massachusetts
took a step towards stopping litter
when it put a deposit on soda and
beer bottles. But today, our parks,
shorelines, waterways and neighborhoods are littered with new kinds of
bottles. Beverages like bottled water,
sports drinks, and iced teas were not
widely available like they are today.
We need to update the bill so that
more beverage containers will be
recycled rather than ending up as
litter. The fact is that currently 80% of
bottles and cans with a deposit on
them are recycled, while only 23% of
containers without a deposit are
recycled. The rest of those containers
become litter or end up in landfills
and incinerators.
According to a study by the Mass
Department of Environmental Protection, the updated Bottle Bill will save
our cities and towns approximately
6.7 million a year — or an average of
$1 per person in our state — in litter
pick-up and trash disposal costs.
Those are funds that can be used to
improve town services such as education and safety.
Many local and state environmental and civic organizations are
leading the charge on the Yes on 2
campaign including Sierra Club, Mass
Audubon, Environmental League of
Massachusetts, League of Women
Voters of Massachusetts and
MASSPIRG. The Updated Bottle bill
has been endorsed by 400 small
businesses, and 209 cities and towns
passed resolutions in favor of it.
That is why the Fairhaven Sustainability Committee urges residents to
Vote Yes on 2 on November 4th.
Call to Action on
Pancreatic Cancer
As a volunteer for the Pancreatic
Cancer Action Network (PanCAN), I
write to issue a call to action to the
elected leaders of each and every city
and town throughout the SouthCoast.
I implore our City Councils and
Boards of Selectmen to pass a resolution in every municipality proclaiming that November 2014 shall be “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.”
This municipal action would align our
communities with World Pancreatic
Cancer Awareness Day on Nov. 13.
There are an estimated 39,590
Americans who will die of pancreatic
cancer in 2014, approximately 920 of
whom live in Massachusetts. In 2014,
pancreatic cancer will afflict more
than 46,420 Americans, 73% of whom
will die within one year of their
diagnosis, and 94% of whom will die
within five years of diagnosis.
My father, Norman Cordeiro, was
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on
September 18, 2013 and prior to then
the disease was something about
which I had really only heard of but
had never directly affected me or my
family. Unfortunately, despite an
initial hopeful diagnosis his condition
was different, and much worse, than
had been expected. My father’s
surgeon told me that my dad had an
estimate of only six months to live.
Norman Cordeiro passed away from
pancreatic cancer on March 30, 2014.
To date, pancreatic cancer is the
fourth leading cause of cancer death
Get one bedspread or
blanket cleaned, get a
second one for FREE!
$10 for TWO.
Author Unknown
Want to share your Halloween expertise with your
neighbors? Send pictures of your yard to the Neighb
News and we’ll share them with our readers. Or call us
at 508-979-5593 and we’ll try to swing by and take a
picture. Email: NeighbNews@comcast.net; USPS: 166
Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719. Deadline 10/20.
228 Hillman St. • New Bedford, MA 02740 • Email: DimanLaundry@aol.com
Page 22
Nothing makes a fish
bigger than almost
being caught.
Calling all Halloween Yards
Gilly Brasidio, Owner
If you like it, tell a
friend. If not, tell us.
in the United States, and it is the only
major cancer with a five-year relative
survival rate in the single digits at
just six percent. Furthermore, the
incidence and death rate for
pancreatic cancer are increasing, and
pancreatic cancer is anticipated to
move from the fourth to the second
leading cause of cancer-related death
in the U.S. by 2020. We need your help
to shine a spotlight on this disease
and finally make progress in developing treatments and early detection
tools. By issuing a proclamation
supporting the observance of
November 2014 as Pancreatic Cancer
Awareness Month our local elected
officials will help us to raise awareness in our community.
The process of notifying our area
elected officials has begun and if you
have not yet been contacted by either
PanCAN or me then you soon will. I
have already received favorable
responses from the New Bedford City
Council and the Dartmouth Select
Board, both of which have placed our
resolutions on their upcoming
agendas. New Bedford’s meeting falls
upon World Pancreatic Cancer
Awareness Day.
