Fairhaven Neighborhood News A E!publication of all things Fairhaven E FR Including event listings from Cape Cod to RI per le pa oice! t t i l The a big v with Volume 9, Issue 30 • August 14, 2014 Teeming with information you need. (And some you don’t need, but will be glad you have anyway.) Who you gonna call? It’s been awhile since we did a “know your town” issue and readers have been asking for one. You want to know who is in town government. The above graphic is a montage of town buildings that include town offices and schools. See page 12 for list of town boards and who’s on ’em. Photo graphic by Beth David. See it in color at www.NeighbNews.com Also Inside: • BPW: page 4 • Fire at Little People’s: page 3 • Acushnet: page 16 • Water restrictions: page 10 From The Editor WEST ISLAND — A day late and many dollars short. Wow, what a week. We lost both Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall. And there couldn’t be more of a contrast between the two deaths, could there? Lauren Bacall was 89 and her son called her life “magical.” Beth David, Publisher Robert Williams was only 63, and the tortured soul took his own life. They both reached stardom in Hollywood, a magical and real place that makes dreams come true as easily as it smashes them into little bits, like flotsam on the riprap. Social media sites lit up with tributes to Robin Williams, in a frenzy worthy of his frenzied talent. I won’t compete with the experts about his talent or his psychological state. I’ll let people who saw all of his movies talk about his talent. I’ll let people who know more about suicide and psychology talk about why he may have done it. The reality is, and I don’t want this to sound flip or fresh, he simply did not want to live anymore. He hated his life enough to end it. Unfathomable to most of us. A permanent solution to a temporary problem, we’ve heard many times over the years. What I will talk about is the meanness that some people have shown to his family. His daughter closed out her social media accounts because of mean-spirited posts and photoshopped pictures of his body being sent to her. Really? Really? A man kills himself and people send mean messages to his kids? On the other hand is Lauren Bacall’s quiet death and the trip down memory lane lined with her movies and stage appearances and TV roles; her marriage to Bogart and her relationships with other men; mentions of her children and other aspects of her life in a respectful, albeit voyeuristic way. That is, after all, what stardom is about, isn’t it? It’s the rest of the world feeling it has a right to know your business. It’s the rest of the world wanting to know your business. It’s the rest of the world being curious about every aspect of your life: the good, the bad, the ugly, although “ugly” is not a word one would associate with Lauren Bacall. Lauren Bacall got to show us how to age with grace and dignity and beauty and independence. Robin Williams didn’t want to go there, refused to go there. His death is beyond tragic. It’s beyond sad. No one knows how much time he would have had left if he had not taken matters into his own hands, but I think it might’ve been kind of cool to watch him grow old. Would he be the handsome elder statesman teaching the world how to age gracefully? Would he be the miserable grouch no one wanted to cast (unlikely)? Would he be the unpredictable patriarch playing the role of wizened mentor? Unfortunately, we’ll never know. He didn’t want to show us that. And now it’s too late. Let’s mourn his loss, let’s celebrate his life and the great achievements of both these great talents. But let’s leave nastiness home. Until next week then... Fairhaven Neighborhood News Volume 9, Issue 30 Thursday, August 14, 2014 Copyright 2014 Elizabeth A. David Editor: Beth David News Correspondents/Photographers: Michael Smith, John Stapleton, Ryan Feeney Published weekly on Thursdays by Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, at 166 Dogwood Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 NeighbNews@comcast.net www.NeighbNews.com 508-979-5593 • Fax: 508-991-5580 Contributions: The Neighb News accepts press releases, editorial contributions and letters to the editor at the above address; by email preferred, in the body of the email, not as an attachment. If mailed by USPS or faxed, editorial must be typewritten, 500 words or fewer. Unfortunately, The Neighb News is not able to pay money for contributions at this time. Contributors agree, by virtue of their submissions, to grant The Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, the right to publish submissions in print and online. Contributors also verify, by virtue of their submissions, that they own the right to publish the work submitted. Any claims of copyright infringement will be referred to the contributor, who will also be responsible for any and all costs associated with said claims. Advertising: Call or write for rate card and sample issue or visit our website at www.NeighbNews.com. The Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, reserves the right to refuse advertising and editorial for any reason. The Neighb News will not assume any liability, financial or otherwise, for errors in ads or in editorial content submitted by contributors. The Neighb News will run a correction on the inside front cover to rectify any misprints or errors in the previous week’s issue. Readers, advertisers, and writers are responsible for notifying The Neighb News of any inconsistencies or errors in the paper. Advertisers are responsible for all claims made in their ads. The Neighb News is not be liable in any way for claims made by advertisers. Advertisers are responsible for their own content. We will, to the extent reasonable, try to verify any claims that seem unreasonable or unlikely to be true. Readers are encouraged to report any problems with our advertisers. Subscriptions are available for 6 months (24 issues) or one year (48 issues) at $1.75 per issue for a total of $42.00 or $84.00 respectively. Also available for free online at www.neighbnews.com, www.northfairhaven.org, www.westisland-ma.com. For free email subscription, send to NeighbNews@ comcast.net and include your first and last name. Copyright 2014 Elizabeth A. David Contents Acushnet National Night Out...............................................16 Classifieds ..............................................................................21 COVER: Know Your Town.....................................................12 Fairhaven Board of Public Works..........................................4 Fire at Little People’s College ................................................3 Happenings ........................................................................6,7,8 Legal Notices/Public Hearings.............................................20 Letter from the editor.............................................................2 Little League Playoffs............................................................17 Recipe of the week ................................................................10 Recreation Center this week................................................14 Senior Center this week .......................................................14 Tides .......................................................................................21 Upcoming meetings/Fairhaven & Acushnet ......................21 Water restrictions in Fairhaven ...........................................10 CORRECTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS Oops. We goofed twice last week In our story about Fairhaven Shipyard in last week’s issue, we made a mistake in the amount of the fine. The fine is $12,672, with $10,672 suspended. We also made an error in our letters to the editor. The 50th high school reunion is for New Bedford Voc-Tech. We apologize for any confusion our error may have caused. Ceiling fan causes fire at Little People’s College Fairhaven Fire Dept. Press Release A small fire at the Little People’s College Campus in Fairhaven prompted an evacuation of approximately 60 children today. Firefighters were alerted at 1:11 pm when the fire alarm sounded for the Little People’s College building at 177185 Bridge Street. When firefighters arrived they found a smoke condition in the day care center which houses approximately 60 pre-school aged children for day care services. All of the children and staff were safely evacuated to the playground area. The fire was contained to a small bathroom between classrooms. A ceiling fan overheated and caused a fire in the ceiling which was quickly extinguished. Dry chemical from a fire extinguisher coated the floors and some of the furniture in the classroom. Children and staff were not allowed to return to the building. Fairhaven Board of Health and the Wire Inspector were on scene to assist with the assessment of damage and clean-up that would have to take place before the Day Care could resume normal operations. The property and business are owned by Joyce DeSouza. Maintenance staff from Little People’s College were contracting a clean-up company to start the repair operations to get the Day Care operational again. Fire crews were on scene for approximately 1-1/2 hours. Staff at the day care is credited with quick action in evacuating the children in a very timely manner. UMD Marketing Center seeks projects Press Release Have you considered marketing research to make your business more competitive? Interested in the satisfaction level of your customers and/ or clients? Thinking about the possibility of a new location? Get the information you need from a source you can trust! Why not go through a local provider? The UMass Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research (CMR) is currently accepting requests from area businesses and other organiza- tions to perform marketing research for the fall semester this September. The CMR performs customized market research at very affordable prices. We can give you information you need to gain a more complete understanding of both existing and potential customers. The final report is presented to the client at a dinner reception at the end of the semester. CMR provides high quality, affordable marketing assistance utilizing Center staff, faculty, students, and expert practitioners. If you or your business would be interested in becoming a client, please contact Center Director, Dr. Nora Ganim Barnes for more information regarding our very modest fees and semester timelines. Nora can be reached at 508-9998756 or nbarnes@umassd.edu. Clients of the Center range from small and start-up businesses to Fortune 500 Companies and include both the commercial and non-profit sectors. Please visit our website: http://www.umassd.edu/cmr. Fine and Diamonds Diamonds Fine Jewelry Jewelry and Nautical and and Cape Cape Cod Cod Jewelry Nautical Jewelry Silver and and Bead Bead Jewelry Silver Jewelry Watch Repair and Batteries Watch Batteries Appraisals "&'%( Open daily d y ffo or lunch lu h and d dinner !" #$%! Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, August 14, 2014 Page 3 BPW hires HMEO; water restrictions should not last long Michael Smith Neighb News The residents of Fairhaven, as of August 10, have been under water restrictions, which should last for a week or two as a result of bacteria found in one of the town’s wells. At the Board of Public Works meeting on Monday, 8/11, Department Superintendent Vinnie Furtado explained to the board the source water at the Tinkham Lane well tested positive for bacteria during a random sample test in early July. The well is temporarily shut down while repairs are being made. The Tinkham Lane Well is the largest source of water to Fairhaven. The water was sampled again at the well soon after and another bacterial hit was discovered, according to Mr. Furtado. He said a comprehensive look at the well discovered a compromise in the roof above the pump, which was subsequently repaired; but another test yielded positive for bacteria, so the well was taken out of service. Mr. Furtado told the board the restrictions on watering lawns and irrigation would be in effect for all day and night except between the hours of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Activities such as car washing are not allowed at all. (See details on page 10.) “There is absolutely no cause for alarm,” said Mr. Furtado, who said he was erring on the side of caution by placing the restrictions. “I suspect putting the well back up will be done in a couple of weeks.” Mr. Furtado expects the well to be back up and running after a new base plate is installed, along with chlorination of the water and more tests, possibly as soon as this Friday, 8/15. If the well is not ready by then, Mr. Furtado said he expects the restrictions would be lifted by next Friday. Other business on the agenda included an on-line grease trap request by the Fairhaven Housing Authority to provide a food service to seniors at Oxford Terrace. Housing Authority Director Krisanne Sheedy said in an email to the board that the Housing Authorty would like to do a “Meals on Wheels” program to serve food to 25 to 30 seniors there. In order to get grant funding for the program, a grease trap is required to be located inside. According to Mr. Furtado, no food Page 4 would be made there, just the washing of dishes. Board member Steven Riley noted that the biggest problem for Public Works is grease entering the town’s water and sewer and had concerns if in three years the scope changes where the Housing Authority starts making food at the housing complex. Chairperson Michael Ristuccia said he had the same concerns as Mr. Riley, but said he would be accepting if the Housing Authority included documentation of routine cleaning of the trap. “As long as we are consistent with everybody,” said Mr. Riley. The board unanimously agreed with the request providing the Housing Authority cleans the trap every three months and shows the board documentation of it. The board suggested including on their next meeting’s agenda a discussion about setting regulations for businesses to report to the department on grease traps, and having a discussion with the Board of Health on the issue. In other business, the board inter viewed Vincenzo “Vinnie” Angelini for the Special Motor Equipment O p e r a t o r position. Mr. Angelini has worked for the department for the last five years as an HMEO (Heavy Motor E q u i p m e n t Operator). “I try my best,” Mr. Angelini told the board. The BPW had no problems with Mr. Angelini’s credentials and unanimously approved his appointment. He was the only applicant. Fay, Spofford, and Thorndike, the primary engineers for the town’s Sewer Department, was seeking an 79 Marion amendment to their contract with the department due to an expansion of work. Since the contract was originally implemented at Town Meeting in 2013, the scope of work has expanded to include planned inspections of over 17,500 feet of sewer lines and work on the Tabor Street Pump Station. The amendment in the contract would not exceed $180,000, according to Mr. Furtado. The board unanimously approved the amendment. The board unanimously approved the inter-municipal agreement between Fairhaven and Mattapoisett, which was approved at Town Meetings in each town. Mattapoisett had already signed the agreement prior to the board’s vote. The board voted unanimously to award a bid for a heavy-duty truck for the Sewer Department. The truck, a Chevrolet, also includes a plow, according to Sewer Superintendent Linda Schick. The lowest bid was only $1,000 lower from the next highest bid. The price of the bid was not disclosed. Outboard Motor Service All Makes & Models 508-758-4000 Thursday, August 14, 2014 Road (Rte. 6), Mattapoisett Fairhaven Neighborhood News Monday: $1 Hot Dog Day! Tuesday: $1 Kiddie Soft Serve and Senior Citizen 10% Discount! Wednesday: Hand sco oped Custom Co okie Ice Cream Sandwiches! Thursday: $2 off per pound of Fudge! Friday: $1 Mini Whoopie Pies! Fairhaven Homeowners Complete Auto Repair & Used Car Sales 196 Huttleston Ave. (Rte. 6) • Fairhaven Check out this link for some great coupons: www.precisiontune.com/fairhavenma Are you paying too much for insurance? Prices are for homes built after 1920 Come in for your inspection! Americaʼs Neighborhood Auto Care Experts Precision Tune Auto is now open at A&A Auto! Come by. We would love to service you! 8 2 0 1 4 Price/ year $ 150,000 $ 250,000 $ 350,000 $ 450,000 $ 552 $ 885 $ 1,219 $ 1,520 Includes replacement cost contents, $1,000 deductible for all claims including wind/hurricane, $500,000 liability. **final rate subject to company acceptance of application an meeting all underwriting guidelines MA INSPECTION STATION NO. PB050538 Used Car Inventory at www.aausedautos.com Fairhaven Neighborhood News Coverage Amount Thursday, August 14, 2014 Call us today for a quote! Fairhaven Center for Business 65 Alden Road, Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-997-8515 • 508-997-8670 (fax) www.vieirains.com Page 5 AROUND TOWN HAPPENINGS cultural programs offered to town average length of stay for a child in Boat Poker Run residents and students. Programs care is between 3 months and 18 Join the first Annual Poker Run Sponsored by Nopper Marine Inc. To benefit the Kennedy-Donovan Center Programs in New Bedford. Saturday, Aug. 16, at the Seaport Inn and Marina, 110 Middle Street, Fairhaven. 8–11 a.m. Check-In 11 a.m. Mandatory Captain’s Meeting Noon. Start your Engines!!! Dinner and Awards Ceremon at 5 p.m. Initial Card handout, Seaport Inn and Marina; 1st Card Stop, Woods Hole; 2nd Card Stop, The Chart Room; 3rd Card Stop, Sail Loft; 4th Stop, Finish Line, Seaport Inn and Marina BEST LOOKING BOAT, BEST LOOKING CREW, AND MORE..Live Entertainment all night at The Seaport Inn and Marina 1st Prize, Best Hand, $1,000; 2nd Prize $500 Registration fee is $250 (Captain and 3 Crew) Additional Crew: $25 each / Extra Poker Hand: $100 Includes: Transit dockage for Fri. and Sat., one dinner per crew member, live band, tee-shirt and one poker hand. Guest entrance fee is $10. Extra dinner tickets and tee shirts will be available for sale. All proceeds will go to The Kennedy-Donovan Center Programs. Rain Date 8/17 Contact Peter Nopper 508-989- 9913 or email: marinetransmission@ comcast.net Kerry Nopper at 508717-5431 or email: Keranda74@ msn.com Heidi Pereira at 508-9711699 or email: hpereira@kdc.org Cultural Council Input Meeting Join the Fairhaven Cultural Council on Monday, August 18 at 6:30 p.m. for the annual Community Input meeting at the Nemasket Building on 56 Bridge Street in Fairhaven. The annual Community Input meeting gives town residents a chance to voice their opinions about what type of programming they would like to see funded. The Council will also be discussing results from a survey that was recently distributed to glean similar information. And town residents can learn more about the work of the Council to see if they are interested in joining. Each year the Fairhaven Cultural Council funds a variety of art-based, Page 6 include musical productions, school field trips, school plays, and music, art and science programming for young children, among others. The Fairhaven Cultural Council is funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the town of Fairhaven. The mission of the Massachusetts Cultural Council is to promote excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and contribute to the economic vitality of our communities. The Fairhaven Cultural Council specifically supports the arts and culture in Fairhaven and the Southcoast community. Annual Yard Sale The Church of the Good Shepherd, 357 Main St., North Fairhaven will hold its annual yard sale, rain or shine, on Sat., Aug. 23, from 9–3. The kitchen menu will include stuffed cabbage and corn on the cob. Donations for the yard sale are being accepted on Sat., Aug. 16 from 9-1 during Book Cafe hours. Not wheelchair accessible. Any questions, please call 508-991-8596. TLC Campus TLC Play and Learn Campus is accepting students for the 2014-2015 school year. We are located in a safe and secure location directly behind the Fairhaven Police and Fire Departments, at 16 Temple Place. Our curriculum incorporates both STEM and CORE activities. On days when the weather cooperates, we are active outdoors as well. The cost is $15.00 a day and we offer a sibling discount of $14.00 a day. Full days and early release days are billed at $25 per day. We offer our services to all children from kindergarten through grade five. Please call 508-994-3826 for more information or to register your child. Leave a message if no one is in the office and we will return your call. Foster Parents Children in your community need your help. On any given day there are over 400 children of all ages in foster care in the New Bedford Area. The Thursday, August 14, 2014 months. Whether you open your home for a short time or forever, you can have a positive impact on the life of a child. As a foster parent you may be single, married, partnered, divorced or widowed. You can either own or rent your home as long as you have a stable income and space in your home for a child. You can choose the age and gender of the child. The Department of Children and Families is offering a free training for individuals and families interested in learning more about fostering a child. We have a significant need for care of infants, toddlers, sibling groups and adolescents. This is your chance to make a real difference in a child’s life! Trainings begin every Thursday evening throughout the year. Pre-registration is required and includes a criminal background check. Daily reimbursement, health insurance for the child, ongoing training and support is offered. Please call Lynn Mourao at (508) 910-1083 to learn more about foster care opportunities. Farmers Market The Fairhaven Farmers Market is held every Sunday from 1–4 p.m. on the lawn of Fairhaven High School. Buy local produce, herbs, vegetable plants, desserts, cookies, jams, honey, cheese, eggs, meat all from local farmers. As well as all the wonderful food there will be soap, local photography, rope crafts, face painting and henna. We also have space available for non-profit groups to join us throughout the summer. For more information please contact Ann Richard the volunteer market manager at 508-9918315 or ann.richard@gmail.com Golf Tourney Seventh annucal Diocesan Golf Tournament, Lebaron Hills Country Club, Monday, 8/25. Information/raffle tickets available at Our Lady’s Haven, 71 Center St., Fairhaven, 508-999-4561 Save the Date! Feast of Our Lady of Angels Labor Day weekend, 8/30, 31 & 9/1, in North Fairhaven. Fairhaven Neighborhood News HAPPENINGS OVERTOWN Connecticut castle-like home of nity Health Center will provide free flu Singers Invited William Gillette, who was in fact a real vaccine on Sat., 8/16, from 9 a.m. to Singers are invited to join the acclaimed Greater New Bedford Choral Society. Requirements: blend with your section, pay nominal fees for music, etc. No private audition. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 7:30–9:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church, New Bedford (corner of County and Union Streets). Starting date: Tuesday, 9/2. Call 508-644-2419. Gourmet Dinner F-R On Tuesday, September 2, at 6:30 p.m. award winning Portuguese Chef, Jose Rego, will prepare gourmet 3course dinner at the Top Shelf Bar and Grille. This is a fundraising event for the SPIRIT OF SONG ENSEMBLE, a newly merged Community group of 75 singers plus instrumentalists, under the direction of Cassandra Morgan. Cassandra Morgan is pleased to announce that two popular musical groups recently merged to form the Spirit of Song Ensemble. The first performance for the ensemble will be a Christmas Cantata to be held in December at Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Church. The Christmas Cantata will be open to all to attend, and since only donations will be collected, the fundraising dinner will defray many of the costs. Tickets are $35 and are available by calling 508-942-6483 or 508-264-8010. Tickets are also available at Top Shelf Bar and Grille, St. Anthony Credit Union in New Bedford, and the Bookstall in Marion. Auditions Your Theatre, Inc. director Bob Gillet will hold open auditions for the mystery thriller Postmortem, by Ken Ludwig, on Sunday, 8/17, at 1:30 p.m. and Tuesday, 7/19, at 7 p.m. Auditions will consist of a cold reading from the script. Acting experience is not necessary, but role seekers should have a desire to share the experience of and commitment to live theatre and the enjoyment of collaborating with other talented individuals. Mr. Gillet is seeking actors to fill the roles of three men and four women. The various characters range in age from early 20s to 70s. The play is set in 1922, at the Fairhaven Neighborhood News person, a well-known actor, playwright and director in the early part of the last century. Gillette, best know for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes, has invited his sister and his cast of the latest revival of the play, for a weekend at his home. Gillette hopes to solve the murder of his fiancé, which occurred exactly one year ago at the mansion. Gillette believes that each of his guests could have had a reason to kill her, and he is determined to find the killer. To that end, Gillette arranges a séance, where he learns that one of his guests is trying to murder him. Ghosts, gun shots, levitating tables, and glass breaking will make this a fun and challenging play for any actor. The performance dates are in November. Auditions are held at Your Theatre, Inc. located at 136 Rivet St. (corner of County St.), New Bedford, in the handicap accessible auditorium of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Parking and entrance located at rear of church on County St. For further information call Your Theatre, Inc. at 508-993-0772, or e-mail info@ yourtheatre.org; www.yourtheatre.org Clamboil The Lowe Tide Yacht Club will hold a clamboil at the club on Saturday, August 23, 6–10 p.m. The Lobo family chefs will prepare a scrumptious boil. Members and their families and friends are invited to fill the clubhouse renewing friendships, catching up on summer news and just enjoying the view, the weather and the sunset. This is a “not to be missed event.” Cash bar. For reservations and questions, please Call Nancy Fontaine to reserve tickets, at 508-997-3077, or by email, NancyRFontaine@aol.com; or call the or the club at 508-996-4230. Tickets: $27. The deadline for reservations is August 21. The Low Tide Yacht Club is located at the Fort Taber Military Museum building, 1000B So. Rodney French Blvd., New Bedford. The club is actively seeking new members. Visit www.lowtideyc.org or call 508-996-4230 Free Flu Vaccine The Greater New Bedford CommuThursday, August 14, 2014 12 p.m. as part of its Health Center week celebration. The vaccine provides protection against seasonal flu and will be available to adults 18 years and older. The vaccine will be available at 874 Purchase St., New Bedford, MA 02740. For further information, please call 508-992-6553. Showtunes F-R Unforgettable melodies from your favorite movies is the theme for the Rotch-Jones-Duff House and Garden Museum presentation of A Salute to the Silver Screen on August 21, at 7:00 PM. Delight in hearing music from your favorite Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals, as well as music from Les Miserables, Guys and Dolls, and the new film Jersey Boys. The performance will take place under the terrace tent and in the gardens of the Rotch-Jones-Duff House at 396 County Street. Gates open at 6:30 PM; beginning at 7:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased at www. rjdmuseum.org for $20 until 8/18, or $25 or at the door the night of the performance. Seating is first come, first served; light refreshments will be available for purchase. Dock-U-Mentary The Dock-U-Mentaries Film Series continues on Friday, 8/15 at 7:00 PM with two short films: Hudson Shad and The Sardine Show. Dock-UMentaries is a co- production of New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park and the Working Waterfront Festival. Films about the working waterfront are screened on the third in the theater of the Corson Maritime Learning Center, located at 33 William Street in downtown New Bedford. All programs are open to the public and presented free of charge. Accessible. Hudson Shad (1974) is an 18minute documentary chronicling the work of Pete Seeger and the “River Keepers” to clean up the Hudson River. The Sardine Show (1981) was produced by the Maine Sardine Council to promote the consumption of Maine Sardines. The film explores the history of the fishery, considers the health benefit of eating sardines, and provides a variety of recipes. For more info, call 508-996-4095, or visit www.nps.gov/nebe Page 7 HAPPENINGS/OTHER LATITUDES $150 per individual, or $550 per the historical Smith-Appleby House Jewelry Sale foursome. Non-golfers are welcome to see and hear what daily life was Gather up your bangles and bows, and donate them to the Friends of the Mattapoisett Library for the Summer Jewelry & Accessory Sale. Donations of jewelry (even broken items), beads, single earrings, scarves and purses can be left at the library’s circulation desk during business hours prior to August 14. The sale opens at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library, 7 Barstow Street, with a Friends’ Members-Only Early Bird preview on Friday, 8/15 from 10 a.m. until noon. (It’s a great time to sign up for a Friends membership.) The sale continues Friday until 4 and Sat., 8/16 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The Friends of the Mattapoisett Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are taxdeductible, and all proceeds benefit the Mattapoisett Free Public Library. Jimmy Fund Telethon WEEI Sports Radio 93.7 FM, NESN (New England Sports Network) and the Boston Red Sox are proud to announce that the 13th annual WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund RadioTelethon presented by Arbella Insurance Foundation will take place at Fenway Park on Tues.y, 8/19 and Wed., 8/20, from 6 a.m. to midnight. The emotional two-day event has become one of the Jimmy Fund’s biggest annual fundraisers. In 2013, the Radio-Telethon raised more than $3.5 million, bringing the twelve-year total to more than $34 million. For more information or to make an online gift please visit www. jimmyfundradiotelethon.org Lobster on the Links Welcome Lodge #158 of the Massachusetts Knights of Pythias invites the public to golf and dine to help children in state foster care who are waiting for adoption. The 6th annual Charitable Golf Tournament will be held Monday, August 18 at Poquoy Brook Golf Club, Lakeville, MA, with proceeds supporting the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange-MARE. A steak and lobster dinner follows the golfing, with auction and raffles for sports memorabilia, restaurant gift certificates, and other goodies. Registration for golf and dinner is Page 8 for the lobster dinner and auction only at $50 per person. Online registration and downloadable forms are available at http://www. mareinc.org/Fundraising-Events.html Chicken BBQ Join us for food and fun on Sun., 8/31, at 1 p.m., rain or shine for a Chicken BBQ, at Freetown VFW Post 6643, 89 Middleboro Road. Tickets: $15; children 10 & under, $10. Proceeds support cancer research. Menu includes: Charcoal grilled half-chicken, baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, bread & butter, corn on the cob, watermelon, lemonade, cash bar. For tickets call Marcia Vaile, 774-328-6936m or Claudia Ostiguy, 508-995-7613 Farmers Market The Acushnet Farmers Market is open for the season. We will also host multiple classes and cooking demonstrations. Select highlights include: June 28th. Backyard Chicken Basics, June 28th. Wicked Kickin' Savory Cheesecake Demo, July 12th. New England Antique Truck and Tractor Association, July 19th. My Magical Emporium Herbal Class And many more! Every Saturday from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. through September, rain or shine, at Stone Bridge Farm 186 Leonard St., Acushnet. Movies on the Block Free movie, corner of Westminster St. and Union St., Providence, RI. Every Thursday at dusk, througoh September. FREE to the public. Next up: 8/14, Annie Hall; 8/21, The Professional; 8/28, The Wizard of Oz. For more information, visit http:// www.shopdowncity.com/ Games of Old Enjoy a colonial fun-filled family day of yard games and watermelon at the Smith-Appleby House, 220 Stillwater Road, Smithfield, RI, on Sunday, 8/17, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Show your skill and challenge others at tug-o-war, sack race, hoops, graces, 9 pin bowling, and “how far can you spit that seed?” Then tour Thursday, August 14, 2014 really like in Colonial Rhode Island during the American Revolution. Tours are led by educators and history enthusiasts in Colonial dress. “Come & Play Games of Old” will be held on Sunday, August 17, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and children are free. This very special event is part of our Rhody Ramble Open House series. For more information, visit http:// smithapplebyhouse.org/calendar. Comedians at OST Ocean State Theatre Company (OSTC), the not-for-profit professional theatre company, which recently concluded its second successful summer season in Warwick, along with legendary comedy club, Catch A Rising Star, are proud to announce that local comedian Frank O’Donnell will open for nationally recognized funnyman, Bobby Collins at Ocean State Theatre on Sunday, August 17 at 7:30pm. Frank O’Donnell will join Bobby Collins for one performance only at Ocean State Theatre on Sunday, August 17 at 7:30 pm. The theatre is located at 1245 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick, RI. A limited number of VIP tickets, which include a post show meet and greet with Bobby Collins, are available for $40. All other tickets are $25 and are on sale at the box office Monday through Friday from 12 noon – 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 12 noon – 4:00 pm. Tickets are also available online 24 hours a day at www.OceanStateTheatre.org and via telephone during normal box office hours by calling (401) 921-6800. Illumination Night Martha’s Vineyard’s Grand Illumination Night at the Gingerbread Cottages in Oak Bluffs, is on Wed., 8/20. The special highlight of the summer season in the Campground is Grand Illumination Night. The cottages are adorned with colorful Chinese and Japanese lanterns, and both a Community Sing and a band concert are held in the Tabernacle. Thousands of Island residents and visitors enjoy Grand Illumination each summer.. Visit http://www. mvcma.org/events/grandillumination/ Fairhaven Neighborhood News Academy of Dance Fairhaven Classes Include: Ballet • Tap • Jazz Hip-Hop • Irish Step Yoga & Select Adult Classes Now Registering For Fall Classes Visit us at 148 Huttleston Ave., Fairhaven, or call Karen at 774-644-3102 Arion Anezis John Zolotas Indoor rack Storage Available Boat Slips Available: Starting at $75/foot Moby Dick Marina We have WiFi 2 River Ave. • Fairhaven • 508-994-1133 • www.mobydickmarina.com Manufactured On Job Site 0.32 Gauge Aluminum Seamless Gutters 5" Available in 18 Colors 6" Commercial Gutters Available in 4 Colors 360 Main St. Fairhven, MA 02719 508-999-1598 Eric Sylvia Commercial & Residential • MA/RI/CT Upgrades • Repairs Emergency Calls • New Installation Renovation & Re-models • Service Calls Sylvia Electric — Powerful Service 774-849-0425 Licensed Electrician for 24 Years • Lic: 13901A ENTERTAINMENT: Fri., 8/15: James Gagne, 8–Mid. Sat., 8/16: Jason Cardinal, 9 p.m.