April 2015 Vagabonder - Des Moines Yacht Club

Des Moines
Yacht Club
est. 1957
April 2015
www.desmoin esyachtclub.com
Fleet / B&G
Entain. Comm . 6:00 pm
Board Mtg.
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
April 10-12 TYC Daffodil Festival
April 13 Women BT Skills 6:30pm
Dinner / Entain. 6:30pm
General Mtg
Work Party
Steak Fry
Coast Grd Aux
7:30 pm
9:00 am
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
Fox Island Raft Out
First Mates Mtg 7:15 pm
1—3 SYC Opening Day
Entain. Comm.
6:30 pm
Board Mtg.
7:00 pm
Fleet / B&G
6:30 pm
Five Year Plan
7:00 pm
South Sound Open 2:00 pm
Dinner / Dance
6:00 pm
May 10 Mothers Day BF
9:00 am
11 Women Bt Skills
6:30 pm
Dinner / Comm
6:30 pm
General Mtg
7:30 pm
18 Coast Grd Aux
6:00 pm
22-25 Curise to LongBranch
From the Crows Nest
Commodores ball
was amazing. It was
indeed a gala event.
We had 160 plus
people attend with
the Totem Yacht
Club represented by 21 of their
members. It was an evening that
Nadine and I will not soon forget.
Thank you to all that worked very
hard on this year’s event.
We have 14 boats attending the
Daffodil Parade on April 10-11-12,
the greatest showing that I can
remember. In addition to the
crews of these 14 boats we will
have 4 or 5 members that will be
driving over on Saturday to help
decorate the SEABEE. Everyone is
welcome to join us Saturday or
Sunday to enjoy and encourage all
of the Des Moines Yacht Club
Our South Sound opening
ceremony is rapidly coming
together and we still need
volunteers to assist us during the
planning stage but especially on
Friday the 8th of May with set up
and on Saturday the 9th with set up
and breakdown. Neil Kelly will be
heading up the grounds
committees so please contact him and
volunteer to help. This year we are
going to have the City of Des Moines
leaders at the event with the public
invited to peruse the grounds and enjoy
some very interesting static displays.
Specifics will be forth coming but begin
spreading the word to the young and
old. Some surprises are in the planning
stage. The theme this year is Old and
New. Come to think about it, I guess I
could qualify, I am old, and I am the
new Commodore. Hmmm!
The city is onboard with us this year
and helping us with community
involvement in our opening day event.
This is a first and all of the DMYC
Bridge is working diligently to include
the community to attend the event.
Cruise Schedule
Welcome Ladies
Back Yard Security Update
Swap Meet Special Thank you Page
Women Boating Skills for
Captains and First Mates
Va g a b ond e r
A p ri l
Vice Commodore…
Say goodbye to
the winter blues. As I
write this, it is the
first day of spring.
And, of course, we
are having spring
Lots of things to
discuss, and people to commend.
Kamron & Angelique Hunt contributed
landscaping supplies (Rock & Topsoil) to
help spruce up our club. Thank you K&A
Landscape Supply! Please remember to
frequent member owned businesses when
Steve Sewell & his nephew installed a
new router to help us save some money on
our cable bill. Also, they installed a better
WIFI signal booster, so your signal should
be better. Same password, ETC.
Thank you Steve Sewell.
Betsy Searing introduced Megan McLain
from Ecology, who gave a presentation to
help us understand the benefits of
recycling & how to save $$$ on our club
Pa g e
Neil Kelly
Neild101@ msm.com
not leave parts & supplies lying about. The EPA
garbage bill. Get on the bandwagon, this is the will fine for spills, etc. Your boat & the grounds
future calling. Thank you Betsey & Megan.
around it represent the Des Moines Yacht Club.
Please keep your area and your boat clean.
Speaking of which, please do not use the
dumpster for items from your home.
There are several boats in our yard that are
falling below the standards for upkeep in our
Time to review the backyard Dry Storage
yard. If your boat has expired tags, or is not kept
in a reasonably clean state, or your trailer has
Please make sure your vessel has the newest
flat or missing tires, it is obviously unusable.
license tag (2015 or 2016). There are a few
According to the Dry Moorage Rules, this is
boats with older tags. This is against the club
cause for expulsion from our yard. Please meet
rules on the contract you signed for use of our
our expectations, so that we can present a
positive, clean image to the City Of Des Moines.
Here is an excerpt from your contract to store We have a jewel in our midst, and can be proud
in our yard:
of what we have. Do not set yourself up by taking
a chance on losing this right.
If you are not in a position to maintain your
boat, please notify me, you’re Vice Commodore
(Neil Kelly). We do sympathize with our
members, and need to be made aware of
circumstances that may prevent you from
normal upkeep of a vessel in our yard. If you or
your family can no longer provide the time &
energy to maintain your boat & area, there are
Also, the owner of the boat is responsible to
various ways available to remedy this.
keep his dry moorage area clean &
presentable. Please keep the grass cut, and do Thank you.
