2013 Clubs and Organizations List Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501 Phone: 970-242-3214 | FAX: 970-242-3694 | www.gjchamber.org AARP Colorado 888-227-7669 Education/Support Administration on Aging/Eldercare Locator Service 800-677-1116 Special Interest Administrative Professionals, International Association of Pamela Eastridge PO Box 1381 Grand Junction, CO 81502 639-0838 www.iaap-bookcliff.org bookcliffchapter@gmail.com Meets the 3rd Weds of each month at A Taste of Heaven Catering, 2817 North Ave, 5:30 pm Twitter: @BookcliffIAAP Professional Association Adoption: AAC Adoption and Family Network Inc. Marissa Bebo PO Box W or 735 E Hwy 56 Berthoud, CO 80513 532-3576, 532-9879 www.aacadoption.com info@aacadoption.com Korean and Chinese infant/children adoptions and placement Service/Support Adult Protective Services, Mesa County Dept. of Human Services Connie Atencio PO Box 20000-5035 or 510 29 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-8480 or 248-2888 www.humanservices.mesacounty.us Adult Protection Review Team meets 3rd Thurs at the Community Services Building from 11:00 am -12:30 pm Service/Support Adult Resources for Care and Help (ARCH) Mesa County Dept of Human Services 510 29 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81502 244-8400 www.humanservices.mesacounty.us Service/Support AIDS, WESTCAP (Western Colorado AIDS Project) Jeffery Basinger, Director 805 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-2437 or 800-765-8594, Fax: 243-5791 www.westcap.org jeff@westcap.info Case management, support and referral for HIV+ individuals and families; HIV prevention education Education/Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 1 Alano Club 404 Glenwood Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-1010 alano@acsol.net Meets daily Private social club for recovering alcoholics and family; membership not necessary to attend meetings; membership is $10/mo single or $15/mo couple Health/Support Al-Anon District 2, Area 5 (Colorado) Karen Ward, District Representative 1709 Orchard Ave Silt, CO 81652-0924 858-1295, 242-1075 1-888-966-4662; 618-0924 dr2@al-anon-co.org Call for meeting dates, locations and times Support programs for families/friends of alcoholics, serving Grand Junction, Fruita, Parachute, Glenwood Springs, Basalt and Aspen Health/Support Al-Anon Support Group 242-1075 Health/Support Alcohol: General Information 800-729-6686 Alcoholics Anonymous Ben Jones 1005 N 12th St, #107 Grand Junction, CO 81501 245-9649 or 888-333-9649, Fax: 245-9649 www.aa-westerncolorado.org contact@aa-westerncolorado.org Health/Support Alpha Center Scott Aber 1170 Colorado Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-2948, Fax: 242-4219 www.alphacentergj.com sjaber93@aol.com Meet various times and places; please call for info Service organization that helps those with the desire to stop drinking Health/Service/Support ALS Association - Rocky Mountain Chapter (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Pam Rush-Negri, Executive Director 7403 Church Ranch Blvd, #109 Westminster, CO 80021 866-257-3212 Main: 303-832-2322 Fax: 303-832-3365 www.alsaco.org info@alsaco.org Health/Support Education/Health Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 2 Altrusa Club Grand Junction, CO 250-6363 Service Alzheimer's Association Colorado Chapter Western Slope Office Teresa Black 2232 N 7th St, Suite B1 Grand Junction, CO 81501 256-1274 or 800-272-3900, Fax: 243-6924 www.alz.org/co teresa.black@alz.org Three support groups: one is the 1st Thurs of the month at 1:00 pm at the office, second is the 2nd Tues of the month at 1:30 pm at Aspen Ridge. Third is the 4th Thurs of the month at 5:30 pm at the office. Offers four support groups and ongoing education classes Health/Service/Support Alzheimer's: 24hr hotline 800-272-3900 Education/Health/Support American Red Cross, Western Colorado Chapter Eric Myers 506 Gunnison Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-4851, 888-545-7800; Fax: 241-2337 www.coloradoredcross.org eric.myers@redcross.org Emergency preparedness and response, first aid, CPR and babysitter training classes, services to the military Service/Support Animal: Animal Services Mesa County 971A Coffman Rd Whitewater, CO 81527 242-4646, 245-5315 www.animalservices.mesacounty.us Civic Animal: CLAWS, Cat Rescue and Adoption Valerie Mazrin 2214 Sanford Dr, Suite #A5 Grand Junction, CO 81505 241-3793 www.clawsgj.org claws@bresnan.net Meetings monthly 3rd Tues each month at Orchard Mesa Library Special Interest Animal: Colorado Bluebird Recovery Project Bob Wilson 2654 Sperber Ln Grand Junction, CO 81506 242-5190 Grandvalleyaudubonsociety@audubongv.org bluebirdbob@gmail.com Call to volunteer or inquire of meetings Special Interest Animal: Community Cat Care PO Box 4555 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-9098 www.gjcommunitycatcare.org communitycat@acsol.net 3rd Weds of each month at 6:00 pm, at Community Hospital, Lower Level Conference Room #3 Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 3 Animal: Friends of the Mustangs Becky Diehl-Events Coordinator PO Box 2771 Grand Junction, CO 81502 275-1740, 640-2751 (Beverly Madaris) www.friendsofthemustangs.org friendsofthemustangs@yahoo.com Meets the second Thurs of each month at 7:00 pm at the BLM office, 2815 H Rd (west side) Dedicated to the welfare of the Little Bookcliffs Mustang herd You don't have to be a horse owner to belong to the club Special Interest Animal: Frontier Belles Sidesaddle Club Connie PO Box 1344 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-0591 canyonrimranch@aol.com Special Interest Animal: Grand Valley Kennel Club Cindy Clark, President PO Box 1751 Grand Junction, CO 81502 www.grandvaleykennelclub.org admin@grandvalleykennelclub.org 3rd Tues of each month at Red Cross Training Building Special Interest Animal: Humane Society: Roice Hurst 362 28 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81501 434-7337, Fax: 434-2769 www.rhhumanesociety.com Special Interest Animal: Kennel Club, Inc., Grand Valley Cindy Clark, President 1224 Santa Fe Circle Fruita, CO 81521 303-917-0147 www.grandvalleykennelclub.org cadillacstyle98@yahoo.com General meetings are held the 3rd Tues of each month at the Red Cross Training Building at 5th and Gunnison, 6:30 pm All breed dog club; annual dog show, obedience classes and confirmation. We like to have a good time with our dogs! Special Interest Animal: National Wild Turkey Federation: Western Slope Chapter Ray Hood 830-998-0441 www.nwtf.org Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 4 Antiques: The Questers Goldie Ward 4330 Unit B Northclub Ct Grand Junction, CO 81506 241-0448 www.questers1944.org Meets 3rd Weds of every month at 9:30 am; call for location Study of antiques; restoration and preservation of historical sites and documents Special Interest ARDVHeart for Hope Sue Edson, President 830 24 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 270-3354 www.ardvheart.org info@arvdheart.org or sue.edson@yahoo.com Office Hours: 8 am to 5 pm, Mon through Fri Our mission is to help raise awareness of ARDV heart disease, raise funds for the ARDV research program at the University of Arizona and locally help support the program in School District 51 to help keep our children safe Health Support Art Center: Western Colorado Center for the Arts dba The Art Center Camille Silverman, Executive Director 1803 N 7th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-7337, Fax: 243-2482 www.gjartcenter.org info@gjartcenter.org The board meets monthly Exhibits, classes and workshops in the visual arts Education/Arts Art Heritage Program, Mesa County Valley School District 51 Connie Robbins-Brady, Coordinator Basil T. Knight Center, 2523 Patterson Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 254-5489, Fax: 243-6716 www.artheritageprogram.org connie.robbins-brady@d51schools.org Elementary, free art history classes for classroom volunteers; trained volunteers bring art history and experiential art lessons to elementary school classrooms throughout the Grand Valley and Gateway Education ARMA International (Association of Records Mangers & Admin) 244-1497 www.wcoarma.webs.com wcoarma@yahoo.com Professional Association Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 5 Art Jewelers Guild Of the Grand Junction Area Jennifer Goodwin 204 Easter Hill Dr Grand Junction, CO 81507 433-2828 www.artjewelryguild.com info@artjewelryguild.com 2nd Mon of each month, 6:30 pm, Grand View Apartments, Community Room, 1501 N 1st St Artists group for the education and enjoyment of jewelry makers which aims to promote original hand-made jewelry of all types and styles Arts/Special Interest Art: Art on the Corner Downtown Partnership 248 S 4th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 245-9697 www.downtowngj.org/aotc.cfm info@downtowngj.org Arts/Culture Art: Junction Clay Arts Guild Ron Cloyd 2912 Shelley Dr Grand Junction, CO 81503 241-0577, 245-2320 www.gjcag.com rrcloyd@bresnan Meets the 1st Thurs of the month at varying locations Promotes the appreciation of and interest in the clay arts among Western Slope Arts/Special Interest Arthritis Foundation: Great West Region Laura Rosseisan 2280 S Albion St Denver, CO 80222 720-644-4406, 888-391-9389 www.arthritis.org info.rm@arthritis.org Health Support Artists: Brush and Palette Club Katie Hill, President PO Box 3632 Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-0410 www.brushandpallette.org khilltheartist@optimum.net Meets monthly on the third Thurs from Sept through May, at 1:00 pm, The Art Center; call 241-0410 for more information A group which meets monthly and presents exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations and learning opportunities for all visual artists Arts/Education Artists: Grand Valley Porcelain Artists Marjorie Bystedt, President 4010 Ptarmigan Piazza Grand Junction, CO 81506 242-2797 www.gjarts.org wbystedt@juno.com Artists group for the education and enjoyment of the fine art of china painting Arst/Education/Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 6 Artists: Pastel Society of Colorado Bev Lee 645 1/2 30 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 241-4522 www.pastelsocietyofcolorado.org bleefineart@acsol.net Meets the 3rd Sat of every month, SeptMay, at the Art Center Visual artists organization promoting pastel painting Arts/Special Interest Artists: Rocky Mountain Collage Society Bev Thompson 1926 N 3rd Ct Grand Junction, CO 81501 712-8508 www.rockymountaincollagesociety.org bthomp1926@aol.com Visual artists organization promoting the fine art of collage and assemblage Arts/Special Interest Artists: Southwest Photographic Arts Association Rodney Martinez PO Box 1982 Grand Junction, CO 81502 433-1256 www.gjarts.org rodsuemartinez2@bresnan.net Promotes the art, education and enjoyment of photography with monthly meetings and exhibits Arts/Special Interest Artists: Western Colorado Decorative Artists Michele Heiser Grand Junction, CO 314-9275 www.westerncoloradodecorativeartists.com kikiraine@earthlink.net 2nd Sat of each month EXCEPT July and August, 9:00 am, First Congregational Church, 1425 N 5th St Promotes the art of decorative painting and is a chapter of the National Decorative Painters Organization Arts/Special Interest Artists: Western Colorado Watercolor Society Dani Tupper PO Box 3584 Grand Junction, CO 81502 874-3088, Fax: 874-3088 www.westerncoloradowcsociety.org wcws@westerncoloradowcsociety.org Devoted to the promotion, education and exhibition of all types of water media painting Arts/Special Interest Arts and Culture, City of Grand Junction Commission Lorie Gregor 1340 Gunnison Grand Junction, CO 81501 254-3876, Fax: 242-1637 www.gjarts.org lorieg@gjcity.org Meets on the fourth Weds, 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Parks Bldg, Lincoln Park Arts/Culture Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 7 Astronomy Club, Western Colorado Jared Workman 1260 Kennedy Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 248-1327 www.wcacastronomy.org jworkman@coloradomesa.edu