–1 a.m. Sat., 8/23: Bare Bones, 9 p.m.–1 a.m. Thurs., 8/29: James Gagne, 8 p.m.–1 a.m. MONDAY NIGHT PIZZA SPECIAL: Two for one (eat-in only) • 6 p.m.–Midnight Hours: Mon.–Sat., 11:30–2 a.m. • Sun., Noon–2 a.m. 136 Huttleston Ave., Fairhaven • 508-992-BEER Visit: www.IceHouseBarGrill.com Fairhaven Neighborhood News Chocolate Works ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Candy Molds, Cupcake and Cake ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Decorating Supplies. Holiday ★ ★ ★ ★ Themes, Birthdays, etc. ★ ★ ★ ★ New Halloween Molds Have Arrived ★ ★ Come in to register for our next ★ ★ ★ ★ cake decorating class scheduled for Sept. 13 ★ ★ 1849 Acushnet Ave. • New Bedford • 508-998-2672 ★ ★ ★ Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 10-5:30; Sat., 9-4; Closed Wed. & Sun. ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Thursday, August 14, 2014 Page 9 Recipe of the Week Fairhaven under water restrictions Easy Roasted Vegetables The Fairhaven Board of Public If your house or residence is an odd Works ordered water restrictions in number, then you will be allowed to the town as of August 10 due to a water between the hours of 6AM to water sample testing positive for 8AM and 6PM to 8PM on odd ecoli, according to DPW superin- numbered days. Anyone can water, at the same listed hours, on the 31st. tendent Vincent “Vinnie” Furtado. All other non essential outdoor uses, Mr. Furtado expects the restrictions to be lifted in a about a week such as car washing and washing after repairs to the Tinkham Lane well walks will not be allowed on any day. Without these restrictions, fire are completed. The department fixed a roof, and is protection could be at risk. Nurseries and pool fills are now fabricating a new base plate. Mr. Furtado said crews used a exempt, as well as hand watering of camera to check the well and found home vegetable and flower gardens that the base plate needed replacing. and watering of new lawns. BPW personnel will be patrolling That required pulling the pump out, the Town and fines up to $100 are putting the well out of service. The town has two other wells to authorized. This is a temporary measure to draw water from. The bacteria were found at the ensure adequate water supply is source and not in the water that went available for fire protection as to residents. All the water is treated unscheduled well maintenance has reduced available water supply to the at a state-of-the-art facility. “There has never been a cause for Towns of Fairhaven, Mattapoisett and alarm because it’s the source, pre- Marion from the Mattapoisett River Valley Water District water treatment treatment,” said Mr. Furtado. The BPW issued the following plant. restrictions. The full text is on the LIKE US town’s website at www.FairhavenON FACEBOOK: ma.gov www.Facebook.com/NeighbNews Residents and businesses will only be allowed to water their Any lawns on odd or large, even days based oneon their property address number. topping If your house or pizza business has an even number, you will be allowed to Once a week Yia Yia’s Pizza Cafe water between 381 Sconticut Neck Rd. go Greek! (corner of Seaview) the hours of 6AM We deliver! to 8AM and 6PM to 8PM on even *With this coupon, one coupon per order. Not to be We accept combined with other offers. Exp. 8/29/14 numbered days. competitors’ coupons This zesty spiced dish requires a very hot oven so the natural sugars in the vegetables caramelize and become very flavorful. 1 1/4 pounds red potatoes scrubbed and quartered 1 T. Olive oil 1 t. Chili powder 1/2 t. ground cumin 1/2 t. Salt 1/4 t. Dried thyme crumbled 1/8 t. freshly ground pepper 3 med. zucchini, cut into large chunks 2 red peppers seeded and cut into strips 1 sweet onion, sliced Preheat oven to 450. Combine the potatoes and oil in a 9x13-inch baking pan. Bake about 15 minutes. Meanwhile combine the chili powder, cumin, salt, thyme, and pepper in a small bowl. Add to the potatoes. Then add the zucchini, peppers and onion; toss to coat. Bake until the vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes longer. Serve with a grilled steak. This veggies are sooo Deelish. Enjoy!! Bevy Lussier To share a recipe with your neighbors Mail to 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719; fax to 508-991-5580; email to neighbnews@ comcast.net 2 $ A local repairman for the local community! 19+ years’ experience! • Virus & Spyware Removal • House Calls • On-Site Service 24/7 • Repairs • Installs • Upgrades • Networks • Laptops • Wireless Page 10 off 508-990-1919 Fairhaven Computer Repair 508-991-0169 * BROKEN VACUUM? Take it to Handy Andy's!™ ALL VACUUM BRANDS Sales-Service-Repairs-Parts •FREE ESTIMATES LOANERS 55 •FREE •FAST SERVICE Years of •GUARANTEED WORK Taking care of you! "We make the best new vacuum you'll ever own!" ANY $50 OFF WITH TRADE-IN Trade in your old vacuum and get a new Handy Andy's Quality Vac™ Vacuum Cleaner. Perfect for pet hair, sand, wood NO INTEREST PAYMENT PLANS Handy Andy's Quality Vacuum Cleaners floors, carpets, rugs, furniture, stairs and great for allergies. Handy Andy's Amazing 508-997-8011 1693 Acushnet Ave Service and Guarantee. Over 8,000 Sold! Mon, Wed & Fri 9-5 New Bedford MA Highly Recommended. Excellent Reviews. Tue & Thu 9-7, Sat 9-3 FREE PARKING LOT Buy your new vacuum at Handy Andy's!™ Service •80 NEW VACUUMS •TRADE-INS TAKEN HandyAndys.com Thursday, August 14, 2014 QUALITY VACUUM CLEANERS QUALITY SERVICE Fairhaven Neighborhood News MAC’S SODA BAR and Custom Catering 116 Sconticut Neck Road • Fairhaven 508-992-8615 SUNDAY BRUNCH BUFFET — THAI STYLE 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. • LATE SUMMER CLAMBOIL $1295 Open Daily, 11 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Closed Tues. • Beer & Wine Available 130 Sconticut Neck Road, Fairhaven • 508-999-2527 Daily Lunch Specials: 11 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Dinner: 4–9 p.m. Sun., Aug. 31, from 2–8 p.m. CELEBRATING MORE THAN 50 YEARS Go where you KNOW the food is ALWAYS good...for EVERY meal! W Bee e ser v r& e Win e $ 2off All purchases of at least $20 With this coupon. Exp. 8/22/14 Not to be combined with other offers. 51 Main Street, Fairhaven Center Gift Certificates for all Occasions Trusted by your friends and family since 1961 Complete Menu of Chinese & American Selections Call 508-992-8668 for take-out. Open every day 11 a.m.-10 p.m. NOW OPEN ON MONDAYS $13.95 + meals tax Expecting guests for the holiday? Introduce them to a real local treat: A traditional Sconticut Neck clamboil! Starting with a cup of Mac’s special quahog chowder, followed by steamed clams, corn on the cob, hot dogs, sausage, linguica, potato and corn bread, drawn butter and clam broth. Beverage and dessert included. A nice way to close out the summer. MONDAY, SEPT. 1, LABOR DAY Open for Breakfast and Lunch, 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy the weekend! Ebb Tide Lounge Serving Breakfast & Lunch 6 a.m.–1 p.m. Closed Wednesday 774-202-6168 A Friendly Neighborhood Place WEEKLY SPECIALS $1 Draft Beers Daily Free Hot Dogs on Thursdays 47 Middle Street • Fairhaven • 508-997-4688 Muffin Monday: Buy a muffin and a coffee and get a free muffin. Tuesday/50-cent day: 50¢ pancakes, or 50¢ French Toast, or 50¢ Egg Thursday: Buy one breakfast, get one 1/2 off Friday: $1.99 for kids’ meals Daily Specials • Early Bird Specials • Great Lunch Menu CARMEN’S American Legion Post 166 Function Hall Hall for rent. Entertainment & Upcoming Events Every Sunday Karaoke w/Cowboy Al, 2-6 Wicked Weezy, Karaoke Every Tuesday, 8-midnight, Every Friday, 9-1 a.m. Every Wed.: DJ April , 8–mid. Every Thurs.: Karaoke w/Cowboy Al, 7–11 54 Main Street • Fairhaven • 508-993-0046 Fairhaven Neighborhood News Family Chef Service Open to the public anytime Tired of Fast Food? • Healthy affordable dinners. • Scheduled home delivery plans. • Specializing in nutritional and dietary needs. 508-858-5488 Perfect for individuals who desire to live independently or families short on time. 1841 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, MA www.carmensfamilychefservice.com The original meal delivery service catering to the South Coast area since 2005 Thursday, August 14, 2014 Page 11 Know your town: Town of Fairhaven boards and who’s on ’em Fairhaven has a representative Town Meeting form of government. There are six precincts with 429 elected Town Meeting seats. Cuurently, there are vacant seats in some precincts. Elected board members are also Town Meeting members. Elected officials are voted in by residents registered to vote in Fairhaven. Elections are held the first Monday in April. Contact the Town Clerk to find out how many signatures you need to get on the ballot. Appointed boards are appointed by a vote of the Selecboard (unless otherwise noted). The board usually asks for a letter from those interested in serving on a board. Call 508-979-4023, Ext. 2 for details. In May of this year, Town Meeting members voted to change Fairhaven’s form of government from a Town Meeting with an Executive Secretary to a Town Meeting with a strong Town Administrator who would be responsible for hiring, firing and a host of other duties now performed by the Selectboard. They also voted to abolish the Board of Public Works. The Mass. state legislature must pass the measures and they will go before Town Meeting once again before they are implemented. Editor’s Note:. These names come from the Town Clerk’s records. If your name appears in error, or does not appear where it should, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 508-979-4023, Ext. 3. Elected Boards/Positions Board of Health Housing Authority Three-year terms, elected Term Name expires Barbara Acksen ..................................2015 Peter DeTerra......................................2016 Jeannine Lopes (Chair)......................2017 Five-year terms, elected One-year term, governor’s appointee* Term Name expires Jay Simmons (Chair)..........................2017 Anne D. Silveira ..................................2019 Elaine Rocha .......................................2015 Jean Rousseau* ..................................2014 Gregory Tutcik....................................2018 Patricia Fowle, Health Agent Board of Public Works Three-year terms, elected Term Name expires Kathleen Sturtevant (Clerk)..............2017 Robert D. Hobson (Vice Chair).........2015 Steven G. Riley ....................................2015 Michael Ristuccia ...............................2016 Brian Wotton .......................................2017 Vinnie Furtado, Superintendent of DPW Commissioner of Trust Funds Krisanne Sheedy, Exec. Dir. & Secretary Planning Board Four-year terms, elected Name Term expires Francis Budryk....................................2016 John Farrell .........................................2017 Rene Fleurent ......................................2015 Wayne Hayward (Chair) ....................2015 Kaisa Holloway Cripps.......................2017 Jeff Lucas .............................................2016 Gary Staffon ........................................2017 Peter Nopper.......................................2017 William Roth, Town Planner 3-year terms, elected Term Name expires Barbara Acksen ..................................2016 Gail Isaksen .........................................2015 John Rogers.........................................2017 