Rear Commodore… Brian Wood
Hello to all our
fellow club
members! Debbie
and I spent a
wonderful week of
vacation in Mexico,
but I must admit we missed our
monthly dose of club activities
including the monthly general meeting
(I heard several positive comments on
the great job Joe and Shannan did on
the dinner) and the annual St. Patrick’s
Day trip to Bell Harbor with the jazz
club venues. We did arrive back in
time for the closing day of the Tacoma Boat
Show…nice to see the show back and we
found a fantastic buy on dock lines
there. We ran into several club members
along with familiar faces behind the TOA and
Totem Yacht Club booths.
Debbie and I attended the TOA and Totem
Yacht Club Commodore Balls and had a great
time. The camaraderie we have with other
clubs and among our members have made
serving you as your Rear Commodore a great
experience. Please don’t hesitate to pass any
suggestions you may have on to me. I am
here to serve YOU ! The next Entertainment
Committee meeting (open to all) is scheduled
Everything is open to the public. We need
your help getting the word out to the general
public in the surrounding
communities. Thank you all for your support.
Fox Island
Fox Island Raft Out - Commodore’s Ball
Longbranch Improvement Club - Memorial Day
Port of Brownsville - First Mates Cruise
Quartermaster Harbor
Saddlebag Island - Crab in / Raft out
Dockton Cruise
Dockton Beach Park
September 4-7
Port of Brownsville - Family of the Year
Port Orchard
Past Commodore / Halloween
for April 7th at 6:00 PM in the lounge. This is
a great venue to help us plan future events
and have some cheese, crackers and wine. We
are in the midst of planning the South Sound
Opening. Your Commodore is planning a full
day of activities followed by the
Entertainment Committee sponsoring a
dinner and dance.
New Fresh Burgees
Gate opener Deposit
Parking Stickers
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 4.00
By the way, you will need your
membership cards when you take
advantage of all the reciprocals out
Pa g e
A p ri l
Fleet Captain…
Joe McCaslin
Va g a b ond e r
Hello fellow
In April we will be headed to the
Vagabonders..We had
have any questions on how you can
infamous Fox Island Raft Out.. I hear
a good turnout at Bell
help 206-228-7630. Please sign up
from many people that they have the
Harbor, Lots of stuff to
in the lobby or be sure to let George
most fun on this cruise! If you've
do in Seattle. Many
know if you’re planning to
never been you should check it out!
thanks to all the members who helped
attend. Hope to see you all at the
George Hiatt will be the cruise
assist in making everything possible, If
Daffodil Parade!
captain, please contact George If you
only the weather would have cooperated.
First Mates…
Judy Brown
The First Mates had a
VERY successful Marine
Swap Meet, thanks to
Jeannie Moroney,
Yvonne Josowitz and
Simon Josowitz.
At 9:00 a.m. the doors
opened and a mad mob rushed in. It was
wall to wall humanity in the ballroom. I am
sure the vendors did well.
Unfortunately the weather was fickle and the
outside venders had to contend with wind
and rain on and off. Most of them had
covers for their booths.
Yearbook’s at the
bindery so next
week we will
actually know
who’s in our club
now instead of
Linda Sparks, Patti Dahl, Monica Guthrie
and Anna Bjorneby manned the
kitchen. They served cinnamon rolls and
coffee in the morning and a choice of a
hearty beef stew, mini pizzas and corn
dogs for lunch.
Sue Jones and Tina McQuade, assisted by
Marlo Geotz also had a very successful day
with the Navigating the Future table. They
sold donated items, which along with a
"bakeless bake sale" benefited our
scholarship fund. A very big thank you to
all who participated including vendors and
Sandy Higgins
clean-up crew. This month's First
Mates meeting will start with election of
the 2015 Nominating Committee. It is
not a difficult job, so if you would like to
be on this committee let me
know. There will be one brief matter of
discussion and then we will play Bunco.
April's meeting will be a regular
business meeting.
Remember ladies you are all members of
First Mates.
Thanks to Charlene McGahan the first
partners in this effort. That group’s
new New Member orientation went off
renewed emphasis on fun first is
well. From now on we will hold these
in the lounge at 6:30 on each general
Thanks to all of you for your recruiting
meeting night any time we have new
and support. You ARE the club!
members who can attend.
who was in one year ago! What a
Boater License Renewal
scramble!! Without the constant
The Tea in honor of all our 2013 and
attention of Patti Dahl and
2014 new members was a humongous
The Washington State Department of
considerable support from Peggy
success! We had fabulous hats worn
Licensing no longer sends renewal
Claar, Judy Brown and Jeanne
by members new and not-new,
statements for boats. It is up to the boat
Moroney it would still be
wonderful hors’ doeuvres and tons of
owner to go online and do it electroni-
floundering. A project manager I am
laughter. Once again, Charlene’s magic
cally. Here is the direct link:
worked! First Mates were great
Va g a b ond e r
A p ri l
Pa g e
Scuttlebutt ...Secret Snitch...
