Morning Celebration
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday/Faith Promise Sunday
Family Worship
Dr. Chuck and Carla Sunberg
Evening Service
Desperate Passion
An Undying Passion
Acts 19:21-22; 20-17-32
Rev. Troy Ogle
We’re Glad You’re Here...
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey,
you are welcome here. We hope that you’ll
come back, get connected and find community with others and encouragement for
your journey. Be sure to stop by the Welcome
Center following our service and let us know
you’re new...we would love to have the chance
to meet you and give you a welcome gift.
We have...
Age appropriate programs for children
and teens available during this service.
Stop by the Welcome Center for more
Wi-fi available in the Atrium and Cafe. It
is called DFC Open. Please feel free to use
this at your leisure.
There is a mother-baby cry room located
in the nursery wing across from the infant
Looking to get connected? If you are looking
to meet more people and serve the community, volunteering is a great way to do it.
Whether you would like to work in the Children’s Ministry, greet people on Sunday morning, help out with media/tech team or work in
the Cafe, we would love to have you join our
team! To get plugged in today, contact Linda
21260 Haggerty Rd.
Northville, MI 4 8167
Church Phone Number: 248-348-7600
Church Fax Number: 248-348-4637
Facebook: Detroit First Church of the Nazarene
Twitter: @DetFirstChurch
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday - 9 am - 4 pm
For Pastoral Care:
After hours: call 248-767-3046
Friday: call 248-504-9624
If you or a family member is in need of a
hospital visit or prayer with a pastor, please call
the office and let us know so we can meet your
New Board Members
The new 2015 Board is as follows:
Jon Anibal , Jason Brown, Mike Burba, Betty
Crowder, Quen Dickey, Nathan Harris, Neil Murphy,
Emily Pilat, Gary Schlabach and Diane Witt Kingsbury as the NMI President. Please be in prayer for
these men and women as they lead our church.
District Assembly Delegates
DFC Members interested in serving as delegates
at the EMD District Assembly starting on Sunday
evening , April 26 and Monday, April 27 and the
NMI Convention on Saturday, April 25, 2015,
please contact the church office at 248-348-7600
or The Assembly/ Convention will be held at Flint Central Church of
the Nazarene. Delegates will be selected according to their willingness and availability to serve.
Wednesday Night Programming for April
He-Brews Cafe...
Stop in and see what’s brewing in the Cafe.
We offer specialty teas and hot chocolate, along
with your choice of flavored lattes and espresso.
If this is your first Sunday with us, please drop
in for a complimentary drink. We are open
Sundays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
There will be no Caravan or dinners on Wednesday,
April 1 due to the Easter Egg Hunt set up or April 8 due
to spring break. We hope you enjoy this time with your
family. See you at the Egg Hunt!
Important Dates Postcard
Please pick up a postcard at the ministry tables
in the Atrium to see what is going on in our
church through the summer. Take some to
hand out to your neighbors, friends and Persons
of Peace!
Easter Lilies - Last Sunday!
Hearing Assistance System
Our facility is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask for a receiver at our
Welcome Center to aid in your hearing enjoyment.
This is the last Sunday you can purchase an Easter
Lily in honor or in memory of a loved one. Please
fill out the envelope in the pew racks or at the
Welcome Center. The cost is $16.
A Huge Thank You!
Thank you to Beverly Daniels and the Voyager class for
the wonderful potluck we had last Sunday to celebrate
the ending of our fast. It was beautifully decorated and
we had lots of good food.
Easter Church Office Hours
Sermons Available...
Today’s sermon, along with other recent messages, is available online at www.dfcnazarene.
org. Click on Audio Sermons to hear more. To
order a CD of today’s message, stop by the
Welcome Center.
Easter Sunday
Faith Promise - (Family Worship) - Mar 29
Our Guest Speakers: Chuck and Carla Sunberg have
been involved in ministry together for over thirty
years. Their ministry assignments have included
pastoring, serving as Co-District Superintendents on
the East Ohio District and having served as pioneer
missionaries to the former Soviet Union. They
spent thirteen years living and ministering from
Russia and at the time of their departure there were
churches on four districts in five countries.
