Azim Premji University invites you to an exhibition titled Justice: The Letter and the Spirit A Journey Through Four Developmental Clinics Date: May 10, 2015 (Sunday) Time: 11.00am-6.30pm Venue: Vismaya Gallery, Rangoli Metro Art Center Boulevard, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bengaluru – 560 001 The Law and Governance Clinics at Azim Premji University, Bangalore are hosting an inaugural 1-day Clinic Exhibition entitled ‘Justice: The Letter and The Spirit’. We cordially invite you to attend our exhibition on Sunday, 10th May, 2015 at the Vismaya Gallery, Rangoli – Metro Art Center Boulevard, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore – feel free to drop in anytime from 11.30 am to 6.30 pm. Do join clinic educators and student members of the clinics to learn more about experiential education and the exciting work that students are undertaking with regard to some urgent (local and national) issues concerning justice and development. Come and experience the journeys of the four clinics through shared learning and reflection. The exhibition features work carried out between October 2014 and May 2015 by the Criminal Justice Clinic, the Environment Clinic, the Democratic Institutions and Processes Clinic, and the Human Rights Clinic at Azim Premji University. Current Clinic projects include strengthening the juvenile justice system in Bengaluru, enhancing legal literacy relating to rights of forest-dwelling communities in Gudalur, developing new models for data-driven election campaigns in Mandya, and realizing the rights of street vendors in Bengaluru and elsewhere. Further details about the Law and Governance Clinics at Azim Premji University can be found online here. For further details, contact Find our event on Facebook at Please find the Clinic Concept Note and Poster attached.
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