Another Captain succumbed to the lure of the big boats! PC Roger Hazzard and First Mate Karen spent 3 fun days in LA and then boarded a cruise ship for a 7 day cruise to
Mexico! They’re back! We’ll have to ask Roger how he liked that great big boat piloted by
someone else. Most of our own DMYC captains have enjoyed their cruise ship
experiences and we’ll bet Roger had a ball too!
Rear Commodore Brian Wood and First Mate Debbie also doing the Mexico thing but not on a cruise
ship! Brian and Debbie are just back from a great week’s vacation in Mexico1
Think this reporter screwed up! I wrote in last month’s Vagabonder that Bill and Jan Lande celebrated
their 25th anniversary on Jan. 24th Wrong!!! Bill and Jan celebrated 25 years of wedded bliss on Feb.
24th. They celebrated by going out to dinner at Shugrue’s right next to the London Bridge in Lake
Havasu,Az. with Bondo Billy and Judy Bryant. Happy Anniversary to Bill and Jan.
Quite a few of the Snowbirds are making it home. Garry and Marilee Wamsley are back. Bondo Billy
and Judy Bryant are back and Peggy and Wayne Weber are also home.
Sue Jones and Monica Guthrie rode on Tacoma Yacht Clubs boat float in March 14 th’s St. Patrick’s Day
parade in Seattle! Great fun!
Lots of March Birthdays! PC Mertie Winston’s birthday was March 4 th. Judi Elfstrom’s was March
2nd. Rose Mc Kelvey celebrated her birthday on March 1 st. Jerry bought her new golf clubs! She also
has a new 2015 Jaguar to carry the clubs around in! Ginger DeWaard’s birthday was March 18 th.
Peggy Weber’s March 22nd, Bj Bjorneby’s on March 23rd, Jeff Landstrom’s the 25th and Kathy
Landstrom’s on March 29th. Last but not least, Bondo Billy Bryant celebrated his birthday on March
30th. Happy Birthday guys and gals!!
Other notable March birthdays! We celebrated Cindy Riess’s which was March 13 th and Shannan
McCaslin’s which was March 14th with lovely birthday cakes at the Bell Harbor Cruise. 30 and holding,
huh gals?!! Happy Birthday!
Going to be joining the throng of snowbirds! Simon and Yvonne Josowitz are the proud new owners of
a 26’ Winnebago motor home. Congrats, Simon and Yvonne.
Jim and Sue Jones are the proud new owners of a 48’ Navigator. The boat is currently in Portland,
needs to be run up! Ask Wayne Weber, what he thinks, Jim. He says he’ll never do it again but if
there’s an ever then not until June!!! Congrats on the new boat, Jim and Sue.
Jr. PC Brian Kelly and First Mate Karen spent a week skiing at Sun Peaks in Canada. Great time, skied
6 days in a row! Ask Brian if he wiped out on the Cat Trak! Heard he had something to say about that!
What was it you said, Brian??? Did it take a bit to get up and pick up all your gear??
We champagned Jeff and Angela Ford’s new 45, the” Sanctuary” at the Bell Harbor Cruise. We also
christened and named Kevin and Lori Fleek’s 47 the “Josey Wells,” and christened and renamed Bill
and Patti Linscott’s Pathfinder to “Sunshine.”
Mike and Michelle Millsap came to the Bell Harbor Cruise one year ago to visit Jeff and Angela Ford.
They went away and Mike talked Michelle into a boat! They bought a boat and joined DMYC and came
this year to Bell Harbor with their new boat. We champagned and christened their new boat the “ She
Said Yes!” Congratulations to all!!!
Bill and Dianne Watters have sold their house in Des Moines and bought a new one in California. Bet
that new house has a swimming pool! Congrats to Bill and Di!!
Pa g e
A p ri l
Va g a b ond e r
Welcome Ladies
New First Mates attending the Hats on Getting Acquainted Tea:
Seated left to right are : Betsey Searing, Marlo Goetz, Francine Minetti, & Maria Little.
Standing are Hope Steel, Peggy Claar, Carol Holmgren, Cindy Riess, Mindy McClean,
Jackie Kissler, Colleen Jacobson, Patti Linscott, Sharon Blair, Rikke Maudslein, & Wendy Haack.
DMYC Backyard Security Update
After working the security issue in the backyard for more than six months, I have identified the culprit,
and it is us. As long as we continue to pile materials along the fence, or place ladders or steps or tall storage boxes along the fence we make it easy for the bad guys to climb the fence and hand valuables back
over. We are in the slow, expensive process of hardening the fence, but as long as we have this clutter present, our efforts will be partially effective at best.