The Church Office will be closed on Monday, April 6
due to the Easter Holiday. We wish your family a very
blessed Easter!
We will be having Childrens Sunday School and Kidventure at the normal times on Easter Sunday.
Invite your friends for a fun-filled morning to celebrate what Jesus did for us!
There will no Caravan on April 1 due to the Egg Hunt Set Up or on April 8 due to Spring Break.
Volunteers Still Needed!!
Prep Night – This Thursday, April 2nd at 6pm, help
prepare for this tremendous community outreach!
Dinner will be served that evening, so please RSVP
today to
Egg Hunt – It’s finally here...our Annual Easter Eggstravaganza is this Saturday, April 4 at 10:30 am. Be
sure to invite your friends, family and neighbors to
this wonderful community outreach event! Rain
or shine, the festivities include over 15,000 eggs to
hunt, games, prizes, lunch and a special program
by Cirque Amongus. You can still register at but it will end on April 1 or when we
reach 600 kids.
Royal Family Kids Camp Needs YOU!
Have you been thinking
about getting involved
in an exciting ministry
with kids? Or perhaps
going on a short-term
mission trip? Royal
Family Kids needs you!
We are looking for fun
and compassionate people who want to make a
difference in the lives of foster kids from the Detroit
area. This summer, camp will be held from July 2631 at a local church campground. There are many
jobs available, including crafts/activities, drama
team, lifeguards at the pool, snack helpers, helpers
for the everybody’s birthday party, etc. We are
especially in need of nurses and men this year, and
you can volunteer for the week or for an evening
or two. If you are a returning volunteer or a new
recruit, please see Mike or Kerri Burba at the table
in the Atrium for your application (or email kerri. As always, the number of kids
we can take to camp will depend on the number
of volunteers that sign up. So please sign up ASAP.
We look forward to you joining our Royal Family
Kids team!
Family VBS! July 7-9
Summer is coming! Save the date: July 7-9 is going to be three awesome evenings of Family VBS!
We’ll be sharing this exciting opportunity with the Northville community in the July 4th parade! Want
to be part of the team? Email to join the fun. We’ll need all hands on deck
this summer!
Stay Connected
Want to stay connected to what’s happening in Childrens Ministry? 1. Like our Kidventure page on
Facebook. (We’re also on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram) 2. Be sure we have your email address so
you receive our e-newsletter and more. 3. Coming soon: OneCall Now. Opt-in for OneCall Now to
receive text messages or voicemails concerning weather updates, reminders, and more!
Family Worship
We will be worshipping with our families on March 29 for Faith Promise and April 5 for Easter, so there
will be no Youth Service at 11:00 am. Enjoy this time with your family!
Surge - Wednesday Nights
Apr 1
Help with Egg Hunt Set Up
Apr 8No Surge - Spring Break
Apr 15OUT
Apr 22 Sharing My Story
Apr 29 Around the Table
Believe - Apr 24-25
Believe is a high energy weekend event for Junior High students. It includes powerful worship and
teaching from God’s Word. We will leave on Friday, April 24 at 3:00 pm and return on Saturday, April 25
at 8:00 pm. The conference is in Holland, MI at Hope College. Registration from March 26-April 10 is
$75. The first 10 to register receive $25 off! Pick up registration packets at the Youth Ministry Table in the
Atrium or at the Youth Counter in the High School Room.
Teen Quizzing
Congratulations to our teen quizzers who placed 4th in the quiz meet last weekend. Justine Rose placed
3rd overall and Joanna Percy placed 7th. Congratulations and thanks for representing DFC!
Please join the “DFC Youth Ministries” Facebook Page, opt into the mass
texting system (type the word “Alert” to the number 22300), and let us
know if you change your mailing, email address, or cell phone number.
Follow Mark on Twitter @mcoulter44. Follow him on Instagram at
DFCYouthMin. Follow Crowded House on Instagram at Crowded.
Online Giving
Why Online Giving? Online
giving allows individuals who
attend First Church the ability
give in an easy and convenient way online. No
more checks!
