ASA Coaching Registration Process

ASA Coaching Registration Process
If you already have an account, which was set up in previous years, you can skip the account
set up and start with “To Register for a Clinic” below.
To Set up an account with PTS Tech: (need this account before registering for a clinic)
Go to
Click on the following tabs:
"Coach" tab
"Coach Login"
"new users register here"
Now enter your personal information as required
(User type: select "coach")
click on "save"
Now enter the information as follows:
District - "battle river soccer association"
Club - Devon Soccer Association
Enter your address information as required
click on "save"
Your registration for PTS-Tech system should now be accepted, please write down your username
and password assigned to you on this page.
click "save"
Now you have an account set up that you can use now and in future years .
user name and password for use in the coming years.
Please save your
Available Clinics for Devon Soccer Association Coaches:
Active Start for U4 and U6 Coaches
Fundamentals for U8 Coaches
Learning to Train for U10 and U12 Coaches
Soccer for Life for U14+ Coaches
To Register for a clinic:
(only after you have created an account, or if you have an
existing account with PTS-Tech
Go to
Click on the following tabs:
"Coach" tab
"Coach Login"
"Search For Clinics" OR “I forgot my username and or password”
Log in with your username and password (at the top of the page)
Click “register” (red tab)
Click “register” (blue tab)
Enter the following information:
Clinic type: Coach
District: Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) (if you are unable to attend the clinics held by
BRSA, you are welcome to search other districts for a clinic that fits into your schedule)
Level: choose from Active Start (U4 and U6), Fundamentals (U8), Learning to Train (U10 and U12)
or Soccer for Life (U14+) - these are the only 4 courses that are available to Devon Soccer
Choose dates to search for a clinic: 2015 April and 2015 May
A list of available clinics and their dates will appear. Please select the clinic that you want to
register for. Click on “confirm registration”.
You are now registered! The address of your clinic, as well as start and finish time, dates of the
clinic (some are 2 days), and any special notes (ie: be sure to bring a lunch, and indoor shoes as well
as outdoor shoes - depending upon weather, you may be inside or outside on the fields). Please print
or write down this information for yourself.
***** Please email Kendra at to let me know what clinic date and
location you have registered for. If you register for a BRSA clinic, I can add you to the list,
and Devon Soccer will pay directly for your clinic. If you register for a clinic at any other
location, please go ahead and pay for the clinic according to the instructions listed, but save
the receipt and mail or email it to after you have completed the clinic.
We will mail you a cheque to reimburse you the full amount paid. ******