Meets the first Tues of each month at 7:00 pm at Colorado Mesa University in the Wubben Hall, Bldg 34, Rm 161 For amateur astronomers and anyone interested in learning about the night sky; visitors are welcome at the meetings Education/Special Interest Athletics: Grand Junction Roller Girls Sara Bailey aka Bailey Brawl 2868 Navigators Wy Grand Junction, CO 270-4994 gjrginfo@gmail.com Recreation Athletics: Grand Junction Rugby Club Ron Hall, President Grand Junction, CO www.gjrugby.com Open to anyone who is interested Recreation Athletics: Grand Junction Soccer Club Shaun Howe 529 25 1/2 Rd, Suite B112 Grand Junction, CO 81505 242-4550, Fax: 242-4971 www.gjsoccer.org shaun@gjsoccer.org Meets monthly A parent-driven organization dedicated to providing year round soccer opportunities that are fun, positive, safe and challenging for all individuals Recreation Athletics: Grand Junction Tennis Club Patti Daniels 535 25 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 241-2280 www.junctionindoortennis.com junctiondoortennis@gmail Sponsors tennis activities in the Grand Valley Recreation Athletics: Maverick Club, Colorado Mesa University Rick Adleman, Attn: Mav Club 1100 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 248-1902, Fax: 248-1107; 248-1811 (Sean McKinney) www.coloradomesa.edu/mavclub mavclub@coloradomesa.edu The Maverick Club is comprised of Alumni and friends of Colorado Mesa University united in an organized effort to serve the student athlete and college through their particular interest in the intercollegiate athletics Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 8 Athletics: Mesa County Junior Basketball Assoc Steve Irion 3525 Ridge Dr Grand Junction, CO 81506 248-4829, 261-3045 www.bringitgj.com Steven.M.Irion@wellsfago.com Boys junior basketball Recreation Athletics: Mesa County Junior Women's Basketball Rick Hensley Grand Junction, CO 81504 361-0133, 201-2494 (Linda Friesen) www.mcjuniorwomensbasketball.org rickh@bresnan.net 7th & 8th grade girls competitive basketball, September-December; call for more information Recreation Athletics: Mesa Monument Striders Tom Ela or Paul Frisbie PO Box 3685 Grand Junction, CO 81502 245-4243, Fax: 245-0336 www.mmstriders.com boogidieshoe@acsol.net Meets 4th Tues of every month, 7:00 pm at Raven Ridge on 25 Rd Running and associated exercise, group runs, races; email pfrisbie@bresnan.net for additional information Recreation Athletics: Western Colorado Baseball Assoc. Mike Bullen 701 Putter Dr Grand Junction, CO 81506 242-3528, Fax: 242-6621 www.westerncoloradobaseball.com mikeb685@bresnan.net Competitive baseball for boys ages 12-14 Recreation Athletics: Western Colorado Volleyball Club Jeff Wells, Director PO Box 117 Whitewater, CO 81527 640-5195 www.westerncoloradovolleyball.org director@westerncoloradovolleyball.org Normal season runs November-April; summer camps Junior Olympic program geared towards boys & girls ages 10-18 Recreation Beekeepers Association, Western Colorado Grand Junction, CO www.facebook.com/westcolobeekeepersassociation westerncoloradobeekeepers@gmail.com Meets the 2nd Weds of each month at The Jockey Club, Mesa County Fairgrounds Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 9 Beta Sigma Phi, International JoAnn Topliss 2790 Cheynne Dr Grand Junction, CO 81503 243-5783 Meets September-May, on the 2nd & 4th Thurs Fraternal Blue Stars Mothers, Grand Valley Valerie Kennedy, President PO Box 2325 Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-3845 www.gvbsm.webs.com info@gvbluestarmothers.org Support Bookcliff Knife and Fork Club Reford Theobold 3760 Beechwood St Grand Junction, CO 81506 245-0563 www.bookcliff.org info@bookcliff.org Meets six times a year between September and April for a fine meal and an after dinner speaker One celebrity speaker a year Education/Special Interest Botanical Gardens, Western Colorado/Western Colorado Botanical Gardens Jeff Nichols, Executive Director 641 Struthers Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 245-3288; 245-9030 Fax: 245-9001 www.wcbotanic.org info@wcbotanic.org Greenhouse, butterfly house, amphitheater, outdoor gardens, children's castle and library Education/Special Interest Boy Scouts of America, Western Colorado Council 839 Grand Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-0346 www.wccbsa.org Education/Service/Youth Brain Injury Epilepsy Support Group for Western Colorado Drene Stevens 875 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 361-5495, 255-1694 (Bill Queen) kamjka@gmail.com Meets the first Weds of every month 7 pm to 9 pm at the Radekin Tower, 875 Main St - EXCEPT June and July Division of Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado and the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 10 Business Impact Group, Orchard Mesa 243-5242; 683-4565 debh@fnbrockies.com Apearson@gjincubator.org Special Interest Business Incubator & Small Business Counselors 2591 B 3/4 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81503 243-5242 Special Interest Camera Club, Thunder Mountain Kathleen Wilkinson 260-7488 www.thundermountaincameraclub.org kw711x@gmail.com Meets 4th Tues of every Month (Except December) at 7:00 pm at River of Life Alliance Church 701 24 1/2 Rd Non-Profit organization promoting the study, enjoyment and use of photography Arts/Special Interest Cancer Society, American Annette Burnheide 2754 Compass Dr, Suite 100 Grand Junction, CO 81506 254-5584, Fax: 242-2283 www.cancer.org or www.grandjunctionrelayforlife.com joan.forrey@cancer.org Please check the website for the specific meetings you would like to attend Mesa County events consistsing of relays in GJ and Fruita, sale of Daffodils in GJ, and Making Strides Walk in October in GJ. We have different programs for cancer patients and a wig room for wigs, hats and bras free of charge to cancer patients. Health/Support Cancer: American Cancer Society Wig Closet Judy Morehouse 2754 Compass Dr, Suite 100 Grand Junction, CO 81506 254-5581; 254-5582 Health/Support Cancer: Information Service 800-422-6237 Education/Health Cancer: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (Rocky Mountain Chapter) 720-440-8620 Health/Support Cancer: M.A.C.H.O. Men Against Cancer Helping Others St. Mary's Regional Care Center Grand Junction, CO 298-2351 www.stmarygj.org Meets 2nd and 4th Weds, 5:00 - 6:30 pm MACHO is an informational association of men providing social support and interpersonal assistance to others who are also dealing with cancer. as patients, survivors and caregivers. Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 11 Cancer: St. Mary's Cancer Survivorship Resource Center Debra Hesse, Program Coordinator 750 Wellington Ave Entrance 25, 1st Floor Grand Junction, CO 81501 298-2351, Fax: 255-7828 www.stmarygj.org debra.hesse@stmarygj.org Offers many programs for people living with cancer and those who love them; call for groups Health/Support Car Club: Blue Dots Custom Car Club Dave Painter PO Box 3721 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-3410 dplein@bresnan.net Special Interest Car Club: Colorado West Chapter of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America Dustin Duncan 243-3657 www.cowestvmcca.org info@cowestvmcca.org Active antique car club centered in Grand Junction Special Interest Car Club: Wheels West Don Plein PO Box 1602 Grand Junction, CO 434-9988 Car: Drag Racing Association, Western Colorado Bryan Carmack PO Box 760 Clifton, CO 81520 523-1720 www.wcdra.com wcdra@hotmail.com Please check website for events Promotes drag racing on the Western Slope Special Interest/Recreation Caregiver Connections Historic Miller Homestead 3090 N 12th St Grand Junction, CO 81506 260-8931 www.hospicewco.com Car Club: Smart Car Club of Western Colorado Marilyn Stine 985-5431 smartiecar@aol.com Special Interest Special Interest The group meets for five week sessions; please call for details of the next scheduled session For caregivers to learn about available resources and connect with others facing similar situations. This program is free of charge. Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 12 Catholic Daughters of The Americas, Mount of Holy Cross #941 Colleen Juarez, President 2916 E 7/8 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 263-2667 www.catholicdaughterscolorado.org r.juarez@bresnan.net Meets Mon and sometimes Sun; please call for meeting times and location Youth/Service Celtic Society, Western Slope Colorado Rodger Cotton, President PO Box 524 Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-1538 Facebook/Western Colorado Celtic Society westcoloradocelticsociety@gmail.com Catholic Outreach, Grand Valley Sister Karen Bland 245 S 1st St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-3658, Fax: 254-1262 www.catholicoutreach.org kabland@juno.com Human service organization; soup kitchen, clothing, housing listing, financial aid and day center for the homeless. Transitional supportive and emergency housing. Service/Support Center For Independence Linda Taylor 740 Gunnison Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-0315, Alt: 800-613-2271; Fax: 245-3341 www.cfigj.org info@cfigj.org Promotes community solutions and empowers individuals with disabilities to live independently Service/Support Cattlewomen, Mesa County Deb Albertson PO Box 193 Fruita, CO 81521 858-9084, 433-1044 (Deb) d.albertson@aol.com Meets 4th Mon of every month at 6:00 pm, various locations Promotes the beef industry as a vital part of everyday living Special Interest Educational group for anyone interested in Scottish, Irish or Welsh culture, heritage, music and food Culture/Special Interest Chamber of Commerce, Fruita Shauna Davies, Director 432 E Aspen Fruita, CO 81521 858-3894, Fax: 858-3121 www.fruitachamber.org info@fruitachamber.org Call for meeting times and places Business After Hours is the third Thurs of each month at 5:30 pm Professional Association Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 13 Chamber of Commerce, Grand Junction Area Diane Schwenke, President 360 Grand Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-3214, Fax: 242-3694 www.gjchamber.org info@gjchamber.org Professional Association Chamber of Commerce - Latino Rich Lopez, President 324-0216 info@wclatinochamber.org Professional Association Chamber Of Commerce, Palisade Juliann Adams PO Box 729 or 319 South Main St Palisade, CO 81526-0729 464-7458, Fax: 464-4757 www.palisadecoc.com info@palisadecoc.com Promotes businesses and events in the Palisade area Professional Association Chess Club, Grand Junction 241-9192 www.westerncoloradochess.com Meets each Mon, 6:30 pm, Starbucks in Safeway at 29 and Patterson Rds Special Interest/Recreation Child & Migrant Services Claudia McClintock PO Box 1038 Palisade, CO 81526 464-5226, Fax: 464-7913 www.migrantservicesgv.org CMSpalisade@yahoo.com A non-profit agency that serves migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families in Mesa County Service/Support Child Find Sondra Martinez-David 410 Hill Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 254-5405, Fax: 245-0825 www.mesa.k12.co.us sondra.martinez-david@d51schools.org Public school assessment services for children up to 5 years of age. Assures that children with special needs receive services. Service/Support Chiropractors Association, Mesa County Randy Roman, DC 2584 Patterson Rd, Suite D Grand Junction, CO 81505 243-8896, Fax: 245-1511 www.coloradochiropractic.org drroman@romanfamilychiro.com Meets 1st Weds of each month at Bookcliff Country Club, 2730 G Rd, 12:30 pm-1:30 pm Contact Dr. Wes Sheader for additional info at 970-254-5954 Professional Association Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 14 City of Fruita, Parks & Recreation Ture Nycum 324 N Coulson St Fruita, CO 81521 858-0360, Fax: 858-9540 www.fruita.org tnycum@fruita.org Recreation Civil Air Patrol-Thunder Mountain Composite Squadron 1st Lt. Chuck Pearson, Unit Commander PO Box 717 or 2868 Aviators Wy Grand Junction, CO 81502 433-4442 www.coloradowingcap.org TMCS.CAP@gmail.com Senior members meet 1st and 3rd Mon of each month at 1900 hours; cadets meet