How does it work? It’s secure, easy and fast! Go to and click on the “giving” tab. Click
“give here” and you can start giving online. You can
give a one-time gift or a set up a recurring gift. You
can also give via an app on your phone by downloading the Pushpay App and searching for Detroit
First Church of the Nazarene. It’s all tracked by our
Financial Secretary for giving credit.
College And Community - ABF
The College and Community class will begin a new series called “Manage.” How do I honor God with
my money? Am I investing my time in the right things? How can I balance my various responsibilities? What does it really mean to love others first? How we manage the things in our care demonstrates our faithfulness to God’s mission and kingdom.
Bonfire - Apr 12
The College and Young Adults will be having a bonfire at the Traver House on Sunday, April 12 @ 7:00 pm.
Girls can bring a snack or appetizer, boys can bring dessert. Everyone bring your POP’s.
Sermon Notes
Dr. Chuck & Carla Sunberg
This Week Ahead
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
SUNDAY, 29thPalm Sunday/Faith Promise Sunday
9:30 amClassic Service/Family Worship
9:30 amNext Steps Class (Room 110)
Adult Bible Fellowship/Childrens Sunday School
9:30 am
10:30 amGathering
11:00 amREVIVE Worship/Family Worship
11:00 am
ABF Sunday School
6:00 pmChildrens Quiz Practice
6:00 pmEvening Service
MONDAY, 30th
9:30 amWOW Leadershp Meeting
7:00 pm
Mens Bible Study Fellowship
9:25 amWOW Ladies Bible Study and Preschool Program
7:00 pmCollege & Young Adults Basketball (FH)
Faith Promise & Palm Sunday - Family Worship
March 29 @ 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Childcare birth to Kindergarten
Good Friday Service with Communion
April 3 @ Noon
No childcare
Easter Eggstravaganza
Saturday, April 4 @ 10:30 am
Sunrise Easter Service
Sunday, April 5 @ 7:00 am
Easter Services
Sunday, April 5 @ 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Childcare birth to Kindergarten
No Evening Meal
5:30 pm
6:15 pmSurge (Teens 7th - 12th Grade)
6:30 pmLittle Critters, Choir Practice, Prayer Team
6:30 pm
Bible Study with Pastor Troy/Monthly Church Prayer Meeting
7:30 pmWorship & Praise Team Practice
6:00 am
Men of Purpose Bible Study (Conf Room)
6:00 pmEgg Hunt Prep Night with Dinner (Sign up at table in Atrium)
Board Meeting
7:00 pm
FRIDAY, 3rd Church office closed
12:00 pmGood Friday Service with Communion
10:30 amEaster Eggstravaganza
He is Risen!
7:30 amSunrise Service
9:30 amClassic Service / Baptisms
9:30 amChildrens Sunday School
10:30 amGathering
11:00 amREVIVE Worship / Baptisms
11:00 amKidventure Worship
No Evening Service
Church office closed.
Church office is closed on Monday, April 6.
Missionary Prayer Emphasis
For March let’s pray for missionaries, Jon and Shirley Fischer. Jon and Shirley were both working as lay people in
a Nazarene Church in the Kansas City area. After a Work and Witness trip, Jon felt called to do more. The Fischers
became Missionaries in volunteer service for one year. This led to 8 years of service in Venezuela, and in 2001, they
were appointed Global Missionaries to Venezuela, serving as Work and Witness coordinators and administrators
of the Nazarene Campground. In 2007 they moved to Ecuador, where they serve as W&W Coord. for the fields of
Venezuela, Ecuador, and Columbia. They have two grown daughters, who are serving the Lord in the U.S.
March 2015 Tithes & Offerings (Not including Faith Promise)
Giving (not including Missions/Faith Promise giving)
Week 1 - $23,523
Week 3 - $20,300
Week 5 Week 2 - $13,739
Week 4 - $25,277
Total: $82,839
Average giving for March is $20.7K. Average giving needed for expenses is $18K/week.
**Please note that any Missions/Faith Promise giving is not used for operating budget. We are 100% up
to date with our Nazarene World Evangelism Fund (WEF) giving.
Please see Pastor Cindy or Mike Burba (Treasurer) if you have any questions. Thank you for giving!
21260 Haggerty Road • Northville, MI 48167-8976 •