As PanCAN says, together we can
“Know it! Fight it! End it!” and I believe
that a crucial part of that process is
local passage of PanCAN's resolution
proclaiming November 2014 as
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
so that we may “Honor. Inspire.
Brock N. Cordeiro, Dartmouth
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Halloween Map
Want to be on the Halloween map? Email
Manny Souza, oleoxfordhaunt@gmail.com
and he’ll include you in his map of spooky
yards, which we will publish in our annual
Halloween issue. Find the map at:
w w w. c o m m u n i t y w a l k . c o m /
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
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Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Page 23
Watershed Ride accepting donations through 10/20
Press Release
One hundred forty cyclists pedaled
across Southeastern Massachusetts
Sunday, 10/5, to show their support
for clean water during the Buzzards
Bay Coalition’s eighth annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride, a scenic
route stretching from Westport to
The event raised an estimated
$75,000 to support the nonprofit
Coalition’s education, conservation,
research and advocacy work.
Supporters can still donate to the
Watershed Ride through Monday,
Oct. 20 at www.savebuzzardsbay.org/
“What a perfect day!” said Sandra
Medeiros of Dartmouth about the
Watershed Ride, her first time
participating. “Great exercise, beautiful weather and new friends all while
supporting our precious Buzzards
A blue, sunny sky met riders at
Horseneck Beach in Westport, where
90 riders began the 75-mile course at
approximately 9:00 a.m. The route
wound through Westport’s picturesque coastal farmland, Padanaram
village, New Bedford’s working
waterfront, the leafy Fairhaven bike
path and Mattapoisett’s rural roads
before stopping for lunch at Eastover
Farm in Rochester. There, 50 additional riders joined the Watershed
Ride for the final 35 miles through
Wareham’s cranberry bogs, over the
Bourne Bridge and down Falmouth’s
Shining Sea Bikeway to end at
Quissett Harbor in Falmouth.
“It’s a wonderful event. Extremely
well done,” said Ron Benham of North
Falmouth, who completed the 35-mile
route with his friend, Bill Grant of
Grant agreed,
signage along the
route was exceptional. There was
no question where
to go to stay on
Everybody was
in great spirits at
the finish line,
where riders and
their guests were
welcomed with
warm food, drinks,
complimentary massages,
and live music
from The Dancing
Participants in the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s 8th annual Buzzards
Melissa Bryant Bay Watershed Ride bike along the Cape Cape Canal on Sunday,
Chelmsford 10/5. The 75-mile ride starts in Westport and ends in Falmouth.
said that for her, Submitted photo from the Buzzards Bay Coalition.
The Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride
Ride is “inspirational.”
“It’s great to be out in nature with is one of two signature outdoor
like-minded people and raise money events hosted by the Coalition. The
for a good cause,” she said at the other is the Buzzards Bay Swim, a 1.2mile open-water swim across outer
finish line.
The Watershed Ride drew cyclists New Bedford Harbor. The 22nd
from over 50 communities in six annual Buzzards Bay Swim will take
states and Washington, D.C. Four place Saturday, June 20, 2015. More
riders — Gregg Furie of Washington, information is available at www.
D.C., Tom Gidwitz of Dartmouth, savebuzzardsbay.org/swim.
Rick Porteus of New Bedford
Leslie Knowles of Dartmouth and Ken
— have participated in his second Watershed
participated in every single ride since Ride this year, as well as the Buzzards
Bay Swim in June.
the event began in 2007.
“I feel as if by participating in these
The top fundraiser was Andy van
Dam of Barrington, R.I., who raised events, I’m strengthening my tie with
$4,100. The top fundraising team, the Bay,” he said, noting that the two
“Buzzin to Keep Up,” made up of outdoor events are “good for the Bay
Korrin Petersen of Middleborough and good for me.”
The ninth annual Buzzards Bay
and Brendan Annett of Cotuit, raised
$3,600. In total, 11 riders raised more Watershed Ride will take place on
Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015.
than $1,000 each.