If you have valuables out in the open, secure them as well as possible. Record serial numbers.
Consider personal self-monitored alarms for your boats. Add motion activated lights to the
area behind your boats.
Steve Sewell
Va g a b ond e r
A p ri l
Pa g e
Swap Meet 2015 Thank you
WOW! What a weekend. Our 16th Annual Swap Meet was a huge success again thanks to all of you. Weather certainly
did not help us but so many others did. Over a thousand buyers came through those gates just in the first two hours and
then continued to come for another 4 hours. Weather didn't seem to bother them one way or another. While the Swap
Meet itself is geared toward our wonderful Captains so they can Buy & Sell all those wonderful Marine parts, electronics,
dinghies, fishing gear, sails, crab pots, tools and just about anything you will find on or around a boat, there are several
other sides to the event. This event also included:
Bakeless Bake Sale: Gosh and you members are so very generous. Thank you soooo much!
Mucho Kudos to Sue
Jones for taking this over the last several years. Just so much easier than shopping, baking, delivering and selling the real
thing. And no calories either. Very diet friendly if I have to say so myself. Just a great way to support the Club and give
back to the Community, which the profits from this help support.
Kitchen: Big 'Thank You' to Linda Sparks and her crew, Patti Dahl, Monica Guthrie & Anna Bjorneby who whipped up
another very much appreciated and delicious hot lunch offerings. The Ladies in our kitchen continue to amaze me with
their culinary skills and dedicated participation. They prep, cook, serve and cleanup too. Judy Brown, taking pictures
and helping here and there where ever there was a need. And then, out in the wind and pouring rain was our Theresa
Schneider running coffee and warm cinnamon rolls (yum) to our outdoor vendors. Now that's dedication.
First Mates Table: Again, Sue Jones with Tina McQuade organizing, pricing and setting up all those wonderful and
much appreciated donations that were dropped off. There were many wonderful items and electronics donated this year.
It helped make it a banner year. The profits from all the donations help fund the ‘Navigating the Future' scholarships that
are awarded to qualifying students from Mt. Rainier High School in May. Another great way we contribute to our Des
Moines Community.
Good job Ladies!!!!
Simon & Yvonne Josowitz for all the advertising, mail outs. Bill Coleman for doing the signage. Bill, George Hiatt & Diane Swingler for manning the gates, not an easy job especially in the wind and rain. And so very many of you that came &
joined right in to help set up and afterwards break down the tables, put the chairs away and clean up. It was not long after
it was over that everything was so put back together. You did not know anything went on that day. Then we all relaxed
and Entertainment put on their Steak Fry and a good time was had by all. What a great Club we have.
I truly appreciate each and every one of you and I sincerely hope I did not forget anyone . Thank you,
Boating Skills for Women
Meets every 2nd Monday each month
Everyone Invited!
On Board Communications Presentation and Discussion
Monday, April 13 at 6:30pm.
DMYC lounge (or Ballroom depending on response)
To Sandy at: higgins.se@comcast.net or 253.941.3299 by Mar 31
The Boating Skills group, formed to help build women’s boating confidence, wishes to open up its On Board Communications session to all DMYC captains and their First Mates. We hope this session--with its emphasis on clear and effective
team communication--will provide every attendee a better method and plan for more stress-free boating.
We have invited a licensed captain to set the stage and give a brief overview of ideal communications and have assembled a
panel of some of our own club’s couples to share their methods and knowledge, too. Undoubtedly there will also be tales of
the bungled communications that now seem humorous (but probably weren’t so funny at the time!)
What could be more fun and productive , what have we got to lose ?
Please say you’ll join us! RSVP to Sandy
Pa g e
A p ri l
DMYC Club Officers for 2015
Don Masoero
Vice Commodore
Neil Kelly
Rear Commodore
Brian Wood
Fleet Captain
Joe McCaslin
Sandy Higgins
Tammy Carbaugh
Mike McGahan
First Mates President
Judy Brown
Jr. Past Commodore
Brian Kelly
Warren Elfstrom
Bill Lande
Trish Keenan
Steve Sewell
Peggy Weber
Carl Bryant
Mark Grassell
Jeanne Moroney
Marqaret Moreau
Swabbee Advisor
Diane Swingler
Lyle Schneider
Theresa Schneider
E-mail: Desertskullranch@hotmail.com
* Deadline for newsletter articles is 20th of month *
Va g a b ond e r
est. 1957
Des Moines Yacht Club
P.O. Box 13004
Des Moines, WA 98198-1001
We’re on the web. To view photos of cruises and events, please read the web version
of our Vagabonder.
DMYC Member
DMYC Member
DMYC Member