each Tues at 1830 hours. Commander's Office Hours: each Thurs at 1900 Education/Service Club 20 Bonnie Peterson, Executive Director PO Box 550 Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-3264, 245-8300 www.club20.org bonnie@club20.org Western Slope coalition of chambers, businesses, counties, communities and individuals Professional Association Coin Club, Western Slope Dean Crysler, President Robyn Wooten, Vice President 242-1770 (Dean) 245-4141 (Robyn) www.gjcoinshow.com WSCClub@hotmail.com 2nd Weds of each month, 5:30 pm 8:30 pm, Redlands Community Center, 2463 Broadway Special Interest Colorado Cross Disability Coalition Rochelle Larson, Western Slope Coordinator 655 Broadway #775 Denver, CO 80203 303-839-1775 Fax: 303-839-1782 www.ccdconline.org rsl2919@bresnan.net Meets 2nd Tues of every month at 12:00 at Hilltop Corp. 1331 Hermosa. We do advocacy, serve all ages and all disabilities, assist with applications for disability benefits, present forums. Call for more information. Service/Support Colorado Environmental Coalition 546 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-0002 Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 15 Colorado National Monument Association Denise Hight, Operations Manager 1750 Rim Rock Dr Fruita, CO 81521 858-3617 x 308 (Denise) Fax: 858-0372 www.coloradonma.org dhight@coloradonma.org CNMA is a nonprofit organization, existing soley to assist and support the Colorado National Monument. Proceeds from retail operations, memberships and donations support the Monument's educational, interpretive and scientific research programs, helping Education/Recreation Colorado West Timekeepers, Chapter 138 of Natl Assoc of Watch/Clock Coll H. K. Hancock 245-2613 hkayh@acsol.net Special Interest Commemorative Air Force, Rocky Mountain Wing 780 Heritage Wy or PO Box 4125 Grand Junction, CO 81506 256-0693 Compassionate Friends Alice Monroe, Professional Advisor PO Box 4314 Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-6346 434-3822 (Betty Hancock) Meets the first Tues of every month at 7:30 pm at Unity Church, 3205 N 12th St Bereavement group for parents and siblings for when a child dies at any age or of any cause. Service/Support Computer Services: Grand Mesa Macintosh Users Group 243-4881 www.gmmug@bresnan.net gmmug@bresnan.net Meets 1st Tues and 3rd Mon of each month at Western Colorado Community College, 2520 Blichmann, Bldg B Special Interest Computer Services: Grand Valley Computer Users Group/PC Partners Rick Castellini 257-0825 Special Interest/Support Meets 2nd Weds of each month, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, at Grand Junction Realtors Association Training Center, 2743 Crossroads Blvd Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 16 Counseling and Education Center (CEC) aka Center for Enriched Communications, Inc. Penny Frankhouser, Executive Director 2708 Patterson Rd Grand Junction, CO 81506 243-9539, Fax: 245-7493 www.cecwecare.org penny.cecwecare@bresnan.net or frontdesk.cecwecare@bresnan.net Affordable professional individual, couples & family counseling; Medicaid, CHP and other insurances accepted; sliding fee scale available Service/Support Cribbage Club, Two Rivers Dan Vogel PO Box 4485 Grand Junction, CO 81502 261-1670 www.cribbage.org cribbagegj@gmail.com or dsvogel@msn.com Meets every Thurs 6:00 pm -9:00 pm at Masonic Lodge 2400 Consistory Ct Grass roots cribbage club Special Interest/Recreation Crime Stoppers of Mesa County Randy Smith President 625 Ute Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-7867, 244-3787 www.241stop.com Meets second Weds of each month Civic Dance: Bella Rouge Dance Company Heidi Marie, Director 2893 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-1221 www.bellarougetribal.com Belly dancing classes Arts/Recreation Dance: Chatfield Country Kickers Chuck and Carol Watkins 3010 Vin Rose Wy Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-0868 cwatkins@acsol.net Meets 1st and 3rd Sat, 7:00 - 10:00 pm, VFW Post 3981 Hall, 503 1/2 Florence Rd Arts/Recreation Dance: Colorado West Area Square Dance Council Pat and Wanda McBride 3138 F 3/4 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-3543, 434-0868 (Chuck and Carol Watkins) www.cosquaredancing.com/colowest/ pandapw@juno.com Council meets the 2nd Sun of September, November, January and March, 1st Sun in May; call for time and location Promotion of square and round dancing; annual special event - Peach Promenade, 4th weekend in August Arts/Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 17 Dance: Grand Valley Community Contra Dance Society Connie Smith 216 Alcove Dr Grand Junction, CO 81507 260-5852; 243-6736 www.fifthreelmusicanddance.com connie@fifthreelmusicanddance.com Dances are held at La Puerta Dance Studio, 523 1/2 Main St, 7:30 - 10:30 pm; check website for schedule Arts/Recreation Dance: Levis & Lace Square Dance Scott Larson 2400 Consistory Ct Grand Junction, CO 80501 216-8503, 986-8801 (Rick/Robin Wischmann) rwisch@bresnan.net Fri at the Masonic Lodge, 2400 Consistory Ct Performance and instruction of Square Dance; programs appropriate for all ages Arts/Recreation Dance: Happy Feet Dancers Maxine Springer 416 Willow Ridge Grand Junction, CO 81507 243-5858 maxndale@bresnan.net Sun & Mon at Masonic Hall 2400 Consistory Ct Arts/Recreation Dance: Round Dance/2-step/Waltz/Cha-cha 243-5858 Dance: Khubsurat Ruh Middle Eastern Dance Troupe Natasha Krasnow; Mary Krasnow 242-4726, 255-6757 (Creative Avenues) www.khubsuratruh.com khubsuratruh@gmail.com Arts/Culture/Recreation Dance: La Mexicana Ballet Folklorico Dance Angie Chavez 3282 Columba Dr Clifton, CO 81520 985-2906, 245-1517 (Andrea Medina) Free lessons for adults and kids on Mexican dancing; performs throughout Western Colorado Arts/Culture/Recreation Arts/Recreation Dance: Senior Rec Center Mike Gullotard 550 Ouray Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-7408 www.gjseniorcenter.com gjseniorcenter@gmail.com Recreation Dance: Sultan's Pride Middle Eastern Dance Ellen Rehwoldt, Director and Choreographer 541 Grand Valley Dr Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-4608 www.sultanspride.homestead.com badramom@msn.com Regular beginner-advanced classes offered Tues, Wed and Thurs 5:30 and 6:30 at 305 Main; drop-ins welcome Performances, lessons and educational programs on culture and history Arts/Culture/Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 18 Dance: Wild West Cloggers 216-6866 Arts/Culture/Recreation Dance: Windmill Spinners Velma Templeton 3224 F 1/4 Rd Clifton, CO 81520 243-1887 Square dance through the summer months only Call for meeting places and times Arts/Recreation Daughters Of The American Revolution, Mt. Garfield Chapter Beverly McIntyre Grand Junction, CO 254-0240 www.coloradodar.org mtgarfieldDAR@hotmail.com Awards in historical essay, good citizenship, volunteer service with Veteran's hospitals and patriotic service; nursing scholarships awarded to high school students Civic/Service Dental Association, American 800-621-8099 Professional Association Diabetes: American Diabetes Association 800-342-2383 www.diabetes.org Health/Support Diabetes: St. Mary's Diabetes Education Center 298-6191 Health/Support Dinosaur Journey (Museum of Western Colorado) Peter Booth, Executive Director 550 Jurassic Ct Fruita, CO 81521 858-7282 www.museumofwesternco.com info@westcomuseum.org Exhibits on regional paleontology, guided tours available, research lab, event rental space available and gift store Education/Special Interest Democratic Party, Mesa County JoLynn Phillips, Chair PO Box 2361 Grand Junction, CO 81502 316-3367, 270-8859 www.mesacountydems.com jolynnic69@aol.com Meets 4th Mon of month at 5:30 pm at Operating Engineers Local 9 Union Hall, 431 Kennedy Ave Civic Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 19 Domestic Violence: Latimer House Counseling and Advocacy Center Jackie Sievers 1003 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-6704 (Hot line) 241-0324 www.htop.org jackies@htop.org Counseling for domestic violence, sexual assault, short-term crisis intervention; domestic violence, support group for women and children; shelter for victims of domestic violence Service/Support Eagles, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 595 Larry Alley, Secretary 1674 Highway 50 Grand Junction, CO 81503 www.foe595.com Domestic Violence: Men Against Violence 674 Eastcliff Dr Grand Junction, CO 81506 234-4357 (24-hour) Education: Literacy Center of Mesa County Libraries: English as a Second Language 245-5522 Support group meets Thurs at 7:00 pm at 674 E Cliff Dr Main focus is providing safe places for men, children and women; works directly with The Latimer House; 24-hour crisis line Service/Support Downtown Partnership Jodi Coleman-Niernberg 248 S 4th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 245-9697, Fax: 243-1865 www.downtowngj.org info@downtowngj.org 2nd & 4th Thurs Call for more information Professional Association See calendar on website for list of all meetings Fraternal Education: Golden Scholars Program, Colorado Mesa University 248-1555 Education/Support Education/Support Education: Mesa Valley Education Association 720 Glenwood Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-6507, 888-320-9228; Fax: 245-7089 Represents teachers while working with school board and District 51 to improve public schools for students Professional Association Elder Abuse/Neglect: Adult Protective Services 510 29 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 248-2888 Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 20 Elder Abuse/Neglect: Colorado Coalition For Elder Rights Helen Davis 4130 Tejon St, Suite #A Denver, CO 80211 www.ccerap.org ccerap@comcast.net Support Elder Abuse/Neglect: Long Term Care Ombudsman (Advocacy Program) PO Box 20000-5035 Grand Junction, CO 81502 248-2717 Support Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order #575 Edward W. Crilly, Secretary 249 S 4th St or PO Box 1987 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-0675, Fax: 263-7900 www.elks.org elks575@aol.com Lodge meets 1st & 3rd Weds at 7:00 pm Fraternal Embroiderers' Guild of America, Desert West Chapter Barbara Gale Grand Junction, CO 243-2230 639-2615 (Missy Palmer) www.rmrega.org coloconn@acsol.net Meet at 9 am on the first Tues of each month in the Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian Church, 2940 27 1/2 Rd; evening group 2nd Weds, 7:00 pm Preservation and education of embroidery art Arts/Special Interest Environmental: Grand Valley Audubon Society Nick Korte, President PO Box 1211 Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-3779 201-9651 (Cary Atwood) www.audubongv.org nkorte@hotmail.com Meets the 3rd Mon (SeptemberNovember and Janueary - May) at the First Presbyterian Church at 27 1/2 Rd & Cortland Non-profit conservation, education organization with emphasis on preservation of habitat for birds and other wildlife of a sustainable healthy environment for Western Colorado, the nation and the world Education/Special Interest Farm Bureau, Mesa County Bruce Talbott 1025 N 4th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-9249, Fax: 242-9257 Non-profit farm organization that represents the interest of farmers and ranchers Professional Association Federal Employees, National Active & Retired NARFE Eva Fruit 495 Meadowlark Wy Clifton, CO 81520 434-1043 Meets the 3rd Thurs of each month EXCEPT January, March, May, July, September, November at noon in the Dining Room Professional Association Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 21 Fleet Reserve Association Colorado West Branch 244 434-0868 www.fra.org Meets the 2nd Weds of each month, 7:00 pm at VFW Post 3981, 503 1/2 Florence Rd Special Interest Food Bank, Community Goi Wildermuth-Gunter, Program Coordinator 200 S Spruce St Grand Junction, CO 81501 640-0336 communityfoodbankgj@gmail.com Open Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri, 11:00 - 2:00; closed holidays and Weds Support Food Services: Clifton Christian Church Food & Clothing Program 615 I-70 Business Loop Clifton, CO 81520 434-7392 