Notices from SS Peter & Paul 12th October 2014 URGENT -Please help Once again we are looking for a magazine editor as Jayne Cootes moves to pastures new with a new job in a new school. Speak to Fr. John for more details. Sidespeople We are in need of people to help with the sidesman duties for the 10am service. If you feel you are able to help, or need more information before you commit please see/speak to either Harriet Kerr or Sue Emerson. Parish Magazine Magazine is at the back of the church. Planned Giving Envelopes If anyone would like to have planned giving envelopes instead of using the blue ones, or set up a monthly standing order, then please contact the planned giving organiser Ian Rampton on 020 8527 5009 or at Raising Money for Parish Share Thank you for your contributions so far this year towards our upkeep. The total of collections at Sunday services during September, together with standing orders, was; 2014 2013 Contributions need to be nearer September £5,589 £6,233 £7,000 Year to date £46,878 £45,785 £63,000 Blue gift-aid envelopes Please ensure that you provide full name and address and postcode legibly in the details when you donate by blue gift-aid envelope. Failure to provide all these details will result in the Church not being able to reclaim the tax on your donations. Recently we have received a number of envelopes where these details have not been completed and therefore cannot submit a claim for the tax reclaim. Musicathon: This Friday 17th October 5pm – Saturday 18th, 5pm The choirs and musicians of Chingford Parish Church present a MUSICATHON, 24-hours of non-stop sponsored choral, organ, instrumental and vocal music in aid of the HALL ON THE GREEN project. Come and listen for a while at any time during the event! ENTRANCE IS FREE, but we do need your most generous donations. Please sponsor the event and get sponsorship from people outside the church. Please join us at the event Our target is £4000!. LET'S MAKE THIS A BUMPER EVENT! Copies of the full programme are at the back of church and online at Refreshments with cakes all through the event except at service times. Happy Hour Friday 17th 8pm-9pm! £10 donation for a glass of Prosecco (with a possible top up) and some lovely music to listen to whilst you sip! Music while you Munch Saturday 18th 1-2pm Afternoon Tea Saturday 18th 2-3pm The Food Bank There is a steady flow of referrals to our local Food Bank. This has now been operational for a year during which there have been 97 referrals, of which 53 involved families with children, ranging in age from a few weeks to 17 years old. Please continue your support. The donation box is at the back of church. Christmas Bazaar- 29th November Please keep this date free, details to follow soon. Grand Christmas Concert – Tickets on Sale NOW Saturday 20th December, 7.30pm Programme available separately on the night. Advance booking strongly recommended Seats will be reserved in specific rows on a first come, first served basis. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT! £1.00 MAY BE DEDUCTED FROM THE PRICE OF EVERY TICKET IF PAID FOR BY 30th NOVEMBER. MUSICATHON! 24 hours of non-stop sponsored music by the choirs, organists and friends of Chingford Parish Church Choir, in aid of HALL ON THE GREEN Please sponsor us generously to help meet our event target of £4000! Friday October 17th for more programme details, see Time 17.00 Choral Music 19.00 Choral Music 21.00 Compline by Candlelight. 22.00 Late Night Organ and Piano Music 00.00 Hymnathon No. 1* 18.00 20.00 23.30 Music for Two Pianos Choral Music Flute and Flame Saturday October 18th for more programme details, see 01.00 The Curious Incident of the Bach in the Night Time 02.00 Organ music played by Katherine Ward 02.30 Organ music played by Rory Thorndyke 04.00 Organ and Piano Music for the Early Hours 05.30 Lauds by Candlelight. 06.00 Hymnathon No. 3*: 07.30 Breakfast time organ favourites* 08.00 Tom Cowhig’s Madrigal Mystery Tour 09.30 More Organ Favourites* 10.00 A Very Sung Mass ( 12.00 Piano Music 03.00 05.00 07.00 09.00 11.00 13.00 Hymnathon No. 2* Sleepers’ Wake!.. and don’t go Bach to bed! Organ and Piano Music Piano Music Duruflé’s ‘Requiem’ Music while you Munch*: 13.30 Hymnathon No. 4* 14.30 Yet More Organ Favourites* 15.30 Organ Preludes 16.00 Festal Choral Evensong 15.00 Vocal Duets End of the Musicathon! We will welcome requests for the sections of this programme marked* for an additional donation! Any requests to Michael Emerson by October 15th, please: 020 8529 6092 email 17.00 Rector Fr. John Connell 8529 1291 Associate Priest Fr. Hall Speers 8529 3738 Assistant Curate Mtr. Tina Rollings 8523 7174 Newsletter Harriet Kerr 8524 5333 Every Wednesday Magazine Fr. John Deadline Parish Office Claire Codling 3rd Monday of each month 8529 0323 Monday and Wednesday 9am-11am SUNG EUCHARIST Introit 381 Setting Shaw Gloria Victoria: Missa ‘O quam gloriosum’ Gradual Psalm 23 Alleluia 8,versicle 4 Offertory 401 Communion 418, Setme as a seal – Walton Final hymn Organ music 235 Toccata Plymouth Whitlock from Suit the - The Church of England in Essex and East London Diocese of Chelmsford
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