Selectboard Three-year terms, elected Term Name expires Robert Espindolar (Chair) ................2015 Geoffrey Haworth ...............................2016 Charles Murphy ..................................2017 Jeffrey W. Osuch, Executive Secretary School Committee Three-year terms, elected Term Name expires Pamela R. Kuechler (Chair) ..............2017 Brian Monroe ......................................2017 Bernard Roderick ...............................2016 Donna McKenna .................................2015 Stasia Powers......................................2016 Colin Veitch* .......................................2015 *Appointed to fill a vacancy Dr. Robert Baldwin, of Schools Superintendent Town Clerk Three-year term, elected Term Name expires Eileen M. Lowney ...............................2016 Moderator Three-year term, elected Term Name expires Mark Sylvia..........................................2015 Tree Warden Three-year term, elected Term Name expires Antone Medeiros, Jr. ..........................2015 Appointed Boards and Committees Beautification Committee Board of Appeals Board of Assessors One-year terms, all expire 2015 Ethel Cataldo Gary Lavalette Roderick N. Lopez Beth Macomber John Medeiros Wayne Oliveira Vicki Paquette Beverly Rasmussen Five-year terms, full members Three-year terms, associate members Term Name expires Joseph Borelli .....................................2016 Peg Cook..............................................2017 Francis J. Cox, Jr. ................................2018 Peter DeTerra (Chair) ........................2019 Daryl Manchester ...............................2015 Jaime DeSousa (Associate) ...............2016 Rene J. Fleurent (Associate) .............2016 Kenneth Kendall (Associate) ............2015 Alberto Silva (Associate) ..................2016 One-year terms, all expire 2015 Term Name expires Ronald J. Manzone, Fhvn (Chair).....2015 Pamela Davis, Marion ........................2015 Ellis Withington, Plymouth ...............2015 Bikeway Committee One-year terms, all expire 2015 Joyce Barrett Lois Callahan Matthew Coes Robert Espindola Rene Fleurent Gary Lavalette Joseph Mello Kenneth Pottel Devin Soares Geoffrey Sullivan Susan Sullivan Jeffrey Wotton Delfino Garcia, Assessor Cable Advisory Committee One-year terms, all expire 2015 Barbara Acksen Robert Espindola Ronald Medina cont’d on next page Page 12 Thursday, August 14, 2014 Fairhaven Neighborhood News Fairhaven town boards and who’s on ’em Appointed Boards and Committees (cont’d from previous page) Capital Planning Comm. Cultural Council Marine Resources Comm. Three-year terms Robert Baldwin ..................................2015 Vincent Furtado ..................................2017 Wendy Graves .....................................2015 Cathy Melanson ..................................2017 Jeffrey Osuch ......................................2015 Bill Roth ...............................................2017 Andrew Tillett .....................................2015 Geoffrey Haworth (non voting) ........2017 Three-year terms (Formerly Boat Ramps & Shellfish) Commission on Disability Three-year terms Term Name expires Charles K. Murphy (Chair)................2015 Ronald Medina....................................2017 Maria DeOliveira.................................2015 Waldemar DeOliveira .........................2015 Brian Rego ...........................................2017 Eugene Robert ....................................2015 Diane Rocha ........................................2017 Paul Schroeder....................................2016 Anne Silvia...........................................2017 Joseph Borelli, Advisor Jeff Osuch, ADA Coordinator Community Preservation Three-year terms Term Name expires Jeffrey Lucas (Chair)..........................2016 William R. Markey ..............................2015 Cynthia McNaughten .........................2015 Terrence Meredith..............................2017 Janine Peccini .....................................2015 Frank Rezendes...................................2016 Ann Richard ........................................2017 Jay Simmons .......................................2015 James T. Souza ....................................2017 Conservation Commission Three-year terms Term Name expires Louise Barteau....................................2016 Simone Bourgeois...............................2017 Amy Desalvatore ................................2017 Geoffrey Haworth (Select) ................2016 Janine Peccini .....................................2015 Jay Simmons (Chair)..........................2015 Wayne Fostin, Conservation Agent Council on Aging Three-year terms Term Name expires Joseph Borelli (Associate) ................2015 Gerald Brecken ...................................2017 Francis Cox..........................................2017 Lee Cummings Allaire ........................2015 Geraldine Frates .................................2017 Lindsay Gordon (Chair).....................2015 Joan Mello ...........................................2017 Jack Oliveira (Associate)...................2015 Elaine O’Neill (Associate)..................2015 Dorothy Reid .......................................2015 Anne Sylvia, Executive Director Fairhaven Neighborhood News Term Name expires Kristine Daniels (Chair).....................2015 Sharon Dorian .....................................2016 Willoughby Elliott...............................2017 Abigail Hevey ......................................2017 Julianne Kelly......................................2016 Jacqueline Kenworthy .......................2017 Michael Luey.......................................2016 Sara Salem ...........................................2016 Margaret McQuiklin............................2016 Dog Park Committee One-year terms, all expire 2015 Richard Ciccone Donna Baldwin Suzanne Collins Gail Evangelho Stephanie Igo Anne Jorgenson John Jorgenson Kathy Lopes Nancy Santoro Tara Schryver Melissa Tavares Laurol Traudt (C) Carol Tyson (C) Kevin Viveiros Timothy Watterson Donna Wunschel Finance Committee Appointed by Precinct Chair, except At-Large position. Two-year terms Term Name expires Padraic Elliott (Prec. 1) .....................2015 Vacant (Prec. 1) ...................................... John Roderiques/Chair (Prec. 2)......2015 Vacant (Prec. 2) ...................................... Scott Fernandes (Prec. 3)..................2014 Vacant (Prec. 3) ...................................... Kathleen Carter (Prec. 4) ..................2016 Robert Furtado (Prec. 4) ...................2015 John Mota (Prec. 5)............................2014 Vacant (Prec. 5) ...................................... Theresa M. Szala (Prec. 6).................2014 Vacant (Prec. 6) ...................................... Lisa Plante (At large) .........................2015 Historical Commission Three-year term, full members One-year term, associate members Term Name expires Pat Benard ...........................................2015 Debra Charpentier..............................2017 Charles Cromwell ...............................2016 David Despres (Chair) .......................2015 Dorothy Gammans .............................2015 Gail Isaksen .........................................2017 Gary Lavalette.....................................2016 Cynthia McNaughton .........................2016 John Medeiros ....................................2016 Anne Kakley (Associate) ...................2015 Wayne Oliveira....................................2016 Vicki Paquette (Associate)................2015 Christopher Richard ..........................2017 Robert Espindola (Selectboard).......2015 Local Emergency Planning One-year terms, all expire 2015 Robert Baldwin Peter DeTerra Geoffrey Haworth Wayne Fostin Tim Francis Vincent Furtado Mark Jodoin Michael Myers Jay Simmons Bryan Wood Brian Wotton Thursday, August 14, 2014 One-year terms, all expire 2015 Frank Coelho Timothy Cox David Darmofal Geoff Haworth David Hebert Robert Hobson Bruce Ingham Ronald Lacasse Ted Lorentzen (chair) Vincent Manfredi Robert Newett Peter Nopper Brian Wood Rogerss-Oxford Study Com One-year terms, all expire 2015 Barbara Acksen Thomas Alden Albert Benac Stephen Desroches Lisa Elliott Robert Espindola Gail Isaksen Nils Isaksen Paul Kitchen Pamela Kuechler Susan Loo Jeffrey Lucas John Medeiros Gayla Reilly Rona Trachtenberg Karen Vilandry Beverly Rasumussen Sustainability Committee One-year terms, all expire 2015 Kathleen Audette Lois Callahan Lisa Elliott Bill Elliott Jennifer Forbes Deirdre Healy Laurie Hellstrom Vincent Marron Marianne Murray Ann Richard Susan B. Spooner Town Government Study One-year terms, all expire 2015 Mark Badwey Dick Douglass Rich Griffiths Siobhan Henebury Patricia Pacella Benard Roderick Philip Washko (Chair) Other Committees: Emergency Management Agency; Fire TOWN: cont’d on page 21 Schools Fairhaven Public Schools: 508-979-4000 Fairhaven’s public school system consists of one high school, one middle school, and two elementary schools. The total system had approximately 1,966 students in the 2013-2014 school year. Enrollment figures* Fairhaven High School: 647 (175 in grade 9; 180 in grade 10; 169 in grade 11; 123 in grade 12 Hastings Middle School: 407 148 in grade 6; 128 in grade 7; 131 in grade 8 East Fairhaven Elementary: 437 LL Wood Elementary: 475 *These figures are from the Mass. Department of Eductaion website for 2013-14 school year. Visit www.fairhavenps.org or www. doe.mass.edu and click on “School District Profiles” for more information. Page 13 Fairhaven Recreation Center Open Mon-Thurs, 6 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri., 6 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.2 p.m.; Closed Sunday • 227 Huttleston Ave, 508-993-9269 http://fairhavenma.virtualtown hall.net Kool Kids After School Program Register NOW. NEW EXTENDED TIME. Fairhaven Recreation is running an after school program, in your elementary school this fall! Registrations are being accepted now. Sign up for the week or just one day. Children will meet in the cafeteria, have a snack, do homework and play sports and games. This program runs from the end of the school day until 530pm every day that school is in session. We also offer sibling discounts!! Call or come down to the rec for info. Soccer with Jake Exciting program that teaches basic soccer skills while developing strength, balance, coordination, listening skills and team work. Jake will ensure your child has a positive soccer experience. Sept. 18 to Oct 23 on Thursdays. By Jacob Dompierre. 