Support Food Services: Elderly Food Program (60+) 200 S Spruce St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-3651, Fax: 245-9575 www.health.mesacounty.us Food Services: Food Assistance/SNAP MCDHS 510 29 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 241-8480 www.humanservices.mesacounty.us Food Services: Food Distribution Program 200 S Spruce St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-3651, Fax: 245-9575 www.health.mesacounty.us Call for elgibility qualifications Support Food Services: Food Safety Workshop, CSU Extension Office 244-1834 www.extension.colostate.edu/TRA/ Education Food Services: Rescue Mission Keith and Connie Bradley 550 South Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-4230, Fax: 243-2333 www.lighthousegospelministries.com Call for elgibility qualifications Support Support Meals: Mon - Fri, 7 am and 7 pm; Sat, 8 am and 7 pm Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 22 Food Services: Senior Recreation Center Shirley Dalla 550 Ouray Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-7408 www.gjseniorcenter.com gjseniorcenter@gmail.com Lunch served Mon, Tues, Weds and Fri at the Center; reservations must be made with Gray Gourmet by calling 243-9844. Rec Center Hours: Mon-Sat, 8 am - 4 pm Support Friendship Force of Western Colorado Cindy Beckage Grand Junction, CO 424-0419 www.ffwcolo.com desertwmn101@yahoo.com Meets 2nd Thurs of each month at Community Hospital at 6:15 pm Adult home exchange offering travel, opportunities to meet people; assisting newcomers Recreation/Support Food Services: Soup Kitchen, Catholic Outreach Angela Walsh 245 S 1st St Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-0091, 241-3658 Fax: 254-1262 www.catholicoutreach.org Gardening: Chinle Cactus and Succulent Society Bill Hassell, President PO Box 20000-5028 Grand Junction, CO 81502 623-9279 (Judy McCart), 245-5088 (Don Campbell) www.chinlecactusclub.org info5425@chinlecactusclub.org Meets 2nd Thurs at 6:30 pm. Meetings are usually held in the Sagebrush Room at the Fairgrounds. Programs and activities relating to cactus and succulents, education, hands-on, gardening opportunities, plant exchanges and drawings Special Interest Support Friends of the Mesa County Libraries Margaret Lopez 1425 N 5th St (book drop) Grand Junction, CO 81501 201-0868 245-6941 (Carolyn Ramsey) www.mesacountylibraries.org Non-profit organization whose members work to support Mesa County Libraries Service Gardening: CSU Master Gardeners Susan Rose 2775 Hwy 50 Grand Junction, CO 81503 244-1836, Fax: 244-1700 www.westernslopegardening.org Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 23 Gardening: Desert Vista Garden Club Shirley Skinner, President Grand Junction, CO 241-5677 257-9104 (Joyce Isaman) www.dvgc.wcgf.org gjisaman@gmail.com or sassyskinner@gmail.com Meet 1st Weds of the month; Winter meeting at 1:30 pm; Summer meeting at 9:30 am, various locations Promotes mutual interest and friendliness among flower and garden lovers; fosters an interest in beautification of community and parks; helps preserve our natural beauty and surrounding landscape Special Interest Gardening: Grow Another Row 314-7389 www.growanotherrow.org growanotherrow@gmail.com Special Interest Gardening: Lavender Association of Western Colorado Sunny Houland PO Box 582 Palisade, CO 81526 261-2393, Fax : 874-3883 www.coloradolavender.org sunny@sunnyacreslavender,com Monthly meetings are free and open to the public, check website for details Promotes lavender as an additional cash crop in Western Colorado Special Interest Gardening: Western Colorado African Violet Society 257-1718 Special Interest Gardening: Western Colorado Bonsai Society Joyce Wingerter, President 1830 N 23rd St Grand Junction, CO 81501 208-3501 www.gjarts.org trehaus1@hotmail.com Usually meets 2nd Sat at the Botanical Gardens Library, but please call to confirm Promotes, teaches and exhibits the are of bonsai Special Interest Gardening: Western Colorado Gardening Foundation PO Box 40423 Grand Junction, CO 81504 523-1865 www.wcgf.org info@wcgf.org Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 24 Gem and Mineral Club Inc., The Grand Junction Mel Bersch, President PO Box 953 Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-3134 314-2970 (Wayne Sims) www.grandjunctionrockclub.org Meets 2nd & 4th Thurs monthly at 6:30 pm except: June, July, & August, 4th Thurs only; November and December, 2nd Thurs only; annual Gem & Mineral Show is the 3rd weekend in October Sponsors an annual Gem and Mineral Show Special Interest Genealogical Society, Mesa County Dennis Jenkins PO Box 1506 Grand Junction, CO 81502 434-3409 www.mesadwellers.org jenkinsdennisr1@yahoo.com Meets 2nd Thurs at 7:00 pm at Garden Rm in The Commons located @ 625 27 1/2 Rd; meets 4th Weds, Jan-Oct, at Noon at Museum of the West. Call Dennis to schedule 1-on-1 help offered 1st Fri each month Promotes interest in genealogy; encourages and instructs in the art and practice of genealogical research Special Interest Geological Society, Grand Junction Bill Chenoweth, Secretary PO Box 4045 Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-9062 www.gjgs.org cheno@bresnan.net Meets every 3rd Weds, Sept-May at Colorado Mesa University, Saccomanno Lecture Hall, Wubben Science Building, at 7:30 pm Not-for-profit scientific and educational society Special Interest German American Club Of Western Colorado Jim Witt, President 2415 Mesa Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-2657, 209-9241 jkwitt811@aol.com Meets 1st Tues of each month (except in June, July, December) at The Atrium, 3260 N 12th St, 6:30 pm; Social Meeting, Stammtisch, last Tues of each month at The Rockslide, 401 Main Newcomers welcome. Please call for times and locations. We promote the language, culture and customs of the German speaking countries; support German language programs in schools Culture/Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 25 Gold Wing Riders Association-CO Chapter B David & Sandra Geer Grand Junction, CO 270-1508, 245-1850 (Dean & Chris Talbot) www.coloradogwrra.com chap_gwrrainfo@yahoo.com Meets the 1st Sat of each month at The Golden Corral 8:00 am to eat and 8:45 to meet, followed by a turn-it-onaround ride We are a fun group that promotes friends, safety and knowledge; we have safety briefings and training sessions and a monthly newsletter Education/Special Interest Golf: Adobe Creek Golf 876 18 1/2 Rd Fruita, CO 81521 858-0521 www.adobecreekgolf.com info@adobecreekgolf.com Recreation Golf: Bookcliff Country Club 2730 G Rd Grand Junction, CO 81506 242-9053, 243-3198 www.bookcliffcc.com golf@bookcliffcc.com Recreation Golf: Chipeta Golf Course Doug Dominguez 229 29 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81503 245-7177 www.chipetagolf.com info@chipetagolf.com Gofl course business with banquet facilities Recreation Golf: Lincoln Park Gofl course Mike Mendelson, Head Pro 800 Mantlo Circle Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-6394 www.golfgrandjunction.net mikeme@gjcity.org Recreation Golf: Redlands Mesa Golf Club CJ Rhyne, General Manager 2325 W Ridges Blvd Grand Junction, CO 81507 263-9270, Fax: 254-9299 www.redlandsmesa.com info@redlandsmesa.com Recreation Golf: Tiara Rado Golf Course Mike Mendelson, Head Pro 2057 S Broadway Grand Junction, CO 81507 254-3830 www.golfgrandjunction.net mikeme@gjcity.org Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 26 Good Sam RV Park Tom Garland 793 22 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 245-8531 www.goodsamclub.com info@junctionwestrvpark.com Meets 3rd Sat of every month, call for more information Camping trips once per month during summer months Recreation Grand Mesa Jeep Club Jeff Bates PO Box 4915 Grand Junction, CO 81502 858-1394 www.gmjc.org grandmesajeepclub@gmail.com Meets 1st Mon of each month at 7:00 pm at Fiesta Guadalajara on North Ave; call or check website Promotes jeep riding and fun; all 4WD owners are welcome Recreation Grand Mesa National Scenic & Historic Byway Association Gale McCully PO Box 122 Cedaredge, CO 81403 856-6153 (Welcome Center) 856-4769 (Gale McCully) www.grandmesabyway.com Stop at the Visitor Centers along the route for fishing/boating/biking/camping/skiing information, interpretive exhibits and public restrooms Recreation Grand Mesa Nordic Council Annie Murphy, President PO Box 1868 Paonia, CO 81428 527-3004 www.gmnc.org gmgliders@gmail.com Board of Directors meets the 2nd Tues of each month from October thru May A not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to building community and providing and promoting fun, safe, diversified cross country skiing and snowshoeing experiences on the Grand Mesa for users of all ages, abilities and interests Recreation Grand Valley Audubon Society Nic Korte, President PO Box 1211 Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-3779 201-9651 (Cary Atwood) www.audubongv.org nkorte1@hotmail.com Chapters enable members and others to meet and share an appreciation of their common interest, creating a culture of conservation in their community Special Interest Grand Valley BMX Mesa Co Fairgrounds 2785 US Hwy 50 Grand Junction, CO 81503 433-7159, Fax: 480-295-7441 www.grandvalleybmx.com info@grandvalleybmx.com Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 27 Grand Valley Citizens Alliance Leslie Robinson PO Box 656 Silt, CO 81652 256-7650 www.grandvalleycitizensalliance.org garcodem@sopris.net Civic Grand Valley Combined Honor Guard 234-0980, 263-8986 Service/Civic Grand Valley Disc Golf Club Rock Cesario Triple Play Records 530 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-3974 www.gvdiscgolf.org Recreation Grand Valley Wood Carvers Anita Larson or Buck Taylor 152 29 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81503 245-8817, 257-1549 Weekly meetings 1st & 3rd Weds 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm; 2nd & 4th Weds 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm; no meetings the 5th Weds of the month Shares, perpetuates and promotes the rich history of the woodcarving art. Organizes charitable projects, instructional classes and a carving library Arts/Education/Service Grand Valley Woodturners Keith Kollasch, President 735 NE 2nd St Cedaredge, CO 81413 856-3632, 245-8817 www.grandvalleywoodturners.com Meets every 2nd Tues at 7:30, Mesa County Fairgrounds Jockey Club Building, 2785 US 50 Shares ideas and techniques regarding woodturning in order to increase skills and knowledge Arts/Education Gun Club, Orchard Mesa Tom Matthews PO Box 4354 Grand Junction, CO 81502 244-7758 931-2836 (Russ Weber) www.omgunclub.org omgc@acsol.net Meets third Tues of every month 7:30 pm at 150 Browning Rd Recreation Habitat For Humanity of Mesa County 200 Grand Ave, Suite 101L Grand Junction, CO 81501 255-9850, Fax: 241-0311 www.hfhmesa.org office@hfhmesa.org Builds safe, decent affordable housing for God's people in need Service/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 28 Head Start, Rocky Mountain SER Western Slope Judy Lopez, Director 235 N 7th St, #A Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-9318, Fax: 243-9322 www.rmser.org judy.lopez@rmser.org Federally funded child development program, serving three to five year-olds and their families Education/Support Hearing Loss Association of America, Western Colorado Chapter Amy Becktell Grand Junction, CO 241-2592 www.hearinglosscolorado.org hlaawco@gmail.com Meets 1st Sat each month at 10:30 am at the Center for Independence, 740 Gunnison Ave Health/Support Heart Association, American 800-242-8721 www.heart.org Health/Support Heart: ARDVHeart for Hope Sue Edson, President 830 24 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 270-3354 www.ardvheart.org info@arvdheart.org or sue.edson@yahoo.com Office Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mon through Fri Raises awareness of ARDV heart disease, raises funds for the ARDV research program at the University of Arizona and locally helps support the program in School District 51 to help keep our children safe Health/Support HEARTBEAT - Survivors After Suicide Support