Winter Boat Storage
Moby Dick Marina
Indoor storage: Building open from 10–2 on
Saturday & Sunday to get those projects done.
Outdoor yard storage: remote gate opener
to come and go at your leisure.
2 River Ave. • Fairhaven • 508-994-1133
mobydickmarina@gmail.com • www.mobydickmarina.com
Who Makes the Magic?
A Nikommo Island Tale With Bedtime Version
By Beth David
Available for Nook; and for Kindle and other ebook formats on Amazon.com
Only $1.49
A Christmas tale of magic on a small island. Written for adults, but suitable for
all ages. (Approx. 9,600 words; bedtime version, 2570 words.) For links to all
Beth David’s books and stories visit www.Zorena.com
Page 24
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Academy Building,141 Main Street
next door to Fairhaven High School
Open: Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri. 8:30-4:30
Saturday 8:30 - 2:00
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
9 Fort Street, Fairhaven
Sat. 10/18 • 2–4 p.m.
12 Sarabeth Lane, Wareham
Sun., 10/19 • 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
732 Sconticut Neck Road, Fairhaven:
Built in 1910, Salt Winds Estate is one of the most
unique properties the southcoast has to offer.
Boasting more than 10 acres, 3 homes, an inground pool with cabana and a waterfront lot.
Blueprints drafted in 2007 of potential subdivision
with elevations available.
12 Sarabeth Lane, Wareham:
9 Fort Street, Fairhaven:
This completely remodeled home with water-views
of the Historic Fort Phoenix State Beach and
Reservation is furnished with numerous modern
amenity distinguished buyers desire including 3
Bedrooms, 2.5 baths, hard wood flooring, fireplace,
granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, a
home theater great room, in-ground pool and
separate office building.
Built in 2008 in the Charge Pond Estates, this 10
room colonial offers 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths with a
third floor suite and finished basement. Situated on
over 3 acres and abuts the Myles Standish State
Kerrie McNamara
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Advertising rates • Call Beth at 508-979-5593
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Photos and story reprints: 5x7, $12; 8x10, $20;
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
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Page 25
Working Waterfront Festival showcased waterfront skills
Press Release
The 2014 Working Waterfront
Festival (September 27 & 28) featured
a variety of competitions throughout
the weekend. Participants competed
in whaleboat and survival suit races;
a tug boat muster; net mending,
splicing, link squeezing, and scallop
shucking contest; and a Seafood
Throwdown. Each event showcased a
variety of industry skills, engaging the
public in learning about different
aspects of the fishing industry.
The Buzzards Bay Rowing Club
hosted whaleboat races on Saturday
morning starting at 8:00. Tropicans
won “Best Dressed” and “Most
Theatrical” while Shiverin’ Timbers
were deemed “Most Enthusiastic.”
Area tugs converged on the harbor
Saturday afternoon for the annual
tugboat muster organized by Charlie
Mitchell captain of the Tug Jaguar
and emceed by his brother Bob of
R. A. Mitchell Company. While not a
formal contest, tugs of all sizes
showed their skill and strength with
demonstrations of hawser tossing,
turning and pushing.
Rodney Avila and Ted Williams of
Hercules SLR US presented safety
demos including a life raft deployment and man overboard drill, as well
as a survival suit race to give visitors
a sense of the dangers of commercial
fishing and the safety protocols that
fishermen practice to remain safe at
On Saturday, groundfishing skills
were highlighted with a net mending
competition emceed by net designer
Tor Bendiksen of Reidar’s Manufacturing and a rope splicing contest
emceed by Barbara Merry of
Marlinspike Artist. Winners of the net
mending competition were Meghan
Lapp, Geoffrey Hatfield and Sarah
Fortin while Kevin Curole of Grand
Isle, LA won the splicing contest.
scallopers took center
stage with back-to-back
link squeezing (emceed
by Mathieu Lemieux of
Blue Fleet Welding) and
shucking (emceed by
Richie Canastra of
BASE) competitions.
Results of the shucking
contest were: Jonathan
Hynd of the F/V Act IV
took first place, Sergey
Yuminov of the F/V
Julie G took 2nd place
and Justin Lawrence of
the F/V Sea Ranger,
Harvester and Patience
took 3rd place.