3:30-4:30 Member $40.00 non-member $50.00 Ages 4-8 Goju-Ryu Karate This course introduces students to traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu karate. Learn basic blocks, strikes, kicks and at least one kata (forms). Karate develops self-confidence, strength, agility and respect for oneself and others. Instructor Elizabeth Rapoza holds two black belts, in Okinawan Goju-Ryu and in Korean Tang Soo Do Karate. She is a former national and New England overall black belt champion. Wednesdays from Sept 17 to Oct 22 from 615–715 PM. Cost: $40 members/$50 non-members, age 7-13 Home Alone Class Designed to encourage children to be more independent. Covers basic first aid, door and telephone protocol, accident prevention, first aid for choking and safety measures. Pizza will provided. Space is limited. Ages: 9–12 September 22nd, 5:30–8PM. $45 members / $50 non-members Page 14 Fairhaven Senior Center 508-979-4029 • 229 Huttleston Ave Supportive Senior Day Care Program, 9-3 • 508-993-9455 Respite Care: one day, half-a-day. Regular rates apply. Visit our new website at: http://fairhavenma.virtualtownhall.net/Pages/FairhavenMA_COA/index Mall Trips August 20: Emerald Square Mall Aug. 27: Prov. Mall Pl & Whole Foods Entertainment Second & Fourth Thursday, 12:30–2:30 p.m., $2 donation. Featuring the OT’s band. Special Activities Sand for SeniorsS The Fairhaven commission on Disability will be sponsoring a fall prevention program this winter season call Sand for Seniors. The commission will be delivering five gallon buckets filled with a sand/salt mix to seniors 60 and over, and residents with disabilities, to use on their icy walk ways. The bucket will be delivered to your home in early November. If you would like to receive a bucket, please call the Fairhaven Senior Center at 508-979-4029. Hope Takes Flight Hope Takes Flight butterfly release: Sat., 9/13, from 1–4 p.m. South Coast VNA’s Hospice will be holding its annual fundraiser at the Fairhaven Council on Aging. Butterflies can be ordered directly through the South Coast VNA at 508973-3470 or through the Fairhaven Council on Aging. There is a $25.00 donation for each butterfly ordered. Please call the Fairhaven COA @ (508979-4029) and ask for Anne Silvia for more information. Single Seniors Single Seniors Supper Club first and third Tuesday of the month. If you are single senior 60 or older and would like to attend, please call the Senior Center by Monday at 508-979-4029. Cape Cod Canal Jazz Cruise Sunday August 24th. Lunch on your own at Kool Kone Coast $32.00. Call Fairhaven COA for more information at 508-979-4029 South Coast LGBT Seniors Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender seniors meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 5–7 for supper and socialization. This is a nice opportunity to meet new friends. Please call Fairhaven senior center by the Thursday before to reserve. Senior Discount Day Trip Senior Discount Day Trip to Salvation Army. Van will leave from the Fairhaven Senior Center the first Monday of every month alternating Wareham Salvation Army and Swansea Salvation Army. Seating for only 14 people. A $2.00 donation is suggested. Please call the Fairhaven COA, 508-979-4029 for information. Property Tax Work-off Senior Citizen Property Tax workoff Abatement Program. Proof of income and residence must be supplied to earn this $500 rebate on property taxes with 62.5 hours of work within a town department. Call for details on eligibility requirements, 508-979-4029. Ongoing Programs Call 508-979-4029 for days and times A/G Consumer Mediator; Bingo; Board Meeting/monthly; Bridge; Caregiver Support & Education Group; Chair Yoga, Computer Training; Fit Quest; Friends of Elderly/monthly meeting; Grocery Shopping; Knitting classes; LGBT Supper Club; Line Dancing; Live Band; Medical Transportation; Nutrition Program/ meal served; Osteoporosis class; Outreach Coordinator; PACE Fuel Assistance; Pitch; Reassurance Program; Shopping; Singles Senior Supper Club; Supportive Senior Social Day Program; Tai Chi; Tap ‘N’ Time, Walking Clubs, Zumba. Thursday, August 14, 2014 Fairhaven Neighborhood News ATRIA FAIRHAVEN You deserve the best Many senior living communities talk about quality, but at Atria Fairhaven, it’s the cornerstone of what we do. With strict standards in place to ensure the highest quality lifestyle possible, you can rest assured that Atria’s commitment to you is a commitment to excellence. Bm{ifjnfsÖt!Dbsf!jt!Cpui! Fyqfotjwf!boe!Tusfttgvm/!!! Xf!dbo!Ifmq" Dbsjoh! gps! b! mpwfe! pof! xjui! Bm{ifjnfsÖt! ejtfbtf! dbo! cf! b! gvmm. ujnf!kpc/!JuÖt!fyqfotjwf!boe!fyibvtujoh/!Ju!jt!jnqpsubou!up!ublf! dbsf!pg!cpui!uif!qbujfout!boe!uif!dbsfhjwfst!offet;!qtzdipmphjdbm-! qiztjdbm-!boe!ßobodjbm/! Pvs! GSFF! tqfdjbm! sfqpsu! jodmveft! jotjefs! tusbufhjft! vtfe! up! fbtf!uif!tusftt!pg!iboemjoh!mpwfe!poft!xjui!efnfoujb!boe!ipx!up! cfuufs!dbsf!gps!uifn/!Uif!sfqpsu!bmtp!qspwjeft!jogpsnbujpo!bcpvu! qspufdujoh!mjgf!tbwjoht!boe!ipx!up!hfu!ifmq!gps!uif!dptu!pg!b!mpwfe! pofÖt!dbsf/!!Wjtju!pvs!xfctjuf!ps!dbmm!gps!b!gsff!sfdpsefe!nfttbhf! jo!psefs!up!psefs!uijt!tqfdjbm!sfqpsu!bu!op!dptu/ Dbmm!upebz"!2.911.:3:.15:2 xxx/bm{mfhbmifmq/dpn Call today to schedule a visit! 391 Alden Road | Fairhaven, Massachusetts 508.994.9238 | www.atriafairhaven.net 730-46777 e l th Cal pany Com Trust you YOUR CARPET CLEANING PROFESSIONALS Five ve-s -st sttar ca care. re AT YOUR PLACE, OR OURS CONVENIENT RUG & CARPET DROP-OFF CENTER Wall-to-Wall • Orientals • Area Carpets • Braided IN YOUR HOME: Call Cyclone and our uniformed, professional crew will take care of your wall-to-wall carpets. You just pick up the phone. AT OUR PLACE: Drop off your area carpet one day and pick it up a few days later. ALL carpets are machine scrubbed and extraction-rinsed for a clean that only Cyclone can give. Don’t just clean it, make it Cyclone-clean. J&L KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Do you have smoke, fire, or water damage due to flooding, fire, or furnace malfunction? You have the right to choose your contractor. We are experts in water and smoke removal/restoration: from cleaning to complete reconstruction. CYCLONE CLEANING SERVICES Proudly serving Greater New Bedford for 40 years Cyclone: a name you can trust. 833 Mt. Pleasant St. • New Bedford 508-995-8816 • Anthony David Visit www.CycloneCleaning.com to learn about all our cleaning services Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, August 14, 2014 Year round maintenance Seasonal plantings and decorations Headstone cleaning Reasonable Rates Call 774-365-7968 for appointment Makes a great family gift John & Lori Sharples We will treat your family as our own Page 15 Acushnet celebrates National Night Out By Beth David Editor The town of Acushnet celebrated the third annual National Night Out on Tuesday, 8/5. The free, family oriented, anti-drug/ crime a community night out was sponsored by the Acushnet Police Association and held at the Acushnet senior center. Red Sox Mascot Wally the Green Monster greeted children and posed for photographs. The Public Works department, police and fire all parked their trucks and other vehicles for children of all ages to climb up, in and around. Contributing vendors included Jeffrey’s Pizza, Water Wizz and New York Life. Free pizza, hot dogs and beverages kept everyone on the grounds through suppertime; raffles and giveways also kept the kids busy. Some parents took advantage of a children’s identification program courtesy of New York Life. Other activities included temporary tattoos, balloons, and just general running around the grounds while a DJ kept the music in the air. “It’s the best turnout yet,” said Heather Sylvia, the Council on Aging Director. She said they handed out 200 balloons. “It’s nice that the community does this,” said May Peters, who was there with her grandchildren. Roberta Pina echoed that sentiment as her son ran around climbing on all the trucks and sitting on the police motorcycle. “There are a lot of things for them to do,” said Ms. Pina. And there were unexpected happenings, too. Young Peyton Illingsworth lost her tooth during the event (through strictly natural causes) and was looking forward to the Tooth Fairy’s blessings. For more information on National Night Out, visit www.natw.org ABOVE LEFT: Jordan plays with her balloon at the town of Acushnet’s National Night Out celebration on 8/5. ABOVE RIGHT: Devin Dupont tries out a police motorcycle. LEFT: Kelsey, Kailey and Maddox are good friends. They enjoyed the National Night Out celebration with temporary tattoos and hanging out with each other. Photos by Beth David. See them in color at www. NeighbNews.com Buy 5 Days Doggy Daycare Get 1 FREE 508-763-5351 Sunday, 9/7 Kickstands up at Noon American Legion Post 265 71 Hope St., Acushnet $20 per person, $5 for poker run Call 508-998-6938 for tickets Benefits Honor Flight New England www.HonorFlightNewEngland.com Page 16 Kelli Tomlinson Acushnet, MA 02743 www.diamondintheruffspa.com Indoor Doggy Daycare for All Breeds Thursday, August 14, 2014 Fairhaven Neighborhood News Pro-Con wins 2014 Little League Junior title Pro-Con wins Junior League Pro-Con defeated SMCU 4-3 in extra innings of game three to win the F.A.L.L. Junior League title at Champions Field in Acushnet. The hotly contested championship series featured the top two regular season teams which displayed solid pitching and great defense. Pro-Con jumped out to a game one lead with a come-from-behind victory in the bottom of the 7th inning. Teaghin Andre (3-4, 2RBI) lined a single to center field to drive in Jake DeTerra (2R) to push Pro-Con to a dramatic 3-2 win. SMCU carried a 2-1 lead into the bottom of the 7th off solid pitching by Isaiah Medina. Reliever Matt Braley retired the first batter before yielding a triple to Keeve Dias (2-4, 1R) who then scored on a passed ball to tie the game. Jake DeTerra followed with a walk and stole 2nd and 3rd base to put Pro-Con in prime scoring position. Andre then provided the walk off hit to score DeTerra to take the series lead. Pro-Con pitchers Jake Mayer (4 1/3 IP) and Nick Almeida (2 2/3 IP) were outstanding, combining for a 3-hitter and were supported by solid defense from Nate Pinard, Josh Nobrega and Will Serpa. Matt Braley and Isiah Medina provided offense for SMCU. Almeida picked up the win. Game two featured good defense from SMCU to support the complete game win by starter Matt Braley. The SMCU offense took advantage of a struggling Pro-Con defense en route to a decisive 6-2 victory to tie the series 1-1. Braley (2-3) and Medina (12, 2R) led the way for SMCU. Braley kept the Pro-Con bats in check for most of the game which led the way for the win. Andre led the Pro-Con offense going 2-3 with 1 RBI. In game three, SMCU jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the top of the 1st inning off hits by Isiah Medina and Evan Stanley. Pro-Con quickly answered as Teaghin Andre (3-5, 2 RBI) drove in Keeve Dias to narrow the gap to 3-1. Will Serpa provided a clutch single in the bottom of the 4th, driving in Jake Mayer and Nick Almeida to tie the game at three. Solid pitching by Jake Mayer (5 IP, 4K) and Isaiah Medina (6 1/3 IP, 6K) kept the game tight, forcing extra innings. SMCU threatened in the top of the 9th with runners on 2nd and 3rd and Fairhaven Neighborhood News Pro-Con team members hold up their trophies after winning the Fairhaven-Acushnet Little League Junior title last weekend. Submitted photo. See it in color at www.NeighbNews.com one out. Almeida was outstanding in relief (3 IP, 0R) and handled the pressure to retire the side and keep the game tied despite a hard line drive by SMCU 3rd baseman Evan Stanley. Preston Forcier made a key defensive play in right field to support Almeida. In the bottom of the 9th, Jake DeTerra drew a one out walk and stole 2nd base to place Pro-Con in scoring position. Andre came through once again, lining a double to score DeTerra for the 4-3 win and the Junior League title. The Pro-Con team is comprised of Preston Forcier, Sean Ferreira, Nate Pinard, Will Serpa, Josh Nobrega, Jake Mayer, Nick Almeida, Colin Lavigne, Cameron Jones, Jake DeTerra, Teaghin Andre and Keeve Dias. ProCon is managed by Randy DeTerra. with Brady Bennett driving in 2 runs with one of his three hits on the night. Costa’s came back to take the lead, 4 to 3, in the top of the 6th behind a home run by Devin Champagne. In the bottom of the 6th Duprey would do it again by hitting his second home run of the game and 4th of the series with a walk off 2 run homer. Century House was also paced with Bennett’s pitching going 5 strong innings striking out 11 and not allowing a hit and Aidan Milton going 2 for 3 with 2 runs scored. Century House now advances to play Elf’s Landscaping, the first place team through the regular season, in the F.A.L.L. Championship this week. Major League Century House defeats Costa’s, 5–4, will face Elf in championship Century defeated Costa’s in dramatic fashion and will now play Elf’s Landscaping in the 2 out of 3 championship