Group Chet & Renee Little 3048 Mohawk Ave Grand Junction, CO 81504 985-4551 243-5162 (Shirley Kambach) www.heartbeatsurvivorsaftersuicide.org chetandrenee@bresnan.net; skalm@bresnan.net Meets 3rd Tues of each month at 7:00 pm at the Miller Homestead Building, 3090 N 12th St Support Hiking: Colorado Mountain Club, Western Colorado Hiking Group Lon Carpenter, Membership Chairman 2178 Meadows Ct Grand Junction, CO 81507 242-7411 www.cmc.org Coloradobluesky@yahoo.com Meets the 1st Weds of each month at 7:00 pm, at ANB Bank, 131 N 6th St Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 29 Hilltop Mike Green 1331 Hermosa Ave Grand Junction, CO 81506 242-4400, Fax: 243-4646 www.htop.org mikeg@htop.org Non-profit organization dedicated to leading through action to provide services to people of all ages Service/Support Historical: Mesa County Historical Society Priscilla Mangnall, President PO Box 841 Grand Junction, CO 81502 260-5226 www.gjarts.org Priscilla.Mangnall@gmail.com Call for meeting times and dates Preservation and presentation of Mesa County history with bi-monthly programs on local history. Education/Special Interest Homeless: Homeward Bound 2853 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 256-9424 www.homewardboundgj.org Homeless shelter Support Homeless: The House (for homeless teens) John Mok-Lamme PO Box 2837 Grand Junction, CO 81502 234-1810 www.thehousegj.org jmoklamme@yahoo.com A safe shelter for teens on the Western Slope Youth/Support Hope of The Grand Valley Vickie McGee PO Box 532 Fruita, CO 81521 778-4880 www.hopegv.org vickie@hopegv.org Support Horse: Frontier Belles Side Saddlers Connie PO Box 1344 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-0591 canyonrimranch@aol.com Meetings 2nd Mon of each month; drive practice starts in March Women riding sidesaddle, performing precision drills for rodeos and parades Recreation/Special Interest Horsemen, Grand Mesa Backcountry Penny Ackerman PO Box 23249 Glade Park, CO 81523 242-8860 www.gmbch.com utevalleyranch@wildblue.net Meets the 1st Mon of each month at the Mesa Mall Community Room 7:00 pm Recreation/Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 30 Horseshoe Club of Western Colorado Jeff McDonald 2000 Desert Rd Whitewater, CO 81527 260-6287 ringers4jdm@yahoo.com Special Interest Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Colorado (now HopeWest) Christy Whitney 3090 B N 12th St Grand Junction, CO 81506 241-2212, Fax: 257-2400 www.hospicewco.com cwhitney@hospicewco.com or ccopp@hospicewco.com Hospice, palliative care consultations, grief support services and a child/teen program Service/Support Housing & Building Association of NW Colorado Tracy Weinbrecht 569 S Westgate Dr, #3 Grand Junction, CO 81505 245-0253, Fax: 241-5945 www.hbanwco.com traci@gjhba.org Contact HBA for meeting dates and times Helping builders, developers, trade contractors and associated businesses to better serve the public though education and collective action Professional Association Housing Resources of Western Colorado Eldon H. Krugman 524 30 Rd, Suite 3 Grand Junction, CO 81504 241-2871 ext.101 Fax: 245-4853 www.housingresourceswc.org eldonk@housingresourceswc.org A non-profit corporation providing affordable housing and promoting the wise and sustainable use of resources Service/Support Huntington's Disease Society of America 303-321-5503, 303-321-5505 www.hdsa.org Health/Support Kids Voting Mesa County Martha Graf PO Box 4246 Grand Junction, CO 81502 245-3414, 261-4013 www.kidsvotingmc.org martha.graf@d51schools.org Board meets 2nd Tues of each month at 5:30 pm at Basil T. Knight Center, 596 N Westgate Dr Civic/Education Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 31 Kiwanis Club of Grand Junction Beverly Troester, President PO Box 1377 Grand Junction, CO 81502 254-0815, 216-2607 www.kiwanis-gj.org gjkiwanis@gmail.com Every Thurs, 12:00 pm at Two Rivers Convention Center Dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time Youth/Service Latimer House Jackie Sievers 1003 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-0324; 241-6704 (Crisis Line) www.htop.org Support Latin-Anglo Alliance Rich/Pat Baca 760 Winters Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-5753 www.latinangloalliancefoundation.org Facebook/latinangloalliance latinalgloalliance@gmail.com Promotes education, civic participation, health, leadership and cultural awareness among Latinos Civic/Education League of Women Voters of Mesa County Tanya Travis PO Box 4252 Grand Junction, CO 81502 www.lwvmesa.org lwvmesa@gmail.com Meets 2nd and 4th Mon; email for more information Civic Library District, Mesa County Public Joseph Sanchez, Director 443 N 6th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-4442, Fax: 243-4744 www.mesacountylibraries.com etallman@mcpld.org The Board meets on the last Thurs at The Central Library Provides books, movies, computers, internet access and online info at eight Mesa County locations Education/Service Lioness Club, Fruita Robin Lovelace, President PO Box 90 Fruita, CO 81521 201-3284 Meets 2nd Weds of each month at Fruita Civic Center, 3rd Floor at 7:00 pm Service Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 32 Lions Club, Clifton Harry Warren 549 Greenwood Dr Grand Junction, CO 81507 241-2498 www.cliftonco.lionwap.org Wharrywarren@bresnan.net Service Lions Club, Collbran Manuel Sanchez, President Debby Hamm, Secretary 60882 ME Rd Collbran, CO 81624 487-3478 (Debby) 487-3012 (Manuel) Meets 2nd & 4th Tues of each month at Twisted Sisters Restaurant, Collbran at 6:00 pm Service Lions Club, Eye Glass Program (Marillac Clinic) 2333 N 6th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 298-1782 www.marillacclinic.org Health/Service/Support Lions Club, Fruita Verlon Goss PO Box 99 Fruita, CO 81521 260-9897, 858-7766 www.fruitaco.lionwap.org kagren@gmail.com Meet 2nd & 4th Tues, 6:00 pm, in Fruita Potluck dinner meeting Service Lions Club, Fruitvale Rocky Martellario PO Box 40442 Grand Junction, CO 81502 245-6272 www.fruitvaleco.lionwap.org Meets 2nd & 4th Mon, 7:00 pm at Eagles Aerie, 1674 US Hwy 50 Service Lions Club, Grand Junction Kenneth Brownlee PO Box 1948 Grand Junction, CO 81502 260-1906, www.GJLions.com gjlionsexecsec@aol.com Meets every Tues at Noon at Two Rivers Convention Center Service Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 33 Lions Club, Orchard Mesa PO Box 630 Clifton, CO 81520 227-9619 www.orchardmesalions.com Meet 1st & 3rd Mon, 7:00 pm, Eagles Lodge #595, 1674 Hwy 50 Service Lions Club, Palisade Bill Floryancic PO Box 37 Palisade, CO 81526 464-7250 www.palisadeco.lionwap.org billf@gvii.net Meet the 1st and 3rd Weds, 7:00 pm Red Rose Café in Palisade Service Lions Club, Redlands David McIlnay PO Box 4671 Grand Junction, CO 81502 433-7961 www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/redlandsco/ redlandslionclub@gmail.com Meets the 2nd & 4th Thurs, 7:00 pm at 2463 Broadway Service Lung Association, American 751 Horizon Ct Grand Junction, CO 81506 800-586-4872, 256-1192 info@lungcolorado.org Support Lupus Foundation of Colorado 800-858-1292 www.lupuscolorado.org info@lupuscolorado.org Support March of Dimes, Western Slope Division Terri Jones 634 Main St, Suite 105 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-0894, Fax: 257-9630 www.marchofdimes.com tjones@marchofdimes.com Non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality Health/Support Marillac Clinic Kay Ramachandran 2333 N 6th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 298-1782 (Med); 298-6320 (Dental) Fax: 298-1711 www.marillacclinic.org kay.ramachandran@stmarygj.org Non-profit community-oriented primary health care clinic serving low income, uninsured medical, mental health and optical needs as well as dental, Medicaid & CHP; pre-owned eye glasses recycled to the Marillac Clinic; working to achieve our mission throug Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 34 Masonic: Grand Junction Masonic Lodge #173 Michael Thayer 2400 Consistory Ct Grand Junction, CO 81501 210-4733 www.coloradofreemasons.org poohbr1963@hotmail.com Meets 2nd Fri at 1930 hours at The Masonic Center, 2400 Consistory Ct Fraternal Masonic: Mesa Lodge #55 AF & AM 245-3600 www.masonicfamilygj.org Meets the 1st Thurs of each month, 6:00 pm at the Masonic Center, 2400 Consistory Ct Fraternal Masonic: Scottish Rite Bodies John Groves PO Box 3000 Grand Junction, CO 81501 245-2277, Fax: 256-9570 www.masonicfamilygj.org johngroves@mac.com Fraternal Medical Society, Mesa County Dolores Bennett PO Box 60116 Grand Junction, CO 81506 243-2808, Fax: 243-3357 www.mesacountymedicalsociety.org dbennett2@bresnan.net Providing a common voice for the physicians of Mesa County Professional Association Medical: American Kidney Fund 800-638-8299 www.kidneyfund.org helpline@kidneyfund.org Health/Support Medical: American Lung Association 800-586-4872 www.lung.org info@luncolorado.org Health/Support Medical: Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders, National Alliance 630-577-1330 (Helpline) www.anad.org anadhelp@anad.org Health/Support Medical: Ostomy Support, Grand Valley Ed Schneider, President 3300 F Rd Clifton, CO 81520 434-9880 www.ostomy.org edburst29@bresnan.net Meets the 3rd Mon of every month at 7:30 pm; call for meeting location Provides support and information for people with ostomies Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 35 Mental Health; Colorado West, Inc., Oasis Clubhouse 450 Ouray Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-6099 www.cwrmhc.org info@cwrmhc.org Provide outpatient mental health services to the residents of Western Colorado Health/Support Modeleers Radio Control Flying Club, Grand Junction Lee Simcox PO Box 221 Clifton, CO 81520 www.gjmodeleers.com skminc@gmail.com Meets the 2nd Tues of each month at 7:00 pm at the Shining Night Machine, 427 Sherman Dr Special Interest Mental Illness, National Alliance Leslie Kent Grand Junction, CO 462-3989 www.nami.org namiwesternslope@gmail.com Health/Support Moose #270, Loyal Order Of Dennis J Tobin, Administrator 567 25 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 242-4754, Fax: 242-2881 www.gjmoose.com lodge270@mooseunits.org Meets the first and third Weds at 567 25 1/2 Rd Fraternal Military Officers Association of America, Western Colorado Chapter Michael H. Schroeder, President PO Box 1391 Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-7572 263-0159 (John Creighton Bricker ) www.moaa.org orthopa@bresnan.net or CreightB@aol.com Two quarterly dinner meetings Professional Association Motorcycle: Bookcliff Rattlers Motorcycle Club John Potter, Secretary/Treasurer PO Box 666 Fruita, CO 81521 www.bookcliffrattlersmc.com bookcliffrattlersmc@gmail.com See website for more information Recreation/Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 36 Multiple Sclerosis Society, National - Colorado Wyoming Chapter Tricia Williams 521 Rood Ave, Suite B Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-8975, Fax: 241-9417 263-4393 (Trisha) www.nationalmssociety.org Information, referrals, care management, financial assistance and community education programs for people living with and affected by multiple sclerosis Health/Education/Support Muscular Dystrophy Association Kendall Montagriff 200 Grand Ave, Suite #310 Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-2181, 241-2601 www.mda.org grandjunction@mdausa.org Health/Support Museum: Cross Orchards Historical Farm (Museum of Western Colorado) Peter Booth, Executive Director 3073 F Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-9814 www.museumofwesternco.com info@westcomuseum.org Exhibits on Western Slope agriculture, farming history and railroad history; guided tours available, event rental space available and a gift store Education/Culture Museum: Dinosaur Journey Museum Peter Booth, Executive Director 550 Jurassic Ct Fruita, CO 81521 858-7282, Fax: 858-3532 www.museumofwesternco.com info@westcomuseum.org Exhibits on regional paleontology; guided tours, school outreach programs and rental space available, research lab, and a gift store Education Museum: Museum of