...The New York Masonic Safety ID Program works with parents and law enforcement to protect our most valuable resource ... our children! To request a MY Masonic Safety ID Program event in your community, mail the following information to: Chairman Masonic Safety ID Program Grand Lodge F.&A.M., State of New York 71 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10010-4148 A child is missing! NAME:______________________________________ PHONE:_____________________________________ E-mail ADDRESS:_____________________________ OUR FREE program consists of supplying the parent or guardian with a mini-CD For additional information concerning this program, visit our website: www.nychip.org which contains the following information vital to locating and identifying a missing child in a timely manner: Name of child and parent or guardian Address Telephone numbers Date of birth Color of hair and eyes Race Blood type Height and weight Fingerprints Photographs/ distinguishing marks The parent or guardian is asked to safeguard this information and keep the mini-CD located where it can be quickly retrieved, should it be necessary. This program is offered to all at NO cost. The only item or information maintained by the Masons is the permission slip to photograph and fingerprint the child. Published by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons Of the State of New York 71 West 23rd Street New York, NY 10010-4149 50M– 03/11 Masons Care=Masons Help WHAT TO DO IF YOUR CHILD IS MISSING! Immediately notify your local police. Explain why you believe your child is missing. Give the following information: When and where was your child last seen and what was the child wearing. Give the police the mini-CD containing your child’s information. Call your child’s friends and neighbors and ask if they have seen you child and if they will help look for your child. Look in places your child goes for solitude. Show a picture of your child to people in the neighborhood. Make sure one adult family member or friend remains close to the telephone to receive and relay information or has a cell phone. WHAT TO TELL YOUR CHILD TO DO! Remember... Be smart Be sure, Be safe Say NO to strangers. NEVER get into a Stranger’s car. YELL for help. TELL a teacher or adult if someone is bothering you. ALWAYS use a buddy system when walking to and from school. When going somewhere, BRING A FRIEND AND NEVER LEAVE THEM. If an adult is making you feel uncomfortable, TELL SOMEONE. Never get close enough to a stranger where he/she can grab you. MASONS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MASONIC SAFETY ID PROGRAM The NY Masonic SAFETY ID Program was developed by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York for the purpose of assisting local law enforcement agencies in a safe and timely recovery of a lost or missing child or senior citizen. Children are our most important asset for the future of our world. It is for this reason that we consider the NY Masonic Safety ID Program of vital importance to our communities. We can no longer think that the communities in which we live and work are immune to child abduction. In today’s world it can happen, and too frequently does. The Grand Lodge of F.&A.M. of the State of New York has long held a commitment to the children and their families, and our communities. A Parent’s worst nightmare is the disappearance of their child. In today’s society, more than twenty-two thousand (22,000) of our children throughout New York State are reported missing each year. The program produced within the NY Masonic Safety ID Program is compatible with the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services Program for Missing and Exploited Children. The Information produced can be quickly broadcast to local law enforcement agencies In NY State or to the Amber Alert 22,000 of Network should the our children need arise. The New York State Fraternity of Masons is attempting to make this program available to every family within NY State who wish to participate, and this service is brought FREE of charge to everyone. are reported missing each year
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