series at Pope Park this week. The 3rd game of this rubber match turned out to be the best one of all three games. Costa’s took the early lead in the top of the first inning with Ethan Henriques scoring the run. Century House came right back tying the game in the bottom of the inning with Bryce Duprey hitting a solo home run. The game stayed tied until the 3rd Thursday, August 14, 2014 In the third and final game of the series, Devin Champagne, of Costa’s Insurance, came up trailing Century House in the top of the 6th 3-1 and hit a solo home run to start the rally that had Costa’s ahead 4-3 going into the bottom of the 6th on Tuesday, August 5th at Pope Park. Century House prevailed and will face Elf’s Landscaping in the finals. Ryan Feeney photo. Page 17 Need Help On The Water? Serving Buzzards Bay & The Islands Summer Campaign Breakfast for Representative Bill Straus 508-990-3997 • VHF CH 16 www.towboatusnb.com Call and mention this ad and SAVE $10 on New Towing Membership Lenny Fleurent & Sons Masonry Contractors 508-996-0861 • 774-271-4556 (cell): Over 55 years’ experience SPECIALISTS in waterproofing cellars/basements Sunday August 24, 2014 Fairhaven VFW, 109 Middle St 8 a.m. to 12 noon Tickets $10 at the door Jobs big or small — we do them all! Cement Floors • Cement Driveways Chimneys • Stone Walls • Patios & Steps Sidewalks & Aprons • Fireplaces Insured • Residential • Town Approved • Lic. # 013997 www.repstraus.com or at www.facebook.com/repbillstraus Paid for by Bill Straus Committee Utopia’s Path TOWN OF FAIRHAVEN Herbs • Spices for culinary, medicinal & spiritual use Hand-made tea, incense, bath, smoking blends, herbal supplements, candles, soaps. Available online at www.utopiaspath.com or at 665 Orchard Street, New Bedford OFFICE OF TOURISM & VISITORS CENTER Academy Building,141 Main Street next door to Fairhaven High School 508-979-4085 FairhavenTours@aol.com Hours: Sun. 12-5; Tues. & Thurs. 10-7; Wed., Fri., Sat. 10-5; closed Mon. Errands & More Open: Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri. 8:30-4:30 Saturday 8:30 - noon Saturday at Old Stone School 12:30-4:00 Catering to Working People, Elderly & Homebound We are not just a taxi service, but will keep a watchful eye on mom or dad for doctor’s appointments and other needs • Companionship Call Maureen at 508-994-3141 http://FairhavenTours.com Verification of CORI check available on request Get In On The Fun! Dancemakers Fall Registration Ballet • Funk/Hip Hop • Lyrical • Tap Acrobatics • Preschool Call 508-997-6344 or 508-965-5202 Director: Ann Marie Gamache Page 18 Rte. 6 • Fairhaven • Call for information and to reserve a spot Thursday, August 14, 2014 Fairhaven Neighborhood News St. Anthony of New Bedford Federal Credit Union Your Community Credit Union General Contractor Tired of searching for the perfect financial institution? Well, look no further! Licensed General Contractor for 33 years Join us at St. Anthony of New Bedford FCU, A local Credit Union with over 60 years of services to the community. Our Services Include All Aspects of Your Interior/Exterior Remodeling Needs Materials Supplied by ABC Supply Company Come experience the difference yourself. Marc A. Gadbois • 508-992-0226 MA Const. Sup. Lic. # 003000 MA Home Imp. Lic. #127675 EPA Lead Safe Certified Fully Insured 508-992-6622 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Fairhaven, MA Quality Remodeling & Finish Work • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks All Types of Interior & Exterior Remodeling • Fully Insured MA H.I.C. Reg. #125134 • MA Const. Sup. Lic #007769 • EPA Lead-Safe Cert. $ 95 GREAT CUT 10 Fairhaven Sconticut Square Next to Subway 508-991-7200 With Coupon Reg. $13.95 Exp. 10/31/14 NN Walk in 7 days Mon.-Fri., 9–8 Sat., 9–6 Sun., 10–5 Carlos Landscaping Carlos Brasidio Owner Mulch • Bush Trimming Lawn Rolling • De-thatching Aerating • Small Tractor Work Lawns Cut & Trimmed Hedges • Clean-Up Everything in Your Yard Nos Falamos Portugues 508-264-1667 CarlosLandscaping@comcast.net Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, August 14, 2014 Page 19 Public Hearings/Legal Notices Board of Appeals The Fairhaven Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 2, 2014, at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall to consider the following petitions: CONTINUED HEARINGS: 1. Petitioner: Max Isaksen for Gail Isaksen, RE: 5 Widemarsh Beach Way, Plat 29, Lot 331, Certificate # 22201; 198-32.2: A Special Permit is required for a dock or pier in a RR District. 2. Petitioner: Jose Cordeiro, RE: 28 Fort Street, Plat 3, Lot 4, Book 9976 and Page 86; 198-32.2: A Special Permit is required for a dock or pier in a RA District. NEW HEARINGS: 1. Petitioner: Linda Crompton, RE: 41 Seaview Avenue, Plat 29C, Lot 137; Book 3339 and Page 217; 198-16-Accessory Uses-Note 8: Special Permit is required for the storage of a camper or mobile home. 2. Petitioner: Iskandar Sarkis for Route 6 Properties LLC, RE: 4 Shirley Street, Plat 26, Lot 13M, Book 10945 and Page 248; 198-18: Short 15’ of the required 20’ setback for display of used cars. 3. Petitioner: Monica & Donald Kelly, RE: 345 Bridge Street, Plat 30, Lot 18, Book 10999 and Page 088; 198-19-B: No boundary fence, wall or hedge shall exceed 6’ in height, and no boundary fence, wall, hedge, or other landscape feature, which obstructs vision shall exceed 42” in height within any required front yard or within 20’ of the street whichever the lesser requirement. Erected fence now sits within the Support the Neighb News It’s no secret that newspapers are having a tough time these days. Here at the Neighb News, we know you want us to continue publishing. Your support is needed to keep us fiscally sound and healthy. Any small amount will help us stay afloat. Just clip the coupon and send it with check or money order to Fairhaven Neighborhood News, 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719. Ask for a bumper sticker that says “I Support the Neighb News.” And thank you for reading the little paper with a big voice. Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ _______________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________ Email: _________________________ Do you want to receive the paper by email? Y N Town’s road layout and must be moved onto the petitioner’s property. 4. Petitioner: Robert J Fitts, Jr, RE: 448 Main Street, Plat 21, Lot 3, Certificate #18746; 198-23 B: A Special Permit is required for a Home Occupation in the Building Trades. 5. Petitioner: Paul Downey, Mill Bridge Holdings, LLC, RE: 200 Mill Road, Plat 36, Lot 1A; Book 7155 and Page 238; 198-27-C-4: Short 10’ of the required 50’ landscape setback Mill Road, and short 50’ of the required 50’ landscape setback north side. Peter DeTerra, Chairman Conservation Commission The Fairhaven Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on August 25, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. in the Fairhaven Town Hall. Purpose is for the Request for Determination of the following matters as required by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131 Section 40 as amended. • Request for Determination Applicant David & Sharon Armistead Location 5 Almond Street Plot 43B Lot19 Purpose rebuild shed under house and add cement slab within a VE flood zone • Request for Determination Applicant Amy Lorvidhaya Location 33 Bayview Ave. Plot 28A Lots 472 & 473 purpose install in ground swimming pool within a VE flood zone and within 100’ of a coastal bank. • Request for Determination Applicant Jay Johanson Location 565 Sconticut Neck Road Plot 41 Lot 11 B COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Fairhaven Community Preservation Committee will conduct a Public Hearing at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, August 21, 2014, in the Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA. The purpose of the hearing will be to receive information and public comment on the Draft 2015 Community Preservation Plan. Copies of the Plan are available at the Planning & Economic Development Department Office, Town Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F or on the Town website at: http://www. fairhaven-ma.gov/pages/FairhavenMA_CPC/index. To request a copy of the Plan, call (508) 979-4082, Ext. 9 or email: cpc@fairhaven-ma.gov. Jeff Lucas, Chairman, Community Preservation Committee DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WATERWAYS REGULATION PROGRAM Notice of License Application Pursuant to M. G. L. Chapter 91 Waterways License Application Number W14-4201 Jose Cordeiro NOTIFICATION DATE: August 15, 2014 Public notice is hereby given of the waterways application by Jose Cordeiro to construct and maintain a pier, ramp and float and maintain a granite seawall and stone revetment at 28 Fort Street, in the municipality of Fairhaven, in and over flowed tidelands of Fairhaven Harbor. The proposed project has been determined to be water-dependent. The Departmentwill consider all written comments on this Waterways application received within 30 days subsequent to the "Notification Date". Failure of any aggrieved person or group of ten citizens or more to submit written comments to the Waterways Regulation Program by the Public Comments Deadline will result in the waiver of any right to an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with 310 CMR 9.13(4)(c). Additional information regarding this application may be obtained by contacting the Waterways Regulation Program at (508) 946-2748. Project plans and documents for this application are on file with the Waterways Regulation Program for public viewing, by appointment only, at the address below. Written comments must be addressed to: Carlos T.B. Fragata, Environmental Analyst, DEP Waterways Regulation Program, 20 Riverside Drive, Lakeville, MA 02347. As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.Facebook.com/NeighbNews Author Unknown Who Makes the Magic? A Nikommo Island Tale With Bedtime Version By Beth David Available for Nook; and for Kindle and other ebook formats on Amazon.com Only $1.49 All Mark Waters can think of is how awful it will be if there aren’t any toys under the tree at Christmas. But with a little help from the Little People of Nikommo Island, Mark learns that there’s more to Christmas than bicycles and board games. Throw in an aging theatrical neighbor, a snooty know-it-all cousin, and a little bit of island lore, and you’re sure to put this little tale on your list of annual must-reads at Christmastide....or any time of year when you could use a little magic. Written for adults, but suitable for all ages. (Approx. 9,600 words; bedtime version, 2570 words.) For links to all Beth David’s books and stories visit www.Zorena.com Pine Grove Chiropractic Ted Silva Licensed Private Investigator Exclusively serving attorneys Licensed • Bonded • Insured • New Bedford, Mass. Criminal Defense • CPCS • Private • Mass. Lic. P-1355 Email: tedsilva@comcast.net • Call: 774-473-6789 Page 20 Purpose after the fact filing asphalt driveway within 50 feet of BVW. • Request for Determination Applicant Carapace LLC Location 250 Bridge Street Plot 36 Lot 15 Purpose verify wetland line. Jay Simmons Chairman, Fairhaven Conservation Commission Thursday, August 14, 2014 Personalized Healthcare Dr. Carol Duphily Massage Therapists on staff/Acupuncture 508-998-8444 934 Ashley Boulevard • New Bedford Like on Facebook: /pinegrovechiro Fairhaven Neighborhood News NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR CLASSIFIEDS FAIRHAVEN ALARM SYSTEM, SINCE 1976 Burglar, Fire and Camera Systems. Ask about our low rate on U.L 24-hour alarm monitoring and FREE MONITORING. Replace your old alarm system with a new system for as little as $299 Complete FREE ESTIMATE: 508-992-7633 FINE FURNITURE RESTORATION Free Estimates, 13 Years’ Experience. Veneering, Hand Rubbed Finishing. Do your heirloom antiques need some TLC? Call Michael, 508-997-1079. Hand Crafted Custom Furniture www.floatingstonewoodworks.com ODD JOBS • SMALL JOBS Painting, carpentry, organizing, etc. Call George 508-801-6743 CARPENTER/HANDYMAN, FREE ESTIMATES Replacement windows, gutters, odd jobs, brush & tree removal, cellar & garage clean-outs, dump runs & more, just ask. Call Jeff 508-990-3534.ong RAY THE PLUMBER: Professsional service you can afford. Lic. #PL31859-J. Call 508-958-0925. 