the West Peter Booth, Executive Director 462 Ute Ave Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-0971 or 888-488-3466 Fax: 242-3960 www.museumofwesternco.com info@westcomuseum.org Exhibits on regional history; guided tours, school outreach programs and rental space available; genealogical resources and gift store Education/Culture Music: Bookcliff Barbershop Harmony Chorus Roger McClelland, President Box 537 Grand Junction, CO 81502 261-9498 242-8643 (Paul Didier) www.bookcliff.groupanizer.com harmony@bookcliffchorus.net Meets Tues at 7:00 pm, Northeast Christian Church, 2001 Patterson Rd Men's four part harmony, acappella singing; preservation of four part harmony singing Arts Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 37 Music: Colorado Mesa University, Moss Performing Arts Center Box Office Laura Bradley 1100 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 248-1604, 248-1954 www.coloradomesa.edu/moss Arts Music: Early Music Ensemble Bev Jackson 257-1692 Arts/Youth Music: Flute Assn. Western Colorado Judy Vander Wande 524 Verano Clifton, CO 81520 241-2189 www.gjarts.org kristiballif@msn.com Concerts and performance of flute music for adult flute players Arts Music: Generations Jazz Ensemble Dennis Reuss 208-3953 dreuss@bresnan.net Arts Music: Grand Junction Centennial Band Vickie Golike, President PO Box 687 Grand Junction, CO 81502 260-0112, Fax: 242-8543 www.gjsymphony.org vgolike@msn.com An all-volunteer 60-piece symphonic band presenting concerts in the great American band tradition Arts Music: Grand Junction Music Teacher's Association Roberta Hardy, President 2091 Hodesha Ct Grand Junction, CO 81507 243-3417, 242-2449 (Lisa Bush) www.gjmta.org music@gjmta.org Meets the 2nd Fri each month 9:30 am; call for location Arts/Education Music: Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra Kelly Anderson 225 N 5th St, Suite #120 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-6787, Fax: 243-6792 www.gjsymphony.org info@gjsymphony.org The Symphony presents ten or more concerts each year. They also act as a coordinating organization for the GJ Symphony Guild, Grand Valley Children's Choir, Talking Rhythms, Western Colorado Chorale & Western Colorado Jazz Orchestra. Arts Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 38 Music: High Desert Opera Marnie Werner, Executive Director PO Box 4002 Grand Junction, CO 81502 523-9605 www.highdesertopera.org highdesertopera@yahoo.com Produce opera and musical theatre masterworks that are fully-staged productions with orchestra, professional singers and community performers Arts Music: Mesa County Community Concerts Kit Haddow PO Box 4615 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-1979 245-9829 (Danni Langdon, Secretary) www.mesacountyconcertassociation.org info@mesacountyconcertassociation.com Sixty-five year old concert series featuring music and dance entertainment by worldwide artists at an affordable price Arts Music: P J Guitar Paul Cyzeski 630 1/2 Maurine Ln Grand Junction, CO 81504 970-462-2970 pcyzeski@gmail.com Acoustical guitar Arts Music: Rosewood & Ivory Connie Smith 216 Alcove Dr Grand Junction, CO 81507 970-260-5852 www.fifthreelmusicanddance.com connie@fifthreelmusicanddance.com Piano, clarinet, jazz, celtic, world and ragtime music; available for weddings and private parties Arts Music: Schumann Singers Marcia Wieland PO Box 3595 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-3945 www.schumannsingers.org info@schumannsingers.org Arts Music: Sweet Adelines International/Grand Mesa Chorus Sue Chapman PO Box 4876 Grand Junction, CO 81502 255-9419, 245-3480 www.grandmesachorus.org dchapman@acsol.net Rehearsals each Tues 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the Redlands United Methodist Church Do you love music, love to sing, love to perform? Are you a woman 16 or older? You are cordially invited to visit any rehearsal. Arts Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 39 Music: Weds Music Club Carolyn Love Grand Junction, CO 245-6286 Meets 3rd Weds of every month except for April (call for locations); auditions are the last Weds in April at CMU Arts Music: Western Colorado Chorale Jack Delmore c/o GJ Symphony 225 N 5th St, Suite 120 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-6787 www.westerncoloradochorale.org info@gjsymphony.org Three to four public concerts per year Arts Music: Western Slope Concert Series Kathryn Mientka Grand Junction, CO 241-0741 www.junctionconcerts.com cellopiano@juno.com Six concerts, October - April every year Arts Narcotics Anonymous 201-1133 (24-Hour Hotline) www.nacolorado.org Support Newcomers Club John Mayerik, President PO Box 3222 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-8589 www.gjnewcomers.org gjnewcomers@gmail.com Check out the on-line calendar for times and dates Helps newcomers get acquainted with each other and the area; check website for activities Support Odd Fellows, I.O.O.F. Mesa Lodge 58 Edith Kinder 523-4355 Fraternal Oil and Gas Association, Colorado - COGA David Ludlam PO Box 89 Grand Junction, CO 81502 970-773-2199, 433-2178 www.wscoga.org info@wscoga.org Professional Association Operation Independence Karon Carley 2944 I-70 B, Unit 206 Grand Junction, CO 81504 523-4217 www.oidelivers.org carley@oidelivers.org Open to everyone in the valley to box items to send in support of military troops Service/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 40 Orchard Mesa Neighbors in Action Vicki Felmlee 178 Gloryview Dr Grand Junction, CO 81503 245-8484 www.omneighbors.com info@omneighbors.com Civic/Support Order of the Eastern Star, Palisade Chapter #90 Masonic Hall 132 E Main St Palisade, CO 523-0901 info@oes_colorado.org Fraternal Order of the Eastern Star, Sunshine Chapter #53 2400 Consistory Ct Grand Junction, CO 242-0566; 256-9750 242-0120 www.oes-colorado.org info@oes_colorado.org Fraternal Outdoor: Colorado Discover Ability Jeremy Steinhauer PO Box 1924 Grand Junction, CO 81502 257-1222 Fax: 1-888-682-5185 www.coloradodiscoverability.org Service/Support Outdoor: Grand Mesa Bowmen 245-2994 www.familylobby.com grandmesabowmen@gmail.com Recreation/Special Interest Outdoor: Outing Club Gordon Nicholson, Secretary/Treasurer 462-5598 jgoutingclub@yahoo.com Call for meeeting times and location Recreation Outdoor: Parks & Recreation, Grand Junction 1340 Gunnison Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 254-3866, Fax: 242-1637 www.gjcity.org gjparksandrec@gjcity.org Recreation Outdoor: Parks & Recreation, Palisade 711 Iowa Ave Palisade, CO 81526 464-5602 www.townofpalisade.org Recreation Overeaters Anonymous Roy 3205 N 12th St Grand Junction, CO 81506 263-4496 www.ao.org Meets at Unity Church, 3205 N 12th St, Mon at 7:00 pm, Tues and Thurs at noon and Thurs at 7:00 pm & Sat at 9:00 am Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 41 Parent: Advocating for Community & Teens Grand Junction, CO 216-8428 www.gjpact.org gjpact@gmail.com Contact for dates locations and times Support for parents and families of teens using marijuana Support Parkinson's Support Group Nancy Booz; Mary Searson 1326 N 1st St Grand Junction, CO 201-6952 (Nancy) 434-4853 (Mary) Parent: La Leche League of Grand Junction Diane Grand Junction, CO 243-3518 www.lllus.org 2nd Weds of each month, 7:00 pm, at the Parenting Place of Western Colorado, 1505 Chipeta Ave Phone and email help daily Service/Support Parent: SPICE (Support for Parents Involved in Christian Education) Kitty Wernke Grand Junction, CO 245-4359 589-4086 (Margo Frantz) www.spicehomeschoolers.org wernkefam@msn.com or spicehs@gmail.com Home school support for parents involved in Christian education Service/Support Meets the 1st Weds of every months at First Christian Church, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Health/Support Patriot Guard Riders: Western Slope Art Edwards Grand Junction, CO 250-1174 www.PatriotGuard.org harleyroadk@yahoo.com Motorcycle riders that have an unwavering respect for those who risk their lives for America's Freedom and security Special Interest Pregnancy Center of Grand Junction, The Trula Mays, Director 930 Main St; Satellite: 704 Elm Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-7474 (Main) 241-7479 (Fax) Elm: 242-HOPE (4673) www.pregnancy-center.org info@pregnancy-center.org Free pregnancy tests, referrals and information on options; maternity and children's clothing to 12 months Education/Service/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 42 Pro Bono Project of Mesa County, Inc. 200 N 6th St, Suite 203 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-7940 ext. 108 Fax: 243-7814 www.probonomc.org info@probonomc.org Non-profit legal referral agency that recruits and coordinates volunteer lawyers to perform free and low cost legal services for the poor and victims of domestic violence who reside in Mesa County Support Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing - Grand Junction Program Charles Hensel 245-6748 phwffgj1@hotmail.com Helping disabled veterans through fly fishing Support/Special Interest Project Linus Kerrie Strasser 485 31 1/4 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 523-0028 www.projectlinus.org strasserfam@aol.com Providing new, hand made blankets to children who are experiencing a traumatic event in their life Service/Support Property Managers: Western Colorado NARPM Angela Allen PO Box 4352 Grand Junction, CO 81502 245-1133, 245-1176 www.westernco.narpm.org angela@premierpropertygj.com Property managers Professional Association Quilt: AQuA - The Art Quilt Association (AQuA) Rita Faussone 2470 Roaring Fork Dr Grand Junction, CO 81505 245-6590 www.theartquiltassociation.com rff@bresnan.net Organization promotes, encourages and shares the art of contemporary quilting and design; the goal of AQuA is to explore textile manipulations and the diversity of mixed media as an art form Arts Quilt: Colorado West Quilters Guild Fay Timmerman PO Box 393 Grand Junction, CO 81502 270-8365, 210-8986 guinnyquilts@bresnan.net Promotes and encourages the art and history of quilting through education and exhibitions Arts Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 43 Quilt: Sunset Slope Quilters Sally Pape, Representative PO Box 1521 Grand Junction, CO 81502 244-6941 www.sunsetslopequilters.com ssq@sunsetslopequilters.com Meets 2nd Weds of every month at First Presbytarian Church on 27 1/2 Rd at 9:15 am Promotion of quilting Arts Radio: Amateur Radio Club 263-7875 Special Interest Rape Crisis Hotline Latimer House 1003 Main St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-6704 (Crisis, 24-hours) 241-0324 (Business Office), Fax: 263-5358 www.htop.org Rebekah Lodge #40, Grand Valley Carla Branton 546 1/2 Primavera St Clifton, CO 81520 434-5333 Railroad: Model Railroad Club, Grand Valley Wayne Kennedy 3073 F Rd Grand Junction, CO 81504 523-5990 www.gvmrcgrdjct.googlepages.com gvmrcgrdjct@gmail.com Meets 2nd Mon of each month at 7:00 pm, 3073 F Road; Work Night each Tues at 7:00 pm, Work Day the 4th Sat of each month at 9:00 am; call for public viewing hours Special Interest Railroad: Railway Historical Society, Rio Grande Chapter William Pratt PO Box 3381 Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-2248, 242-0784 www.nrhs.com/chapters/rio-grande bpratt15@bresnan.net Special Interest 24-hour crisis line for survivors of sexual assault Support Service/Youth Recreation: Bubble Tower Bill Coleman 303-922-4655 Stretch@StiltWalker.com Recreation/Youth Recreation: Colorado Mountain Club, Western Slope Group, Grand Jct. Lon Carpenter, Membership Chairman 2178 Meadows Ct Grand Junction, CO 81507 242-7411, 260-2976 www.cmc.org Coloradobluesky@yahoo.com Meets the first Weds of each month at 7:00 pm at the ANB at 6th and Rood (downstairs) Outdoor club focused on hiking, conservation, education and social activities; the CMC provides education, hiking, backpacking, skiing, ice climbing and conservation activities for nearly 8,000 members statewide; the local CMC group has 100 members Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 44 Recreation: Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association (COPMOBA) Scott PO Box 4602 Grand Junction, CO 81502 244-8877 www.copmoba.org info@copmoba.org Being the positive voice for Mountain Biking by Building , maintaining, advocating for over 1500 miles of trail in/around the CO Plateau. Recreation Recreation: Fruita Community Center 324 N Coulson St Fruita, CO 81521 858-0360, Fax: 858-9540 www.fruita.org recreation@fruita.org Recreation Recreation: Gold Wing Road Riders Assoc, Chapter B David and Sandra Geer Grand Junction, CO 270-1508 245-1850 (Dean & Chris Talbot) www.gwrra.com chapb_gwrrainfo@yahoo.com Meets the 1st Sat of every month at the Golden Corral; eat at 8:00 am, meet at 8:45 am Recreation Recreation: Grand Junction Parks and Recreation Karen Peterson 1340 Gunnison Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 254-3866, Fax: 242-1637 www.gjcity.org gjparksandrec@gjcity.org Provides and maintains city parks, facilities, public swimming pools, municipal golf courses and cemeteries; offers a wide variety of recreational programs, including swimming lessons, youth athletics, summer camps, tennis lessons, adult leagues and more Recreation Recreation: Mesa County Junior Football Association Jim Bratcher 599 Northgate Dr, Unit A Grand Junction, CO 81505 245-0725 www.mcjfa.net info@mcjfa.org Recreation/Youth Recreation: Mesa Monument Striders Tom Ela or Paul Frisbie PO Box 3685 Grand Junction, CO 81502 245-4243, Fax: 245-0336 www.mmstriders.com bookidieshoe@acsol.net Meets the 4th Tues of each month, 7:00 pm at Raven Ridge on 25 Rd Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 45 Recreation: Powderhorn Racing Club Mike Meyers PO Box 532 Grand Junction, CO 81502 www.powderhornracing.org matthias@powderhornracing.com Recreation Recreation: St. Mary's Life Center 2686 Patterson Rd Entrances 40 & 41 Grand Junction, CO 81506 298-6100 Health/Recreation Recreation: Tennis Center at Grand Junction 535 25 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 241-2280 www.junctionindoortennis.com junctionindoortennis@gmail.com Recreation Recreation: Volleyball Club, Western Colorado Jeff Wells, Director PO Box 117 Whitewater, CO 81527 640-5195 www.westerncoloradovolleyball.org director@westerncoloradovolleyball.org Recreation Recreation: Western Slope ATV Association Steve Chapel, President PO Box 4283 Grand Junction, CO 81502 241-2409 (Steve) 242-8842 (Jacque) www.wsatva.org lucky7@bresnan.net or dirtuser@bresnan.net Meets monthly on the third Weds of each month Supports efforts that promote protection of public lands for the public, instead of protection of public lands from the public Recreation Religious: Knights Of Columbus Council #1062 Tim Stern PO Box 814 Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-9746, 261-4513 (Jim) www.kofc1062.org info@kofc1062.org Meets the second Thurs at 7:00 pm; fourth Thurs at 6:30 pm at Council Hall, 412 32 Rd; call for more info October Tootsie Roll Drive for the handicapped Service/Support Religious: Knights Of Columbus Council #13621 Michael Lodato PO Box 4943 Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-9655 www.kofc13621.com Service/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 46 Rental: Almost Home Ellen Reimer 245 S First St Grand Junction, CO 81501 241-3658, Fax: 254-1262 www.catholicoutreach.org almosthomeguide@catholicoutreach.org Service of Catholic Outreach, provides a weekly Renters' Guide listing vacancies Service/Support Republicans, Mesa County Lois Dunn-Susuras, Chair PO Box 423 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-8500 www.mesacountyrepublicans.com info@mesacountyrepublicans.com Luncheons meetings are the 3rd Fri of each month, Noon - 1:00 pm, Two Rivers Convention Center Civic Riverfront Commission, Colorado 544 Rood Ave, Suite #214 or PO Box 2477 Grand Junction, CO 81502 683-4333 www.riverfrontproject.org info@riverfrontproject.org Trail advocacy group conducting a free summer concert series at the James M Robb-Colorado River State Park in Fruita Civic/Recreation Rotary Club of Grand Junction Teresa Anson PO Box 1888 Grand Junction, CO 81502 245-9090 242-9409 (Bob Johnson) www.gjrotary.org Meets Weds at 12:00 pm at Two Rivers Convention Center Service/Support Rotary: Fruita Rotary Club Tom McNamara PO Box 471 Fruita, CO 81521 260-8689 Meets Tues at 12:00 pm at 325 E Aspen Ave in Fruita Service/Support Rotary: Horizon Sunrise Rotary Club Kevin Braa, President Grand Junction, CO 260-0152 (Jennifer) www.horizonsunrise.squarespace.com Meets Thurs at 7:15 am at Bookcliff Country Club, 2730 G Rd Enjoys community and international service Service/Support Rotary: Palisade Sunrise Rotary Club Matt Liff 858-3667 www.palisaderotary.org Meets every Tues at 7:15 am at the Wine Country Inn, Exit 42 in Palisade Service/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 47 Rotary: Redlands Rotary Club Bob Johnson, President PO Box 4442 Grand Junction, CO 81502 255-7000, 242-2669 www.redlandsrotarygj.org gjrotaract@gmail.com Meets the 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Ed Bozarth Chevrolet in the conference room Building a community of volunteers one young professional at a time Service/Support Salvation Army, The Captain Dan Wilson PO Box 578 Grand Junction, CO 81502 242-3343, Fax: 242-7513 www.salvationarmy.org Dan.Wilson@usw.salvationarmy.org The eleven articles of faith reflect our determination to remain faithful to our standards and principles; charitable religious organization with Sun worship at 10:30 am Service/Support Safety: Mesa County Safety Council Steve Sheehy, President Roy Jones, Vice President PO Box 4863 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-9392, Fax: 245-7297 www.mesacountysafetycouncil.org steves@mesacountysafetycouncil.org Meets the 3rd Tues of each month, 10:30 - 11:30 am, except June, July and August at the Grand Junction Area Chamber lower level conference room Promotes safety at home, work and play; annual Safety Fair in February at Mesa Mall Education Scale Modelers Society, Grand Junction Jim Hockett 988 23 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 243-0889 www.gjsms.org info@gjsms.org Meets the 1st and 3rd Tues at 7:00 pm at the Community Room at Mesa Mall behind Cabela's Providing scale modelers a place to get together and share ideas, techniques, reviews, etc with other modelers Special Interest Senior: Clifton Tues Senior Citizens 434-0803 Meets every Tues at Noon for a potluck at Clifton Community Hall, 126 2nd St in Clifton Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 48 Senior: Beacon Senior Newspaper Kevin VanGundy PO Box 3895 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-8829, Fax: 800-536-7516 www.beaconseniornews.com beacon@pendantpublishing.com Area's leading newspaper for those 50+ yrs. of age; creative adult lifestyle newspaper Support Senior: Clifton Senior Citizen Potluck Marge Sehler 3188 Orson Ave Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-0803 Meet every Tues at Noon for a potluck at Clifton Community Center, 126 2nd St in Clifton (4th Tues of each month is Birthday Celebration and Bingo; bring white elephant gift for prizes) Special Interest/Support Senior: Grand Junction Senior Recreation Center Shirley Dalla 550 Ouray Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-7408, Fax: 243-3854 www.gjseniorreccenter.com gjseniorcenter@gmail.com Meets 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Mon through Sat until further notice Support/Recreation Senior: Gray Gourmet 551 Chipeta Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-9844, Fax: 263-4446 www.stmarygj.org/gray-gourmet Meals for seniors Support Senior: Mesa County RSVP, Inc Jean A. Brewer, Executive Director PO Box 1077 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-9839, Fax: 245-4808 www.rsvpgrandjunction.org rsvp@rsvpgrandjunction.org Volunteer placement agency helping seniors find meaningful volunteer positions in Mesa County Service Senior: Mesa County S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) Mesa County Sheriff's Office 215 Rice St Grand Junction, CO 81501 244-3279, 244-3500 Civic Senior: St Mary’s Foster Grandparent Program 2232 N 7th St, Suite 2 Grand Junction, CO 81501 263-9091, Fax: 263-9084 www.stmarygj.org/foster-grandparent-program Monthly meetings for volunteers Adults 55 and older volunteering to serve children with special needs through schools and various programs Service Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 49 Senior: St. Mary's Senior Companion Program 2232 N 7th St, Suite 2 Grand Junction, CO 81501 263-9092, Fax: 263-9084 www.stmarygj.org/senior.companion-program Support Senior: Western Slope Senior Games Lorie Gregor 254-3866 Week-long competition in August Recreation Singles: Non-Smokin Singles Fellowship (60+) 242-6953 Singles: Non-Smoking Singles, Western Slope Flora Hayes 471 1/2 Green Leaf Dr Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-5277 Sheriff's Posse, Mesa County Bob Williams, Rodeo Chairman PO Box 1386 Grand Junction, CO 81502 916-952-9659 www.mesacountysheriffposse.org libbystacey@yahoo.com Meets third Tues at the Posse home, 7:00 pm at 25 and F 1/2 Rd Civic Shrine Club, Western Colorado Clint Maxfield PO Box 2501 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-3094, 261-8737 fcmaxfield@aol.com Service/Support Sierra Club Uncompahgre Group 242-4863 www.rmc.sierraclub.org ugsc-clint@bresnan.net Special Interest Meet the 1st Thurs of each month except June, July and August, 1:30 pm at Golden Corral Support Meets the 2nd & 4th Sat, 1:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church, 3940 27 1/2 Rd (not affiliated with the church) Support Singles: River City (50+) Jim Spegel; Debby Grose 424-2545 (Jim) 245-4995 (Debby) Meets every Fri at Doubletree Hotel, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Support Sleep Lab: St. Mary's St. Mary's Entrance 4 Valley Zone 4th Fl Grand Junction, CO 298-2433, 800-458-3888 Health Snowmobile Association of Western Slope Quint Shear PO Box 4964 Grand Junction, CO 81502 216-4925 qshear@optimum.net Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 50 Sons of Norway (Vestafiell Lodge #6-146) Bud Smock; Steven Ness Grand Junction, CO 242-3396; 240-3687 www.sofn.com bsmock55@q.com or steveness1@gmail.com Monthly meetings at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Sun of most months are held in various Western CO communities; please call or check website to confirm meetings Strives to promote interest in Scandinavian history, culture and genealogy Service/Special Interest Spellbinders of Mesa County Ruth Mary Allison 243-7303 Volunteer story tellers visit schools, kindergarden through fifth grade Education/Service Stamp Club of Grand Junction 241-1184 Special Interest Suicide Prevention, Western Colorado Foundation Karen Levad 619 Main St or PO Box 4329 Grand Junction, CO 81502 683-6626, 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) www.suicidepreventionfoundation.org karen@suicidepreventionfoundation.org Meets 2nd Wed of every month from noon to 1:00 pm at 619 Main St Committed to reducing the rate of suicide in the region Education/Support Suicide: Attempted Suicide Help 275-4190, Suicide Prevention: 800-273-8255 www.attemptedsuicidehelp.com Support Swedes of Grand Valley Norm Kronvall 530 Foy Dr Grand Junction, CO 81503 245-0673 Special Interest Swim Club, Maverick Aquatics Jacob www.maverickaquatics.com Year round swim team Recreation Territorial Daughters of Colorado, Western Colorado Chapter Anna Mae Richmond 890 23 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 242-6826 amjrileyt@acsol.net or CRGallegos@bresnan.net Preserving Colorado history Special Interest Thunder Mountain Shootists 3220 Reeder Mesa Rd Whitewater, CO 81527 260-5363 www.thundermountainshootists.com coloradoblackjack@hotmail.com Recreation Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 51 Toastmasters, Grand Junction Sayre's (Tues) 241-1900 www.toastmasters.org william.crawford@state.co.us Meets Tues at 7:10 am, St. Mary's Life Center, 2nd Floor of 1100 Patterson Rd Education/Special Interest Toastmasters, Talk of the Town (Thurs) 2591 B 3/4 Rd