THE BOMBARDE The Official Newsletter of the Detroit Chapter of the American Guild of Organists Website: In This Issue Dean's Letter 2014 - 2015 Chapter Events Member News The List Ypsilanti Pipe Organ Festival Events Substitute List Positions Available The Area's Largest Residential Organ Various Odds & Ends David Stewart Organ Compositions Choir & Organ Digital Early Music Today Digital Join Our List Visit Detroit AGO on Facebook Dean's Letter January greetings to all! For those who were not able to be at the Epiphany Banquet, you missed a wonderful evening. We were treated to a fabulous recital by Kola Owolabi and then to a scrumptious buffet dinner. Many of us had never been to the Inn at St. John's. Wow! What a beautiful place. Kola brought out such wonderful colors on the relatively small Casavant organ in the chapel. This organ was once in the transept at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit. It was also a very fun and different program, including the Toccata by the late Stephen Paulus. It was a lovely experience to be with members of the Ann Arbor chapter, as well. I hope there will be more collaborative efforts moving forward. Be sure to put the next event in your calendars! Gail Archer will be presenting a recital on Sunday afternoon, February 8 at 4:00 pm at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Detroit. She will also present a masterclass on Saturday morning, February 7 from 10:00-12:00. Come to both events if you can. Bring your students, or other young musicians who might be interested in the organ. Bring a friend! Let's all do our part to be an ambassador for this wonderful instrument to which we have given so much of our lives! On an unrelated topic, check this out these two links: It is always nice to see positive stories in the mainstream about the pipe organ. Soli Deo Gloria! John Sittard January 25, 2015 Chapter Scholarship Fund Contributors The Detroit AGO Board would like to thank the following members for their generous contributions to the Chapter Scholarship Fund: Richard Abdoo Mary Jo and Karl Disler Martha Giltinan Dalos Grobe Edwin Holmberg Miriam Kleven Gale Kramer John Lovegren John Perna Ronald Prowse Brandon Reif Robert Ross Sheri Sansom Daniel Susan Peter Townsend Sara and Frank Welch David Wigton 2014 - 2015 Chapter Events Please join the Detroit Chapter for some fabulous events planned for the 2014-2015 season. Saturday, February 7, 2015 - 10:00 AM - Organ Masterclass with Gail Archer. Grosse Pointe Memorial Church (32 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms). Monday, February 23, 2015 - 6:00 PM - Detroit Scholarship Auditions. Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). For more information, and to apply, please click HERE. Friday, March 13, 2015 - 7:00 PM - Organ Recital featuring Wilma Jensen. First United Methodist Church (1589 West Maple Road, Birmingham). Saturday, March 14, 2015 - 10:00 AM - Organ Masterclass with Wilma Jensen. More details coming soon. Monday, May 11, 2015 - 7:00 PM - Scholarship Winners and Members Recital. St. Paul's United Methodist Church (620 Romeo Street, Rochester). Member News Do you have news that you'd to share with the chapter? Please send your news to Christopher Reynolds at detroitago@gmail.comby the 15th of the month to be included in The Bombarde. The Choir of Detroit's Cathedral Church of St. Paul was in England from July 26 until August 6, 2014. In residence at Chichester Cathedral, the choir sang the daily service of choral evensong as well as a concert. A second concert in Canterbury Cathedral on August 1 was followed by the morning and evening services in Southwark Cathedral onSunday, August 3. The choir had the honor of singing a third service at Southwark, a vigil in commemoration of the beginning of the First World War. The choir is under the direction Jeremy David Tarrant, Organist and Choirmaster. Richard Newman, Associate Organist from 2010-2014 served as organist for the tour. The List Please send your items for The List to Christopher Reynolds by the 15th of the month to be included in The Bombarde. Sunday, February 1, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Mosaic Youth Singers - Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament (9844 Woodward Ave, Detroit). Saturday, February 7, 2015 - 5:00 PM - Choral Evensong, featuring the Girls' Choir from Christ Church Grosse Pointe - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Sunday, February 8, 2015 - 8:00 PM - Cranbrook Music Guild presents Kinsey Fournier (Clarinet) - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Tickets: $30. Sunday, February 8, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Organ Recital featuring Gail Archer The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (4800 Woodward Ave, Detroit). Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Salon Concert and High Tea featuring the Steve Wood Jazz Trio - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Free Admission. Saturday, February 14, 2015 - 8:00 PM - Academy of Early Music presents "Les Voix humaines with Charles Daniels" - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Tickets: $25/$22/$5. Sunday, February 22, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Choral Evensong - The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (4800 Woodward Ave, Detroit). Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 5:00 PM - Choral Evensong - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 8:00 PM - Chanticleer - Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament (9844 Woodward Ave, Detroit). Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 8:00 PM - Cranbrook Music Guild presents the Minetti Quartet - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Tickets: $30. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Salon Concert and High Tea featuring Matthew Ball (boogie-woogie piano) - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Free Admission. Friday, March 20, 2015 - 7:30 PM - Organ and Pan Flute Concert, featuring Andre Knevel & Liselotte Rokyta - Riverside United Church (881 Glidden Ave, Windsor, ON). Tickets: $15. Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 8:00 PM - Academy of Early Music presents "Wayward Sisters" - Christ Church Cranbrook (470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills). Tickets: $25/$22/$5. Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Choral Evensong - The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (4800 Woodward Ave, Detroit). Sunday, March 29, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Oakland Symphony Orchestra Concert, featuring Jeremy David Tarrant, organist - The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (4800 Woodward Ave, Detroit). Sunday, March 29, 2015 - 7:30 PM - Choral Tenebrae - St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church (2215 Opdyke Road, Bloomfield Hills). Ypsilanti Pipe Organ Festival Events All events are free of charge and held at First Presbyterian Church (300 N. Washington St, Ypsilanti). For more information please visit Sunday, February 15, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Organ Recital featuring Vincent Dubois (organist, Cathedral of Soissons). Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Choral concert featuringZoltán Kodály's Missa Brevis. Combined choirs of First Presbyterian Church, Ypsilanti; Bethlehem United Church of Christ, Ann Arbor; and St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Ypsilanti. Arianne Abela, conductor and Aaron Tan, organist. Sunday, May 17, 2015 - 4:00 PM - Organ Recital featuring Joshua Boyd. Substitute List The following Detroit AGO members are listed in our database as substitute organists and/or directors, presented here as a convenience to all. No endorsement is expressed or implied. Contact them directly. Contact our Registrar Dennis Souter, 248-693-6019 for changes/corrections. Click here to see the list of available substitutes. Positions Available Interim organist (or Interim Director of Music) six months or longer First Presbyterian Church of Monroe MI Sunday morning service 11 am $100 plus mileage (salary for Director of Music to include directing choir will be negotiated) contact Rev. Jessica Myers 734-242-1545 or The Area's Largest Residential Organ Once again the original-condition 1919 Aeolian organ in Meadow Brook Hall will be featured during the annual Holiday Walk from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Meadow Brook Hall was designated a National Historic Landmark earlier this year. It is the 88,000 sq.ft. former home of Alfred and Matilda Dodge Wilson, and is on the campus of Oakland University. In past year's members of the Detroit AGO have generously joined in volunteering to man the console and provide holiday music for the hall's visitors. Around the end of October, interested organists will be contacted to set up schedules. If you have an interest in playing this historic instrument and would like to be added to the contact list, please contact Pete Townsend at so your name can be added to the email list. If you have an interest in a short practice or trial session prior to then, please also contact Pete. Various Odds & Ends For sale. Baldwin Spinet Piano (full keyboard). Excellent condition. Warren, MI. $600. obo. Call Don Baber at 586-573-7303. Free to good home - Kimball Swinger 300 - Contact Carol Ward at David Stewart Organ Compositions Five organ compositions by David Nisbet Stewart were released on an album last February. The album named Foundations is on the Navona label. David is one of six composers on the album which includes other organ, choral, and symphonic music. The organist is Libor Dudas from Boston, and it was recorded on the Dover Church organ, a mechanical tracker by C.B. Fisk, Op. 107 The pieces are: Toccata in C Toccata in A "O Heiland, Reiss die Himmel auf" "Herzliebster Jesu" "Victimae Paschali Laudes" Navona's albums include enhanced content, meaning that the album contains composers' biographies, program notes on the music, and the actual scores in which you can turn the pages on your computer screen while listening. For more information please click HERE. Choir & Organ Free digital access to Choir & Organ for Detroit AGO Members. Click here & register using special access code: AGO14 Click HERE to open a simple registration form. Use access codeAGO14 and create a unique username and password. You can then download the digital editions to your PC or Mac.Future downloads will only require the individual's username and password. Early Music Today Free digital access to Early Music Today for Detroit AGO Members. Click here & register using special access code: EMTCO14 Click HERE to open a simple registration form. Use access code EMTCO14 and create a unique username and password.You can then download the digital editions to your PC or Mac. Future downloads will only require the individual's username and password. News from National AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS AWARDED $20,000 GRANT FROM THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS NEA Funding Will Support Educational Programming in 2015 and New Music Commissioned for the 2016 AGO National Convention in Houston, Tex. NEW YORK CITY - The American Guild of Organists (AGO) has been awarded a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to support educational programming in 2015 and new music commissioned for the AGO National Convention in Houston, Tex., June 19-23, 2016. The $20,000 NEA "Art Works" grant will support Pipe Organ Encounters for youth and adults, performances and workshops at all seven AGO Regional Conventions, the Guild's professional certification program for organists and choral conductors, and new music commissions. While the Guild has benefitted from NEA support for the past five consecutive AGO National Conventions, the 2015 grant represents the first support the Guild has received for its educational programs and regional conventions. "This grant covers the full breadth of the AGO's educational activities for current and prospective members as well as our programs of outreach to the public," stated AGO Executive Director James Thomashower. "The NEA's funding sends an uplifting message to the entire organ community: our instrument and its music are vitally important to the American people. The award validates the AGO's ongoing efforts to ensure that music for the organ is created by talented composers, performed by skilled musicians, and appreciated by the widest audience possible. It is an honor for the Guild to be recognized by the NEA, the most prestigious independent federal agency in the United States responsible for funding and promoting artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation." NEA Chairman Jane Chu added, "I am pleased to be able to share the news of our support through Art Works including the award to the American Guild of Organists. The arts foster value, connection, creativity, and innovation for the American people. This grant demonstrates those attributes and affirms that the arts are part of our everyday lives." Art Works grants support the creation of art, public engagement with art, lifelong learning in the arts, and enhancement of the livability of communities through the arts. The NEA received 1,474 eligible applications under the Art Works category, requesting more than $75 million in funding. Of those applications, 919 were recommended for grants for a total of $26.6 million. For a complete listing of projects recommended for Art Works grant support, please visit the NEA website at For further information about the AGO's educational programming, please visit the AGO website at
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