7/17 PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE NEIGHB NEWS: Only $7 for three lines, $1 each additional line. Call Beth at 508-979-5593. FIREARMS SAFETY COURSE State approved for Mass. license to carry firearms or FID card. Call Phil Lacerda, 508-989-6093. ongoing SEWING ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, GIFTS & MORE: Acushnet. Call 508-995-0985 or 508542-6262 (cell). Ongoing HAVING A YARD SALE? Place a classified ad! Only $7 for three lines, $1 each additional line. Call Beth at 508-979-5593. STUDIO APARTMENT in Fairhaven. Includes utilities, central air 8/21 and cable TV. Call 774-263-5584. 8/21 THREE-WHEEL ADULT BIKE Trailmaster, red with white seat. $600 OBO. 9/4 Call 508-542-3279. 9/4 HELP WANTED The Fairhaven Board of Health seeks applicants for the position of Health Inspector. Inspection work in the enforcement of the food codes relating to sanitation and public health. Qualifications: Certified Food Manager Certificate and over two (2) years of professional experience in the field. Must possess a valid driver’s license. Part time to 12 hours per week, non-benefit eligible. Salary: $19.21-$22.68/hr. Full job description available at the Board of Health office. Send resumes to BOH@Fairhavenma.gov or Fairhaven Board of Health, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 by 9/5/2014. EOE The Fairhaven Board of Appeals seeks applicants for the position of secretary. The position performs petition abutter notices, Board member paperwork, legal ad notices, budget, electronic filing, minutes, filing and Variance and Special Permit form work. Qualifications: Excellent secretarial skills, organization and time management a must. Part time, non-benefit eligible. Salary: $12.02-14.19/hr. Full job description available at the Board of Selectmen office. Send resumes to BOS@Fairhaven-ma.gov or Fairhaven Board of Selectmen, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 by 8/29/2014. EOE Fairhaven Neighborhood News BABYSITTER/MOTHER’S HELPER AVAIL. 14year old. Completed basic baby sitting class. Contact Laurie Furtado, 508-996-2385. 9/25 SEMI-RETIRED ELECTRICIAN: 40 years’ experience. Lic. #E21920. Small jobs preferred. Old houses a specialty. Generator hook-ups. Paul Days, 508-965-7446. ROOFING, free estimates, guaranteed lowest prices, excellent quality workmanship, over 35 years’ combined experience. No job too big or too small. Call Michael Ristuccia 978-314-9121. FURNITURE FOR SALE Art Deco bedroom set: Full bed, dresser w/mirror & chest, $100. Four dining room chairs, padded seats, dark wood, $25. Antique claw-foot tub, excellent condition, $500. Call 508-991-3098. 8/14 LEARN N PLAY FAMILY CHILD CARE now enrolling for September. Ages 18 months and over. Reasonable rates, meals included. Daily structure, a theme based curriculum. (Lic. # 9005891). Call Laurie, 774-202-5531 9/4 RON’S LAWN MAINTENANCE Thanks to you all for your tremendous support! Mowing, hedge trimming, mulch, yard clean-ups. Reliable, quality services at great prices! 774-451-4521. 10/2 ON-SITE AUTO CLEANING. At your home or work. Quality guaranteed. Call for estimate, 508858-9477. 9/4 Fairhaven Meetings Beautification Committee Thurs., 8/14, Fire Station, 7 p.m. Bikeway Committee Thurs., 8/14, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Thurs., 8/21, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Board of Appeals Tues., 9/2, Town Hall, 6 p.m. Board of Public Works Mon., 8/25, 5 Arsene St. 6 p.m. Community Preservation Thurs., 8/21, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Conservation Commission Mon., 8/25, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Council on Aging Mon., 8/18, Sr. Center, 9:30 a.m. Cultural Council Mon., 8/18, Nemasket Bldg., 6:30 p.m. Community Input Meeting All are encouraged to attend Historical Commission Mon., 8/25, Academy Bldg., 7 p.m. Planning Board Tues., 8/19, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. TOWN: cont’d from page 13 Apparatus Study Committee; Fire Department Building Committee; Greater NB Regional Voc-Tech High School; Harbor Advisory; Mattapoisett River Valley Water District; Millicent Library Trustees; Parks and Recreation Study; Persnnel Board; Recreation Commission; Retirement Board; SRPEDD. Other Names & Numbers Call Town Hall: 508-979-4023,* with these extensions, dial seven digits where given Animal Control: Terry Cripps, 508-979-4028 Assessor: Delfino Garcia, Ext. 5 Building Commiss.: Wayne Fostin, Ext. 7 Collector/Finance Director/Treasurer: Wendy Graves, Ext. 8 Council on Aging: 508-979-4029 DPW: Vinnie Furtado, 508-979-4030 Fire Chief: Timothy Francis, 508-994-1428 (non-emergency line) Harbormaster: David Darmofal, Ext. 124 Health Agent: Pat Fowle, Ext. 125 Library (Millicent): 508-992-5342 Planning Dept.: William Roth, Ext. 9 Police & Fire Emergency: 911 Police Chief: Michael Myers 508-997-1344 (non-emergency line) Registrar of Voters: Eileen Lowney, Ext. 3 Selectboard: Ext. 2 Shellfish Warden: Timothy Cox, Ext. 124 Tourism Director: Christopher Richard, 508-979-4085 Veterans’ Benefits: James Cochran, Ext. 6 *Fixes typo from previous versions Don’t forget to tell our advertisers you saw their ads in the Neighb News! Thursday, August 14, 2014 School Committee Wed., 8/27, FHS Library, 6:30 p.m. Selectboard Mon., 8/18, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Acushnet Meetings Park Commission Tues., 8/19, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Thurs., 8/21, Parting Ways, 6:30 p.m. TIDE TABLE US Army Corps of Engineers, Cape Cod Canal/Wing’s Neck August 2014 HIGH a.m. p.m. LOW a.m. p.m. Thursday 14 1128 2351 0441* 1709* Friday 15 ---- 1223 0522* 1757 Saturday 16 0047 1320 0608 1906 Sunday 17 0145 1416 0710 2137 Monday 18 0240 1511 0848 2255 Tuesday 19 0337 1610 1101 2357 Wednesday 20 0440 1713 ---- 1205 Thursday 21 0542 1807 0048 1254 Friday 22 0631 1850 0133 1336 Saturday 23 0711 1928 0215 1412 Sunday 24 0749 2006 0252 1327 Monday 25 0826 2043 0156 1350 Tuesday 26 0905 2122 0213 1425 Wednesday 27 0944 2202 0245 1504 Thursday 28 1024 2242 0321 1544 *= Predicted minus tides from -0.1 ft. to -1.0 ft **Predicted minus tides from -1.1 ft to -2.0 ft or more Page 21 Japanese students visit Fairhaven Japanese students visiting Fairhaven and stops along the Manjiro Trail stop in front of town hall with their host families for a picture for the local free sheet on Wednesday, 8/6. The five students and their teacher, from Fairhaven’s sister city in Japan, Tosashimizu, stayed with host families and learned about Manjiro Nakahama’s stay in Fairhaven. The 14-year-old was rescued from a deserted island in the Pacific by Fairhaven whaler, Capt. William Whitfield in 1843, making Manjiro the first Japanese person live in America. To learn more about his story, visit www.whitfield-manjiro.org or www.millicentlibrary.org. Photo by Beth David. PR culture day at Social Day Seniors learn healthy cooking The clients of Fairhaven Senior Social Day celebrated a day of food and customs from the Carribean Island of Puerto Rico recently. Thanks to a meal prepared by Julio Morales, a Coastline employee working at the Fairhaven SeniorCenter, the clients enjoyed Rice with Beans and Meat Turnovers (pastelillos), Spanish style. Julio took the time to explain how each dish was prepared and the ethnic seasonings used to make the meal. Staff and volunteers performed Puerto Rican dances while the clients enjoyed their meal. Submitted photo. See it in color at www. NeighbNews.com Barbara Canuel, dietician from Community Nurse, presents a healthy cooking demonstration preparing a low sodium Chicken Orange Stir Fry and Balsamic Strawberries that her onlookers got to sample. She will be doing another demonstration in October. For more information, call the Fairhaven Senior Center at 508-9794029. See page 14 more information on the Senior Center in Fairahven. Submitted photo. See it in color at www. NeighbNews.com Page 22 Thursday, August 14, 2014 Fairhaven Neighborhood News 27 $3. l Ga Price may change HEATING OIL & DIESEL We strive to maintain our competitive reputation by reducing costs 24-Hour Service “Do It Right The First Time” Over 15 years’ experience www.luzofuel.com In-Stock Tile Now while supplies last: $1.50/SF PORCELAIN TILE • VINYL • CARPETING HARDWOOD • MARBLE • GLASS • STONE We are located just off Route 6 at 21 Arsene Way Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-999-0988 • www.tilecraftpro.com MacArthur Drive 508-996-8042 • 126 New Bedford, MA 02740 Dr. Brian K. Bowcock Fairhaven Chiropractic Office • Auto Injuries • Low Back Injuries • Job Injuries • Board Certified in Orthopedics “WE GO WHERE THE PROBLEM TREES GROW” • • • • • • Neck Injuries • Headaches DOT Exams by Appointment TREE REMOVAL • LOT CLEARING AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK & BOBCAT SERVICE FIREWOOD PRUNING OF LARGE HISTORICAL TREES YEAR ROUND SERVICE SPECIALISTS IN LARGE DIFFICULT TREE REMOVAL Free Estimates Call 508-997-3600 508-993-3588 Nos falamos Portugues Most insurances accepted, including United Healthcare & HMO Blue Wayne Fairhaven EURO at Phoenix Hall NEW SUMMER HOURS Electric & Alarms June 29 thru August 31 Sun. 11–4 • Mon.–Sat. 9:30–5:30 Follow us on Facebook: EuroShipStore/Phoenix 508-997-5600 508-758-3068 www.walarms.com 24-Hour UL-Listed Monitoring Service Security Systems • Fire Alarms Closed Circuit Television • Card Access Serving Bristol & Plymouth Counties for over 35 years A simple ad just to say: I truly enjoy reading the Neighb News every week! from Louise Dupre 508-992-1714 24 Center Street, Corner of Main Street Kitchens To Fit Your Lifestyle & Budget Visit Our Showroom • Full Service Computerized • Fine Cabinetry in as Little Kitchen Planning as 3 Days • Free In-Home • Custom Cabinets & Measurement Service Countertops Fairhaven Lumber Co. 508-993-2611 120 Alden Road • Fairhaven, MA Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, August 14, 2014 Page 23 “OUR P R I M A RY G OA L I S TO H E L P O U R C L I E N T S U N D E R S TA N D T H E I R SPENDING HABITS AND D E S I G N A B U D G E T TO H E L P I N C R E A S E S AV I N G S . ” – JEFFREY MOORE, RFC®, LU TC F Friday Night Seafood Spectacular Distinctive, Historic and Coastal Homes Fridays, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Come in and check out our Friday night seafood specials. All seafood locally caught Lowest prices around GUARANTEED: The Freshest Seafood in Town! BYOB 140 Huttleston Ave. • Fairhaven 43 Center Street, Fairhaven,MA 02719 howeallen.com | 888.491.9993 GAS & REPAIRS Time for your sticker? Weʼre a MASS INSPECTION STATION AC RECHARGE: $6999 $20 OFF ANY REPAIR* FREE OIL CHANGE & TIRE ROTATION* with repair of at least $300 FREE OIL CHANGE* with repair of at least $200 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL — Oil & Filter Change: $14.95 (up to 5 quarts) FRONT BRAKE PADS: $69.99 REAR BRAKE PADS: $69.99 Offering customer pickup and drop-off or use of our courtesy vehicle Stickers Done 7 Days a Week Used Car Sales Oil & Filter Change (Max. 5 quarts/oil)* 1995 Includes FREE Safety Check *With coupon. Maximum 5 quarts/oil. Not to be combined with other offers. Exp. 9/30/14 OPEN SEVEN DAYS Fairhaven Getty • 371 Huttleston Ave. • Fairhaven, MA • 508-992-8723
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