Contest prizes were
provided by Latti and
Anderson LLP, Hercules SLR US Inc., Slave
of the Sea, Marlinspike
Artist, and Buzzard’s
Bay Rowing Club, and
the Working Waterfront
Sunday culminated Scallopers compete in the scallop shucking contest at the
with a Seafood Throw- 2014 Working Waterfront Festival. Submitted photo by Zoe
down pitting the Port Van Buren. See it in color at www.NeighbNews.com
of New Bedford against
the Port of Gloucester. In keeping Development Center of Southeastern
with this year’s fishing family theme, MA, a non-profit organization. The
our Throwdown chefs were home FREE festival, a family friendly,
cooks from fishing families. With educational celebration of New
whiting as the surprise seafood England’s commercial fishing industry,
ingredient, Vera Carvalho who works features live maritime and ethnic
at Smithwick and Mariner’s Insurance music, fishermen's contests, fresh
Agency created a soup with an seafood, vessel tours, films, author
“explosion of flavor” to edge out her readings, cooking demonstrations,
of kids’ activities and more. It all takes
Gloucester Fisherman’s Wives Associ- place on working piers and wateration. The Seafood Throwdown is a front parks in New Bedford, MA,
collaboration between the Northwest America’s #1 fishing port, on the last
Atlantic Marine Alliance and the full weekend in September.
Working Waterfront Festival.
The Working Waterfront Festival is workingwaterfrontfestival.org
a project of the Community Economic
Free performance
Press Release
The Marion Institute is proud to
announce that the Truthworker
Theatre Company will be presenting
performance on Fri., 10/24 at 6:30
p.m., at the Zeiterion Theatre, as a
part of the Connecting for Change
Conference. The Marion Institute is
committed to creating positive
change in our communities and the
world at large. Truthworker Theatre’s
Page 26
director, Samara Gaev, is an amazing
performer and artist whose work
encapsulates many of the themes
presented at Connecting for Change.
IN:PRISM: Boxed In & Blacked Out
in America is an original work devised
through direct conversation with
those inside. The piece examines the
impacts & practices of solitary
confinement in the U.S. prisons,
tracing one man’s remarkable
capacity for liberation within the
Thursday, October 16, 2014
walls of death row. The performance
will be followed by a short facilitated
panel discussion comprised of local
leaders, keynote speakers, and
performers, to go further in depth on
the issues of violence, incarceration,
race, and other issues that deeply
affect our communities.
For more information, please visit
connectingforchange.org or call the
Marion Institute at 508.748.0816. We
hope to see you there!
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
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Dea /20
Halloween Yards
Who Makes the Magic?
A Nikommo Island Tale
With Bedtime Version
By Beth David
Available for Nook; and for Kindle and other ebook formats on
Amazon.com Only $1.49
All Mark Waters can think of is how awful it will be if there aren’t
any toys under the tree at Christmas. But with a little help from
the Little People of Nikommo Island, Mark learns that there’s
more to Christmas than bicycles and board games.
Throw in an aging theatrical neighbor, a snooty know-it-all
cousin and a little bit of island lore, and you’re sure to put this
little tale on your list of annual must-reads at Christmastide....or
any time of year when you could use a little magic. Written for
adults, but suitable for all ages. (Approx. 9,600 words; bedtime
version, 2570 words.)
For links to all Beth David’s books and stories visit www.Zorena.com
Fairhaven Neighborhood News
Want to share your Halloween
expertise with your neighbors? Send
pictures of your yard to the Neighb News
and we’ll share them with our readers.
Or call us at 508-979-5593 and we’ll try
to swing by and take a picture ourselves.
Email: NeighbNews@comcast.net; USPS:
166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719.
Halloween Map
Want to be on the Halloween map?
Email Manny Souza, oleoxfordhaunt@
gmail.com and he’ll include you in
his map of spooky yards, which we will
publish in our annual Halloween issue. Find
the map at: www.communitywalk.com/
Thursday, October 16, 2014
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