Grand Junction, CO 434-9918 Meets Thurs at noon at the Business Incubator Center, 2591 B 3/4 Rd Education/Special Interest Toastmasters, Wild Mustangs (Mon) Bill Frazier 314-6030 Meet every Mon from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm (except federal holidays) in the 3rd floor room #3204 of the VA Medical Center Education/Special Interest Trap & Skeet: Grand Junction Trap Club, Inc. 116 32 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81503 245-0780 Service Trout Unlimited, Grand Valley Anglers Tilda Evans; Steve McCall PO Box 4451 Grand Junction, CO 81502 683-8879, 210-7941 (Steve McCall) www.grand-valley-anglers.com LewTildaEvand@gmail.com Meets the 3rd Thurs of each month at 5:30 pm at The Holiday Inn on Crossroads Blvd Recreation United Way of Mesa County Julie Hinkson, Executive Director PO Box 153 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-5364, Fax: 242-6719 www.unitedwaymesacounty.org julie@uwmesacounty.org Meets human service needs through excellent stewardship of resources entrusted by the community Service Recreation Travel: Hostelling International USA 8401 Colesville Rd #600 Silver Springs, MD 20910 301-495-1240 Fax: 301-495-6697 www.hihostels.com Travel: Overseas Citizen's Services 888-407-4747 (Inside US) 202-501-4444 (outside US) www.travel.state.gov/law/citizenship Special Interest Vegan Life Colorado, Grand Junction Marian Dorn, Co-Organizer PO Box 1291 Grand Junction, CO 81502 255-0417, Fax: 255-0417 (call first) www.veganlifecolorado.org gj@veganlifecolorado.org Monthly potlucks and lunch meetings, call for details Outreach and educational opportunities Education/Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 52 Veterans Committee of the Western Slope 245-6910 Service/Support Veterans: American Legion Palisade Post 50 Thomas Clugston 126 Crawford Ln Palisade, Co 81526 464-5383 Meets the 2nd Thurs of each month at 7:00 pm at the Palisade Community Center Service/Support Veterans: American Legion Post 200 and Auxillary James Park 307 S 12th St Grand Junction, CO 81501 314-6623 trikerider1@hotmail.com Service/Support Veterans: American Legion Post 37 1346 Pitkin Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 254-8042 Veterans: American Legion Post 86 Chuck Showalter Manuel Sanchez 58838 ME Rd Collbran, CO 81624 487-3539 487-3012 (Manuel Sanchez) Meets 1st Thurs of each month at 6:00 pm, Twisted Sisters Restaurant in Collbran Service/Support Veterans: Beye-Lotz VFW Post 1247 Eugene Southard, Commander 1404 Ute Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-9940, Fax: 241-5501 www.vfw1247.com vfw1247@hotmail.com Meets the 3rd Tues of the month Service/Support Veterans: Grand Valley American Legion Post 2009 242-9195 Meets the 2nd Mon of each month at 6:30 pm, The Atrium at 601 Horizon Pl Service/Support Service/Support Veterans: Help Hospitalized Veterans Lisa Smith 1670 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 424-0499, 951-926-4500 www.hhv.org Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 53 Veterans: U.S. Merchant Marine Veterans WWII Colorado Western Slope Chapter Don Redfield 2690 Paradise Wy Grand Junction, CO 81506 242-4368 Support Veterans: U.S. WWII Submarine Veterans Thunder Mountain Base Terry G. Heers Grand Junction, CO 243-5762 www.ussvi.org herrsgj@aol.com Support Veterans: VA Caregiver Support 855-260-3274 www.caregiver.va.gov Support Veterans: Veterans of Foreign Affairs Post 3981 Duane Munroe PO Box 4232 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-0128 www.vfw.org Meets the first Weds of the month at 7:00, 503 1/2 Florence Rd Service/Support Veterans: Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4663 Bob Franklin 3244 F 1/4 Rd Clifton, CO 81520 434-9470, 250-0899 post4663@optimum.com Service/Support Veterans: Western Slope Vietnam War Memorial Park James J. Doody PO Box 340 Fruita, CO 81521 250-5861 www.field-of-dreams.org doody@earthlink.net Civic Vintners: CAVE Colorado Assn for Viticulture & Enology dba Colo Mtn Winefest David Carlson, Owner/CEO 125 Peach St or PO Box 1556 Palisade, CO 81526 464-0111, Fax: 464-0999 www.winecolorado.org info@coloradowinefest.com Special Interest Weight Watchers 104 W. Orchard Ave Grand Junction, CO 81506 800-651-6000, 800-516-3535 www.weightwatchers.com Health/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 54 Western Colorado 2-1-1 PO Box 20000-5069 Grand Junction, CO 81502 2-1-1 or 244-8400 1-888-217-1215 Fax: 248-2849 www.wc211.mesacounty.us wc211@mesacounty.us Open 8-5 Mon through Fri Connection to programs and services in Mesa County such as: food programs, mental health, child care, financial assistance, volunteer programs, etc; hours of operation are Mon through Fri 8:00-5:00 Support Western Colorado Area Health Education Center Carol Giffin, Executive Director 744 Horizon St, Suite 220 Grand Junction, CO 81506 434-5474, Fax: 434-9212 www.wcahec.org cgiffin@wcahec.org Education/Health Western Colorado Community Foundation Anne Wenzel 225 N 5th St, Suite 505 Grand Junction, CO 81501 243-3767, Fax: 243-9767 www.wc-cf.org awenzel@wc-cf.org Western Colorado Congress Frank Smith, Director of Organizing PO Box 1931 Grand Junction, CO 81502 256-7650, Fax: 245-0686 www.wccongress.org info@wccongress.org An alliance for community action empowering people to protect and enhance their quality of life in Western Colorado Civic/Professional Association Western Colorado Jazz Orchestra PO Box 3039 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-6787, Fax: 243-6792 www.gjsymphony.org info@gjsymphony.org A select performance group promoting and performing all types of jazz music Arts Women in Construction, National Assoc. of (NAWIC) Wanda Graham, President PO Box 97 Grand Junction, CO 81502 201-3796, 986-3400 www.nawic359.org grahamwanda4@gmail.com Meets the first Mon of each Month at 6:30 pm; call for more information Professional Association Service/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 55 Women: Alpha Theta Rho #1 Carla Branton, Advisor PO Box 658 Clifton, CO 81520 985-4754 www.ioofcolorado.org/Theta_Rho_Clubs.com mcbranton@rocketmail.com Meets the 2nd & 4th Mon at 7:00 pm at Clifton IOOF Hall, 202 2nd St in Clifton Fraternal order doing charity work Fraternal Women: American Association of University Women Marilyn Zimmerman 712-0474, 314-7482 www.grandjunction-co.aauw.net aauwgrandjunction@gmail.com Professional Association Women: American Business Women's Association, Grand Junction Charter Chapter Janette Theuer 624 Rushmore Grand Junction, CO 81507 242-9064 janspec@bresnan.net Meets the 2nd Tues evening of each month Service, educational scholarships Professional Association Women: Colorado West Women's Recovery Center 2800 Riverside Pkwy Suite #2 Grand Junction, CO 81507 245-4214; 245-4213 www.cwrmhc.org Health/Support Women: Grand Valley Rebekah Lodge #40, I.O.O.F. Carla Branton, Secretary PO Box 658 Clifton, CO 81520 462-3781, 985-4754 www.ioofcolorado.org mcbranton@rocketmail.com Meets the 1st & 3rd Mon at 7:30 pm at 3002 I-70B, Unit 1, Grand Junction Fraternal Women: Junior Service League Lori Ellis PO Box 2385 Grand Junction, CO 81502 243-7790 303-332-4381 (Lainey Beyhan) www.jslgj.com membership@jslgj.com Meet the 1st Mon of each month, excluding September and January Provides a forum for education and information exchange as well as a training ground for business networking; creates an atmosphere in which one may meet role models; a business resource and referral group Service Women: League of Women Voters of Mesa County Tanya Travis PO Box 4252 Grand Junction, CO 81502 www.lwvmesa.org lwvmesa@gmail.com Meets on the 2nd and 4th Mon; email for more information Civic/Education Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 56 Women: Mesa County Republican Women Linda Gregory 434-9378, 261-0778 www.mesacountyrepwomen.com mesacountyrepublicanwomen@gmail.com Meets monthly at Two Rivers Convention Center; see website for dates and times Fosters loyalty to the Republican Party, promotes its principles and candidates in an election Civic Women: Mesa County Women's Network Brenda Watson, President PO Box 1423 Grand Junction, CO 81502 261-3446 www.mcwn.org info@mcwn.org Meets the first Tues of the month at Two Rivers Convention Center Provides an environment of support and encouragement among members Professional Association Women: MOMS Club of Grand Junction, East Chapter Grand Junction, CO www.momsclubgjeast.weebly.com gjemomsclub@yahoo.ocom Business meeting is the first Fri of every month at New Life Church at 10:00 am Support Writers: Inside/Out Writers Critique & Support Group Evalon Shires, Facilitator 2904 Kanal Ct Grand Junction, CO 81506 241-9178 www.gjarts.com ejimshires@aol.com Supports and offers critique for writers with a focus on publishing Meets twice monthly and is open to all writers Special Interest Women Writing for (a) Change Ann Leadbetter 2440 Santa Rosa Ln Grand Junction, CO 81507 260-2965 www.womenwritingcolorado.com ann.wwfac@gmail.com Special Interest Writers: Colorado West Writer's Workshop Sandra Dorr PO Box 3261 Grand Junction, CO 81502 256-4662 www.westerncoloradowriters.org writersforum@bresnan.net Offers events and classes, fosters dynamic literacy and writing community that advances the cultural life of Western Colorado Special Interest Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 57 Writers: Rocky Mtn. Fiction Writers Bree Ervin PO Box 735 Conifer, CO 80433 303-331-2608 www.rmfw.org membership@rmfw.org Special Interest Young Professionals Network of Mesa County Lindsey Grey Grand Junction, CO 242-1811 Professional Association Youth: Alpha Theta Rho #1 Carla Branton, Advisor PO Box 658 Clifton, CO 81520 462-3781, 985-4754 www.angelfire.com/co2/alpha alphathetarho@yahoo.com Meets the 2nd & 4th Mon at 7:00 pm at Clifton IOOF Hall, 202 2nd St in Clifton Fraternal Youth: Alternatives Mike Bambino 2916 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81504 257-1293 www.youthalternatives.com youthalternatives@hotmail.com Support/Youth Youth: Camp Hope 5097 Old Grand Mesa Rd Mesa, CO 81643 268-5460 www.camphopekids.org Recreation/Youth Youth: Girl Scouts of Colorado, Western Slope Region 1 Virginia Brown 580 24 1/2 Rd Grand Junction, CO 81505 242-4461, Fax: 243-9066 www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org virginia.brown@gscolorado.org Specified by troops Builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place; builds leaders of tomorrow from the girls of today Education/Service/Youth Youth: Girls on the Run Jill Henwood, Executive Director 202 North Ave, Suite 284 Grand Junction, CO 81501 257-9267 www.gotrwesterncolorado.org info@girlsontherungv.com Teaches girls in grades 3-8 about health, friendship, body image, self esteem and community service Recreation/Support Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 58 Youth: International Order of the Rainbow for Girls Ellen Rehwoldt Mother Advisor 541 Grand Valley Dr Grand Junction, CO 81504 434-4608 www.coloradorainbow.org www.gorainbow.org badramom@msn.com Meets 1st & 3rd Mon evenings at 7:00 pm Youth prevention services provider of middle school after school programs, high school and college-age youth leadership development and relational wellness education for teens Fraternal/Youth Youth: The Tree House Center for Youth, Inc. PO Box 2837 Grand Junction, CO 81502 234-1810 www.thehousegj.org jmoklamme@yahoo.com Meets Fri at 5:00 pm Youth/Support Youth: Young Life Rocky Mountain West Region 720 Grand Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 242-1405 www.younglife.org Youth/Support Youth: Mesa County 4-H Tina Goins 2775 US Hwy 50 Grand Junction, CO 81503 244-1834, Fax: 244-1700 www.tra4h.org tina.goins@mesacounty.us Education/Service Youth: Mesa County Partners Joe or Angie 1169 Colorado Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501 245-5555, Fax: 245-7411 www.mesapartners.org Service/Support/Youth Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, 360 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501/Phone: 970-242-3214/www.gjchamber.org Page 59
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